Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily which Sep 29 2017


Residents of earth are becoming more conscious in two primary areas.

The first relates to the way in which our planetary social system has been hijacked

into a scam to predominately benefit a select few at the expense of the rest of us, as well

as our natural systems. The second concerns our intimate connection to all of reality,

regardless if viewed through an ecological, scientific or metaphysical lens.

These shifts in consciousness are not based on new insights. In our so-called �civilised�

history there have always been royal families, aristocrats and the upper echelons of social

and corporate structures who have aimed to control local, regional and international

populations through whatever means possible, leading to many revolutions. Moreover, the

dominant philosophy throughout humanity�s evolution is arguably animistic in nature,

and consciousness played an integral role for not just ancient people�s, but more

modern minds as well.

However, these understandings are becoming increasingly widespread, amplified by not

just certain characteristics of our current era (such as the instantaneous sharing of

information via the world-wide web), but by the current era itself. Simply, we�re participating

in an evolution of energy, fueled by natural cycles.

The enchanted absurdity of our present moment is symbolised by an extraordinary dance of

dichotomies. That�s why expanding your mind is but one half of the process. Even though

there�s all this newfound awareness being cultivated across our planet, it is yet to

be translated into serious action for most people.

Ultimately, the process of �waking up� is not just about striving to become aware

of new information, it�s counterpart is translating it into conscious action. With

this in spell, this article will focus on the �actions� which indicate you�re

actually waking up.

1. You Source Food from Local and Ethical Sources

Now of course it�s extremely challenging to always eat locally grown foods, because

the system isn�t designed that way. But that doesn�t mean we can�t make a conscious

effort to do so.

We can eat seasonally, grow our own and support regional growers and farmers. There are markets

in most communities to facilitate this. Inevitably there will be foods that are difficult to

grow in certain areas (especially without applying permaculture or other advanced techniques),

however it�s not insurmountable to source your specific tastes from as close as you

can, and do so as ethically as you can.

Moreover, society in general is sick and fat. This is directly related to the monopolistic

control of society�s diet and its related low-nutrition and high-chemical culture, as

well as poor individual habits and choices. Therefore, eat in a way that makes you healthy,

both mentally and physically. Put simply, it�s a direct rebellion against the corporatised

tainting of our food.

2. You Take Great Care of Your Health

Health is much, much more than just physical and mental. As I explained in the article

�Make 2017 Your First Year of Real Abundance�:

�to truly live an abundant existence we�ll need a rich tapestry of physical, emotional,

psychological, philosophical, behavioral, social, relationship, creative and spiritual

health.� Few people appear to take heed of their own

condition because there�s just so much self-abuse that permeates humanity. For example, stress,

sadness and sickness is prolific, as is addiction. The foolish component is that at the least

these dysfunctional and disharmonious states are reinforced by consistent poor choices,

and at the worst created by them.

In addition, another aspect I didn�t mention in that previous quote is sexual health. There�s

so much sexual suppression, chronic masturbation and widespread sexual blackmail and abuse,

as well as a huge lack of tantric approaches to sex, regardless if it�s solo or mutually


Simply, the sexual health of humanity is seriously sick.

Moreover, if you�ve got health issues to overcome, you should be taking the most natural

route as possible. Meditation, alternative therapies and natural medicines; they�re

all on the list of potentialities, especially in the face of the corruption and collusion

of the pharma drug dealers.

So let�s face it; there are very few people on this planet who have got anywhere near

bringing some sort of harmony to these layers of their health. Of course it doesn�t need

to be perfect, and in fact nobody ever perfects anything (including their own healing and

development), however making a conscious effort to make this a foundational aspect to your

journey of empowerment and enlightenment shows that you are indeed in the process of waking


For assistance in overcoming dysfunctional states of existence, see �3 Methods to Maximise

Your Health�, �How to Beat Your Stress and Sadness� and/or �How to Get Out of

the Rut of Self-Harming Thoughts and Feelings�.

3. You are Involved in Your Local Community

There are many people who are highly active in their communities, which might come as

a shock to some of you. Much of this activity is focused on more of the superficial or trivial

issues, however there are also individuals and groups who also aim to bring greater awareness

and therefore action regarding the larger concerns.

A balance of both is probably best. There�s absolutely nothing wrong with helping out

with local sporting teams or issues specific to your area, for example, but there also

needs to be a concerted effort to rally �common unity� within your �community�.

