Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily which Oct 10 2017

Hey guys, it's Froggie and today, we're gonna do something a little bit different

I have a face now, so this is kind of fun

So this is the face. I'm gonna use for today, and we're gonna do some vocaloid quizzes

Exciting if you see my eyes and eyebrows randomly moving around I promise it's not my actual eyes and eyebrows moving around randomly

It's just the software is a little bit glitchy anyways. Let's see what they have here. I think we're gonna do

Which Vocaloid or utauloid are you?

We got a nice little picture of them eating lunch at the food court

I like how Rin just squirts mustard on Len's sandwich like "yep

I know you need this much every single day just

Let me do it for you, buddy"

Question number one let's begin with for some of you very easy question


I think they need to spell check this, but carrots are great

Alcohol is life, I'm really into seafood. I like to eat flowers and holy crap how many answers are there, holy?

Okay, I don't think I have time to read all of this. Let's see they say favorite food

Alcohol is that a food?

Hmm flowers I don't know why I just do I like to eat flowers. None of these are my favorite... eggplant

I love it. I actually don't like eggplant so

I'm sorry Gakupoid

Ice-cream or popsicles or anything that can cool down, does that really matter, leek soup sandwich leek anything with leek I love anything

That's spicy. Actually that's not true. I actually can't eat spicy food very often

Rice rice, baby - tea or coffee sure is nice, mmm banana split, crunchy loaf of French bread or any other pastry

I love anything that is sweet

Am actually kind of hungry now right now and this French bread and pastry looks pretty good to me, so let's go with that

Now what's your gender?

I'm a girl so female

So what about your personality? Flirty and pervy...t-tsundere you baka


Sensitive just please be nice to me


Bubbly and happy yay, awkward and weird, open and optimistic, grumpy. I don't even really care. Edgy, very edgy...

I hope

This is the fake edgy. I see here

Someone's trying too hard

introverted I'm not really getting along well with others.

I would say I'm a combination of a few of these

To be honest and it really depends on

What kind of day you're having too, like if you're having a bad day than you're probably grumpy, and you don't care

But if you're having a good day, then you can be bubbly and happy, right

Let's go how I'm feeling right now

Well this is the first time I've made a video like this before so I am feeling very awkward and weird

Okay, what would you do if someone bullied your sibling?

Hmm well I'm an older sister, so I think I would be pretty protective, so let's see. "I wouldn't care"

"I would tell someone to help my sibling." Ha, you wouldn't help them yourself

You're just like "yeah

You know you see that little kid being bullied there? Guess what that's my sibling, and I need you to protect them!"

"I would face the bully and put them in a place"

"How someone even dares to hurt my sibling." I would put them in a place?

What place? You mean to their place? Just haul them back to their house. Yeah, that'll teach that bully

"I I wouldn't know what to do. Try to comfort my sibling and help them"

Yeah, I would face the bully. No one bullies. No, bullying is bad, guys

Okay, do you prefer?

Vocaloids or utauloid? I really can't decide they're both awesome

Vocaloids are the best. Utauloids all the way. I think they're both really good. You know

Despite the fact that utauloids are fan-made so sometimes the quality can be lacking

But there are actually really good utauloids out there, so I think they're both really great

Okay, next question, what type of songs do you like? Sad songs, I love stories behind them. Oh, that is so true

I really do love sad songs and any sort of songs that have like breakup messages and like

all those other things just oh

So good

Happy songs. They always make my day better

anything goes other types, weird and silly songs, perverted songs. Sad songs all the way, all the way guys and

Which genre of songs do you prefer? Pop is great, hip hop or dubstep, slow and melodical?

Anything that is sung by vocaloids or utauloids, other?

Honestly anything that is sung by Vocaloids and utauloids. I would probably check out and think it's awesome, so let's go with that

Choose your fate wait. I got it. I gotta say it like the way it's written here. Fate. Fate!


Fa... capital T capital E ee. Is it like..."Fa-TEE"


I probably sound really weird and awkward right now.

Let's go this one cuz this is funny

Okay, what is this? What is this picture? How do I see shipping here right now? What's happening?

