Games4King G4K - Superhero Dog Rescue
Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire is here! (Gamerati News Update) - Duration: 1:01.First announced back in February (and I covered it here on Gamerati News Update), Warhammer
Underworlds: Shadespire is finally here!
Warhammer Underworlds is a tactical arena combat game with a system designed for balanced,
small-scale tactical games that can be played quickly and easily by anyone, but which even
experienced players will find challenging to master.
The game rules are designed with competitive play in mind; matches can be played in under
45 minutes, on a smaller surface than you're probably used to seeing in miniature wargames,
and will be ideal for club or tournament play.
Shadespire, the first release, is set in the Mortal Realms during the Age of Sigmar.
It will put your skills as a tactician to the test in tense moment-to-moment arena combat.
Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire retails for $60 with release set for the 21st of October.
Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos, see for your self, Here is the latest Top 10 list - Duration: 2:38.
Fifth Harmony Spin the TRL Wheel of Dance in 'Step Off' | Weekdays at 3:30pm | #TRL - Duration: 2:44.I think it's time we take a few spins
of the TRL Wheel of Dance in a competition we call Step Off.
-Oh. Ooh. -Now,
-let me show you how this gonna go down. -Okay. You show us.
'Cause it's gonna get lit. I'm-I'm gonna show you now.
Listen, we got these dance moves here. I'm gonna spin it,
-and whatever it land on, you got to do it. -Aw, sh...
-Ready? All right, now. -Yes. -All right. -We are so ready.
-There's some stuff on there that I will not... -Oh, no,
-don't worry about Lauren, 'cause you first. -(chuckles)
Get ready. Here we go. Here we go!
-(shouts) -Very soft spin.
-Okay, okay. Aah! I'm just... -Wait, what?
-What did... -(cheering and applause)
-You got to twerk. -Twerk! -I got a tight-ass skirt.
-Come on! What are you gonna do with it? -You tryin'!
-You tried it. -Oh...! -(shouting)
Get in there! Come on!
Come on! Oh, oh!
All right! Oh!
Hold up! Hold up! Okay.
-Yo, I'm in a tight-ass skirt. -That was a'ight.
-That was a'ight. Ally. -We're giving her a pass.
-Oh, it's my turn? Okay. -Yeah, it's your turn.
-What about the plan? We going down the line. -Come on!
-Here we go. (grunts) -Okay, we're going down the line!
-Oh, sh... What am I gonna get? -(grunts)
-Go country line! Okay, guys, -Country line dance.
-I'm from Texas, so I know a little bit. -Come on, hit it!
-Go, girl. You got this. -The music.
-Country line dance. -Oh. Oh! Oh.
-(shouting) -You're getting it, you're getting it,
-you're getting it. -That's how they do it.
They be always peepin' a little bit. Aah!
-All right, all right! That was beautiful! -Hey, hey!
-That's not the right music! -That was... All right! Hold up!
-We got some more! -No, no, no, no, no! Can I do it?
-'Cause I don't... I... -Oh, okay then. -Oh, okay.
-Before you put it on something. Uh-uh. -Okay then.
-Do your thing. -Okay. One, two, three!
-Oh! -Come on, Dinah!
It's gonna spin forever. It's gonna spin forever.
-The robot! -Yeah, that's what you get.
-Now do the robot. -That's epic.
-Kill it! -You got it, girl. Come on.
-(grunts) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! -Oh! Oh! Oh!
-Oh! Oh! Yeah! -Whoa!
-Hold up. That robot got a lot of rhythm. -You're doin' it.
-That robot had a lot of rhythm. -That was great.
All right, last one. Last one. Normani, you ready?
-Wait, I'm gonna do my own, too, 'cause I don't... -Oh, my.
-They just don't feel me. -I don't trust this sh... though.
-Come on! -(cheering)
-Come on! What is it gonna land on? -We took your job.
It's a takeover.
-I'm really excited to see her. -Wait, it's on.
-We just gonna stop it. -It might be twerk. -What?
-Milly Rock. Milly Rock. -What's the Milly Rock?
-I never heard of that one. -Milly Rock. -Mi...
Hey! (shouting)
(shouting) Go!
-Go! Oh! Oh! -AUDIENCE: Hey, hey, hey!
Oh! Yeah!
Now, that's how Fifth Harmony gets down right there, y'all.
You know what's happening.
Here's my thought and apology for the latest video. - Duration: 4:17.Hey guys, it's Sibong
I'm having some trouble because of Australia's weather
This itching nose is driving me crazy
Anyway, the reason that I'm filming this episode is because I think I have to tell you my thoughts about the latest video
Okay, first of all, I never create content to harm or disgrace anyone
If you ever watched the latest episode, you know, the "before and after" thing
I've never used the words to harm anyone or
bring someone down, but in some level along the comments section I became a...
Um, legend, clickbait youtuber and a kind of fake rumor creator who needs to be sued from YG
Okay, here's the thing: the main reason that I filmed the latest video is to tell you the trend in Korea
What Korean people nowadays think of plastic surgery
Okay, plastic surgery is no longer a topic to be criticised by the public
For example, in the news, you know, if you found a random Kpop star and saying someone who got eye surgery or a nose job
Those days, we wouldn't care
Koreans, they think "Okay, he or she might do it because of..
Their career, they are working in an entertainment industry
And that's why they did" so which means it's not that important, you know, if they- as long as they look good now
If that's what they need, you know
To work as an actor or singer you know because they need to be shown on television
So those days, plastic surgery is considered kind of..kind of an effort
You know who's trying to look good for..
Their fans and the public
So if you watch the previous video from the very beginning to the end
The message I want to tell you is, again, those days, what Koreans think of doing a facia- facial tune..
Is considered as uhh..
turning point or
You know, some works to upgrade their level of lives
Of course, there are some people still saying that..
Society makes people do unnecessary things
So whichever it is, you know
Both opinions, people can think in their own way, right?
But uh when I- when I read all the comment section
You know, I was really shocked and I deeply, in my mind, I agree with this comment
So it's from "job Kim"
*reads comment*
So, this is the message that I really wanted you to tell you through the latest video, again
In some base levels, you know, people from other countries, they still think plastic surgery is really..
Something, you know, base level, they think it's something very negative and it's against God
So I wanted to address this in a right position
And the reason that I used K-pop stars face on the thumbnail is because I wanted to tell you guys
This kind of social message in an entertaining way
And I never intend to make a..
You know, disgraced rumour for a great artist
Not at all, never
Yeah, I just used a random image that I googled
You know, if you just type the words on Google then you can easily find
And the reason that I decided to delete the video is because..
I only want to create a video which makes you guys happy
If it hurts someone, you know, even- even that's a small part of you
I don't want to be a creator for that content, so that's why I deleted it
whether it's a fact or not, if that hurts you then I gotta be more serious about..
Choosing content
So again, whichever the fact was, if my videos hurt your feelings then..
Then I want to say sorry to you
*Hi, subtitler Lucy here:) I just wanna say that I'm sorry for any things that were said to you Sibong:( I don't want you to feel like you had to apologise beacause honestly, you did nothing wrong! Please don't worry or be hurt, we love the content you make! - Lots of love, BongBongs<3
Here's how to do a food re-education for people with hypothyroidism! - Duration: 5:22.Often, people with difficulty losing weight may have problems with hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism causes the metabolism our body slows down and increases
fluid retention, it is a disorder that affects the functioning of the gland
This is a disease that affects more women than men, characterized by a reduction
the thyroid gland function which is located on the front of the neck.
Thus, the release of thyroid hormones falls, which causes very specific symptoms,
as: constant tiredness.
menstrual changes.
Decreased basal metabolism, which It takes care of the energy expenditure.
Greater feeling of cold.
Easy to gain weight and very difficult to lose it.
It is possible to accumulate fat in the chin in waist and thighs.
Dry skin and hair.
serious and hoarse voice.
Sleep disorders.
Worsening of osteoporosis.
To detect a predisposition to suffer hypothyroidism, see if there is a lack
on the outside of the eyebrow.
This symptom may indicate a predisposition or the initial stage of this disorder.
People suffering with hypothyroidism need make a food to reduce rehabilitation
its symptoms.
Conduct a nutritional education can help treating hypothyroidism to the point of
no more need to take medicines, especially if we start in the early stages.
The nutritional education for people It has hypothyroidism should contain these foods:
Coconut oil The extra-virgin coconut oil is a fat
saturated chain triglycerides rich in average.
These nutrients have the power to deal with two of the main problems of those who suffer
hypothyroidism because they increase metabolism and facilitate weight loss.
It is recommended to take two tablespoons all day, the morning fasting and evening
before bedtime.
algae In many cases hypothyroidism is due
to a lack of iodine in the body, so consume foods rich in this mineral can help
to deal with the symptoms of this disorder.
Insert seaweed in nutritional education who treats hypothyroidism is important,
because they are very rich in iodine, especially the fucus.
Before inserting iodine in the diet, it is important consult the doctor as much iodine causes
Side effects.
Sea water As well as algae, sea water act
as an excellent mineral supplement treat hypothyroidism.
Moreover, the seawater does not cause retention liquids such as salt.
Garlic Garlic is an excellent food to treat
sensitivity to cold, fatigue and apathy, it stimulates our body thanks to its
numerous components.
cayenne pepper The cayenne pepper is a natural activator
metabolism which is excellent for sufferers of hypothyroidism.
Furthermore, the body temperature increases.
At the same time also relieves prison belly and joint pain.
It is important to add the cayenne pepper in nutritional education of those who suffer with
hypothyroidism gradually, lest cause digestive upsets.
