Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily what Oct 9 2017

Hi everyone, Wallace here with your Monday video. Today I'm talking about

what I'm currently reading. And unfortunately there's not a ton of

diversity in what I'm reading. But two of the books are by women. Actually most of

the reading that I do is by women. I've noticed that um there are very, very few

male authors on my shelves. And that wasn't something purposeful. I tend to

just gravitate towards female writers. We've talked about this before here on

the channel. But it is the truth. So it's very rare that I'm reading a male author

and it's, so I often notice. This particular male author is Stephen King

and his son. And they wrote a book about women and how much the world needs them,

and what would happen if men were left to their own devices in a world without

women. And I didn't know this was coming out for some reason. I guess I'm just not

in the loop at the moment. But I'm, and I'm not, I mean, it's a thick book. I'm

only this far in but I just got it a couple days ago and I was like been

reading it every chance I get. Like I take it, it's huge and I'm like taking it

with me in my purse for like the minute that I have to like eat lunch before you

know I come back to get Smith or pick him up from preschool or get him from

the babysitter or whatever after I'm doing some work. And then of course like

during nap time and stuff when I get a minute I have been reading this one. That,

that's how good it is. It's not terribly scary, at least not so far. So that's

something that you get worried about with Stephen King. This is more of just

like a mind bender, um, kind of like 11/22/63. And I really like his writing

when he's doing like the mind bendy stuff. I can't handle the scary, super

creepy stuff. But um, this kind of stuff I really like from him. I bought this one

at the ripped bodice a couple months ago. So you saw this when I was showing you

what I bought there. It's really thin. I'm halfway through. I read it, I like read

half of it in like two sittings. But um, and and remember that my sittings are

very short. So, so you could read this in one sitting,

half a sitting. It's really, really quick. It's erotica. So it's erotica about

Hasidic Jewish people and it's a BDSM. So what I have found through reading a few

books now is I'm not into BDSM. No judgement at all there. It's not like I

think there's anything wrong with it. It's just for me it's actually a

turn-off. So this kind of erotica is, I don't want to say a waste of time. But

because erotica centers around the sex parts and not necessarily this story, it has

so much of what you're reading is about whatever kind of sex they're having.

So if you're not into that kind of sex, it's just gonna be a lot of reading a turn-off.

So this though I keep thinking I want

to hear more about their life. I went through a huge Amish phase. Like before

Amish was cool to read about, I was reading all of the Amish books like back

when like Beverly Lewis was the only person doing them. I was reading

nonfiction about Amish. Then I started in on Hasidic Jews and then Mormons.

I'm kind of a sucker for like religious religious sects.

I can't say that very word very well. Sects. So the Hasidic Jewish part of this where

they're talking about what her life is like and her entry into this

neighborhood in this group of Hasidic Jewish people, like that I'm like I want

more. I'm wanna hear more. I want all those details. And then they like head

back to the bedroom, which is what most people want and their erotica.

Like they're like, okay, enough with the story. Get back to the bedroom. And

I'm like okay get out of the bedroom. Let's hear more about the the culture. So just

for what it's worth, like that's what's going on with this book. I'll finish it

but it was just a little too much for me to like keep reading in big chunks.

And the last one is knit, one pear one and this is by Jill McNeil. And I read her

first two books in this series years ago and I didn't realize she had come out

with a third otherwise I would have read it. But I was on Amazon the other

just kind of flipping through like some books I like to read the descriptions

there. um And this had popped up with the other two books which are -- and I'm gonna

read them from the back cause I can't, it's been years --

the Beach Street knitting Society and yarn Club is the first one and then

needles and pearls is the second one. And it's great British humor. I mean it takes

place in the UK. So it's got that going for it cause I always love that stuff, that's

like catnip to me. And then it has, she's funny. Like her books are funny. And you

don't have to be a parent to think they're funny even though this is about

a single mom. Which I read these like a decade before I became a single mom.

Not a decade but a long time before I became a single mom.

um But I thought it was funny then. I think it's funny now. I'm not very far

into this one. I'm just like that far in cause I've started using this as my

nighttime reading books because the Stephen King one is a little too much

for me at night. And also it's hard to hold up in bed. It's just so heavy.

So this is kind of my calm night time. It's about knitting. You don't, I don't think

you have to like knitting but I do. So I don't, I don't know if I can judge

that very well. It's about a single mom whose husband actually cheated on her

and then died in an accident. So she didn't get divorced.

sShe's widowed but she wasn't mourning her husband the same way maybe she would

have if she hadn't found out about the cheating. So it's not super terribly sad

um throughout. And then she moves away from their house because she can't

afford it anymore. She goes to live where her grandmother is

in like the seaside town and she takes over the yarn store, the Knitting store.

And it's just a sweet fun story. But it's not, it's not Debbie Macomber. So

there's a little bit more grit and the humors of a little bit more is lively.

And I like these books. So that's what I'm reading right now. Those are the

three that are like in constant rotation at the moment. And you can tell me what

you're reading below. You can tell everybody else what you're reading below

if you feel like it. And I will see you again next Monday. And until then happy reading.

For more infomation >> What Wallace is Reading - Duration: 6:42.


Got the Canada PR visa... What next? - Duration: 2:03.

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For more infomation >> Got the Canada PR visa... What next? - Duration: 2:03.


Acne - what it is and how to treat it AND when your GP should refer you! - Duration: 19:30.

Hi everyone. I'm back for my weekly VLOG and today I'm going talk to you about

acne. And this time, not because I've got any personal experience of acne,

because I'm lucky I've never had it. However I see enough patients in GP and

more worryingly more in my aesthetics clinic who are coming to me either

terribly distressed by their acne or terribly distressed by their scars, and

looking for solutions for the scars when the damage has already been done. So

let's get going!

So what is acne? Well it's a really common skin condition and

it's caused by a combination of three things;

blocked hair follicles, the overproduction of sebum (which is like an

oil in your skin) and a bacteria. It affects all races ages and sexes, so for

once it's not a disease of one particular type of person. It affects

mainly the face but can also spread onto the back, the chest, the buttocks and

thighs. And it primarily is made up of six particular spot types. So blackheads,

called open comedones. Whiteheads, called closed comedones. Pustules which have pus

pus inside. Nodules, which are hard lumps under the skin. Papules which are red

lamps under the skin and cysts which are pockets that form within the skin and

contain a combination of sebum, bacteria and pus essentially. So any combination

of those can be seen and the most important thing to know is that it's a

really distressing and stigmatising disease. And we'll come on to why that's

so important in acne later. So who gets acne? Well it is the most

common skin disorder which I found surprising because I would have thought

it was eczema, but it's acne! Almost everybody will have suffered from acne

at some point in their life, but obviously some suffer more than others.

