Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily so Apr 29 2018

J: Hi! I have a friend today!

P: Hi! I'm the friend!

J: Yep, she is the friend.

P: I am Pip, from Pip Reads.

J: So we're.. we're hanging out on our friend date, and we're gonna

do some tags! Just, cause what else do you do when you get together with new

booktubers, other than do tag videos? So we're gonna do the Rapid Fire Book

Tag today on my channel, and we've done another tag over on Pip's channel, so

check that out as well, if you want, you know, like double the tag fun! P: Oh yeah!

J: But I'm gonna start asking some questions, and we're both gonna answer them, and we're

gonna get contentious.

P: Yes! J: Maybe!

P: Oh I hope so! It's more fun! J: Yeah.

J: Alright, let's start off.

Q: Ebook or physical book?

P: Ebook for convenience, physical book for taking notes.

J: Yeah, physical book would be my first pref.

P: Although audiobooks over all of them.

J: *whispers* That's later! P: Oh no.

J: You've ruined the question! P: I've ruined the question! I'm a terrible friend!

J: Friendship revoked!

Q: Paperback or hardback?

J: I'm gonna be hella contentious, and say hardback. I know most people prefer paperbacks cause they're

more convenient, but I love hardbacks. P: I do like hardbacks, yeah, they're so durable!

Q: Online or in-store shopping?

J: In-store for me, because I like the vibes.

P: I love the vibes but I'd rarely buy things in store.

P: I usually buy from online.

J: I don't often mean to buy books, which is why I don't buy them online!

Q: Trilogies or series?

J: I'd probably say trilogies if I had to, cause I like to know you that I'm not gonna be, like, left in the lurch.

P: Also series can like, they can go on a bit. And they can go on tangents that you're not really ready for, and you're like 'mmmm, no.'

J: *whispers* Game of Thrones P: Game of Thrones!

P: You're like 'Where are you going?! Come back!'

J: 'Stahp! Please don't die!'

P: 'Stop killing everyone!'

Q: Heroes or villains?

P: I do like heroes.. villains are more interesting though.

J: I don't like either... P: Can they just be, like, underdogs?

J: I just like... I just like people.

P: People?

J: I guess if I had to choose, I'd say villains, because they tend to have more complex characters.

P: That's so true. J: Heroes are boring.

P: Heroes are just like 'You killed my mum, prepare to die.'

Q: What's a book you want everyone to read?

P: Panic! Panic! So much panic.

J: The Handmaid's Tale.

P: The Descent of Man by Grayson Perry.

J: Astrophysics For People In A Hurry. P: Ooh yes!

P: Oh yeah! Ooh Gut?Have you read Gut? J: No. P: You've gonna read Gut. It's so good, like,

it talks about poop. So, like, just be aware of that, but it's so informative.

J: It's alright I'm all there for poop.

P: Yeah poop... poop's a thing.

J: Everyone poops!


J: Everybody Poops In My Pants!

P: *laughs* In your pants specifically?!

Q: Alright, what is an underrated book?

P: I feel like Sarah Moss is not a popular author

here in Australia, and I really am clueless as to why. She's amazing.

J: No books are entering into my brain right now...

P: Some books?

J: No books. P:No books?!

J: I'll come back to it. If I think of it I'll slice it in.

P: Okay. J: It'll be great. You will never know!

P: You will never know! J: The No. One Ladies Detective Agency!

J: I knew Goodreads would come to my rescue!

P: I know that... what's that.. something like.. that's umm..?

J: So The No. One Ladies Detective Agency is by Alexander McCall Smith. P: Yes!

J: And it's about the Botswanan lady detective. P: Amazing!

J: It's a series, and not enough people know it, because it will...

it will warm your heart, and it will fill you with joy.

So like, more people need to read, to get those, like, good lady vibes in their life.

P: I need some good lady vibes.

J: Yeah, definitely should read it.

Q: What's the last book you finished?

P: Goodreads... Goodreads help me! Help me! (Help me!) What did I last finish??

J: Mine is The Name of The Wind.

P: The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane. It was all about pu'er tea, from China. J: Oooh interesting!

P: Yeah! Which is apparently it's all the rage right now.

Q: The last book that you bought.

P: I haven't bought books in a while.

J: Neither. The last book that I know that I bought is The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman.

P: Oh! I got this one recently. J: Ooh pretty! P: Yeah! Yeah it's really cool.

Q: Weirdest thing that you've used as a bookmark.

