Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily Best Oct 9 2017

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Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho

Yo, hello

one more time and pirate pineapple pizza YUM

Hmm, I wonder when Jake's getting back

It was the Tiki tree forest River was jammed by a bunch of rocks

And I had to move them so the trees could get their water. It's so cool that Peter

asked you to help him out today Wow I

Guess you're right. You know it would be awesome to team up with Peter all the time you mean like

Every day mermaid lagoon and floating Rock Canyon and big, bug Valley

Yeah, I sure wouldn't miss all of that but most of all

Neat trick Jake how did you do that way hey the fairies are sending us a message?

They're very rock. Let's go check it out

Very day

today no way

Shiver me timbers the forever tree is what makes Neverland so magical a little very much

Like no I'm not Jake forever tree grows in an underground cave

Yes the great and glorious


Captain Hook

Walk has nothing to do that mr.. Smee

It was clearly sitting on the neverland beach just like me fools

This is the magic cave

First I must follow these instructions

Then the treasure will be revealed hop on one foot and don't close your eyes

For you don't want to miss my golden surprise

Now stand back you swabs. I'm not just pirate captain in Never Land

Thank you Peter Pan for your golden surprise Oh

Reese's and gold it's a trick

Peter Pan especially on Pirate Island

That's it mr. Smee

Pirate Island where the puny Pirates play you think you can step livelier

We're kind of in an end of Never Land hurry. Maybe I can help flying is faster than walking oh

My it sounds like something is wrong with Never Land, and why pray tell should I care

Because captain if Never Land disappears Smee pass out the whirly-hooks

Let us follow those little flying teams and find out


Yummy, wait a minute now my map is telling us to go in this direction

But where does this Passport? There's no more magic dusty stuff for Izzy and Cubby's map is broken


Coconuts, I know I've never been in this place. We can't give up guys

No way

But everything we need is disappearing so what can we do well we could call for Peter?

Whoa there's that little light again?

Who's hiding in there

I was hoping you'd say that so what can we do?

Well, I have come here to find the one who will go on

What does this brave pirate have to do the Questor must get a sword from the forever tree the Destiny sword?

Then he must bring it to the top of Mount destiny before who among you will go on the forever quest?

You should go on the quest you're brave, and we're a team and we su are

yeah, but Jake you can't say no you gotta go on the quest a

Very special medallion keep this with you on your drew name and all doors will be open to you gee

Thanks once you get started on the forever quest I bet you'll be fine

But what are we gonna do without you I know with everything disappearing. Maybe you should head back to Pirate Island Oh

coconut what up maybe Yoho to Mount destiny


Sure wish Cubby's map could tell me from going the right way

And getting around would be a lot easier if I had some good old pixie dust

Hey wait up

Hey, I know that mountain pixie peak the fountain of forever is on the other side

And now he's out there all by himself on the forever quest and what if he I hate saying it fails

Then we're doomed for sure

I mean Captain Hook on Pirate Island


He found Beauty diggin. We're not stopping until we find is that all you care about what else is there?

Neverland right now Jake is trying to save the forever tree so neverland won't disappear Smee

Cream sauce the famous la cama

What's a pirate waiver Jam

Shiver me timbers shiver me feathers

Shiver me coconuts, then Yoho, let's go save pirate island from captain grabby hooks


Shit pixie dust away

Little light, thanks for showing me the way here. Hey wait up. I don't think I'm any closer to finding the forever tree

marina stormy

Sandy ahoy. We were just on our way to Neptune City well

I couldn't use a new map one with directions on it hmm what?

You need a special ink and I know just where to get

Not exactly, but when the big fella laughs he leaves a trail of ink

So I've got to make him laugh

Yep, can't get my pixie. Dust wet will you hold it for me?

Sure Jake so is there anything else?


looking for some ink for my map and I was

Wondering if you would maybe lend me

Let's see I could tell him a funny fish joke or I could tickle him. That's it

Way to go

It worked first I have to go to the forever tree hmm. Where is it?

Hmm looks like the door to the forever tree how am I gonna get in?

If I can't get the Destiny sword I'll never finish the forever quest

Tales of captain Buzzard

Didn't know there'd be a big old dragon waitin for us

You were the one who insisted we come here because that babbling fool told us a tall tale please

We'll never get out alive

yes, how wise

Oprah's what not hardly what reminds me of a tale about some babe the greatest swordsman in the land

It's a door stealthy she was as nimble as a cat


I'm speaking of Eva the village was ruled by count two hook

And nasty snook who stole from the rich and the poor everybody knows the three Buccaneers are unbeatable

Excuse me your grace, but


Cannot believe it, but I am loving it and I know just what to do with them

two long johns

Known as Mon Ami. We allowed ourselves to be cops, but why?

Somewhere inside this dungeon the count keeps a prisoner who's forced to wear an iron mask

Oh, if only we could get out of here, not a problem Cabo's the door. Please oui oui je Coase

Your friend does she not need help not Isadora

Hi boys I

Don't even see the play

Lunch Isidore the key we we take us

This looks interesting

Top bye bye balls you scoundrel we have come to rescue miss your prisoner. Oh too late Buccaneer

Hang onto it tightly wet hands, please, but what about Jacob?

Once away, Oh chance at love's I am free

Whoa I'm seeing double No

Being the eldest I am the real count my brother

Imprisoned me made me hide my face

Then took my place that one is the real count and that one is the imposter. I don't listen to them

It's all a pack of lies

But everyone knows that the three Buccaneers never lie well of course. It's all. Thanks to

And so the real Count Duke restored peace to his village

Story ever grams



Thanks for sharing hook, but when things look dark and the chips are down

It's no time to lose heart and that reminds me of another story

It was the mating flies and the greatest heroes of olden days the knights of the round tower

There was noble sir Jason always at his shield of victory which magically protected her from bomb

Faster than a speeding arrow

Now all these heroes gathered together whenever they were summoned by the court wizard the remarkable Merlini

Behold the legendary

golden god

Only a knight who is courageous Clara. We are walking for someone who is courageous

clever and

honorable and

The one who succeeds will be known as the greatest

It is well now has two all committed to embark upon the greatest of quests

Hurry hurry

There will be the first to risk life and limb crossing the bridge of swords and

Who are down died some knave? That's the whole point of twisting isn't it?

Now don't be shy who wants to give it a go

My dear


Can't keep cranking forever

rest in peace

alas and alack

Loyal couples has fallen. I shall try on

Yes sneaky snook hiss hiss them sinks we are each to take one

So panel aside m'lady protein girls oh no

I like not this ones attitude nor his face

for such in

Can use it

My heart is heavy for henceforth I quest alone

not quite

That's the golden goodie all right tis an honor just to be hope golden goblets

Wants a cookie too late


Cannot keep this great treasure for I did not finish the quest the Goblet came unto me by

Less-than-honorable muse, I must return it

Jackson you are courageous clever, and you proved yourself. Honorable sir

Nothing up my sleeve of this honor all my days

Don't I something I mean you know

So you see no matter the difficulty a real hero has what it takes to be


Tell you all it takes is a genuine hero

Good work sea pups. Oh. How do you know we was here?

We didn't treasure things are always exciting when you're around captain Buzzard bones. Yep

It's being crotchety all righty you know

some days

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 82 - Duration: 18:17.


Sofia The First Finding Clover Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 13 - Green Panda - Duration: 13:06.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Finding Clover Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 13 - Green Panda - Duration: 13:06.


