Captain - at here we secured the underground route to the coordinates
Should've seen it coming
It didn't take long after the fall of the Umbrella Corporation for their bio weapons to end up in the hands of terrorists
the new era of bioterrorism descended upon vulnerable countries
Shifting the balance of power throughout
People in the destabilized areas doing feared another incident like Raccoon City was inevitable as panic spread
Governments of the world turned to the global pharmaceutical
consortium which formed the anti-terrorism unit BSA a
operatives of the BSAA were sent to infiltrate and neutralize bioterrorist hotspots
restoring safety and stability to various regions around the globe
Welcome to Africa
My name is Sheva Alomar
Chris Redfield your reputation precedes you mr. Redfield. It's an honor
Just Chris, thanks
So you'll be accompanying me to the destination yes
Tensions are running high ever since the change in government
No bet Intel says it's a haven for terrorists now
And I'm not going to be happy to see an American BSA a or not. That's why I'm your partner help put them at ease
I'm sure you'll do just fine
You okay, yeah, sorry it's nothing let's go
Casualties continue to mount over the long years, I've struggled
More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for
Maybe one day I'll find out hey. Hey, we'll get you an abundant Nene -
You don't have to get touchy
Let's go
There is one thing I do know I have a job to do and I'm gonna see it through
So I said if you want, it was meant to flow in your black
this way
But maybe because of the new government the people around for a little on edge
You shall do what you came here to do and go home. Yeah, they really roll out the red carpet for us Americans I
Have your weapons for you here, Jacklyn
Destination coordinates down squares up ahead go through there alpha teams waiting at the deal location good
What do you know about without borders?
Mostly just rumors something about visions of a doomsday project dooms there sounds about right
Apparently it is no rumor. You're kidding right you must find a man named Irving is our only lead
And be careful
One out to the idea
Talking about
What the wallet hilarious
Hey, what's wrong be careful. They may still be here
How happened here
Damn who did this something attacked us
You got away, what's the setup?
What is this it's data regarding the deal oh
You gotta get it hey hey hang in there
đăng ký cho tôi để xem video game hoo nhất.....!!!
I saw someone, but they ran away
Kirk do you copy we got the data, but Alpha Team is down moving got away
From the storage facility
What is it?
I think that's what got Alfa
Let's go
Got it
What was that thing
Vo w that scumbag Irving left behind to set us up
Considering what it did to Alpha Team? I think we're lucky to still be breathing
only we could have gotten there sooner if we had we'd probably be dead -
Chris - HQ do you copy?
The soul town's gone to hell the people here
They're acting like those ganado detailed in the Kennedy report and aside from that there's something new something
We've never encountered before our transportation has been taken out - requesting Commission update
Wait we're the only two left you want us to go in there alone
This is insane you ever get the feeling you're expendable you
Man am I glad to see you guys don't the team captain stone Chris Redfield?
Sheila thanks, Josh. I owe you one you guys know each other. I trained under Josh. He taught me everything I know
She ever became the little sister of the team now Shiva. You must continue your search for Arvin according to the data
We retrieved from the hard drive. We believe he has moved on to the mining area. There's more info inside
Will follow after taking care of business here and keep your radio handy. Just in case thanks Josh
Chris are you alright this picture? It's I?
Forget it. It's nothing let's move out
So you must be Irving
Perceptive aren't ya you think this is a joke you're just like all the other pieces of scum terrorists. Oh, I'm not like them
I'm a businessman with standards drop the weapon Oh
How about you drop you
Great looks like Irving has a partner
There must be something here he didn't want us to see
What is it?
Look at this
The oiled field that's in the marshland
What could have done this
Where are you Josh?
Sheva you don't have to do this you can still back out what about you?
I've got a personal stake in this a personal stake
Crisp look around we should both get the hell out of you. I'm not here just for the mission
What are you talking about a while back? I received some Intel that my old partner was still alive at first
I didn't know what to think
But when I saw the data file from Delta team. I knew for sure
Jill is still alive
That's woman in the data file
Are you even sure it's the same person we were partners sure
Wait you're not going alone
Chris wait I don't have much time I have to find her I'm going with you
These are my people that are dying here, are you sure about this a second ago, you were ready to cut and run I?
