Romen Jewels - Don't Take Me Home (ft Cyanne) | SoundWave Music 2018
พูดไม่ค่อยถูก (I Don't Speak Very Well) - ตั้มตาร์ | บังเอิญรัก Love By Chance (+ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:52.I don't know how long it's been
And I don't know how far I've come
On this road that the two of us are traveling
All I know is that I've never told you
All I know is that I've never deceived you
If I told you those feelings
I don't know when I should say them
I don't know how many years we must date
Or how many good times we must have
Until I should say it out loud
This one short word
I don't know if you're waiting
Or I'll let things be like this?
But I've been thinking again that keeping it in would be bad
I might not speak very well
I might barely be able to get it out
But I'll tell you so you can hear in the background
Everything that I've been keeping in my heart
The things that I've felt deep inside
I can only share them as one meaningful word
Today I want you to listen
Are you waiting?
All I know is that I've never told you
All I know is that I've never deceived you
If I told you those feelings
I don't know when I should say them
I don't know how many years we must date
Or how many good times we must have
Until I should say it out loud
This one short word
I don't know if you're waiting
Or I'll let things be like this?
But I've been thinking again that keeping it in would be bad
I might not speak very well
I might barely be able to get it out
But I'll tell you so you can hear in the background
Everything that I've been keeping in my heart
The things that I've felt deep inside
I can only share them as one meaningful word
Today I want you to listen
The words "I love you"
Tar: P'Tum, what are you doing here?
Tum: I just want to apologize to you about yesterday.
Tum: I'm sorry. I don't know how many years we must date
I don't know how many years we must date
Or how many good times we must have
Until I should say it out loud
This one short word
I don't know if you're waiting
Or I'll let things be like this?
Tum: I love you, Tar.
I might not speak very well
I might barely be able to get it out
Tum: Not like brothers. I might barely be able to get it out
But I'll tell you so you can hear in the background
Tum: And not because we're family. But I'll tell you so you can hear in the background
But I'll tell you so you can hear in the background
Tar: But we are step-brothers. Everything that I've been keeping in my heart
Everything that I've been keeping in my heart
Tum: I don't care. Everything that I've been keeping in my heart
The things that I've felt deep inside
Tum: I just love you. The things that I've felt deep inside
Tum: And I'll love only you. The things that I've felt deep inside
I can only share them as one meaningful word
Today I want you to listen
The words "I love you"
The words "I love you"
Fix You / We don't talk anyore (Mashup) - Duration: 2:46.When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
like we used to do
We don't love anymore
What was all of it for?
Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do
I just heard you found the one you've been looking
You've been looking for
I wish I would have known that wasn't me
'Cause even after all this time I still wonder
Why I can't move on
Just the way you did so easily
Tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
oh and tears come streaming down your face
And I......
Don't wanna know
What kind of dress you're wearing tonight
If he's holding onto you so tight
The way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
ike we used to do
I Freak Out About Snow And Don't Know How To Get A Cat The Sims 4 First Person Ep. 6 - Duration: 16:49.hello my fellow awesome people and welcome back to the sims 4 first person
and as you can see well as you can see a lot of things
so you can look at my beautiful face mmm I know its awesome isn't it
and i also got seasons now i'm so excited
and i also got kids room stuff and parenthood is stilll don't have get famous because
i am a college student i know i don't look like a college student i know i look very much younger then that
but um um i am in college
and i have a little thing called student loans so
i gonna wait to i buy get famous for the price to go down before i get it
or ask for it for christmas or something but i will get it eventually don't worry
i'm so excited i can finally begin my first video with seasons its gonna be awesome
since it is winter i'm gonna start out with winter here
when you're not bundled up in doors have some fun in the snow or on the ice
don't forget to decorate for winterfest or plan your new years resolutions
oh i have to click the little check! my face was covering it!
take that face
ok were going to our little wait where is he right now
HE HAS SCHOOL! Now he has to got to that teacher no one likes. i'm actually gonna have him ditch school cause
this is not going where i want to take this episode
i'm actually gonna get them a cat today cause skydon
recommended that we get them a cat
and chase around the little critters in san mysuno
so that sounds fun
switch to control him
and then i guess i can have him ditch school after that uuu
i'm not gonna cut this part out cause while its loading look at my face
you know i have to keep reminding myself to look at the camera
instead of this thing its so hard but look at my face
its beautiful isn't it. HUUUUUU!
look at their winter outfits oh my God!
oh my God!