P: I don't normally use bookmarks, I'm not a bookmarks person. I'm either a

page folder (heaven forbid) or I remember the number.

J: I think I've used teacups. If I'm just going to do something quickly,

I'll, like, sit my cup of tea on the book to hold it there.

Q: Used books, yay or nay?

P: Oh, yay! J: So much yay.

P: So much yay. J: Like, why would you not want to save you that money.

Q: Three favourite genres.

P: I do tend to gravitate towards fantasy a lot... historical fiction as well... non fiction? Gender fiction?

P: What about you? J: fantasy, historical fiction, and literary fiction.

P: Yeah, I thought you would totally go classics.

P: We are the same! J: We are! P: We are the same, I like this!

Q: Borrow or buy?

P: Oh, borrow! 100% man! What if it's crap?

J: Oh man. Buy. Like I know that I need to borrow for the sake of the money thing...

J: But I just... I need to be able to write in it as I go.

P: Ahh. When I first got into BookTube, I just bought all the books that everyone was recommending,

and so many of them were trash that I was like... 'no.'

J: I know! But I still keep them! P: Oh really?? Nooo.

J: I'm okay with it though! I don't mind! P: No! I'm just like... 'get them out!'

J: I'll lend it to someone if they wanna read it! It's okay! It'll be okay!

Q: Characters or plot?

P: I mean, I would like to say characters, but if nothing's happening then I do kind of get a little bit annoyed.

J: I would probably actually say characters. I'm gonna say that on the basis of the fact that.. I'm okay with

books where nothing really happens. I will still enjoy them.

So I'm guessing that means that the characters are slightly more important.

P: I feel like you can't really have one without the other though.

J: Yeah it is hard.

Q: Long or short books?

P: Yeah.. I... it depends what I'm in the mood for.

J: It really does.

Q: Long or short chapters?

J: Short chapters really annoy me. Like, one page chapters I'm just like.. 'why.. why even bother?'

P: I feel like I've been listening to so many audiobooks that chapters and meaningless to me!

Q: First three books that you think of.

J: Emma. The Name of The Wind. The Buried Giant. Obviously they're like my three most recent reads.

P: The Handmaid's Tale. Little Fires Everywhere...

P: Oh shoot. It's on the tip of my tongue.

J: It doesn't count if you can't think of it!

P: I know! I know! I have to think of a different one now..

P: Okay, uhhh. We'll go with... Arcadia.

J: She cheated. P: I so cheated!

Q: Books that make you laugh, or books that make you cry?

J: All books make me cry.

P: Yeah, I'm such a crier!

J: I'm such a crier!

P: Like I'm so weak!

J: I'm just a weepy person.

P: I am too! I am too!

J: Yeah, I'm gonna say books that make me laugh because they're more of a rarity.

J: Cause all books make me cry, there's nothing special about that.

P: Yeah me too!

Q: Our world or fictional world?

P: I like halfway between.

J: I was about to say that! P: Yeah!

J: I like fictional worlds that are based on our world. P: Yeah!

Q: Audiobooks?

P: Yes. Absolutely.

J: Also yes. So much yes.

Q: Do you judge a book by it's cover?

P: Yes that's the point. J: So much yes.

P: If they weren't to be judged, they would have no cover. J: They would all be the same.

J: They'd be like the standardised cigarette packaging. P: Exactly!

P: And book cover designers would have no job.

J: Yeah there'd be no such thing.

Q: Book to movie, or book to TV?

P: I think book to TV.

J: Same. P: Yeah, more time.

J: more details.

Q: Movie or TV adaptation of a book that you preferred to the book.

J: The Handmaid's Tale, still! It hasn't changed since 20 minutes ago.

P: Yeah, that's the answer we gave for the other video as well. (Spoilers!)

P: We totally loved The Handmaid's Tale. I think it added so much more to the book, but while still doing it justice.

J: Yep. P: And it just made the world so much more heightened I felt.

J: Bigger, yeah.

P: And, like, the... the risks were real.

P: That everything?

J: Yeah, that'll do.

J: They can watch your video for the other one!

P: What's the other one?

J: Bonus answer!

P: Bonus answer that even I can't remember!

J: Is on Pip's tag video!

Q: Final question. Series or standalones?

P: Uhhh. It depends.

J: It really depends.

P: Yeah. It depends.

J: Oh, did we miss the question where we talk about writing in books?

P: Oh yes!

J: I'm pretty sure that was a thing....

P: Well let's definitely ask that question!

Q: Do you like to write in books, yay or nay?

P: Yes I do! What about you?

