sorry no light!!
Video: Here's what to expect from Sunday's storm - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
What K-Pop fans do... - Duration: 1:35.When will I go to Korea!
Oh God Please!
Please send it to me!
What to know before taking your dog trick-or-treating this halloween - Meow Meow SG - Duration: sure that your dog's costume fits well without impairing your pups
movement vision our breathing it's candy collection is going to take a while pack
water and a bowl for your dog and give him plenty of breaks to rest along the
way and as always keep your pet on a leash stress is dr. Rachel barrack of
animal acupuncture with all the loud noises and scary costumes you want to be
sure that you can steer your pup out of trouble when needed before heading out
have a plan in place to get your dog home safely if you find he isn t
enjoying the walk never force your dog to endure a frightening situation as it
will only make things worse down the road your dog may lose interest so have
an exit plan in place should it be too stressful for your dog berrak tells the
dodo perhaps one parent can bring the pup home and another continue
trick-or-treating with your kids
First Ever Bird's-Eye View Video Of North Korea Shows What Pyongyang Is Really Like - Duration: 2:12.First Ever Bird's-Eye View Video Of North Korea Shows What Pyongyang Is Really Like
Singaporean photographer Aram Pan shot a 360-degree aerial video of Pyongyang, North Korea for the first time ever.
Pan was permitted by the communist country's authority to shoot the video on a microlight aircraft for a project called DPRK360.
In contrast to prevailing public opinion, Aram claimed the North Korean government was actually surprisingly permissive about filming.
An official (from relevant authorities) censored my footage and erased some of the photos.
But still, I was able to keep 90 percent of my work. — Aram Pan.
Pan believes his relaxed attitude towards North Korean people had loosened their strict privacy regime for him.
"North Korea prohibits any footage of its military, soldiers and construction sites.
But when it comes to other things, it wasn't very restrictive." — Aram Pan.
The rare aerial footage of North Koreas capital, Pyongyang, showed that the city was looking very clean and modern.
Although the footage showed many colorful skyscrapers, modern highways, and newly constructed bridges, viewers have been commenting on the bizarre emptiness of the streets.
Check out the entire footage of them flying over Pyongyang below (for best results, view in Google Chrome):.
Source: Koreaherald.
Hypnosis Works: Careful What You Wish For - Duration: 1:58.Hey guys, it's Sasha happy Friday. I hope you are having a wonderful day and that
you're looking forward to this great weekend. It looks like the weather is
gonna be gorgeous. I'm here in beautiful and funky Venice Beach and today I want
to share a very cool story with you of how I literally had to de hypnotize a
client after giving her a particular suggestion, because it turns out that her
mind ran with it, so what ended up happening was a client came in and she
wanted to release some weight, so I gave her the standard suggestions and one of
the suggestions that she requested was that she wanted to make it so that she
drank more water so I said yeah I can totally do that. So I started giving her
all these suggestions and one of the suggestions that I gave her was that
from that moment on she was gonna always be thirsty and she was gonna constantly
want to drink water. Well, it turned out it worked so well that she was waking up
in the middle of the night just to drink water so she called me up and said Sasha
I you need to fix this, because I'm waking up in the middle of the night
like, it's too much so what happened is that I had her come back in and I
fixed it. I gave her the suggestions that she was going to be really thirsty
during her waking hours and then that did it. So it just goes to show you that
a lot of times, our minds can take suggestions very literally and they can
just run with them and that's why it's important that our minds are really
getting good inputs as opposed to the negative stuff, because a lot of times, we
don't even realize all of the stuff that our mind is doing.
Alright guys, I hope
you're having a wonderful day and I look forward to chatting with you again soon.
MIT's New App lets your Car tell you what it needs. - Duration: 1:19.A research team from MIT is developing a new smartphone app that can tell if Car tires
need air, spark plugs are bad, or air filter needs replacing.
This App wouldn't need to know anything about the car's history or to connect to
it in any way; the information would be derived from analyzing the car's sounds and vibrations,
as measured by the phone's microphone and accelerometers.
This smartphone app could save the average driver $125 a year and improve their overall
gas mileage by a few percentage points..
For trucks, the savings could run to $600 a year, not counting the benefits of avoiding
breakdowns that could result in lost income.
The basic idea is to provide diagnostic information that can warn the driver of upcoming issues
or needed routine maintenance, before these conditions lead to breakdowns or blowouts.
Many of the diagnostics are derived by using machine-learning processes to compare many
recordings of sound and vibration from well-tuned cars with similar ones that have a specific
what music are you into [VF] - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
Witnesses Share What They Saw During Fairhope Police Shooting - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
[ Spain ] [ Catalan ] October 28 2017 - Crisis of Catalonia : What's next ? - Duration: 4:50.Crisis of Catalonia: What's next?
The central government takes the direct power the new elections, the police substitution,
the use of force, the defiant Catalans ... will be the next.
Catalonia declared, independence, the Spanish central, government dismissed , Premier Carles
Puigdemont, and other officials, in the government apparatus, dissolving the, Catalan parliament,
declaring new elections, on Dec. 21.
What will happen next, in Spain's deepest, political crisis, in 40 years, of democracy?
Here are some, scenarios that may, occur in the next, few days.
Direct Takeings: Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has sacked, the entire government,
including Premier, Carles Puigdemont, and Deputy Premier, Oriol Junqueras.
It seems that, the government departments, will directly lie in power.
controlling the Catalonian, government until the election.
Election: It is not clear, whether the election, will solve the crisis.
A poll by the journal, El Periodico (Spain), on Oct. 22 shows that, the next election could
yield, the same result, as before 2015. with the ruling coalition, are pro-independence
Some other polls, show that Catalonia, is under great divide, between two advocates,
and opposition to ,independence.
Civil disobedience: The separatist groups, in Catalonia, are calling for civil ,disobedience,
to orders from, the central government.
It is unclear whether, this appeal will be, effective.
Use of force: Spain's central government says, there are no plans, to arrest anyone ,but
it is unclear, what the government, will do if Catalan, civil servants refuse, to leave.
More analysts, are concerned that, there will be, a confrontation, if national police intervene.
A few days ago, the central government, said it would deploy police, to Catalonia keeping
the, security.
Police: A major issue, and concern, in the exercise, of Catalonia's direct rule, regarding
the Catalan, police force.
the Mossos d'Esquadra force, is currently 17,000.
Prime Minister Rajoy said, he would sack, Josep Lluis Trapero, commander of the Mossos
d'Esquadra, who was under suspicion, of inciting rebellion.
Speaking to Reuters, some Mossos d'Esquadra police, officers said, there was a high degree,
of internal divide between, the two pro-independence, and anti-government policies.
An independent supporter, of the Mossos d'Esquadra, police said, it would not follow the direction,
of the central government.
would not use force, to force officials out of, office or force members, to leave parliament.
One big possibility, is that the central government, will take the national police, to replace
the Mossos d'Esquadra force, if the situation is urgent.
Finance: The Ministry of Economy, has taken steps, to increase Catalan, financial control,
blockade the use, of public funds, for separatist efforts, regain the right, to direct payments,
to key departments.
The next few days, the central government, will take full control, of Catalan finance.
Many companies, in Catalonia fear that, the new financial agency, of Catalonia will raise
It is likely that companies, advocating independence, will seek to levy tax, on the central government.
Public Communications: Communication, will play an important role, in the new electoral
process, in Catalonia.
The central government, has said it will, control Catalonia's TV3 channel, but later
changed its mind.