It's a disease of the young and generally we see it between teenage

years and about the age of 30. However, even though we see 80% of acne

in that age bracket there are people that have acne that extends into

adulthood. The good news is that less than 3% of men and 12% of women, keep

their acne into adulthood. That's still a lot of people though that

do keep it. So what are the causes? Well again, as with so many things in medicine,

we don't absolutely know. We do know there's a genetic risk. We know that we

it's hormonally mediated in some people; obviously testosterone in men, but other

hormones in women, including testosterone. We know that pregnancy can aggravate it.

So it can either get better or worse in pregnancy, so again hormones playing a

role. Some medications can cause it. And some products and face washes makeups

etc can actually aggravate it. We also see it in puberty, that's the most common

place to see acne. So looking at the hormones, the main villain in the hormone

list, is testosterone and that's in both men and women. So obviously at puberty.

Boys get a massive surge in testosterone and girls sometimes get a surge but

there's other reasons that for quite often. So testosterone. In both men and women

testosterone it's thought to blame in acne and obviously you see a rise of

that in puberty, more in boys than girls but still there. You see it in diseases

like PCOS in women. And it's thought that testosterone encourages sebum

production or overproduction and that's how actually triggers acne. So genetics..

Well you're certainly more likely to get acne if your mother, father or siblings

get acne. But studies have shown that if both your mother and your father have

acne, your acne is likely to be more severe... so thanks mum and dad... again! And

also if your mum and dad have had acne you are more likely to get adult acne. So

it's not good news if both of your parents have had acne. So in women, as I've

mentioned, we know that hormones often trigger acne or cause it.

And 80% of adult acne is in women. So we see that more likely because of hormones.

We know that pregnancy can trigger it, periods can trigger it, so women get

acne once a month for certain periods of time as their period comes and goes.

And we know that women with polycystic ovaries ,where their hormones are

deranged, and they've got increased testosterone, get acne. So let's just bust

some myths about causes of acne. So firstly there's no evidence that diet

causes acne, so if you want to have that chocolate bar go ahead and have it! We

know that it's not because you're dirty. So actually being over clean and

cleaning too much can actually be detrimental for people with acne. So it's

nothing to do with being unclean. It's nothing to do with sexual activity, it's

just coincidence that it happens around puberty. Because puberty increases your

hormones you then become sexually active and your acne kicks in at the same time.

But one isn't causing the other; sexual activity is not causing acne. Sunbathing

doesn't help acne, but it does cause wrinkles; 80% of wrinkles are sun damage

and it can cause skin cancer. So don't resort to sun beds or sun to clear your

acne, because it's not helping and it has other dangers. It's not infectious, so you

can't catch it from anyone and no one else can catch it from you.

So don't let anyone tell you that. Squeezing and picking spots doesn't help. In fact

it probably makes it worse and it increases scarring. And stress doesn't

cause acne, we don't think so anyway. We do know that acne causes stress. So it's

difficult again to unpick those two things and what's causing one or the

other but the general view is is that actually acne causes the stress and not

the other way round. So how do you get diagnosed with acne? Well you and see your

GP and you need to go early because the sooner we can actually work with you to

try and help, the less risk there is of scarring in the long-term. So please

don't delay, don't think it's trivial, go and see your GP. The GP will

examine you, have a look at where your spots are, how many different types there

are and what types there are. There are grading systems for acne.

So grade one is mild and you'll have some blackheads and whiteheads, a few

papules and pustules, definitely no scarring, no cysts and no pain. Grade two

is moderate acne and you'll have multiple papules and pustules, generally just to

your face. Grade three is moderately severe and this is where it starts to

spread. So you'll have a large number of papules and pustules, one or two of them will

be inflamed, in terms of nodules, and it will be spreading onto your back and

chest. And then severe acne; you'll see a combination of all of those things but

also painful inflamed cysts and nodules. And likely scarring as well by time you

get to these latter two stages. And that's really important part of the

diagnosis. So lets look at treatment. As with everything, first there's some self

care that you can do; creams and gels; antibiotics; tablets in terms of

antibiotics and other tablets like Roaccutane and

contraceptive pills or pills that can lower your testosterone if you're a

woman with PCOS. So let's have a look at those. Self-care: So as I mentioned, it's

nothing to do with being dirty so we recommend that you don't wash your face

more than twice a day. And when you do, you use a very mild soap or cleanser or

facial wash it's water-based and use lukewarm water, it's really important not

to use hot water. Don't exfoliate and scrub because you're then stripping your

skin of the oils that it actually needs and you might be spreading the bacteria

around. Try and use non (and here's one of those words I can never pronounce) comedogenic

and water-based makeups. So they do exist, you can google them, and it's

really important because they actually make sure that what you're using isn't

encouraging your acne. Use fragrance free water-based emollients if you've got dry

skin and you need to moisturise. So again, it's really important that you do those

things. But that's often not the answer on it own,

but it helps support whatever treatments you might get further down the line. So,

you've gone to your GP and they've looked at your acne. So then there are lots

of different treatments and you can mix and match all of these treatments so

there's no particular order. So one of the creams that you can apply it's a

cream or gel is benzoyl peroxide. It is a bleach, so it can bleach your clothes or

your pillows and you put it on at night. So be careful of dark towels/pillows/sheets

etc. You can get gels of all different strengths, you can get creams

and you can get solutions to wash with. So that's one solution. Then you get

antibiotics but again in a cream. And these can be combined with the benzoyl

peroxide. So the first line is usually Clindamycin and that's at

1% topical solution (Dalacin). And that's what we use for most people but some

people can't use clindamycin, pregnant women for example. So then we use

Erythromycin 2%. And as I said you combine that with them benzoyl peroxide, so the

most common one I know of is DUAC. You only use these at night by the way and

that's really important. Then there are retinoids, in cream or

gel form. And these help with scarring as well as helping with the acne so this

is an isotretinoin gel and 0.05%. Something like isotrex, is common.

Or Adapalene, which is 0.1%. Again you only

use these at night. You can get very dry with all of these creams I mentioned. So

I always say to patients when I'm prescribing this; initially use it at

night every third night until you start to tolerate the dryness, when you have

move up to every other night and then again once you've tolerated the dryness

then you can use it every night. Otherwise you'll just stop using it

because you'll become too dry, and I see it all the time, so please ease in gently to

the retinoids, and the Benzoyl Peroxides - all of those creams can cause dryness.

You can combine the retinoid creams with an antibiotic, so isotrexin, for

example, has got an antibiotic in it as well.

And you shouldn't use if you're planning pregnancy or you are pregnant. Not that

we know that it causes any difficulties but because it's a retinoid

we would never risk it. So make sure you tell your doctor if you're planning to

get pregnant. Then there's oral antibiotics and these you have to take

for at least three months because it takes that long to work. So do persevere.

First-line antibiotics are things like doxycycline100mg once

a day, Lymecycline 408mg once a day or oxytetracycline

500 milligrams twice a day. So there's lots of different options in the first

line antibiotics. And if for any reason you can't take those first-line

antibiotics there are other options as well. So second line is erythromycin

which you can use if you're pregnant, because you can't use the tetracyclines

if you're pregnant, and that's a twice a day tablet. And if you can't use that, and

some people can't, then you can use trimethoprim. That's a tablet that we

usually use for a urine infection ,but just to let you know it's not licensed, that's

fine but you need to know as a patient. If you've got hormonal acne; so it's

coming with your periods or you've got PCOS, there are some specialist

contraceptive pills that we can use. So one that's licensed just for acne, not

for contraception, is dianette, and it's otherwise known as co-cyprindiol.

And it can be used for up to a year but it's not

licensed for contraception. Another very similar one is Yasmin. That is licensed

for contraception as well. But these can help with acne that's mediated by

hormones. If you've got PCOS and you don't fancy using the combined

contraceptive pills and your testosterone is high, there's a blood

pressure tablet called spironolactone that can lower your testosterone and

that can sometimes help. These all need to be done with specialist guidance,

but certainly they're important. Now on that note of specialist guidance... when

should you be referred to dermatology? Because lots of people with acne see GP's

for a long time and they try lots of treatments and they don't get referred.

And this is one of the messages I want to get across today. I want you to have the

information to be able to set your GP "I need to be referred". So what the guidance

says is: if you've got scarring acne you should be referred straight away to

dermatology, because they have other tools in their toolbox that we don't

have as GPs. If you have tried antibiotics, two different types for at least three

months, and it hasn't worked and other treatments are failing you should be

with referred to dermatology. Or if your acne is causing you such stigma and

distress, which is so often is - I can't tell you how often I see people they

just cry because they are so damaged by it -

you should be referred to dermatology. So that's what the guidelines say, the NICE

Guidelines. So please don't forget that. In the meantime while your referral is

going through you should be treated with one of those treatments that I talked to

you about to try and obviously keep things under control or help before you

get there. So what do Dermatology do that's different to us. Well they can

use spironolactone for example, which we wouldn't normally do in GP as a

first-line and without specialist input. But more importantly they can use roaccutane.

So roaccutane is a retinoid but it's one that you actually swallow, it's an

oral tablet. And it is an amazing drug but it needs to be done with their

guidance and there are reasons for that. It is a very effective treatment for

active acne and for scarring and that's important. 85% of people

who use roaccutane will have clear skin within four to five months. BUT it

cannot be given to people that are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

So if you go on roaccutane you usually have to have monthly pregnancy

tests and/or a long-acting reversible contraception, so for example subdermal

implants or a mirena coil or the pill, but with the regular tests. And it's

really important, because if you were to get pregnant

taking roaccutance, it is devastatingly damaging to the fetus. You get very very

very dry skin. I mean your lips almost fall off in the first few days so you

need Vaseline by the bucketload and you just need to be prepared for these

side-effects. But it does work and you have to check your

liver function because sometimes roaccutane can affect your liver and we have

to be careful if you suffer from depression. Now obviously lots of people

with acne or depressed by their acne but you just need to be aware that some

people react even more so when they take roaccutane. So if you have got

depression or you have suffered or you are suffering, make sure that you speak

to your dermatologist about it. It's really important, and if you are on

roaccutane and your mood suddenly changes or you have suicidal thoughts

that you've never had before - straight back to dermatology. Don't waste any time,

speak to them on the phone and let them know how you're feeling. But otherwise

it's a fabulous drug and that's why we carry on using it.

So are there cosmetic solutions for acne scarring? Yes there are, and I

mentioned that I've seen people in my clinic and this is what prompted me to

do the VLOG today. When I see people in my cosmetic clinic they have actually

been through the mill a hundred times over come out the other end,

spent a fortune of money and not always got a solution. And it's really sad and

my aim with this video today is to get people to GP's earlier then they would normally

go so that we can try and prevent the scarring, which we can do sometimes with

roaccutane if it's an early enough, and stop them coming to me. I'd rather not

see people because I want their scarring be sorted out so they don't get it to

start with. But if they have got scarring and they're looking for solutions there

are various things that can be done. So dermaroller is a very researched and

scientifically proven solution for scarring and pigment. Lasers have been

known to be to be used and to have been successful. I don't do them so I can't

give you too much information, but there are lots of different laser solutions.

Subcision is when we put a needle into the skin and break down the scar tissue

with the tip of a very sharp needle. And I do that in my clinic when I'm doing

other things and lots of dermatologists do that as well.

Chemical peels that actually take off the top layer of skin can help and then

fillers can help. So there are different fillers and not all

practitioners do it but I do do it and we can have

really good success with it, but it's unpredictable. And we never know how it's

going turn out until we get in there and see how much scar tissue there is

underneath. But generally there is an improvement. The thing to know about

cosmetic solutions is you are never going to get your skin back to perfect

sadly. And I really do hope that we get to the point where we stop people

scarring in the first place. So that's my message today; acne is so stigmatising it

destroys people's self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. It makes them

want to hide away, not go out, and they feel so conscious all the time; they feel

people are looking at them, even if they aren't, that's how they feel and it's

important. So we have to try and nip that in the bud as early as possible. When

people say to someone with acne "it really isn't that bad', "I can't see it", don't say

it's irrelevant. If someone is feeling that their acne is visible and causing

them distress we need to jump on that and support them and show them a way

through. Please listen to the guidelines I've given you about when your GP should

refer you to a dermatologist. I refer scarring as soon as I see it, no question,

and that's what should happen. And then we get you there earlier to prevent more

scars forming. So if you have scarring, get to your GP and get a referral. And if

you've got new acne that looks like it's going to be scarring or it's looking

like it's worsening, get to your GP early so that we can actually get you the

right treatments. And lots of those treatments I mentioned work really well.

Not everybody needs to go to see a dermatologist but if you do, you need to

get early. I really hope that's helped and as always ask me any

questions you want in the comments after the VLOG, suggest any new topics in

the future and thanks for watching! And I'll see you in a couple of weeks

For more infomation >> Acne - what it is and how to treat it AND when your GP should refer you! - Duration: 19:30.


what is whatsapp business app : what are its characteristics? :: by techno raj - Duration: 1:32.

welcome to

my channel

techno raj

Techno Raj

Although we've been hearing about WhatsApp Business forever

The service is still in testing

so WhatsApp is asking for feedback from early testers regarding account setup

data migration from their existing WhatsApp app

, automatic responses, and analytics.

For more infomation >> what is whatsapp business app : what are its characteristics? :: by techno raj - Duration: 1:32.


Tangled The Series 2017 What the Hair?! Episode 52 - Green Crab - Duration: 18:07.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Green Crab Channel

For more infomation >> Tangled The Series 2017 What the Hair?! Episode 52 - Green Crab - Duration: 18:07.


ŠTO VJERUJU MORMONI | What do Mormons Believe - Banned Mormon Cartooon - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> ŠTO VJERUJU MORMONI | What do Mormons Believe - Banned Mormon Cartooon - Duration: 6:13.


It's About Time! One Republican Just Dropped The Best Idea On What To Do About McCain's Betr - Duration: 25:24.

It's Happening!

Top Republican "Retires" After Nasty Scandal Explodes On Him

A Pennsylvania lawmaker declared Wednesday that when his term comes to a close, he will

retire from his position.

This may not come as an astonishment because of a portion of the outrageous slips paving

the way to his choice.

Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA), arrived at this conclusion subsequent to getting required with forensic

psychologist Shannon Edwards.

Murphy, who has talked from an expert life perspective while in Congress, appears to

have different personal beliefs.

As per Politico, leaked text messages uncovered that amid the issue, Murphy proposed that

Edwards get an abortion.

The news of the issue gradually began to become visible after Edwards went to her divorce

procedures following separation from her husband.

Since that time, Murphy has gotten a genuine kickback.

The Pennsylvania legislator took some an opportunity to meet with essential individuals from the

GOP before his declaration.

Reports demonstrate that he met with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and additionally GOP members

Bill Shuster and Charlie Dent.

"After discussions with my family and staff, I have come to the decision that I will not

seek re-election to Congress at the end of my current term," Murphy declared in his


Maybe this is the correct decision considering the two-faced circumstance he is right now


Murphy's scandal infers the truism that you can't have it both ways.

It is reckless to freely remain for esteeming the life of children who can't shield themselves

while at the same time revealing your mystery mistress that she should get an abortion

Indeed, even Edwards called attention to the false reverence in one of the leaked text

messages: "And you have zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when

you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that

was one of the options."

Presently, he is in a place where recuperation is everything except outlandish.

He has been presented to the general population in his party, and the rest of the nation.

"I plan to spend my remaining months in office continuing my work as the national

leader on mental health care reform, as well as issues affecting working families in southwestern


Murphy's announcement proceeded.

It sounds like he is deliberately separating himself from the possibility that he will

be fretting about anything revolved around abortion.

He did, be that as it may, suggest the circumstance in his public statement.

Insinuating his slip-up is superior to anything imagining it didn't occur, however that

unquestionably won't score him focuses with any of his fellow GOP individuals or voters.

Murphy clarified: "In the coming weeks I will take personal time to seek help as my

family and I continue to work through our personal difficulties and seek healing.

I ask you to respect our privacy during this time."

Since news of the scandal broke, it has been an intriguing issue among officials in Washington.

Many have proposed — secretly — that Murphy needs to step down and "resign" after

his text messages were leaked.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette brought up that Edwards and Murphy were amidst a pregnancy

unnerve instead of


real pregnancy when the comments were made.

Pregnant or not, it doesn't make a difference much to the general population who watched

Murphy rapidly fold under his own "values" when his own circumstance wound up noticeably


What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.



for reading.


For more infomation >> It's About Time! One Republican Just Dropped The Best Idea On What To Do About McCain's Betr - Duration: 25:24.


Wow Wow What Have I Done... - Duration: 0:30.

*violent ringingggggggggg*


mE lLaMO dORa

whoops wrong show

lol soy boots



jugar jUgAr JUGAR

He got dem apple bottom jeans and le gusta that way


wubbzy has friends that are smarter than him

ohhhhhhhh year hammerrrrrrr



wubbzy has a friend that would be a ginger irl cuz he has no soul you nerd



wow yall can ride a bike, big whoop i hope u crash like ur mother did when she was driving to the hospital to give birth to ur crippled face


rest in peace my social life

For more infomation >> Wow Wow What Have I Done... - Duration: 0:30.


Walking Around Akihabara Tokyo What To Do. Loot Anime Discount Code 2017 - Duration: 6:02.

are you looking for

walking around Akihabara Tokyo what to do. loot anime discount code 2017?

if so you're in the right place. and please watch until the end of

the video because I'm going to share with you 23 Japan travel tips

hello I'm Christopher C. Odom. I'm an award-winning independent filmmaker and

this is big trip to Japan

A Japan Travel Guide about how to travel Japan

and what to do in Japan so if you're new here please subscribe. every week I bring

you a new video about traveling to Japan and Japan travel tips

the walking aroundAkihabara Tokyo what to do. Loot anime discount code 2017 episode is

brought to you by loot anime click on the link and use the promo code below to get a monthly

crate of anime and manga gear today

Akihabara station is very large... as

large and has a Tokyo Central Station feel to it. It's always very, very loud

we just got off the train in Akihabara aka electric town and in electric town in

Akihabara you can find all the latest gadgets. and if we're lucky we might be

able to have some coffee in a maid cafe Akihabara is the center of the

Japanese anime and manga culture

Akihabara is the home of Tokyo's anime district where there are rows as far as

I can see of anime manga video games and electronics adjacent to electric town

also known as electric city I haven't seen this guy in a while check out


and don't forget to learn more about walking around Akihabara Tokyo what to do

and a looot anime discount code please check out the links and show

notes and the youtube description below and watch until the end of the video

because I'm going to share with you

23 Japan travel tips

Akihabara is the birthplace of the

maid cafe, Japan pop culture icon with over

the walk around 200 maid cafes in Japan are now popping up all over the world

Club Sega is one of the major landmarks of Akihabara whose electric town is

famed for its otaku gaming culture and it's not just your classic arcade games

Akihabara Tokyo and in Japan in general is known for its upright pinball style

pachinko machines as well as its

claw crane machines

We've been in Akihabara electric town or electric city

for the entire day right now. we're just taking a moment at a McDonald's just

chillin havin McCafe

question of the day what tips and tricks about taking a

big trip to Japan do you have of your own and what videos would you like to see on

big trip to Japan. post your answers in the comment section below some of the

best tips and conversation happens in the comments section so definitely

engage and be a part of the

big trip to Japan family. thanks for watching big trip to Japan

please like share and subscribe to this channel and to learn

more check out the links and show notes in the youtube description below also

please download my

free 23 Japan travel tips

you can find a link in the

description below and the card above it will help you learn

how to travel to Japan and

what to do in Japan. and remember a dream as just a goal without

a deadline. now is the time to be something greater.

thanks for watching

and I'll see you in the next

For more infomation >> Walking Around Akihabara Tokyo What To Do. Loot Anime Discount Code 2017 - Duration: 6:02.


