Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily here Nov 29 2018

So what happens when the school district listens to the needs of our employees?

Here in Keller ISD our employees kept asking when are we going to get childcare?

This year 2018-2019 we had the opportunity to make KEEP a reality.

It is our employee daycare program where our employees get a chance to hand their

kids off and go off to school so let's go inside and check it out because I

think there's babies inside!

Hi Karen, how are you? Good, how are you? So we're here at KEEP, at the Early

Learning Center North, right? Yes. So tell me a little bit about this program.

So this is our employee childcare program and we serve all of

our employees children, ages six weeks to four years and we have six classroom

spaces here at the Early Learning Center North and they just come here all day. So

it's employees' kids only? Employees' kids only, yes. And when did we start this? This is

the first year. Right. So we opened August 6. We're open all of the teacher work days for

the year. Awesome. So now I've heard you say hey if you build it they'll come,

which I'm assuming that means our employees kids will just come join us

right. Yes. So how many kids do we have involved? Tell me a little bit about how

that process works. Yes, we are at capacity right now which is 86. Oh wow.

So we have had 160 families reach out to us. We have 86 right now, we have 22 on a

waiting list. So this seems like a great opportunity for our employees, a way to

recruit and a way to keep people here – our great teachers – so that they know

their kids are taken care of. Absolutely. When you have an on-site childcare like this it

really improves your productivity for your workforce and our teachers stick

around. I know you've got a great team that put this together really actually

quickly so thanks for everything they're doing for these kids and I think we've

got one right now on my ankle.

As a coordinator how about you tell me a little bit more about the staff.

Well our KEEP staff is awesome. We have combined total we have about 186 years

of experience in childcare so that's pretty awesome. So what did the first 30

days look like when we were when we opened up and you're kind of that first

month or two what did that look like trying to get this thing off the ground?

We first we focused on getting to know each other. Sure. The families and really

just the kids. Yeah. Thanks for everything you're doing here, getting great staff on

onboard and everything. It's been awesome. I think this is such a great idea that you know

we can do this for Keller ISD. What kind of feedback have you heard from our

employees about staff? They love it. Yeah. They really really like it.

That's awesome.

Who do we have with us today? This is Briar

my little girl. Hi Briar! So you are the counselor at ELC North. I am, yes. And obviously

Briar is a participant in our KEEP program.

So tell me a little bit about how this has worked for you and this has got to be a

great opportunity right? Oh, it's the very best thing. I get to bring her to work with me

every single day, come down and feed her during the day, so it's just been it's

been huge for me as a new mom. Sure. To have her close by and I know she's being well

taken care of during the day. So tell me how that has impacted you in terms of

your work. I mean lots of times you might be distracted because maybe Briar is not

around but now you know you got Briar close to you, so how has that impacted

your work? Yeah I feel like my job at school is just to love on all the kids

on our campus and support them the best I can and it just it helps me do that

knowing that she's well taken care of and the district's put you know

wonderful teachers in place to provide for her and care for her when I can't be

with her. Now how old is Briar? She's six months old. Six months old? Hi.

How are you? Well I'm glad we have this program for you Briar! Yeah, it's the best thing ever.

So here's the thing... with the launching of KEEP, we have provided an opportunity

not only to impact our future students, our youngest ones, but also gave a chance

for our employees to feel comfortable as they go back to their campus because

quality day care is being provided in Keller ISD. Have a great day!

If you want to see more videos like this click right here and don't forget to subscribe.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Here's the Thing... About Caring for our Employees - Duration: 4:19.


Dangerous Woman Diaries Ep2 - Here's The Gag - Duration: 30:33.

For more infomation >> Dangerous Woman Diaries Ep2 - Here's The Gag - Duration: 30:33.


Here's How To Make Rie's Rose Crepe Cake Recipe - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Here's How To Make Rie's Rose Crepe Cake Recipe - Duration: 3:24.


My Anxiety Is UP TO HERE - Duration: 1:06.

Excuse me.

What would you like, sir?

Just a God-- Can you wait?

Isn't that your job? Aren't you a wait-er?!

[ Whooshing, explosions on cellphone ]

Hey, could you turn your phone down, kid?

This is a restaurant.

It just so happens I have anxiety.

That means I have trouble

being around assholes who won't leave me alone!

[ Bicycle bell dings ]

Oh, hello, Eric.

Shut up. I have anxiety.

Hey, kid!

Hey, kid!

I'm on my phone!

You're about to get hit by a car.

All right, that's it!

Everyone stop! Just [bleep] stop right now!

Listen up, people! I have anxiety!

That means I'm in my shell

and have a hard time expressing myself.

I find it difficult to engage with others!

So everyone shut the [bleep] up,

because my anxiety is up here right now!

For more infomation >> My Anxiety Is UP TO HERE - Duration: 1:06.


How to Raise Your Vibration Towards ANY Subject (Higher Vibrational Manifestation) - Duration: 16:52.

this video I'm gonna be sharing with you the three main levels of vibrational

resonance how you can move through each of these paradigms so that you start to

create what you want easier than ever welcome back to another video my name's

Erin and I help people expand their consciousness now this video I'm gonna

be sharing with you that of understanding how you can transcend to

certain levels of vibration certain levels of consciousness

towards any subject that you might have you might be saying yourself right now

well I want to attract more money I want to attract relationship I want more

health those are the three things most people want to attract into their life

what I'm gonna show you is different paradigms and different paradigms that

you can begin to connect to and that as you connect to these different paradigms

you'll see where you are and you'll say oh yes that's where I am and I'll say

say to you okay this is what you got to do I'll give you a little formula that

you use that then you apply and then you move it to the next level and then in a

way it's like played a video game and you bump yourself up to the next level

and you look around and you have a certain reality and then eventually you

bump up to even a higher level and when you're in the higher level is anything's

coming easier as well so in order for me to explain this video and to show you

exactly how to do it I need my handy dandy chart so here you have our chart

this chart is the chart of consciousness called the scale of consciousness or the

different emotional states of consciousness so you'll notice that on

this scale of consciousness we have the bottom levels of consciousness which is

shame fear guilt eventually you see that of the level of consciousness called

neutrality and if you move up a couple more levels of consciousness you'll see

that of willingness moving up to little reasoning which is the understanding of

the mind and the intellect and then the level of consciousness of love every

time I say the word consciousness you got to take a shot of apple cider

vinegar so just keep taking shots let's keep going when you see that of then

eventually over love you see the level of consciousness of that of joy of peace

and of enlightenment that's the highest level of consciousness this whole

consciousness band goes from 0 to 1000 level of consciousness this is the level

of consciousness that we all are a part of whether we're aware of it

not now as we go through our life experience is an as we shift our level

of consciousness we will find that we resonate with different realities with

different levels of consciousness okay I know consciousness is getting a

little bit over plate so I'm just gonna get into it now you see that these

levels right here all of these different levels you will see that there are

different times in their life when we align with different emotions different

states of consciousness now there you go again what we do though is what we must

become aware of is how we are feeling the vibrational level we are at while we

are intending to manifest something into our life because this is what a lot of

people do a lot of people will intend to manifest something into life feeling

anger lack shame guilt feeling like they're not worthy trying to manifest

something into their life and as they do so they are actually emphasizing that

they don't already have that which way they want to experience so what they're

doing is they're saying and feeling the lack and they're saying I want to

attract something from over there into my life but when we understand these

different levels we can see that there's different paradigms that's one paradigm

there's a paradigm where we say I really really want that this is the let's think

of this as LC lower consciousness MC like MC Hammer MC more middle level

consciousness and then HC high C high consciousness let's look at it from

these three levels LC lower consciousness manifestation I really

really want that it's things are put on a pedestal I really really want that how

amazing would it be for me to have that and the more we really really desire

that is the more resistance we feel and in order to get it this is what we think

I need to work really hard I need to try really hard I need to do everything I

can to get there we need to find other people that can maybe give it to us

maybe we'll try to find people we'll go to different teachers hop around from

law of attraction video to law of attraction video trying to find out how

we can find it now I'm not talking down at that if you're like that's how I'm

doing right now I'm not talking down to it but

what I am saying is just be aware that that's the level that you're at is

wanting it iron it and giving it a lot of importance anything we give a lot of

importance to we create resistance around the more we say I really really

want that vibrationally we're saying I really really don't currently have that

so this is about being aware that that may be the level of consciousness that

we have that might be how we are thinking about ourselves that might be

where we currently are vibrationally but the key is understanding that that's not

just who we are that is just one perspective that we have and it's

understanding that the more we really really want something the more we

vibrational they're saying I really really don't currently have it so it's

about being aware of that now that's where we go so the the I'm gonna kind of

act it out it'd be like I really really want that it would be really really cool

to experience it I wonder if there's someone that could give me some little

information sometimes I'll see DMS I'll get how do I track this specific person

how do I get my ex back how do I get that those questions are coming from a

place of lack and don't think of lower middle high as like bad good or really

like middle great it's not about good bad it's about just being aware of where

that's energy is coming from so first off we become aware of those energy down

the way of the lower emotions of feeling that shame fear guilt the anger why do

other people have it if you get mad at other people for having it then it's a

sure sign that that is the level that is at currently now when you learn how to

neutralize those by neutralizing your thoughts why becoming aware of them by

observing them that's when you start to move out of the lower level and the mid

level the second level the MC middle level of consciousness take another shot

of apple cider vinegar the middle level of consciousness is that of

understanding that our beliefs create our reality so our beliefs create a

reality okay well if I don't currently have this what do I believe to be true

about this that's causing this kind of block we can then see that there's a

certain level of block that we have around this and we can then

find it in a new way we could see that okay I have this belief that I'm not

worthy of it I believe that they have it and I know and I fell resist because of

that this is where we become aware of the levels of consciousness of reasoning

when we see the reason right there that reason is that of the intellectual mind

the intellectual mind of okay I can get into and understand that my beliefs

create my reality and when I change my belief I understand that then I change

my reality so beliefs create reality this is a

higher level paradigm than the lower one because the lower one thinks that

reality is fixed it thinks that things are the way they are it's this is the

way it is and I can or can't manifest it the second the middle that paradigm the

middle level of consciousness is understanding that the way it works is

if we change our beliefs we then will experience a new reality the intellect

of it understanding okay this is something that I can change from within

some that as I change then my outer reality will begin to change as well so

this is the second level of consciousness this is where a lot of my

videos on my channel are there in that second level there between a four and

five hundred level of consciousness the reasoning mastering the intellect when

we master the intellect we then change what we believe to be true we then

change the outer reflection that we're getting in our life however now I'm

starting to move into that of the third level the third level is more of a love

consciousness it's more so understanding this of what I'm about to share with you

so when we look at these different levels you'll see at the bottom you'll

see that of the shame fear guilt the negative emotions that really really

wanting something - desiring and in order to get into the second level you

have to let go you have to observe from a neutral place neutrality observe the

thoughts observe the the emotions you have observe why you feel the emotions

that you used to have or the emotions of lack and then they'll choose to let it

go in the complete the past many times as well

however it letting go is the doorway into the second paradigm now once you're

in the second paradigm which is that of reasoning which is that of understanding

that your beliefs create your reality what you then begin to

as you move from the second level the doorway into the third level is

understanding and dropping all the intellectual ideas it is dropping the

intellect it is dropping that beliefs create your reality it's understanding

that yes your beliefs create your reality but it is dropping the

attachment to those beliefs because you see that different beliefs you have are

certain vehicles you might use for a while but eventually you're going to get

out of that vehicle and into a new one or you're going to realize that you can

just teleport places you don't even need the vehicle that's when you start to get

into the higher level of consciousness because all beliefs are valid and all

beliefs will eventually shift you might right now have a belief that you can

only make 50 thousand a year eventually you will let go of that

belief and you have to let go of that belief to then make 80 thousand a year

to then make a hundred or a million a year whatever level it's at you have to

eventually let go of the belief and the self-image that you currently have to

move on to the next one in the same way in this higher level paradigm it's about

understanding and going beyond the belief beyond the thoughts and into

being in the present moment and to tuning in to a higher level frequency we

all are connected to the divine to this divine frequency that can flow through

any of us if we choose and the more we tune into it is the more we will

experience it in our lives and the way we tune into it is by doing something we

are passionate about it is by connecting to our heart and trusting the process so

just like the doorway was neutrality into the second level the doorway into

the third level is letting go of the beliefs and instead of trying to have or

do instead be have or do think of it as one of this level down here this level

the lower one would be having trying to have or it could be doing I don't know

which one it would be I just thought of this analogy right now but having a

doing are of the second the second paradigm and below the third paradigm

the higher level paradigm is about being being present to the moment surrendering

to what is aligning with the higher level energy a divine energy that is you

that is always around you that you can always pick up on

but it's simply about you choosing it and the more you choose it by doing what

you're passionate about is the more that becomes a part of you when I make these

videos I am passionate about making videos it is my body telling me that i

arin this is what you're meant to be doing and the more I get out of the way

the little ego aaron the little part of me and I allowed my Higher Self to come

through this higher level energy the more the energy just flows through and

it's easy for me to make these videos I've made daily videos for almost two

years now and I don't plan out any of my videos I do not write out I do not

script them out it just comes the energy just flows through because I'm tuning in

to this channel I'm tuning in to this vibration and therefore I allow it to

this is the higher level paradigm and in this level of paradigm you can let go of

linear type thinking well if I want to do this and I have to do this this this

this this is this that's the second level and below quantum manifestation is

about understanding that you can scramble up your beliefs about how the

process has to go you can instead just tune into the vibration of how you

prefer to be this divine vibration of who you really are

that goes beyond the mind the doorway from the second level paradigm of

creating your own reality of understanding how your beliefs are a

reflection of what you experience in your life the doorway from that level to

that of the higher level is moving from the head and into the heart from having

and doing in to being and when you make that transition your frequency will

increase and when that happens you will then experience a reality that is equal

to that change in vibration so it's about being aware of that and moving

from the head and into the heart and the way you do that is by surrender the way

you do that is with the awareness the awareness of who you are the awareness

that as you connect to this energy everything in your life will begin to

change so if we look at all of these levels we'll see there's different

personality traits in each level different versions of us that are in

different states different emotions the reasoning and the intellect will get us

so far but eventually there's a level higher than that the lower levels of

consciousness shame for your guilt anger those are all on cert on

on autopilot keeping just thinking on a loop over and over again I'm not worthy

I'm not this I'm not that I want this but I don't have it this is in the head

in the head in the head observe wherever you are observe that

level of consciousness observe that state and as you observe it from a

neutral place you didn't start to move and to realize that from that level if

you're at the level of you think and you think everything's set everything is the

way it is what you do is you try to go and change the outside mirror you try to

go change the mirror itself remember reality is a reflection we

always get a mirror reflection of what we believe to be true and if we go out

and try to change the mirror without changing our expression first that is

the bottom level paradigm the middle level paradigm is understanding that we

must first change our expression to then change the reality we want to experience

and the higher level paradigm is beyond the mirror itself it just is and that

level of surrender that level of understanding that that divine energy

can flow through is a totally new way of being and I believe that in this life

time on earth many people are here right now because there is a transformation of

consciousness happening people are bumping from this bottom level to the

middle level from the middle level to the high level or all three they're just

moving all the way up we have that potential right now if you are watching

this video then you are in vibrational resonance with moving up these levels

because you cannot perceive what you are not the vibration of so if you perceive

of this then it is something that's possible for you and it's probable for

you it's possible for everyone it's probable for you but be aware at which

level you're at and the doorway to each one the doorway from the first level the

bottom level to the middle level Neutrality observing your thoughts being

aware of why they're there understand the world is not fixed the world is not

the way it is just because that's how it is that is a belief beliefs create

reality then we bump up to the second level my beliefs create my reality if I

want to change over there I must first change in here because that over there

is a reflection anyways then we change the expression on our face the mirror

reality reflection we get then begins to change and then the doorway into the

next level is letting go of them letting go of attachment letting go of

the identity with the ego and being the way we prefer being existing in love

understanding it's a higher level energy that channels through us this higher

level energy is who we really are it's the larger aspect of us it is our higher

self it's higher states of consciousness it's love it's bliss it's passion follow

your passion and you start to become more in alignment with that so which

level are you in and how will you move to the top levels I've given you a

little bit of a game plan of what you can do at each individual level there's

different traits of each level understand this isn't about good bad or

different levels when I'm higher than you because I'm at this level that's the

ego just allow yourself to be aware awareness is the key awareness is the

light as you become aware of it you can then move through these different levels

and increase your vibration so something else I'm going to be doing is more live

Q&A on Instagram so if you want to follow me there and you want to see

daily videos that I do plus live Q&A s and you can go and follow me right here

on Instagram I post two videos a day over there and other than that I hope

you enjoyed this video feel free to like this video if you'd like to subscribe if

you haven't ready it's a little notification gear next to subscribe

button so that you can see the daily vids that I do and other than that as

always peace much love and namaste

For more infomation >> How to Raise Your Vibration Towards ANY Subject (Higher Vibrational Manifestation) - Duration: 16:52.


Why Most of the World Is Delusional | DailyVee 509 - Duration: 16:43.

For more infomation >> Why Most of the World Is Delusional | DailyVee 509 - Duration: 16:43.


Firearm Injury is a public health issue: here's what you can do. - Duration: 2:29.

As a result of suicides, homicides, accidents, and mass shootings, firearms-related injuries

and deaths have been at epidemic levels in the United States for at least three decades.

However, health-promoting organizations and health professionals alike have been forbidden

from framing this problem as a public health issue.

This has to change.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—the CDC—has played an integral role in public

health research, such as clarifying the link between tobacco and lung cancer.

However, since the passage of the 1996 Dickey Amendment the CDC has been blocked from doing

research that might yield results that could be used to improve firearm safety.

At times, individual providers have been stifled by so-called "gag laws," like the one

Florida enacted in 2011 that punished physicians, and especially pediatricians, for asking their

patients about firearm safety with a fine of up to $10,000 and even loss of their medical


This law was finally struck down as unconstitutional in 2017, and currently no such law exists

in the US.

Health professionals have made commitments such as the Hippocratic Oath to help our patients

thrive, and in return patients have placed profound trust in these providers.

As such, we, along with the American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Physicians,

the What You Can Do Initiative, and many other groups, believe that health professionals

are in a unique position to identify risk factors and promote education and research

around firearm safety and that they should be allowed to do so.

Firearm policy can no longer remain in the lane of lobbyists--this is a public health

issue, and doctors and scientists need to be empowered to treat it as such.

As a current or future health professional, you can make a commitment to counsel your

at risk patients about ways to prevent firearm related injury and death.

Here is a commitment from the Annals of Internal Medicine that a number of us at Osmosis have


For more infomation >> Firearm Injury is a public health issue: here's what you can do. - Duration: 2:29.


Herb & Garlic Seasoned Fries are Here for the Holidays | McDonald's Canada - Duration: 0:07.

Herb & Garlic Seasoned Fries. Only for the holidays.

For more infomation >> Herb & Garlic Seasoned Fries are Here for the Holidays | McDonald's Canada - Duration: 0:07.


More than 5,000 migrants wait for asylum in Tijuana. Here's the long legal road ahead. - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> More than 5,000 migrants wait for asylum in Tijuana. Here's the long legal road ahead. - Duration: 1:59.


Injured In A Car Accident? Here's What You Can Do - Duration: 0:35.

If you've been injured in a vehicle accident, you could be struggling to deal with medical

bills, lost wages, insurance companies, and more.

Let us help you get your life back on track!

We'll put our experience to work and focus on your case to help you get the best result


Our team holds insurance companies accountable, and we'll do everything we can to make sure

you get the compensation you deserve.

Call (800) 888-8888 today.

[Cellino &Barnes}

For more infomation >> Injured In A Car Accident? Here's What You Can Do - Duration: 0:35.


There's a Santa shortage for homebound kids. Here's how to help. - Duration: 5:50.

A little girl named Cassidy has never met Santa. She's spent every one of the last Thanksgivings and Christmases in the hospital

Her poor immune system, seizures and developmental delays made it impossible for a meet-and-greet with the big guy

Luke is a 21-year-old young man who very much loves Santa. "The whole month of December Luke asks, 'Santa, coming to see me?' and will stand by the window and watch for hours," Luke's mother, , said

"When we ask Luke what he wants for Christmas, his answer is always the same, 'Santa to come

'" More from Luke's been hospitalized three times this year for pneumonia. He now has a feeding tube

"We don't really leave the house, due to Luke's feeding schedule, breathing treatments and exposure to illness that could put him back in the hospital

Having a visit from Santa would mean the world to Luke and our family. Santa holds a magical power for Luke," Kirby said

Gavin is 2 and was born with congenital heart defect. He had open heart surgery at 5 weeks old

Unless Santa comes to him, he won't be able to visit with him this year. "He was hospitalized a great deal last year due to various illnesses and was one taken to Children's [hospital in Colorado] via ambulance because a virus had made it so difficult for him to breathe," Gavin's mother, , told

"So it is our goal, once respiratory season begins to limit his contact with potential illness as they can easily become life threatening for Gavin

" All three of them, and more than 500 others with similar stories, are hoping for a visit from Santa at home this year

The Secret Sleigh Project is a small, volunteer-run organization that aims to match home-bound kids nationwide with local "Santas" throughout the month of December each year

It was started in 2015 by Sarah Portillo and has been covered in previous years by

The idea proved so popular, this year there aren't enough Santas to go around. "We need for them to apply by emailing us," said Portillo, Secret Sleigh project director

"We expect a background check within the last year and need to have proof sent to us quickly

Otherwise, kind, compassionate, fun, Santas can apply. No experience necessary, Portillo said

"Simply a kind heart and willingness to do what is necessary to provide a successful visit for the child, and be willing to work with the family on this," she said

Last year, the organization matched 300 families with a Santa visit at home. Portillo said about 30 kids were not able to be matched with Santas

One child died shortly after her parents sent in her application. "I lost sleep over them and did all I could," she said

But Portillo remains hopeful for this year, though the countdown to Christmas is certainly on

"I want all the 500-plus [kids] to get a visit. I dream big," she said. Interested Santas should email secretsleigh@gmail

com to request an application.

For more infomation >> There's a Santa shortage for homebound kids. Here's how to help. - Duration: 5:50.


You should close the toilet lid when you flush | Here's why - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> You should close the toilet lid when you flush | Here's why - Duration: 0:33.


Here's what to know about making a U-turn on a green light - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Here's what to know about making a U-turn on a green light - Duration: 1:35.


Start Here: 6 Strategies for Better Time Management - Duration: 6:29.

- Hey guys, I'm Annie of,

and today we're talking all about time management.

I'm going to be sharing with you my six favorite tips

for better time management, so let's get started.

Tip number one is to externalize your to-do list,

you are to write your to-do list down.

This is really helpful for a couple reasons, first of all

it frees your brain to focus on the task at hand.

So all those things rolling around in your brain,

if you get them out they're no longer in your brain,

they're externalized.

And then when you see your to-do list written out

it helps you visually see and prioritize better.

I keep my master to-do list in Trello

and I've written a blog post about how I set up my Trello

board so be sure to check that out on my website.

I love Trello for a couple reasons, first of all,

I have it on my computer all the time during my work day

but then when I leave I have an app on my phone too.

So say I forgot to add something to my to-do list,

I can just pop on my phone at any time of day

and it's really convenient for that.

So I love Trello, figure out whatever system you like to use

and use it.

I also like Trello because they bought

a drag and drop feature so it helps me prioritize,

it's really awesome.

My tip number two is to adopt your bosses priorities.

In terms of time management,

I found this to be really helpful because everyone

will have a different opinion about

how you should spend your time.

And adopting your bosses priorities will help shelter you

from negative feedback from other people

and it will also make sure we're being

effective at our jobs.

So communication is key, letting co-workers know

what you're working on and why, letting your boss know

where certain projects are at is also really good

when talking about adopting your bosses priorities

because people need to be aware of what's on your plate.

So that communication piece is really important

in terms of time management as well.

Tip number three is to tackle

your least favorite task first.

And I'm sure you know what I mean, we all have those tasks

that we have a strong aversion to doing.

For me, biting the bullet as soon as possible

keeps me from procrastinating and it relieves me of stress.

So if I got this thing hanging over my head

and it continues to hang over my head throughout the day,

when it comes time to finally tackle that task,

I'm pretty much in avoidance mode by that point.

So I will do anything not to have to do that;

I'll noodle around on my phone, I'll check social media,

this is just true for me that I've found.

But if I tackle that task first thing in the morning,

I just get it off my plate, it relieves that stress

for the rest of the day.

So that's another time management tip that I have for you.

Tip number four is to eliminate distractions

you can control.

So things like your phone and social media,

we wanna make sure that those windows are all closed,

that our phone is put away.

It will help us manage our time better if we can minimize

those controllable distractions.

And then also, I wrote a blog post last week

about setting boundaries.

So when people come to your desk

actually ask yourself,

is this something worth taking me out of my

current project that I'm working on

or my current task that I'm doing.

Or, can it wait five minutes, if it's urgent absolutely,

attend to it then, if it's not so much then just,

if you're interrupted by a co-worker

maybe just explain to them that you'll get to it

in 10 or 15 minutes when you're done with this current task.

So setting good boundaries is really helpful

in this discussion as well of time management.

And then the next tip is to systematize as much as possible.

I love systems.

I've created a system for client board meetings,

another one for booking travel,

another one for home management.


Cause building systems creates habit

and tasks done out of habit take a lot less brain power

and energy than other tasks.

So as much as you can systematize as much as possible.

I got checklist control that keep me going solid

in this regard.

So that's another tip I have for you.

The sixth tip is to ditch the multi tasking mindset.

And I know this one is a struggle for a lot of us,

it was a struggle for me too

when I first started doing this.

But the underlying belief of every faithful multi-tasker

is that multi-tasking will help them

manage their time better

which couldn't be further from the truth.

Multi-tasking exhausts our brains

and can eat up as much as 40% of our productive times

switching back and forth between tasks.

This doesn't mean that we are to be inflexible

or that we are not constantly re-negotiating our priorities.

When something lands on your list, instead of multi-tasking

trying to do it right then just prioritize it accordingly.

And if it's the most important thing then by all means

do that but focus on it 100% and stop switching

back and forth between tasks constantly

and you will see that your time managements

and productivity sky rocket.

So, to review, we need to externalize our to-do list,

adopt our bosses priorities,

tackle your least favorite task first,

eliminate distractions you can control and systematize

as much as possible and last but not least,

ditch the multi-tasking.

If you'd like more information

on how to increase your productivity while reducing stress

then go to the link in the description

and get your free copy of my productivity road map.

Where I walk you through nine steps

for increased productivity.

And seriously guys this method

has literally tripled my productivity and I feel has

improved my time management exponentially.

To learn more about me go to my website;

and I look forward to speaking with you guys next week

where I will be going live again in this Facebook group.

So I will talk to you then.

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