[Vlog] 프랑스일상 | 한국에다녀왔어용♥️ (What I ate) - Duration: 9:13.-------------------------------------------
Travel Insurance Explained - Why you Need it and What to do in a Medical Emergency - Duration: 7:57.we have a very important topic to talk to you about today it is the importance
of why you need travel insurance now a lot of people don't think about travel
insurance when they're when they're heading out on even a short trip or a
long trip really but we're here to tell you that you definitely need it and we
know from firsthand experience
yeah Dave broke his back in the Amazon a couple of
years ago yes he did and if we didn't have insurance it would have cost us
well over $100,000 and we'd still be paying that sucker off right now but
because we have travel insurance we had medical evacuation we have hospital
stays covered we had x-rays and CT scans everything was covered and we I had it
all under our insurance otherwise if we didn't we either a would have been
paying all of that in a pocket or even worse what many people do is think well
maybe it's not so bad maybe he just has a really badly bruised back for
everything and maybe we'll just try and get ourselves back to Canada it wouldn't
have worked he had a broken back you broke two vertebrae in your back and
thank God for health insurance because you have a full recovery I did I'm
standing here today though most people think oh well that'll never happen to me
I'm not gonna break my back you know did you do it doing some adventure obviously
cuz we're adventures no all I was doing was stepping into a boat and I happened
to slip and fall backwards and hit my back on a metal stair so it can happen
doing anything anywhere that's why it's great to have the best coverage when
you're away you don't want to be stuck with those medical bills like Deb said
for the rest of your life and it doesn't have to be something also
it doesn't have to be something that is super serious you know I know this
happened to Deb brother he was down in Florida you know dad down in the US and
he slipped and broke his fall with his hands you know didn't hurt anything but
about an hour later his wrist wrist all swelled up and he had to go to the
hospital to get it looked at and if he didn't have medical insurance we all
know what the cost can be in the US and he was covered so even though he was
just going to Florida for a short amount of time he understood the importance of
having travel insurance no matter what the length or where you're going of your
what destination your trip is in too many people think oh it's just a short
trip nothing will happen well things do happen Dave and I can
vouch that things happen all the time when we least expect it when we're
climbing or kayaking or doing some treks in the outback
nothing ever happens to us no but whatever we're just in the city or doing
something mundane that's when it seems like we hurt ourselves we never worry
about how much it's going to cost us the minute we feel something an ailment or
sick or hurt ourselves we go to a doctor overseas and we make sure that it's
better so let's talk about a few of the misconceptions that people think of why
they don't need health insurance or travel insurance one thing people think
is that oh I'm covered as long as I got that travel insurance with my credit
card not always so we always recommend for people to check the fine print read
see what's covered a lot of people don't do this and you don't want to be in a
destination and have to use it and find out you're not covered
we recommend buying supplemental insurance on top of your credit card
insurance because just then you know what you're covered for and you don't
have to worry about things so reading that fine print buying a little bit of
extra coverage especially we're doing a longer trip is well worth the cost a lot
of people think they have coverage with their company at work or with their home
province or state that's not the case most of the time the minute you step
foot out of the country or even out of your province or state you are not
covered so you want to make sure you find out about that and the coverage
that you need to get you want to make sure that you have emergency evacuation
insurance that's really important if you have a severe injury you need to get out
of there and get on an air ambulance and get home or get to a facility that can
take care of you when Dave broke his back in the Amazon we were in the middle
of the jungle and he had to spend some time in a little tiny jungle hospital
that did not have the facilities and things No thank God we had that air
ambulance insurance that could take him on a stretcher back to Canada where he
could get the health that he needed
now a lot of people say oh I don't need trip cancellation or trip interruption
insurance well this is something else you should have as well especially if
you're going on a longer term trip if you're doing something a little bit
short where the cost isn't that big I wouldn't really worry about it but if
you're doing a longer trip I would definitely recommend it because if
something comes up a medical emergency or anything like that you can get your
flights and everything refunded which is which is a great thing especially if
you've dished out you know five to ten thousand dollars you don't want to eat
that money so it'll be covered under your insurance you also want to make
sure what kind of coverage you are covered for do you have a private
hospital room do you have hotels covered do you have food covered that's all
really important when you if when you have your loved one in the hospital when
dave was injured I didn't have to worry about the extra days I was spending in
in Peru or the extra money I'd be spending on a hotel or food everything
was covered all prescriptions were covered and the great thing about a lot
of those flights the medical evacuation insurance if you don't even have to pay
for that that money goes into paperwork and goes right to the insurance company
so you don't have to fork out fifty to one hundred thousand dollars right then
and there who be happy about that yeah now baggage insurance is another thing
that people don't really think about it a lot of times it is included in your
credit card insurance or in your travel insurance policy but again it's always
good to check the fine print it's a really good thing to have because if
your bags get lost or they get stolen or they don't get there in time then you
have that insurance where you can go out and buy clothes and and toiletries and
all those things that you that you need to they actually find your bags or you
know to get you to the store when you do have a medical emergency you want to
make sure that you have all of your paperwork in order Dave wouldn't really
know about this then he was on a lot of drugs when we were in Peru he was really
really in badging but I had a lot of work that I had to do I had to gather up
all the paperwork I had to make sure that I called my insurance company
before anything happened and luckily there was a satellite phone on the ship
we were on I called American Express was who we we used and I said my husband has
had a bad fall I need to know what I'm covered for and if you can't get on the
phone beforehand you have to do it right away soon as you get to the hospital
make sure you get on the phone to your insurance company a good insurance
company will be on there telling what you what you're covered for telling you
what paperwork you need I needed to get all of his x-rays all of his doctor's
notes everything that he possibly had all of his prescriptions and another
great thing that insurance companies offer our translators a lot of times you
can do the basic conversation with people when you're in a country but you
can't do the really important things so having a translator come to help you out
set things up and gather what you need is invaluable so as you can see we are
true believers in travel insurance we have used our insurance a lot we've had
a motorcycle accident in Thailand I've had a knee infection a very bad blood
infection in Africa gave absolutely broke his back in Peru and we've always
had travel insurance we've never had to worry about going broke because we get
sick when we're travelling so we highly recommend you getting it it's very
little money for a lot of peace of mind so before you head out on your next trip
make sure to call your insurance provider or your credit card see what
you're covered for and make sure you have all the right covers before you
head out there and travel and for more travel tips make sure you subscribe to
our channel we have new travel videos travel tips travel tips on every single
What is KaoLengMian? Chinese food. Review. - Duration: 16:47.-------------------------------------------
The Origins of Halloween -- What Does the Bible Say About Them? - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
What is the Kingdom of God? | ¿Qué es el reino de Dios? (SUBTITULOS EN ESPAÑOL) - Duration: 7:48.-------------------------------------------
pinky dinky (i don't know what to put here) - Duration: 0:22.herro i is a pinky dinky
whats are you?