J: Oh I so do!

P: This is the book that inspired me to write in books.

J: I like that.

P: Because it's one of those like stories within a story. So you've got the main text,

and then you've got the story of what's happening to people on the outside. And I

realised how cool it was to record your thoughts about the book at the time.

J: Cause then you've got two stories.

P: Yeah!

J: I've actually already made a video about this.

Amazing! It's like already over a year old, and it was one of the first videos

that I ever made, so it's hella awkward.

P: Oh Iove it though! It is really good! J: You can watch it if you want, but you don't have to.

J: I think the main thing that has always struck me, is the idea of actually making a book yours.

P: Mmm!

J: So, like, when that book moves on to someone else. Whether you donate, it or whether you...

lend it to someone... or whether you.. die.

P: Morbid. J: That escalated quickly.

J: It doesn't just become another book. It's still your book, and someone else knows that you read that book.

P: Yeah I like that.

J: And then, like, it adds to the book. Like you said. You get two stories in one

when you get a book that someone else has written in. Cause you're like 'this is

someone else.' And then you get to think about their life, and what was

happening in their life that affected the way they thought about the book, and

all of that. Like it makes you think more about that, and how subjective a book

actually is. So much pro for writing in books.

P: Love it.

J: Yay! That's much more interesting than the last question!

J: I hope you had fun watching this video. We had fun...

P: We had fun!

J: ... filming this video.

J: Let us know, down in the comments, how you feel about writing in books!

P: Yes please!

J: I think that's the most interesting thing we've talked about here.

J: Don't forget to check out our other collab video on Pip's channel, because she is amazing.

P: Oh thank you!

J: She is a queen.

J: I'll see you in another video very shortly I'm sure. And until then, as always, stay classic!


For more infomation >> The (Not So) Rapid Fire Book Tag | Feat. Pip Reads - Duration: 9:20.


The mask is so creepy! | House - Duration: 10:37.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome to House

That's a name for this game... House... Okay

It's like the doctors TV show, House



With that creepy ass mask

I don't like it. Who will like to have the huge ass mask on the wall?

Right next to the bed? Oh hell no. No thanks. I will have the nightmare every night

No thanks

Shall we begin?

How to play. Click Help

Shift for run, of course

E to take the objects

F to switch on the torch light

WASD, obviously. L to see the list

Let's play

Whose house?

I'm a thief

Steal 5 items in the house

ICG Company. Good job


I can't see anything. Just a black screen

It's really hard to see anything

Not cool. I don't want to play this game. No thanks

I haven't played the horror game for a long time

When is the last time I played the horror game?

Not Gmod, I dunno

Oh, you scared me a bit

A balloon?


Balloon, skate, toaster, suitcase, and TV

What the hell is that?


A telephone

I got the toaster

I just want to go home. It's stupid to steal the "not valuable" items

A suitcase

I was here before

A piano

Why is it hard to find the items?

The TV should be in the living room

I can't see anything

That TV is too big!

I can't take it

It can't fit in my pocket

I can't turn on the lights

That's a TV! Why can't I take it?!

That's really stupid

TV and balloon

Oh hell no

The last one is the balloon

I swear to god. I swear to god

I just want to make sure... I swear to god

Where the hell is that? Where did the mask go?

Ok, stay cool. Stay cool

It's not coming

I'm stuck here

I don't want to pee or shit in my pants

Hold on

I need to wash my hands

It doesn't have the sink here

I'm sorry

Let's continue this game

What am I supposed to do?

Should I kill the mask? The mask will kill me first

I'm not afraid of you!

The phone is in the kitchen

Looks like the mask is harmless


Good job

It's really funny that I had to get the balloon, TV, toaster, skate, and...

What else? I forgot.. Oh shit.. Whatever, I don't care

I would rather steal the TV. It's nice and big. The other items... Like a toaster... balloon...

Wat... Okay...

That's all, folks. Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever

that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> The mask is so creepy! | House - Duration: 10:37.


Mette-Marit - Zartes Lächeln und Wow-Look: So überspielte sie die Sorge um ihren kranken Schwieger - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mette-Marit - Zartes Lächeln und Wow-Look: So überspielte sie die Sorge um ihren kranken Schwieger - Duration: 1:08.


So Few Aware - Pink Floyd Cover - Duration: 3:07.

