Look Which Hollywood Celeb Finally Left America Liberals Breathe A Sigh Of Relief
disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein is reportedly headed to a rehab center
in Arizona according to TMZ Weinstein took off in a private jet Wednesday
evening bound for Wickenburg Arizona no word on where he will be receiving
treatment but the nearby Meadows rehab center is equipped to deal with sex
addiction issues while previous reports indicated that the 65 year old was going
to leave the country for treatment TMZ says the plans were scrapped as his team
wanted him to receive therapy within the country as for a state of mind Weinstein
was caught by paparazzi outside his daughter's house on Wednesday afternoon
and he says he's not doing okay this comes as a growing number of
actresses are coming forward with accusations of sexual harassment and
assault Weinstein took a jab at those women
telling photographers and you know what I've always been loyal to you guys
adding I've always been the good guy first obviously was fired by his own
company after the New York Times reported sexual harassment allegations
against him over three decades which he denies then came Ronin Pharaohs
devastating New Yorker article in which three women on the record say the movie
mogul raped them which again he denies now more accusers are merging just about
every day not just actresses but journalists like Laurence Yvonne and
that's where he cornered me in this vestibule and leaned in and and tried to
kiss me which I immediately rebuffed and said whoa whoa whoa he immediately
exposed himself and you know began pleasuring himself and I just stood
there dumbfounded Weinstein is a major Democratic donor and it took nearly six
days for Barack Obama to say he and Michelle were disgusted and quote any
man who do means and degrades women and such fashion needs to be condemned and
held accountable regardless of wealth or status and for Hillary Clinton to say
she was shocked and appalled by Harvey Weinstein his good Clinton broke her
silence of course it is too bad she was one of the last to do so I just don't
understand why the day this came out she wasn't on Twitter condemning it it's
just it doesn't make any sense to me the fact that the Clintons in the Obama
embraced him I think is a dark mark on their record the former first lady
finally spoke about it publicly on seeing it what was your reaction when
you heard the news about Harvey Weinstein I was I was just sick I was
shocked I was appalled it was something that was just intolerable in every way
joining us now to analyze the coverage guy Benson political editor of
townhall.com Jessica tarlof senior director at bustled both are foxnews
contributors and Erin McPike White House correspondent for Independent Journal
review Fareed Zakaria didn't ask Hillary Clinton the obvious question what took
you so long he didn't he did ask her about giving back some of the money that
she'd taken from Weinstein and she said she's gonna bundle that into her yearly
charitable giving it's unclear where that would go or if it's on top of her
normal 10% as she described I do think that there's a question for Democrats
more broadly is the party going to divest from this tainted money from
Harvey Weinstein movie media are pressing that question who are kind of
going easy on the wealth so the DNC put out this ridiculous charade of a policy
which was they're going to give away 10% of it two groups devoted to electing
Democrats which is basically the DNC and they got some positive headlines for it
saying oh they're giving away the money if the media is that easily fooled then
shame on them there should be more pressure on that front Jessica I'm glad
that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama now speaking out against Harvey
Weinstein but it's hard to avoid the conclusion they were being uber cautious
because Weinstein is not just a big-time Democratic donor he threw fundraisers
for them yeah absolutely I mean the actual cash amount that came directly
from Harvey Weinstein was quite minimal compared but he certainly has been a
great friend of the Democratic Party and liberal causes I mean even his first
ridiculous letter said I'm gonna focus my attention now on the NRA like as if
you know we want him with us in any way whatsoever to a larger point here I
think the Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were late to the game and I
think that more that the issue is not what we're gonna do with the money but
what we're going to do actually with the ideology because I believe strongly in
the values of the Democratic Party being champions of women
I believe our policies are better for women across the board and if we're not
the first to the fire on issues like this I think that it's hard for us to
stand up there and say that Republicans are sometimes reluctant one of the
conservative gets into this type of trouble but when Harvey Weinstein didn't
because he was kicked out of the Academy Awards yesterday should cut of course
partisan lines right yeah it absolutely should no I don't think six days is all
that long but I do know that people who tend to defend Clinton on television on
Twitter in the press were waiting for a response and we're kind of frustrated
that the Clinton team wasn't giving them one there were stories about what
awareness hell are we gonna speak about this if it had been some big Republican
donor you were taken six minutes six hours at the most
well look that's true but Hillary Clinton is no longer running for
president and people do want her to go away and President Obama is no longer
president so yeah but she is on a book tour all right so and how does NBC let
Ronan Farrow who got a number of women to go on the wack record three of them
accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape which again he denies anything non-consensual
Pharos is special correspondent and with NBC former MSNBC host how do you let him
walk away with that scoop so as a disclosure I'm friends with Ronan and I
thought that he gathered based on just what we know publicly he gathered a lot
of factual reportable information on this story over many months eight women
on the record the pushback he got internally from NBC is shocking and