The Best Wedding Prosposal - Before I Die Wall - Duration: 5:03.

(gentle music)

- Hi, my name is Hoan Do, and today I'll be giving

the most important speech of my life.

For nearly a decade, I've had the opportunity to

speak at colleges, companies, and conferences

around the world, but today 'll be giving the

most important one as I propose to my girlfriend.

I knew after our first date that she'd be a special

person in my life, and on this day, July 25,

it's been three years to this date that we've met.

In meeting her, she's helped me to teach me

how to be more compassionate towards others,

how to be more patient, and she's added color to my life.

In preparing for this proposal I wanted to include

all her family and her close friends, and we're

actually gonna recreate one of our old dates.

Two and a half years ago, Anh Thu had mentioned to me

that there's a Before I die wall in Minneapolis.

Essentially to help people to pause and think what

they wanna do before they die.

So instantly I knew this would be a great opportunity

to have a date where we'd write on it together.

As I flew in from Washington State to the freezing cold

of Minneapolis, I decided to go figure out

where this wall is before I meet up with her,

so I don't look like a huge doofus walking in

the wrong direction.

Once I get to the spot, all I see is the empty parking lot.

I find out that the wall was taken down

during the summertime.

Rather than giving up, I decided I'm gonna create

my own wall.

I ran to Target, bought all this chalk, and I started

writing on the brick wall in the parking lot.

As we were on our date, I said, hey, let's go for a walk.

As we were walking to the location, I turned to her

and said that I know there's no longer a

Before I die wall here, but I figured we can create our own.

Now, thinking back and preparing this proposal, I thought

this was only fitting to do it on the day that we met

three years ago July 25, but since we didn't get

a real wall last time, I figured we'll get a

real wall this time.

(upbeat music)

So I contacted the Before I die organization; they gave

us the okay, they gave us the materials on how to make it,

and we had gathered all her family, her closest friends,

my parents, flew them in from Seattle.

We came here three days ago.

My dad made blueprints to make sure we can do it to scale,

and what we wanna make sure the case to kinda prop it up.

We painted it.

We spent three full days to put this thing together

and I know it will be all worth it once I see her,

her reaction.

(upbeat music)

(record scratch)

(pouring rain)

What had happened was right when we were ready

to rock and roll, she was on her way over, it just

started raining hard, and as you can see, erased everything.

But, it's about working through this, and everything

happens for a reason.

So, everything's washed out, but I just rewrote

propose to Anh Thu, 'cause that's what's most important.

(upbeat music)

How's it going?

- Good.

How are you?

- As you can see, it started raining.

We had the whole board filled out, and it started pouring


(laughs) Forget it. You know what?

It's only fitting that it started raining, 'cause

when we were on our Before I die date, it was snowing.

- Yeah.

- And I want you to know that after our first date,

I knew that you'd be very special person in my life.

It was three years ago today that we met

and I can say that meeting you was the best

birthday present I've ever received.

- Oh, thanks baby.

- Only thing that would make me happier than

having you as a girlfriend is having you as a wife.

- Oh my God.


- Anh Thu Le, will you marry me?

- Yes.



Oh. Oh my God.

It's beautiful, baby.

- Not only is it you and me and your best friends,

but we have our family, and your closest friends here

to celebrate as well.

(upbeat music)

One down and many more to go.

For more infomation >> The Best Wedding Prosposal - Before I Die Wall - Duration: 5:03.


Best Actions Movie 2017 Sub Indo #2 - Duration: 1:34:46.

For more infomation >> Best Actions Movie 2017 Sub Indo #2 - Duration: 1:34:46.


Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Part 148- BURNS MEDIA - Duration: 17:22.


For more infomation >> Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids Part 148- BURNS MEDIA - Duration: 17:22.


[Korean Drama] Listen to Best Relaxing Kdrama OST 50 continuous Songs | 드라마 OST - Duration: 3:16:37.

00. gimpil - again, if you buy [Remember (리멤버 – 아들의 전쟁) OST]

01. Davichi - Love [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

02. Lin, Shin Yong Jae - those people [Oh My Venus (오 마이 비너스) OST]

03. Beom-Jun Jang - recalls [Signal (시그널) OST]

04. Vanilla Acoustic - My time with you is more [Cheese in the Trap (치즈인더트랩) OST]

05. Bobby Kim - Love... That Guy [Remember (리멤버 – 아들의 전쟁) OST]

06. Sung Si Kyung - You are My Spring [Secret Garden (시크릿 가든) OST]

07. Kim Bohyung (Spica) - Our Story [Pied Piper (피리부는 사나이 ) OST]

08. XIA Junsu - Love is like a snowflake [Nice Guy (세상 어디에도 없는 착한 남자) OST];

09. gimyunah-way [Signal (시그널) OST]

10. Jang Jae-in-voices (. Feat nassyo) [Kill Me, Heal Me (킬미, 힐미) OST]

11.XIA (comply) noticed that flows hours [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

12 Jan - Did you hear [Remember (리멤버 – 아들의 전쟁) OST]

13. Baek Ji Young - so goodbye - [Goodbye Mr. Black (굿바이 미스터 블랙) OST]

14. Mad Kim Na-young clownfish - you again [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

15. Glow - with [Reply 1988 (응답하라 1988) OST]

16. Stars - I Think I Love You [Full House (풀하우스) OST]

17. Jang Jae-in-secret paradise [Scholar Who Walks the Night (밤을 걷는 선비) OST]

18. Airlie - because love [Come Back Mister (돌아와요 아저씨) OST]

19. Fly – Lee Sung Yeol [Misaeng (미생 - 아직 살아 있지 못한 자) OST]

20. Lin -With You [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

21. Steelheart -My Love Is Gone [Reply 1994 (응답하라 1994) OST]

22. Jang Jae-in - did you know [Remember (리멤버 – 아들의 전쟁) OST]

23. LYn - My Destiny [My Love from the Star (별에서 온 그대) OST]

24. Yoon Mi-rae -ALWAYS (Inst) [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

25. Reserved - moreuna look [She Was Pretty (그녀는 예뻤다) OST]

26 .. miracles - do not worry you [Reply 1988 (응답하라 1988) OST]

27. K. - tell me! What are you doing [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

28. Soul Cry - graffiti - [Glamorous Temptation (Glamorous Temptation) OST]

29. gimpil - youth (. Feat Kim Chang-wan) [Reply 1988 (응답하라 1988) OST]

30.Why- fate [Full House (풀하우스) OST]

31. emtuem - How geudaen ... [Say Love OST]

32. Kang Kyun Sung – Days Without You [Punch (펀치) OST]

33. tieorayineo - attraction (. Feat Kim Go-Eun) [Cheese in the Trap (치즈인더트랩) OST]

34. SG Wannabe - Let Love [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

35. hanhuijeong - Tomorrow [Misaeng (미생 - 아직 살아 있지 못한 자) OST]

36. foster re-Manda, and another love [Scholar Who Walks the Night (밤을 걷는 선비) OST]

37. Legend - who appreciate [Glamorous Temptation (화려한 유혹) OST]

38. jeoningwon, (DOK2) - It's only my world [Punch (펀치) OST]

39. Chen (CHEN), Punch (Punch) -Everytime [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

40. eungaeun - Sad Wind [Scholar Who Walks the Night (밤을 걷는 선비) OST]

41. Jia - sometimes [She Was Pretty (그녀는 예뻤다) OST]

42. Shin Yong Jae (4MEN) - In The Middle of the World [Six Flying Dragons (육룡이 나르샤) OST]

43. Wheesung - Come go [Glamorous Temptation (화려한 유혹) OST]

44. gimhyeonmin - one idiot - my house kkuldanji OST]

45. Jinwoo Kim - It's one miracle [My Son in Law's Woman (내 사위의 여자 ) OST]

46. Spider -You Are My Everything [Descendants of the Sun (태양의 후예) OST]

47. Rose Inn - Roman [Misaeng (미생 - 아직 살아 있지 못한 자) OST]

48. The glow - in order to live [Padam Padam (빠담빠담) OST]

49. Spider - day and night [Master's Sun (주군의 태양) OST]

For more infomation >> [Korean Drama] Listen to Best Relaxing Kdrama OST 50 continuous Songs | 드라마 OST - Duration: 3:16:37.