Can't just turn my back and walk away. There are no more orders from here on in
It's just us. We have partners
to the end
Now let's get moving
What happened to your eye Jill, and I were pursuing a man
Wesker he was a top official with umbrella the leader of our stars unit I
Met him again after the Raccoon City incident Rockford Island since then we've been trying to track him down
Then a few years ago. We got a tip from a reliable source the whereabouts of umbrellas founder oz Wylie Spencer
So we paid him a visit hoping he'd lead us to Westar
No finish this
Jill's body was never found and she was presumed dead
Person I saw in that day to look like her
Have to know if she's still alive you two were close
We were partners
About you why'd you join the BSAA?
My parents were involved in an accident caused by a pharmaceutical company when I was young
I only found out later that the axe
Biological weapons for terrorists
We're using Africa as a testbed for their experiments
Fire weapons were responsible for the death parents if someone has to pay for that
Join the BSAA
There's only so much one person can do even a superhero like you lose
No superhero
But together we can end this
Then let's make a stand for fallen brothers
Hang on
You alive
Are you okay
How did you get here we were at the portal? We were attacked and then well I?
Ended up here
Where's the rest of the team
It's just the three of us now. Why did you never treat? I mean? We are no match for them. I've got unfinished business
the hard drive containing data on the Bo w experiment had a picture inside the
picture was of Chris's friend a
I'm not leaving until I catch herbing and find out what the hell's going on here
Let's say the G chapter later
Super cover me hurry
Are you okay, yeah, I think so, I'm okay
It looks like Ervin is trying to blow up the place. They make his escape you must stop him before it is too late
I'll try to find us a way out of here all right
We'll go after Irving
Good okay, now. There's a taco bed
That is probably where he's going to make his break copy that and Josh
Be careful
Let's hurry, okay
There he is
Splendid timing
What's happened to early
With you can't have gone too far
What are you what to do about them, it just want to tell us plate things your masters one more time
All right
Don't you do just die already
You making me look bad
Who do you think of this entire operation of the ground?
research like this doesn't
Yet, everyone looks down on me
Beyond anything you could ever hope to become
An extreme makeover
Tell me what you're planning to do
Where is this facility
Answer me. What is the Earl Burroughs project you say
Why are you store? Just the top of a 15 inch the Browns are the world's changing and you're completely oblivious to it
What's changing? What are you talking about? It's been a Buddhist project is that it?
Ruh-roh borders is about to change everything. We've ever done
You're Chris
What's so funny? How do you know about me?
All your answers wait ahead Chris B. That cave do you think it survived long enough to get them?
And I it's not so bad, but it's not just around the time
Bastard now what we keep going?
So this is the place he was talking about that's the birth the woman used to get away
So you two are really going to go through with this yes
This is not just about Jill, but the Ouroboros project is well. I
Guess there's nothing I can do to stop you
I will call the HQ and try to get the width draw order rescinded or loss to try to get you back up
Try not to get yourself killed
The preparations are almost complete then with me good
You know I was surprised las Plagas was such a success
When you first arrived I have my doubts and now Roberto says complete
your position of try sell is secured I
Have my eyes set on something much bigger
You'll be needing a partner, right
Someone suitable to join you in your new work. I believe I've proven. I'm
It appears your old friend Chris Redfield has come to pay a visit to
Ice and sponsor the plan is in its final stages have will not tolerate delays
Period in advance
To become a god
Right is mine
I believe I should Thank You Spencer
What is this place
How can they survive underground
These are no ordinary flowers
Briella what what was umbrella dude
It doesn't look like anyone's been around for a while you can be sure they wanted to keep this place a secret
Some of this equipments got the try so logo on it
Are they working together?
This is in the pictures - wait that means Jill bite me here
What happened done
There's so many they must be kidnapping people from all over the world to experiment on
That's why
Damnit, where is she?
How nice to finally make your acquaintance the hell are you
Stir like yummy
She works with tricep
You've done. You're an officer in the global pharmaceutical consortium. Why I?
Think I need to explain myself to you
So it was you
Where is Jill
Even if I didn't know you think I would tell you cut the crap tell me where she is
Done with your little vigilante mission you should leave there's nothing here with throwing your life away
She's lying do you know something?
It's time we get some answers
Know that boots
Albert what
Shit Wesker, I thought he was dead
Well glad you're making up here you
So we're still
Judging you like a broken record. You know just as single-minded as he said
You've spent so long trying to track down our overall swill here
The vertices immediately, and you're planning on selling it to terrorists
The real WL days I have no intention of getting suspended then what are you using it for?
We shall proceed to the next edge
My vision and is aligned now no reality
Evolution what are you talking about?
