Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily which Oct 9 2017

Which Beach Would You Choose For Your Vacation?

Your Choice Can Reveal A Lot About Your Personality

Lately, personality tests have become trendy on the Internet.

This latest one was developed by a team of scientists at the University of California.

For more infomation >> Which Beach Would You Choose For Your Vacation? Your Choice Can Reveal A Lot About Your Personality - Duration: 4:52.


MAPPED: Which countries have nuclear weapons? Does North Korea have nukes? - Duration: 3:47.

MAPPED: Which countries have nuclear weapons? Does North Korea have nukes?

More than two dozen nations have nuclear power but there are nine accepted nuclear-capable states in the world.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) estimates there are more than 16,300 nuclear weapons around the world - of which the US and Russia possess 93 per cent of them despite reducing their inventories.

The rest are shared out between China, India, Israel, France, the UK and Pakistan - and now also. However Pyongyang is deemed the only state to not have weapons mature enough for effective use.

Where are the world's nuclear weapons? