hey guys one of my subscribers wanted me to do a video on the purchase thing over
here at create I'm gonna try to do this the best as I can I'm going to also try
to the link below in the description the actual stuff that I had creat sent me so
I ran it read over it there's gonna be some differences because everything's in
life is not sad but pretty much the Cascadia czar forty-nine thousand
they're going to have four hundred thousand miles on them that's that's a
fair price i can't say it's not a fair price they
do not have an APU they have an op the idle they will have a hundred thousand
miles factory warranty left on on them you will purchase an additional two
hundred thousand mile warranty that will just cover the motor you're gonna unless
you want to bring an outside financier you're gonna use Capaldi casually credit
it's a separate entity from Crete but they are still affiliated you're gonna
pay a twin seven and a nine percent interest rate and you're going to put
between three and six thousand dollars down now when we're talking about these
trucks I want you to remember something here everything is negotiable they will
negotiate with you on certain issues like term interest things of this nature
I know they will because they did with me all right
they are a city tax they also offer a tax iris through 80 BBS let me save you
some money there don't use the tax Cypress get your own tax person you'll
write off a lot more deductions a TBS is great but they're they're not risky in
any way they just the plain vanilla they won't write off things that they
consider questionable like that four-wheeler you
bought that you're gonna be dragging around tires and stuff with on the back
lot you know and or you know you know saying oh maybe a butter race car and
you you actually just bought it so you could drag your trip around I don't know
there's all kinds of things you can write off that that a questionable but
still doable okay you're going to keep a fifteen cents a mile that you're going
to keep in a maintenance escrow the casual capital casualty will also keep
until the completion of your lease you can also put the what's left of that
money you can pay it toward your loan and pay it off early do pay it off early
if possible saves you interest money
okay now I'll move over to the max force it's got thirteen later 450 horsepower
it actually has more horsepower or more torque than the Cascadia they both got
ten speeds Cascadia is gonna be $28,000 I mean the the max force it's gonna you
got to put one two three thousand dollars down 18 to 24 months terms
everything's negotiable here two guys you're gonna have to buy that same
extended two hundred thousand mile warranty now let me say something but
the max force I've put 440 thousand miles on this one
here I haven't had any problems out of the engine the clutch was was in
disarray when I got it I replaced the clutch but found out it wasn't the
clutch actually it was it was the the master cylinder and slave cylinder which
was an actual problem so I spent forty five hundred dollars that I really I
could have got by was spending about from you know 14 but I assumed that it
was one thing when it was actually another I had problems with the fan when
I first got it they paid to fix it they also paid to fix the air conditioner
they don't tell you this but I'll tell you this you're not giving it to week to
week nut warmth week warranty you first buy but you might want to talk about
that in the very beginning when you go to look at truck because they will hook
you up they don't want you to buy a bump truck but this is a real owner/operator
deal it's not like a lease or something not say anything bad about leasing
because I'd only says two but when you go out to Freightliner and you buy a
truck it's your baby when you walk off the plant off off off the lot it's kind
of the same way here okay you're going to keep a $750 maintenance and escrows
performance escrow it's for Qualcomm and stuff like that not a big deal it's
actually love for low for some places for every thousand dollars you spend on
the field card you're gonna be charged fifty cents it's okay your fuel savings
discounts here will range between 68 cents and and 38 or 40 cents they have
always been honest with me and paid me my discounts I keep track of every
transaction and I back check now and they've they're 100% honest
so it an average is about 58 cents as my savings if I use their places now you've
heard me talk about fuel solutions if you I haven't done a video on if the
taxes but people believe that they should fuel in the cheap states but
that's a misconception you should always fuel in the high
states beside a cheap state on the border like if you fuel in Illinois near
st. Louis you're gonna get the best price in the state versus anywhere in
Missouri or Illinois or Indiana because they're trying to be competitive and
their tax rate is so much higher that you actually pay your gift attacks for
for the next thousand miles see but it so if you buy the cheap state you
actually cost yourself two or three thousand dollars a year in extra revenue
spent going out as taxes that you're gonna pay quarterly so you can actually
save money but using their fuel program they it optimizes and this is any
company's fuel program it optimizes the savings in one state versus the taxes
also so you get your best savings so you should save actually you should you're
still gonna save about two to three thousand dollars a year using anyone's
fuel program and and you're also gonna save about three hundred dollars a week
off of the price of fuel so follow the fuel program love love Sean parks but he
don't know what anything about fueling okay feel this way put money in your
pocket if it says fill up fill up lakes are going to cost you forty four dollars
a week now if you run a hundred and eighteen thousand miles the first year
the next year they pay for your plates so that's a sixteen hundred and eighty
five dollars savings I believe that's pretty good that is that's real good
all right now you got to pay your highway use tax they deducted over in
for deductions it's no big deal highway use taxes five hundred fifty dollars a
year get all this stuff just saves you from going down to your local courthouse
or IRS office and doing it yourself so they do it for you most companies do do
it for you and you don't have time to do it all right now their pay per mile is
freaky I don't say that I like it but it's
their company and I haven't had a problem with it from one mile to 50
miles you get a dollar 58 from 150 to 250 you get a dollar 38 from 250 to 700
bucks $1,360 surcharge you can look it up every company does the same thing
some might pay you a little bit more on the fuel surcharge but they steal it
from you over here on this side so make it it just looks like you're getting
more they do charge you $40 a month for the Qualcomm use I know I don't like
that either I'd rather send up smoke signals right now the fuel surcharge is
at 26 cents you know the fuel surcharge is not meant to pay for all your fuel
that's not what's meant for it's another one of those government initiated
programs meant to screw drivers out of money in the long run which it does but
let me tell you the secret of fuel surcharge everybody wants to go fast I
like going fast i drive i drive drive 60 miles an hour i Everage over eight miles
to the gallon at anytime if the fuel ever goes crazy
back to 450 or $5 a gallon if thought your fuel surcharge will go to $4 a
gallon I know you can't believe that but it's true I've seen it happen when that
happens you'll make more money off your fuel surcharge then you make off your
load so if you ever see that happen slow down to 55 get 9 miles to the gallon and
double your money you'll make money all kinds of money on a high fuel surcharge
situation i 100% reprimand wreckin creats good company i would i would
recommend them to anyone i guess they're ready to love me so I must go thank you
for your time
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