Welcome my friends.
I'm Alive!
I have risen from my solitude, so if you want to hear where I have been for the last five
six months, all the crazy stuff that has gone down and all the crazy cool stuff that is
coming, then stay tuned because all that is coming up next.
Hello my friends.
This is Rachel Stewart with Spend Smart Live Happy.
Thank you so much for checking in.
Thank you to all of my subscribers who have stayed with me throughout this last five six
months, but hey I have so much to tell you and I am really really excited to discuss
with you the kind of future of this channel and where things are going.
So the big question.. where have I been for the last five six months?
I dont think I have posted videos since February or like March time-frame, and I am kinda literally
like a new person!
Since that time, my life has exploded!
I dont think I could run fast enough to keep up with the rapid changes, so you know for
all of you who have been loyal subscribers over the last year and a half or so since
I started my channel.
Thank you, thank you, my heart is out to all of you and basically you know that this channel
has been dedicated to my journey towards minimalism, natural living, and getting out of debt, just
living my dream life, and all of that.
I have been doing that.
So, geez, since you last saw me, I dont know if you can tell a difference but I have lost
another twenty pounds.
I have done all of that without diet pills, without a gym membership, without a personal
trainer, without starving myself.
I did all the old fashioned, hard work, eating healthy, exercising when I can, nothing extreme.
Just really changing my life.
Some of the big big news that has happened recently.
Over this last like six months I was working really hard at my job, I was busting my butt.
Getting a couple of promotions, to where ultimately a matter of months ago I got the largest promotion
of my career, making the most money I have ever made before, more than I could ever have
imagined Id be making this young- this early in my career.
And it was so interesting.
This is what I want to really start talking to you guys about.
So here I was, I literally had everything I thought I always wanted, everything.
I was exactly where I wanted to be and I was the most miserable I had ever been.
I mean personally, in my personal life with all of the other things that I have been changing,
it was incredible, I had never been happier!
My health, you know my relationships, my finances, everything, I had never been happier.
But as far as going to work everyday and doing what I do for a living, I was the most miserable
I had ever been.
It was a really big learning experience for me, and it has really made me think a lot
about whats actually most important to me, and what is my life purpose, and all the things
I have been talking to you about for the last year and half!
It has just really really come to a head.
So, I made a really big decision, and I quit my job!
I quit my corporate nine-to-five, which wasn't really actually nine-to-five as it was really
actually like sixty hours or more a week.
Thats not really a nine-to-five.
But I quit it.
I walked away from the biggest promotion, the biggest salary, I have ever had to do
what you might ask?
Well, thats what I want to share with you.
I dont want to make my living as a slave, I dont want to make my living doing what feels
meaningless to me or unfulfilling or unsatisfying.
Money is not what is most important.
Yes you need to have your basic essential needs met, but whats most important is whats
So I want to live every day feeling fulfilled.
I want to be in a positive environment, surrounded by positive people, filled with love, and
yeah I know that might sound a little too hippie for you but its possible!
Who says you have to be miserable every day that you go to work?
Who says you have to be subjected to abuse or negativity or any type of mistreatment
for a paycheck?
Who says that?
Not me!
So I am paving my own way.
I have in this last six months of my absence, in hopes of moving this direction.
I enrolled in a health coach/life coach program so that I can help other people make all of
the changes that I have made in my life that have been bringing me so much true joy and
I want to help women lose weight, or men, the healthy way.
You dont have to starve yourself, you dont have to work out three hours a day, six days
a week in the gym.
You dont have to eat 1200 calories a day, are you freaking kidding me?
Who wants to live off of 1200 calories a day...crackers and apples.
That is miserable.
I eat like 2000 calories a day.
I eat avocados and nuts, oils and carbs and all of that good stuff, protein, I LOVE IT!
I have never been so satisfied in my life.
I eat more and I work out less, and I have lost like 65 lbs.
So I want to teach women/men how to do that.
In the last six months I have got off quite a few of the medications that I take for a
condition that I have, and I will talk more about that later down the road but its been
I want to show people that your choice is not sickness or pharmaceuticals, that through
lifestyle, diet, nutrition, exercise, yoga, meditation, these types of lifestyle changes,
it is possible a lot of the time to get off medications or at least significantly reduce
And decrease those side effects and other negative things that you may be experiencing.
I want to teach people that if you have stress issues, if you have high anxiety.
I have pretty much almost eliminated my anxiety, whereas for many years it was pretty debilitating.
So there is just a lot of things like that, and by getting this health coach certification,
and additional training to enhance the knowledge that I have already gained through personal
experience, that I will be able to help people, and I am so just thrilled that through this
youtube channel, I already have a world wide audience.
I already have nearly a thousand people who are subscribed to this channel who are interested
in these very types of things.
This kind f mind body spirit experience of being more self sufficient, being reliant,
and more natural, not having all of the chemicals.
Getting control of your finances, living on less, having a life that is de-cluttered,
and eliminating the waste and the excess, the things that you dont need.
Getting rid of toxic relationships.
If you want true and lasting change, you cant just say "I want to look better in a bikini".
Because you know what- the way you do one thing is the way you do everything, and it
is all about just like altering your mindset because if you change your thoughts, then
you can change your mind, and if you change your mind then you can change your reality,
and it is a step by step, day by day process.
Nothing is easy.
The world wants to sell you a quick fix.
Everything is a quick pill, a this a that, and everything is instant gratification.
Unfortunately, thats not how it really works.
I have done it.
I have lost 30-40 lbs in a few months and you know what?
Every time I gained it right back plus 20 more and it was not sustainable.
So its only now in this last year, two years of my life, that I have made what I consider
true and lasting change, and at the same time I have never been so ridiculously happy.
And that is what I want to share with you guys!
So I am going to be sharing more with you in the upcoming weeks and months and certainly
I am going to be rolling out tons of free content for you on nutrition and exercise
and finances and all kinds of things, anything self improvement.
I am a real self improvement junkie, and lots of free content, by all means, subscribe here
and hopefully receive weekly updates, maybe even more than weekly now that my schedule
has changed and you can always come back for more.
Also if you are interested in some more like personal services and you want to talk to
me see what we could do about you making some really critical changes in your life, to let
you be fulfilled, to let you live the life that you want because you deserve it.
Everybody deserves it, and the mind is a powerful thing.
I truly believe that anybody is capable of anything.
Except for flying, I would love to fly, but I dont think I can.
So anyways, if you are new to this channel and you are interested in these types of topics,
please SUBSCRIBE, and leave a comment.
IF you are an old time subscriber, thanks for checking in again and please dont forget
to leave me a comment.
I know you guys have been commenting over the last few months and I haven't really been
totally active.
I promise you I will get back on that, I do love to hear from you.
I do want to get engaged with you.
Because remember there is nothing sexier than just being comfortable in your own skin, share
with the world, be a good person, smile, love, laugh.
THis is Rachel Stewart with Spend Smart Live Happy.
Ill catch you next time!
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