TURN || Fight For What You Believe In - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> TURN || Fight For What You Believe In - Duration: 4:00.


Prediabetes: What Can I Do To Prevent Diabetes? - Duration: 7:17.

Hello, I am Ty Mason of, researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes.

I want to emphasize that my perspective is coming from one with Type 2 and not Type 1.

Our channel is primarily for those with Type 2 Diabetes and PreDiabetes.

Today I want to answer the question Prediabetes: What can I do to prevent diabetes?

After you watch the video today, I invite you check out the description box for my new


This is one of the most comprehensive diabetes meal planning book you can find.

It contains diabetes friendly meals/recipes, recipes for different goals such as 800-1800

calories per day meal plan, diabetes meal planning tips and tricks.

There are also tons of diabetes friendly recipes for everyone!

I have said in many of my videos concerning prediabetes that this condition does not HAVE

to lead to Type 2 diabetes.

Part of that depends on you and how you change your lifestyle.

Today I want to give you some tips on how you can change and prevent prediabetes from

progressing to Type 2.

Trim the Pounds and Keep Them Off.

Research shows that losing weight, even just 10-20 pounds, can accomplish near-miraculous

health benefits: lower blood glucose (also known as blood sugar) levels, reduced blood

pressure, improved cholesterol, increased energy, improved sleep quality (and decrease

in sleep apnea), decreased pressure on joints, and even decreased risk of certain cancers,

such as breast and colon cancer.

To continue to enjoy these health benefits, it's important to maintain as much of your

weight loss as possible.

Be More Active.

For starters, think about how you can fit more physical activity into your daily life.

Can you take the stairs more often?

Park farther from destinations?

Get off the bus or train one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way?

Even consider longer routes in your home, office, school, and other places you frequent

to burn a few more calories.

Make a list and try them out.

Also, decrease the amount of time you sit, whether on a sofa or at a desk or table.

Research is showing that minimizing sedentary behavior is good for your metabolic health:

your glucose, lipids, and blood pressure.

Mix and Match Resistance and Aerobic Activity.

Resistance training means contracting your muscles against an opposing force by generating


The goal?

To make your muscles stronger and fight muscle loss from aging.

The push for resistance training for people with prediabetes is to improve insulin sensitivity

and, in turn, lower blood sugar levels.

Couple resistance training two or three times a week with regular aerobic activity.

It's ideal to get about 30 minutes of aerobic activity nearly every day.

This can decrease insulin resistance, lower blood pressure, and improve cholesterol more

so than resistance training alone.

Practice Portion Control.

When it comes to tapering your calorie count, the first place to look is your food portions.

To change long-term eating habits, it's best to make small changes rather than trying to

adopt a rigid eating plan that will be difficult to maintain.

If you're like most Americans, you likely eat too much meat, starchy foods, breads,

and sweets, and on top of that you may sip too many high-calorie, low-nutrition sugary


Be aware of how much you eat, and try to cut down your portions.

An ounce less of meat per serving, a quarter cup less potatoes per serving, a smaller sandwich

-- it adds up.

And if you drink sugary beverages, swap them for zero-calorie beverages, such as water,

sparkling water, tea, coffee, and diet beverages.

Fill Up on High-Fiber Foods.

To eat enough fiber -- upwards of 25 grams a day -- eat fiber-rich whole grains, beans,

legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

Most Americans don't get nearly enough fiber.

Think about how you can include more fiber in your diet.

Increase all types of dietary fiber: fiber that offers bulk, such as wheat flour and

psyllium, which improves regularity; fiber that adds a gel-like quality, such as the

beta-glucan in oats and barley, which can help lower blood sugar; fiber that causes

fermentation, such as legumes (beans) and underripe bananas, that contains resistant

starch, which has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity.

Seek Support.

With 86 million people with prediabetes, you are not alone.

It can be overwhelming and challenging to change your lifestyle.

Get support from family members, friends, coworkers, and other people who might be going

through similar challenges.

Do any of these people need to take the same actions you do?

Perhaps you can partner up for success.

Is there a group of people striving to live a healthier lifestyle at your place of worship

or at work?

Find programs at your local YMCA, neighborhood community centers, or online.

With the passage of the Affordable Care Act (health care reform), the National Diabetes

Prevention Program was set in motion under the direction of the CDC's Division of Diabetes


The program's mission is to prevent the progression of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes for people

at high risk by engaging them in a yearlong group program facilitated by a trained lifestyle


Don't forget to get my new ebook and please, subscribe to our channel for many more videos

like this one in the future.

Thanks for watching.

I am Ty Mason.

For more infomation >> Prediabetes: What Can I Do To Prevent Diabetes? - Duration: 7:17.


What I Think Of Ricegum's Content Cop (ft. iDubbbz) - Duration: 0:16.

Oh man iDubbbz, you are terrible at cooking rice dude.

You burned it too much.

Sorry HarlemDuck, I usually burn things, not just in cooking.

About a year ago, I burnt a leaf, and the tree was never the same again.

For more infomation >> What I Think Of Ricegum's Content Cop (ft. iDubbbz) - Duration: 0:16.


What a Social Justice warrior sounds like when getting interviewed - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> What a Social Justice warrior sounds like when getting interviewed - Duration: 1:12.


What's Trending On Monday 10/9 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> What's Trending On Monday 10/9 - Duration: 2:18.


Higher Consciousness - What Does It Mean To Be Human? - Duration: 2:40.

There is the age-old saying that "ignorance is bliss."

It suggests that if you do not know something, than you will not worry about it.

But in terms of dealing with life, this concept is not possible for a human being to maintain.

