Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily plus Nov 30 2018

 Mateusz Morawiecki musi przyjmować na swoje barki wszystkie problemy związane z rządami Prawa i Sprawiedliwości

Nie wiadomo jednak, jak długo uda mu się wytrzymać tak wielki ciężar. Właśnie ujawniono zupełną porażkę jednego z największych programów państwowych, który miał stać się tak wielką rewelacją jak 500 plus

 Mateusz Morawiecki zdaje się coraz częściej robić dobrą minę do złej gry. Premier mierzy się z kolejnymi kontrowersjami, płynącymi z działań polityków partii rządzącej, które bardzo mocno mogą rzutować na społeczne poparcie

 Niestety dla niego, kolejne dni nie zapowiadają się na łatwiejsze. Szczególnie, że nawet doradcy Prezesa Rady Ministrów nie pozostawiają złudzeń co do tego, że najbardziej zuchwały projekt państwowy jest kompletną klapą

Minister ujawnia prywatny, brutalny sekret Kaczyńskiego. Będziecie w szoku Mateusz Morawiecki skompromitował się po raz kolejny? Mieszkanie Plus miało być jedną z tych propozycji, która przyciągnie młodych ludzi do Prawa i Sprawiedliwości

Tak jak 500 plus miał poprawić sytuację młodych polskich rodzin. Perspektywa wejścia w posiadanie własnych czterech kątów przy obniżonych kosztach była bardzo kusząca dla wielu młodych par, które były przerażone rynkowymi cenami mieszkań

Jednak rzeczywistość bardzo brutalnie zweryfikowała realizację całego przedsięwzięcia

 Rząd zlecił sporządzenie specjalnego raportu, który miał podsumować dotychczasową realizację Mieszkania Plus

Okazał się on druzgocący dla ekipy Mateusza Morawieckiego, gdyż nawet eksperci powiązani z Prawem i Sprawiedliwością nie pozostawili na projekcie suchej nitki

 – W realizacji programu Mieszkanie plus od momentu jego inauguracji w czerwcu 2016 r

popełniono liczne błędy. Częste zmiany koncepcji programu i źle przygotowane przez Ministerstwo Infrastruktury i Budownictwa akty prawne sprawiły, że pierwsze dwa lata jego funkcjonowania należy uznać za stracone – można przeczytać w części raportu opublikowanej na łamach Rzeczpospolitej

 Pośród lokatorów największe zastrzeżenie budziły przede wszystkim zmieniane warunki przyznawania lokum oraz wołające o pomstę do nieba realizacja mieszkań

Krzywe podłogi, przeciekające rury, czy wilgotniejące ściany to tylko kilka przykładów

Dodatkowo, już po zamieszkaniu, okazało się, że koszty nie są wcale tak niskie, jak zakładano

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ Pytanie, jakie stawia wielu obserwatorów, dotyczy przede wszystkim tego, czy jeszcze w jakikolwiek sposób da się uratować Mieszkanie Plus przed haniebnym odejściem w niepamięć

Wszystkie najważniejsze decyzje są jednak w rękach Polskiej Federacji Rynku Nieruchomości, która w tym roku jest odpowiedzialna za realizację przedsięwzięcia

 Do poprawnego funkcjonowania projektu niezbędne są również zmiany w prawie. Komentujący sprawę eksperci podkreślają, że może być to nie do przeskoczenia znając opieszałość rządu do podejmowania naprawdę ważnych decyzji

Dwie najbardziej kluczowe ustawy powinny zostać uchwalone do końca bieżącego roku, natomiast jedna z nich doczekała się dopiero pierwszego czytania, a druga nawet nie trafiła do Sejmu

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Miało być drugie 500 plus, jest totalna kompromitacja! Morawiecki pali się ze wstydu - Duration: 5:02.


E.ON Plus - Bündeln lohnt sich #3 Langversion - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> E.ON Plus - Bündeln lohnt sich #3 Langversion - Duration: 0:43.


Be A Lifetime Learner PLUS Budget Video Lighting - s1e234 - Duration: 17:31.

Welcome to Episode 234… another total darkness episode. They're not even the

keys to the Acura. I don't know what I'm doing. Let's get going!

In this episode I want to explore an idea of lifetime learning, of continuing

to learn throughout your entire life. To… to… consider learning to be something

that ends when you graduate college or graduate high school… That's just wrong.

