Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily plus Nov 29 2018

Important: temperature at the top of the water - with the dosing lid the temperature rise is faster

temperature test (MCC / MCP)

hello, I will test the rise in temperature of these two robots

I will put 1.5 liters of water

I bought this tester to see the temperature at the same time

we will see if it heats up as quickly and if the temperature display is correct

MCC: we do not reach the indicator

MCP: we reach the indicator

temperature probes :)

at the top => MCC bottom => MCP

Starting temperature almost identical, speed 1 - 130 ° c

MCP indicates 37 ° it is at 35 ° c, MCC indicates 45 ° c it is at 31 ° c

constant gap

MCC indicates 100 ° C, the water does not muddy!

we are approaching 100 ° c,

the water mud, one reaches 100 ° c in 11:40 for the MCP and in 12:20 for the MCC

when the robots do not heat, the temperatures are coorect


MCP made a small advantage in the beginning, he kept it during the whole test

the rise in temperature is quite close between the two robots (similar, with a slight advantage to the MCP)

MCP: the temperature displayed on the robot is more consistent than the MCC

however, both robots are superior to reality

here: MCC: 18 ° difference - MCP: 13 ° difference

the MCC displays 100 ° while the water does not mud

professional tool: it displays 14 ° C (it is consistent with the THERMO PRO)

Speed ​​1: 100 ° c

MCP: slight advantage

MCC indicated 60 ° while the water is at 36 ° c (MCP indicates 45 ° for a temperature of 43 ° c)

the TESTO 110 is displayed continuously, the THERMO PRO displays correct data

temperature rise very close between the two robots

it indicates 100 °, it is at 85 ° C, the water does not mud ...

TESTO 110 validates the temperature of the THERMO PRO every time

water does not mud

in my opinion, as the robots think to be at 100 ° C they must reduce their power, which delays the rise in temperature


similar, a fairly consistent temperature rise between the two robots

4 minutes: MCC indicates 60 ° c for a temperature at 42 ° C (difference 18 °) against 4 ° for the MCP

from 8 minutes, the MCC becomes more coherent than the MCP

Actual temperature: 72 °, displayed 75 ° c

on the other hand the two robots displayed 100 ° C whereas we were not at 100 °

we conclude: the two robots heat up in the same way with a slight advantage at the MCP

thank you to leave your questions in comment, thank you and see you soon ++

For more infomation >> MONSIEUR CUISINE CONNECT et MONSIEUR CUISINE PLUS - Contrôle des températures - Duration: 6:02.


Szykują się kłopoty z wypłatą 500 plus. Polacy będą wściekli na PiS - Duration: 5:02.

 500 plus to program socjalny jakiego w Polsce nigdy wcześniej nie było. Łatwe pieniądze kuszą Polaków, którzy tłumnie ustawiają się w kolejkach po odbiór świadczenia

Wszystko wskazuje jednak na to, że dostęp do tego typu środków będzie mocno utrudniony

Powód? Między innymi pazerność ludzi. 500 plus po raz kolejny podzieliło Polaków na dwa obozy

Przedstawiciele pierwszego z nich byli niesamowicie wdzięczni Prawu i Sprawiedliwości za to, że znaleźli dla nich dodatkowe pieniądze, które są tak niezbędne przy wychowywaniu dziecka

 Druga połowa to ludzie, którzy w nowym programie widzę jedynie ryzyko na zrujnowanie budżetu państwa oraz pogłębienie długu w jakim tonie Polska

Te nieporozumienia sprawiły, że doszło do pierwszych buntów i strajków. TVP przekazało smutne informacje

Słynny polski sportowiec jest sparaliżowany 500 plus nie będzie wypłacane. Pracownicy socjalni mają DOŚĆ Pracownicy socjalni, którzy zajmują się przyjmowaniem wniosków oraz ogólną obsługa programu 500 plus, stoją na skraju wytrzymałości

Ludzie ci nieustannie skarżą się na ciężkie warunki pracy oraz zbyt niskie wynagrodzenia

Chcą zarabiać tyle samo, ile zarabiają osoby pracujące w urzędach gminy czy też miasta

 Pracownicy socjalni postanowili wszcząć protest. Nie podoba im się fakt, iż dochodzi im coraz więcej obowiązków, a pensja wciąż pozostaje taka sama

W toruńskim Centrum Świadczeń Rodzinie pracownicy skarżą się na brak miejsca na podstawowe narzędzia ich pracy