Complete ignorance may in fact be blissful, but we as humans, have surpassed the ability

to be of the complete ignorance required for such bliss.

Through evolution, we have come into higher and complex consciousness.

We have come to be inquisitive and analytical about the life around us.

We are the manifestations of nature's attempt to reflexively comprehend itself.

No human is exempt from this, and therefore no human can posses the bliss associated with


Less cognizant beings like that of an insect or a reptile can possibly abide by such a

concept, but we are no longer on the same cognitive field as an insect or a reptile,

so we cannot live like one.

Therefore, we must not buy into the easiness or superficiality of human idiocy, for we

are all of an intelligence that requires attention and embracement.

You must work to achieve your highest intellectual capacity and resist being pulled down and

diverted away from caring about the power of your mind.

The pursuit of higher awareness and intelligence is the pursuit of humanity itself.

And if you wish to be in touch with your humanity, you must not neglect what makes you uniquely

human; your ability to ask "why?" and work and fight for answers.

When we ignore this pursuit and neglect an attempt to understand our being and the life

around it, we endure unawareness and lose all chances of ever truly experiencing bliss.

For more infomation >> Higher Consciousness - What Does It Mean To Be Human? - Duration: 2:40.


JailBreak Obby turn on subtitles to know what i am saying - Duration: 6:43.

Hello youtube

Today we are playing the JailBreak Obby

This toilet look weird lets run in to it

Or maybe i could use the door


let's hit this lever

Did not make it fast enough

Got through and a check point no it's a laser jump

*silently TRIGGERED*

Got it


Let's go

Look a check point OMG PIZZA


Made it

I got the shift lock cheats

*has super serious complete concentration

Oh look trays so this is where the giant food came from!

Check point and nice tables and THE FLOOR IS ACID

Another lever!

Check point and dodging bullets

Thank goat

OH NO got to get in the vent

Oh goat a cop is near to the fridge

This looks really bad like bad

Welp I might die

Almost there just a few more jumps oops never mind

Almost to my record just if i make this jump i will go further




Oh wait i can just end the vid

Bye guys i will see you in the next vid BYE


*30 seconds of akward silence*

For more infomation >> JailBreak Obby turn on subtitles to know what i am saying - Duration: 6:43.


[ENG SUB/VOSTFR] Lee Gikwang - What Are You / Dare You (The Show) - Duration: 3:36.

Even though it's late at night, I still can't sleep

In this daze, your face appears

Baby, I keep thinking of you (I keep thinking of you)

Even though there is nothing between us now

I can't let you go, not even for a minute, not even for a second

Baby, I still miss you (I miss you)

I don't wanna be without u, I can't be without you

I am nothing when you leave

Today, once again without fail, I am imprisoned by you

I'm looking for you

(How dare you leave me?) Why did you leave me?

(How dare you throw me away?) How dare you throw me away?

I can't breathe all day My world is spinning

How dare you leave me?

What the hell are you?

Your eyes are full of lies as you look at me

All that saying that you love only me

Yet I'm still living in a fool's paradise

Even like this, I'm endlessly waiting for you, baby

I don't wanna be without u, I can't be without you

I'm nothing when you leave

Today, once again without fail

I'm looking for you

I can't forget you for even a moment

(How dare you leave me?) Why did you leave me?

(How dare you throw me away?) How dare you throw me away?

I can't breathe all day My world is spinning

How dare you leave me?

What the hell are you?

Oh, baby I want you

No one can take your place

Before tonight passes by

Before you leave, come back to me

The time with you was sweet

It can't be just me

I just can't leave the memories of us together

(How dare you leave me?) Why did you leave me?

(How dare you throw me away?) How dare you throw me away?

I can't breathe all day My world is spinning

How dare you leave me?

What the hell are you?

Oh, baby I want you

No one can take your place

Before tonight passes by

Before you leave, come back to me

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB/VOSTFR] Lee Gikwang - What Are You / Dare You (The Show) - Duration: 3:36.


what went wrong with Halo 5? - Duration: 12:14.

For the past two decades halo has been one of the most successful franchises in gaming history

But developer Bungie left the franchise behind back in 2010

It was opted newly formed

343 industries created by Microsoft to take over the torch of Halo

Helva critics and fans seem to agree that it hasn't been a great success thus far

Halo has always been a stable of first-person shooters and has it x?

Reinvigorated it by introducing old or new gameplay design mechanics and ideas the release of Halo 5 however seems to have

Completely stagnated the series and in general it wasn't well received

But why is halo losing its magic the magic?

The original Bungie developed games were known for that's something you and I will look at and explore today

We'll take a deeper look at halo 4 and halo 5 Guardians development

And hopefully how three-for-three intends to save the franchise start the show

Hey you and welcome back to GC for our first episode of the new format this week were diving into halo 5 developments to find

Out what went wrong before I start off. I have to put up the following disclaimer. I am an absolute

Unrepentant halo fanboy and therefore. I look at some things with rose-colored glasses

So with that out of the way, let's start with a little bit of history

For this we returned to the mighty fine year of

2010 the year in which Studio Bungie would release its very last Halo game named Halo Reach on April

29th of that year Bungie announced the end of its collaboration with Microsoft

But you would go on to sign a 10-year contract with Activision to develop a new game franchise

Which would eventually result in what we now know as destiny in the steal

Microsoft would acquire not only the Halo brand

But also much of its original development team the Bungie employees that had works on Halo for the last decade

Would join a new studio dedicated to the future development of Halo named 343 industries

343 would now be in charge of everything related to halos development its marketing and more and would need to secure halos future as


signature console shooter even though Bungie had laid out much of the groundwork for the next chapter in halos future halo threes

Arguably brilliant wrap-up of Master Chief story had put the new development studio in a bit of a predicament

So how would 3 4 3 continue from this well to soften the blow of somewhat and to prepare fans for the upcoming new?