This should be censored

Okay, you expected end of the quiz question mark no not yet your crush confesses

their love to you

What will you do?

Oh my gosh, um let's see. I would shyly run away blush madly and accept.... oh no here it is again. Thier...


Smile blush and hug the person and tell them you have same feelings for them. I would calmy accept their

Okay, this is clearly not just a typo now. I think they just don't know how to spell "their"

I would calmly accept their feelings and kiss them on cheek lips. I would squeak, jump around happily

And accept them excited. I would smile nod out as if you accept them and gently stroke them


Moving on, I would reject them because insert your reason here


I mean if my crush confessed their loved for me, then I would definitely accept. I don't think I would reject

Hmm no what I would hug the person because I really like hugs and watching them a hug makes me want a hug, too

So I would hug them let's see, next question you won a lottery what would you do with the money?

I would spend them on something I'm invested into. Bring it to a different country. Just spend it on something practical, save for later

I think I would spend it on something I'm invested into

Just 'cause I think I can use that money for something that's useful and not just let it lie around... although

Debt is one thing that you have to care about in this world

Okay almost at the end, okay, if you find out that your boyfriend girlfriend is cheating on you. What do you do?

Oh, my gosh. Let's see get mad scold them break away and never talk to them again, tear up and cry and then friendzone them.

Well, I don't think I can be friends with someone who cheated on me

It's just too painful, so I would never talk to them again

Never or is that too harsh guys?

Okay, this is the end yes, okay?

All right

Bye, how do you say bye? Bye, see ya goodbye farewell?

Farewell and goodbye are pretty formal right, so let's just go with see ya

See ya

You are just like

Gakupo woOo

Apparently this quiz gave you results of you being just like the samurai gakupo

You sure have adventurous life or maybe not, but that doesn't change you are very similar to him or you are similar to him

Well, they don't give me reasons for why I'm similar to him. Why am I similar to him?

Cuz I'm adventurous? Is that it?

I don't know

What do you guys think? Do you think I'm like gakupo? Leave your suggestions below?

And if you like this kind of videos, maybe I'll make more in the future

But in the meantime don't forget to subscribe and that's it. I'll see you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> WHICH VOCALOID AM I? Quiz Time! - Duration: 9:13.


Which Beach Would You Choose For Your Vacation? Your Choice Can Reveal A Lot About Your Personality - Duration: 4:52.

Which Beach Would You Choose For Your Vacation?

Your Choice Can Reveal A Lot About Your Personality

Lately, personality tests have become trendy on the Internet.

This latest one was developed by a team of scientists at the University of California.

For more infomation >> Which Beach Would You Choose For Your Vacation? Your Choice Can Reveal A Lot About Your Personality - Duration: 4:52.


Which Shoe Style Fits Your Zodiac Sign? - Duration: 6:46.

Which Shoe Style Fits Your Zodiac Sign?

Want to know what high heeled shoe matches your zodiac sign? Are you the "Glittery Stiletto" or the "Classic Black Pump"? To find out, take a look at our fun and fashionable list based on the typical personality traits for each zodiac sign.

As they say, "If the shoe fits, wear it" — and wear it with style.

1. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

colorful-stilettosWhile Aquarius women are known to be sensitive and excellent communicators, they are also gifted with tremendous creativity. Extremely smart, the Aquarius woman will crave opportunities that will allow her to express her artistic side.

For the most part, the Aquarius woman is easy going, but can be rebellious at times and will stand her ground on issues that are important to her.

Style: Colorful sexy ankle strap stilettos. The Aquarius woman will usually be drawn to shoes that are fun, artsy and make a bold statement.

2. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

silver-eveningHighly imaginative, the Pisces woman sees the world through rose colored glasses. Honest and trustworthy, she sees the good in all things.

The Pisces woman is very social and relies on guidance from her trusted friends. She is prone to daydreaming and craves romantic adventures.

Style: Evening Stilettos. These gorgeous shoes will keep the Pisces woman filled with dreams of romance and far away adventure.

3. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Material: Man Made Suede Heel height 5 inches platform: 3/4 inches True to size Stylish women sexy pumps approx Retail price: $69. 99 Product Code: bowie Like this shoes? Please.

Honest, determined and strong, the Aries woman possesses great leadership skills and is driven to succeed. Independent and disciplined, she is not discouraged by set backs and will always get what she wants though hard work.

She is confident and not afraid to be on the cutting edge. Style: Red peep-toe pump. Bold, yet feminine this style says, "I'm the boss".

4. Aries (April 20 – May 20)

The Taurus woman is not easily distracted from reaching her goals. Some may call her stubborn, but she is in fact hardworking, practical, dependable and is adverse to risks.

She likes to have good things, but tends to be more down to earth and realistic in her approach to life. This style will appeal to the practical and dependable side of the Taurus woman.

5. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Outgoing, flirty, clever and loyal, the Gemini woman is full of dual perspective. She is a strong communicator and has a gift for multi-tasking.

Gemini women are known to be very affectionate and excitable, but are fiercely independent and don't like to be confined by rules and restrictions.

Style: Black Strappy Stiletto. This style is perfect for the flirty Gemini woman who doesn't play by the rules.

6. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Sometimes known for being overly sensitive and emotional, Cancer women can also be quite composed, adaptable and a master at hiding their true feelings. The Cancer woman is extremely protective of her family and is very loyal to her friends.

Conservative by nature, the Cancer woman is reliable, has great empathy and will protect her loved ones at all costs.

Style: The ankle boot. Cancer women will feel safe and can weather any emotional storms in a great pair of stylish booties.

7. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Warm, friendly and full of energy, the Leo woman loves to be the center of attention. Leo woman are usually social creatures who are fearless in their pursuits.

If they can't find adventure, they will create their own. Because of their fearless personalities, the Leo woman will usually be in found in positions of power.

Style: Fringed Stiletto. The Leo woman craves attention and her shoes will always be front and center just like her.

8. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo women are highly discriminating, extremely detailed and neat. Logical thinkers, they tend to be cautious, conservative, organized and meticulous. Virgo women strive for perfection in everything they do. They make reliable friends and can always be counted on in every situation.

Style: Classic black pump. When perfection is your pursuit, the classic black pump is the go to shoe for Virgo women.

9. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Harmony and balance are what the Libra woman craves. She is caring and has a strong sense of justice.

Although the Libra woman strives for stability, she can be prone to extremes if she doesn't take time for herself. The Libra woman is charming and elegant and has no trouble making long lasting friendships.

Above all, the Libra woman is all about a balanced life. Style: The Wedge. The Libra woman will feel confident with the balance of the wedge's beauty and stability.

10. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

One of the most intense and misunderstood zodiac signs, the Scorpio woman is known to be extremely passionate, intelligent, sexual and ambitious.

She is very loyal, but do not attempt to betray her as she will hold a grudge and wait for the perfect moment to strike. Highly self-controlled, the Scorpio woman does not shy away from a challenge.

Her standards are high and if you are a friend, you will be a friend for life as long as your loyalty is equal to hers. Style: The spiked stiletto. When the Scorpio woman puts these on — Run!!!.

11. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Always the optimist, Sagittarius women are constantly looking on the bright side of life. They love adventure and are open to trying new things.

The Sagittarius woman is one of the most kind and forgiving of the zodiac signs. They crave freedom and refuse to be tied down to things that stifle their philosophical pursuits.

Style: The glittery stiletto. Sagittarius women need a shoe that is as bright as their outlook on life.

12. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Practical and intelligent, Capricorn women are always carefully planning their next move. Although they are risk adverse, they are extremely ambitious and will stop at nothing when it comes to reaching their goals.

The Capricorn woman exudes confidence and knows what she is capable of. Style: Classic spectator pump. Timeless and elegant, this heel is practical yet stylish enough for the ambitious Capricorn woman.

For more infomation >> Which Shoe Style Fits Your Zodiac Sign? - Duration: 6:46.