Every ACCOUNTING Student in the WORLD needs to know about DC ADE LER / Best ACCOUNTING help ever - Duration: 5:03.

yo yo yo yo yo welcome to the video this is CPA strength and what a blessing is

to be able to supply everybody with DC ADE LER and help everybody learn accounting

this is for I'm getting you know I'm getting a lot of new viewers I'm getting

a lot of people who are taking their first first accounting class feeling

totally overwhelmed trust me I know the fields I felt totally overwhelmed as

well I struggled with accounting for four years just calm down you are in the

right place I promise just slow down I know this is

try too good to be true you've been doing accounting class you've been to

two accounting classes you just bombed your first exam you are you're thinking

about dropping the class stop relax

eight eight these eight letters will change your accounting life these eight

letters changed my accounting life I invented this out of necessity and

struggle I am a left-handed person I think write off rip I think differently

than most people I guess because I use my left hand and you know everybody's

brain works differently don't you dare think that you're not smart enough

because that's what everyone told me to what are those eight letters D C ade ler

D c a d e L e r DC a blur now you're like what how those eight letters are

not going to help me do accounting no trust it will this is here for if this

is your first time seeing me please believe the reason I have almost 30,000

subscribers the reason I'm getting 10,000 views a day on my channel is

really I mean I do have a personality some say but it's really

from DCA learn I've helped thousands upon thousands of people if you're if

you're a returning viewer please share this with other people so they can get

they can know about DC a blur I want every beginning accounting student to

know about DC a blur why is it not in the books already I have no idea the

accounting systems been going for five hundred years the double-entry

accounting system along come something he makes is going to be in all the

textbooks or it should be in all the textbooks it needs to be in all the

textbooks it needs to be every single every single person taking accounting

for the first time should know about DC Aylor I don't know why you wouldn't so

please trust the process watch my playlist watch some other

videos watch my accounting for beginners playlist it will be it's the link down

below you've probably seen a card I'll put a card right here

this is my playlist I implore you if this is if you're a returning person if

you like CPA strength if I've helped you please like this video please leave a

comment up and most importantly please share this if you're in a class share it

with your class if you have two friends share with one if I know I'm begging yes

but really I just think you know that's how if I've given a lot to you you

that's how you can give back to me if I share this and if if this is one of the

people that has been the video has been shared to you by someone else I mean

just just just what this is gonna be like a five-minute video just trust the

process no you're smart enough anyways thank you for your time today please

please share the video if if I've helped you before my my goal is really for

everyone to at least know about DC law read it helped my life immensely I will

I did out of necessity because I was struggling to pass my CPA exam I already

had an accounting degree but didn't really understand accounting bolita I

don't know it happened CPA strength man I can't believe it

where we're gonna run we're gonna run on my classic series to 100 I just I feel

blessed anyways thanks for watching and maybe you guys you guys have who have

been watching leaving positive comments I've changed my life already and I don't

know I just can't wait for tomorrow alright deuces

For more infomation >> Every ACCOUNTING Student in the WORLD needs to know about DC ADE LER / Best ACCOUNTING help ever - Duration: 5:03.


It's About Time! One Republican Just Dropped The Best Idea On What To Do About McCain's Betr - Duration: 25:24.

It's Happening!

Top Republican "Retires" After Nasty Scandal Explodes On Him

A Pennsylvania lawmaker declared Wednesday that when his term comes to a close, he will

retire from his position.

This may not come as an astonishment because of a portion of the outrageous slips paving

the way to his choice.

Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA), arrived at this conclusion subsequent to getting required with forensic

psychologist Shannon Edwards.

Murphy, who has talked from an expert life perspective while in Congress, appears to

have different personal beliefs.

As per Politico, leaked text messages uncovered that amid the issue, Murphy proposed that

Edwards get an abortion.

The news of the issue gradually began to become visible after Edwards went to her divorce

procedures following separation from her husband.

Since that time, Murphy has gotten a genuine kickback.

The Pennsylvania legislator took some an opportunity to meet with essential individuals from the

GOP before his declaration.

Reports demonstrate that he met with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and additionally GOP members

Bill Shuster and Charlie Dent.

"After discussions with my family and staff, I have come to the decision that I will not

seek re-election to Congress at the end of my current term," Murphy declared in his


Maybe this is the correct decision considering the two-faced circumstance he is right now


Murphy's scandal infers the truism that you can't have it both ways.

It is reckless to freely remain for esteeming the life of children who can't shield themselves

while at the same time revealing your mystery mistress that she should get an abortion

Indeed, even Edwards called attention to the false reverence in one of the leaked text

messages: "And you have zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when

you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that

was one of the options."

Presently, he is in a place where recuperation is everything except outlandish.

He has been presented to the general population in his party, and the rest of the nation.

"I plan to spend my remaining months in office continuing my work as the national

leader on mental health care reform, as well as issues affecting working families in southwestern


Murphy's announcement proceeded.

It sounds like he is deliberately separating himself from the possibility that he will

be fretting about anything revolved around abortion.

He did, be that as it may, suggest the circumstance in his public statement.

Insinuating his slip-up is superior to anything imagining it didn't occur, however that

unquestionably won't score him focuses with any of his fellow GOP individuals or voters.

Murphy clarified: "In the coming weeks I will take personal time to seek help as my

family and I continue to work through our personal difficulties and seek healing.

I ask you to respect our privacy during this time."

Since news of the scandal broke, it has been an intriguing issue among officials in Washington.

Many have proposed — secretly — that Murphy needs to step down and "resign" after

his text messages were leaked.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette brought up that Edwards and Murphy were amidst a pregnancy

unnerve instead of


real pregnancy when the comments were made.

Pregnant or not, it doesn't make a difference much to the general population who watched

Murphy rapidly fold under his own "values" when his own circumstance wound up noticeably


What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.



for reading.


For more infomation >> It's About Time! One Republican Just Dropped The Best Idea On What To Do About McCain's Betr - Duration: 25:24.


New Best Hard Rap beat Trap Instrumental Hip Hop Type 808 Trap beat 2017 FREE - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> New Best Hard Rap beat Trap Instrumental Hip Hop Type 808 Trap beat 2017 FREE - Duration: 5:56.


The Little Mermaid Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 29 - Red Monkey - Duration: 17:07.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

Love the Beach

Buddha Meister very Fancy very

French no

We find Human Lady when Think Is a firown' England for beat Warmer

Humans Put These on Their Favorite Birds When they Take them out?

What stinks I don't Smell anything?

Well You Gotta Take off That Phony blur it's Coming from that gross Stuff Scuttle do you know what it is I don't know Sweetie

You can, be sure Humans are Causing it Take for Atlantic I know, We have to, warn them?