Storyline it was decided to test the waters with the release of Halo glass lands in

2011 the book featured a new universe that takes place after the end of the human covenant war and was received to good reviews

With more books and comics to follow

Halo 4 would first see the light of day at e3

2012 and was also received

positively halo falls new forge mode was first shown at Aroo cities fan convention named a TX and

Resulted in much positive feedback halo 4 would give the Master Chief a new more personal story pitting the Master Chief

In an experience on par with halo combat Evolved the first game in the Halo franchise

But some things weren't feeling right

For starters the new art style

three-for-three Industries talks at length about getting rid of Master Chief's diaper

That was a part of his armor that can be seen as the crotch piece and in their death blogs they talked at length about

This the diaper however is a staple of the old art style in fact much of the order art style would be getting a makeover

Microsoft had recently released the new Xbox one which had many hardware improvements over the old Xbox 360 meaning that

Three-for-three industries can include much more details than le Halo game ever before this resulted in

everything from the Covenant the famous Pelican drop ships

But even the regular marine character could have a complete and total makeover with much more diesel

resulting in well this

Now don't get me wrong. There's nothing inherently wrong with this. It's not like Halo isn't familiar with changing its art

Spell every now and again

Even in the original series it happened all the time a good example being masked achieves helmet

Which changed from halo combat Evolved to halo 2 however somehow?

along the way the uniqueness of halos arch that was lost and it sort of fell into the trap of the

Tactical military style that shooters like Call of Duty are known for or were known for at a time in fact

I would argue that halos human characters could fit into any

Futuristic collar duty game that came out in the past few years without having to change them too much

Regardless of the opinions on the art style halo 4 did very good and was received to critical acclaim

Gamers were a little more nuanced perhaps already

Sporting the first cracks in the franchise have a halo 4 still provide a great amount of content

The multiplayer was updated to resemble more modern shooters and featured a new sprint ability

speeding up multiplayer play

Halo reaches armor abilities that sometimes gave players an unfair advantage in combat and turned some matches into still mates

Were removed the personal story between Master Chief and katana were very

Positively received and the return of a cooperative firefight mode now named Spartan Ops was seen as another

even though the mode sometimes felt quite rushed

On the community side of things halo 4 would go on to feature a new version of Forge the most

extensive version of Forge up to that date with many new features and tools allowing players to create new game modes and maps

In the in-game editor now wait wait wait I know what you're thinking Hank

You keep saying everything in the game is fine, and what's received a good reviews. What's going on here

Well hang on for just another moment because a storm is brewing a storm called sales numbers halo 4 achieved

relative critical success and Microsoft was certain

They had a new solidly selling trilogy of games on their hands halo 4 o ever sold worse than the preceding

Bungie made halos Halo 3 and Halo Reach the difference between Halo Reach and halo 4 is only small

But just big enough to have Microsoft and three-for-three industries

Scratching their heads wondering whether they should take the franchise next do something radical or keep it safe

Regardless halo 5 development had started already

And they managed to finally get rid of the last remnants of technology needed for it to run on the old xbox

360 three four three industries could scale up the story into pretty much anything that could imagine on the new Xbox one hardware

What they imagined would blow your mind?

Well that was the plan anyway, but what actually happened was anything, but that

because of the success of Spartan Ops in the previous game core play would become a large part of Halo fives single-player experience

Meaning that the game would be designed from the ground up with cooperative play in mind

We're going to take a look at halo 5 campaign first on March 22nd

2005 Microsoft started their marketing campaign for the new Halo game in earnest with hunt the truth an

episodic or podcast on Soundcloud

That tried to sell the true story of The Master Chief and go on to set the tone for most if not all of the

marketing material for halo 5 guardians

somewhere along the lines of the government lied about Master Chief's

Origin and the man has gone rogue in the lead up of some sort of upcoming

cataclysmic event even the trailer up until release suggested an epic short between Master Chief and

Who were haunting him?

it even managed to suggest different endings based on your actions in the campaign it had all the story elements to be a

Potential great saga of death and betrayal possibly ending up with the death of arguably gaming's most

recognizable character, but it wasn't

Instead three four three decided after play testing and feedback from test audiences to go for the safe route a story that looks

Exciting but is intentionally empty in order to not offend anyone and it

Specifically avoids all the big questions that the trailers asked the Master Chief didn't betray dear when at sea

There isn't a great standoff between Master Chief's team and the newly introduced team Osiris and agent Locke and although

Three-for-three went out of their way to introduce familiar characters from previous games for some reason these characters don't feel authentic

They aren't true to the way the characters are portrayed in previous versions the squad system newly introduced into the campaign feels hollow

previous Halo games struck a perfect balance in making the player feel vulnerable and at the same time being a super soldier a

Spartan which you are meant to be it'll 5 however you feel neither and at the end of the day it feels completely

Redundant having to select the enemies you want your teammates to attack youtubers like race if ik spent hours trying to explain

What is wrong with this style of gameplay? That's not really what I want to get into today. What does bother me?

However is when we look at the campaign for Halo 5 that

It arguably doesn't feel like you're playing a Halo game with the same Master Chief

we've gotten to know in the court on quote original trilogy of games where in Halo 1 2 & 3

You had a rich world filter with

Multiple characters that were written in a way where you really

Cared for them and where it felt that the pressure to stop the genocide of Covenant was always on in Halo 5 it

Just feels like a disconnect the focus on esports in multiplayer being just the final nail in the coffin

If it doesn't look like Halo and the stories portrayed in it aren't told like hello can it be called halo

So is it all over for halos future perhaps not entirely the latest Halo game to come out is halo wars - a

Strategy game and its predecessor was originally conceived by in sümbül studios

Known for creating the edge of empire games the vault even though the studio itself was shut down in

2009 after creating the first Halo Wars Halo Wars 2 feels like at least some of

even much of the studio's original philosophies have been maintained within 3 4 3 industries and

Halo Wars - feels like it takes us back to the original style and

Storytelling of Halo more than halo 5 guardians and halo 4 combined in my opinion

It features the old art style albeit with some additions in the form of a new faction

still based on the old covenants and more familiar settings and

Locations most of the game taking part of the arc the great MacGuffin that typed the story of Halo 3 together

Next to that 3 4 3 industries has been bringing out more and more books in comics that bring back more and more familiar

characters and settings from previous games in a way to

Sort of tie everything together for Halo 6 which is supposed to be the great finale for the forerunner trilogy now

Don't get me wrong

Some of these characters and locations feel sort of shoehorned in but I understand that 3 4 3 industries are big fans of the franchise

And therefore they want to sort of make an interconnecting universe that lives and breathes

which isn't wrong at all however only the release of Halo 6 will tell if this is enough to turn the

Franchise around so me however. It is a certain see that whatever happens. This isn't the end of Microsoft's most popular and recognizable

Franchise there is simply too much money at stake and that was it for our first episode of the new formats

I hope you've enjoyed it

Certainly let us know what you think about it in the comments if you feel like I missed anything

You can let us know that too the next episode is probably going to be a little more lighthearted, so we'll see what happens

Regardless, thank you for watching and we'll see you in about a week or two

For more infomation >> what went wrong with Halo 5? - Duration: 12:14.


