Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily what Sep 27 2017

- Hey everybody, Daniel Fusco here.

Welcome to today's Two Minute Message.

Today I wanna talk with you about heaven.

What is heaven?

Now, here's the thing you need to realize,

according to the Bible, this life

we're on a journey, a pilgrimage through this,

that this is not our forever home, that's where heaven is.

See now heaven is the place where you and I

are no longer limited by time and space.

It's where God dwells and where we know,

just as we are known.

The book of Psalms says that in heaven

there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore.

That word fullness literally speaks of a glass

that is so full that everything is pouring out over it.

So when I think of heaven, I realize that I wanna be there,

but for many people, heaven and the idea of heaven,

is off-putting because this is the only life that we know,

and for many people, they're giving up

their ability to experience life on this side for heaven.

Now what I always tell people is that Jesus is interested

in us maximizing our lives,

this life and the next life.

He wants to give us an abundant life now

through the power of the Holy Spirit

and he wants to give us an eternal life in the hereafter.

And we wanna have all of that

because eternity is important.

But what's also beautiful is that

for those of you who have put your faith and trust in Jesus,

and I pray that all of you are doing that,

that all of you are walking with Jesus.

When Jesus places his Holy Spirit in you,

through your faith in him,

you get to be a little slice of heaven here on earth,

that because the spirit of God is changing

and transforming us, now all of the sudden,

we get to experience a little bit of heaven

right here on this side,

until we get to to be there later.

So listen, we wanna respond to this.

What does it look like for you to be a little slice

of heaven for people on this side of earth?

For you to be salt and light,

to show people what heaven is gonna be like,

that you're almost trailer for heaven

in this life right here and right now.

Also, share this video

because as soon as this life has passed,

only what we've done for Christ will last

and we want to be able to have people's eyes on heaven

and have a heavenly mindset.

God bless you guys, I'll see you real soon.

For more infomation >> What is Heaven All About? - Two Minute Message - Duration: 2:01.


She's as HOT as a hot... WAIT WHAT? | Family Feud - Duration: 0:28.













For more infomation >> She's as HOT as a hot... WAIT WHAT? | Family Feud - Duration: 0:28.


What's Lurking on the Baby Changing Table? - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> What's Lurking on the Baby Changing Table? - Duration: 4:43.


What a wonderful world Louis Armstrong cover - Duration: 2:29.

I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night

And I think to myself what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky

Are also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do

They're really saying I love you

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow

They'll learn much more than I'll never know

And I think to myself what a wonderful world

Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world

For more infomation >> What a wonderful world Louis Armstrong cover - Duration: 2:29.


Jurassic World's Indominous Rex Concept Art: What Jurassic World's Indominous Rex Nearly Looked Like - Duration: 3:55.