Ginger Ginger is a spice and refreshing
Aromatic which also helps to speed up metabolism who have hypothyroidism to
same time fighting retention net.
Pistachio The pistachio is also highly recommended for
combat hypothyroidism for its high content minerals, especially iodine.
Fennel Fennel acts as a hormonal regulator,
stimulating the production of hormones by this is very important to help improve
the metabolism of those who have hypothyroidism.
Ginseng Ginseng is also a powerful stimulant
natural for those who have hypothyroidism, because It helps to activate the metabolism and lose
weight more easily.
Sesame The thyroid produces calcitonin, a hormone
which allows us to absorb calcium.
For this reason, people with hypothyroidism They may suffer disorders such as osteoporosis.
Incorporate sesame to diet people with hypothyroidism helps prevent
this problem, it is a very rich seed calcium.
Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated - Official Documentary - Duration: 1:18:12.( indistinct chatter )
Woman: Careful with all the pillows and all the art.
Man: Once we approve frame, folks, we're all clear.
Once again, check your cell phones.
Thank you.
Frame looks beautiful.
Woman: You look great.
Everybody needs to clear.
Every single person. You too.
Okay. How are you feeling?
Demi Lovato: I actually had anxiety
around this... interview.
Why is that?
Because the last time I did an interview this long,
I was on cocaine.
It was called "Staying Strong."
( bulbs flashing quickly )
I am Demi Lovato.
( music playing )
I'm 25.
The last decade has taught me a lifetime of lessons.
I've learned that secrets make you sick.
I'm learning how to be a voice and not a victim.
I've learned that sex is natural.
I've learned that love is necessary.
Heartbreak is unavoidable.
And loneliness is brutal.
I've learned that the key to being happy
is to tell your truth
and be okay without all the answers.
This is my story.
This... is "Simply Complicated."
(music ends)
Producer: I want you to hear the first three lines you just did.
They were great.
♪ I see the future ♪
♪ Without you ♪
♪ The hell was I doing ♪
♪ In the past? ♪
♪ Now that I've learned all about you ♪
♪ A love ♪
♪ Just like ours wouldn't last. ♪
I think the first, um, line,
the "you" on it isn't good.
Producer: Okay, did you like line number three?
- Did you like this one? - ( mouse click )
♪ Now that I've learned all about you ♪
- Yeah, the "you" is great. - Yeah.
And the "now," I think I can do a better "learned."
♪ I won't ♪
♪ Fall ♪
♪ For your games ♪
♪ So don't ♪
♪ Hate me ♪
♪ When I say ♪
Okay, there's words that I like,
but, overall, I don't like the whole take.
Producer: Ah! Okay.
Those first two lines made me feel something great,
so whatever you're doing...
I'll just keep doing it.
♪ That you... ♪
♪ Don't do it for me ♪
♪ Anymore ♪
♪ No, you... ♪
( taps keyboard, song ends )
I really like this take.
Just that last "ooh" needs to be smoothed out.
- ( taps keyboard ) - Yeah.
I mean, in a perfect world, absolutely.
Well, this should be a perfect world, it's my album.
( chuckles )
Let's go again.
♪ I won't ♪
♪ Fall ♪
♪ For your game. ♪
Oops. ( bleep ).
♪ Fall. ♪
- ♪ Fall. ♪ - ( producer talking indistinctly )
♪ Fall. ♪
♪ Stop feeling bad ♪
♪ For yourself ♪
♪ I won't ♪
♪ Fall ♪
♪ For your games ♪
♪ So don't ♪
♪ Hate me when I say ♪
I like that "me when I say."
Producer: Yeah, I think, too.
It's only the third take.
Yeah, I don't know what to do.
( chuckles )
Well, I got to get the other stuff first.
( laughs ) Here we go.
♪ That you... ♪
♪ Don't do it for me ♪
♪ Anymore ♪
♪ I'm sorry ♪
♪ For honesty ♪
♪ I'm well aware ♪
♪ I lie to you ♪
♪ When I lie with you ♪
♪ You... ♪
♪ Don't do it for me ♪
♪ Don't do it ♪
♪ For me ♪
♪ You... ♪
♪ Don't do it ♪
♪ For me ♪
♪ Anymore. ♪
( taps keyboard )
- That last line was great. - Yeah.
- ( mouse clicks ) - Hang on one sec.
I mean thank you.
( laughter )
Yeah, I know I'm the ( bleep ).
( chuckles )
( music playing )
Growing up,
I had been bullied in school.
I felt like an outsider,
I felt like an outcast.
At that time, I became friends with
a girl who was popular.
And, one day, I asked her,
"How do you have all these friends?"
And she was like, "Well, do you party?"
I was like, "What do you mean?"
And she asked me,
"Do you drink?"
We experienced a lot of stuff together,
drinking, and using, and... growing up.
Marissa Callahan: We started drinking fairly early.
To me, it was like, "We're just having fun.
We're kids.
Everyone's doing it, so we're going to, too."
Little did we know that
there's was gonna be, like, this downward spiral.
My first time
doing coke,
I was 17,
working on Disney Channel, and...
I was with a couple of friends.
And they introduced me to it.
I was scared because my mom always told me
that your heart could just burst if you do it.
But I did it anyways,
and I loved it.
I felt out of control with the coke
the first time that I did it.
My dad
was an addict and an alcoholic.
I guess I always searched for what he found in drugs and alcohol
because it fulfilled him and he chose that over a family.
Dianna De La Garza: Early on,
Demi was very, very sad
because of her issues with her dad.
( music playing )
We had been through a lot of the same things,
kind of at the same time.
Our parents were both divorced at a young age.
She dealt a lot with her dad.
And the times where he was brought up
wasn't ever good.
Like, he would tell them
he had cancer when he didn't.
Or he would tell them he's dying tomorrow
when he wasn't.
Dallas Lovato: Growing up, I was always really protective of Demi.
I remember my dad
was such a loving person,
when he started drinking,
he was very different.
Dianna: Scary things
began to happen.
Dallas: He would rage, and yell,
and throw things.
Demi saw that.
Dianna: At the time, I didn't understand it.
I didn't know how to handle things.
But I knew that
he had a good heart.
I never would've married him in the first place
if he didn't.
But sometimes, if you don't get help
for what you're struggling with,
a good heart sometimes isn't enough.
It just became too much and I had to leave.
( music playing )
Dallas: From a young age, Demi, my mom, and I
had this incredible bond.
We called ourselves "The 3 Ds."
It felt kind of like it was us against the world.
Eddie's my dad.
When I say my dad and I mean my birth father,
I mention that it's my birth father.
Dallas: Even though the dynamic in our family
was always very loving and very open,
on the other hand, we were also very closed off
and secretive as well.
We all had our own things
hidden behind our own closed doors.
There were some things that
nobody knew.
Demi: I was depressed
at a very, very young age.
Fascinated with death.
Wondering what it would be like
to have a funeral.
I never knew why I would think
so darkly.
And it took me a long time to figure out
what was actually going on.
( birds chirping )
( indistinct chatter )
Look at how serious I am in this picture.
I've got the head tilt and the "smize."
We started modeling a little bit
when I was, like, five.
And by modeling, we didn't have an agent,
we just took pictures.
We didn't do anything...
like, any actual jobs.
Then we started doing beauty pageants
and that's what got me into singing.
My name is Demi.
Dallas: Hi. I'm...
I'm gonna be on "Jackass."
( laughter )
Dianna: We started off doing pageants
and I started to realize that Demi, I guess, was...
- gifted. - Was talented.
Not human when it came to her voice.
Dianna: When she was five years old,
she... had the nerve to go up in front of the entire school
to sing Celine Dion's
"My Heart Will Go On."
( cheering and applause )
And it was beautiful.
That was the first time I thought, "Okay,
this is probably what she's gonna want to do
the rest of her life."
Demi: We tried really hard to get an agent
We couldn't get an agent.
It was auditions, like, all the time.
Madison De La Garza: I just remember a lot of auditions
and a lot of car rides.
I have so many memories of
Demi getting a phone call,
and then not getting the job.
We would be really upset
for a few days, and then one day...
Is the band here?
Not yet.
Dianna: She got "Barney."
Demi: After I booked "Barney",
I was constantly working on music and acting.
I was taking lessons
any chance that I could.
Dianna: Demi, good luck! I love you!
Have fun!
We had been working really hard at it
since the pageant days, and all of the headshots,
and lessons.
When Demi walked in the room,
I knew that she was a flat-out entertainer.
She was standing by my piano,
and she said, "Can I sing for you?"
And I said, "You bet you can."
♪ Hark the herald angels sing ♪
She started this song...
♪ The newborn king ♪
♪ Peace on Earth ♪
♪ And mercy mild ♪
I... I just said, "Oh, my gosh.
where did she get this voice?"
♪ Glory to ♪
When I was very young,
I wanted to be like Shirley Temple.
Somebody that could sing and act
at such a young age.
♪ Glory to ♪
I don't know how I knew I had it in me,
but I knew that it was what I was supposed to do.
♪ King. ♪
( static )
♪ Looking out... ♪
I started playing guitar
at around eight or nine years old.
I was always playing music.
She would be up all hours of the night...
Singing my heart out.
- ...writing. - Some real tough ( bleep ).
Demi: Looking back, I think I realized that I had
this outlet to... pour my emotions out
and create something beautiful.
After I had finished "Barney and Friends,"
what I ended up finding out is that there was actually a lot of pressure
to find jobs.
And the pressure didn't come from anybody but myself.
I just wanted to succeed.
( bell on door jingles )
We started coming out to California
for pilot season.
I got guest-starring roles on TV shows,
commercials, things like that.
My stuff? I never heard of them.
