DIY tutorial on how to make this beaded green and yellow necklace.
ASMR | How To Make Cheese Cake (Cheese Cake Recipe) - Duration: 5:08.biscuit 100g
melted butter 60g
cream cheese 200g
sugar 65g
2 egg
cake flour 30g
plain yogurt 100g
hot water
Thanks for watching!♡♡
if you like this video, please subscribe and like.
How Much Money You Make Licensing Ideas - Duration: 7:57.I am going to tell you the reasons that it is very unlikely that you will see
real money by licensing your idea
so this subject has been coming up a lot in the comment section and I want to
talk about it again I've been doing a little bit of research and have been
seeing that if you go out and try to license your invention idea you're going
to get about three to five percent for your invention now when I say three to
five percent what do I mean there's an old trick in the movie industry and I
think it applies here to young filmmakers would go out they get excited
they write their movie script and a few of them would go to let's say wanted to
film festivals and then a movie studio would come along and buy their script
the typical range that a studio would pay for those scripts is anywhere from
twenty-five thousand to let's say three hundred thousand up front for the script
and for the filmmaker who is broke that's a lot of money right there but
they would also sign a contract that would say that they would get say
anywhere from one to three percent of what they call the back end
well that back end is an interesting thing so let's say the movie gets
released and it makes a hundred million dollars there have been quite a few
low-budget films over the year that have been very successful and there were
young filmmakers that had license their script to those movie companies so
imagine the movie does a hundred million dollars in this filmmaker is all excited
because he's doing the math and he says 100 million dollars he's gonna get three
percent oh my god he's getting three million dollars he's rich
did you know that even George Lucas got involved with a product licensing deal
just watch the documentary on Netflix called the toys that made us it took him
a long time to get back the rights and make real money on his products that's
the trick so here's how it really works so remember the movie made a hundred
million dollars but that was in ticket sales it's changed a lot now but years
ago it was typical that the box office would split the proceeds with the studio
so a hundred million dollars would basically be 50 million for the studio
and a million for distributors but here's
where the math even gets worse so we're at 50 million there's also a lot of
marketing and expenses to go into making that movie popular not to mention a
distribution of the film's back then and now video but back then it was film
reels and by the time you were done with all the expenses you're looking probably
at about twenty million dollars on a hundred million film that the studio
made but then don't forget you have all the business expenses that go along with
that we're talking about the overhead at the studio the employees the expenses
for the graphics the television commercials - everything that had to do
with making that film down to the catering so think about that every
single expense came off the top by the time the young filmmaker got their
paycheck it was only a few dollars and actually not a few dollars he's probably
a couple of thousand maybe a hundred thousand if they were lucky but that 3%
really turned out to be a lot less than they had anticipated and when we're
talking about licensing our product ideas we're talking about the exact same
thing so you go out there and you license your product idea let's say you
are lucky enough to get five percent what does that five percent mean is that
five percent of the gross is that five percent of the net is that five percent
of the profits read your contract you might be surprised so let's take an item
it sells for and when we're talking about licensing I'll pick a typical
number let's say we're talking about an item it sells for $25 that's a retail
price but maybe it only cost $10 to make in China or whatever we'll just use that
number remember you have a whole distribution chain in between so really
you're talking about a $10 product that it costs you to make that we're selling
to distributors probably for between 12 and 15 dollars and then they're
retailing at 25 so you're really only making a few dollars on each item even
when it's selling for 25 if a company is making a product for $10 they still have
the cost of distributing it that's all the employees that were used to
advertise the product to potential resellers that's all the advertising
that goes into them marketing them online television radio print material
however they do their marketing all the employees that were used to you know
sell your product to stick it into boxes to put it on trucks the expense of the
gas to get the truck from one distribution to the other the expense of
the Union truck driver to get him to drive the truck from one distribution
place to another by the time you get any money for your invention idea from