What College Degree Do I Need To Become A Business Analyst? - Duration: 6:39.

hey there Jeremy Aschenbrenner here, The BA Guide today we're gonna be tackling a

question I get asked all the time what type of college degree do I need to

become a Business Analyst this question is really broken down into three pieces

number one do you even need a college degree to become a business analyst the

second question is if you do need a college degree what level of degree do

you need do you need an associate's degree a bachelor's degree a master's

degree a PhD where do you end and then finally what degree categories relate

most to becoming a business analyst so let's kick things off to become a

business analyst you really do need to have some type of college degree while

it isn't impossible to get a business analyst position with just a high school

diploma it is very difficult it's an uphill battle and really the only way

that I've seen it done is those that have worked for a company for a long

period of time and they've transitioned into some type of analyst role from what

their original duties were so let's say they were working as a sales associate

and they had worked their way into being some type of administrator for that

sales team they then evolved their skills and utilize that administrator

and sales experience as well as those evolved skills to help them land that

business analyst job within the company so they kind of evolved into becoming a

business analyst this is not a quick or easy path to get there because there's a

lot of barriers in your way when you don't have that degree you're really

stuck in the company that you're working for so you have to assume that there's

business analyst within that company you also have to make the assumption that

they'd be able to waive whatever college requirements that they have for some

type of on-the-job work experience there so for the first question if you want to

become a business analyst you you really do need some sort of college degree so

let's go ahead and transition to the next question what level of degree do

you need do you need just an associate's degree a two-year degree do you need the

bachelors the undergraduate four-year master's PhD the primary degree that I

recommend is a bachelor's degree the is a four-year degree and the reason is

because most companies have a minimum requirement of a bachelor's degree for

somebody that is going to be in a business analyst type of role one thing

to realize is the human resources department tries to use a lot of

automation to help them with the flood of applicants that come in for a lot of

the positions this automation looks for certain keywords and phrases and

requirements on your resume if you ever sent in a resume or a job application

online and within a minute or two you received an email rejection that was

because your resume didn't meet the minimum requirements based on the

automation that they had set up in the back end and one key thing they look for

is if you have a college degree and if you don't have a college degree that

meet the minimum requirements a bachelor's degree they'll just go ahead

and reject you there so you could have been working as a business analyst for

10 plus years but because you didn't have on your resume that you had a

bachelor's degree the automation system removed you before you even got to any

human eyes where they can make some decisions and that's why I highly

recommend getting a bachelor's degree it helps you get over that initial hurdle

and move on to the process many people ask me well can I get by with an

associate's degree a two-year degree from some technical or community college

absolutely you can me personally I had an associate's

degree when I landed my first business analyst job I was able to do that

because I got hired at a company that I had previously worked for in another

capacity and they knew that I was a hard worker so that combined with the

associate's degree was able to get me over that initial hurdle of that minimum

requirements of the college education but that is not the primary way to go

you're gonna get rejected from a lot more jobs just because of that so highly

recommend you have some type of bachelor's degree now let's utilize that

let's transition into what should your degree be in what should you be studying

well there's really four key areas that are on most job descriptions for

business analyst positions number one is any type of business degree so anything

related to business can be utilized because quite frankly you're a business

analyst so having that background of business is very nice number to any type

of IT degree so computer science programming there's a lot of there's

actually colleges that have business analyst type of degrees out there now so

anything like that that's related to IT is also utilized and the third type of

degree is a management degree any degree that's teaching management is going to

give you a lot of skills that you're gonna utilize as a business analyst even

though as a business analyst you may not have people that directly report to you

your role is more of a management type of role you're having to control

meetings and help facilitate the movement of this project forward with

very high end executives a lot of times and so this position warrants having a

lot of those management type of skills the fourth type of degree this is a

little bit less common but you can have a math degree so there is a little bit

of math with business analysis in various industries if you're looking at

obviously finance manufacturing is another highly intensive math industry

so there's various industries that are more intensive when it comes to math and

equations and having a math degree for those industries would be helpful as a

business analyst so again the types of degrees business IT management or math

you can have other degrees many companies say we just want you to have a

four-year bachelor's degree we don't really care on the topic and they say a

topic related to business analysis or a topic somewhat related to the position

which really could be anything you can tie anything to it but if you're going

to college now and you're choosing a degree find something that interests you

within those four categories

<awesome music plays>

For more infomation >> What College Degree Do I Need To Become A Business Analyst? - Duration: 6:39.


Official! Look For What Homeland Security Committee Just Approved $10 Billion, You'll Be Surprised - Duration: 23:07.


Look For What Homeland Security Committee Just Approved $10 Billion, You'll Be Surprised

A large portion of the news about government and cash nowadays is awful news.

What's more, we've one additional thing to add to the heap.

The actuality is, conditions, and corrupt lib government officials, have almost figured

out how to obstruct Trump's function towards saving this nation a considerable measure

of cash.


How about we spend a few billion there.


They'll require a few billion dollars also.

In light of present conditions, we'll have no cash left.

So ten billion more dollars is a major ordeal… unless it's being spent on us for a change.

Say thanks to God it's being spent on the Border Wall.

Via Breitbart:





The provision funding the construction came as part of a border security spending proposal

that will reimburse states for up to $35 million for their costs of using National Guard troops

to supplement border security efforts in their state.

It also includes $5 billion to increase security at ports of entry.

We've heard variants of this story sometime recently, and they all end a similar way.

'The wall is being built,' 'the wall is subsidized,' 'the wall has started'

– every one of them has finished with 'Democrats obstructed progress,' 'liberals had a

tantrum,' or 'Ryan can't do his job.'

What's distinctive about today, at that point?

Two things, really.

One, the cash has officially endured the House.

A large portion of the excursion's as of now done.

Also, two, the assets are to be passed the extremely same way that everybody was murmuring

around half a month prior – by ties the Border Wall to DACA.

Which implies, more or less, that Trump has been making and expediting bargains this whole


While every other person was whining, and crying about working together… Trump was

setting up arrangements.

What's more, I'm almost certain that is precisely what he guaranteed to do on the

campaign trail.

Obviously, every time an arrangement is made, you ordinarily discover sore failures.

The Democrats have lost no time satisfying that part.

The committee's ranking Democrat, Rep. Bennie Thompson attempted to change the name of the

bill to the "Taking Americans' Land to Build Trump's Wall Act of 2017."

That proposal failed.


A futile bit of enactment fizzled.

Yet, a real arrangement is almost wrapped up its way through Congress.

It ought to be evident who the genuine experts are here.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.



for reading.

H/T Breitbart

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