That that's going to ultimately lead to stagnation. It's going to ultimately lead

to being stuck in in a single place, and and I would argue that the healthiest

happiest people are the people who are lifetime learners, who follow their

curiosity from one learning experience to another throughout their life,

continuing to add to who they are and what they're able to do and things like

that. There's a lot of research that is suggesting that continuing to push

yourself into into old age and it is a way of keeping Alzheimer's from

developing that you are constantly creating new neural paths and new new

connections from old information to new information outpaces the degradation of

the neural pathways that seems to be a contributor to the Alzheimer symptoms so

lifetime learner be someone who learns and tries things and experiments so

let's see if you know these lights off and I got this headlamp thing it's all

these LEDs I know this awesome there there's your and now it's dark I've

already got the keys out of car turning off the lights

let's see if we can get in this would be the day that have extra bags

so I'm gonna shoot the tutorial video today I was gonna shoot it yesterday the

it's a Photoshop plug-in called portrait Pro I'm gonna shoot it this afternoon I

was goodbye I said I was gonna shoot it yesterday except I couldn't get the

license activated through the firewall so I had to go to my laptop home and

activate license and now I'm ready to go ready to shoot this thing alright we've

got to the door see if we can get in alright

Coffee time

I'm sure this is how all the AC and Peter and Maddy that's how they do it

I'm sure that that's how they carry all their alright we'll get this thing

started in just a second so I'm in I'm settled now I'm gonna make

coffee for me you may have noticed why am i like my coffee a certain

temperature and this fits too cold it's like and if it's too hot it's like ah so

this is kind of still in there those aren't really words you may have noticed

the disarray as I was coming in this is where I did I did the I dropped uh be

the BB this morning my eyes what in the Hat always I don't know who is that

talking about oh yeah the mess so that turned out to be B the BB filming that

that that turned out to be far more complicated in reality than in concept

the concept I thought this is easy I'm gonna roll some steel balls down a hot

wheel track first of all the BB is so small you can't really see it on the

camera at 24 frames you know for per second no BB mm couldn't see it so I

just started with the medium you know the little small ball bearing but just

getting them to all the the shotput resists so there's momentum the shotput

weighs four kilograms and the golf ball weighs about 44 grams big big difference

there so i had the chocolate had to be so perfectly balanced almost ready to

roll in order for the do the math if you're a

you know engineer or physicist or something anyway I haven't cleaned up

yet but I have students in this room today and they can move the desks back

like each each student can move one desk and done so that's be the baby I think

that is a cool concept the idea that one small act of kindness one small gesture

one small word of encouragement one small word of endorsement can begin a

domino effect that has a huge huge reaction be that thing in someone's life

say something nice to the manager say something nice to whomever be that be be

well where are we going today we're trying to be lifetime learners today

don't stop learning just just keep at it keep learning keep adding things even if