newly-released concept art from Jurassic world reveals that the indominus rex

hybrid dinosaur could have looked very different

the powerful intelligent beast made its debut in the 2015 magnetic wreaking

havoc on the very people who created it the freakish indominus eventually led a

stun Owen greedy Chris Pratt to declare that thing out there that's no dinosaur

in Jena and the mastani corporation learned quickly in Jurassic world that

they went too far with indominus the finished product of a hybrid creation

heavily resembled the iconic Tyrannosaurus Rex only with much longer

arms and larger claws to go with its gray scales and camouflage abilities

however it turns out that one early design for the monster was a sharp

visual contrast to what ended up on screen you can check out the indominus

rex artwork via the art station page for ian joiner one of Jurassic world's

credited concept artists the art depicts a dinosaur that still resembles a t-rex

but one with a yellow jacket like strike pattern and longer sharper spikes along

its spine and elbows it also has much smaller arms and claws than the final

version of no meanness but they are still enlarged labs at Jurassic world

originally created indominus as a fresh attraction beyond the boring old t-rex

to draw more visitors but regardless of how cool it look it was clear that the

creature would be too powerful and dangerous for the park to contain it

appears that on gen and Miss Ronnie haven't learned from their lessons in

2018 s Jurassic world fallen Kingdom which has teased the appearance of a new

dinosaur that is if indominus didn't survive

speculation on other recent photos suggests that there may be a new hybrid

dinosaur in jayanna Jurassic world follow-up perhaps one

that more closely resembles a Velociraptor vanity Rex if it still

looks like t-rex then joiners early concept art would have been a good

source it's incredibly detailed arguably a much more complex design than what

ended up in the final cut the timing of joiners release of the

concept part it's somewhat peculiar but likely unrelated to any designs that

will be seen in fallen Kingdom Joyner is not known to be working on any art

related to the sequel so it's unlikely that as endo Mimas concept had any

effect on any future artwork for the franchise it's curious that joiners

striking design was so far from the more muted final look of indominus in

jurassic world there could be a fallen kingdom trailer in November but there's

still little known about the new film it remains to be seen whether it will

evolve visually with its new monster

For more infomation >> Jurassic World's Indominous Rex Concept Art: What Jurassic World's Indominous Rex Nearly Looked Like - Duration: 3:55.


[NU'EST] What NU'EST W want to do when they meet their fans - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> [NU'EST] What NU'EST W want to do when they meet their fans - Duration: 3:15.


Morning Conversations with Jim Self and Roxane Burnett-How to Attract What You Want - Duration: 12:29.

Over the last couple weeks we've talked about havingness and allowing things to

come to you, and today let's continue that and talk about what gets in the way

of us drawing to us what we want and also a trick, a tool, a technique to

increase the possibility of it coming. Sure. So one of the things where we've

been talking about is this place where you get quiet and everything comes to

you. Now for the most part that's just an interesting concept because 'I'm so much

in motion, I, you don't understand, I have to.' And earlier we talked about the train

at 90 miles an hour and all we're really saying is: just turn right. And there's so

much motion in people's space that it's a real difficult challenge just to turn

right. So this place where everything comes to you,

it's a, I refer to it also as a place where the answer lies where the question

is asked. And what happens is if you get quiet and just simply ask the question

and allow, all of a sudden-- and everybody has this experience occasionally-- it's

like: Oh, I know what I can do. And there it is. But for the most part what people

do in motion is they say, "Oh I really would like to go to the movies on Friday

night," and then immediately move away from where the thought was thought. And

quite often people say, "Oh I would like a new car, I'd like to go on a vacation, oh

I really want to get a new house." And then years go by. On to the next thing.

And they say, "Oh I wanted that but it just really never came to me." Well, no. It,

it could have come to you but you moved. You weren't where you asked and the

answer lies. It's sitting right there for you. Right there, it's simply 'ask and

you shall receive' as they say. The question is asked, the answer comes to

where the question is asked. But we're in this motion. Yeah. So one of

the pieces is: how do you unravel yourself? And again I go back to

Mastering Alchemy-- this isn't about selling Mastering Alchemy but to go back

to, you, you get a set of tools and I watch people get excited. And then they

begin to practice the tools and they realize, the Rose for example, gives them

the ability to define themselves here and everything on the other side of this

point of delineation is Shakespeare's theater to entertain me or to disturb me

depending on how you wish to see it. But when you basically begin to realize: I'm

here and I don't have to be the effect of or engage with what's out in front of

me, you start to get into present time and the only place that things get

created. So when you can begin to recognize: I don't have to go there, I

don't have to be a part of it, I can stand in the middle of it and it passes

me by, the noise, then you're starting to be in a place where you can recognize: I

would like to have for myself. And you have the room to focus your attention on

that thing you want. When you're out there bumping around and going to, your

focus isn't on the single point of attraction. Right and we've talked about

in previous times but time is an application it's not a fixed concept. So

this sense of past and future, past and future. People are constantly in the past

in the future. Very little time is spent in allowing the answer to come to me in

present time. So, but when you can begin to back out of the television back, out

of the noise, start to recognize a huge advantage of this Shift where it is

disruptive. And so you have people focused in fear and in lack and in loss

and in worry, very much over here trying to maintain some level of status

quo. But for the most part nothing's really threatening you in real terms and

if you step over here and begin to ask yourself: "What is it that I'd like now

that things are not flowing in the same river of status quo?" Much more can come to me.

