Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily don Sep 27 2017


Breaking Story.

Don�t Let This Go Unshared!

I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now.

Monsanto will do anything to bury this story� and as of right now, it�s working.

Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions

of people being poisoned by a chemical that does not belong in our food.

A FDA-registered food safety laboratory tested iconic American food for residues of the weed

killer glyphosate (aka Monsanto�s Roundup) and found ALARMING amounts.

Just to give you an idea of how outrageous these amounts are, independent research shows

that probable harm to human health begins at really low levels of exposure � at only

0.1 ppb of glyphosate.

Many foods were found to have over 1,000 times this amount!

Well above what regulators throughout the world consider �safe�.

Independent research links glyphosate to cancerand it has been deemed a probable human carcinogen

by the World Health Organization�s team of international cancer experts.

The childhood cancer rate is steadily rising and experts say that they don�t know why.

Why are they not taking a closer look at these facts?

Research also indicates that glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor, which disrupts hormones

and leads to reproductive problems, early onset puberty, obesity, diabetes, and some


When it comes to endocrine disruptors, very small exposures are the most damaging, so

�the dose makes the poison� mantra does not apply!

Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum antibiotic killing the good bacteria in your gut.

Poor gut health is linked to inflammation and a whole host of diseases.

As GMOs laced with glyphosate are commonly fed to farm animals, this could very well

be contributing to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Well I know that for truth.

When I was eating only what I grew?

I was healthy as a horse.

After coming back to the States and eating this shat that�s called �food� here?

I�m sick all the time, gained weight, feel like crap.

There ya go.

How many of your friends and family have their cabinets filled with these foods?

These people need to know this information.

I can�t post the whole article per T&C but I would really suggest you all go read it

and pass it on.

We�re being killed by what we eat and they just smile and pocket the money and go right

on watching us shove it down our fat pie holes begging for more.

(Not to insult anyone � it�s th eopinion I believe THEY have, not me� Well kind�a

me also).


For more infomation >> Monsanto Breaking Story Don't Let This Go Unshared! - Duration: 3:13.


Puppy Dog Pals Don't Rain on My Pug-rade Episode 19 - Pink Crab - Duration: 17:10.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Pink Crab Channel

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Don't Rain on My Pug-rade Episode 19 - Pink Crab - Duration: 17:10.


WATCH THIS WHEN YOU WANT TO GIVE UP! - DON'T WASTE TIME - Best Motivational Video 2017 ⏰⏳ - Duration: 27:36.

four o'clock in the morning I wake up 4:30 4:45 I'm doing some sort of cardio

open these garage doors it's still dark outside I do this and then I'll have

breakfast and then I will go do all my strength and conditioning training at a

gym for about an hour and then I'll go to seg we are every probably about five

hours of sleep it's 4:45 a.m. it's still dark outside look at that lights just

went out and I'm getting ready to kill this AM cardio you can't even see me but

it's gonna be so good it's bad

you'd do anything you never want to do anything half-ass especially when it

comes to your training get in the intense execute on it and then get out

for a lot of guys out there and I was certainly one of those guys in my 20s I

thought I had all the answers didn't know shit by the way in my 30s I'm still

trying to find myself and a lot of guys are out there hopefully when you hit the

40's you're hitting a nice stride I'm gonna do it they need to do this job

right I need to stay focused on it I need to get the best offer that possibly

can we live down here in South Florida hurricane season

but it's time to go to the gym we got to get to the gym and there ain't no

stopping us like I'm gonna be the baddest motherfucker walking all right

empty gym the way we'd like it it's Sunday just finished my warmup this pain

ought to be fun I worked out twice before everyone wakes

up all right workout number two I'm out working all my competition all right

Saturday afternoon empty gym the way we like it

it's leg day which means it's gonna be sweaty painful and fun a

close-mindedness that amounts to an imprisonment so total that the person

who doesn't even know he's locked up

the most powerful tool that you have right now in your life in your body is

your mind

give me a new perspective give me a new way and I'm looking at my situation give

me a new way and looking at my circumstances get my mind ready for this


you can't please everybody but they're people who have the fear of rocking the

boat oh yes it's gonna be some struggles it's gonna be some challenges it's gonna

be some tests but even the struggles are an opportunity for me to show off the

victory if my mind can handle the change

the life is too short for that too short and unpredictable moseying through not

trying to disturb anything not trying to shake anything up not trying to make any

waves unless yoga I'm never going to be I can't get any younger I can't roll the

clock back

you are wasting time you Pasco and step open to the future

when you set goals when you have an intention on something that you want to

change about your life your brain helps you what it does is it opens up a

checklist and then your brain goes to work trying to remind you it was cold it

was winter in Boston and for the first time in three months I had beaten my

habit of hitting the snooze button

and it's really important to develop the skill before you are boxed and buried

decide that you're gonna box and bury your fears decide that you're going to

begin to live life on a new level seeking out new horizons that you're

gonna find more love and more joy and more ways to give I wanted to change my

life and I think most people that are miserable or that are that are really

like dying to be great and dying to have work we want to change we want to live a

better life we want to create more for our families we want to be happy the the

designer is there again it's about how do you go from knowledge to action

so the first thing in the story that's important is realizing that the answer

was in me and my mind was telling me pay attention

so when you begin to say what is it that I want to leave what contribution that I

want to begin to make what difference do I want to make in life what is it that I

want to do with the rest of the life that I have left what what chances I

need to take what risks do I need to begin to embrace what fears do I need to

step on what areas of my life of my dad right now what dream you can even live

your dreams or live your fears you have got to get to a point where you say I'm

sick and tired of living like this has got to be more let's see that's when

people go out and strike out on their dreams how you going to make it I don't

know but I will I'm gonna keep on kicking I'm gonna cut them off is

I'm never going to give up the beats a game this is RHIB this is real life

champ work on you get what you gotta keep you don't work hard you get naughty

you get nothing you gotta work head

you will on get what you gotta get you don't work hard

nothing you don't get enough not zero nothing zero nuts

keep whoops work on Luger what you gotta get

come on why I'm going to fight I'm going to work I'm going to press forward I'm

going to learn I'm going to do everything in my power every single day

I'm going to do everything in my power to become a Victor and not a victim of

let's go champ let's go champ pain is temporary it may

last for a minute or an hour or a day or even a year but eventually it will

subside and something else will take its place if I quit however it will last

forever you want to get better you want to self-improve stop looking for a

shortcut and go find your alarm clock and find your discipline and fling it

your guts and your passion and your drive and find it you will and then

and then you will find your freedom

if you're afraid of heights work on some rock climbing climbing if you're afraid

of the water the time to swim it's time to surf it's time to get out there if

you're afraid of pull-ups if if you're prey to pulp do polls if you're in

squats do squats if you're afraid of public speaking go speak in public if

you're afraid to start a business start a business

and eventually you will overcome that fear but the hard part is

take that first step you've got to take that first step

got to take that first step against the fear against the fear of the thing

if you die today what dreams what ideas what books what

leadership what voice what story will die with you

of the dreams the ideas the abilities the talents given to you by life but you

for whatever reason you never pursued those dreams you never use those talents

you never use those gifts you never use those abilities and there they are

standing around your bed looking at you but large angry eyes saying we came to

you only you could have given us life and now we must die with you forever and

the question is if you died today what dreams what ideas what books what

leadership what voice what story will die with you I said empty your mind

deforms shapeless like water now you put water into a cup it becomes the cup you

put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle you're putting the teapot it

becomes the teapot now water can flow or it can crash be water my friend

let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to

dream and that you could for example have the power within one night to dream

seventy five years of time or any length of time you wanted to have and you would

naturally as you began on this adventure of Dreams you would fulfill all your

wishes you would have every kind of pleasure you can see and after several

nights of seventy five years of total pleasure each you would say where how I

was pretty good

let's have a dream which isn't under control

well something is going to happen to me that I don't know what its gonna be and

you would dig that and come out of that and say wow that was a close shave

wasn't it then you would get more and more adventurous and you would make

further and further out Gamble's as to what you would dream

and finally you would dream where you are now you would dream the dream of

living the life that you are actually living today that would be within the

infinite multiplicity of choices you would have we're here on chance and


the nature of love is self-abandonment not clinging to oneself throwing

yourself out that keeps things moving that's the

nature of life so in this idea then everybody is

fundamentally the ultimate reality not God in a politically kingly sense but

God in the sense of being the self the deep down basic whatever there is and

you're all that only you're pretending you know

you would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today

people want to know how to stop the laziness they will know how to stop the

procrastination and you know they have some idea in their head you know some

kind of a vision what they want to do but they don't know where to start in

order to start it you know they don't know where to start and say they say hey

where do I start and and when's the best time to start

and I have a very simple as your friend here and now that's it you want to

improve you want to get better you want to get on a workout program or a clean

diet you want to start a business you want to write a book or make a movie or

build a house or a computer or put together some mobile application where

do you start

you start reading it and when do you start you start right now I had beaten

my habit of hitting the snooze button I couldn't believe it and I thought wait

a minute counting backward citizen dumbest thing I've ever heard in my

entire life well the next morning I used to get in

at work the next morning I used it again and a fourth the next morning I used it

again and it worked and then I started to notice something really interesting

there were moments all day long all day long just like that five-second moment

in bed where I knew knowledge what I should do and if I didn't move within 5

seconds my brain would step in and talk me out

of it every human being has a five-second window might even be shorter

for you you have about a five-second window in which you can move from idea

to action before your brain kicks into full gear and sabotages any change in

behavior because remember your brain is wired to stop you from doing things that

are uncomfortable or uncertain or scary it's your job to learn how to move from

those ideas that could change everything into acting on look for the job that you

would take if you didn't need a job

don't sleepwalk through life and don't don't say it's all gonna be great you

know I'll do this and I'll do that and you know I'm just marking time does it

to be over

you really want to be doing what you love doing and you can't necessarily

find it on your first job given all the opportunities that are there in in the

world to try and figure out the thing that actually makes you want to get up

in the morning the thing that you actually love I feel this thing that

should exist and you take that leap of faith that it may work I would still go

home from whatever that day job is and I would try to do it because I love it not

because I really want to make a certain amount of money figure out the thing

that makes you tick find that thing that young people feel like if they don't

know what they're born to do that there's somehow broken and I think that

it needs to be looked at differently which is that it means if you don't know

that thing it means that every door is there's the possibility and if you can

find that thing and deal with the pressure of maybe not making the amount

of money that you would like to yet we're not getting to the company you'd

like to get or not having success with your startup yet these are all things

that I think you can swallow if the thing you're doing speaks to you it's

that constant pursuit of the unobtainable which is kind of magic

really to approach something with a kind of

excitement that is shared in this weird way where you just know it makes you

happy it'll say I'm working on this thing but I don't know if Ian's gonna

like it feel sort of like this boring thing that I love you know and it's

amazing how often that boring thing that you love becomes a sensation I think the

key is to do that I would say don't stress yourself out your voice is as

important as anyone elses

so it's a lot easier to actually write a screenplay than you think it is might

not be good but most people talk about writing screenplays but don't actually

write them the people who write them you're already like in you know the top

10% because you actually have written it I have the same work like someone's

trying to take it all away from you you actually work like no one's spending 24

hours working 24 hours to take it all away from you when sometimes people

don't have the determination the will and the steadfastness the tenacity

they are they giving them the slightest struggle

really viewed myself as particularly talented view myself as you know

slightly above average in talent and where I excel is ridiculous sickening

work ethic you know while the other guys sleeping I'm working and a lot of other

guys eaten I'm working you know hard work pace I put in a hell of a woman

purple Paisley I'm sitting at the top I I poured it all on the line I show up I

perform and I get the results from that and discipline doing it - hey take it

but do it like you love it you know always testing yourself forcing yourself

to the limit do you have to have some ability

but then it's just how much will I really do think there's just a thing

people underestimate it doesn't sound sexy

it doesn't sound cool how much no one work ethic you know and just how badly

do you want

that's what I'm success in general all about sacrifice for my experience every

damn person who said I wouldn't be anything I'm crushing them every day

not only so the question is how much have you always

don't know who you are I don't know what you're going through I'm not here to

pretend that you know I understand what you're going through or how you feel in

your life I think the biggest disability that we have as human beings is unbelief

everything starts with a vision and a man without vision dies

hate the idea of potential being wasted in this world you know how it is if you

didn't go what you've gone through you wouldn't be who you are today

is it as I kept trying new things new doors kept opening because you don't

know what your future is you just don't

you'll never know what's gonna happen you never know what what the future

holds for you go for it try it because another thing I am no different than

anyone else out there I am NOT here to say I have a superpower and it was all

this it was just trying go home let's see

what happened

patience let's say don't complain when you're waiting in a line you ain't going

to growing patience until you put in a place to wait

there there are some times where you're going to wish that you could rewind and

and do things all over again there are times where you just wish you could

forget memories and you try to drown those memories in alcohol or different

pleasures and maybe get distracted by the goals and ambitions of your life and

try to put the past behind and move forward

you should wake up worried terrified every morning but don't be worried about

our competitors because they're never gonna send us any money anyway let's be

worried about our customers and stay heads down focused one of my jobs as the

leader of Amazon is to encourage people to be bold and people love to focus on

things that aren't yet working and that's good it's human nature that kind

of divine discontent can be very helpful but you really you know it's incredibly

hard to get people to take bold bets and you need to encourage that and if you're

gonna take bold bets they're gonna be experiments and if they're experiments

you don't know ahead of time though they're gonna work experiments are by

their very nature prone to failure but big success is a few big successes

compensate for dozens and dozens of things that didn't work

I've made billions of dollars of failures at literally

billions of dollars of failures

because we know from our past experiences that big things start small

the biggest oak starts from an acorn and you've got a record to do anything new

you've got to be willing to let that acorn grow into a little sapling and

then finally into a small tree it made me one day it'll be a big business on

its own the Amazon started as a very small company it was me and a few other

people I was driving all the packages to the post office myself in my 1987 Chevy

Blazer you can't skip steps you have to put one foot in front of the other

things take time if there are no shortcuts and but but

you want to do those steps with you know passion and ferocity

it's easy to have ideas it's very hard to turn an idea into a successful

product there are a lot of steps in between it takes persistence


it's a stress primarily comes from not taking action over something that you

can have some control

do something you're very passionate about I wanted to project myself forward

to age 80 it's okay now I'm looking back on my life I want to have minimized the

number of regrets I have and you know what I knew that when I was 80 I was not

going to regret and having tried this I was not gonna regret having wanted you

know trying to participate in this thing called the Internet that I thought was

gonna be a really big deal I knew that if I failed

I wouldn't regret that

For more infomation >> WATCH THIS WHEN YOU WANT TO GIVE UP! - DON'T WASTE TIME - Best Motivational Video 2017 ⏰⏳ - Duration: 27:36.


Don't Compare Yourself to Others! - Duration: 9:55.

For more infomation >> Don't Compare Yourself to Others! - Duration: 9:55.


Woman Says Daughter And Son-In-Law Don't Think She's 'Christian Enough' To Be Around Their Kids - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Woman Says Daughter And Son-In-Law Don't Think She's 'Christian Enough' To Be Around Their Kids - Duration: 3:30.


Lazy High Protein Vegan Meal That 'Don't' Taste Like Ass - Duration: 3:10.

vegan meals quick easy for beginners

vegan meals that don't taste like ass, this was commented by check below. so I'm

gonna give you guys two quick and easy recipes high in that good ass nutrients to get them

vegan gains in stick with me guys let's go, my brother's my sister the first

thing we're gonna do is weigh up our lentils, 1 cup is about 250 grams, water ratio one to 2.5, cut your

plantains and add it in, that was a bit too lazy don't do that, drop it gentle, not we

literally chopped up everything and put in it in the pot, and let it to boil, let's go. Dice your spring onions.

add it in, dice some ginger, add it in. dice some plantain, slap it in the

oven gas mark 200 , dice your okra, major key add it in

dice your mushrooms and add it in, cutting the mushrooms that's 50% lazy , if you want

to go all the way 100 just crumble it with your hands doesn't make no

difference, that will save you about 2 minutes, lazy man recipe. Broccoli use your hand

separate, add it in, now is the time you want to cover the pot, add some fresh thyme, add it in.

now it's time to put in our fresh herbs you know I love cooking with

fresh herbs so we've got parsley coriander we've got some basil I will just put a little bit of each in there. lazy man recipe but you guys home

you might want to adjust it to your personal tastes and after that we pour a

little bit of salt a little bit of curry powder and that is your meal down. 20

minutes Bon Appetit, sea salt, curry powder cayenne pepper, mix , close, avocado and so

living baby

everything really complements each other. and the plantain! this is an

actual size , i may go back for number 2

friends my family I see you on part two let's go ready guys we're gonna start

with the quinoa it's a quick recipe for the lazy

For more infomation >> Lazy High Protein Vegan Meal That 'Don't' Taste Like Ass - Duration: 3:10.


Neighbors don't want criminals put in local hotel - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Neighbors don't want criminals put in local hotel - Duration: 2:11.


TGGC: Don't Touch the Stick of Truth! - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> TGGC: Don't Touch the Stick of Truth! - Duration: 3:56.


[Vietsub + Engsub] Don't Go Today – Ben & Im Sejun - Duration: 2:38.

Stop, everyone is looking

Stop making me cry

Please, let's talk tomorrow

Please spend a litte time to think of me

Don't go today

Don't go just today

If you stay next to me only today

I can forget you

Don't go today

Please don't leave

If you stay next to me only today

I'll try more (to forget you)

I know that it doesn't really matter now

Even if I pretend that nothing happened

But why do tears keep on flowing?

Don't go today

Don't go just today

If you stay next to me only today

I can forget you

Don't go today

Please don't leave

If you stay next to me only today

I'll try more

Don't go today

For more infomation >> [Vietsub + Engsub] Don't Go Today – Ben & Im Sejun - Duration: 2:38.


Mersal🤔Teaser😀concept🤔🤗 | Don't Miss it/skip it - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mersal🤔Teaser😀concept🤔🤗 | Don't Miss it/skip it - Duration: 1:09.


URGENT: The NFL's $1 Billion Secret That They Don't Want You to Know | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:31.

As the NFL continues to allow (and even promote) the anti-American "kneelers" within their

organization, it turns out there's one secret that could spell disaster for the league.

According to one Twitter post, it appears that the NFL relies on over $1 billion in

subsidies from American taxpayers, an expense that most citizens would be surprised to hear


In light of recent developments, Trump should take those funds away.

The NFL is, or at least used to be, one of the most profitable professional sports leagues

in the US, earning billions in profits and revenues every single year.

However, what most people don't seem to know is that these profit margins are made

possible by the billions in taxpayer dollars that are spent supporting the organization.

Between team spending, tax breaks, and stadium construction, the NFL is getting an extraordinarily

good deal off of the government's dime, something that has left experts aghast.

"I've been studying this for 15 years, and I still can not believe cities and states

are lined up begging to give money to these very profitable [teams]," said Professor

Rick Eckstein, an expert on stadium finance, according to CNN.

Among the largest contributors of financing to the NFL comes in the form of stadium construction.

Over the past 20 years, the American taxpayer has spent over $7 billion to help build or

renovate NFL stadiums.

Stuart Varney went on FOX & Friends to talk about this very topic.

"There's $1.1 billion in direct subsidies from taxpayers to the NFL…Taxpayer subsidies

go to the building of stadiums.

There have been 20 new NFL stadiums since 1997.

All of them have received a degree of taxpayer subsidies," he said.

However, with the league making a habit of encouraging disrespect to the anthem–started

off by Colin Kaepernick and now influencing 200 different NFL athletes to do the same,

many are feeling the league is biting the hand that is feeding them.

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, around one-third of Americans are less likely to

watch the NFL games in light of these anthem protests.

While that might not seem like a lot, the prospect of one-third of the potential viewership

disappearing in the blink of an eye is enough to give even a multi-billion dollar organization


The NFL relies on over $1 billion in subsidies from American taxpayers.


Should these terminate IMMEDIATELY.

When coupled with the fact that the organization has been struggling to fill stadiums and that

they are experiencing historically low ratings, the league has never been in a weaker position.

If President Trump should choose to withdraw this $1.1 billion in subsidies in response

to these anti-American efforts, then 2017 could very well be the year that the NFL came

to an end.

Many Americans are fed up with the league's recent actions, and many more are frustrated

to hear that the government is spending its precious taxpayer dollars on supporting the


"Please Stop My Tax Money from supporting the NFL – Send to FL-TX & P.R," tweeted

Jefferson Creel, just one fed up American.

Whether or not Trump chooses to pull the financial plug from the NFL is yet to be seen, but it

would be a move that many Americans would support.

Should we terminate all NFL subsidies IMMEDIATELY?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> URGENT: The NFL's $1 Billion Secret That They Don't Want You to Know | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:31.