So, so few aware

They don't seem to even care

See, see them sleep

Who display their mind's became decay

For while they live they love the lies

And truth you speak they all deny

When it's time maybe they'll see

Loved by God they'll never be

Hide, hide away

Living blind, do what they may

When their full of eating lies

Close your mind, it time to lay down to die

For while they live they love the lies

And truth you speak they all deny

When it's time maybe they'll see

Loved by God they'll never be

For more infomation >> So Few Aware - Pink Floyd Cover - Duration: 3:07.


Beat Bugs I'm So Tired Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Olivia Woods - Duration: 18:01.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Beat Bugs I'm So Tired Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Olivia Woods - Duration: 18:01.


Liams neue Hit-Single: So süß hat Sohn Bear darauf reagiert! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Liams neue Hit-Single: So süß hat Sohn Bear darauf reagiert! - Duration: 1:02.


Why Is Everyone Getting So Offended? - Duration: 21:33.

Warning: This feature contains themes that some viewers may find offensive.

If you are affected by any of the content in this video please contact literally anyone

but me.

Hey Thoughty2 here.

Before I begin I would like to say that this video will be a bit different to normal because

it will contain a lot of opinion, but I feel so passionately about this topic that it needs

to be addressed.

If you're used to my usual style of fact-based videos and you aren't comfortable hearing

opinions that you may not agree with then I kindly ask that you give this video a miss.

So if you've watched the news, read the papers or used any kind of social media within

the last few years you may have noticed an unsavoury trend that has been increasing with

seemingly exponential virality.

Everyone is getting offended by everything.

Whether you have been witness to it or not there is an ever growing number of ultra-politically-correct

far-left militants that are hellbent on campaigning for a cause for people whom they've never

met and who never asked them to campaign for them in the first place.

And no, this isn't about politics, it's far more serious than that, this is about

maintaining our freedoms and rights as a human race, and no, sadly, I'm not exaggerating.

If you're not quite sure what the hell I'm going on about, let me tell you about a fairly

recent event that just goes to prove my point about how deadly political correctness can


In November 2009 a psychologist working in the US army, Nidal Malik Hasan, opened fire

on the other troops in the base, whilst shouting "God is Great" in Arabic, 13 people were


It was soon discovered that the Pentagon knew all about Hasan's radical ideologies way

before this act of terrorism.

They were aware of a whole bunch of emails he had been sending to other radical Muslims.

Even his own colleagues at the army base had expressed their discomfort about him to others,

saying that he was a "ticking time bomb".

So how on Earth could the US government and the senior army management simply allow this

horrific mass murder to happen?

Because the powers that be in the US army were too afraid of being accused of racially

profiling someone to take any action.

And so because of the unyielding pressure of political correctness in the modern age,

13 people tragically had to die.

The effects of the over-offended can be seen strongly in comedy.

The sixties, seventies and eighties were full of original, geniusly witty tv comedies that

have yet to be bettered, such as Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Blackadder, Yes Minister and

a handful of others which I'm sure you all have fond memories of but there are too many

to name here.

But each and every one of these shows delved into the realm of what overly sensitive people

today might wrongly call sexist, homophobic or racist.

One notable example is what many people consider to be the greatest 30 minutes of TV comedy

ever written and performed, the Fawlty Towers episode "The Germans".

The whole 30 minutes is stuffed full of non-PC jokes that wouldn't dare be part of any

contemporary TV sitcom.

One particular scene shows a resident of Fawlty Towers, Major Gowen using racial slurs against

West Indians and Germans.

Sadly, due to the increasingly sensitive nature of some TV viewers today, this scene is now

cut by the BBC from the episode, whenever they air it on TV.

But what people fail to see is that the writers John Cleese and Connie Booth are by no means

supporting such racial slurs, they are in fact doing the opposite, they are making a

joke out of the Major's (a completely fictional character) ignorance and prejudice towards

other cultures and races.

And that is just totally fine.

Because racism is wrong and we should make fun of those who practice it.

So how is it that I can I so confidently say that such TV moments were categorically not

racist, well, for one simple reason, it is comedy.

Comedy should have no bounds.

When horrendous, unthinkable things happen such as war, the holocaust, slavery, disease

and oppression, it is human nature to want to make things better, unless of course you

are the one causing said suffering.

And we can often make good of any bad situation by simply having a laugh.

During the war and the great depression, comedy sitcoms and talk shows were broadcast on radio

stations all day, every day.

Such shows would often attract audiences of 30 million plus listeners.

30 million people wanted to listen to comedy in the middle of a war.

Because when the chips are down and all seems lost, it's the small things that really

matter, it might just be that moment of laughter one gets from a comedy sketch on the radio.