And there's a trick that we used to teach years ago and we haven't really

talked about it for a long time and it's something that we used to call the

mock-up. Mm-hmm. And it's it's a very fun easy tool that,

do you want to talk about it? No, go ahead. Okay so what you do is, is create a

bubble, a space out in front of you and you put the image of the thing you're

wanting to create, a new car, in this bubble and you're staying in the center

of your head in your higher mind behind your rows amused and neutral. Neutral is

really important here. And you make it really fun and you put this car in the

bubble and you really see all the details. You kind of roll around in it

and feel the upholstery and smell it and and just get it all over you in a really

fun, not pressured way. It's not, "Oh it has to come next week." It's, it's just a

playful "Here's the bubble, here's the thing I'm wanting to create." And once you

get it to a place where you're really smiling and enjoying rolling around in

this thing. Then you release it to the universe and not forget about it, but no,

okay, Monday I did that. Maybe on Wednesday you come back in your

meditation space and you bring that bubble down and go, "You know I don't want

red I want green instead." Snd so you roll around in it all again and recreate and

have fun and really get a-- put your emotions into it. Because the emotions is

the fuel that sends it off and then you just watch. And all the times I've done

this, a hundred percent of the time I let it go, I fine-tune it a few times and I

look around my life, and there's that green car. Everywhere I go is the green

car I'm mocking up which is a wonderful validation and then the key is to really

have fun with it with no needing, no needing. Yeah, yeah just allow it, allow it.

Make it a fun experience. Now where I watch people get frustrated

is they want and they believe but-- can they have it? And so it goes

all the way back to this having piece: can I have this? And so in a way, that

part is real valid and it works. There's another aspect of backing out of your

circumstances. It's like, okay here I am and I want this new car. The first thing

that comes up is the "buts". Yeah. But I don't have enough money, but I can't, it

but, all the buts. That's a really good find because you have the tools to clear the

"but" side of your space. Where in my space do I hold this belief that I can't

have a green car? Right. Using the Rose, using the grounding cord and your

meditation space just-- all the tools in Mastering Alchemy are designed to clear out

the buts and to basically open up the flow to allow. And right here though for

the person who's listening it's really, okay I would like this and at the same

time here's the flow of my life. Here's my 90 miles an hour, my train that says

no I can't because, I can't because. Well what if you could? What if you were the

last person on the planet? What if you were just simply naked all by yourself

and all the stores and everything was there for you. Or, it's like the

people who win the lottery. It's like, oh I'm gonna pay off my car, I'm gonna get

this, I'm gonna do this. Okay what are you going to do with the other 7 million dollars?

I don't know because I've never had circumstance that allows me to consider.

What many of us do is we accept our realities and then allow it and then

just continue to progress in it. Status quo. Your ability to change everything,

particularly right now, is really available. So it's a piece of not getting

caught up in: well this is my circumstance. Well what if you change the

circumstance? Well I can't. But what if you could? Well I can't. Well how would it

be possible? Well you don't understand. Count on it-- you'll come up with 50

reasons why you can't until finally it's like, well, what if you could? Yeah. What

would it be like to go on a cruise? So what would it be like if you could do X?

So the real key to all this is: what if I could have that, what if I did do this,

what would it be like? Here's here's another trick when I was, when I was

teaching years ago I taught it at creating abundance class. And one of the

pieces of homework I gave the students for that week is to go to a really,

really expensive restaurant. One, a restaurant that they would never

consider going because it's way too expensive and fancy and,

but to get dressed up and really own this space. Do some energy work to

prepare and you go to this restaurant and you just order dessert. You just

order a cup of coffee. You just-- just to be in the energy of that high

havingness you don't have to spend a lot of money. Right. And when you're in that

restaurant having coffee and a doughnut or whatever you absorb it you step into

it: I can have this. Own it. I'm gonna match this energy. Yeah, own it. Just

simply, you're not spending a lot of money and nobody's going to get upset

with you having dessert and a coffee, so you go in there and, literally get

dressed, go into a real high-end restaurant and sit there and spend four

dollars on a cup of coffee. You'd do that anyways at Starbucks. Go in and whatever it

takes, but then sit there and own it. Be there. Don't be in

a hurry. Get a second cup of coffee. You can simply say, "I'm just gonna have

coffee, I'm waiting for somebody else to come." 20, 30, 40, 50 minutes later you say,

"Well let me have the bill. I'm sorry I guess the other person is not coming." The

restaurant, the waiter, they don't have any, they don't care. So it's a matter of

doing something that pushes your limits that's completely safe, that's very

validating, walk out of the restaurant, just, "Good job, I had a success." Take a

Mercedes Benz for a test drive. Oh, great example. You just simply, you know, dress

decently, go there in certainty, in ownership, and say, "I'm interested in a

new Mercedes could you please tell me about it?" Sit there and talk to the

person about the Mercedes. Can I take a test drive? Go drive the Mercedes.