And then I ended up booking
a TV show for Disney Channel
- called "As the Bell Rings." - ( bell rings )
Okay, I think we have something.
Let's put this together.
And after "As the Bell Rings,"
I booked "Camp Rock."
I was 15.
Rock on.
When I met Phil,
he was managing the Jonas Brothers.
Joe Jonas: We met Demi, I think,
originally it was an audition
of our TV show.
We had a TV show called "Jonas."
She didn't get it, but...
- ( laughter ) - we...
I think a year later, I think we met in rehearsals probably for "Camp Rock."
- Demi was attached to the film already. - And I remember
you went in 'cause you had to sing the duet
with Demi's character.
You had already laid down your part.
- Mm-hmm. - I went in with Joe,
and I heard her voice, I just had, like, goose bumps
all over my arms.
I was like-- I stepped out of the studio and I called Disney, I was like,
"Who is this girl?"
I saw what he did for the Jonas Brothers,
and the fact that he wanted to manage me was a huge deal to me
because he was with them through it all.
Starring in "Camp Rock" was Demi's big break.
It was just a massive franchise that Disney had put
everything behind.
And it just became a pop culture,
sort of, sensation.
To be able to
get to do something
as big as this,
um, for my first project,
it feels good.
We really believed that "Camp Rock"
was the vehicle to become a superstar.
And it was like overnight, she became a household name.
( music playing )
I think Demi
was cast in so many different Disney projects
because there was a natural edge to her
that made her... authentic
and believable
as an actress or as an artist.
I think they needed her
to make their projects cooler.
Demi: Everything happened
so fast.
We officially signed,
and the next day, I booked her a plane ticket
to go on tour with the Jonas Brothers.
( cheering and applause )
All of a sudden,
I was on tour,
writing songs for my album
with the Jonas Brothers.
And then I was on a tour of my own.
Looking back, I think that it was a lot
for anyone, let alone,
a kid.
I think that Demi being on the Disney Channel,
now looking back at it, I can connect the dots
and say that there was an immense amount of pressure.
I was now working on my music,
and my TV show and movies
all at the same time.
That lifestyle's really crazy.
Not a lot of people understand,
like, the pressures, and the time,
and the amount of work that it actually takes
to have such a successful career
in the entertainment industry.
So many more expectations
put on her than a normal 15, 16-year-old girl would have.
Phil: She was living two lives.
Here she was, she had to be squeaky clean
on the Disney Channel,
all types of moral clauses
and just intensity around
behavior, and, once the camera stops rolling,
she's living another life; she couldn't really be herself.
She couldn't be a normal teenager.
I definitely felt
the pressure increase when...
the fame started to creep into my life.
I started feeling pressured to
look a certain way, to...
sing music that I felt
people would like,
rather than sing music that I would like.
There was more pressure to succeed, you know?
Numbers and charts.
And I was a perfectionist,
and I really wanted to be the best of the best.
( music playing )
Phil: When you are carrying a franchise,
there is a standard that everybody expects you to operate at.
They were great to work with.
Awful, awful.
I think it caused
a lot of, um, anxiety for her.
Demi: And it didn't let up at all, it just...
mounted more and more.
All of a sudden, she had to be
this role model, and I don't think she was ready for that.
I think we started to notice,
and, really, it was the Jonas Brothers
kind of, like, waving a flag that
Demi may be veering
off the path.
At that point, you could just feel
that... things were getting wobbly.
It was almost like the wheels were starting to fall off.
Prior to that, I think, anything that was going on,
would've been chalked up to...
she's a teenage girl.
That was, like, the easy answer,
was just to say, "Well, she's a teenage girl
and she's going through stuff,
and she's being dramatic."
John: She wasn't this sweet and lovely girl anymore,
and it was kind of like a "Hey,
( bleep ) you." And, "I just want to be a kid
and do what everybody else does. And, like, my friends in Texas
want to, like, drink and party, so why shouldn't I drink and party?"
Phil: Demi had real anger issues.
John: Difficult, harder to be around.
No, no, no, just show me, I have a photographic memory.
Demi's pulling anyone that she could, like,
manipulate and change.
Phil: She was depressed, she would sleep all the time.
I think she just-- it became obvious that she was struggling with...
And I didn't realize that it was actually signaling
a larger issue.
Nick Jonas: While we were on tour,
Joe and Demi's relationship had become really complicated.
So I was playing the bridge.
And it became really good,
you know, between she and I
for a while, and growing closer than we'd ever been.
And I remember thinking in my head,
I felt, like, a bit of pride about it,
like... selfishly, maybe. I was like,
"I'm helping her back into, you know,
coming back to being the Demi that we all know and love,
and she's not gonna do anything crazy, it's gonna be fine."
And then this episode happened.
( music playing )
Demi: I was in Colombia.
I was on the "Camp Rock 2" Tour.
And I invited a bunch of people to dinner,
my band,
and my background dancers.
I paid for all the alcohol.
Somebody ended up
getting weed.
I was on Adderall.
we had trashed the hotel.
The hotel was, like, threatening us.
They went to some of the dancers and asked what had happened.
And I think they told
on me for using Adderall.
Somebody told Kevin Jonas, Sr.,
and... Phil.
and my dad.
I was very upset.
I couldn't believe what had happened.
Now it was out
that I was on Adderall.
The next day,
I was in a lot of trouble.
I remember...
going to Kevin, Sr. and saying,
I want to thank whoever told on me because
I know they were just worried about me.
And, you know, I just really want to know who told you."
And I manipulated him into telling me who it was.
And he said it was Shorty.
Shorty and I had been really close
through "Camp Rock" and "Camp Rock 2."
when he said Shorty,
I remember thinking...
"I'm about to beat this bitch up."
( music playing )
John: I remember I was up in the front of the plane.
She had already boarded the plane.
John: Demi walks up onto the plane and
I heard some commotion.
I just went up to her.
- And it was like a blur. - I turned around and Demi had
punched her backup dancer in the face.
Everyone was freaking out.
She walked right past me without acknowledging me.
I just remember going and sitting down.
Just this angry look on her face.
Texting my mom "I'm sorry."
Put her head on her pillow
and shut out the world.
And I slept the whole day.
That was when it dawned on me that
this was probably a much bigger
situation than just a kid who wanted to party.
I just came to a breaking point.
( music playing )
Phil: The next 12 months
were extremely difficult.
Demi: I was 18 when I first went into treatment.
Demi was diagnosed bipolar
when she checked into treatment the first time.
When I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder,
it just made sense.
When I was younger, I didn't know why
I would stay up so late writing and playing music.
And then I learned about episodes of mania.
And I realized that that's
probably what it was; I was manic.
In a way I knew that
it wasn't my fault anymore.
Something was actually off with me.
Phil: She had such a glow to her
the first time I saw her when she came out of treatment.
The glow started to fade each day that passed.
Demi: I wasn't working my program,
I wasn't ready to get sober.
I was sneaking it on planes,
sneaking it in bathrooms,
sneaking it throughout the night.
Nobody knew.
Phil: This is an 18-year-old
who's totally
out-maneuvering adults.
Demi: I went on, like, a bender of like
two months where I was using daily.
And... there was one night where
I used a bunch of coke
and I popped a few Xanax bars,
and I started to... choke a little bit.
And my heart started racing.
And I remember thinking,
"Oh, my God, I might be overdosing right now."
I remember we were in New York,
and she clearly was on something.
And she was on air...
promoting this new way of life.
And I was like, "You're so full of it."
I wasn't equipped to be able to
handle that situation.
And so I got a list of several recommendations
of people that specialize in this.
And I ended up connecting and speaking with Mike Bayer.
Mike Bayer: Demi was on a road to, like,
She'd have, like, bags of pills,
and an eight-ball of coke.
I was either craving drugs or on drugs.
She was nasty.
I was not easy to work with.
I was using while I had a sober companion.
And I went through about 20 different sober companions.
It was really like she was two different people.
Every day was like going to war.
Mike: We were in Palm Springs,
and she locked her bedroom door,
she's just taken a bunch of pills,
we kicked down the door,
she gets taken to the hospital,
the nurse is checking her in, the bottle of pills is there,
she grabs the pills, she then downs all the other pills and says, "You ( bleep ) bitch.
If I just tried to kill myself, why would you give me access to pills?"
Demi: I didn't feel anything, I didn't feel guilty,
I didn't feel embarrassed.
Mike: Then she goes from there to a psych ward.
None of that did anything.
She still isn't going to get clean.
She's so black and white.
She really, one day, would want to get well,
the next day, not want to get well.
And when she didn't want to get well,
she'd have to flip back-- it was just,
for her, it was chaotic.
It was completely exhausting,
physically and emotionally.
I would sneak out, get drugs...
...I would fake my drugs tests
with other people's pee.
Mike: She didn't care what the consequences were.
Phil: A couple days sober and then she'd use.
And I'd lie straight to their faces.
Mike: She didn't care about her career.
And we couldn't get momentum on our side.
Mike: It was very difficult
to work off that very small part of her
that did want to get well.
It's embarrassing to look back
at the person that I was.
The very last night that I drank,
I was at a hotel,
and I invited two random people.
And, basically, just drank with them.
I got really, really drunk,
until it was time to get on a flight.
And I was so drunk that I threw up in the back of the car service
on the way to the airport to perform on "American Idol."
Ladies and gentlemen, Demi Lovato.
( cheering and applause )
♪ When your lips are on my lips ♪
♪ And our hearts beat as one ♪
Phil: Here she is, she goes to "American Idol",
she's hung-over, she has total disregard for it.
It was a horrible feeling.
I felt like that was a moment in my career
where I, I didn't care.
Phil: Demi was clearly in a bad place.