Right away, no Let the Crab scouts do it

It's different all right it's scary and I don't vintage scary stuff Turns me Into A

Nervous Jumble of Blathering Glanced why, don't you stay here and be our lookout Span


Could Go Look out for our other Lookout

Scuttle Stop Teasing all the brave Things you've Told us you've Done, You're not Really Scared are you

Look out arielle Just Let me off the Hook nothing out here for me to look out for

This Time I'm going to get it right

Yes I will really win the Crab

We can't Get Up There scuttle Can? Let's See if You Can find out What Goes on Here Sebastian had the right Idea

There Doctor Bios

He's Finally Gone Too far too far that guy's Going Around Deep in Money I

Hope Nothing's Happened To scuttle I hope Nothing happens I never have Anyone to play With Nobody ever wants to come over

Can't imagine why will you play with me Ready Maybe foreign did you

Just, did Work I built it Myself but I use dr.. Bios Power

I'd like to throw a monkey wrench Into it come on Let's play some More

Don't worry it's just a toy Monster Crab Whatever happened to cut

Neat Little Toys that Ghostess Didn't you'll be Safer in There, oh I'll be right back With, some Nice Seaweed, we can eat Together?

It's not A very Good Job man I'd quit but my Family's Poor We need the Money

Your Employer is Nuttier Than my aunt christie's Log Rule

Daniel will Soon Change all that won't we go?

A few Days on Bread and Water Should Improve your Attitude

This Time You Shall Escape

If Sebastian, did come With Us he'd Probably be Screaming by now

It's gonna Make us sick

Come here What are you gonna, do

Here put This over That Thingamajigger Sticking out of the Wall hurry

What are you doing don't, worry we'll Make it of Course Ariel Sebastian

That doesn't Get me Into the Mad scientist Hall of Fame I don't know what will

Sebastian, Was Right I gotta Get a, Different Job?

Stop it done will Said Something about True

Another Friend of mine did it Sebastian Is Talking to a human it must be Daniel Thanks to you

Talking Crap and it Goes Me Spooky burial must have Succeeded There hasn't Been Any New Pollution for a while

But There's Still Some Up There your Majesty There's only one Thing for me to, do

The Few Good Storms will Break it Up and drive it away

We've had something to do with this I'll give it's the last Thing I ever do

I'm trying to get That rotten Little

and Just in Time To look I need to get to the Palace in A big Hurry I

Have to get Rid of That Ridiculous Thing it Clutters up the entire Throne Room yes

You Are

No your Majesty

No Would need Around this that was 24 Years Ago I should know I was covered With Worms eating Worms?

Indonesian Was One Year After Somebody special Became your Teeth

Sebastian I officially award you this special Trophy for 25 Years of Faithful Service

It's it's big Uh-huh, oh yeah

BoW-Bow that longer Better Take my trophy

Now I know why They Call this quick and Canyon


It was Just A current a little Flowing Through that Opening Area you, always Make Excuses for Scary sounds and Spooky Caves

Oh it's much Let's live a little I'd rather live A lot

no my trophy

The Cave Entrance is Blocked, we're Trapped

Good Thing I brought my trophy

Only When i swim what was that Big Hairy Thing I

Had To do it Sebastian

It's a way out if You happen to be a snake


Don't know this place you're Worried, oh you must really, Be in Trouble what are we gonna do I

Feel Funny

did you See that

Mr.. Boots Engine Broke my trophy if you Mention that Trophy, one More Time I'm Gonna scream

Go See, the Fortune teller if You want we're Going after the half Fish

I'D Appreciate the divergent Didn't bring every Trophy iriver you, don't stop Blaming Me for Breaking your Trophy I'll never forgive you


Don't Let him bite You got him, now we'll put an end to his House

Yeah it'll hold him if he Turns Back Into a howling Hare Fish will Just push the whole Thing

Into The Bottomless you know, I'm glad Arjun, won't Forgive Me for not Forgiving him for Breaking my trophy, oh

Let's Broke until he's Had More free Time

Village Belief Whatever under The Goddess Sobbing Howling hair Fish we've Gonna Crouch

Well Sort of You are here to find the Cure for the Howling hair Fish yes

Right We Followed That villager Here and Overheard what you Said We Have Germs?

They Are False

Because of Their Treatment of me I have the night then the dream all of you are friends no yes

Except for Me in The Crab Lady I had Friends, well then you understand

Friends of Child

Flounder Forever Won't our goal in an Evil See reach the magic mists of Silver

Only Then will the Curse of the Howling Harry Should be Lifted?

Let's Just Push Him, Into the Bottomless pit and go

Home I

Have things to do the Fortune teller said We need that magic mist a cure Flounder

In A crystal ball it looked like some sort of Magic Spell, or maybe a rare Ocean current know

That Silver Mist moves like a school of Fish

Fortune Teller Said The Magic mist With Silver Exactly Silver Fish Howling here Fish will Never hit me

Come on

We Can return him to normal you might be able to Squeeze out?

I'm sorry Flounder

do you forgive me

See, what how Easy it is to forgive

Me I turned Flounder Into a howling Hare Fish and he Forgave me I

Forgive you

Your Majesty What's this About a Certain present from the Finley's, hmm I'll have to think About it

Okay your, Majesty I'll Feel better now

For more infomation >> The Little Mermaid Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 29 - Red Monkey - Duration: 17:07.


6 Best Ways to Maintain Weight Loss - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 6 Best Ways to Maintain Weight Loss - Duration: 4:03.


आप अपनी हंसी रोक नहीं पायेंगे 100% guarantee|| Best Whatsapp Funny Videos 2017 || Try to not Laugh - Duration: 2:19.

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For more infomation >> आप अपनी हंसी रोक नहीं पायेंगे 100% guarantee|| Best Whatsapp Funny Videos 2017 || Try to not Laugh - Duration: 2:19.


Elena Of Avalor Spirit Monkey Business Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Rico Media - Duration: 15:46.


Spirit monkey business

You ready if I had a seat I'd be on the edge of it um. I was talking to Elena zuzo ready

Hey blue princess Thanks not bad the more I practice

Yeah, and it hasn't been pretty hey you blasted that planter. I was aiming for the armor

That's because you're all tense and worried you gotta be calm be confident. Don't worry

I'm all right Elena. That's the last time I try that power. I can't let you quit princess nope not gonna happen

You said I'd hit the target again

Wait you're a spirit guide to other people

Oh, yeah

but most people don't get to talk to their China rules like you do more like wizards do when they conjure us up I

Wonder what animal your channel is probably something quick and strong like a Jaguar

in Luminara my tail

So you're my spirit guide who me


Please get back to me. It's very powerful, so is this it's a magical magic spirit corn

Just do it

I'm pleased to report that the cookies are safe well

He did say he wasn't exactly a spirit guide his name was Bobo Bobo's here

That's impossible without spirit guide stripes

And he doesn't have those does he oh I'd love to princess but only spirits belong in the spirit world oh

Stop Bobo with my scepter, but I froze up. I have to get Matteo back. I've gotta warn ya

You can open your eyes now

Is that tree participe you better avoid that part of the tree she holds a grudge up there you got ancestors

Our branch our own school our own special magic

Not anyone can be a spirit guide here. Let me break it down for you

Aren't we supposed to be looking for Mateo? That's what we're doing

This is where Mateos spirit guide lives and spirit guides know where their people are at all times

Without be some of Kaka watch these people have been having trouble lately, and he always blames themselves oh

I see you brought company well misery loves and what happened to you well

I caught Bobo lurking near the maza coast dogs the next thing I knew he

Zapped me tied me up and use the Moscow without my stripes. I have no spirit guide powers. Oh

I can fix that be right back

This is just the latest and there you go you have your magic back feel better not at all

But you can tell us where Matteo is now right unless I messed that up, too

But okay here go he must be very powerful if he crossed over look. He's wearing a crown. Let's make them our king

Yeah, where am I who are you you're in the loop and we're the zany

Come on. We need you buddy

But Te'o was better off without me you took know ahead why do you out of your mind?