Sit there, own it, feel it, get all out and say, "Thank you very much I'll get back to

you, I'm gonna think about this." Begin to do things that increase your havingness

but increase your engagement with havingness. And that's the piece that all of a sudden is

like: I can have this, this feels pretty good, I like this, I like myself

today, I had fun today. Stay out of the 'no I can't, I don't deserve, oh my god, what

if? No-- third dimension. Here is the space where you begin to just give little

things to you. It doesn't cost you any money, you go have a good time, walk away.

Own it. Own it. These are the pieces-- this is a really big piece. Simply begin to

start giving to yourself in ways that are comfortable, that are fun. You begin

to interrupt your patterns of 'I can't', the freight train at 90 miles an hour.

Yes, you can. Mm-hmm. Yes, you can. Absolutely can. This is a new world

you're stepping into and these are the baby steps that allow the world to give

to you. So play them well. I think you'll like them. Mm-hmm. Good. Have a good day.


For more infomation >> Morning Conversations with Jim Self and Roxane Burnett-How to Attract What You Want - Duration: 12:29.


Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 3:26.

I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage

The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don't like you

I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie

You said the gun was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time

I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined

I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

I don't like your kingdom keys They once belonged to me

You ask me for a place to sleep Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)

The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama

But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma

And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure

Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick

of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all

the time I've got a list of names and yours is in red,

underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

(Look what you made me do) (Look what you made me do)

(Look what you just made me do) "I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the

phone right now" "Why?"

"Oh, 'cause she's dead!" (oh!)

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 3:26.


What's for Dinner? | Sainsbury's Advert | Autumn 2017 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> What's for Dinner? | Sainsbury's Advert | Autumn 2017 - Duration: 1:01.


When people ask me what the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is - Duration: 0:15.

Forgive me, I mistook you for the Catholic Church

I am the Catholic Church

Or rather the Catholic Church as it should have been

For more infomation >> When people ask me what the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is - Duration: 0:15.


#What Chelsea must do to break down Atletico Madrid and their astonishing defensive record - Duration: 7:14.

What Chelsea must do to break down Atletico Madrid and their astonishing defensive record

CHELSEA travel to Atletico Madrid tomorrow for their first away game of the Champions League this season.

The match at the Wanda Metropolitano will be the first European tie at Atleti's new stadium.

Diego Simeones Atletico are one of the hardest sides on the planet to break down.

Antonio Conte is trying to mastermind a way to breach Atleticos defence.

With Diego Simeone's side notoriously hard to break down, our friends at Football Whispers look at what the most likely way is for Chelsea to score against them.

It will be a daunting visit to Madrid for Antonio Conte and his men.

Simeone has built arguably the best defensive unit in Europe since returning to Atletico Madrid as manager in December 2011.

Since then, in every full season he's had at the club, Atleti have finished the campaign as the team that has conceded the fewest goals in La Liga.

They let in 31 league goals in 2012/13, 26 when they won the league in 2013/14, 29 in 2014/15, 18 in 2015/16 and 27 in 2016/17.

So far this season, they've only let in four goals in their seven matches in all competitions, as they remain unbeaten.

Diego Godin, Atleticos defensive linchpin, wins a header.

Slovenian keeper Jan Oblak has proved a hard man to beat.

Lucas Hernandez has become one of Atleticos key defenders.

In-form marksman Alvaro Morata will fancy his chances in his home country.

They have only played two of those seven games at the Wanda Metropolitano, but both of those matches have seen them keep clean sheets, first in a 1-0 win against Malaga on September 16 before a 2-0 win over Sevilla on Saturday.

There's no doubt that it will be one of the toughest away games Chelsea face all season, and it will be a difficult night for the Blues' attacking options.

Yet, perhaps Conte will be able to see a glimpse of a potential weakness in Atletico Madrid's coat of armour.

If he's seen the four goals they've conceded this season, they all have similarities about them – having come from the attacking team's left side.

Atletico have kept clean sheets in both games at their new Wanda Metropolitano home.

The first goal conceded came in their opening goal of the season against Girona.