i bet you're a cutie wootie
or maybe you're just a potato
but either way i think you are really special
buh bye now i have to return to my own planet to figure out how were going to enslave the human race
toota loo
What is the Global Occult Coalition? | SCP Group of Interest - Duration: 1:59.What is the Global Occult Coalition?
The GOC was created in the aftermath of WWII, from the remnants of defecting occultists,
psychics, priests, and scientists from Nazi, Soviet, and Allied states, brought together
and formed by the Allies.
As the world stage broadened, so too did the number of countries that had their hands in
the GOC, until it became what it is today.
The GOC are a largely political force, seeing themselves as the police of the paranormal
They pride themselves on destroying supernatural entities, and make use of the most high-tech
experimental technology possible, obtained from their benefactors.
Many potential SCPs have been destroyed by them before the Foundation could obtain and
contain them.
They have been both on the side of the Foundation and against it at times, depending on the
They largely hold the Foundation in contempt for their use and containment of SCP items
rather than their out-and-out destruction.
The GOC has respected the Foundation's formidable might enough to leave it mostly alone, although
there have been some questionable incidents with which the GOC have strictly denied involvement.
Agents of the GOC are to be treated with suspicion.
What is absolute immunity? [POLICYbrief] - Duration: 3:10.The President enjoys absolute immunity from civil damages liability for his official acts
as President.
The Founders never gave particular voice in the Constitution to a provision that explicitly
immunized the President, but the Supreme Court has determined that the Constitution was intended
to do so.
Nixon against Fitzgerald was a landmark case, really establishing the absolute immunity
of the President.
The case was brought by a former Air Force analyst, who was fired from his job, he said,
in retaliation for, uh, certain controversial congressional testimony he gave, that was
critical of a certain Air Force program.
The Supreme Court held that the civil damages action he brought could not be brought against
the President because the President was absolutely immune from civil damages liability for his
official acts.
The basic rationale of the case was that the separation of powers and the President's unique
authorities and responsibilities as the Chief Executive and the Commander in Chief in our
Constitutional system protected him from civil damages liability for his official acts.
The President had to be able to exercise his authority under Article II of the Constitution,
without worry of possibly creating civil damages liability to those who might be adversely
affected by his official acts.
Now, that doesn't mean that the President is above the law.
Certainly with respect to official acts the President takes, his actions can be challenged,
and they can be reviewed in court, and if they're found to have exceeded his authorities
under the Constitution or under the statutory authority that he purports to be acting under,
the President can be enjoined or his administration can be enjoined to stop, essentially, doing
the acts that are in excess of Constitutional or statutory authority.
If the President is acting in his unofficial capacity, the President can be sued for civil
We know that from a case called Clinton against Jones.
That case was brought by a woman who claimed that when the President had been Governor
of Arkansas, that he had engaged in some inappropriate sexual advances and harassment.
The Supreme Court held that the President does not have immunity from civil damages
liability for acts undertaken in his unofficial, that is in his personal capacity.
The other remedy available for acts that are deemed to exceed the President's authorities
or even, ultimately, to constitute criminal activity, is impeachment.
So, the President is never above the law.
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