For example, each and every community is more or less faced with the same issues on a grander

scale. As I explained in �Listen Up Truth-Seekers: We�re on the Same Team�, there are four

primary scams in our system that need our undivided attention. I call them the 4M�s:

Money, Medicine (including food), Media and Management.

If we all focused on exposing how these areas are undermining individual and community sovereignty,

as well as identifying potential solutions and alternatives, then we might start getting

somewhere fast. This is why it�s important for each community to have people who are

willing to respectfully engage local government officials, businesses, public personalities,

philanthropists and community members as a whole to ensure they�re made aware of cutting-edge

social activism.

Ultimately, we need to increase our local presence and come to some important agreements.

As I explained here, a very basic but ingenious agreement is simply respecting what freedom

actually means and then basing all ongoing agreements and community rules on that foundation:

�we agree that pursuing individual and community sovereignty is paramount for creating an ethical

future for humanity�. Hopefully there�s very few (sane) people

who would disagree with that.

Note: the following interview is with Helena Norberg-Hodge, founder and director of �Local

Futures� and producer and co-director of the award winning documentary �The Economics

of Happiness�.

4. You Bank with Local and Ethical Institutions

Either you�re helping the transnational banking cartel, or you�re not. There are

many people who think they�re supporting banks or credit unions that are community-oriented,

but unfortunately they haven�t done their research properly because the octopus tentacles

reach into the most deceptive of places.

For example, in Australia there are the �Big 4� banks. Most Australians believe they

primarily profit Australian society, but as you can see by this chart a huge portion of

the shareholders are foreign-based corporations:

So transfer your accounts, your credit cards and your mortgages to local or regional institutions

who actually benefit your community, as soon as you can. Better yet; get out of debt-based

usury as much as you can.

5. You Shop from Local and Ethical Suppliers

Now this is undoubtedly a challenging process. With so much financial hardship, marketing

deception and many other factors it really is difficult to buy what we need ethically,

but that doesn�t mean we shouldn�t try.

Start with local, organic food. Use local businesses as much as possible. Support vendors

at your community market or mall for pressies for birthdays and other celebratory days.

And when it comes to technology and other equipment that is hard to source locally and

ethically, go with quality, second-hand goods.

After all, in Australia for example, the second-hand industry is a $40+ billion dollar annual economy.

6. You Support Innovative Solutions

There are many great projects which aim to bring justice and integrity to the operations

of our society, as well as the way we design our social system as a whole. If you can�t

support them financially, you can do so in other ways, especially by helping them to

spread their message.

Energy solutions. Environmental ones. Medical, monetary and managerial too. The list goes

on and on, which is nothing short of inspiring.

For a specific example (which I�m personally fond of), the �One Small Town� Project

envisioned by Michael Tellinger has been adopted by Ron Higgins, the Mayor of North Frontenac,

Canada. The project aims to provide free food, electricity and other materials to those who

volunteer three hours a week to the program, whilst community sovereignty, sustainability

and self-reliance is increased as a whole.

Note: the following interview is with Michael Tellinger, who explains how the project works

and its progress.

7. You Research Information Critically and Comprehensively

Everyone loves to have an opinion, however the sad state of affairs is that most people�s

opinions are either nowhere near complete or entirely inaccurate. This is not just due

to the devotion to dogmas, cognitive dissonance and wilful ignorance, but psyops, propaganda

and social engineering as well.

Think about when you speak to someone from an older generation who is still locked into

a bias of some type; it�s clear they�re well behind the times with certain beliefs.

Well, always remember there are people who would feel the same about your opinions too.

Essentially, it�s so important to research mainstream and alternative information critically

and comprehensively. It�s equally important to embody it so you can articulate it effectively

too. Not one individual is spared from this process. After all, no one has or will ever

have all the answers. So as much as it�s exciting to think that you�re at the cutting

edge of philosophical introspection or external investigation, you can guarantee yourself

that you�re spectacularly wrong on many levels.

So keep that in mind when you feel you�ve come to some truth, as well as when you�re

communicating your beliefs. Gnosis is a wonderful journey, but it�s never a destination.

8. You Are Actively Evolving Your Behaviours

This is a more general one, so I�ll keep it short and sweet. Whether it�s your career,

relationships, habits, or experience as a whole, you�re always analysing to uncover

your hypocrisies, as well as identify ways in which your time could be better spent for

yourself, and the world at large.

9. You Are Compassionate, But You Take No Shit

Anybody in the new age movement who still believes that they shouldn�t pass judgement

is fooling themselves. We all make judgements; on ourselves, on society and on our experience

as a whole. Hopefully they�re wise ones.