It might trivialise the seemingly insurmountable issues you are facing by poking fun at them,

and so making them just seem a little bit less horrible, and slightly more tolerable.

Being intentionally prejudice towards a specific group of people is a horrible thing but when

we are forced to conform to extreme political correctness it only strips away our freedom

of speech and our ability to express ourselves.

Today's stand up comedians have fallen victim to the ever tightening pc noose around their

creative necks.

More so than ever comedians are having to censor their own material, making it less

offensive and more politically correct, just to appease what many journalists are calling

the "snowflake generation".

Certain british comedians such as Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle have been reprimanded

repeatedly by British television regulators Ofcom because they have been forced to do

so after numerous complaints by over-offended tv viewers who feel that they are entitled

to restrict a comedian's freedom of speech.

The issue is intensified by the fact that the snowflake generation are using social

media such as Twitter to publicly ridicule and beat down any comedian who uses anti-PC

language in their comedy.

And so many comedians are too afraid to write the material they truly want to, they are

scared of what the public reaction may be if their content isn't entirely family friendly,

and how drastically sad is that.

But the ironic thing is, the snowflake crowd are in many ways doing the complete opposite

of what they seek to achieve.

Instead of censoring offensive comedy, some comedians are now purposely being as offensive

as possible with their material, in a backlash to the easily offended populus.

As a way to fight back against liberal oppression and say that it's okay to be a little offensive

from time to time, because we are humans, we are not perfect, and sometimes joining

in on a joke, even if it is at one's own expense, can be a most joyous thing.

But sadly there is a dark side to comedians pushing offensive humour as far as it can


Because it tends to skew more towards simple-minded toilet humor, slapstick and an overwhelming

amount of forced bad-language and sex jokes, this all takes the place of what previously

could have been well-thought out, witty humour that uses offense as a natural and organic

part of the joke instead of being forced into the material in an unnatural, belligerent

and obviously artificial fashion.

But sadly, no matter how hard comedians attempt to fight back against the snowflakes, the

reality is they do wield power, because of advertisers.

Because today so many people are too quick to lodge complaints against television broadcasters,

and other companies, TV executives are too afraid to invest money into original writing

talent just because it may be too "edgy" or offensive for certain demographics of their


And the problem is made even worse as TV broadcasters are held at the mercy of their advertisers.

Today advertisers recognise the power of the snowflake crowd and their ability to rant

and rave on social media about their brand if they are seen as being slightly offensive

or prejudice and so advertisers will point-blank refuse to advertise on shows that could be

construed as offensive, by pretty much anyone.

And if the advertising money isn't there a show will never be broadcast, no matter

how good it is.

We've all seen this exact same issue here on YouTube in recent years.

To protect advertisers and their all important revenue streams YouTube has introduced new

measures to aggressively censor any content creator that produce slightly edgy content,

by stripping away their advertising revenue.

I make a lot of videos about history and War is a prominent feature of our history that

should be openly talked about so we can learn from our mistakes.

But any video that so much mentions the word war has been entirely stripped of advertisements,

because god forbid someone out there is offended by a recount of accurate historical events.

But we can't blame YouTube or even the advertisers for this mass censorship.

It's not their fault, they are just responding to what the public wants to protect their

revenues and any business would probably do the same thing.

It is the easily-offended, the complainers, those that are quick to reprimand people who

seek to speak freely and unimpeded, that are the ones truly responsible, they are the rotten


The true cause of what will inevitably be a rapid decline in creativity.

But is it really that wrong to be offended?

No, of course it's not, everyone gets offended from time to time, it is natural, it is human

nature to take a dislike to comments or actions that cause us upset.

The public have always taken offense, that's not new, what is new and what is the true

problem today is people's feeling of entitlement.

Because many millennials, especially in the West, have grown up in a time free of war,

free of oppression and poverty they have never known what it's like to not have everything,

to not get what they want.

This has instilled in many a feeling of gross entitlement, a feeling that them being offended

actually means something.

Let me tell you straight, being offended doesn't mean anything.

It's a natural human response and it's okay to be offended or even disgusted at other

people's actions but it absolutely doesn't give you the right to control how others behave

and talk.

If someone calls you stupid you rightly should be offended, but that doesn't mean you can

start a campaign to prevent people from using the word stupid, that's a little something

called oppression.

Don't get me wrong I'm not talking about every young person out there, far from it.

I'm simply referring to a small minority.

But as is often the case in life, it is the few that spoil it for the many.

But why is being so openly offended and making sure everyone possible knows how utterly offended

you are, such a bad thing?