Demi: I just knew that I needed to be high
to get through what I was going through at that point.
Phil: I remember asking Mike,
"When is it time
to step away?"
And Mike said to me,
"When she stops trying."
At that moment,
I was fully intending to...
drop her.
You hear about interventions
or families laying ultimatums and saying, like,
"You either change or you're out."
Change has to happen,
Mike: The most important thing to Demi
is losing people,
is losing people that she cares about
and that loves her.
That's the most important thing to Demi.
I had developed a plan where I got
everybody on the team, business manager,
attorneys, agents, everybody,
to say, "If Phil walks, we walk."
This was the showdown of all showdowns.
Demi: It wasn't a matter of
if they were going to leave, it was,
"We are leaving.
There's no more that we can do for you."
Mike: I remember her crying,
"Well, what the ( bleep ) do I need to do?
What do I need to do?"
- Phil: And Mike said... - Mike: Give us your cell phone.
And I think he said, "Like, now."
And she picked up the plate.
And she literally was grabbing this thing
and smashing it, screaming crying,
like-- and the ugly cry.
Phil: And I said, "That's not good enough."
Phil said, "Put it in the water."
Phil: And so she dunked it in the vase of water that was on the table.
It's wild.
This was the gateway to everything.
This was...
the wrong people, it was drug dealers,
it was-- it was a lot of...
the negative influences in her life
were coming through the cell phone.
I think that approach worked for me because,
it sounds silly, but it was the beginning of
the process of surrendering.
At the end of the day, it was my decision.
Meanwhile, she's a judge on "X-Factor,"
She's 19 years old,
and she's in her first year of sobriety.
Phil: What nobody knows is that, while she was a judge,
she's living in a sober apartment,
with roommates, she is having to do chores,
she has no cell phone,
she is completely and totally...
submitted to the process of recovery.
You really have to lean into
the people that are trying to support you.
Like my family,
like Mike and Phil.
You know, you really have to...
surrender because that's when the change is gonna happen.
( music playing )
When you're in the studio,
and you're recording...
"a hit song,"
there are times where the energy in the room
- is just insane. - Go!
- ♪ Lucky for you ♪ - Man: Whoo! All right.
♪ I got all these daddy issues ♪
♪ What can I do? ♪
♪ I'm going crazy when I'm with you ♪
♪ Forget all the therapy ♪
♪ That I've been through ♪
♪ Lucky for you ♪
- When that beat kicks in, - Man: Yeah.
like, no matter what you're doing, you have to dance.
( laughter )
When can I sing?
I'm ready to go.
- Man: Here it comes. - ( bleep ) yeah, you are.
- Let's do it. - You know who else is ready to go?
- Let's do it. ( laughs ) - Me.
- You set her up for me, bro? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You standing or sitting, Demi?
I think I'm gonna sit first.
All right.
All right, mic check?
( echoing ): Mic check.
( sighs deeply )
- You ready? - Yeah.
( music playing over speakers )
♪ I've been thinking 'bout the future ♪
♪ And I've been thinking 'bout the now ♪
♪ I know we're gonna be together ♪
♪ But I just don't know how ♪
♪ You know when we get close ♪
♪ Can't deny the tension between us both ♪
♪ And I don't want to pressure you ♪
♪ But I think you need to make a move ♪
♪ I've been waiting ♪
( distorted ): ♪ I've been waiting ♪
♪ And I keep waiting ♪
( distorted ): ♪ And I keep waiting ♪
♪ Only forever ♪
♪ Only forever ♪
♪ Only forever ♪
♪ Only forever ♪
♪ Only forever ♪
I've been really using my emotions
and, basically, just adding more soul into it.
I think it comes out in my music today.
- Whoo! - Ooh!
- That was crazy. - Fire.
That was a good one. Two seconds.
Oak is just incredible.
This song's ( bleep ) awesome, man!
It's so good.
( laughs )
We're like...
what, six for six now?
- Oh, my God. - So exciting.
♪ Only forever... ♪
We have been putting in
endless hours in the studio,
and all of the songs that we've done together
I've really been excited about.
♪ Only forev... ♪
- Let's try it. - ♪ I'll give you one more chance ♪
♪ But it only lasts ♪
♪ Only forever... ♪
- ( laughs ) - One more.
♪ Who doesn't leave me on the shelf? ♪
She's just gonna nail it every time.
Man: I know.
♪ But it only lasts ♪
♪ Only forever... ♪
♪ Only forever. ♪
I mean, they're all varying degrees of perfection.
- ( laughter ) - So...
- Thanks. - But I like the ending of this one more.
I like the beginning of the one you did previous to this one more.
Okay, cool.
So, I have a comp in mind, too,
if we need to. I mean, I-- but we got it.
We definitely got it.
It sounds awesome, homie.
As long as the vibrato is consistent on that.
I can see your vibrato waves.
You have no idea how uniform they are.
- Oh, dope. - Like, look at this ( bleep ), you see it?
It looks like a caterpillar, look at that.
Man: It is a caterpillar!
( laughter )
Look at how ( bleep ) consistent these waves are, right?
And you can actually hear it. Listen, man.
♪ Ever...♪
Like, you can hear that vibrato.
I think it's important to have a vision.
And I feel like
he's really helped me find my sound.
- ( laughs ) - Thank you.
You killed that ( bleep ), homie.
- Thanks, - Good Lord.
( music playing )
I'm so... tired.
( laughter )
So unamused with that comment.
Demi, did you know that you sleep with one eye open?
- No, I don't. - Yes, you do.
- No, I don't. - Yes, you do.
I swear to God.
Wow, that's so weird.
Who did you piss off that you got to sleep with one eye open?
( laughter )
It's the first time in awhile
that we've all been in Texas together.
I think since, like, the last Christmas,
- that we spent here. - Dianna: Yeah.
Or, no, a funeral.
( music playing )
Dianna: Which funeral was that?
It was my mamaw, my mamaw.
I used to call her "my world" because she was just
the sweetest woman, and she was funny.
and sassy.
I love you.
- Hmm? - I love you.
- I love you, too. - I love you more.
- No, you don't. - Yes, I do.
( laughing ): Yes, I do.
( sniffles )
What are the odds that we're all back here?
- Yeah. - On this day.
Almost exactly a year later.
( crying ): I miss her so much.
( crying ): Mama!
And then it's also been a year since...
Wilmer and I broke up.
I've never loved anybody like I loved Wilmer.
And, like, I still love Wilmer.
( music playing )
When I first met Wilmer
he was 29.
I met him on January 11th
of 2010.
And it was at a PSA shoot
at his house
for the 2010
census forms.
Before 1980,
Latinos weren't even considered a separate ethnic group
on the census form.
This is an opportunity for us
to assert ourselves,
to define ourselves.
To be honest, I only did it
because I heard it was at his house
and I thought he was really cute.
I didn't really care about the census forms.
But when I met him and I laid eyes on him for the first time,
I was in hair and makeup
and he came and sat down and I was like,
"I love this man.
And I have to have him."
But I was only 17.
And so he was like, "Get away from me."
After I had turned 18,
we began dating.
I think it was love at first sight.
And I don't really believe in that,
but I believe that it happened.
( music playing )
We connected on a level that
I've never connected with anybody before.
He... was just my rock,
my everything.
Producer: Why do you think you broke up?
It had nothing to do with falling out of love.
We decided together that
we're just probably better as friends.
I haven't seen Wilmer in over six months.
And when he showed up at the Gay Pride party at Mike's
my heart ached.
It's hard enough dealing with a breakup...
but, you put it in the public eye,
and it feels violating.
I do have moments where...
it's late at night, and I'm lonely,
and I wonder if...
I made the right decision.
Because love is a gamble.
I don't know if I'll lose him for the rest of my life.
Wilmer: Is it this one?
My arm looks so big.
You're flexing.
( laughs ) You're so stupid.
I get it.
I get it, that's all I'm saying.
I think my heart's always with Wilmer.
I think it...
was with Wilmer, I think that it is with Wilmer,
and I think that it will be.
'Cause you don't share six years with somebody
and not... give them a piece of your heart.
And vice versa.
Woman: Yeah.
Like, I'm pretty sure
that I'm not gonna meet anybody that compares to him,
I'm trying to keep an open heart and an open mind
when it comes to that.
Mike: I love Demi and Wilmer together.
But I've seen Demi grow a lot
as a person in the last year.
Demi: The sparks never faded.
But there are issues that I haven't conquered yet
that I know I won't conquer if I'm relying on somebody else
to take care of the loneliness.
Where there is a will, there's a way, yeah.
No, where there's a...
Both: Wilmer, there's a way.
I just wasn't ready
and I-- there was so much of my life
that I hadn't explored yet.
( music playing )
I wanted a house now
because I'm on my own,
and I'm independent now.
This is the first time Demi's ever really been on her own
in her life.
It also falls at a time,
as she's turning 25,
where she's trying to figure out who she is.
And so I think that she's taking the time
to put that into her art
in probably the most meaningful way she's ever done.
I'm growing up by myself,
and... to have my own place,
designed the way that I want it to look,
with my dog.
( babbling )
I wanted to know what it's like to be on my own.
And this is where I finally feel like I can be...
grown up.
♪ Standing on the front lines ♪
♪ Staring at the sunrise ♪
♪ Over the hill ♪
♪ Waiting for the kill ♪
♪ Sweet anticipation ♪
♪ Every conversation ♪
♪ Tears in her eyes ♪
♪ From holding too tight ♪
♪ Wait until the demons come ♪
♪ Wait for us to see them run ♪
♪ In our direction ♪
♪ Now they're staring at us through the trees ♪
♪ Got us falling to our knees ♪
♪ To teach us a lesson ♪
♪ Darling, I have been afraid ♪
♪ I could only call your name ♪
♪ Thank the heavens that you stayed ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ But if I'm telling you the truth ♪
♪ When I cut the tether loose ♪
♪ It was me ♪
♪ Saving you... ♪
I haven't relapsed
in drugs and alcohol.