we've seen the dribs and drabs coming out from within the building people
angry at NBC at their own network for basically giving up this scoop and
chasing him off to The New Yorker which has very high editorial standards and
they ran the piece so I think this looks terrible for NBC News and I do want to
very quickly give some credit to Rachel Maddow which I don't often do you played
the clip at the top of the show she asked him and pressed him on that issue
on an NBC owned metwork good for her it was the elephant in the room and she
didn't let it go I just want to play for you Jessica one piece of audiotape this
is something Ronan Fowler had months ago because there's some dispute about how
many of them did he have on the record at the time he was still doing the story
for NBC so this is Ambra battle Anagha Tara is a model who
two years ago had said that she was groped by Harvey wines and the day
before she wore a wire in a New York police sting let's listen he's coming
now and one minute as you want to leave when
the guy comes with Mike please I'm sorry just
he amidst the groping on the tape how is that by itself not a story for NBC I
don't know and I don't know what science was thinking either when he declined to
process but adding on to what guy was talking about NBC also got scooped on
the Access Hollywood tape because they waited on this wooded Trump right so
clearly there are some problems there at the top at NBC about their decision you
know to not go forward with these huge stories and stories the American people
need to be hearing about whether it's the president the United States of
America or it's someone that's running Hollywood so I've worked at both NBC and
CNN both of their news departments the Access Hollywood table you know I don't
know that we can say that the actual news department knew of the Access
Hollywood tape but I think that's that's up for debate but look networks kill
stories all of the time it is frustrating at every Network CNN does
not have a leg to stand on to go after NBC for not running that story and my my
suspicion is that it had a lot more to do with the fact that they thought oh
Ronan Farrow grew grew up in Hollywood and he is young and they probably wanted
to make him a star but didn't necessarily believe in his journalistic
chops there's a lot of that that could have been going on show though and I
mean Ronan Farrow said that he had to go out and spend his own money to do some
of this video for a crew because NBC wouldn't support don't hire him in the
first place if you don't think he has the chops to do it just briefly what do
you say CNN doesn't have a look at this thing because I know they kill stories
I've seen it happen all right we'll have to come back to that
sometimes in fairness NBC News president Noah Oppenheim told his staff and the
network put this out that it was offensive that anyone would think NBC
was covering up for a powerful person and that in his view we Ronan Farrow
story wasn't ready for primetime at the time he was dealing NBC but of course
weeks later this incredibly well documented piece shows up in The New
Yorker all right so do you think that too many journalists have perpetuated
the myth of Harvey Weinstein the mighty movie mogul the guy who makes stars the
guy who wins Oscars wall basically looking away from conduct that we're
hearing more more was an open secret in New York and Hollywood yeah and you know
one element of this story that I've been fascinated by is the late-night
comedians who jumped all over stories about
oh I don't know people at our network who got into trouble along these lines
and we hang out against Trump rendered on Trump regularly so look this
is obviously harassment a problem not just in Hollywood but elsewhere
it's the gusto and the immediacy with which some of these people went after in
the media and in comedy after some targets but not others and some of the
excuses now from Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Meyers explaining why they pulled their
punches to me do not hold water at all and I think it's there's some human
nature here going after friends and going after people who are powerful in
your orbit is difficult that's the truth to power NBC has business relationships
with NBC Universal Pictures and Bravo with Weinstein companies and that sort
of thing now it is hard though to nail down and
document these kinds of things where often two people in a room and I'm not
being in critical in any way of the women and particularly those who are
young aspiring actresses for not speaking out but you have to have people
who are willing to go on the record before you can report these kind of
explosive charges right that's why everyone on both sides of the aisle
should be praising these women who did find the courage to do that and yes it
took some of them a few years to make sure that they had established their
careers and they had the legs to stand on to do it but the audio came out of
Courtney Love back in 2005 saying don't work for her be Weinstein this was gonna
happen you and see a band her lifetime band so when people blame the women and
I have been on other panels about this where my opponent has come out and said
these women knew Meryl Streep knew you know Jane Fonda in ministry knew a year
ago don't you dare talk about those women and put them down for what they
did when you see what happened to a Courtney Love and this sets up my
question to you which is New York Times columnist Jim Ruttenberg wrote about
this that there's a network of a very aggressive public relations people and
lawyers who guard the secrets of those who they work for and that they keep
this stuff out of public view and then only major news organization New York
Times New Yorker which have the lawyers and factors can take this on well that's
right and look a lot of very wealthy entities or people when they foresee a
crisis happening will bring on a public relations firm so
that they can fend off the sort of thing which obviously we know happened with
Harvey Weinstein before he was trying to stop the near time stone by the way
Harvey Weinstein on the cover of Time magazine looking like a villain which is
pretty much always been cast producer predator pariah
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