Ah! Oh my God!
look how it looks in first person
oh my God! What! AAAA!
i like this already! yes!
aaa! wait? do we have the same outfit as him?
ok wow okay so yeah were gonna have him ditch school
so we can get a cat and everything
leave work early if you want to call school work then ok
um what was i gonna do
oh yeah get a cat! because this kid
hes been trying to get with some girls and it hasn't been going well
so i think his parents will get him a cat to make him feel better
i don't know if the phone works in first person we'll see
oh it does! A!
yay! um...
i don't know if a kid can adopt a pet though
i know a kid can't abopt a kid beacause that would be
nuts if they could
can you imagine a kid adopting a kid
ok hire a service i don't know if they can adopt a pet
oh! they can! they can! yes!
ok awesome!
i would have to switch to one of the parents if i uh couldn't do that
lets wait for them to all load up so we can decide which one we want!
fee $200 do we have enough we do thank God
i don't know if the parents go to work
i gave them jobs but i don't control them only the kid
Cupcake! o! thats such a nice name
o! look at that one! i might get that one!
i'm gonna look at all of them
Zoe. Ha ha those eyes i like that
Porkchop! Ha ha thats a funny name
ok so i'm totally going with cupcake
no offence to the other cats i love animals love them all
but we're getting cupcake here
whens he going to come i hope he comes fast
oh i hope he comes fast
A! A! A! the cats here yay!
yay! cupcake is here!
yay! a!
ok so i did cheat a bit to get
to get awesome's energy up i wouldn't normally cheat like that but
i wanna get right in to it
i don't wanna have to take care of him or anything
i wouldn't normally cheat i know some don't like it when lets players cheat
i can't promise i'll never cheat but i will try to keep it on the downlow but i can't promise i'll never ever cheat
oh my God! a rat
we got a cat just in time we literally got a cat just in time
wait is the cat in our family yet
hurry up and eat kid
oh my God!
whats that stink over there
ok go go go
new years eve starts- New years eve!
what?! we didn't even have christmas
the power! why did the power go out? what?
did we forget to pat our bills what!?
maybe its a weather thing
why is the cat thing not working
i have to exit first person for a minute
end adoption?
wait! we actually have to like...
we actually have- ah! oh my God theres the cat!
do we have to get her to like us or something
to actually make the adoption work
please let us have a cat please
we just wanna go to san mysuno
chase some of the critters with the cat
i don't know can i just have the cat please
should i cheat? i'm sorry guys i know i said i would keep cheating on the downlow but
i might cheat to get her to like us or something
don't call her a vampire! we know what a happened last time we did that!
ok can we like have our cat
ok wheres cupcake we want our cat!
ok i'm going out of 1st person for just a minute
see if we can find the cat
I SWEAR! If the cat is on the ceiling!
look at that shadow
i'm gonna freak
ok we can't see the ceiling
can't see the ceiling
God how do we get the cat
wait where did she go
can we just have our cat please uuuu
oh my God there he is or there she is cause its a girl sorry
what? you ditched us!?
ok first of all we already ditched school today
second of all you ditched us on that date so we have a
a cat now. okay?
ok thank Goooood finally figured out how to do this
sorry guys uuu
despite loving animals in real life i never really
play with pets too much in the sims
in ethier 3 or 4 so sorry that
i don't fully know how to do this
are sure you want to adopt this pet?
taking care of a pet is a big responsiblity
why else would we have went through all that
last name! uuu! i forgot want their last names are!
Just make the last name frosting cupcake frosting!