You've got your stripes back so all you have to do is grab Elena and Matteo's hands and bring them home simple as that

But Mateos at the loop, and I'll see you on the other side

We're on it. Where do


Know try jumping on him. I don't really give it a good whack I know. I'll jump on it great minds think alike




Are you here to see al but look? That's the old me?

This is the new and improved Bobo wait'll you see all the good advice. I've given that'll prove. I've earned my stripes

Who thought a bull in the castle was a good idea why okay Bobo go bye-bye follow that monkey

If they think he's their king, they're not gonna, let us near him

Can you move fast exuse? Oh yeah, but not if I'm carrying you and I need to hold hmm

Okay, here's the plan I'll shoot my earring at Mateo to get his attention when he sees me you swoop down scoop him up


Where are they taking him into the shadow tunnels and once they're inside

They could pop out anywhere or be lost forever

Care about Mateo oh, I love the kid, then be his spirit guide

Help me save him, but what if I blow it again? What if you don't you?


Can get us over there quicker princess, and I think I have a plan that isn't a complete waste of time I?

Am Elena

Queen of the zany's Queen we don't have a queen you do now isn't that right King Matteo?

Right after we introduce you to the shadows spirits

No Elina watch what you're doing with that thing my cousin worst I've seen

You know what though, I think there's something else you might be very good at

Well that's all taken care of multi-world crisis averted if it wasn't for you, I would have given up

Oh you helped her, too

You know I did you weren't the only one who needed to keep trying till you got it right you know

What suzhou i'm actually looking forward to it. That's the spirit see what I did there

Thanks for coming after me Elena anytime Matteo

Pencils check sketchbooks check

Protractor mobile science good morning. Hi Ella nice eat that are you excited for your first day of school

oh, yeah, I mean being Castle schooled was fun and all but



What is it?

Class class can I have princess Isabelle

You can just call me Isabelle okay, Isabelle you'll be sitting with kike and Amaro Kiki Amara hocus-pocus

Yes good now before we get started safety first, please put on your goggles

And use for me vines can anyone tell me where these plants grow

Isabel the crystal caverns exactly oh


First using your measuring cylinder pour equal amounts of SAP and choose into a beaker

Hmm see yourselves

next stir the ingredients well then turn over your beaker and

super bouncy rubber

Okay, what's this game called feed the jack would you get five balls every time you throw one I could make a suggestion you

Have a good throwing arm, but if you change the angle of your throw you would hit your mark. What do you mean?

I'll show you

During recess anyway, actually it's physics. Sorry smartypants. I mean smarty gown

So do you like your teacher yes?

Um you want to tell me what happened at school today

You know before anymore bags get hurt Phil make friends soon whoo

I won't Quique doesn't like me and if TK doesn't like you none of the kids like you he's like the boss of everybody

Things will get better

Because the Isabel I know can fix anything

Thanks Elena, I know just what to do. I knew you would

Like a club takes NIT edges clicks

Why aren't you wearing your royal gown royal gowns aren't my thing anymore our thing. That's why she's acting this way

Crown Princess Elena Princess Isabel forgot her satchel oh, I'll take you to her myself

This will give me an excuse to see what's going on with Isabel me

Isabel I expected more from the princess

That was so cool really

I mean, I don't want it. Are. You sure don't you need your sketchbook science kit protractor. I'm sure okay

Sorry for the interruption. It's no problem princess Elaine

I'd like to welcome you all to one of the most wondrous spots in the whole kingdom

The crystal caverns you mean princess no fun

ISA can I talk to you for a second oh okay, you know better than to be this rude, okay, okay?

the Sun crystals illuminate the caverns

But what makes them extra special is that their light has the same effect on plants as the Sun?

That's how those moon vines and elastica trees over there can

Crystals in every color of the rainbow and a few more. Oh, what do they come?

Isabelle we should head back. This doesn't look stable. It's fine

Who's next GK you're it's only a couple of feet

All right

But I'm gonna need my dog back, okay, we'll have to jump in and swim for it

I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused Selena

Maybe friends can be hard sometimes, but you're great


I'm sorry. It was my idea, but I'll never do it again me neither

I'm sure you won't and do you know why because the three of you are going?

I think I have a way to make it fun

Sure Isabelle, can you help me with my throat sure


For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Spirit Monkey Business Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Rico Media - Duration: 15:46.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 83 - Duration: 16:54.

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When the Sun sets Neverland will fade away, and it'll be my fault

My medallion The Guardian said that with this all doors will be open to me I wonder

The forever tree it's fading fast. I'll never give up

Never give up

Awesome the Destiny sword

Yoho way to come to the top of Mount destiny and right before sunset excellent question

Now you're one step closer to stopping never land from fading away

Hold on it's a new forever tree

Why isn't it growing

It's not working. It seems we need even more help

Something's missing and I know what my baby and some pirate booty


Think I get it Jake got his new sword and brought it to Mount destiny. How'd you do that?

No time for questions is we gotta get to Jake he needs us now

What about?

Shout Yoho forever tree grow with us

Yoho way to go

I'm proud of you Jake Neverland is proud of


Hey, it's my friend a little light

Crackers you sure are swell Tinkerbell woohoo

I've always dreamed of being your friend Tinkerbell

Now that you've saved Never Land it's time for a little reward


let's fly, but how

now you can fly whenever you want as much as you want and you can go with me and

Explore the lands beyond the never sea, but then I'd have to leave Neverland and my mateys

I don't know if I can do that Hey teaming up with Peter is a dream come true for you Jake

now you and Peter will be a team an

Unbeatable team look at it this way Jake and Peter Pan

guardians of Neverland

What about you guys?

Will you be okay without me? We'll miss you Jake

But don't worry. We'll be fine. It's not like you'll be gone forever Wow it's back to the way it was before


And this is for you is

Or wing will be there for you, thanks

Thanks for being the greatest matey's a matey ever had

Let's go mateys guess it's back to Pirate Island for us I

Can't believe we fell for old feather heads booby trap and I can't believe he found her team treasure chest


Believe it with all your heart. I sure wish Izzy cubby and skully could see this place

huh Bucky

What's Wrong Jake

Then you're not welcome here shape up or ship out I am neither shaping nor shipping

I'm here to stay. We'll see about that hook. Can't let you stop me

Favorite matey's did you burn what is this?

We've gotta help Peter save King

I can fly to the lands beyond the never sea and get all the special

Would you stop fussing one more peep and it's the plaza before never see for you

Then going

I'm in this for treasure, and you are in my way, but not

Let's show a Bucky

How was your swim tank?