After the ball was cleared, Girona's Eloi Amagat picked it up to the left of the penalty area just ahead of Atleti right-back Juanfran, who was unable to make proper contact on the ball.

The ball then found itself with David Timor via Borja Garcia, and the midfielder played in a left-footed cross from just deep of the penalty area.

It went in between left-sided centre-back Stefan Savic and left-back Lucas Hernandez, with Cristhian Stuani being there to find himself behind the two defenders and head it home.

The second goal they conceded was also against Girona, but from a free-kick, also from the left.

Alex Granell's ball to the back post was headed across the box, where Stuani was there to head his second.

Their third goal let in was against Las Palmas, when right-back Sime Vrsaljko played a loose ball that was intercepted, leading to Momo breaking down the left and playing a delicious cross for former West Ham United striker Jonathan Calleri to score from.

He was left free in the gap between the left-side centre-back Diego Godin and left-back Hernandez.

The most recent goal they conceded was a Raul Garcia strike against Athletic Bilbao.

Jose Gimenez returned to the starting line-up against Bilbao.

Mikel Balenziaga was left with a lot of space by right-back Jose Gimenez, allowed to cross and Savic missed his header, leaving Raul Garcia free to finish.

While they may have all come from the left, it has to be pointed out that the first three were in the opening two games of the season, and the last goal they conceded was late in injury time, with Atletico Madrid already 2-0 up at the time.

But, there is some correlation between the four goals Atleti have let in, and Conte will undoubtedly want to exploit that.

Stefan Savic goes in for a tackle against Sevilla.

Marcos Alonso loves bombing forward from left wing-back and putting a cross in.

In Alvaro Morata, Chelsea have someone who is hugely impressive with his head – he's already scored three headers this season.

While a lot of the Spaniard's goals this season have come from him dropping deep to collect a Cesar Azpilicueta pass from the right, he may look at exploiting the space between Atleti's left centre-back and the left-back to cause damage to Simeone's side.

And there's no doubt that as someone who came through the Real Madrid youth system, the 24-year-old would love scoring the first goal from an away team player at his old club's cross-city rivals' new stadium.

For more infomation >> #What Chelsea must do to break down Atletico Madrid and their astonishing defensive record - Duration: 7:14.


What Is Exorcism Or Avahanam? | How To Do Exorcism? | Tantric Puja And It's Mantra - Duration: 2:38.

Thanks for watching the video What Is Exorcism Or Avahanam? | How To Do Exorcism? | Tantric Puja And It's Mantra

For more infomation >> What Is Exorcism Or Avahanam? | How To Do Exorcism? | Tantric Puja And It's Mantra - Duration: 2:38.


MUST WATCH SHOCK ! The End 2017! Watch this video before it's too late, What happened - Duration: 39:16.

For more infomation >> MUST WATCH SHOCK ! The End 2017! Watch this video before it's too late, What happened - Duration: 39:16.


What can you do with Office 365 Groups in Outlook? - Duration: 16:20.

For more infomation >> What can you do with Office 365 Groups in Outlook? - Duration: 16:20.


What National Police Remembrance Day means to Victoria Police - Duration: 1:51.

National Police Remembrance Day is a day, September 29, every year

and it's the day when we remember police who have fallen in the line of duty.

In Victoria in particular, we have events in the CBD in St Kilda where we will march

and then spend some time at our police memorial and we also have events running in rural locations

to acknowledge and remember those that have fallen.

Remembrance is important to Victoria Police.

In an organisation where our police, every day, are putting themselves in harms way

to protect the community, we need to say that we value and acknowledge that.

It's important to remember everyone, but particularly this year we will be honouring and remembering

the four police women that have lost their lives in the line of duty.

It is our 100 Years of Women in Policing that we've celebrated this year.

For me with Police Remembrance Day, I'm also remembering those officers that have taken their lives.

I'm thinking of the families of those officers who have taken their lives, having received mental health injuries

as a result of their duty and that we need to do more to recognise and remember them.

It's also a day of reflection about loved ones and families who have lost their lives.

For those families it can be a sad day as well as a day where we celebrate the achievements

of their loved ones and it's important that we're there for these families on this day

and that we're looking after each other on that day as well.

We've had 159 members that have lost their lives since Victoria Police commenced

164 years ago and it's really important for us to honour, to acknowledge and to remember.

For more infomation >> What National Police Remembrance Day means to Victoria Police - Duration: 1:51.