Well there is a fundamental problem with being offended and making a big deal of it.

Offensive is subjective.

What each of us is offended by is vastly different from person to person.

What offends us depends on our social and economic background, our religious views or

lack of, the friendships you've had, how you were brought up, where you live, your

political affiliation, your ethnicity, sexuality, age, gender, even your diet.

And just because you are offended by a specific thing it does not mean that the rest of the

world should be, because we are all unique and varied, and if we weren't then we would

all be exactly the same and have the same beliefs and that doesn't sound like much

fun, does it?

My point is, where does it stop?

I'm offended by people who drink instant coffee, but am I going to protest against

it or call the police?

No because me being offended doesn't matter, it gives me no rights, and it's not my place

to tell others how to behave.

At the end of the day, no one is being harmed, no crime has been committed.

Everyone out there is offended by different things, you can guarantee that no matter what

you think of, there will be someone in the world who finds it offensive, you can never

fully police every thought, freedom of speech and people's behaviours because doing so

would be trying to police everyone and everything that they say.

The so-called snowflake generation are trying to police thought and free speech and the

totally ironic thing is that the vast majority of the millennial mind police would consider

themselves to be very liberal.

Now I don't know about you, but I would say that attempting to prevent people from

thinking a certain way, from saying what they want and stopping them from behaving in a

natural and human way is the opposite of liberal, it's actually incredibly facist.

And to make matters worse, it's not just the public that are getting offended too easily.

It's our governments too.

As was demonstrated with a very recent and shocking case in Scotland.

Scottish comedian and YouTuber Mark Meechan posted a video on YouTube in which he explained

that he is sick of his girlfriend thinking that absolutely everything her pet pug does

is adorable and cute and so he thought it would be funny to teach the pug to do the

least cute and most horrific thing he could think of, which is of course, being a Nazi.

So, upon hearing the command "gas the jews" the pug would raise he stubby little leg in

what we would infer to be a Nazi salute.

Now of course the hilarious thing about this is that this adorable little pug has no idea

what it is doing, it is completely dead pan.

And that juxtaposition between the cute and the horrific makes for a really funny video.

Is Mark Meechan supporting the views, ideologies and actions of the Nazis, no.

Does making and posting this video online make him a neo nazi or supporter of anti semitism,

absolutely not.

Because it was intended as comedy and no more than that and there categorically should be

no rules when it comes to comedy.

Sure some people may find it insensitive but I'm sorry, you either have to have free

speech or nothing at all, especially when it comes to comedy.

Because as soon as you start to draw lines between what is okay to make fun of and what

isn't you start policing people's thoughts and people's speech and that is just a slippery

slope into a war on intelligence and rational thought, two things that we must fight to

defend, no matter the cost.

After being posted on Reddit, Meechan's video went viral gathering 3 million views.

Subsequently Meechan was arrested on suspicion of hate crime.

In March 2018 he faced trial in court and in what was a very sad day for freedom of

speech, meechan was found guilty and sentenced to a fine of £800.

£800 may not seem like a heavy sentence, but the very fact that there was a trial at

all and even worse that a guilty verdict was reached is a very sad precedent for democracy,

free speech and everything that makes being a human, being free and being able to express

oneself so great and so precious.

In the words of Mark Meechan himself "when you start jailing comedians for making jokes,

you're heading down a slippery slope".

And my god he couldn't be more right.

I'm not being overly-dramatic when I say that this decision sets an incredibly dangerous

precedent that we should make all of us very worried about the future of free speech.

The judge tried to put forward the ridiculously absurd case that Meechan's video was not

intended as comedy but was instead some kind of Nazi propaganda with a goal to unite the

masses in the act of gassing jews, and the cute pug was only a way to disguise his true

evil and malicious intent.

I'm not pulling your leg, that is what the court genuinely said.

This is obviously a load of crap as it was unquestionably comedy.

But one has to ask, by sentencing Meechan for making this comedy video, aren't the

court suppressing free speech just like the Nazis did.

Didn't we fight against the Nazis to preserve our ability to speak and act freely and avoid

totalitarian oppression?

So it begs the question, who is really exercising Nazi ideals here?

The only thing that was nice to see was the overwhelming public support for Mark Meechan,

in defense of his ill treatment by the court.

Many comedians also spoke out publicly defending Meechan's actions, namely Ricky Gervais.

Providing hope that rational thought and a desire for free speech are still well and

alive within our society.

Let's just hope we can keep it that way.