తక్కువ అంచనా వేస్తె మీరే బాధపడతారు | Don't underestimate any one | success mantra by trinath - Duration: 5:57.

తక్కువ అంచనా వేస్తె మీరే బాధపడతారు | Don't underestimate any one | success mantra by trinath

For more infomation >> తక్కువ అంచనా వేస్తె మీరే బాధపడతారు | Don't underestimate any one | success mantra by trinath - Duration: 5:57.


Situation In Puerto Rico Dire As 44% Of Residents Don't Have Drinking Water - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Situation In Puerto Rico Dire As 44% Of Residents Don't Have Drinking Water - Duration: 4:30.



For more infomation >> JUDGE ROSS DON'T PLAY...THROWS HER *** OUT OF THE COURT ROOM - Duration: 7:46.


Class 11 - How to teach your baby sign langague if you don't have lots of time - Duration: 3:57.

>> Bruce: A lot of parents, obviously,

the constant complaint is just time.

"I don't have the time."

>> Rachel: I so understand that as a mother,

as a business woman.

We've made it easy.

It's why we made Baby Signing Time.

You're already playing with them,

and you're talking with them,

and you're sharing the day,

and now you're just adding those signs.

It's so simple and its so easy.

We made it that way because we're moms.

We have that same concern.

How can we create something that is easy

for people to do and makes a difference?

And that's what we did.

>> It's super simple.

You just put in the DVD and you sit down

and watch it with your baby.

>> It's so easy, it's ridiculous.

A baby could do it.

I mean really.

>> Rachel: Now it's time to learn some signs.


One hand makes the shape of a pear.

The other hand slides over the pear.



Pretend you're holding a carrot and taking a bite.



Pretend your cheek is a peach.

Feel how soft that peach is.


Remember the sign for "juice?"

You make a "J" right by your mouth.

You can add juice to the signs we just learned

Apple juice.

Sign "apple" and "juice."

How about pear juice?

Sign "pear" and then make the sign for "juice."

You can even drink carrot juice.

Carrot juice, coming right up.


Your hands make the round shapes of bubbles,

and then the bubbles pop.



Put your fists in front of your mouth,

and then pretend you're blowing up a balloon.

You hands show the balloon getting bigger and bigger.


Now remember, blowing up balloons

is for grown ups ok.

Sign "balloon."


Your thumb and pinky make a telephone.

Bring it up to your ear like you're

talking on the phone.



Make 2 fists with your thumbs up

and knock your knuckles together.


Sign it with me.



Bring your arm out in front of your body

and swing your other hand back and forth

like you're conducting music.


>> Rachel Sings: In the sky, in the sky.

Bubbles floating in the sky.

Bubble travel oh so high.

I can pop them, I can try.

In the sky, in the sky, flying by.

In the sky, in the sky, wave goodbye.

For more infomation >> Class 11 - How to teach your baby sign langague if you don't have lots of time - Duration: 3:57.


Don't Wait. Register For Spring Classes Now! - Duration: 1:02.

Hey guys beginning October 1st you can resister for classes.

And when you do you could win up to $300.00 in cash and a 6 credit hour scholarship.


That is almost worth a thousand bucks.

Guys, don't wait until grades are posted, meet with your advisor now.

When you register you will be entered into weekly drawings and a grand prize drawing on November the 20th.

The earlier you register the more chances you'll have to win.

And beat the competition.

For more infomation >> Don't Wait. Register For Spring Classes Now! - Duration: 1:02.


Watch Us Burnout Don's New Hellcat - Duration: 0:34.

Classic Shan at St. Albert Dodge

Let's see a burnout

Not another burn out

Shannon down at St. Albert Dodge

Having fun with our new Dodge Hellcat

You got it!

For more infomation >> Watch Us Burnout Don's New Hellcat - Duration: 0:34.


DON BAN EXTENDEDDonald Trump's US travel ban extended to North Korea - Duration: 4:13.

DON BAN EXTENDEDDonald Trump's US travel ban extended to North Korea

NORTH Korea, Venezuela and Chad have been added to President Trumps US travel ban list - while Sudan has been removed.

Citizens from Kim Jong-uns dictatorship, Nicolas Maduros Socialist failing state and Muslim-majority Chad will be banned from entering the US.