That's something that I'm very proud of.
I'm coming up on five and a half years of sobriety,
and that's something that's been difficult at times,
but one thing that I haven't fully conquered
is my eating disorder.
Phil: You having trouble right now?
What's going on?
It's so weird to talk about this on camera.
I... relapsed with... throwing up.
Binging and purging.
A couple nights ago.
The less I have to think about food,
the easier it is for me to go about
having a normal life.
And I don't want to let anybody down.
So when I do have moments where I slip up...
I feel very ashamed.
What started the relapse
was missing Wilmer.
This is the longest you've gone without being in a relationship.
You're not the only one to have been through
a six-year relationship, and break up, and question it,
and then not know how to be alone.
Well, like, that's one of the reasons why
we broke up,
was 'cause I've never been alone.
When I was in a relationship with Wilmer,
I went three years without purging.
And when we broke up,
that's one of the first things I did.
And when I...
feel lonely...
like, my heart feels hungry.
Phil: Right.
And then I end up binging.
And I don't know how to figure out...
how to be alone.
What do you think came first for you in terms of chasing the high?
Was it the drugs and alcohol or was it the food?
The food came first.
When I was about eight years old
and my little sister was born,
a lot of the attention was taken off of me
and onto my little sister.
I had started working at that time,
so I was under a lot of stress.
So I would bake cookies for my family
and I would eat all of them, and nobody would have any to eat.
That was my first memory of food
being... that medicine for me.
When I was 12,
I was bullied.
I... developed a social anxiety
where I didn't trust other girls my age.
Then, one day, this girl who was popular
started saying, "Demi should kill herself.
She should slit her wrists."
And it resulted in a suicide petition
that got passed around.
And she had other classmates sign it.
I mean, there was this core group of girls
who were, honestly, in my eyes, pure ( bleep ) evil.
Demi: And, when I asked them why,
nobody could give me a specific reason
why they were treating me the way they were.
I had no friends,
I was alone.
So I went off of what they were calling me,
which was a whore and being fat.
I called my mom on my cell phone and I said, "I'm done,
I can't do this anymore, pick me up.
She picked me up from school
and that's when my eating disorder developed.
One day,
I found a copy of her diary.
Demi had drawn a picture of what she perceived herself
to look like.
And then she drew a picture on the next page,
and said, "This is what I need to look like
to be...
a star."
This was, like, a collage that I made
when I was younger.
And it's actually kind of sad for me because
a lot of the people in here are underweight and...
I wanted to be so much...
I wanted to be like them.
That was kind of the chic look back then.
Yeah, I've got Amy Winehouse in there that I looked up to
and I wanted to be so badly.
I wanted to be as thin as her, I wanted to sing like her,
I wanted to be just like her.
The collages on her wall, and the pictures,
and the models,
this isn't what you need to
aspire to be like, this is not healthy.
I never thought to say those things to her
because I didn't know myself.
My desire for perfection,
I think I've always been that way.
But I felt I had to be thin
to be beautiful, and successful,
and that this is what you need to look like
in order to be perfect.
I may have passed that along to my kids,
that wanting everything to be perfect,
and need to be
thin and beautiful to be successful.
Demi: Food is still the biggest challenge in my life
and it controls...
I don't want to give it the power to say that
it controls my every thought,
but... it's something that I'm constantly thinking about.
Body image, what I'm gonna eat next,
what I wish I could be eating,
what I wish I didn't eat.
You know, it's just constant.
It's exhausting.
Like, I get envious towards
people that don't struggle with an eating disorder
just because I feel like
my life would be so much easier.
Everybody has their own path in recovery.
For me, it's about going to therapy, working my program
and having an honest relationship with myself
and the other people around me.
I had come across Jay Glazer and Unbreakable Gym.
And I felt like it would be great for her.
Because Demi had just broken up with Wilmer
and she didn't have a lot of friendships,
she didn't have a community.
The workout before that was super tough.
- Yeah. - You hear a girl crying, it's me.
( laughs ) Okay.
The gym really helps.
And I know that I...
would be in a very dark place without it.
When you're getting one, I'm coming right back.
- Come on. Nice, that's it. - ( grunting )
Good, good, good. Where's your kick? There it is.
Demi: You know it's Monday when you get punched in the face
by Randy Couture.
Randy Couture?
Only, like, MMA legend.
( music playing )
Mike: At the time she loved kickboxing.
And I was really hoping that she would
fall in love with jiu-jitsu.
Mike: It would give her some pride in having her own thing.
It's empowering.
And I watch her light up.
Mike: It's a physical chess game.
It makes her think.
Demi: Any time I'm able to
take my mind off of...
any of my addictions, um,
it's very beneficial to me.
Because you're constantly thinking about...
what the next move is.
The technique,
the strategy,
And also, there's a reward system
that takes many, many, many years to get through.
Back up.
In jiu-jitsu, we start with a white belt.
Every time you get a promotion, it's a stripe.
We do four stripes on each belt,
and then we move to the next belt.
One goal that I haven't reached is a black belt.
Being able to work towards that
is something that I'm passionate about.
And I hope to God to see her into her 30s and to...
( voice breaking ): ...put a black belt around her waist one day.
Good job.
( exhales )
- Get a drink. - Okay.
Working out is a form of meditation to me
because I'm not focused on anything in my head.
It can transport you to
a totally different place.
( music playing )
I'm on a journey to discover
what it's like to be free of all demons.
Man: Her first stripe on a belt.
Demi, before, you couldn't talk about weight.
We literally couldn't use the term "working out."
And... now...
she loves it.
I, like, don't want to know
what it's like to get really punched in the face by...
By Randy Couture? Man, it's like playing basketball with Michael Jordan.
( static )
All of my bags.
And now my vanity.
Feeling my extensions.
Kelsey Kershner: Hey, Demitria, can you come here and approve these TV spots?
Demi: Yup.
It was an exhausting night as an assistant.
- It was mid-summer. - ( woman chuckles )
Producer: Which night was this, though, what are we describing here?
Uh, it was Anaheim. ( chuckles )
Um... there were four suitors in the crowd.
( laughter )
All in separate places throughout the crowd.
Which I strategically placed.
Again, hard assistant work. ( laughs )
They all wanted to visit her in the dressing room.
All at different times, obviously,
so we had to, you know, coordinate,
make sure some came before the show,
some came after the show.
( laughing ): So they didn't run into each other.
Luckily, all went well.
I feel like it wasn't four, I feel like it was only two.
It was...
it was N, and then L, but they had guests,
and then there was...
Was there an O?
- No. - No, it wasn't that night.
( laughter )
My theory is,
you can't win if you don't play the game.
( laughter )
( static )
I matched with somebody on Raya just now.
You did? Can I see?
I am on the dating app with both guys and girls.
I am open to human connection.
So whether that's through a male or a female,
it doesn't matter to me.
Avo Yermagyan: She is so cute.
Liking somebody and then...
like, them texting you and...
you waiting for their text back,
and them liking your picture on Instagram,
um, all these, like, feels--
and first dates, oh, my God.
I need looks for this weekend.
You do? Date night?
How many? Is there a story? Is there a theme?
I'm going to a soccer game.
Jumpsuit, dress...?
First dates are... so nerve-racking.
I didn't have that before.
I mean, not in so long,
and... the butterflies of that,
the sweat on my hands,
the ( bleep ) sweaty palms,
like, all that is fun, it's so much fun.
This is like a close-the-deal dress,
do you want to close the deal?
- Hell yeah, I want to close the deal. - Okay.
'Cause you're in escrow right now.
( laughs )
I thought you said, "You're an escort."
No. ( laughs )
Don't you think?
Should we try a new deal?
- No, we don't need to do that. - Yeah, no, okay.
And, I think, don't tape it down
because, like, feeling that danger,
like, is sexier to do.
Okay, cool. And then...
- Do I let the nipples show? - Let the nipples show.
- Really? - Yeah.
It's, like, really see-through.
It's the female bulge.
It's like letting the guy know who's boss.
- I don't know if I can do that. - Do it.
When I'm comfortable in my own skin,
I feel confident.
And when I feel confident,
I feel sexy.
And when I feel sexy...
watch out.
♪ Baby, be my ♪
♪ New addiction ♪
♪ Intoxicate me gently ♪
♪ With your loving ♪
♪ You ♪
♪ Got me so hot ♪
♪ Pull me closer into you ♪
♪ And watch our bodies intertwine ♪
You don't know this Demi.
Single Demi is fun.
She's a single girl, if she wants to go out to a club
and dance, so be it.
♪ Got me dreaming 'bout that ♪
♪ Sexy, dirty love ♪
( distorted voice ): ♪ Sexy, sexy, yeah ♪
♪ Sexy, dirty love ♪
And we definitely talk about boys a lot,
we're both single.
Obviously, everyone wants to date her.
She has a lot of suitors.
It's fun to hear her
when she shares her stories.
He's so ( bleep ) hot.
- Avo: Really? - Yes.
Have you talked to him since?
No, I was waiting for him to text me.
If it happens, um, I'm gonna be your best man.
( laughs )
Did you make it up to his suite?
( laughs )
No, I did not.
There's like a certain... stigma around
a woman having casual sex.
And, for me, I just feel like
it's my body and it's my choice,
and it's exciting, and it's a connection with somebody.
And it's fun.