licensing there is nothing left and I'm actually gonna do another video about
this and it's gonna be about the taxes as a small business owner and when I say
small business that can be a business that's making you know 100 million
dollars in America that's still probably considered a small business if they're
making a hundred million a year even if that business is making all kinds of
money selling products unless they're publicly traded the last thing they want
to do is to claim a profit on anything because that means that they have to pay
taxes on that money so as a business owner it is a business person's job to
take any profits from the things that they make or do and to reinvest them in
the business to make the business grow so that they can make more revenue keep
the money within the business and pay little in terms of profit now for you
guys that are all about you know greedy corporations and you don't want to hear
this I'm sorry but that's the way it works the more revenue that my company
makes the more money that I begin to spend on the business and as a country
wherever you're located that's what you want businesses to do because we can
spend the money better than our governments we can hire people we can
buy real estate we can invest in technology we can invent new things
that's what we do with money that we keep instead of paying taxes and
where does the money that we pay taxes go really think hard about this are we
investing in the future of our country or are we investing in the future of our
government because if you pay taxes you know that your money is better spent by
you than anybody around you in government you know if the guys from all
these other inventions shows haven't found my channel yet they're going to be
hearing a lot of me pulling the curtain away and showing what they are doing to
you is the inventor and I hope you're listening I hope you hear what these
people are doing to you yes they may be making you a little money but you can
make more for yourself just like you can spend your money better than the
government can you can earn your money better than
those licensing people can help you to make money
🎃 Halloween Pumpkin Slime video - Easy how to make spooky/cute Halloween pumpkin slime - Duration: 14:06.hey guys it's Julia from June is also will and today I am so excited today I
am going to be making pumpkins and guys this video is published on Wednesday as
it is Halloween to day to day to day it is Halloween today unfortunately guys
there is not going to be a video this Friday as I decided to post it on
Wednesday as it is Halloween hey guys today I am going to making pumpkin slime
with this pumpkin puke and by the way guys week's video I made this be cute
clouds find anything guys are interested in getting this there is a special offer
on my slime shop at least this is only special offer of Halloween and is only
going to be there till this Friday so guys if you want it you can go check it
out there and guys don't forget to like subscribe comment on shit's video your
friends so now let's get rid of this video
okay so what you guys will be needing for this slime is some blue lotion
activator shaving cream and some hand soap for me handsome and we'll be
needing shaving cream as we need to make quite a lot of slime fit my our pumpkin
so that's how I'm going to make it feel and look really nice and fluffy so we're
going to stretch off by adding the video
adding a nice amount of glue that should be enough okay so guys you always want
to stir the blue a little bit after you poured it in it's not always stirred up
boy once it is shipped so guys now let's
move on to lean eggs and Rhydian let's go okay so guys what you'll be needing
next is your shaving foam and your hand soap and guys I forgot to mention you'll
also be needing some food coloring to the slime I'll be using I'll be making
orange as it is pumpkin slime so you want to add your shaving cream and hand
soap first as it will make your salon rider so then you add the color and just
right amount so now to add about five to six punts of this
handsome three two one three four five six and he'll also weren't really good
pump so I'm just gonna add another two
okay and one for good luck okay and now I'm going to add in a bit
every shot
I'm gonna play lots of this I really like shaving for you guys the one way
you don't want our shaving cream is like that because it didn't work shaving
cream so I've got lots of leakage and so now I'm just gonna just stir that up and
guys I'm not going to be using baking soda in this video as i am using shaving
cream so if you were using shaving cream and you don't have baking soda it is
okay cuz shaving cream is liquidy baking's over just in a different form
so I never shave and dream it's just a bit hard to mix it in sometimes as it is
like really fluffy and the blue is usually at the bottom and it takes a
long time to mix it in but it is definitely worth it so guys now I think
that my glue is stirred in oh that is work out I'm going to add my food
coloring so I'm going to start off by opening yellow and I'm going to start
off by adding some year you guys might think that was quite a lot but trust me