Hey quit it I was just kidding

That's what you think neither do I time to put an end to this land

Music troll that picks it up my world



You're welcome, Captain Hook

We're not just a team we're family

even them

Thanks, Jake me feel the same way Peter whoo heads up falling stars

those aren't stars those are

I'll trade you to Jake's and cubby for a piece of patent you're gonna have it I

Want one with me alone pick solids

And I for one cannot wait to hear his tales I bet he have lots of adventures they're always awesome

Just like him

Scopes can praise that pathetic man. We are here to plunder his treasures from across the never sea sorry captain

But it's not often that people visits Neverland gather round mates

Check out all the wild things I found on the island of seed more I came across with

Swashbuckling plant The Buccaneer bounder to me to hide in a safe place

The doom stone it has very powerful magic it can turn anything into stone

your heart

My heart a tragedy of the utmost

Indeed people with stone. Hearts are evil to the core. That's why I need to hide it in his head

With that magic pace secret hiding spot

Peter are you sure the doom stone will be safe here trust me cubby. There's no way anyone, but us can get inside here


Know hook don't say it

It's like

Would say avoid Daniel answer crow difficult doors a statue. I though he did

My statue or I shall turn you all and jump your knee petrified

Jake Tiki tree forest our friends there will help us protect Peter

Spoilers no the swabs are just what I want them

Stopped passing Smee one stone boat will not stop me from getting what I want

Pee toys in safe branches here. Thanks mr.. Tiki, but we still need to find a way to reverse the spell on Peter

Oh, I would if I could but when it come this way

Corn oh, this is no ordinary acorn scummy long ago when I first met Peter

He gave this to me and at once sing. Oh dear. Oh dear. It's not working

Maybe we need to grow the Acorn into a tree

Yeah, we see no other magical trees have helped us before in green growth goat

I bet the enchanted water from the ever spring fountain could help the Acorn grow super fast

And if we warm up the egg homeless

Aha I spy a pack of sea slugs leave me to pad be destroyed

Deed I'm beginning to see how this big bug Valley got its name

Looks like a weasel

Don't stall has doomed them

Pity the puny pirates they have that jobs now lets us make haste with our enchanted waltz Pizza. Oh wait

Gee Wendy the dismal jungle sure is a weird place to be looking at well they hit pan

They're just looking for something called a Sun stone

Before what they'll fire in his there

And isn't it wonderful excuse me I have a statue of five

Don't worry Wendy you found us a way out of here - lets go

Do those nests say anything about where they have hidden BAM not a word captain and then they ran off to get some

Now now mr. Bear, but don't mean to upset you

In Neverland

Then a splash of ever spring water add the warm light of the Sunstone to keep things up man cotton. What is us?

Rusty crackers hook is totally turning to stone. I thought our took care of all of y'all


Say the victory goes

Uneaten coal is an acorn

He called it a kiss wait a minute when she thought we needed Wendy's acorn to save Peter

I wonder if she thought this was a kid

Well here goes

However ever again you're right Jake

With magic this dangerous there's only one sure way to protect


Then maybe it can cure your captain stone heart - it's worth a try

Takes um sea pups Peter. We're sorry for causing so much trouble today

The nurse it was the captain's orders. Yeah, yeah, Neverland. Wouldn't be Neverland without Peter

And that's because of all the treasures in the never world

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 83 - Duration: 16:54.


Utla Mal Mal Da | Abdul Rasheed Bhatti Amb Shareef | Best Punjabi Saraiki Original Audio Song - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> Utla Mal Mal Da | Abdul Rasheed Bhatti Amb Shareef | Best Punjabi Saraiki Original Audio Song - Duration: 11:33.


Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 47 - Duration: 15:05.

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Make way for Miss nettle

Are you sure you don't want to join us amber if you want to learn to grow flower Sophia go right ahead

But digging around in the dirt

Afternoon children we're so pleased that the three of you have chosen to stay for our after-school

Gardening club and you're in for quite a treat

So without further ado please welcome

miss nettle


Now in enchanted gardening you growth plans that are extraordinary, and there's nothing better than being

Extraordinary so when you can make it the greatest

Because there's no point in doing anything if you can't be the best

There's nothing to be afraid of there's always something for a flower is a good start, and your little bud will zoom into

something extraordinary

No, bro bro, bro

Remember if you get too close they spray you with their pollen and voila can't stop

Hey, it's okay, Desmond it's more than okay, it's the biggest greatest singing sunflower

I've seen since the last time I grew one

Must find it. What are you doing in here?

How can I get you out of there

Your spell book miss nettles glove Oh

Miss nettle wants to get her hands on your spell book

What is it?

It's miss nettle she wants to steal the fairy spell book they tried to stop her and she put them in a bubble

Good plan you can keep a lookout for miss nettle

On second thought wait for me

What kind of trouble big trouble oh

If there is one singer could not stood it is even fatties

What are we going to do I say we hide we can't do that

You could start by going to the library and looking at a map at the whole school

Then you can see every room and every possible hiding place

Okay, thank you. No come on

What when the fairies cut trapped they were marching all around

I knew they were trying to tell me something

But I had no idea what but what if they were marching like the figures in our?

She's gone I

Have four and a half shots

Can you grow this into a rising Rose stalk big enough to reach the top of the tower?

Well, let me see I can do some quick calculations

Or you could just use it all and see what happens I can do that too. Just most things

It's okay, Desmond. Everyone is afraid of something

Not me

See so

Full you might

Wet socks and being put in a bubble. Well. I know one thing you're not scared of Desmond climbing rose socks


No miss nettle I won't give it to you. Yeah, we needed to free the fairies well

I'll make you a deal if you give me the book. I will free the fairy

All right

I just can't wait to get started


She tricked us yeah, and I don't think she's ever gonna. Let the fairies out. We really blew it

Remember with the Laughing Lily's did to James we can do the same thing to miss nettle

I don't know you'll have to grow a lot of them to stop her and big ones too well

It's a good thing the best enchanted gardener and when you're scared of something and you do it anyway

Okay, I'll do it James. Can you distract miss nettle while we grow the lilies you got it?

All right I

Think they're trying to tell us what page the spell is on

one two

Here Thanks

With these words. I end your trouble ruptal says Oh pop that

Hey, Oh

Miss nettle I insist that you leave here at once oh, I couldn't possibly leave

Way to go Desmond

Will does I think we all hold on to it for safekeeping now scoop

Yes you all were wait, what is it dear?


The new stained glass window looks outstanding baileywick can't wait to show it to Queen Miranda the goldenwing circus is in town

Can we go dad can we please please?

James you know the rule no playing ball inside the castle there are too many things that could break

Like the new stained-glass window no playing ball in the castle

I just want to show you one more trick, but dad said worried. It's as easy as one two


Dad if he finds out I broke a castle rule. He'll never let me go to the circus. Oh

It doesn't matter whether we tell him he's going to see the window when he comes back

Pretty pretty, please

Maybe we should help him. He really wants to go, but he broke my part of the window come on amber

I do it for you

You're not even pushing is it enough. I'm not telling on you amber, okay?

I know, I'll keep them from coming in but hurry and cover up to hear it, but first

I want to show your mother her surprise for daddy, please

Well I suppose the surprise

There Wow you can't even see that it's broken see I told you problem solve

And now some for my beloved parents number

Two actually amber. I think it's time we go to the throne my new tiara pretty, please

Oh, how can I say no well it's very simple really I say it to the children all the time oh

It's in my room come on. We can take the long way

It's all cracked

Now what do we do now we tell Dad and miss the circuit eejit can fix the window with magic great idea?

Let's go ask him

Cool if I didn't have a thousand more important things to do you have a thousand things to do

Bah, but it is going to get me Sophia's precious

Into my hands

Sofia's amulet is nice and small egg once. I have the Amulet of avalor. I can use its magic

You'll see you'll see

Just stand perfectly still don't move

I really hope this works

Me too, at least the cracks not there anymore, but mr.