Which foods help to fight sickness? - Duration: 2:25.

but foods how to fight sickness chicken soup chicken soup is a natural

decongestant that prevents the cells which cause stuffy nose and coughing it

also proves to be effective during fever it is an excellent source of proteins

with men's mineral calories and fluid soup deal with throat inflammation and

dehydrates the body ginger ginger work wonders for relieving nausea ginger is

light on the stomach and contains many benefits including preventing

indigestion and related problems it also has antioxidants and

anti-inflammatory properties honey honey has antioxidant properties which leaves

positive effects on circulation and blood pressure our common concern about

cholesterol is dealt with effectively by taking honey on a regular basis in

controlling chronic cough honey supersedes conventional over-the-counter

cough remedies in addition honey comes as a quick fix for treating ordinary

wounds and burns spicy food spicy food contains capsaicin which helps in

lessening nasal and sinus congestion by breaking down tough mucus banana bananas

provide relief from cramps and diarrhea it is a part of brat food which mostly

doctor recommends for stomach ailments banana is a rich source of fruit sugars

and potassium and it provides instant energy yogurt yogurt is a superb food to

eat when sick it is full of calcium vitamins and minerals which help to

prevent osteoporosis probiotic and yogurt is desirable for digestive health

and immune system oat meal oats is one of the healthiest diets oats are high in

fiber and contain antioxidants beta glucan found in oats also helps to

reduce weight colloid or oatmeal is particularly useful for treating itchy

and dry skin and maintains cholesterol and blood sugar levels avocado avocado

is full of nutrients and carries many health benefits it lowers the risk of

life-threatening diseases like coronary heart disease and cancer

moreover it helps to maintain blood sugar and blood pressure level avocado

is proves to be great for skin arthritis and diabetes

For more infomation >> Which foods help to fight sickness? - Duration: 2:25.


McFly's Harry Judd opens up on horror marijuana addiction which left him riddled with paranoia - Duration: 2:29.

McFly's Harry Judd opens up on horror marijuana addiction which left him riddled with 'paranoia and crippling anxiety': 'I became a bona fide stoner'

HARRY Judd has opened up for the first time about his battle with marijuana – an addiction which left him riddled with paranoia and anxiety. Harry Judd has opened up about his addiction [Getty].

The McFly singer, who is now the picture of health with his own book Get Fit, Get Happy, has revealed that in his younger years in the band, he suffered from anxiety, paranoia and OCD – all thanks to a horror addiction to smoking weed.

The Strictly Come Dancing winner claimed he was smoking up to six joints a day – and couldn't even quit when the band's manager tried to read him the riot act.

Sure, being out there with the band was a blast, the 31 year old told The Sun.

But even when I was playing to thousands and lapping up the adulation of the fans, it always felt good returning to the band house so I could roll up and spark up. Harry Judd alongside the rest of McFly [Getty].

To me, it became a part of life. I became a full-on, bona fide stoner for two years.. When speaking about his manager begging him to quit and him continuing regardless, he added: This was the worst mistake of my life.

Harry went on to say that despite the band enjoying worldwide success, he was unable to stop thinking about sparking up – saying he couldn't function without it.

He added that the physical effects of anxiety and paranoia became unbearable, revealing he was a panic-stricken mess when he went to the Brit Awards in 2005.

Danny Jones, Tom Fletcher, Dougie Poynter and Harry Judd of the band McFly [Getty].

It was from then on that he decided to get help – heading straight to The Priory rehabilitation centre, after smoking six joints a day.

Exercise has helped me turn my life around, he confessed. It was my go-to weapon in the battle to stop smoking. It helped fill the gap left when I stopped drinking alcohol.

And it massively improved my ability to do my job as a musician. The more active I am, the less I find myself in the grip of these strange compulsions.. Harry Judd and newborn son Kit [Harry Judd/Instagram].

Harry, who recently welcomed his second child with wife Izzy, added: We all know we should exercise, but so many of us don't. I totally get why.

I want to change the way people think about exercise, because when it comes to treating everything from anxiety to panic attacks to depression, a little regular exercise can go a very long way to helping us..

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