And it�s important we do. We need to judge the right food to eat, the right way to treat

people, and the right way to act in general. This also includes not just how other people

behave, but the way the social system behaves too.

But just because, for example, you�ve judged that you don�t like the way a person is

treating you, that doesn�t mean you should condemn them entirely. There might be traumas,

mental disorders or even social engineering factors that come into play, making their

behaviours highly compromised. Of course they�re still responsible for their choices, but hey,

one day they might choose to become more conscious and therefore choose better actions, just

like you hopefully have too.

So the entire situation deserves compassion. It�s sad that so many people are in such

dire states of suffering and that their pain-based behaviours are causing suffering to others.

However, just because you have a higher frame of perspective around it, there�s no need

to take shit either.

Be matter-of-fact. Be blunt, if you need to. Respond appropriately to the world around

you, including by standing up for yourself and others in intelligent and healthy ways.

But always remember that your role isn�t to cause further pain and division, it is

to facilitate healing and growth.

10. You Give Freely

Make no mistake; you need to give yourself what you need. Love yourself to love others,

help yourself to help others, respect yourself to respect others etc. etc.

But on the flip side, you�re not here to use or abuse other people. You want to love.

You want to help. You�ll do it for the sole purpose of giving back to the world, albeit

being good for your karma.

Simply, your time, your energy, should be given freely. Only to an extent though, because

if it�s disrupting your own health and wellbeing, then you�re not doing it right.

There are two ways to give. First is in the outside world, through social action. The

other is internally, by facing your experience (including your shadow self) and transmuting

your energy for benefit of the whole. As I explained in �Say Hello to the Collective


�So for all of you who are a raging fire in a world of mostly embers, process your

experience � your connection to spirits, symbols, patterns, information and energy

� as it relates to you, as well as how it relates to your human family. Ensure you don�t

neglect one or the other either, as both are equally important in our dualistically-connected

construct.� Ultimately, if you�re attempting to be as

authentic as you can, you�re engaged with both your separate and connected layers. This

means you understand that giving to others is literally giving to yourself, resulting

with a win/win.

11. You Embody Your New Awareness by Living It and Breathing It

There are many famous quotes which have been shared across social media that speak to this

action, but there seems to be very few who are actually reinforcing it in their own lives.

Are you �being the change�? Are you �wise so you�re changing yourself�? Are you

�living what you imagined�?

Most likely not. Well, maybe a little. Granted, it�s a crazy challenge to implement new

awareness with both internal and external changes, but it can and should be continually

attempted as more of you becomes more of your most precious insights.

After all, an insight is one thing, but to truly understand it you need to live and breathe


So there is a real truth when it comes to actualising your insights. You play that sound

into the orchestra of reality and the entire tune changes accordingly. But in as much as

it�s important to do the inner work, as the new age movement espouses, it�s just

as important to undertake external actions like the ones suggested above.

In fact, one without the other is you without one.

Bonus Action: You Laugh in the Face of the Matrix

You�re human (at least on one level), so you�re within your right to experience the

roller-coaster of the emotional spectrum. You can feel fear, anger, sadness, grief or

an array of other so-called negative emotions, without feeling guilty or like you�re underdeveloped.

But just because you feel them from time to time, that doesn�t mean you cultivate and

amplify them. Instead, you aim to process them in a healthy manner.

This is especially notable when you look at the insane asylum we call humanity in the

21stCentury. You could stay mind-trapped in the insanity of it all, but you shouldn�t,

because laughing in the face of the matrix is a strong sign you�re waking up.

Final Thoughts

I wrote this on a whim. Therefore, I have no doubt overlooked many important actions.

Some that I can think of right now are more personal, such as �meditating in action�,

�sharing and explaining leading information with family and friends, as well as through

online networks�, �helping your kids to educate themselves and not become indoctrinated�,

�cultivating consistent contentment�, �fostering your relationship with nature�,

�undertaking consistent rebirths� and �actually enjoying your life�.

Please feel free to add any others in the comments section.

Ultimately, you�ll notice that I�ve focused on both sides of the equation. Everything

is a balancing act. Be serious, but relaxed too. Care for yourself, and others. Find your

strengths, as well as your weaknesses. And transform your inner world, as well as the

external world.

This concept is so integral to becoming an authentic human that without it you�ll become

lopsided and consequentially unhealthy. And that�s not the energy you want to be gifting

the greater grid, right?

For more infomation >> 11 ACTIONS WHICH INDICATE YOU'RE ACTUALLY WAKING UP - Duration: 18:49.