Cupcake Frosting
haha. becuase i don't remmeber what my own people's
last names are
yay! oh my God!
oh look at that!
we're holding a cat in first person
thats so awesome
omg yes SimguruKate was like
talking about how awesome it is to hold
cats in like first person
and you don't understand how awesome it is until you do it
um did it work
wait wait we have to find him wheres cupckae
wheres cupcake cupcake cupcake
stop it
were he'd go
where did she go
uuu why are we having so much trouble with this cat
wait! whos leaving?
please tell me we got to keep the cat
did we get the cat
why is it not in the thing?
wheres the cat
do we not get to keep the cat
lip smacking noises
are we not going to get the cat
we get to keep the rat
we don't get to keep the cat but we get to keep the rat
bitch didn't let us keep our cat so
i just created our own
and look
i'm so happy how our car turned out
i'd thought i'd be bad at this but i'm pretty proud
pretty proud
pretty cute cat
and i gave her the same name Cupcake Frosting
and she is affectionate
shes playful
and shes friendly
and now we're finally gonna have a cat
but OMG guys
we so need to get back at the other woman who didn't
let us have a cat
like omg thats gonna be our enemy in the sims
like we have a recording so we have her name i think it
was Saya or something was her name
you know what we'll find her we'll find her
i don't know how we'll find her but we'll find her
and we'll get our revenge on her for sure
omg we're freezing this poor cat omg what are we doing
should we wait for it to get cooler?
play with laser... omg let see how this looks in first person!
h! ok!
omg look at that ok wait wait wait hold on
ok a!
(laughs) look!
playing as the cat in first person and trying to get the laser
ok i'm going back to the kid now!
wait wheres his head!? ok! he almost lost his head!
ok i don't really see
sorry to Skydonn because he recommended that we uh
try to get them to chase birds or anything
Skydonn if you could tell me in the comments exactly what you meant
like how do i get the cat
to chase birds or whatever
in San Mysuno that would be awesome
i'm trying to do what you recommended but i can't really do it here
oh! and he also recommended that i teach people how to get in first person
so how you do that is um
you just press tab and shift at the same time and you can be in first person
so i can click watch mice
but i can't have the cat actually do anything to the mice
i think thats because um
the cat is only a kitten at this time
aw look at it!
look at it actually go to the hole and everything
omg! it ran into it
omg look at that! (laughs)
that was awesome so so i think um
we can't really do much with the cat or the mouse at this time
since the cat is only a kitten i think
i think maybe when we age it up we can
we can um
um what was i gonna say
maybe when we age up the cat
we can have the cat chase the mouse or something i think
we'll see
because i really have no idea
so I'm sorry to Skydonn and eveyone else
but i couldn't really figure out how
to get the cat to chase the mouse or something
we might have to age up the cat or something and thats it!
because we did get the cat as a little kitten
so we could live through
the cat's whole life
so yeah
but i'm gonna leave this part off here guys
thank you so much for watching
and dealing with me not knowing how to play this game apparently
even though i decided to do a whole lets play on it
and i don't even know how to play
thanks for watching guys
please be sure to hit that like button
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share the video
do everything! everything!
ok i love you all! (claps) stay awesome!
10 random things THEY don't want you to know (Pt2) - Duration: 2:40.The chem-trails are not produced by planes,
they are produced by genetically modified super-birds
The secret bio-labs of the governments
of the most powerful nations of the world
have created a new species of birds
that can fly into the ionosphere at the speed of an airplane.
The birds fly in storms of hundreds
and their feathers reflect sunlight so that
they are invisible to the human eye and radars.
The bio-engineered birds, once reached a certain altitude,
release an intestinal gaseous compound which,
mixing with the ozone of the atmosphere,
turns into a substance that, once absorbed by human skin,
make people's armpits sweat and stink
and therefore make people more prone to accept
the new world's order because they feel uncomfortable
to raise up their arms and fists to protest.
There is a world conspiracy of the inhabitants of the center of the hollow Earth
to sully the conspiracies conspired
by the good old strong global powers
so that no one can tell anymore whether a conspiracy is
an actual conspiracy or instead a conspiracy of a conspiracy,
and therefore the lobby of the conspiracy movies,
owned by the people of the hollow Earth, have always enough new fuzzy material
for screenplays and plots in general so that
Nicholas Cage, who possibly looks exactly like
the king of the people of the hollow Earth,
can shoot another crappy film.
After the 5
there is actually the 10.
The 6-7-8 and 9 sequence has been introduced only
in 1931 by NASA to make the count-downs
more intense so to dramatize the lift-off procedures
and increase the TV-ratings
to get more money from the commercials.
And these were the last ones of
"10 random things THEY don't want you to know".
Heads up folks, and remember
"the truth is out there"
lookin' for steamy hookups on Tinder...