Ceedric is this is just getting worse and worse with tiara. No opal tiara. No

Tear we're happy to see all your tiaras, but right now. It's time for your mother's surprise

Mr.. Ceedric is stuck in the window. We really have to tell Dad, okay look

Dad look at the new ballet steps. I just learned and


Oh, it wasn't me your majesty. It was the church you were surprised. I had it made just for you

Oh Rollie, that's so sweet

I guess I have to tell them I broke the window then you won't get to go to this view did this Sofia

I'm sorry, so are we this this seems so unlike you and it seems a lot like you

Sofia could you escort her to her room? Please of course your majesty everyone

No shall we oh love the circus I wanted to make sure you got to go wow

Thanks, you better get going James, or you'll be late

go on

Blame for him that was very kind of you, but a lie is a lie even if you're trying to help someone

It's too bad she broke the window I hear the jesters are your favorite James. Yeah

Is something wrong?

It's just amber were you playing the harp and showing us Tiaras to keep us from seeing the window maybe

Yes, it's true. I think it's time we all winner. I'm sorry me too

Very sorry when one of you makes a mistake you need to tell us otherwise the problem can get worse a lot worse

Families need to be Oh what are we gonna do with the rest of the afternoon?

I could play song for my beloved parents number three

Your Majesties someone is at the door who would like to have my king my queen ah greetings

What brings you to the castle we saw you leave the circus early were you unhappy with our show?

Okay, hmm. What do you think Miranda? Well the children seem to have learned their lesson hmm?

hmm sounds marvelous

Looks like a to me

But dragon

Isn't it lovely don't try it inside all right all right

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 47 - Duration: 15:05.


Cat Goes Fishing Hack (Money) Best Original Video - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Cat Goes Fishing Hack (Money) Best Original Video - Duration: 1:49.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 33 - Duration: 17:57.


He's big day

What a great day for luck and we didn't even have to leave the backyard

What's wrong oh, I woke up too early and couldn't get back to sleep

Oh, no, you're wrong. Yeah. No it just lies there

Lies there the bunny

All I wanna do is take a nap in my favorite shade

We'll have you out in a jiffy I've got your hissy

Rooney the bunny's not working -

Did you hear that Roly Bob one system to have a better day than when it started

So we should make that happen we should take her out, I wish

You were feeling down in the dumps down in the dumps everybody


You're gonna like it it's got trees and things to jump on lots of space to run around and around

Does sound pretty nice and we're here

You know what if you thought I might like it, maybe I will

This seems like it might be kind of fun to crawl through I

Wonder why there are many cat parks. How was it there that damn to them the except?

I'm not nice to them at all so Rufus

Chasing the cat

So we'll go this way I

Guess the dog park wasn't the best place to take

Everything you need for your pet, and they let people bring pets in here to pick out what they want

He's so excited his tongue is all

You want to play hide and seek with me and Roley. I don't know I think if not

You must submit it to hide then you can find is what we're hiding

I think my best one ever I found a good one too

Thanks, baby, you can't find thinking about life on the farm with all those Python. What just get me out of here

I'm glad we found you cuz really night have one more place to thank you is it

It's a lot wetter than I thought it would be it's dry the clerk then I'm going up front

Bubblegum the flowers the hissy stuck on the tracks

Bad I found out I could run faster than those dogs at the park you would like a rocket

And I got a pretty good nap at the pet store

Whenever I got into trouble the two of you rescued me which made me feel kind of special

You are special. Yeah. You are bunny is even more runny than before

Hey runny the bunny is mine

Go taco

I Spy something colorful toasty is it that fits yeah guys I should know what I did to

Your auto dodgy robotic friend is now perfect for carrying two pups

Where else would bingo and Roley like ARF to take them today, we should go see Katie at the pet store. Yeah, we love cagey

P I see everything from this window mostly cars driving by and people making funny faces at me

But I enjoy the view

Arf has never been to a beach

But our would love to go think how great a livery truck and let's just love seeing that truck driving up to this window

Okay, then take us to the beach for sure dude

I Spy something green and pointy and really tippy totally - I Spy something windy

And that worked the way he made you -

That's a new one

I've never heard that it's because of the water our foot is paws him it really did make art go

And now art does not remember

Which stands for Jonathan

You two doggies looks sad is something wrong

Yeah, we told on in we wanted you to take us back to our home. Not yours. Oh well in that case

I don't know where that is

What are we supposed to do if we can't get back we can play it in here?

Javan think a fly around and see them and show us the way back you mean like our spied something green and pointy I

Can find you something green and binding?

We're green and party oh definitely party there


Present to you

something windy

Johnson this is not what I try to eat it back home

We're gonna have to get down this mountain first earth can take you down the mountain

Then on your bark, it said

Bob is not looking where art is going stationed at the bottom of a mountain?

But here about to spy it now

It's hard to remember I mean, I started out spying kg, and then spying a picture of Guinea pay downside of that empty box

Was it a pict I'll be singing you

Hey, did you make it to the beach?

Yeah, but we're ready to get home come on

Are we know the way from here?

So you can follow us arf is ready and said you got back because Roli remember what he spied yeah

But all that remembering is worn this puppy out

You ever weren't ARF spies Bob and his best friends

Take me out to the ballgame

Let me we serve all types of took revoir. I'll go along with that

Favorite player teddy peppercorn hit his very first homerun and I was at the stadium to catch it I

Can stare at this ball big game? That's on TV, so it's a good thing. I invented this

It's an automatic fetch machine

Duty to put in this machine Bob said whatever we want

That was a baseball


Put these harnesses in our college when when we plant home? I don't think he'd mind overusing them now

I think he'd love that. We're using the mouse

I wouldn't want to get in your way, which is why I'll have Rufus getting you wait for me

Just need to make a quick stop, and he's okay

Well you guys came to see the right junkyard dog I can tell you where pretty much anything his mouth

Sounds like an impressive game of fetch. We're on a mission oh

Right okay, so if we follow this dress

You can be the one to pick it up a few on to I do want you

Before the game starts penny is going to recreate its very first home run

Signature is going to be

Got my smoothies of fruit and some fingers made of foam

Baseball fanon

But right now. It's time to watch the game I

Love thinking about the day, I caught this ball

Hey, and of course you'd probably want to run around chasing every ball that was hit out of the park


Was your flight a little bumpy and landing guys come see what I made for you

Or lonely our pasta sit in a circle with you and king Arthas here to do it all I

Even programmed them to clean up any mess that you make before I get home from work

I still haven't programmed them to do everything, but I help my little doggies

Have a fun day see what he does do ha ha can't wait to play with you tail waggers when I get home

Hey Jessie wanna meet art maybe later this one spot on the back of my neck really clean between

Wait a minute you want us to mess this place up. Yes. Oh yeah, okay, now, that's something too dogs know how to do

You wash your neck all morning, then it rains dog foods right after you do it

Okay Wow if Bob came home from work and saw a mess like this look at that puddle

Bingo and Rolly should make another mess so art can clean it up the way Bob programmed our to

Need a longer leg shorter neck oh

No, I didn't finish cleaning up bingo enrollees my

Excuse are

He'll have to clean up anyone have time to play with us

Our wishes aren't good health, but Ark wasn't programmed to make wishes either

So I guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves

Just gotta wash these towels and our job is done. We're gonna do all their washing

High school shut off the washing machine before things get even soapy and sudsy

Well if bingo and Rolly made this mess art will clean it all up

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 33 - Duration: 17:57.