So to finish up, I implore you, the next time someone gets offended and complains at you

for sitting the wrong way in public, for eating meat, for using the only two correct gender

pronouns, for openly supporting your favourite political party, for casually flirting with

a stranger, for innocently touching another human being, for praying to your chosen deity,

for earning more money than someone else, for making a simple joke or simply because

you don't identify as a non-conforming gender-fluid pansexual cabbage.

Do not stand for it, not for a moment.

Because at the end of the day, you are only being yourself, and believe me, there's

absolutely nothing wrong with that.

If simply being yourself and doing what you know and what comes natural to you offends

somebody else, then it's their problem to deal with, don't let them make it yours

or anybody else's.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Why Is Everyone Getting So Offended? - Duration: 21:33.


So, This is What It Feels Like (Scene) | LOGAN (2017) Movie CLIP HD-4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 2:59.

Go, go!





No, no. No.

Take your friends, and run.


Run. They'll keep coming and coming.

Listen, you don't have to fight anymore.

Go, go.

Don't be what they made you.

Laura... Laura...


So, this is what it feels like.





For more infomation >> So, This is What It Feels Like (Scene) | LOGAN (2017) Movie CLIP HD-4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 2:59.


Why Do Dominicans Own So Many New York Corner Stores? | AJ+ - Duration: 10:01.

Where do you go in New York when you need to buy eggs, milk, or a hot sandwich?

The bodega - a New York City institution.

Bodegas are literally everywhere in New York.

And, yes, while some people think of them as just grocery stores, you can actually get a whole lot more.

Bodegas are owned by different ethnic groups like Puerto Ricans, Yemenis, and Egyptians.

But the majority of bodegas are owned by one community in particular:


That business came

to fulfill that vacuum that was there

in the community.

Decades of immigration to the US have made New York's Dominican

diaspora the largest in the world outside of the Dominican capital, Santo Domingo.

This immigration to the US has gifted us with Cardi B, Junot Diaz, David Ortiz,

Oscar de la Renta and The Kid Mero - who actually has a podcast called The Bodega Boys.

Hey guys, I'm Daniel and today I want to explore how bodegas became so essential to New York life,

and also how the story of Dominican immigration to the US was instrumental in making it happen.

We spoke to Dorky Gomez, owner of Gold Glove Deli and Grocery.

She's owned her bodega in New York's Washington Heights

neighborhood for over a year and is known as a friendly face to customers.

In her bodega you can find a wide variety of products.

Gomez immigrated to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic, or D.R., in 2016.

Her older brother Carlos is a Major League Baseball player with the Tampa Bay Rays

and helped her establish her bodega.

Gomez and her family live in the building.

She works hard to support her husband and one-year-old son.

She says that even though Dominicans are far from their homeland, Bodegas help them feel

closer to one another.

Gomez's store looks like your typical bodega.

For starters there's a yellow and red sign

and you can usually buy "lotería", or a lottery ticket, at the counter.

You'll probably spot a candle, or a "veladora," painted with religious imagery somewhere in the shop.

And you'll probably see a bodega cat roaming around or asleep in the middle of the floor.

And in case you didn't know Bodega cats are a big deal.

There are Instagram and Twitter accounts and Facebook pages.

And the Bodega cats are so iconic that this New York lottery even used them in their commercial.

"Good night, Cyrus."

Super cute.

Ok so, while Dominicans like Gomez have dominated the bodega scene in New York for decades,

the bodega story didn't exactly start with them.

Jewish delis that sold a whole range of products were a common scene across New York

starting in the 1920s, familiarizing the city with the concept of corner stores.

But it was in the 1940s and 50s that bodegas as we know them today first

became a part of New York's social fabric.

Initially, they were established by Puerto Ricans who moved to New York post-World War II

from the US island territory.

And that's something that Professor Ramona Hernandez argues is often lost in the conversation about bodegas.

Dominicans bought bodegas, the bodegas

from Puerto Rican owners who were leaving New York City as Dominicans were coming in.

So they were the ones working in the bodegas for Puerto Ricans when the transition happened.

During the same time, the D.R. was experiencing some

major political and economic upheaval.

For starters the Dominican Republic's

U.S.-backed dictator Rafael Trujillo was assassinated in 1961.

The assassination of Trujillo led to successive events interrelated in provoking the exodus of the Dominican people.

In 1962, the country voted for its first freely-elected president, Juan Bosch.

But his pro-Castro sentiments angered the US and parts of the Dominican government.

We need to remember,

the Cuban Revolution has just taken place a few years before.