guys this is a fluffy sign so it is not much so now I'm just going to try and
add in some pink half I'm just going to add a bit of pink I mean red as it is
stronger so we're trying to make all right I'm not sure how that it's going
to turn out I'm probably going to end up using the hold
and the yellow uses a lot of food coloring fluffy sign so actually guys I
feel like this needs a bit more red and so there's extra my pinky red so if it
looks a bit pink thing yeah it's actually more pink
okay so I'm just going to try and get the right color I love you right back
guys I'll do a little quick timeout role turn
ups okay so guys I think I have the perfect orange and now we are just going
to go ahead and activate and guys if your son does fluff down little whilst
you were activating then you can add some shaving cream at each end so guys
now I'll be right back and walk she doesn't contract it it's like a little
bit first and then oh my gosh - there's something really
nice I've not really ever made that much ever
he's fluffy slime with a foaming hand soap but I'm not this is the only
difference in this slime and it has really made it like like really fluffy
and like nice you know like that looks really nice guys this looks really like
pumpkin slab it just looks a little bit lighter than a normal pumpkin but guys I
did end up using the whole bottle of yellow so and eat it with both hands now
so guys I'll be back boys this time is activated roll time apps
okay so guys now I think I am done activating my time it is actually a
brilliant side it has drift down quite a lot though while I was mixing it so it's
time to add some more shaving cream and I'm just gonna add like a whole bunch
which add about three tons of filming handle okay yeah that was all ages I'm
just loading us up with shaving cream and actually doing the most
shaving cream you cannot in the way out okay that was be allowed okay so now
guys I am there thank you and guys sorry if you hear any
background noises it is just my little birthing room and my little brothers
okay so guys now you just want to mix in your dad machine your slime mixing your
shaving cream is yours and as you guys proven you will expect this shaving
cream will make your son lighter I know it's a bad idea but I really want the
Sun to be fluffy so just keep on mixing or needing likely but guys do you also
have a big enough pumpkin it's like to fit your huge sign or if you want to
have one of those decorative little pumpkins and you can as well just and
then you want to make that sign okay yeah it's the ball so guys now I'm
just going to get my activator again just as it got sticky and you just spray
them active ear or spray just add some add to bitter and guys I'll tell you one
more hat oh my hat or like tip or trick I don't know whatever you want to call
it and once you have activated your slime with this is what
any butter cloud I'm not sure with cloud sometimes that doesn't work flat feet
any type once you have activated your slide and your bowl is still dirty or
your spoon and your spatula you can just use your sign to clean it oh so guys
here is my sign I think I'm going to a tad more up to meter I mean it's really
nice so I'm just going to move this in and by the way guys I'll make my day if
you couldn't get this video up to 10 or 15 nights don't make my day if you guys
could get this video up to 15 likes so now guys time for the big reveal
me I got shot and stuff this slam into this top one busy job
is try and bring my boobs super-heavy pumpkin up and I like try and stuff this
line into their pet no idea how this is gonna go but I was kind of trying to do
like this little bit of like a slime puking's pumpkin puking slimes so I'm
just gonna try and go ahead and repeat that thingy so like I'm just going to
shoot em I feel like the slimes a little sticky to do this with so I'm just gonna
take some of the slime stuff it into that pumpkin right here just like that
and then I'm just gonna like alright put it in like that like you guys can see it
is just like I'm just like trying to attach this slide I don't think it is
sticky enough so what you'll y'all I'm going to do is I'm true trying figure
this out and I'll be right back guys when I figure this out see ya
okay so guys here I am back with the pump in that is puking out slime so what
I'm just going to do so guys why did I just tried it like stuff and like slime
inside of the pumpkin and I just like two feet or so somewhere didn't be
sticky and just pushed it out into the mouth so guys I'm sorry guys
this is my pumpkin and guys I hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave
a like subscribe comment and share this video your friends oh you guys and if I
have mentioned don't forget to check this time out the last two days of the
special offer Halloween
Bestfriend Does My Halloween Make-Up! *HILARIOUS* - Duration: 11:48.-------------------------------------------
How to Make Coconut Ladoos for Diwali 🌼| Evite Recipes - Duration: 1:33.(hindi music plays)
|How to make Youtube Thumbnail on android | HD & Attractive thumbnail Banao views pao | - Duration: 7:08.-------------------------------------------