♪ You ♪
♪ Got me so hot ♪
♪ Pull me closer into you ♪
♪ And watch our bodies intertwine ♪
♪ I feel so alive ♪
♪ You're the one I'm thinking of ♪
♪ Got me dreaming 'bout that ♪
♪ Sexy, dirty love ♪
Guess there's not really any common theme
with the people that I've dated.
( distorted voice ): ♪ Sexy, sexy, yeah ♪
I do like athletes.
There's something really sexy about
somebody putting in all of their physical strength into their passion.
( distorted voice ): ♪ Sexy, sexy, yeah ♪
( distorted ): ♪ Dirty love. ♪
I know, I know, I... ( laughs )
I was like, "There's no common theme,"
but really it's totally athletes.
( water running )
So we'll do the ends of my hair,
like, more on the straighter side.
Hairdresser: Straight, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just straighten. I don't go wavy.
Demi: Yay, he texted.
- ( chuckles ) - Yay!
Four hours and two minutes. ( laughs )
What'd he say?
Well, I can't check it, I've got foil on my ( bleep )
The anticipation is killing me.
Woman: Was it you who texted or he had texted?
It was me.
Oh, sounds desperate.
It's good you have foil on your hands right now.
No, for sure. I'm still gonna wait.
I'm not gonna text right away.
( laughter )
( laughs ) I know.
It's a... sticky situation.
If you text right away
and you make yourself seem available all the time,
then he's not gonna be interested anymore.
Like, not as interested.
He... ( stammers )
It's a thing.
Phil, you're married, you don't have to deal with this,
you don't get it.
Producer: What are some of the turn-offs?
I don't like douchebags.
( robotic voice ): ♪ Stop playing games ♪
( distorting ): ♪ Games, games, games, games, games ♪
And I have dated some in this single era.
♪ Text on "read" ♪
♪ And it ain't no accident ♪
♪ Boy, I ain't gonna ask again ♪
♪ Now you got me in my head ♪
♪ Waiting by the phone at night ♪
♪ That... that I don't do ♪
♪ And I just can't explain what's happening ♪
♪ Sending all these messages ♪
♪ Alone at night ♪
♪ On Patron at night, ah ♪
I don't like guys that play games.
Like, life is too short for games.
♪ Two can play, yeah, two can play, yeah ♪
♪ Oh, oh. ♪
Hold on, one more time.
♪ Two can play, yeah, two can play, yeah ♪
♪ Two can play, yeah, oh, oh ♪
I'm kind of a confrontational person.
so if there's something up, I want to be like,
I want to figure out, like...
are we-- what's going on? What's happening here?
♪ Two can play, yeah, two can play, yeah ♪
♪ Two can play, yeah, play these games ♪
First of all,
he was supposed to come to my concert in Dallas...
- He bailed. - ...and he bailed.
Yeah, yeah.
And I was, like, pissed off about that.
Maybe it was just like, I didn't text him,
I was waiting for him to text me,
we were playing games, like,
you know what?
Text the ( bleep ) boy.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
♪ Honey, I don't need no friends ♪
And I was like, "Okay, well, I'm, you know,
I have a free weekend,
like, I'm thinking of coming to Dallas.
Like, do you have any free weekends available?"
He was like, "Yeah, I'm open that weekend, too."
I was like, "Dope, let's hang out."
♪ Alone at night ♪
♪ On Patron at night ♪
♪ Ah ♪
We decide to go into the club.
He was like, "Yeah, come to my table.
And I was like, "Okay, like, that's pretty cool,"
- 'cause I had my own separate table... - Yeah, so far, so good.
He was like, "Yeah, like, have your friends come to the table."
And I was like, "Okay, cool."
♪ Careful when you play these games ♪
Right when we got there, right as I was standing there,
I was next to him. He did a line of coke,
- the bottle service girl comes up, - No.
- and he goes... like this to her boobs. - ( gasps )
- Girl. - Bye.
Are you ( bleep ) kidding me?
And then he starts pouring vodka
down other girl's throats.
♪ You might find out the hard way ♪
♪ That two can play, yeah, two can play, yeah ♪
♪ Two can play, yeah, two can play, yeah ♪
I wanted to tell him straight to his face
that I'm a ( bleep ) catch,
and that he needed to treat me like a queen.
♪ Winning, winning, winning ♪
♪ And I'm tired of keeping score ♪
I was half-joking, but, like,
half-serious, like, "Go ( bleep ) yourself."
He asked why and I said,
"Well, these are the reasons why,
these are the things that you did,
right in front of me,
and I'm not going to be disrespected like that."
And he ended up sending a bunch of text messages,
apologizing, wanting to talk.
♪ Maybe I can be yours ♪
He texted me, "You good?"
And I texted back, "New phone, who dis?"
Oh, I saw your-- did you see on Instagram?
That's my ( bleep ) girl.
♪ Games ♪
♪ Come on now, say what you want ♪
- It's Kelsey I'm pretty sure. - Oh.
( laughing )
♪ Might find out the hard way ♪
♪ That two can play, yeah, two can play, yeah ♪
♪ Two can play, yeah, whoa, oh... ♪
I think that's the one.
Okay, I love it.
Yeah, that one's really good.
Emo Night is a throwback event in L.A. once a month
that brings together fans of the emo scene
to relive the past.
( music playing )
I try to go as often as I can.
It's so much fun.
Emo Night, part two, the sequel!
Demi: Looking back on my past,
I see just how influential
this music was on my life
and my own musical journey early on.
Morgan Freed: Hey, let's give it up for ( bleep ) Todd from 303.
( cheering and applause )
I want to introduce you guys to somebody very, very, very, very, very, special to me,
Demi Lovato.
Tell them what the ( bleep ) Emo Night is about.
( music playing )
( all singing along ): ♪ Whoa, I never meant to brag ♪
♪ But I got him where I want him now ♪
♪ Whoa, it was never my intention to brag ♪
♪ To steal it all away from you now ♪
♪ But, God, does it feel so good ♪
♪ 'Cause I got him where I want him now ♪
♪ And if you could, then you know you would ♪
♪ 'Cause, God, it just feels so ♪
♪ It just feels so good ♪
♪ Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change ♪
- ( music stops ) - ♪ Once a whore, you're nothing more, I'm sorry ♪
♪ That'll never change. ♪
Oh, ( bleep ).
I went to, like, slide it down, and then slide it back up
so everyone would sing it,
- and then it stopped. - Oh, is that what happened?
Yes, and I was like... "Oh, ( bleep )."
♪ And about forgiveness, we're both supposed to have exchanged ♪
♪ I'm sorry honey, but I passed out, now look this way ♪
Matthew: I thought someone hit, like, the power cord
or, like, the audience or whatever.
We're gonna go with that.
Matthew: Yeah. ( laughs )
I don't want to be on record.
We're gonna ( bleep ) rock this ( bleep )!
♪ Whoa, well, I never meant to brag ♪
♪ But I got him where I want him now ♪
♪ Whoa, it was never my intention to brag ♪
♪ To steal it all away from you now ♪
♪ But, God, does it feel so good ♪
♪ 'Cause I've gotten what I wanted now ♪
♪ And if you could, then you know you would ♪
♪ 'Cause, God, it just feels so... ♪
Woman: Yes, queen!
♪ It just feels so good. ♪
( music playing over speakers )
( bleep ) yeah!
( clapping )
I'm glad we just recorded that.
- I know, me, too. - ( laughs )
- Man: Yeah, check it out for us. - Yeah, right?
So I can stay until-- for another hour and a half,
what do you want to do?
Let's definitely get that clean out of the way.
- Yeah. - Let me pull it up.
Man: Sometimes you would take, like,
about a day or so to work on vocals.
Like, it's crazy that--
- what was that, like, an hour or so? - I know, right?
- Well, you're so fast. - ( laughs )
I was being so "meticulate..."
- "Meticulous"? - "Meticulous"?
- ( laughter ) - Oh, ( bleep ).
She's very witty, which people might not notice
because I feel like you can't fully show your personality
when you have to do a press tour or something like that.
Look at me on the toilet.
That's the cutest ( bleep ) I've ever seen...
So, she's pretty hilarious,
and she cracks ridiculous jokes.
Want to see my jab?
( laughing )
Let's see the whale call.
( imitates whale call )
( laughter )
She has a very interesting sense of humor.
I'm always on my toes.
- Ya! - Oh, my God!
See? She gets me every...
Just trying to drive, but...
Oh, well.
It's a dam.
( chuckles ) Dam!
- Dam! - Dam, son!
( laughs ) I just got it!
She's lovable.
( lip syncing to child's voice ): I'll take a nap!
( lip syncing to man's voice): You want to take a nap?
I'll take a nap here.
Okay, take a nap right there then.
Good night!
Or super inappropriate.
Marissa said ( bleep ).
She's always been witty and funny.
Sometimes I'm like, "What did you just say?"
Somebody commented at me.
And I-- calling me, like, a coke head,
and I go, "I prefer the term 'former crack whore.'"
( laughter )
Yeah, just little moments like that,
she doesn't give a ( bleep ).
Like, she will say anything that's on her mind.
You are very annoying.
Because a lot of people hold back.
How's that?
- How's that? - Well, you are.
- You can be a bit of an ( bleep ). - I know.
- How's that? - I'm used to it.
( cheers and applause )
Can you deal with that?
She definitely has...
a unique personality.
I know that you all...
love Nick Jonas.
( audience laughing )
But I actually have
a bigger ( bleep ) than he does.
( cheering )
Don't ( bleep ) with me.
Cue the sunglasses and the joint.
( man laughs )
( traffic noises )
Phil: So fill us in.
Open up your mind, like, what are your thoughts?