REUTERS 4 Donald Trumps controversial travel ban policy was tonight extended to North Korea, Chad and Venezuela Tweeting the updated list, Donald Trump wrote: Making America Safe is my number one priority.

We will not admit those into our country we cannot safely vet. Citizens of Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen remain banned from entering the US under Trumps controversial policy.

Sudan, one of the six majority-Muslim countries on the original travel ban, was removed from the list.

The US has recently praised Sudans efforts in fighting terrorism ahead of a decision expected in October on whether to lift decades-old sanctions on Khartoum.

The new restrictions will take effect on October 18 after an expiring 90-day measure that had locked Trump in political and legal battles since he took office in January over what critics alleged was an effort to block Muslims from the country.

If you cant screen people effectively to know whos coming into your country, then you shouldnt allow people from that country to travel, said White House National Security Advisor H.R.


REUTERS 4 Citizens of Kim Jong-uns North Korea have been banned from travelling to the US as the hermit state does not meet basic security requirements EPA 4 Donald Trump at the White House yesterday.

He said the new travel ban additions were to protect America REUTERS 4 Donald Trump steps off of Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, U.S.

His new travel ban will take effect on October 18 Trump administration officials stressed that the restrictions are conditions-based, not time-based, indicating that significant improvements by countries could see them delisted from the travel ban.

The officials also said the addition of North Korea and Venezuela demonstrated that the measure was based on security standards and was not a Muslim ban, as detractors have argued.

Religion, or the religious origin of individuals or nations, was not a factor, a senior government official told reporters.

The inclusion of those countries, Venezuela and North Korea, was about the fact that those governments are simply not compliant with our basic security requirements. But Becca Heller, director of the International Refugee Assistance Project, said that of the three countries added, Chad is majority Muslim, travel from North Korea is already basically frozen and the restrictions on Venezuela only affect government officials on certain visas.

You cant get any more transparent than that.       h.

For more infomation >> DON BAN EXTENDEDDonald Trump's US travel ban extended to North Korea - Duration: 4:13.


don't starve №3 "стивский выживает" (казан) - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> don't starve №3 "стивский выживает" (казан) - Duration: 14:23.


Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Happiness Habit #6 - Duration: 3:12.

Will any of this even matter a year from now?

Happy people ask themselves that question all the time.

That's how they gauge whether the current problem is

something they need to focus any energy on or something that they should just let go.

Because happy people are in the habit of not sweating the small stuff.

They've learned to look at a problem, look at an issue, something that comes up

and in a real quick decision, decide whether it's something they should even focus on.

Is it worth spending my energy on?

If you look around on any given day

people will find five, ten, fifty things to stress about that really don't matter.

They have no consequence on the rest of their life but they'll spend energy

focusing on them and stressing about them.

You know you only have so much energy and so much focus that you can give in a day.

So if you're spending a of time and energy focusing on these small trivial things,

you're neglecting thinking about and focusing on some important things,

some things that could lead to more positivity or success or happiness in your life.

You can get so bogged down in these little things, that you accomplish nothing of the good things.

And so what I want you to get into the habit of is gauging everything that comes your way.

Ask yourself this one question:

Does this matter?

Does it really matter?

Will I even remember this a year from now?

Will I remember it a week from now?

If the answer to that is no, then it's time to switch focus.

Just let it go.

These are the little things, these are the small stuff,

these are the things that we need to just let go.

Because there's so many things that are more important out there.

Nobody ever created happiness, achieved a goal, or created a lot of success by

focusing and worrying about a bunch of little small things, trivial matters.

The people that you see that are happy and feel content

have learned that they don't have time or energy to waste on these little things.

So it comes back to that question,

Does this matter?

As you get into the habit of asking yourself if it matters you'll also get in the habit of

focusing on the important things,

of dropping the non important things.

Don't sweat the small stuff it's such a true statement.

It's not worth your time.

It's not worth your energy

when there are so many great things out there that you can create for yourself and for those around you.

Thanks so much for visiting today.

I love that you come and watch these videos and I love the community that

we're building here.

Remember, if you ever have any questions, anything you're

dealing with anything or you need advice on

please put it in the comments below

You can also send me an email at

Chances are if you're struggling with something, there are thousands of other people going

through the same thing and there's a chance that we can all help each other

together to have a happier life.

Thanks again.

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