How to Make $1,000 Your FIRST WEEK Doing CPA Marketing - Duration: 13:39.what's going on guys today I'm going to teach you how to make immediate money
with cpa marketing alright so you want to make immediate money with cpa
marketing but you've had experience with cpa marketing in the past and it hasn't
really gone your way i've been there i understand it well today i have your
solution now this is something that i've done in the past to test out i don't do
it full disclosure i do not do this but it is a way in a method that you can use
to make about a thousand to two thousand dollars immediately so maybe not
immediately that's the wrong word just a hype caption to get a click for the
video but you can make it within a week or two obviously depending on the
network you won't get paid that money out immediately so it might be a week or
two before you actually see that money but you can make it right here right now
and then obviously get paid in a week or two down the road so this is something
like i said i've done to test out the theory and it works full heartedly it's
also something that i've taught over a thousand i believe the the course now
has roughly ten thousand people in it so it's about something i've taught
thousands and thousands of thousands of people to do and people have seen
success with so what are you doing how does it work typically with cpa
marketing you're trying to push your links to people so i've taught people to
do that in the past by you know spamming out email links and that can certainly
work although google has gotten a little bit more vigilant and has cracked down
on spammy email content like that with links so it's a little bit more
difficult now although it still can work if you warm up that account slowly I've
also taught it you know Facebook ads I've also taught it you know building
out kind of like a CPA blog I've also taught it generating traffic with
automation on Instagram there's so many ways I'd go down the list of how you can
approach CPA marketing and make money doing it you can also drop links and
Facebook groups once you've ingratiate yourself in there you can also do it on
reddit and sub-form or subreddits and forums and stuff like that like I said a
million waste but you want to know how you can make immediate money and do it
consistently this is your answer so before we get into the method before
actually teach you exactly what to do to make the money I want to go ahead and
talk about you know the ethics of this now this is some
that I went ahead and tested myself to give an answer to people that were all
over the internet asking because I've taught people how to make money online
for probably about a year and a half now obviously I do it then I teach people
how to do it so people the number one question that I would get is Brian I
want to start exeunt sometimes it was private labeling sometimes it was
Shopify dropshipping sometimes it was creating content and it was like you
know I don't have money to invest in products I don't have money to spend on
ads I don't have money to buy a camera or a computer you know how can I get
started with no money and typically my answer was you can't you don't you you
need money or you need to spend your time or you need to do something to you
know start a business you can't really start any business with no money so I I
kind of searched for a way that I could you know show and demonstrate and
basically figure out a way that people that were asking me this question that I
could give them an answer and basically say here's how you can do it take the
money that you make from this and invest it into a longer-term business so this
is that answer this is how you can do it but it's not 100 percent ethical and yes
it will work and yes you can get paid about a thousand to 2,000 in about a
week or two on a CPA Network but I don't suggest doing this long term I don't
suggest scaling this up and I do suggest if you're gonna do this
get your thousand or two and get out it's not fully ethical and it's not
necessarily a scalable business take the money that you earn from this and
reinvest it into a business that is actually scalable in the future so
that's your Amazon private labeling your content creation you know all sorts of
stuff I plan on putting videos out in the near future on the top five
businesses all across the board so I've been scripting a video taught by
businesses for beginners in 2019 coming up top five businesses you know four
that you've honestly never heard of top five business opportunities that you've
never heard of so stuff like that if you're looking for a business to you
want to take some immediate money that you make from doing this and you want to
invest it in a longer-term business check those videos out coming in the
near future and if you're new here obviously subscribe so that you can see
them and you hit that Bell notification too so you get notified you don't miss
anything moving on let's jump into the business model what is this immediate
CPA marketing technique that's gonna make you money well put simply it
I pee hopping it's clicking your own CPM marketing links filling them out and
hopping on other IP addresses now there are multiple ways to do this I'm going
to show you the full heart of business model here in a nutshell we're not going
to too in-depth with it but I will show you exactly what to do and how it works
so typically what I would do is I'm gonna go right here to an example
affiliate link now this you can do this with with free affiliate links too um
and make affiliate money but I highly suggest going the CPA route if you're
gonna go the CPA route the best way to do it is getting free email submits so
single opt-ins if you're unfamiliar with about a single opt-in put simply a
single opt-in CPA link is something where you send the link out or you give
the link out to somebody and it doesn't cost them anything at all to for you to
get paid so if I send you a link you click that link and you submit an email
through that link the company that's gonna pay me gets you as a lead okay so
you become their lead and they pay me a commission for you submitting the email
to them that's a single opt-in so you're gonna go after single opt-ins and then
you're basically gonna put an email in there and fill them out yourself and
collect CPA commissions like that but like I said it's all not a short it's
not a long-term strategy it's just a short-term strategy to make some quick
money so you need a quick thousand or two thousand dollars to invest in a
long-term business this is your answer so basically here we are on my website
and the Edit you know obviously in the in the you know where I edit the website
I don't know what I was trying to say so what basically what I do is I come down
here and I would create a new page I don't know why I can't see it that was
weird for whatever reason can't see you manage pages but I'm just gonna add a
page here so we're gonna add a page and the key here is and this is something I
go over in depth in my CPA marketing innovation course so it's called CPA
marketing it's cpa marketing ninja immediate money and if you guys want
that course it's basically gonna teach you in-depth exactly what i'm gonna show
you how to make money online with cpa marketing like this and IP hop cuz
there's some other things that I can't really get I can't really you know spend
an hour or two teaching every single nuance of this I'm just gonna give you
the nuts and bolts of the business model so you understand it and if obviously
you have experience go ahead and take that experience and
try to perform it yourself but there are some things to keep in mind so that you
don't get you know detected you obviously keep that commission and so on
and so forth but I'm gonna show you obviously the business model and they're
not shot right here so I'm gonna create a page right here and just name it
whatever it's important to keep in mind that when you're creating a page you can
do this on any website builder you can do it on Wix you can do it on you know
GoDaddy WordPress any of them literally any of them what you name it is gonna be
the the link for your page so hypothetically let's call this test page
okay and then we're gonna go to the test page and we're going to one thing that
you're also gonna want going to want to do is I'm gonna go back to manage pages
right here is I'm gonna click these three things that I'm gonna hide this
page now you could hide a page so that you can't see it on the normal you know
website there's no link for you have to know the specific URL to get there you
want to hide your page you don't want your affiliate manager to see your page
it needs to be hidden on your website so you're gonna have to go through and
create an entire website you know that not a full website but just something
that looks legit with maybe it's like a blog with a couple blog entries or you
know a picture blog with a bunch of picture things and kind of captions on
what those pictures are you know whatever it is you do have to have a
legit looking website and then you're gonna hide a page on that legit looking
website so that when your affiliate manager goes to the website it looks
like a legitimate website that's creating traffic that's the key so this
is a hidden page on my website and if I wanted to do this what I would do is I
would start adding links so let's pretend that this is a CPA single opt-in
link I would copy it and I would simply add some text right here if I can add
text why there we go and I would basically say well I will title it
whatever it is so this specifically is an affiliate link it's dot-com secrets I
get a slight filly Commission when I recommend this free trial or this free
book to people it's actually something I do do on my other channel a little bit
but for specific reasons here let's just pretend that this is a CPI single opt-in
offer because I'm not gonna pull them in max bounty homepage to show you all my
Commission's and everything that I'm running and I'm also making money with
CPA marketing in other ways and it's not necessarily something I want to fully
disclose right here so let's just pretend
komm secrets is a is a CPA single opt-in link so what I do is I might say dot-com