– W siedzibie przy ul. Bydgoskiej 74 jest ciasnota, przy biurkach brak jest miejsca na podstawowy sprzęt typu drukarka (…) Od lipca do listopada, w okresach przyznawania 500+ pracujemy w ciągłych nadgodzinach, często przez 6 dni w tygodniu – opowiedział  – Adam Błędowski, przewodniczący Związku Zawodowego TCŚR

W Toruniu na pomoc wyruszyła Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy. PIP już rozpoczął kontrole

DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄMinister Rafalska uspokaja i obiecuje podwyżki Elżbieta Rafalska nie pozostała obojętna na obawy Polaków

Pani minister zapowiedziała, że środki na podwyżki dla pracowników socjalnych powinny się znaleźć, bowiem resort płaci wysokie prowizje za obsługę 500 plus i to właśnie powinny one wystarczyć na lepsze wynagrodzenia dla osób obsługujących program

 Elżbieta Rafalska uspokaja również osoby, które czekają na wypłaty swoich pieniędzy

Kobieta twierdzi, że akcja protestacyjna tak naprawdę nie ma nic wspólnego z 500 plus

O tym, czy rzeczywiście tak będzie, przekonać będziemy musieli się jednak sami. Jak pokazuje doświadczenie, protesty już niejednokrotnie utrudniały życie osób postronnych

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE: Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Szykują się kłopoty z wypłatą 500 plus. Polacy będą wściekli na PiS - Duration: 5:02.


Ma TOP 1 la PLUS TENDUE ! – Call Of Duty BO4 : Blackout Gameplay fr - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Ma TOP 1 la PLUS TENDUE ! – Call Of Duty BO4 : Blackout Gameplay fr - Duration: 8:45.



For more infomation >> ATTENTION A LA DOUCHE MEC EN PLUS CA DEBORDE DANS LA PASSE - Duration: 3:05.


Trailer Témoins du plus grand amour - Décembre 2018 - Duration: 1:21.

We never thought that the religious men and women would be affected.

He was a brother to us, he was a father and a guide.

To us he was not a Christian,

he was first and foremost a man.

He taught us to live together.

It is not only the Christians who have lost a man,

it is also the Muslims.

That's the meaning of their life, they gave their lives to God

but they gave it to this people.

They were not heroes, they were ordinary people,

and it is to this ordinary holiness that we are called every day.

When you know that you are in a place

where people gave their lives out of love for Christ,

it gives life and strengthens your spiritual life.

It makes you think that if they were capable of making

the ultimate sacrifice for God, why not me too?

So these are people who were, in their everyday life

true disciples of Jesus.


Décembre 2018

For more infomation >> Trailer Témoins du plus grand amour - Décembre 2018 - Duration: 1:21.


Plus belle la vie : tension a grandi entre Boher et Samia ? - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : tension a grandi entre Boher et Samia ? - Duration: 2:24.


Pour en savoir plus: L'indépendance des États-Unis - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Pour en savoir plus: L'indépendance des États-Unis - Duration: 5:51.


The Bizarre Animation of MR. GAME & WATCH - New Frame Plus - Duration: 8:38.

Hello, and welcome to New Frame Plus,

a series about video game animation.

By overwhelming demand, you folks have voted

for the next Smash Bros character we talk about to be...

Mr Game & Watch.

And I can see why!

He's weird.

Look at him. He's flat.

He's basically just a silhouette.

His moves all have like three frames of animation...

No one else is like this.

How does this even WORK in a game like Smash, where pretty much every other character is

fully 3D and operating at a silky smooth 60 frames per second?

Let's get into it, shall we?

Mr Game & Watch isn't so much a character as an amalgamation.

A stand-in representing a whole series of games from the 80s.

Yes, before there was GameBoy, even before there was NES…

there was Game & Watch.

Game & Watch was this whole line of of handheld games that Nintendo produced

between 1980 and 1991.

Each one of these devices usually contained a single, very simple game

played on a liquid crystal display,

similar to that old CASIO watch you used to wear in middle school

(you... Cool Person).

But here's the thing about LCDs:

you can't really move the crystals in those displays around.

They can only be turned ON or OFF.

And that makes it pretty hard to animate…

...uh, anything.

But! Say you were to place those crystals in several different locations on the screen,

and then had them switch ON or OFF in response to the player's button presses…

if you did that, it would almost SORT OF create the impression

of a character or object moving across the screen!

THIS is the origin for Mr Game & Watch's weird movement style.

And they way it's been implemented in Smash is actually pretty clever!

So in animation, we have this thing called "Key Poses"

(also sometimes referred to as "Extremes", that's the more traditional animation term,

but in many cases they're kind of interchangeable).

Anyway, Key Poses are the critical poses in an animation

which most clearly communicate the "story" of the action.

They're the extreme points which define the path of motion.