Don't Try It #4 but I come back - Duration: 0:14.You under estimate my power.
Don't try it.
*lightsaber noise*
Don't let Christmas go up in flames - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
BBB: Don't let puppy love ruin Christmas - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
Republican Don Manning determined winner after provisional, absentee ballots counted - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
HURRICANE vs ME. Don't EVER fish during a hurricane!! - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni Il Segreto: Don Berengario vuole scusarsi con Dolores - Duration: 10:30.-------------------------------------------
Don Vines With Chillar Party - Duration: 5:44.Fun4Drama
Cute Timo follow & take care mom don't want go far | Follow all step mom go | Monkey Daily 2138 - Duration: 10:34.
The Best Photoshop Extension Panel you Don't Know About - Duration: I want to share with you what's probably the best Photoshop extension
panel that you've never heard of as a landscape photographer something that I
tend to use quite frequently in Photoshop are luminosity masks.
luminosity masks allow you to target different areas of your image based on
how bright or dark those areas are so if you look at this image for example I may
want to target this dark area here and increase the saturation increase the
contrast in it to make the color stand out some of the light areas for example
though they may be a little bit too bright and prevent you from seeing the
detail in them so you may want to reduce those now the problem of luminosity
masks is that they're not really easy to create let me show you what I mean if I
go to the channels window and I want to create my first mask I could hold down
my command key and click on the RGB Channel and that will load the luminance
values of that channel as a selection and I can then save that as a new
Channel and here we have alpha 1 if I want to create a mass snow that targets
even lighter areas but ignores the other areas I have to know create a new mask
from this and I can do that by holding down shift alt and command and clicking
on that channel this time if I save it you'll see that the areas that in the
previous mask work live sort of mid told and no darker meaning that they're not
selected and I can continue that process
so each time on creating a mask that targets a lighter and lighter areas in
the image if I want to go and target darker areas I have to create a new
series of masks so let's go back to the first mask I created and we'll load that
again and this time I need to create a new mask from it I'm going to invert it
an immediate way I've done it wrong I've created a problem because I didn't
remove my selection at the start so I'm going to have to go back and undo that
and now I'll remove my selection then I can actually invert it and now I can
start the process again
and so each of these masks will target different areas of the image depending
on their tones and that is a set of luminosity mass and as you've seen it's
very easy to make mistakes now you can remove some of that by creating actions
that will automate it but that leaves you with another problem you've got all
these channels that exist then in the image and they all add size and bloats
to the image files the alternative approach to creating masks is one of
creating them on the fly you create the mask that you need as you need it and
this is where this new piece of software comes in
it's called mask equalizer it has series of sliders that represent the tonal
range from darks through to lights and then you've got these sliders that you
can move up and down now as you move them up and down what you're doing is
you're creating a mask so here I've got a selection of the very darkest tones in
the image and also the ones that are almost as dark now that I'm moving these
sliders around is creating a mask for me on the fly and you can see that here the
darkest tones are now black and the lighter tones are white in the mask now
that's probably the reverse of what we want for selecting these areas here in
this area but all we have to do is click on our mask and use the properties
window and invert it and now we've got a selection at the very darkest areas in
our image now let me just load that mask
now when I add a new adjustment
the mask is now added to that adjustment and now I can actually target
adjustments on to the areas that we were looking at now the darkest areas of the
image have now got this very strong contrast adjustment and I've applied to
them so you can see that the area here has become intensely red and contrasted
because of the adjustment in the curves layer and the sames also happen to them
the foreground here which now appears sharper and it really is as simple as
that if I find that I want a different mask I can go back to eat my mask and
now I can go back to my mask equalizer and this time I could use maybe
different selections here and I'll use that to select the lighter areas of the
image and then we can target those with an adjustment as well now the thing is I
don't have to just use the luminosity values it gives me access to go for the
red green blue or even saturation of the image and that will allow me to create
these masks and you can turn a mask preview on or off as you're creating
them as well as turn on the effect I'll turn off the effect then you don't even
have to use the sliders individually as I have here you can go for one of these
presets so we've got the shadows we've got mid-tones we've got the highlights
or we've got the very useful shadows and highlights and of course once you've
created one of these masks you can either use it like that or you can go to
your properties window for the mask and then you can invert it and you can
feather it and you can change the density
interestingly though the mask equalizer itself will actually also give you some
of those features if I pull down here you can see we've got the ability to
adjust the contrast of the mask and we've got a feather option and we can
reduce the density of the mask so all of these things are easily available in
that very very simple interface and that's what I really like about this
it's a simple interface that gives you access to very very powerful masking
features straight away you don't have to go through the complicated process of
creating masks or have lots and lots of masks in your channels window you only
have the mask that you're actually working on personally I find this a
great improvement over creating all those luminosity masks and channels and
the ability to target individual tones in this way is very very flexible and
powerful and if you want to know the company that's behind this mask
equalizer I'll put the details down below in the information I'll also
stress that I'm in no way connected to the company and I've paid for and bought
this software myself I actually bought it as part of a bundle didn't think I
was going to need this masking tool and when I tried it I was simply blown away
by how useful it was I hope you found this interesting I'm Robin Whalley
you've been watching the lenscraft I'll see you next week for another video
Don Pedro proposes to Beatrice | Much Ado About Nothing | HD | GR/EN subs - Duration: 3:36.In faith, lady, you have a merry heart.
Yea, my lord, I thank it.
Poor fool.
It keeps on the windy side of care.
My cousin tells him in his ear that he is in her heart.
And so she doth, cousin.
Good Lord, for alliance!
Thus goes everyone to the world but I, and I am sunburnt.
I may sit in a corner and cry heigh-ho for a husband.
Lady Beatrice, I will get you one.
I would rather have one of your father's getting.
Hath your grace ne'er a brother like you?
Your father got excellent husbands, if a maid could come by them.
Will you have me, lady?
No, my lord...
...unless I might have another for working-days.
Your grace is too costly to wear every day.
But, I beseech your grace, pardon me.
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.
Your silence most offends me...
...and to be merry best becomes you...
...for, out of question, you were born in a merry hour.
No, sure, my lord... mother cried.
But then there was a star danced...
...and under that was I born.
God give you joy!
By my troth, a pleasant-spirited lady.
There's little of the melancholy element in her, my lord.
She is never sad but when she sleeps, and not ever then...
...for I've heard my daughter say she hath often dreamt of unhappiness...
...and waked herself with laughing.
She cannot endure to hear tell of a husband.
Oh, by no means.
She were an excellent wife for Benedick.
If they were but a week married, they would talk themselves mad.
- Count Claudio, when mean you to go to church?
- Tomorrow, my lord.
Not till Monday, my dear son, which is hence a just seven-night...
...and a time too brief, too, to have all things answer my mind.
I warrant thee, Claudio, the time shall not go dully by us.
I will, in the interim, undertake one of Hercules' labors...
...which is to bring Signior Benedick and the Lady Beatrice...
...into a mountain of affection, the one with the other.
I would fain have it a match, and I doubt not but to fashion it...
...if you minister such assistance as I so give you direction.
My lord, I am for you, though it cost me ten nights' watchings.
And I, my lord.
And you, too, gentle Hero?
I will do any modest office, my lord, to help my cousin to a good husband.
If we can do this, Cupid is no longer an archer.
His glory shall be ours, for we are the only love-gods.
Go with me, I will tell you my drift.
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Don't-Extend-Electric-Vehicle-Tax-Credits - The News TV - Duration: 4:48.Over the past several years, luxury electric car companies have become the rage of the ultra-wealthy.
With price tags of over one hundred thousand dollars, Tesla vehicles have become one of the trendier statements for the rich.
However, despite being one of the favorite purchases by the better off in the country,
the growth of electric vehicles has yet to take hold amongst middle-class buyers.
Of the units that have been sold, they've done so by the support of American taxpayers.
As new businesses, electric vehicles (EV) have been the beneficiaries of lucrative tax subsidies
to boost their sales and get EV companies off the ground.
Due to the high costs to build and maintain EVs, these tax subsidies have been crucial to launching them as a consumer product.
Just like most tax subsidies meant to help new businesses get off the ground,
those subsidies are set to expire once certain milestones are met.
In the case of electric vehicles, 200,000 units sold marks the point that those subsidies expire.
But a new effort by outgoing Senator Orin Hatch would continue the government welfare of vehicles that have failed to attract middle-class purchasers, the very customers the subsidies were meant to support. Instead, the effort by Hatch, would make subsidies permanent that overwhelmingly benefit the very richest in our country, to purchase cars that have been widely rejected by mainstream consumers. This means companies like Tesla, which have already sold over 244,000 units will continue to sell their cars to the uber rich. The simple fact is these vehicles just aren't consumer friendly, have a faulty business model, and only appeal to a small customer base. So why would we continue to interfere in the free market and prop up failing companies? Again, as of now, the vast majority of folks using these subsidies are the rich, with 78% of claimers making over $100,000 a year. It also makes sense that these vehicles haven't appealed to the less well-off due to their high insurance rates. For example, the batteries are extremely expensive to produce and therefore extremely expensive to replace. They don't operate as well in cold weather, ruling out much of the Midwest and farm country. If you live in a rural area, would you want to rely on an electric truck that could shut off at any moment the temperature drops? Or can't handle whatever load you're hauling? No. There just simply isn't a good business argument for buying these vehicles. Now with the higher costs of production, it's hard to convince someone living in rural Iowa to accept the higher costs, which is why their entire business model is based around the government propping them up. Which then returns us to the futility of doing so. The purchasers of these vehicles can afford them without the subsidies. The folks that would benefit from these subsidies, don't want these vehicles. These vehicles don't service their needs. So instead of locking up taxpayer dollars to help the rich buy their statement cars, why wouldn't the government use those dollars to help other companies looking to innovate, and create a better product, improve roads and bridges that will service consumers and help the environment? This effort by Hatch, on his way out the door, to lockup federal in a failing business model is misguided at best and even potentially harmful for future creative developments in cleaner cars down the road. This money would also be better served investing in updating our roads and bridges. A lame duck Congress should not be making this decision for future generations of manufacturers.
that have failed to attract middle-class purchasers, the very customers the subsidies were meant to support.
Instead, the effort by Hatch, would make subsidies permanent that overwhelmingly benefit the very richest in our country,
to purchase cars that have been widely rejected by mainstream consumers.
This means companies like Tesla, which have already sold over 244,000 units will continue to sell their cars to the uber rich.
The simple fact is these vehicles just aren't consumer friendly, have a faulty business model,
and only appeal to a small customer base.
So why would we continue to interfere in the free market and prop up failing companies?
Again, as of now, the vast majority of folks using these subsidies are the rich,
with 78% of claimers making over $100,000 a year.
It also makes sense that these vehicles haven't appealed to the less well-off due to their high insurance rates.
For example, the batteries are extremely expensive to produce and therefore extremely expensive to replace.
They don't operate as well in cold weather, ruling out much of the Midwest and farm country.
If you live in a rural area, would you want to rely on an electric truck that could shut off at any moment the temperature drops?
Or can't handle whatever load you're hauling? No.
There just simply isn't a good business argument for buying these vehicles.
Now with the higher costs of production, it's hard to convince someone living in rural Iowa to accept the higher costs,
which is why their entire business model is based around the government propping them up.
Which then returns us to the futility of doing so.
The purchasers of these vehicles can afford them without the subsidies.
The folks that would benefit from these subsidies, don't want these vehicles.
These vehicles don't service their needs.
So instead of locking up taxpayer dollars to help the rich buy their statement cars,
why wouldn't the government use those dollars to help other companies looking to innovate,
and create a better product, improve roads and bridges that will service consumers and help the environment?
This effort by Hatch, on his way out the door,
to lockup federal in a failing business model is misguided at best
and even potentially harmful for future creative developments in cleaner cars down the road.
This money would also be better served investing in updating our roads and bridges.
A lame duck Congress should not be making this decision for future generations of manufacturers.
Lets Get Real - You Don't Need All the Answers! - Duration: 5:13.I get a ton of questions around what I think are stupid topics but are so real
to the person experiencing it. Things like- What email tool do you use to send email?
"Alex can you look at this cold email that I've written even though I
haven't sent any out and give me feedback before I go?"
"Alex should I sell as an agency or a freelancer?"
-All valid questions that I have answers for and
I've given answers for in the past but the bigger thing I wanted to tackle is
why you feel the need to ask those questions. Everyone's life is different
and more importantly you don't need all the answers to get going with anything.