it's just learning a hobby and on and as you become older pick up a new hobby if

you're in the middle of a hobby if you're if you're making videos try

something different try moving your lights around try moving your microphone

try using a different camera inside your car while you're while you're driving

keep trying different things if you're a painter and you've been painting and in

watercolors for 20 years and you're a master at watercolors jump into a

different medium use acrylics or oils or something do something a little

different I really don't know what I'm talking about I should I should take an

art class at some point but I've seen them use those little metal thingies

like spatulas and there's a hand gesture that we will not know what that ever

we'll never know what that means I'm gonna I'm gonna do a rant now

I was gonna do a rant about something that I just learned about something I

learned about yesterday and it is so stupid but I'm afraid if I just rant

about it that the people who haven't heard about it will go home we'll the

try to it's a stupid thing someone is like stupid and then they go hey guess

what I just did and like what and then everybody else Jake followed lemmings

off the cliff lemmings jumping off the cliff into stupidity I'm not going to

tell you what it is I'm just going to tell you that I was so I was like I was

like facepalm I roll head bang that's how stupid this thing is it's like what

are you thinking and and after the first person did it why would other people do

it I can't even it's so I can't I'm just afraid to even mention what it is

because there's so many stupid people who would be like I've never heard of

that I'm gonna try it too it is just more evidence that the entire fabric of

society is on the brink of anarchy that that's all so there's there was my not

rant I'm sorry that was that was a not rant I don't know what that was but it

was random at least random at least alright be a lifetime learner be a

lifetime learner I'm gonna drink some coffee and kind of get ready get ready

for the day

I've had I've had a question - believe it or not over like how do you do your

lighting how do you do your how do you do your setup so I'm gonna take a real

quick video of my of my setup so we'll start the camera there's all kinds of

light so there's there's the camera on the the very cluttered and desk and then

I have a little desk lamp I'll turn the lights on to show you right back so I

have this desk lamp here and the desk lamp came it came in a this bag thing

that's my diffuser is the the bag that that came with with the desk lamp that

is a LED household LED bulb that is a clamp like like you would clamp on to a

shelf and that is a there's a JCPenney bag that's my diffuser it's also an LED

this one's 100 watt I don't that is I got that a little extra cable and I got

the mic the mic is just right there almost in frame sometimes it is in frame

because I'm not careful enough there there's the mic that's my that's my

setup in my classroom that is that's my photography area of where I do you know

photography club and that's my clutter area and so I put all my clutter that's

all photography junk and then that's junk mail and then boom this there it is

there it is in all its glory and then there's a shelf when I've got jumping

rocks by alright wow that that had to be so

all right I'm gonna follow up on the lighting thing just just kind of an

editorial here then this is also this will be your science lesson for for this

episode people be like I spent all this money on this big light thing I'm just

big and it's the big diffuser thing is a great idea and the really bright bulb

was a great idea that lights up that whole diffuser but in at the end of the

day photons go through the lens and strike the the sensor and where those

photons come from is not very important if they come from a seven dollar Walmart

LED bulb and shine through a piece of plastic wrap as a diffuser they are

still photons the the direction the diffuser changes the direction but it

does not change the frequency of the photon the photon is the photon is the

photon it has a energy level and that energy level is a color we perceive that

energy of the wavelength of the light it doesn't matter where it comes from if it

comes from the farthest star in the galaxy and it's still a photon it still

is traveling at the speed of light it still has a set energy level so the

point is that seven dollar bulb that I bought at Walgreens creates the same

energy as the 700 dollar lighting kit that someone may buy for their studio

now what is the advantage of the 700 are like he has remote controls and being

able to vary the brightness of the ball and having the mechanism of holding the

diffuser in place and the bigger the diffuser and the the more that the

softer the light becomes and the angles of the light all kind of becomes it

becomes like a parallel wave rather than a radial way there's a lot of reasons to

have really expensive lighting gear but at the end of the day photons go through

that lens and if they come from a seven dollar bulb

they're still photons you can't get it back on the desk do you have to spend a

lot of money to have a good light no just need to understand light that's why

we take science classes that's why we take physics this was a lot longer than

I thought it was going to be it's a good lesson one more quick thought on the

photons it doesn't matter where they come from but it does matter what color

temperature they are if you're if you know if you're in the video you know

we've got color temperature and that is basically a measure of the energy of the

photon and what we want is things that are natural daylight and LEDs come in

daylight color the or those sometimes we'll say 5,000 K or 5400 K so something

in that range if you're if you're buying bulbs the ones I bought from Walgreens

that said daylight bulb color temperature you're looking for is like

fifty five fifty four fifty to five thousand something something along there

to give you a nice daylight color there now now it doesn't matter if you get

fifty if you get something if you get a daylight color ball but doesn't matter

how much the bulb it's still a photon the wavelength is the same and in the

lens and on the sensor creates a pixel that's how it works

so $7.00 bulb

that's lamb it's flexible bends I spent way too long on this

I saw an interesting thing happened today this guy some person has acquired

my picture and has created an imposter Facebook account

my my actual facebook address is bill dot Snodgrass one not 756 756 not me I

reported this obvious imposter account to Facebook so not me emails my picture

anyway reminds me of the Instagram the Joe

Rossi incident which occurred while back on Instagram all right

lifetime learner you you've got a you got to keep learning things and let's

let your mind continue to expand let your mind continue to grow don't don't

just settle for what you already know or you'll be stagnant you won't you won't

grow you won't change and and with without change you know that's kind of a

scary prospect you're always doing things the way that you always used to

do things

and I could go into a big long technology and if you tried to still

make you know the old ways and blot all that stuff I will spare you that I hope

you enjoyed my long science lesson on light with photons and photon energy

hopefully if you're into photography or videography that would be something that

would be interesting to you so then once you understand how why it works then you

can use it to your advantage that should probably be enough for this episode be a

lifetime learner keep learning things keep trying things keep doing things

just don't don't give up and don't settle for the way things always have

been thank you for watching hope you enjoy this episode do all that stuff

with the likes and the clicks and all that things they'll love your comments I

love to interact with you down in the comments section that is all I have for

this one lunch time is almost over I got about five minutes and so I'll see you



For more infomation >> Be A Lifetime Learner PLUS Budget Video Lighting - s1e234 - Duration: 17:31.


PS4『CONCEPTION PLUS 俺の子供を産んでくれ!』キャラクタートレーラー - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> PS4『CONCEPTION PLUS 俺の子供を産んでくれ!』キャラクタートレーラー - Duration: 2:47.


Ce chiot a été abandonné devant une école avec le plus triste des petits mots - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Ce chiot a été abandonné devant une école avec le plus triste des petits mots - Duration: 3:06.


22 AVANTAGES De Manger Du GOMBO ( il soigne Diabète, le cancer, pilosité, asthme, obésité et plus) - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 22 AVANTAGES De Manger Du GOMBO ( il soigne Diabète, le cancer, pilosité, asthme, obésité et plus) - Duration: 1:37.


Sapin de Noël naturel ou artificiel, lequel est plus écologique ? - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Sapin de Noël naturel ou artificiel, lequel est plus écologique ? - Duration: 3:03.