Alan Jackson Country Music Greatest Hits - Best Old Country Songs Alan Jackson - Duration: 1:55:53.

For more infomation >> Alan Jackson Country Music Greatest Hits - Best Old Country Songs Alan Jackson - Duration: 1:55:53.


Elena Of Avalor The Scepter of Light Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 33 - Green Monkey - Duration: 14:53.

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Scepter of light

What's the rush Isabelle hey Matteo

What are you doing here now everyone at the festival will want to watch the Eclipse but looking directly at the Sun hurts your eyes

So I invented it this

It looks like it

It's just an image of the Sun see oh

Good oh

I can't wait for the Eclipse to be over why a total sorry she lived in the shadows until one day she

Tried to bring eternal darkness to avalor a morovian wizard stopped her and sent her into this

Window you are the best storyteller and all of a

Susan after and blasted the footstool oh

I didn't know it could do that who neither did I that's why I called you

Right suzhou is on the job

You didn't leave any tiny little itty-bitty detail out well when I tripped on the stool. I said blaze

Does look kinda morovian, but it's the scepter of avalor well it is now

But the kingdom of Maru was here long before a burns out your scepter is definitely morovian

So it's magical well not on its own

The scepter is channeling the magic inside you the magic you got from being the amulet so long oh

soon good ok ok

But I need it for the Eclipse festival yeah

And what happens if you say the wrong word and the Eclipse festival turns out like your footstool

Okay, please don't do anything bad

My fellow avalor ins it has been like these torches the spirit of avalor always blade

Always burns bright

That's right

Everyone's favorite Moth Ferry has returned to make your des

Thank you for throwing me this fabulous party although. I must say

It's the least you can do since I am about to give you the greatest sit tight dear ease

She goes back to the spirit world it only gives her ten minutes. We can't just wait in hope she doesn't find it

You're right Gabe Matteo. Do you have any spells I can slow her down oh?

Is that all?

Don't worry Elena I'll take care of orizaba go fuck off but nothing like orizaba

Armando take Isabel back to the palace Elena Oh

No could there be more chambers in this place I better get moving time's running

She's here

Okay, you can do this


Elena oh

The tail quick hide him here

What's the plan you stay hidden dearie, but you talk too much

Dizzi is that a piece of her wing

Will come off finally the eye of midnight you know if it wasn't for

Say shark men only a minute left


Friends of darkness we no longer have to live our lives hiding in the shadows

Here sit

Suzhou was right. I never should have tried to use the sceptre avalor will never see the Sun again

Whoa well what your scepter is really old it used to be called the scepter of light

Listen to this the scepter can control the powers of light

But I have an idea how to find out I'm gonna summon zuzo oh

I'm getting the feeling you've already figured this out. Yeah, I used the scepter

I thought we agreed you wouldn't use it until we figured out how to use it I know but oars

Oh, okay, first we're gonna start with a few cleansing breaths

Feels good doesn't it now slowly gently

Get used to living. You know you want me to use the scepter again. He's right Elena

you saw how powerful it was at the temple, but I don't know how to use it I

Might have picked up a few

It's that piece of orizaba swing

The light from the scepter was doing something to it. It was sending it back to the spirit world

According to the Codex. I just need to concentrate and say the word sounds good

But maybe you should hide behind something the tail right

Got rid of a wing it wouldn't get rid of the rest of her. Oh if you're up to it. I will be

Every Queen needs a throne

Hello again princess, I'm just making myself at home doing

Get in the coach no no move the coach, Oh


Horsham is getting away

It worked

Are you okay

now I


Know that's okay the sunlight feels good

Let everyone know and then eyes awake

Wait yes since when did you become a wizard?

I'm not a wizard abuelo

But I do have a bit of magic in me from being trapped in that amulet all those years and the sector

Everyone out I was so worried. I'm okay now

Matteo can you stay a minute

There's so much more than the Royal wizard Matteo you're my friend oh

Yeah, I am I'm gonna need your help, and I promise I won't use it again until I know exactly what I'm doing

Look at us. We're like a magical dream team

Na'vi back

Then happy almost

Navidad cousin Agron well

One other time he saw into Selena the guests have arrived


ISA, I love it. I was thinking we could use it to make a castle pinata. It's a family tradition, okay?

Nochebuena with us tomorrow. Oh, can we go Elena please?

It is a kind offer

But we always spend the night before now be that in the palace that doesn't mean weak Naomi Merry Christmas Elena

Mateo Rafa Carmen Julio don't you Paloma anyone doing here?

We sing all the old songs food. That's a lot of invitations, but we're going to Christina's village, right

Before you decide Your Majesty, please let us type so which celebration will you attend your majesty? I'm

Going to need a few minutes to think it over

Maybe we can go to all the Sultan

But Cristina is my best friend if I only got one gift for Navi that it would be to spend it with her

Oh, um princess Elena

They have asked if you've come to a decision yet

It doesn't have to be here it can be someplace with more room like the part

Yes, the park that's perfect come on ISA. Let's go tell them the good news I

Think it's a splendid idea

We will finally get to share our Navidad traditions with one another well done princess well done. Oh

We're going to have so much fun. We're going to make so much money


Say 24 hi girls need any help

Carmen the smoke dad we have to move the boat

Where did all our customers go I don't know don't ya to the park

All right

The fireworks are good to go the fireworks have to go and the go a parade, Tania Paloma

We should have a parade you can all have your own floats and no one will get in each other's way plus

We'll spread holidays. I can't think of a better way to show off your Navidad traditions for

Everyone to see she makes a good point yeah sounds like fun

We can hand out the money tell you what Isabel and I are gonna help you build a float

I'm sure we have everything we need up at the palace. How does that sound great? Let's go design it, okay?

between you and me

I think your Navidad tradition is the best of them all

But do you need more flowers to make it really eye-catching and with mork yeah

What's wrong with our floats nothing, but there could be so much more right with it

You can't have a boat without water or so why not and at the same time extremely present

They must really want Princess Elena to think their way of celebrating is the best but our way is the best is it?

It's beautiful

Elena oh good, you're just in time. I guess that's fine. I hadn't really thought about it

Elena check out our float

It's totally better than theirs we should lead the parade hold on it's not a competition

I agree the old ways are clearly the best so we should lead the parade

We have to put it out

The pinata

This was a mistake

Let's go home Matteo. We have a lot of cleaning up to do. Sorry. It didn't work out Elena

Yomi, I know

We better get going what so you wanna go home Isabelle

Sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't make everyone happy. It would have been fine if they didn't all trip


Naomi why did everyone think I was choosing a float to lead the parade Dona Paloma told us

That's why we bought the fountain Dona Paloma

Princess Elena

Shouldn't you be at the parade? There is no more parade? Thanks to you. It should be about who has the most?

So that's what the holidays mean to you money dear. That's what everyday means to me

All Isabelle wanted was considerate another thought present from Dona Paloma

Come on I'll Drive you back to the palace this whole day everyone got soaked up Hey, huh?

You know what Gabe? I think I'm gonna take Dona Paloma up on her offer. We're going in a bag, and ah

The most special of seasons so come gather round

To remember the reason

So come with me

On this holiday


Where's everyone going

They're joining the piranha perfect go out there and sell them cannibals show them yourself, I quit

We thank you

We haven't been up at random years, maybe it should be a new tradition for all of us, I'm sorry about before

We should have been more respecting our mission

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