Are you excited like me?
OMG I'm so excited!!
It's a little shocking when you return from Holiday in Greece
and you have such a weather here in Germany
But the reason why I am so excited is
I'm going to collect my Golf GTI from Foliencenter-NRW
I'm so excited, because I haven't seen it yet!
and it's... it is like Christmas for me
it is like unboxing your gifts
I think the entrance is here
look at that CLA!
OMG the moment is here
customer entrance
we would like to pick up the car
okay, come in!
OMG it is covered
is that ours?
how cool is that?
that is an appropriate pick up
I'm so excited, hold the camera
it's like getting a new car
I have to go to the restrooms first!
hello little boy!
Hey! How cute!
I've heard the dog is a free gift when you wrap your car here
I've heard he wrapped our car!
oh dear, I'm so excited!
I don't know about the wrap
before we remove the cover, let's see what else is here
I like those exceptional designs
that is really cool!
not bad
you see those rainbow wraps more often today
I think that looks different on the screens
really cool!
it is kinda..
to have that on a Panamera is
yes indeed!
I love dogs!
He pooped himself this morning
thank you!
okay, let's look what's under the cover
I want to make it even more exciting
you can see a bit of the wrap already down there
last time I was that excited was at Christmas when I was a child
For me it is more exciting than the day we picked up the car
okay, your name is?
you wrapped the car right?
how did you implement my paint drawing?
It is always difficult to attach the drawing and the wrap on a car
because on a PC you have 2 dimensions and here you have 3
and the view angles were different
on one angle it looked like some stripes where all over the car
and on another angle the same stripes ended close the the rear
so I selected some spots that were similar
because we wrapped similar designs like the "dark shine edition" by VW Golf
yes that was part of my draft
now it looks like a bit like this
but with more stripes
I said you can implement my drawing as you like and you could do some changes
I haven't seen the car yet but does it look like the dard shine edition?
it looks similar, but we made some changes on the front
because of the srew holes from the number plate
so we basically hided those holes
we removed the black dots and covered the holes
very cool!
I would say we should start uncovering it
because I am too excited
let me remove these first
do you want to remove it?
we could do it together?
yes, do it together!
I recommend you to film from here
then you can see more of it
just grab the cover from the wheel
how cool is that?
yep, very cool!!
that looks really cool with the red letters
first I thought, red letters on the windscreen?
yes, that is definately better than everything else
the car looks lower now!
we put a reflective foil on the rear window
nice, okay!
so you can see it better when it's dark
so when you drive behind her at night
then I know: that's her!
then you can read it clearly!
I'm so happy with it! I didn't expect it to be that good looking!
it is even better than I imagined
for those who wonder how I imagined the car to be like
I made a drawing with Paint
it is not very detailed
all lines are not really straight
and of course you don't wrap on the windows
it just was rough draft
and when I brought the car here I said to them:
you can make changes when you think it looks better in a different way
and as you can see it was perfect!
I'm happy to take it away
and show it to the world!
and I'm still excited!
and I have goosebumps
how do you like it?
mega cool!
I didn't expected the car to look that good!
especially the red letters on the front!
first we wanted to make the website on the front like it is on the GT3
with www and .com
then we decided to make it and then just sophiacalate
and it looks much better now!
especially here
first I thought if we could make the letters white
but then I realize that we have a red color on the car
and therefore I think it is pretty cool!
it's a bit outstanding but not too much
and this is also pretty cool!
as you might know, I've had those srew holes from the number plate in here
Volkswagen always put those giant number plate holders on the GTI Clubsports
So I had those big holes here
so this is a nice solution to cover the holes
you only see it when you zoom in on it
this is something that the guys added to my draft
that was not on my draft but I love it!
It wasn't my idea but I really love it!
you want an energy drink?
the only thing that I'm going to change is this
the social media stickers
but it was my fault, I left my business card and said: just put those icons here
but the icons of website and email doesn't make any sense
in two weeks I'll come back for the follow-up check
and then we remove those and make the others bigger. I don't know yet
I grabbed some Foliencenter-NRW energy drinks
and I'm happy to bring my GTI home
so I'm ready for the weekend
I continue my trip to Cars and Coffee
close to this place; Mönchengladbach airport
is that correct?
but first I will bring this car home and then I take out the other car. But it has to stop raining first!
Wait a minute! Before this video ends I forgot to say something
Now I am back in my garage
the GTI is just wow
the GT3 was wrapped in the Foliencenter-NRW too
lots of people asked me who did that
they did a very good job with that
because people say: What? This is a wrap?
they think it is a paint
when you have a look on the insides of the door
how well they wrapped it here
you cannot see that this is a wrap
I have to say that this wrap is almost 3 years old
when the car was new it got wrapped after one month
and yes, that is almost 3 years now
and the wrap still looks new
but there will be a new wrap by the end of this year
and I will take you with me of course!
when you visit Foliencenter-NRW then you can mention my name and you get a better price for your next wrap
you can say something like: Hey I've seen the video by Sophia Calate or so
then you'll get a small discount and no, I do not earn money by saying this
and of course I paid for this wrap!
This is not an ad, I am just very happy with my wrap!
when you have a look at all those stripes and lines
everything matches together
no blisters under the wrap or weird lines
and those transitions and everything
I can't find any mistakes I am very satisfied!
I bet you cannot see this clearly, but this wrap is reflecting light
can you see that?
yeee.... no!
I asked the guys and they said it is not forbidden to have that on the car
I asked them if that is road legal and they said yes that is not a problem
I left the GTI sign here, because I want to have it authentic
the GTI sign belongs to the car and I didn't want to remove it
for the front I thought of making the roof kinda longer
so we made a black stripe on the windscreen
with red letters: sophiacalate
now the car looks a little bit lower
just like a real race car
that was stage one of the GTI transformation
next stage is to built in the suspension and after winter there will be new wheels and new tires
it makes no sense to put on new tires and wheels now
okay, thank you very much for watching!
and just...
Milo wanted to say something too!
mhh Milo what's up?
thank you very much for watching!
if you like the video I'm happy when you click on thumb up
and don't forget to subscribe to my channel!
see you next time at...
what's up next?
VLN comming up next!
Bye bye!
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