Me and Jacob moved out to Hollywood after making two or three animations
ourselves in Dallas and we ended up making this cartoon with Pauly Shore we
also started a documentary film company having not made any documentaries and we
attracted a team that could sell the movies for us and could make the
documentaries and had a good portfolio of services. I also built that website in
four hours on a weekend. X27 is the same thing I was working full-time at an
agency but that business started with me waking up one day and thinking- "Hey I'm
gonna send some cold emails, let's see if I can sell something" that's the big
thing 'I sent the email' that's the big difference between where I am and where
a lot of people get stuck which is - Asking people questions, getting all this
advice and not putting in any work. And it's really frustrating to me.
It's frustrating how much I feel I need to outline things.
The questions I get are frustrating just as much as if I look back at the questions I was sending when
I was first starting out, just as much as I'm sure those questions frustrated the
people I was emailing which is why they didn't respond and I also remember how
much I didn't know that that was frustrating them.
'Take Action' is the answer to all of this advice. "Should I use yesware or mailshake?"
-Use whichever is easiest. "I don't have fifty dollars to pay for mailshake to send emails with"
-Send using your gmail account or use yet another mail merge. It's free!
I get a question all the time. "I don't have the perfect e-mail script
Alex, here's what I've written can you give me feedback on it?" And to those
unless they book a consult obviously, book a consult with me I will give you all
the feedback in the world but to those I usually respond send a hundred emails
and get back to me with the results open rates response rates meeting book
because I don't know everything. The only thing I can do is create a hypothesis.
-If I do something I think it'll happen. ->Put that test out into the world.
->See the results. -> Make changes. Do it over and over again and that's everything that I've
been doing if you go and watch the Wohello video on how we launched a fashion brand
Which, by the way, Hoody now available This one's beast. Love it.
Makes me look like I'm in a cult. If you look at that though, that started with a
spark of an idea, different supplier- Teespring, a different web platform, and
it just evolved over time. Lorelia films has evolved as well we've got and now both just built on Squarespace.
The new X27 site launched without a mobile site and the mobile was broken for two
or three weeks and that's because I believe more in -getting part of the
solution out because the rest of it will fix itself.
I still firmly believe that by launching the X27 site with the broken mobile
site, we got it fixed earlier then the whole site would have been launched if
we had waited. Meaning- that X27 site could have dragged on for 6 or 8 months
but because we forced it to be released and the public was seeing it and
complaining about it, we got it fixed quicker. -You don't need all the answers
You don't need to ask experts for advice. In fact, if you get to a point where
you're performing at a high level, you almost don't need the expert at all!
I know for me, I'm not watching business videos, I'm not watching Grant Cardone,
I'm not watching Doug Cunnington, you know, I'm not watching any of these dudes' own video.
They're great and even these videos that I'm doing are great.
Watch sometimes like if you need inspiration or whatever but all of my answers that
I'm giving are just based on my experience. It's just based on me going
out and doing stuff. If you go and do the stuff and you stop putting it off, you
will have the answers too. Go back to my videos from four and a half years ago
The Make Money Week thing-I just hustled my ass off to make a hundred dollars and
that felt so good at the time to make a hundred dollars. And now I make a hundred
dollars it's nothing. I don't even feel a hundred dollars and it's
it's actually scary how little I feel at some times. But it is all a process- with
everything and so you can sit around, and you can ask questions to experts all day
about specific things- Should I choose this tool over this tool? or Should I
sell to this market or this market? And the answer to all of those are:
It depends, Test it yourself, and if you do enough testing you will "Succeed".
Not that I'm the perfect example of like a successful human being but I
am pretty happy with my life most of the time right now I'd say I'm like a seven
out of ten- happiness and it's through testing, so that's it. You know just got to
go out, 'You don't need all the answers' thats the point I'm trying to get across in
this video. -You don't need all the answers. Just do it, so here's your
homework: That thing you've been putting off,
#1. Go do one part of it meaning- Boil it down. So let's say you've been putting
off sending a hundred cold emails; send one cold email. Putting together a slide
deck for investor; make one slide. You've put off eating healthy; go eat one healthy meal.