Which Doom Was Better - Duration: 0:59.

Which Doom Was Better?

So it's been a few weeks since it's been released and a lot of people that purchased

it also had the original but as endless as time itself, which is better the old or the


Doom is arguable the grand-daddy of first person shooters (don't get your lederhosen

in a bunch I know that Wolfenstein 3D came a year before, by the way that link is a free

playable version…your welcome, but really not a lot of people played that).

There was a point in fact that Doom was installed on more computers than Windows.

The reason was that the first Doom game was basically distributed as freeware (or shareware

more appropriately), it was on a server, people could download it and distributed to friends.

So that's one pro…it was free initially.

Let's see: What do you think?

Which Doom game did you prefer, the 1990s version or the 2016?

For more infomation >> Which Doom Was Better - Duration: 0:59.


The Battle of the Celebrity Vacation Homes: Which A-Lister Has the Best Getaway Pad? - Duration: 4:25.

The Battle of the Celebrity Vacation Homes: Which A-Lister Has the Best Getaway Pad?

For A-listers, it isnt enough to just own one house. Sure, mansions in Beverly Hills or Bel-Air are fabulous, but what is a star to do when they want to get away? Thats where the celebrity vacation home comes in.

Hollywood loves a luxurious vacation and theyre made even more over-the-top by the envy-inducing properties that pad their real estate portfolios. But not every vacation home is created equal—there are getaways and there are getaways.

Which is why weve put the most fabulous homesteads to the test. . The Contenders: Lake Como George Clooney (and now Amal Clooney) are as synonymous with Lake Como, Italy as gelato.

Their favorite vacation spot is fit for an Italian King and Queen, an 18th century villa (named Villa Oleandra) that is stunningly placed right on a cliff overlooking the lake.

They get around via chauffeured boat and enjoy features like a screening room, gym and pool.

Oh, and theres gelato.  Chateau Miraval Even though Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are no longer a couple, theyre still the joint owners of their spectacular French mansion.

Its been their family retreat for almost a decade and it even hosted their wedding a few years ago. Its a historical property that sits among a French agricultural community and its rumored to be reminiscent of a Roman chapel.   .

Necker Island This isnt so much a vacation home as, well, an entire vacation island. Its only fitting that Richard Branson, scion of the Virgin fortune, would retire to perhaps the worlds most exclusive and protected spot for some time off.

He owns the full 74-acre island that is technically part of the British Virgin Islands, and its now a fully-functional private resort.

It was recently hit hard by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, but the 10-bedroom villa is going to be fully restored.  Watch Hill, Rhode Island Otherwise known as the headquarters for Taymerica.

Taylor Swift owns properties all over the country but she chooses her seaside mansion outside of Providence for all of her beach vacations.

The $17 million mansion dates back to the 1930s (its no 18th century villa, but Americas not that old, okay?) and also boasts 700 feet of shoreline.

Or, as the world now knows it, 700 feet of space to be caught kissing Tom Hiddleston.  Hana, Hawaii Oprah Winfrey is no stranger to luxury (just google Montecito), so when she decided to expand her real estate empire to Americas farthest shores she went big.

She has her own farmhouse spread in Maui complete with roaming horses and adorable folkore-y accents. Its not in-your-face luxurious, but its a private spread with a view of the beach in Hawaii. What more could you ask for?.

The Square Footage: The easiest way to compare celebrity vacation homes is, of course, the size.

Villa Oleandra, where the Clooneys take up residence, is a bit secretive in its exact size, but it boasts 30 rooms spread across three floors. Chateau Miraval sits on 1,200 acres of property and has 35 rooms.

Necker Island as a whole is 74 acres, while the Great House has eight bedrooms, including a 1,200-square-foot master bedroom.

Swifts Watch Hill property has over 11,000 square feet of space and Oprahs Hawaii mansion reportedly clocks in at over 8,000.  Winner: Chateau Miraval. Star Power: A celebrity vacation home is only as fancy as its celebrity guests.

Why else do you own one if not to invite all your famous friends? The Clooneys host their BFFs Rande Gerber and Cindy Crawford most often, Necker Island has opened up its doors to everyone from Kate Winslet to Harry Styles, and Watch Hills yearly Fourth of July parties see regular attendees like Blake Lively, Gigi Hadid, Ryan Reynolds, Lena Dunham and the rest of the squad.

Brangelina and Oprah have been far more private with their get-togethers.  Winner: Watch Hill. Location, location, location:  Its hard to imagine ever going outside when one is vacationing in these magnificent homes, but the area is important on a getaway.