What the U.S. Government found, then covered up, in Antarctica will blow your mind! - Duration: 12:36.

What the U.S. Government found, then covered up, in Antarctica will blow your mind!

Operation Highjump (OpHjp) put nearly 5000 U.S. military personnel along with every resource available to the Navy's

disposal in the hands of Admiral Richard Byrd, the Operations Leader of the U.S. Naval mission into the Antarctic.

Think about that for a moment and let it sink in.

Every resource in the entire U.S. Navy was made readily available for Admiral Byrd's team's use.

Although Byrd was chosen to lead the mission for a rather specific reason, which I will later explain,

he was quite qualified and a favorite amongst the American public–the perfect candidate of choice by U.S. Navy and Top


Additionally to Byrd's recruitment another man, Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen, was selected to head-up the task force.

And make no mistake, this was an unusually bold move for the American military at the time as people, nations,

and even world economies were still volatile from war's aftermath.

So we have to ask the following questions:

Why would the U.S. military be seeking to expend so many resources at the risk of great collateral loss to explore such

a harsh region of the Planet Earth as Antarctica?

What was the rush?

What did they know?

What we find is that a lot of the details regarding Operation Highjump have been carefully tucked away over the years.

Wikipedia explains little about the mission officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program,


A United States Naval operation organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge,

Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68.

Operation Highjump commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947.

Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft.

The primary mission of Operation Highjump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.

Highjump's objectives, according to the U.S. Navy's report on the operation were as follows:

training personnel and testing equipment in frigid conditions;

consolidating and extending United States sovereignty over the largest practicable area of the Antarctic continent

(This was publicly denied as a goal even before the expedition ended);

determining the feasibility of establishing, maintaining and utilizing bases in the Antarctic and investigating

possible base sites;

developing techniques for establishing, maintaining and utilizing air bases on ice,

with particular attention to later applicability of such techniques to operations in interior Greenland,

where conditions are comparable to those in the Antarctic;

amplifying existing stores of knowledge of hydrographic, geographic, geological,

meteorological and electro-magnetic propagation conditions in the area;

supplementary objectives of the Nanook expedition.

(The Nanook operation was a smaller equivalent conducted off eastern Greenland.)

Interestingly enough many of the actual mission details were shrouded by secrecy, hidden from the American public,

which leads us to where we are now.

An excerpt from a report entitled The Antarctica Enigma reads:

Little other information was released to the media about the mission,

although most journalists were suspicious of its true purpose given the huge amount of military hardware involved.

The US Navy also strongly emphasized that Operation Highjump was going to be a navy show;

Admiral Ramsey's preliminary orders of 26th August 1946 stated that,"The Chief of Naval Operations only will deal with

other governmental agencies" and that "no diplomatic negotiations are required.

No foreign observers will be accepted."

Not exactly an invitation to scrutiny, even from other arms of the government.

Admiral Byrd, was a strategic choice as he was a national hero to the Americans.

He had pioneered the technology that would be a foundation for modern polar exploration and investigation,

had been repeatedly decorated and had undertaken many expeditions to Antarctica and was also the first man to fly over

both poles.

However, the task force itself, remained strictly under the military command of Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen

Unfortunately, the ships central group entered the ice pack off the Ross Sea on 31st December 1946 and found conditions

as bad as had been noted for over a century.

Cebreakers such as the USCGC Burton Island, a ship that had only recently been commissioned and was still undergoing

sea trials off the Californian coast when Operation Highjump was launched,

fought to cut a way through the ice to help the men land.

Richard Cruzen was one of a few men to have located at several 'oases' which were actually the real reason the

expedition team was sent there in the first place, although at the time only those with a top-secret clearance would

truly know the mission's true objective.

An excerpt from the Daviess County Historical Society reads:

According to a Navy report, 1,000 miles of new coastline was discovered on exploratory trips by the Bear and Byrd's sea


Commended by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox for his "superior seamanship, ability, courage, determination,

efficiency and good judgment in dangerous emergencies," Cruzen was one of the 16 members of the 1939-41 expedition who

received the Antarctic Expedition Medal, presented in November 1946.

On Dec. 2, 1946, Cruzen once more set sail for the Antarctic continent.