Then, leave a comment here, after you've done it and tell me what
you did -it's that simple! If you like this type of content I'd love it if you'd
share it with a friend, give it a like, like I said before or leave a comment.
If you want the proposal we use at Lorelia to sell documentaries that is over at If you want the questions we use on call number
one to qualify new clients, that's and
if you want more enterprise clients for your agency, you want to meet with
billion dollar brands, that is over at
I'm Alex Berman, Thanks for watching
'I Don't See Any Love Here' Shares Judge 'Scary Mary' - Duration: 3:48.- Miranda doesn't trust her husband Adam.
And with good reason.
Truth team what do you have to say to this couple?
Judge Mary.
- Come on kids grow up.
I don't see any love here.
You know, your relationship is bent on hurting each other.
And in ten years from now you're gonna wake up
and say "What the hell have I done with my life?"
- [Vivicia] Yeah.
- And then you've got a kid who we hope
is gonna get through this unscathed.
So you better figure it out.
Maybe it's time for you to split.
- Areva
- You know Miranda and Adam,
children from homes with domestic violence
are more likely to have psychological problems.
They're much more likely to try to commit suicide.
They're much more likely to, themselves,
become violent once they grow up.
And they're more likely to be addicted to drugs and alcohol
and to have other substance abuse problems.
So while you all are cheating and fighting
over the definition of oral sex versus intercourse,
you're harming your son.
And your son would rather be from a broken home
than to be broken.
So you've got to get it together.
And you're standing there crying Miranda.
And I gotta be hard on you because ...
- I know I know.
I'm just I'm thinking about my son.
- [Vivicia] What are you thinking about your son?
- But are you thinking about him
when you're sending those naked pictures?
Are you thinking about him when you're throwing
a brush across the room - No, I was completely...
I honestly I was completely selfish at that point.
Because honestly I wasn't sending them to him.
I was sending them to his phone so she would see them.
- But Miranda, Miranda, stop.
- I know that anybody who's ever
in my situation will do something.
- Miranda.
- Like I wasn't ...
- Slow down.
Mother here, mother here.
What I do I'm modeling for my child.
What you do you're modeling for your eleven year old.
So what you do in private that you think in private,
your kid is smart.
He figured out the mistress.
What eleven year old starts texting their dad's girlfriend
saying, "Don't break up my family."
You're putting a child in adult grown folks business.
That's grown folks business.
This aint child's business.
- He's gotta enjoy being a kid.
- He's parenting.
You gotta grow up.
You gotta grow up.
- If your son came home to you
and said "Mom, my wife is cheating on me.
Has been cheating for several years.
She's hit me.
She's abused me.
I've done the same thing.
Would you tell your son to stay?
- No.
- Then what are you doing?
- Dr. Judy.
- So this is obviously your decision, right?
We're not here to tell you what to do
and how to live your life.
But we do wanna give you some resources.
So, we reached out to the Luwandi Counseling and Coaching
in Cincinnati Ohio, and they've agreed
to give you six months of couples and individual therapy
to address all of these difficult issues in your marriage,
and to help you figure out whether or not you're gonna
co-parent as separate individuals
or maybe you guys will be able to heal this relationship.
And we really hope that you guys take that on.
- Breaks my heart to see both of you crying.
You're two very attractive people.
And you're full of a lot of love,
but you're hurting each other.
If you all really really do love each other
you're gonna have to work at it.
'Cause y'all have done a lot of damage to each other.
- [Miranda] Yeah.
- And it's gotta stop today okay?
Get the help.
Talk to the third party
so that you guys can stop doing this.
Your son doesn't deserve it.
You all ...
That's not love.
Maybe you all can rediscover love and date each other again
and try to go forward from here, okay?
Alright Miranda and Adam thank you all.
I know this isn't easy.
- [Miranda] No.
- But thank you all so much for having...
- [Miranda] Absolutely.
- The courage to face the truth.
Elimi Bırakma / Don't Let Go of My Hand - Episode 19 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.You left denying a goodbye to us.
I will take your case.
Our lawyer, Mr. Kadir.
From where did you find the gun?
I think you are in no position to negotiate with me.
We will still wake up every morning loving each other.
As long as you keep looking into my eyes like this.
I will make everyone who has done this to me pay, one by one.
Your father is alive.
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