Where's your head at?
My thoughts are
it's always been about heartbreak
or struggles.
And, when they think of my music,
they think it's heavy.
And I just want to, like, break that mold.
"Sorry, Not Sorry" is lighter,
and I think that's a part of me nobody's seen before.
I just want you to feel supported
to make the decision that you feel best about.
I feel like coming out with a song that's fun
that I'm passionate about.
It just feels right to me.
( music playing )
I follow my gut.
My gut told me to choose "Sorry, Not Sorry"
as my first single, and I did.
And I believed in it from day one
when other people thought that it shouldn't be
the first single.
But I knew that it should.
Ah! It is go time.
Gonna perform "Sorry, Not Sorry" live for the first time ever.
And I'm so excited.
( audience cheering )
Tonight is a very big night for me.
( cheering )
Because I released a song called...
Audience: "Sorry, Not Sorry"!
What if we do another tour 'cause it was so much fun?
How we did on the "Cool for the Summer" Tour,
we went to, like, pool parties.
And we get massive houses in different cities.
Phil: Do the House Party Tour. I love it.
Demi: Do the House Party Tour.
♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪
♪ I'm not sorry ♪
♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪
♪ I'm not sorry ♪
We woke up in, in Boston,
and then we went to Alabama
for, like, an hour and a half.
Hey, Birmingham, what up, girl?
Here in Nashville, um,
kind of, like, flying by the seat of our pants,
but it's been amazing.
I said to them,
"Gosh, she sounds like Aretha Franklin."
Oh, my God, thank you!
Matthew: Billy Ray Cyrus is here tonight,
like, you don't even know who's gonna be there tomorrow.
( doorbell rings )
Ludacris: Gives me great pleasure
to be sorry that I'm not sorry
- ( cheering ) - to introduce my great friend.
My friend, your friend, Miss Demi Lovato!
Audience: Demi! Demi! Demi!
Demi! Demi! Demi! Demi!
Demi! Demi!
You guys ready to party?
( cheering )
If you know the words, please help me sing along!
( music playing )
♪ Now I'm out here looking like revenge ♪
♪ Feelin' like a ten ♪
♪ The best I ever been ♪
♪ And, yeah, I know how bad it must hurt ♪
♪ To see me like this ♪
♪ But it gets worse ♪
( distorted ): ♪ Wait a minute ♪
♪ Now payback is a bad bitch ♪
♪ And, baby, I'm the baddest ♪
♪ I'm playing with a savage ♪
♪ Can't have this, can't have this ♪
♪ Ah ♪
♪ And it'd be nice of me ♪
♪ To take it easy on ya ♪
♪ But nah ♪
♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪
♪ I'm not sorry ♪
♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪
♪ I'm not sorry ♪
♪ Being so bad got me feelin' so good ♪
Bad bitch.
Baby, I'm...
♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪
♪ I'm not sorry ♪
Wait, what's ( bleep ) dope
is getting police escorted in my hometown.
Woman: Yeah.
Should I go for the high note or play it safe?
I think you go for the win tonight.
♪ Better walk, better walk that walk, baby ♪
♪ If you talk, if you talk that talk, baby ♪
♪ Better walk, better walk that walk, baby ♪
♪ Oh! ♪
♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪
♪ I'm not sorry ♪
♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪
♪ I'm not sorry ♪
♪ Being so bad got me feelin' so good ♪
♪ Showing you up like I knew that I would ♪
The benefit that I have over some artists
is my connection with my fans.
And I thought, "What better way to get my fans involved
and to have intimate performances
than to throw the House Party Tour?"
Things like that
can turn into awesome memories.
( audience cheering )
And that's what it's all about.
Like, I wouldn't have the career
that I have today, I wouldn't be alive today
without my fans.
And I want them to be involved
in any way they can
because it just means so much to me.
( music playing )
♪ Oh, no, here we go again ♪
♪ Fighting over what I said ♪
♪ I'm sorry ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm sorry ♪
♪ Bad at love, no, I'm not good at this ♪
♪ But I can't say I'm innocent ♪
♪ Not hardly ♪
♪ But I'm sorry ♪
♪ And all my friends, they know and it's true ♪
♪ I don't know who I am without you ♪
♪ I got it bad, baby ♪
♪ Got it bad ♪
♪ Oh, tell me you love me ♪
♪ I need someone ♪
♪ On days like this, I do ♪
♪ On days like this ♪
♪ Oh, tell me you love me ♪
♪ I need someone ♪
♪ On days like this, I do ♪
♪ On days like this ♪
♪ Oh, can you hear my heart say ♪
( singers vocalizing )
♪ No, you ain't nobody 'til you got somebody ♪
♪ You ain't nobody 'til you got somebody ♪
♪ My heart's like ♪
( singers vocalizing )
♪ No, you ain't nobody 'til you got somebody ♪
♪ You ain't nobody 'til you got somebody ♪
♪ Everything I need ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Is standing in front of me ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I know that we will be all right ♪
♪ All right, yeah ♪
♪ Through the ups and downs ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Baby, I'ma stick around ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I promise we will be all right ♪
♪ Oh, tell me you love me ♪
♪ I need someone ♪
♪ On days like this, I do ♪
♪ On days like this ♪
♪ Oh, tell me you love me ♪
♪ I need someone ♪
♪ On days like this, I do ♪
♪ On days like this ♪
♪ Oh, can you hear my heart say ♪
( singers vocalizing )
♪ Hear my heart say ♪
♪ Hear my heart say ♪
♪ You ain't nobody 'til you got somebody ♪
♪ You ain't nobody 'til you got somebody... ♪
When I look back at my life,
I feel like, if I didn't have music,
I don't know what I would have.
I have my friends and my family,
but music gave me a purpose when I was bullied in school,
it gave me the motivation to keep going,
and proved to everyone that didn't believe in me
that I was gonna be something someday.
I look back and I look at someone
who slept 18 hours a day,
used drugs every day.
And then you see someone today who's
inspired to make better music,
to talk about her own story,
to help other people,
and to make the world a better place.
And that's a miracle.
She has lived through a lot of stuff,
and she tries to put that stuff into her art
because she's so authentic, and that's why people love her.
She doesn't come in and go, "Well, I need a hit."
She comes in with a passion for,
"This is how I'm feeling right now
and this is how the people that
I know listen to my music are feeling."
There's other great singers out there,
but, like, Demi's voice is Demi's voice,
and Demi's attitude is Demi's attitude.
♪ Everything I need ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Is standing right in front of me ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ I know that we will be all right ♪
♪ All right, yeah. ♪
( cheering and applause )
Thank you.
I know what music can get you through.
I know what music can...
do emotionally for somebody
because I've experienced it myself.
And I wanted to create that for other people.
There's nothing more beautiful than being able to
connect with people through music,
in my eyes.
♪ Stone cold, stone cold ♪
♪ You see me standing ♪
♪ But I'm dying on the floor ♪
♪ Stone cold ♪
♪ Stone cold ♪
♪ Maybe if I don't cry ♪
♪ I won't feel anymore ♪
♪ Stone cold ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ God knows I ♪
♪ Tried to feel ♪
♪ Happy for you ♪
♪ Know that ♪
♪ I am ♪
♪ Even if ♪
♪ I can't understand ♪
♪ I'll take the pain ♪
( harmonizing with track ): ♪ Give me the truth ♪
♪ Me and my ♪
♪ Heart ♪
♪ We'll make it ♪
♪ Through ♪
♪ If ♪
♪ Happy is her... ♪
♪ I'm happy for you ♪
( girls laughing )
♪ Stone cold ♪
♪ Baby ♪
♪ God knows I tried to feel ♪
♪ Happy for you ♪
♪ Know that I am ♪
♪ Even if ♪
♪ I ♪
♪ Can't understand ♪
♪ I'll take the pain ♪
♪ Give me the truth ♪
♪ Me and my heart ♪
♪ We'll make it through ♪
♪ ( intercut ): If happy is her ♪
♪ I'm happy ♪
♪ For you ♪
Demi: ♪ Don't wanna be stone cold ♪
♪ Stone ♪
♪ I wish I could mean this ♪
♪ But here's my good-bye ♪
♪ Oh, I'm happy for you ♪
♪ Know that I am ♪
♪ Even if I ♪
♪ Can't understand ♪
♪ If happy is her ♪
♪ If happy is ♪
♪ Her... ♪
♪ I'm happy for you. ♪
( song ends )
98% OF AMERICA HAS NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE | DAILYVEE 308 - Duration: 16:05.-------------------------------------------
Fifth Harmony Play 'Requestions' w/ TRL Fans! | Weekdays at 3:30pm | #TRL - Duration: 2:33.Now, ladies, we could ask you questions
-for hours, days, years... -Go right ahead.
I think it'd be a little more fun
if we tagged in some fans to do some question-asking for us.
-I agree. -Ooh. -Ooh. -It's gonna be very rapid-fire.
-Rapid-fire. -Rapid-fire, first answer that comes to mind,
just yell it out, okay?
It's called "Requestions."
-So we have a whole... -Ready. Go time.
You guys got this. All right, you guys ready?
-Get it. -Good questions.
Don't waste this turn. They're right here.
-It's the opportunity. -All right, ready...
-and go! -What has been your wildest night on tour?
My wildest night on tour?
-Oh, my goodness. -Whoo! Well, that... rapid-fire.
Uh, um, what has been... I can't speak of it.
-The last night. -Last night. -The last... the last night?
So good, they don't remember it. Okay.
What is your favorite song to perform?
My turn!
-(laughter) -Hi.
Hi. What's your favorite song to perform?
My favorite song to perform? Um, it would have to be...