This time, as Task Force Commander under Admiral Byrd of the Navy's Antarctic Developments Project also known as

"Operation Highjump" Cruzen led a force of 13 ships carrying some 4,000 men, including meteorologists, zoologists,

physicists and experts from oceanography institutes into the adventure of a lifetime.

Besides looking for new scientific data, another purpose of the expedition was to train Navy personnel and to test

standard Navy ships and other equipment in cold weather operations.

Cruzen navigated through an ice pack of several hundred miles before reaching Little America.

Icebergs and unpredictable weather were formidable foes during the course of the expedition.

Among the discoveries made during the 1946-47 expedition was the sighting of two "oases," one a region of ice-free

lakes and land.

More than 300,000 square miles of unpathed territory were charted on aerial mapping operations.

Their observations proved that radical changes would have to be made on existing maps of the Antarctic.

Why would warm spots, with warm water exist in the Antarctic?

What does this mean?

The Hollow Earth Theory

Researchers such as Dr. Brooks Agnew and others have deeply considered the possibility that the earth itself could be

hollow or egg-like.

Although this theory seems hard to comprehend because you have been told exactly opposite your entire life, in school,

and so on.

Entertain this idea for a moment.

What if the earth was hollow?

Would that be possible?

Is there evidence to back this up?

The answer is yes!

Evidence shows that the earth rings like a bell after an earthquake for a period of up to about 60 minutes and that's

why some scientists and researchers say that this is due to the fact that the earth is hollow.

If the earth had a solid core, when and earthquake happened it would likely absorb all of vibration and not resonate it.

This is just one detail that should open your mind to the possibility that a hollow planet is a possibility.

Famous author and lecture, David Icke, explains in his book, Moon Matrix, exactly how the moon is likely hollow as well.

While Icke has been received lately harshly with criticisms, an article points out how "Icke believes

that the moon is an inter-dimensional, intensity portal for entities and energies from other dimensions.

He believes that aliens use the moon as a home base for hijacking signals from the universe so that our bodily forms

that are experiencing this virtual reality on Earth, can't fully experience what our creator meant for it to be.

These aliens are the same reptilian shape-shifters that Icke claims are responsible for much of suffering on our planet.

Reptilians want to filter anything beyond our five senses so that it manipulates what kind of world we can experience."

I myself have had the privilege of interviewing David Icke and other hollow earth experts,

such as Rodney Cluff and Dr. Brooks Agnew, personally–pushing me further into accepting that this theory may be more

than just a theory.

Virtually every culture and civilization across the planet, throughout time,

has documented what appears to be the existence of a 'hollow Earth.'

According to Dr. Brooks Agnew, who I have personally interviewed many times,

'a hollow earth is a very real possibility'.

Agnew has focused his studies to the North Pole region, as him and his team plan to one day locate a documented "polar

depression" thus launching test overflights from a "nuclear powered icebreaker."

Brooks and his team plan a scientific expedition to the brim of the hollow earth,

which proves to been unsuccessful at this time due to a lack of funding.

Brooks plans to use a "sun compass" and a "gyroscope" above the 60th parallel to get accurate measurements of the

oceanic depression.

If the rate of change begins to increase than likely the team would be entering the longed elusive "polar depression"

which has been reported by ancient Viking explorers and modern-day seamen alike.

Moreover during an interview on Red Ice Radio, Agnew talked about the formation of planets, Sir Isaac Newton,

and the difference between "thick" and "thin" crust physics, zero gravity and more.

The episode is very interesting to say the least.

Essentially what Agnew was talking about is what's known as a rather large "Graviton".

You know, those rides at the county fair that spin real fast?

They stick you to the wall then the floor lowers.

Oh boy–I can smell the funnel cake and the cotton candy now!

In the interview Agnew continues to get into the possibility of a 'hollow Earth',

questioning the possibility of advanced life within.

Agnew explains how migration patterns of birds could be proof that something to the nature of a hollow earth exists as

birds migrate north for winter in some cases, retreating to a warm area in the polar region.

Additionally it has been reported that the U.S. Navy encountered several UFOs during the Antarctic expedition and

possibly may have had a firefight with at least one of them.

A brief clip of this was allegedly caught on film.

Some also speculate that mermaids and other rare creatures may derive from the inner earth,

sometimes making their way into the upper waters divided by the firmament as mentioned in the Bible.