secrets and then I would turn that into a link pretty simple paste a web address
to a new window and that would be to the dot-com affiliate links and then
basically what I would do is I would just start building links on this page
because remember this page is hidden you don't need it to look legit it's a fully
hidden page so then maybe I get another affiliate link in let's pretend this is
a different cpa link sorry CPA pretend this is a different CPA link I simply
add and some more text make another link I don't know why this is uh there we go
it's at another one and we'll print this one is like free dog food because
there's a bunch of single opt-ins where people can opt in to you know have a
chance to win single dog or dog food for a year or something like that and when
they submit the email you get paid so then I would go through and I put a link
for this one to a web address in a new window and hit done and I will just
start building my links on this page and remember if you put like 10 to 15 here
all you're basically going to do is you're gonna go to a different IP
address so there's two ways to do this you can go to a different IP address
when I specifically tested this out I will go to libraries
I would go to ups stores I would go to FedEx stores I would go to staples stuff
like that where you can get free computers and just hop on a different IP
address really faster you know the URL you walk into the store you type in the
URL you click the link like three links put your submit your emails boom boom
boom you just made five to ten bucks like that easy now imagine if you did
that at a hundred stores a day or fifty stores a day that's a pretty penny that
you're earning very very fast so that's how you do it
that's the CPA hopping and the IP hopping in a nutshell you want to build
a bunch of links now I specifically want to do this I just did it from Mac's
bounty but you can do it with a bunch of CPA now except maybe add like five for
max bounty five from here fly five from you know CPA lead fry from a bunch of
them and then go through and submit you know three to five per IP address so
three to five max you don't want to get greedy with this just three to five max
obviously you need to create your own email addresses or you
just you know generate them from online but you need legitimate email address
too so you're gonna need legitimate email a new IP address and then and then
simply click your links and fill the the email into that CPA link and that's how
you make the immediate Commission so it's super super easy if I was gonna
publish this for example this would be a hidden page right so let me just show
you exactly what I mean I'm gonna BG media innovation comm slash was a test
page of course maybe I didn't aim at that I don't remember but basically if I
went to the page and let's just hypothetically say that this is the page
and I click those two links it would show up just like this page if I
previewed it so this is what the page would look like basically obviously once
it's done and then if I click com secrets and I go to here and I'd fill
out my email for this and click Submit and as soon as I got click Submit I
would get paid in affiliate or a CPA Commission that's IP hopping in a
nutshell that's how you can make immediate money with CPA marketing right
here right now to day so if you like this video give it a thumbs up let me
know that you appreciate the value in the content today and that lets me know
that I can make more videos like this in the future for you on top of that if you
if you're new here please consider subscribing I plan on putting a lot more
videos out like this in the near future of how you can make money online and
with that being said also to guys I have my full CPM marketing a $10 discount
link to this full CPA marketing course if you want to learn the ins and outs of
how to actually perform this and do this yourself that's a $10 discount link in
the description it'll be the first link in the description if you want to go
ahead and grab that and learn how you can generate a thousand to two thousand
dollars pretty much overnight now you won't be yet you won't obviously get
paid that for about a week or two depending on when your cpa network
actually pays out but if you're gonna go that route and you are gonna make that
money through that course please remember that this is not a long-term
business strategy you cannot take this and do this long term it's simply a
short method and strategy that you can use to make a thousand to two thousand
dollars pretty much overnight with cpa marketing so hope you guys like this
video and i'll see you the next one
How To Make Murk Malai Kabab/ Hyderabadi Barbeque - Duration: 6:04.Put 1kg Chicken In The Bowl
1tbsp Salt
1&1/2tbsp Ginger Garlic Paste
4tbsp Green Chilli Paste
1/4tbsp Elaichi Powder
1/4tbsp Daal Cheeni Powder
1/4tbsp Shazeera
3tbsp Kaju Powder
Mix It well
3tbsp Salad Oil
Mix It
2tbsp Malai
2tbsp Cream
2tbsp Dahi
Should i make English Videos/Soll ich meine Videos auf Englisch machen? - Duration: 1:26.Hello Guys
welcome to this Video
today its no gaming Video
because i am going to talk about something different
Should i make english Videos?
Make your opinion in the poll (i dont know if its the right word i used google translator)
Now i just talk important things for my german viewers so you can close the video now
How to make Gift box - Rectangle, Origami gift box for Kids - Duration: 5:54.How to make Gift box - Rectangle, Origami gift box for Kids
How To Make Khasta Mathri Cashew At Home|Namak Para Diwali Recipe|Namkeen Maida Kaju Recipe In Hindi - Duration: 5:39.welcome to
today we are going to make mathari cashew
very easy way
lets start..
we have taken 250 gram maida
Ajwain 1 teaspoon
we will mix this in maida
mash it..
add salt 1/2 teaspoon
we have taken refined oil 1 teacup
add and mash the maida for crispiness
everything is mixed well
if you bind the maid after mixing oil it should be like this
this means your crispiness is proper
now we will make one tight dough by adding water
to make dough we have used 1/2 glass of water
we will keep it aside for 10 min
10 min is over now we will apply little oil in hand
we will mash it for 2 min
we have mashed is for 2 min now its ready
now we will cut the mathari in cashew shape
apply some oil in the belan
take a big piece from the dough and role it
apply some oil
roll out the piece of dough from the edges into 5 to 6 inch diameter
we have roll out like poori the thickness should be like this
we have taken one sharp cap
now we will cut the mathari in cashew shape
something like this
now we will cut it from the same line like this and keep it in one plate
same process again
we have cut all the mathari in cashew shape
now we will do the deep fry
we will keep the oil in pan to get heated
oil is heated now, we will add one mathari to check
oil is ready to deep fry the mathari
we should not heat oil more
like smoke comes, in that way the mathari will be burned from outside and not cooked from inside
keep the flame full
we will add how much it will take
we will make it moving from all the side
now we will flip the sides of all the cashew mathari
we have fried this for 5 min in full flame
now we will keep the flame low and fry until it becomes golden brown from both the sides
cashew mathari is ready now, the oil bubble also coming less
now you can see the color also has changed
now we will take it out in one tissue paper applied plate
now we will do the same process for remaining mathari
oil is already heated so we will keep medium high flame
this mathari is also ready now we will take it out this also
mathari is ready now we have kept it for 5 min to get it rest
now we are mixing 1/2 teaspoon chaat masala its optional
if you add chaat masala then taste will increase otherwise also its testy
you can add chilli powder also
mathari is ready
its very delicious and crispy
you can see its too crispy
this festival season make this recipe at home
and enjoy tea time with your family
i hope you will like the recipe
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thanks for watching see you soon in another video.
You make me complete, Séphora - Duration: 2:14.You've got a lot of problems I know,
I've got a lot of fear in my heart,
I'm frozen while I'm watching you go,
Knocking on your door asking can we restart,
And maybe it's an issue I'll fix
or maybe it's a permanent scar,
But every time I hear the word beauty:
I picture your hands when you're turning your car,
I know that I say this to much:
but dammit this shit isn't fair',
you were the taste of my toothbrush
I had you each morning, and night i was there,
you were the note on my stave,
you fit like a glove on my hand
you are the smile on my face,
you are the beach to my sand,
you make me complete, you made me complete,
now I feel defeated,
you make me complete, you made me complete,
now I feel defeated,
you make me complete, you made me complete,
now I feel defeated,
you make me complete, you made me complete.
Huda Beauty NEW NUDE PALETTE. Swatches, Comparazioni, Preview e Make up Tutorial - Duration: 15:42.
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ଗୁଲୁଗୁଲା// ଓଡିଶାର ସୁଇଟ୍ ଡିସ୍// Gulgula // How to make Gulgule - Duration: 3:11.Welcome to Dibya's Delcydish
Today i am going to prepare Gulgula(sweet dish of odisha)
1 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup suji (simoline)
4tsp sugar, refined oil
1 tsp fennel seed
1 pinch salt and 1/2 tsp baking soda
Take a bowl
Put all these ingredients in it
Mix it well
Then add water as per requirement and make a dough
Like this
Cover it for 30 minutes
After 30 minutes it is ready for fry
Heat oil
Put the gulgula in it
Fry on low- medium flame
It is fry now, take it out in a plate
Gulgula is ready to serve now.
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