What's my favorite song? "Reflection" is my favorite.
Which artist, dead or alive, would you want for you guys
to represent in the Fifth Harmony tribute?
Who... Like, just me, or all of us?
-All of us. -Okay, so, um...
ooh, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
Rapid-fire. Okay, next, next.
They're all, "Beyoncé." Beyoncé's playing all of them.
Beyoncé needs to be all of us. Aah!
What is your favorite thing to do on tour?
Ooh. I love meeting our fans, because we get to meet them
all over the world in other countries.
-(cheering) -That's how much fun the tours are.
And I love to eat honey, I love to eat! Yes!
Hi. What is your best advice on becoming a singer?
Best advice is never lose sight of who you are,
don't let anybody tell you what you're supposed to be.
-(cheering) -Um, and just focus on your craft.
All right, last one, last one.
What about your fans makes you the happiest?
-What? -What about your fans makes you the happiest?
What about my fans that makes me the happiest?
Oh, when they bring me hot Cheetos,
unless I'm sad and angry. (laughs)
There it is.
Hot Cheetos are the key to Dinah's heart.
That is "Requestions." That's "Requestions."
-I'm sor... -Aw...
-Lauren, you want one more? -I want one more.
-One more, one more. -One more. Yes!
How do you get rid of writer's block when you're in the studio?
Um, you find inspiration-- so, like, go outside.
-(cheering) -That's the question you wanted, by the way.
All right, guys, thank you so much to the fans.
Here's Why You Should Get A Flu Shot - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Here's how a selfie could help you pay for college - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Opportunity Lives Here: The White Wall Sessions - Duration: 2:27.We are Sioux Falls, a city that is full of
stories of entrepreneurs, artists, leaders and innovators.
That's what makes this city
strong and that's why opportunity lives here.
My name is Jeff Zueger and
I'm the executive producer and co-creator of
The White Wall Sessions.
Music: The Maytags
Well the White Wall Sessions is a locally produced
grass roots music television program.
We usually record between 50 and 60 acts
a year. We've done a great job
of bringing this music to the upper Midwest.
Our television broadcast is all of South Dakota, all of
North Dakota and a good wipe of Minnesota.
It's been very rewarding to be able to help local musicians
even regional musicians and some national musicians we've had in as well.
I know when they leave here they are all giggles and smiles
Music: N.W. Engbers
I think we help leave people with an impression of Sioux Falls that's memorable.
Music: Crankshaft
And a lot of the artists that have appeared on the show have come back.
I'm also a member of the association that is trying to get a skate park here in town.
It gives a whole variety of kids who maybe aren't in contact sports
or can't afford to be in contact sports
it gives them an opportunity excel in a chosen sport.
Music: Marah in the Mainsail
In our case opportunity lives here
this whole show has been put on by volunteers essentially.
Just a great group of very talented people who
pull together for really no pay just the love, the love of music
and the love of art. And combining the two, the love
of the process. I don't know that
you would find that in a lot of other places.
Here's why fans thought BTS Jungkook was in love with TWICE Nayeon - Duration: 2:00.Here's why fans thought BTS Jungkook was in love with TWICE Nayeon
After noticing some unusual behaviour from Jungkook while Nayeon was around, some fans claimed she is so beautiful and charming that he couldnt help but fall for her! Heres 7 alleged pieces of evidence that became the start of a ship called Nakook!.
Jungkook watching Nayeon wrestle. During ISAC, Jungkook was spotted intensely engaged in Nayeons wrestling match. And when she won, fans caught him celebrating before quickly catching his composure.
And when she lost, Jungkooks reaction directly mirrored every TWICE fan in the arena. Jungkook staring at Nayeon. Fans captured this image where they claim Jungkook gave little glances to Nayeon.
Nayeon staring back at Jungkook.
Nayeon can be seen staring in Jungkooks direction before composing herself. He gets nervous around Nayeon. Nakook fans claim he got super nervous when Nayeon guest starred on his show. Jungkooks reaction to TWICE.
Nakook fans were ecstatic to see Jungkook reacting to TWICE on stage. He knows their dance very well. Jungkook even learned the full dance perfectly to their song!. Hes a big Shy Shy Shy fan.
And was seen doing TWICEs signature dance move more than once. He definitely nails the adorable gesture!.
This Idol Was The Only Male Trainee In His Agency…Here's Why He Hated It - Duration: 1:00.This Idol Was The Only Male Trainee In His Agency…Here's Why He Hated It
NUESTs JR revealed how tough it was for him as a trainee of Pledis Entertainment.
In NUESTs V Live stream, JR and Aron talked about their trainee days and how JR was the only male trainee at one point.
JR even confirmed that he was Pledis Entertainments first ever male trainee, and that it made him extremely uncomfortable at the time.
He then shared a story of how uncomfortable it was for him being the first and only male trainee at Pledis Entertainment. JR has come a long way since then!.
CBC NL Here & Now Tuesday October 17 2017 - Duration: 1:08:05.-------------------------------------------
Here's How Appliance Repair Toronto Can Save Your Day! - Duration: 1:00.At Appliance Repair Toronto, we are here to help in any emergency.
When the worst case scenario strikes, no one deserves to be without functional home appliances
for very long.
That's why we offer emergency services—day, night, weekend, or holiday, it doesn't matter.
Our 24/7 repair is on standby to attend to your situation.
As valued customers, your needs are our topmost priority.
A broken appliance interferes with the flow of day to day life, so there is no excuse
why it shouldn't be dealt with right away.
We fix fridges, dishwashers, ovens, stoves, washers, and dryers.
At Appliance Repair Toronto, we strongly believe that our valued customers deserve the best
service possible.
Not having your appliances in working condition is simply not an option—they are major investments
and important aspects of home life.
When disaster strikes, call Appliance Repair Toronto so we can deal with the problem.
YOU ARE HERE: "I want to spread the happiness around." - Duration: 2:45.Hi, I'm Natasha... and I'm a dancer here in LA.
From Canada actually.
My mom's German; blonde hair, blue eyes, very strong accent.
My dad is Indian.
It makes me happy.
And I want to spread the happiness around with other people.
You have to train young. So I was always dancing from when I was super little.
I went to a half-day program in school, so I only went to school until one o'clock every day.
I moved to New York when I was 17, so I left home really young to pursue it.
Yeah, I mean you sacrifice a lot but it's a cool journey.
You get so much more out of it, so I'd never take anything back.
I actually moved to New York first and then I moved here.
I just wanted to dance and this was the place I wanted to do it.
Coming to LA was actually harder than moving to New York for me for some reason.
New York is just like instant. People are just really bonded over the fact that they're all like... in this city alone together. It's cool to be a struggling artist and it's cool to be who you are.
LA is more like "No, we're not struggling".
It's pretty extreme.
(horns & sirens)
What was your favorite gig? I did was one of the first Bollywood gigs I did.
It was with these Muslim women who were getting together for the first time...
And they got together all alone, and they took all of their hijabs off,
And t hey had this huge dance party.
It was so interesting to see. Like, all of a sudden there was no men in the room.
It was just them. Girls from like eight years old to sixty years old.
Just dancing like totally carefree.
As a woman, it was like, a really interesting thing to see how empowered you are...
...when a group of women gets together.
Then they were just all bonded over, like, this dance thing.
I think we're all from different areas. We all come from different backgrounds and have our own story
I came from two immigrants and I definitely carry that with me...
It's part of who I am. But ultimately I'm just like everyone else.
We're all one. We're all from the same place.
Chester Bennington's Death Affects Everyone. Here's Why. - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Here's why you should be more careful on public WiFi networks - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Dreams Thrive Here - Duration: 2:42.My name is Richard, and I work at a pizza place as a manager
I've been working there for about a year and a half
I started off as a cook then I went up to manager
I worked like 50 to 60 hours every week
When Richard shared with me that he was riding the bus to work every day
I could see the the genuine desire for him to work hard and get to work and that dedication
So it just gave me more of a drive to want to make sure that we can take care of him that day
I would get to work on the bus where I would have to ask people or my parents for a ride
It was really nice to be able to focus on what Richard needed as opposed to
Hurry up and get to the next person, and you know crank out some more numbers
I was able to really take the time to sit with him, talk to him, figure out what it is
he needed and what we can do to help him get there
When I first went to a bank, I actually got turned down
I just needed someone to actually believe in me and that's when I came to Ventura County Credit Union
I can genuinely say that I never felt more inclined to want to help somebody?
I wanted to make this loan work...and they actually believed in me
We're encouraged to go the extra mile. That's how we are asked to live out our day
when I came to Ventura County Credit Union I felt happy and
Amazed at what they were doing for me to get that car loan. They went above and beyond
Our coaching here is more geared towards, how did you impact someone's financial life?
I'm working hard to gain my independence
And I took the first step and got a car, my next goals in life would be to get a house
or apartment. I think Ventura County Credit Union is going to be a big part of my life now.
I ran into Richard's girlfriend and her mom at the store
And they were just so happy to see me and they were happy to share that "hey, that's the guy from the Bank"
That's the you know he helped Richard. get his car loan and
I've never been so happy to see somebody out and public and be recognized for where I work
It gave me a great sense of pride knowing that I got that from working at VCCU
So I highly recommend Ventura County Credit Union, they're very friendly
Like a family.
I think one of the nicest things about working at Ventura County Union is that
Dreams genuinely do thrive here, not just for the members, but for the employees because just as much as we are focused on
helping our members achieve their goals
We've always strived to help our employees achieve their goals
And I think that's one of the biggest reasons that dreams do thrive here because we focus on where our members want to go
Financially and where our employees want to go with their career
The Ventura County Credit Union made a huge difference in my life
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