Still wait
Exhale Akio knee stop right there
Damn it. Where's Jill Jill. Maybe I'll tell you maybe I will
Stop playing around we want some answers you haven't changed
Wesker are alive
We last met
Spencer estate wasn't
Isn't this one big?
I would expect you to be happier to see us
So slow to catch
Jill it's me Chris. What are you sure that's her the one and only?
Once and for all the answer
Right you
Expected more of a challenge after all this time Chris how disappointing?
Jill come on. It's me twist
step out of it nice moves Chris
But now that your partner has arrived. I'll leave you two to catch up
Come on Jill get yourself together wake up Jill Valentine
Yeah, remarkable still resisting it's such an advanced stage man the whole future
No more time for games Chris I've got work to do have fun watching Jill suffer wait. What did you do to her?
We have to get it offer
Chill chill
Are you alright
I'm sorry
Yes Sheva, right yes
I couldn't control my actions. Oh my god. I was still aware
forgive me
It's alright. Thank you
Listen I'm gonna be alright
You do need to stop him we can't just leave you here
You have to this is your only chance if Wesker succeeds Ouroboros will be spread across the globe
Millions will die oh yeah, I'm alright
You need to stop him
Chris you're the only one who can
Before it's too late
Don't you trust your partner
All right
Take care of it
You're our only hope to survive this
Chris I'm alright
Over there
It's time to put it
What's going on here nothing that concerns you we're not giving you an option now spit it out
Tell us what we want to know when you won't get hurt. Where's Western if you can behave yourselves. Maybe I'll tell you
Do it she's tough, I'll give it that much what's this?
Chris is this whatever it is Excel US team protective of it
So you've made it this far
Too bad you won't make it much further
The new superior freedom given birth by the progenitor virus
The West children
Were entrusted with endless potential
of them
only one survived
Are you saying I was manufactured it was to become a God
Creating a new world with an advanced race of human beings
Despite that setback your creation still holds great significance
Now why can't no birds dimly
Roenick isn't it for one who has the right to be a god to
Face eternity
The right to be in God
That right is now mine
Don't around to be a god
Arrogant even until the end
They want freaky of being a God deserves that right
The right
With Laura Boros, I have that right
Axela what's going on?
Have you to join
Don't worry your mission is at its and Lulu burrows is on the eve of its appearance
six billion crimes of acne will burn a new ballot, sorry Western, but not on my watch I
Thought they'd whip Hutton's
Wesker doesn't give a damn about anybody works
So even you will understand Chris
One glimpse of my new world and it will all make perfect sense
so yourself
Unfortunately, it's too late for you. You will not live to see the dawn
But it appears Louisville has rejected you do you have been an excellent asset?
I have one last task for you
When Jill said rescue was planning spread awareness throughout the world he's planning to use this to spread it
Wesker there is come on. Let's go
Superhuman strength it comes from a virus, but the bio theorems do wrong in order to maintain a balance
He must inject himself regularly with a serum so if we cut the supply of serum. He loses strength
Affirmative, but he just took a dose so it's gonna be a while before he need another one
It's all said that the amount administered had to be precise so if he injects too much it should act like a poison I
finish it with the thermal a with PG 6 7 8 w PG 6 7
You need to find that theorem always chill commit just
Chris this is it
Let's give it a shot
Your plans are finished Winston. There's no way at the time. Don't you two ever tire of failing in your mission?
You've really become quite an inconvenience for me
Why are you doing this what are you accomplished by Alisha Goro's everyday humans come one step closer to
Self-destruction, I'm not destroying the world. I'm saving it
This may be our only chance do it
Interest in a kress
Defeat me either way. I'm not gonna stop it till I'm dead well there
Did it work Thanks
This isn't over Chris
Get away hurry
It seems I may have underestimated you Chris
Save it Wes Gary. There's no one left to help you now. I don't need anyone else
I have
In less than five minutes. We'll reach the optimal altitude for missile deployment
Bora-bora will be released into the atmosphere
Complete blow
Your feeble attempts only delay the inevitable
Genesis is at hand and I will be the corrector
You're just another one of our brothers leftovers
All right go for the Opera cover me
Oh God
- he went
I should have killed you years ago grass drawer mistake. It's over Western
Getting started
To die your friends
Corner time's up
That was for fallen brothers
It's over yes finally
More and more I find myself wondering it's all worth fighting for for a future without fear
Yeah, it's worth it
When they scared too
We found no Haven
On a
Fresco on inside to take away this feeling
I scream shed
This distant land
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