Nov 2018 Cruise Ship News! Plus Elderly Couple Lose $4000 Miss NCL Alaska Cruise - Duration: 4:00.

it's Bruce here with traveling with Bruce Scottish news update for November

29th 2018 we start things off with Princess Cruise Line's they announced

today that they're going to increase capacity for passengers in Australia by

40% they're adding the Regal Princess cruise ship to their fleet in Australia

for the twenty two thousand 2021 season that would be December to April 2022

april 2021 the ship of course is all the features absolutely gorgeous interiors

wonderful restaurants all the amenities of very popular liner this is going to

make Australia's princess's second largest market for cruising only behind

the USA they have more passengers taking cruises in Australia then even in Alaska

quite surprising but not surprising when you see this kind of a ship being

offered to the passengers they love it they're having a great time down there

of course between December and April you're talking the dead of summer for

Australia nice way to go second piece of news I have for you today is concerning

halt in America halt America has received her new ship the noise Statten

damn from the shipbuilders in Italy I always butcher the name but I'll give it

a try I think it's Finch in tea a tea or fin Kent Yeti shipbuilders you folks

will send me messages telling me how to play it properly but few months ago she

was still under construction she's all done now the ship is ninety nine

thousand five hundred gross tons she's three hundred meters long she'll held

twenty-six hundred and sixty passengers it's the second pinnacle class ship

after the Corning's dam and there'll be a third ship just like her delivered in

2021 she's heading to Miami for the winter season she'll sail the Caribbean

and as all hall in America ships go five-star luxury first-class everything

the main dining room is fantastic excellent meals spa area right here

absolutely wonderful very relaxing passengers come here on a daily basis

main dining room here it is beautiful five-star service and dining

people come back again and again to halt in America there's a reason why this

cruise line is adding cruise ships they are popular and they have a strong loyal

following pretty nice looking ship and like I said it's on her way to Miami now

and she'll be sailing later in December and January 2019 throughout the

Caribbean absolutely wonderful the third story I have is a bit of a sad

story it's about an Arizona couple that had booked an Alaska cruise on Norwegian

Cruise Line or September of this past year a couple months ago they got to the

airport at Sky Harbor in Phoenix hoping to fly out the same day that the cruise

was taking place and there was an emergency shutdown of the airport there

was a car parked in an unauthorized area no one claimed it they brought the SWAT

team in they shut the everything down and their flight to Seattle was

cancelled they could make no other arrangements to get the Seattle and so

they went home they called the cruise line they told him what happened and the

cruise line said sorry to hear this it's a tragic case do you have travel

insurance the couple said no we don't and the car the cruise line said well

we're sorry to because you're $4,000 that you've paid for the cruise is lost

there's no way a cruise line can rent the cabin to someone else the same day

of departure it's impossible and so the cabin went empty and the couple couldn't

go they lost their money and it's a sad story goes to show you buy travel

insurance or travel the day before your cruise never fly on the day of your

cruise you're risking this kind of a thing from happening to you join me

Monday to Friday five o'clock Eastern Saturdays at 2:00 Eastern we talk cruise

ships six days a week and subscribe to my channel today thank you everybody

bye for now

For more infomation >> Nov 2018 Cruise Ship News! Plus Elderly Couple Lose $4000 Miss NCL Alaska Cruise - Duration: 4:00.


Plus belle la vie : Coralie couche avec Théo - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : Coralie couche avec Théo - Duration: 0:56.


The Nokia 7 Plus now gets new Android Pie update with Revamped Camera App - Duration: 2:34.

nokia phone users were at an advantage when Google rolled out the Android 9 pie update for the Android one users

the nokia 7 plus became one of the earliest devices to run the latest Android version

and now has been on Android 9 Pie for over a month other Nokia devices have also received

the most recent Android update quickly recently the Nokia 7 plus also received

another update which has brought some improvements and features along with the

November's security patch to the popular mid-range nokia phone the new version

comes with V 3.39B build number and it brings a host of new features to the

handset the update brings the new system navigation and improved gesture based

navigation system interface changes to settings and notification panel and also

the Android Pie exclusive features like adaptive battery and adaptive brightness

there are also some significant changes to the camera app as Nokia ships the new

camera 9.0 app with this update the new app offers google lens integration

Google motion and new UI as well the update also brings another Pie exclusive

feature to the phone which is predictive app actions these app actions will help

suggest the phone intuitive shortcuts to contacts apps and much more based on

your use of history lastly this update also brings the November Android

security patch to the Nokia 7 plus if you would like to check for it manually

you can head over to settings go to system updates and then tap on check for

updates on noticing here we found that the new update for Nokia 7 plus comes in

a 460 megabytes package we recommend that you download the package over a

stable Wi-Fi connection for this reason

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