Remember in that previous episode about Link's attacks

where I highlighted these Windup, Attack and Follow-Through poses?

I would call all of these Key Poses (or Extremes) for Link's basic attack.

Even without all the frames in between, these frames tell the story of what's happening.

If you look at old school 8- or 16-bit sprite animation,

those game characters operated almost exclusively through key poses.

From Mario's jump... Simon's whip... Mega Man's run,

all of these animations are built using just a handful of key poses,

the fewest poses possible to adequately portray the action.

If you look at Mr. Game & Watch in Smash, you'll see that he also operates on Key Poses...

...kind of.

All his moves and attacks are, of course, derived from his whole library of handheld games,

but when you look at the character movement in those old games,

because of that old display technology,

there's something... disjointed about it.

There are so few poses available and the characters cover so much distance at a time...

there's very little connective tissue between each new pose and position on screen,

so those characters tend to feel a little erratic in their movement as a result,

and none of their actions feel like they have any force behind them.

This presents an interesting problem for Smash:

how do you replicate that weird, choppy, slightly-disorienting quality of movement?

The first thing the animators have done here is use as few frames of animation as possible.

Mr. Game & Watch's attacks are all constructed using maybe three poses, sometimes just two!

All his moves are built on key poses, just like those 8- and 16-bit characters I described before,

but it doesn't feel like there are quite ENOUGH key poses in there to completely

sell the physicality of the actions he's performing.

Old Game & Watch titles just could not take advantage of most of the animation principles

that we'd use to convey force or impact,

and Smash's animators have actually preserved some of that effect

in not only the posing of Mr. Game & Watch's moves,

but also the very even, flat timing of them!

You won't see him actually SWING a chair.

He just holds the chair this way...

...and then he holds it THAT way.

And, for Mr. Game & Watch, that constitutes an attack.

This is a character that REALLY relies on Smash's dust clouds and hit pauses and

effects explosions to get any sense of impact to his moves.

For any other character, that would be an animation problem.

But for Mr. Game & Watch, it is exactly that problem

that makes his moveset feel faithful to the source material.

But one of my favorite things about Mr. Game & Watch's animation - and it's the thing that I think

really makes this whole animation aesthetic work - is the way the animators have managed to

recreate the erratic, disorienting quality of his movement.

You can REALLY see this in his run.

Just for comparison, let's look at Mega Man's old run again...

It's built from just three poses, but you can see how each one of those Key Poses

leads from one to the next.


You can see him putting one foot in front of the other,

you can see the nice up-and-down bob on his body with each stride...

Just three poses, but still enough to clearly communicate a run.

But with Mr. Game & Watch, and I LOVE this,

these poses barely communicate the action of running AT ALL.

NONE of these poses connect to each other in a logical way.

It's like they took a bunch of individual run cycle poses,

and then they completely randomized what order they play in

so you're left with an erratic jumble of poses that make no sense together.

That is really clever!

It's not exactly how characters moved in the old Game & Watch days,

but it does sell the FEELING of how they moved in those games.

This brings us to the next question: how has Mr. Game & Watch's animation

been adapted to work in Smash?

Well, there is one VERY BIG change, and you've probably already picked up on it.

In those old Game & Watch titles, like I mentioned before,

the crystals in those old LCD displays couldn't move.

So the characters couldn't really "move" either.

They could only disappear and reappear in a new position simultaneously.

But that is not how Mr. Game & Watch moves in Smash. At all.

Sure, there might be a nice, stuttery pop to the way he switches between poses,

but his movement around the battlefield?

The tracking of his POSITION... is silky smooth.

See, limiting the visual information that Mr. Game & Watch's posing conveys is one thing,

you can get away with that.

But his position on screen at any given moment?

No no.

Positional data is CRUCIAL to Smash Bros gameplay.

If Mr. Game & Watch popped around the screen in Smash the same way he did in his handheld games,

effectively teleporting around the stage nonstop,

he would be a nightmare to fight.

And to CONTROL, for that matter.

So, even though it defies the character's source material,

for the sake of gameplay, Smash's animators made the concession

of having Mr. Game & Watch's position on screen update at a smooth 60 frames per second,

just like any other character on the roster.

And thank goodness for that.

This gets back to that same thing I was saying in the Mario episode:

animating a Smash character is all about finding the balance between

representing that character's origins AND making them functionally work as a Smash fighter.

At the end of the day, that's the big animation challenge for ALL of these characters.

And that had to be HARD with this guy, right?

Like, so much of what makes those old games distinct is their extremely limited animation.

You really CAN'T have Mr. Game & Watch move around like any other character and still FEEL like himself.