For more infomation >> What the U.S. Government found, then covered up, in Antarctica will blow your mind! - Duration: 12:36.


DronFreddy - What's wrong with us? (We forgot) - Duration: 3:19.

This fucking - not the end Put a cross in the life

heroin or crack Suicide - Kurt Kobeyn

This is a sample of all those who have forgotten the forest brought

they are there to get lost head like a notebook

and there are no more rows alcohol dilutes muzlo

Krovostok they have problems head-on

Marijuana at night Antidote and makes

flies near Hancock They did not honor the memory of those

who died Those who will torment thanks

According to their offensive And masks marching without meaning

hoping to make in order to something sest and vysrat

I'm a sociopath - maybe so You're normal or sheep

- decides to let Our Father Blunt or water - will decide everything

the rest of the dough in the groin or in the face - it is all about


We have not changed those with whom lived

We have forgotten who loved We stuck a knife in the past

resentment We have forgotten, do you remember?

we forgot We have not changed those with whom

lived We have forgotten who loved

We stuck a knife in the past resentment

We have forgotten we have forgotten

I see the end of the world among weight around

he began a long time, and soon will be held this cult

Fill my cup as the Grail and Jesus, we

forgotten for a long time where Tempered but the power around,

Devils - not the people that are crying not slezachi truth

Wheel on the head of the Vatican against swarms

Nth criticism and new stage, we are ...

Not forgotten about the good crowd opinion

As long as the teacher - corrupt children

as long as the better - who fucked More whores ...

Poglatila darkness and flooded the world its water

we drink more and more - in order to not feel pain

I forgot when was the last just open the book

is written in parenthesis deformity: "Not Born Beautiful"!


We Byzantium through the smoke forgetting VISIT

The main character.

We have not changed those with whom lived

We have forgotten who loved We stuck a knife in the past

resentment We have forgotten, do you remember?

we forgot We have not changed those with whom

lived We have forgotten who loved

We stuck a knife in the past resentment

We have forgotten we have forgotten

I do not answer questions that podzaebali me

In a world where men rule We are becoming a creature

In a pack where wolves Fewer rules burn them

help us corpse okrovaalen offender

brains But we adjusted to the

system like cockroaches

Your medicines do not work wound

Empty our pockets Electronic and literally

At the end of the world people videm After all, in us there is no more mystery

Passwords birthdays And boring plankton

We call it work What is considered to be shit

And we understand that life is not So lousy after hundreds of stocks

And then We will see your house

For more infomation >> DronFreddy - What's wrong with us? (We forgot) - Duration: 3:19.


What's the Best Health Insurance Plan for Your Small Business? - Duration: 2:26.

What's the best health insurance plan for your small business?

Most small business owners will say that the best plan is the most affordable one, but

there are three main factors that can influence what you'll pay when picking a new plan.

The amount you pay toward employee premiums.

The age and health needs of your group, which may affect out of pocket costs.

And the type of plan you prefer.

Let's look at each of these in more detail.

First, your premium share is the amount the business must pay toward employees' premiums.

Typically, the business must pay at least fifty percent of your employees' monthly

premiums under a small business health plan, though the percentage can vary by state or


You're not generally required to contribute toward the monthly premiums of your employees'

dependents, but some employers do.

A second factor that may influence your choice in a plan is the health of your group.

How old are your employees?

Do they see the doctor frequently?

No qualifying employee will be refused insurance or charged more based on his or her medical

condition or history, but these factors may still be important when choosing a plan.

Understanding how health insurance impacts your employees and their families is important

and your employees' needs should be discussed when shopping for a plan.

If your employees see the doctor frequently or use prescription drugs on a regular basis

that may affect your choice of a plan.

Choosing plans with higher deductibles and copayments may mean a lower monthly premium,

but you'll want to make sure you and your employees can afford that deductible in case

you need medical care.

Finally, the type of plan you choose can play a factor in your costs.

HMO-style plans tend to have smaller networks of doctors and hospitals and so they may cost

a bit less than some PPO-style plans that allow you more freedom to choose your doctors.

You may also want to consider partially self-funded health plans.

With a partially self-funded plan, you set aside a certain amount of money to pay for

employee medical costs, but that money may be refunded to you at the end of the year

if it's not used.

Work with a licensed health insurance agent to learn more about your coverage options

and to get quotes that are tailored to your group's coverage needs and budget.

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