Hey guys, it's Froggie and today, we're gonna do something a little bit different
I have a face now, so this is kind of fun
So this is the face. I'm gonna use for today, and we're gonna do some vocaloid quizzes
Exciting if you see my eyes and eyebrows randomly moving around I promise it's not my actual eyes and eyebrows moving around randomly
It's just the software is a little bit glitchy anyways. Let's see what they have here. I think we're gonna do
Which Vocaloid or utauloid are you?
We got a nice little picture of them eating lunch at the food court
I like how Rin just squirts mustard on Len's sandwich like "yep
I know you need this much every single day just
Let me do it for you, buddy"
Question number one let's begin with for some of you very easy question
I think they need to spell check this, but carrots are great
Alcohol is life, I'm really into seafood. I like to eat flowers and holy crap how many answers are there, holy?
Okay, I don't think I have time to read all of this. Let's see they say favorite food
Alcohol is that a food?
Hmm flowers I don't know why I just do I like to eat flowers. None of these are my favorite... eggplant
I love it. I actually don't like eggplant so
I'm sorry Gakupoid
Ice-cream or popsicles or anything that can cool down, does that really matter, leek soup sandwich leek anything with leek I love anything
That's spicy. Actually that's not true. I actually can't eat spicy food very often
Rice rice, baby - tea or coffee sure is nice, mmm banana split, crunchy loaf of French bread or any other pastry
I love anything that is sweet
Am actually kind of hungry now right now and this French bread and pastry looks pretty good to me, so let's go with that
Now what's your gender?
I'm a girl so female
So what about your personality? Flirty and pervy...t-tsundere you baka
Sensitive just please be nice to me
Bubbly and happy yay, awkward and weird, open and optimistic, grumpy. I don't even really care. Edgy, very edgy...
I hope
This is the fake edgy. I see here
Someone's trying too hard
introverted I'm not really getting along well with others.
I would say I'm a combination of a few of these
To be honest and it really depends on
What kind of day you're having too, like if you're having a bad day than you're probably grumpy, and you don't care
But if you're having a good day, then you can be bubbly and happy, right
Let's go how I'm feeling right now
Well this is the first time I've made a video like this before so I am feeling very awkward and weird
Okay, what would you do if someone bullied your sibling?
Hmm well I'm an older sister, so I think I would be pretty protective, so let's see. "I wouldn't care"
"I would tell someone to help my sibling." Ha, you wouldn't help them yourself
You're just like "yeah
You know you see that little kid being bullied there? Guess what that's my sibling, and I need you to protect them!"
"I would face the bully and put them in a place"
"How someone even dares to hurt my sibling." I would put them in a place?
What place? You mean to their place? Just haul them back to their house. Yeah, that'll teach that bully
"I I wouldn't know what to do. Try to comfort my sibling and help them"
Yeah, I would face the bully. No one bullies. No, bullying is bad, guys
Okay, do you prefer?
Vocaloids or utauloid? I really can't decide they're both awesome
Vocaloids are the best. Utauloids all the way. I think they're both really good. You know
Despite the fact that utauloids are fan-made so sometimes the quality can be lacking
But there are actually really good utauloids out there, so I think they're both really great
Okay, next question, what type of songs do you like? Sad songs, I love stories behind them. Oh, that is so true
I really do love sad songs and any sort of songs that have like breakup messages and like
all those other things just oh
So good
Happy songs. They always make my day better
anything goes other types, weird and silly songs, perverted songs. Sad songs all the way, all the way guys and
Which genre of songs do you prefer? Pop is great, hip hop or dubstep, slow and melodical?
Anything that is sung by vocaloids or utauloids, other?
Honestly anything that is sung by Vocaloids and utauloids. I would probably check out and think it's awesome, so let's go with that
Choose your fate wait. I got it. I gotta say it like the way it's written here. Fate. Fate!
Fa... capital T capital E ee. Is it like..."Fa-TEE"
I probably sound really weird and awkward right now.
Let's go this one cuz this is funny
Okay, what is this? What is this picture? How do I see shipping here right now? What's happening?
This should be censored
Okay, you expected end of the quiz question mark no not yet your crush confesses
their love to you
What will you do?
Oh my gosh, um let's see. I would shyly run away blush madly and accept.... oh no here it is again. Thier...
Smile blush and hug the person and tell them you have same feelings for them. I would calmy accept their
Okay, this is clearly not just a typo now. I think they just don't know how to spell "their"
I would calmly accept their feelings and kiss them on cheek lips. I would squeak, jump around happily
And accept them excited. I would smile nod out as if you accept them and gently stroke them
Moving on, I would reject them because insert your reason here
I mean if my crush confessed their loved for me, then I would definitely accept. I don't think I would reject
Hmm no what I would hug the person because I really like hugs and watching them a hug makes me want a hug, too
So I would hug them let's see, next question you won a lottery what would you do with the money?
I would spend them on something I'm invested into. Bring it to a different country. Just spend it on something practical, save for later
I think I would spend it on something I'm invested into
Just 'cause I think I can use that money for something that's useful and not just let it lie around... although
Debt is one thing that you have to care about in this world
Okay almost at the end, okay, if you find out that your boyfriend girlfriend is cheating on you. What do you do?
Oh, my gosh. Let's see get mad scold them break away and never talk to them again, tear up and cry and then friendzone them.
Well, I don't think I can be friends with someone who cheated on me
It's just too painful, so I would never talk to them again
Never or is that too harsh guys?
Okay, this is the end yes, okay?
All right
Bye, how do you say bye? Bye, see ya goodbye farewell?
Farewell and goodbye are pretty formal right, so let's just go with see ya
See ya
You are just like
Gakupo woOo
Apparently this quiz gave you results of you being just like the samurai gakupo
You sure have adventurous life or maybe not, but that doesn't change you are very similar to him or you are similar to him
Well, they don't give me reasons for why I'm similar to him. Why am I similar to him?
Cuz I'm adventurous? Is that it?
I don't know
What do you guys think? Do you think I'm like gakupo? Leave your suggestions below?
And if you like this kind of videos, maybe I'll make more in the future
But in the meantime don't forget to subscribe and that's it. I'll see you guys in the next video
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