And I love that they found an elegant solution to that:

preserving the stiff, stuttery posing style of the source material,

while also being willing to make big concessions for sake of visual clarity.

His movement is still erratic and weird and it FEELS like it shouldn't work,

but it totally does, because all the visual information you really NEED is in there.

Cool as heck, right?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this!

And let me know down in the comments if there are other characters you'd like me to dig into.

If you want to hear more about Smash animation,

here's a playlist of all the characters I've covered so far.

Have a good one, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> The Bizarre Animation of MR. GAME & WATCH - New Frame Plus - Duration: 8:38.


LA PLUS GROSSE SOIRÉE DU MONDE !! QLIMAX 2018 - Duration: 12:02.

So here the mixing desk just crashed during Tweekacore's set !

And Villain makes the crowd going crazy !

He's trying to fill the blank !

This is absolutely crazy ! And I really like it !

Hey everybody ! It's a pleasure to talk to you today !

And today is a special day !

Let's go to Qlimax ! This is gonna be INSANE !

But before we start the video, I just want to thank Festimove

Because I'll not be at Qlimax today without them !

So they kindly invited me to travel in bus with them !

For those who don'y know Festimove : it's a buses travel company

that bring you in festival everywhere in Europe !

By the way ! If you want more informations and travel with Festimove for your next trip

Just click on the link of the Festimove's website down below

So for this video I'm not alone! I'm with ...........

Martin you must come right now in front of the camera !


I'm with Martin and you saw him many times I think !

Now we're still in my house

We'll go and take the train and see you in Lille !

So we're here in Lille !

I just received the information that the bus will be a little bit early

So we're a little bit late .. we were supposed to be there at 3:50 PM but I think the bus is already here

And so we'll enter fastly in the bus to avoid everybody waiting for us

Correction ! I'm not late !

And we just met subscribers right here !

We come from the South !

From the South ?

Where do you come from exactly ?

From Nice

Holly f*ck ! And I complain everytime while I'm just 20 min away ...

So the bus may arrive soon and we'll wait under the rain because we brought Belgium weather !

Our Taxi's here !

3:37 PM ! We're getting in shape slowly

with a little TV broadcasting us Qlimax sets

And this ... is classy !

We're arrived in a gas station and I just go and buy a drink because I'm so thirty !!

And at the same I upload my Instagram picture

because I'm a little bit late ... it's 5:05 PM so I'm 5 minutes late !

So there is a mixing desk right there in the back

If you come and you're a DJ then you'll have the chance to mix

for all the bus and that could be the opportunity to make yourself better known !

That's it ! How are you doing dude ?

Perfect ! I watch your videos every weeks !

Thanks ! This is so cool

So here is the little music sound

because we have music during all the trip but there are big subwoofers

coming out from the bunker ... on the other side ... I'm not at the perfect place

And we're going to party ! We're on a little rest area

Right there there is a gas station ... but this is shit I don't know why I say it

Now it's gonna be a very very very big mayhem

Let's go !

So here we have the DJ mixing inside the bus

So yeah they're mixing in the bus with everybody chilling outside !

Music stop done ! So as you saw just before

It was crazy !

And now let's go to Qlimax ! We're 5 or 10 minutes far of the event

And now the serious shit are starting !

We're doing a karaoke on Let It Go ...

Everybody knows the Let It Go lyrics ... I don't need to translate that guys ;)

We're here in the Gelredome for Qlimax !

So little story before we start : Qlimax takes places at Arnehm in Holland

I recently made a video about it

by the way I give you the link to this video right here

so click right here to see the video !

And so Qlimax is a Hardmusic festival organized by Q-Dance

in Holland ! So today we're on the 24th of November

We're just arrived ! I saw the stage ...

There's a big white sheet in front of the stage so I don't how will it be !

But I can't wait to see that !

So here is somebody that you might saw in each video

but you don't really see him ! Yeah that's a little bit strange

but it's exactly that !

So let me introduce you Morvan !

Hiiii !

He's the translator of my channel so I translate the videos in English !

So for thosre that didn't knew that the videos are translated

And it thanks to him and I want to thank him by the way

And he has got a little message to you about the translations !

I just wanted to say that if you want to tell me anything about my translations

then just tell me, every note and every remark is helpful for me

This is gonna be hard to translate

And yeah that's it ! And enjoy the video guys !

Anyhow he's doing a good work

So thanks to him because translations are here by means of Morvan

So if you're happy to see translated videos

Say it in the comment section and drop a thanks Morvan !


3 !

2 !

1 !!

Meet up finshed ! Now let's go on the main stage ...

hum the only stage of Qlimax

Who is mixing for the moment ? Coone ?

