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Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho
Yo, hello
one more time and pirate pineapple pizza YUM
Hmm, I wonder when Jake's getting back
It was the Tiki tree forest River was jammed by a bunch of rocks
And I had to move them so the trees could get their water. It's so cool that Peter
asked you to help him out today Wow I
Guess you're right. You know it would be awesome to team up with Peter all the time you mean like
Every day mermaid lagoon and floating Rock Canyon and big, bug Valley
Yeah, I sure wouldn't miss all of that but most of all
Neat trick Jake how did you do that way hey the fairies are sending us a message?
They're very rock. Let's go check it out
Very day
today no way
Shiver me timbers the forever tree is what makes Neverland so magical a little very much
Like no I'm not Jake forever tree grows in an underground cave
Yes the great and glorious
Captain Hook
Walk has nothing to do that mr.. Smee
It was clearly sitting on the neverland beach just like me fools
This is the magic cave
First I must follow these instructions
Then the treasure will be revealed hop on one foot and don't close your eyes
For you don't want to miss my golden surprise
Now stand back you swabs. I'm not just pirate captain in Never Land
Thank you Peter Pan for your golden surprise Oh
Reese's and gold it's a trick
Peter Pan especially on Pirate Island
That's it mr. Smee
Pirate Island where the puny Pirates play you think you can step livelier
We're kind of in an end of Never Land hurry. Maybe I can help flying is faster than walking oh
My it sounds like something is wrong with Never Land, and why pray tell should I care
Because captain if Never Land disappears Smee pass out the whirly-hooks
Let us follow those little flying teams and find out
Yummy, wait a minute now my map is telling us to go in this direction
But where does this Passport? There's no more magic dusty stuff for Izzy and Cubby's map is broken
Coconuts, I know I've never been in this place. We can't give up guys
No way
But everything we need is disappearing so what can we do well we could call for Peter?
Whoa there's that little light again?
Who's hiding in there
I was hoping you'd say that so what can we do?
Well, I have come here to find the one who will go on
What does this brave pirate have to do the Questor must get a sword from the forever tree the Destiny sword?
Then he must bring it to the top of Mount destiny before who among you will go on the forever quest?
You should go on the quest you're brave, and we're a team and we su are
yeah, but Jake you can't say no you gotta go on the quest a
Very special medallion keep this with you on your drew name and all doors will be open to you gee
Thanks once you get started on the forever quest I bet you'll be fine
But what are we gonna do without you I know with everything disappearing. Maybe you should head back to Pirate Island Oh
coconut what up maybe Yoho to Mount destiny
Sure wish Cubby's map could tell me from going the right way
And getting around would be a lot easier if I had some good old pixie dust
Hey wait up
Hey, I know that mountain pixie peak the fountain of forever is on the other side
And now he's out there all by himself on the forever quest and what if he I hate saying it fails
Then we're doomed for sure
I mean Captain Hook on Pirate Island
He found Beauty diggin. We're not stopping until we find is that all you care about what else is there?
Neverland right now Jake is trying to save the forever tree so neverland won't disappear Smee
Cream sauce the famous la cama
What's a pirate waiver Jam
Shiver me timbers shiver me feathers
Shiver me coconuts, then Yoho, let's go save pirate island from captain grabby hooks
Shit pixie dust away
Little light, thanks for showing me the way here. Hey wait up. I don't think I'm any closer to finding the forever tree
marina stormy
Sandy ahoy. We were just on our way to Neptune City well
I couldn't use a new map one with directions on it hmm what?
You need a special ink and I know just where to get
Not exactly, but when the big fella laughs he leaves a trail of ink
So I've got to make him laugh
Yep, can't get my pixie. Dust wet will you hold it for me?
Sure Jake so is there anything else?
looking for some ink for my map and I was
Wondering if you would maybe lend me
Let's see I could tell him a funny fish joke or I could tickle him. That's it
Way to go
It worked first I have to go to the forever tree hmm. Where is it?
Hmm looks like the door to the forever tree how am I gonna get in?
If I can't get the Destiny sword I'll never finish the forever quest
Tales of captain Buzzard
Didn't know there'd be a big old dragon waitin for us
You were the one who insisted we come here because that babbling fool told us a tall tale please
We'll never get out alive
yes, how wise
Oprah's what not hardly what reminds me of a tale about some babe the greatest swordsman in the land
It's a door stealthy she was as nimble as a cat
I'm speaking of Eva the village was ruled by count two hook
And nasty snook who stole from the rich and the poor everybody knows the three Buccaneers are unbeatable
Excuse me your grace, but
Cannot believe it, but I am loving it and I know just what to do with them
two long johns
Known as Mon Ami. We allowed ourselves to be cops, but why?
Somewhere inside this dungeon the count keeps a prisoner who's forced to wear an iron mask
Oh, if only we could get out of here, not a problem Cabo's the door. Please oui oui je Coase
Your friend does she not need help not Isadora
Hi boys I
Don't even see the play
Lunch Isidore the key we we take us
This looks interesting
Top bye bye balls you scoundrel we have come to rescue miss your prisoner. Oh too late Buccaneer
Hang onto it tightly wet hands, please, but what about Jacob?
Once away, Oh chance at love's I am free
Whoa I'm seeing double No
Being the eldest I am the real count my brother
Imprisoned me made me hide my face
Then took my place that one is the real count and that one is the imposter. I don't listen to them
It's all a pack of lies
But everyone knows that the three Buccaneers never lie well of course. It's all. Thanks to
And so the real Count Duke restored peace to his village
Story ever grams
Thanks for sharing hook, but when things look dark and the chips are down
It's no time to lose heart and that reminds me of another story
It was the mating flies and the greatest heroes of olden days the knights of the round tower
There was noble sir Jason always at his shield of victory which magically protected her from bomb
Faster than a speeding arrow
Now all these heroes gathered together whenever they were summoned by the court wizard the remarkable Merlini
Behold the legendary
golden god
Only a knight who is courageous Clara. We are walking for someone who is courageous
clever and
honorable and
The one who succeeds will be known as the greatest
It is well now has two all committed to embark upon the greatest of quests
Hurry hurry
There will be the first to risk life and limb crossing the bridge of swords and
Who are down died some knave? That's the whole point of twisting isn't it?
Now don't be shy who wants to give it a go
My dear
Can't keep cranking forever
rest in peace
alas and alack
Loyal couples has fallen. I shall try on
Yes sneaky snook hiss hiss them sinks we are each to take one
So panel aside m'lady protein girls oh no
I like not this ones attitude nor his face
for such in
Can use it
My heart is heavy for henceforth I quest alone
not quite
That's the golden goodie all right tis an honor just to be hope golden goblets
Wants a cookie too late
Cannot keep this great treasure for I did not finish the quest the Goblet came unto me by
Less-than-honorable muse, I must return it
Jackson you are courageous clever, and you proved yourself. Honorable sir
Nothing up my sleeve of this honor all my days
Don't I something I mean you know
So you see no matter the difficulty a real hero has what it takes to be
Tell you all it takes is a genuine hero
Good work sea pups. Oh. How do you know we was here?
We didn't treasure things are always exciting when you're around captain Buzzard bones. Yep
It's being crotchety all righty you know
some days
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