It wasn't the best idea to

have another country in the Caribbean - or even in America Latina - with a similar system.

This led to a military coup and installation of the U.S.-backed Joaquin Balaguer as president.

But all of this upheaval created huge unrest prompting a civil war.

And then in 1965 the U.S. invaded.

It was Dominicans fighting Dominicans.

And now this is 1965 and the U.S. gets involved.

And now it becomes Dominicans fighting the U.S.

This turmoil left Dominicans seeking both safety and economic security

So, in an effort to win hearts and minds the U.S. government made it easier

for Dominicans to settle here.

Reasons for their massive migration have to do with the economic conditions of

the Dominican migrants in the Dominican Republic.

And for the Dominicans immigrating to the U.S., Bodegas made practical sense.

These are small businesses that allow Dominicans to have a job and at the same time

provide for their family.

And this, in many instances were created because they

were not able to find jobs and the larger economy, in the larger society.

But at the same time it also represents independence.

There were several waves of Dominican immigration since then.

Today, they are the fifth-largest Latino group in the country,

with more than 600,000 Dominicans in New York alone.

In New York, the Washington Heights neighborhood is the heart of the Dominican community.

In the past, this neighborhood was home to Irish immigrants and European Jews.

Then in the 60s and 70s Dominicans moved in.

They eventually became the majority, establishing one of the most recognized ethnic enclaves in New York.

Washington Heights has this immigrant tradition already.

So, the other thing is that Washington Heights is very close to El Barrio,

which is a settlement

and neighborhood populated at that time predominantly by Puerto Ricans.

And one thing that we know is that Dominicans move in the U.S. or tend to live in areas

where you also find Puerto Ricans.

Walking through Washington Heights you'll see Dominican restaurants and beauty salons.

You'll also hear bachata, merengue, and dembow.

And of course lots and lots of bodegas.

The bodega, it is this place that served at the same time as a social space

where Dominicans converge.

But Bodegas are much more than corner stores where you get your diapers or Platanos.

It's a place where the community gathers

to hang out and grab a bite.

Bodegas are also resource for

low-income and immigrant communities.

They often serve areas where you won't

find a supermarket. And bodegas often act as lifelines for many neighborhoods

in the city by letting customers who are short on cash pay for their items later.

Everybody tries to help everybody. People come and they're short or they need a

certain item and they don't have the money at the time then we'll do our best to accommodate them.

And this is why Bodegas are so special.

They allow for a relationship between the bodegueros

and their clients.

For bodega owner, Candido Arcángel, that means that his store is much more than that.

Arcángel houses homeless folks in the basement of his bodega and has done so for years.

Despite his bodega being zoned strictly for commercial use and not having the proper permits

to house individuals, he's taken it upon himself to provide shelter for them.

Arcangel immigrated from the D.R. to the U.S. in 1989.

He bought his bodega in 1995 and began taking in homeless people shortly after.

William Arroyo has lived in the basement of Arcangel's bodega for 5 years.

And sure, Bodegas can be profitable but they also struggle with challenges that so many

businesses in big cities in the U.S. face today:

rising costs and gentrification.

In 2015, an estimated 75 bodegas shut down in New York because

of rent increases.

According to the Real Estate Board of New York, rents went

up over a third from 2004 to 2014.

And while that's a small number of the estimated

12,000 bodegas scattered across New York, it's hit the industry pretty hard -

not to mention the community in Washington Heights.

Gentrification has definitely

impacted the Dominican people.

Affluent people have discovered the great

location of Washington Heights. That's what it is. It is an incredible location.

Despite the difficulties bodegas have faced in recent years,

the community is still very proud of its heritage and contributions to the United States.

And Dominicans are much more than their bodegas.

Being able to contribute and produce in the society where we now live,

but more than that, preserved a legacy, a cultural legacy,

a historical legacy, right here and share it with the

rest of society.

For more infomation >> Why Do Dominicans Own So Many New York Corner Stores? | AJ+ - Duration: 10:01.


"Bange jeden Tag": So steht es um Schwesta Ewas Revision! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> "Bange jeden Tag": So steht es um Schwesta Ewas Revision! - Duration: 1:00.


YouTube-Nilam über Echo-Skandal: "Nicht so schlau gehandelt" - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> YouTube-Nilam über Echo-Skandal: "Nicht so schlau gehandelt" - Duration: 1:04.


So much crying of Jessie baby cos mom eat food without care her|Sasha stop care baby|Monkey Daily684 - Duration: 10:22.

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