Yup !

Let's go to see Coone right now !

Sub Zero Project are mixing ! They started with the anthem

and that was really nasty !

I took the opportunity to rest a little bit because I was tired

And soon Tweekacore will come to mix

This is gonna be crazy let's go !

So here the mixing desk just crashed during Tweekacore's set !

And Villain makes the crowd going crazy !

He's trying to fill the blank !

This is absolutely crazy ! And I really like it !


Qlimax is finish ! We're here in Alaska !

It's so cold that's horrible ! I lost my voice

So we're going to go at home for a little debriefing

But above all, the little ritual of the end of a festival

Bye bye Qlimax ... bye

And BOUM ... I'm already home !

So, my feelings about this year's Qlimax

I spent a great night out that was magnificient !

The sceneries were breathtaking

The scene like a Chinese geisha that divides on the face

was really really good !

I wasn't expecting that !

The showlight was epic !

I loved all the sets even if I'm not a huge fan of Frenchcore

but Peacock literally conviced me !

I also enjoyed a lot to see y'all at this meet up !

Don't hesitate to tell me in the comments section if you want to do a festival like Qlimax

Join me Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter !

Links are down below !

Because I uploaded a lot of stories this weekend !

So te are you ready ? I make a Snapchat, make sone f*cking noiiiiise ...

Share this video with all your firends

Drop a HUGE blue thumb down the video !

Don't forget to check the festimove website which is in the description

if you want to travel in festival with them

And of course, see you next week for another video !

Don't hesitate to click on my beautiful face right here

to subscribe and see all my videos

and click on the square right here

to see my last video !

See you next week guys !

For more infomation >> LA PLUS GROSSE SOIRÉE DU MONDE !! QLIMAX 2018 - Duration: 12:02.


iPhone 8 Plus Rear Camera Replacement #iphone8plus - Duration: 9:47.

How to change iPhone 8 Plus rear camera

You can watch through this video.

iPhone 8 Plus rear camera replacement

successfully done.

For more infomation >> iPhone 8 Plus Rear Camera Replacement #iphone8plus - Duration: 9:47.


Plus belle la vie : la sosie de Victoire débarque - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : la sosie de Victoire débarque - Duration: 1:04.


Free PS4/PS3/Vita PlayStation Plus Games For December 2018 Revealed - Duration: 2:19.

There's just one month left in the year, which means one more round of free PlayStation Plus

games for 2018.

If you're a PS Plus subscriber and wanna know what's on the table for December, I've got

you covered.

First up on PS4 is Soma.

You probably don't think about horror games in December, but that's what you're getting


Soma sees you exploring an abandoned underwater lab to figure out what really happened there.

There's no combat here, but you will have to sneak around and solve puzzles.

If you want something more fast-paced, PS4 is also getting Onrush.

To call this a racing game would be disingenuous, because it's not about crossing the finish

line first.

Onrush is all about taking out the competition and boosting along the track: more destruction

means more speed.

The PS3 is also getting destructive with Steredenn: Classic.

This shoot-'em-up pits you against hordes of space pirates and big bosses, and some

roguelike elements mean you can face them again and again, bringing new weapons and

ship upgrades to the battle each time.

If you want something less chaotic, PS3 is also getting Steins;Gate.

This visual novel stars a bunch of students with special technology that lets them change

the past.

You can alter the course of the game yourself too, as you'll have to make choices that can

totally change the plot.

December's first Vita game will also force you to make some tough decisions.

Papers, Please puts you in the shoes of a border agent in the fictional nation of Arstotzka,

and you decide who gets into the country.

It's not as simple as checking documents though, as you'll have to make some heavy moral decisions


Finally, Vita is also getting the metroidvania Iconoclasts, which just released earlier this


The mechanic Robin can use her handy wrench to open gates and swing around levels, and

there are plenty of other abilities to unlock during her fight against an oppressive religious


Thanks to cross-buy, you can also play Iconoclasts on PS4.

And those are your free PS Plus games for December; they'll be available from Tuesday,

December 4th until January 1st.

Remember that you can always check out gameplay clips and reviews for these titles on GameSpot,

and be sure to stick with us as we report on the new PS Plus games every month.

For more infomation >> Free PS4/PS3/Vita PlayStation Plus Games For December 2018 Revealed - Duration: 2:19.


Plus belle la vie : le résumé de l'épisode 3680 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : le résumé de l'épisode 3680 - Duration: 4:03.


Gorgeous Stunning Tiny House with downstairs bedroom plus sleeping and - Duration: 2:21.

Gorgeous Stunning Tiny House with downstairs bedroom plus sleeping and

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