Lake Como boasts the lake and all its water sports, of course, as well as a proximity to quaint Italian towns and the glitzy waterways of Venice.

Chateau Miraval is, for lack of a better descriptor, in the middle of nowhere, but its the French nowhere. There are forests, a lake, olive groves and also an adjacent town that hosts all kinds of festivals.

Necker Island has every activity a rich person could dream up (water sports!), plus pools and private beaches, while Watch Hill has easy access to pretty much the entire east coast.  Winner: Lake Como.

The Perks: Anyone whos vacationing with these celebs at their second (or third or fourth) homes doesnt just get the cool pad—there are always extras. Taymerica parties gets you awesome flag-print swag and a good chance of a giant slide.

Staying at Oprahs house in Hawaii means you get to touch things that Oprah touched. But really, all of this pales in comparison to the one giant, glaring perk that comes along with Chateau Miraval: wine.

The pad sits on a real working vineyard and Brangelinas team cranks out truly some of the best rosé money can buy. Only when theyre vacationing at the mansion, they dont have to buy it.

No wonder they havent been able to part with the place post-divorce.  Winner: Chateau Miraval.

For more infomation >> The Battle of the Celebrity Vacation Homes: Which A-Lister Has the Best Getaway Pad? - Duration: 4:25.


Fantasy Football tips: Which strikers could replace injured Sergio Aguero in your team? - Duration: 5:26.

Fantasy Football tips: Which strikers could replace injured Sergio Aguero in your team?

Aguero has a fractured rib after being involved in a car crash in Holland last night. The Manchester City star could now miss up to two months of action.

The news will cause a serious headache for Fantasy Football managers as they weigh up who to replace Aguero. 26 per cent of all players in the game had the striker in their team at the start of Friday.

However, there will a rapid change of plan as managers look to ship out the Argentina star and secure a big-scoring replacement. But who should be drafted in to replace Aguero?  .

HARRY KANE Kane has been the Premier Leagues top scorer for the past two seasons. The Tottenham man is in red hot form, and scored a Champions League hat-trick against Apoel Nicosia in midweek.

He doesnt come cheap in Fantasy Football. But the England striker is a proven performer, and should be the first name on any teamsheet, particuarly now Aguero is injured.

ROMELU LUKAKU If not Kane, then how about the Manchester United star? Hes a guaranteed starter for Jose Mourinho in the Premier League and has scored in all but one of Uniteds top flight games this term.

Lukaku looked set for the Golden Boot last term while at Everton but Kane pipped him to the post in the final few games of the season. Expect the Belgian to come close to avenging that this term.

ALEXANDRE LACAZETTE The Arsenal striker has wasted little time settling in to life in the Premier League following his £52m move from Lyon. Lacazette scored twice against West Brom on Monday and could fill his boots against Brighton this weekend.

The Frenchman currently has four goals to his name in the Premier League. ALVARO MORATA Another Premier League new boy who has hit the ground running.

The Chelsea striker is in blistering form for the Blues, and has proven hes got what it takes to shine in England after impressive spells with Juventus and Real Madrid.

He scored a hat-trick away at Stoke last week, drawing him level with Lukaku and Aguero on six goals in the race for the Premier League Golden Boot.

JAMIE VARDY The Leicester striker blitzed Fantasy Football in 2015-16 as Leicester claimed a shock title win. His red-hot form made him a must-have for Fantasy Football managers.

Vardy isnt quite so key now, but could be a decent value replacement for Aguero as he looks to fire Leicester up the Premier League table.

GABRIEL JESUS Expect Agueros Man City team-mate to fill the void in the Argentines absence. While Aguero has been a proven Premier League star for years, Jesus is still the new kid on the block.

Hes impressed since arriving in January of this year, and could flourish with his strike partner out of the frame. JAVIER HERNANDEZ The Mexican could be a bit of a gamble, but he is West Hams go-to striker.

With Slaven Bilic unable to rely on injury-prone Andy Carroll and Andre Ayews form mixed at best, ex-Man Utd man Hernandez could be a decent option in Fantasy Football.

If he gets the service, the striker certainly knows how to finish. Hernandez has three goals so far, and plenty more are likely to follow.

JOSH KING The surprise package of last season when King was a huge point scorer. The Bournemouth striker came from nowhere to deliver big returns after a blistering of form for the Cherries.

Hes not been as a lethal for Eddie Howes side yet this term, but he could yet turn it on at the Vitality Stadium. Cost: £7.2m    .

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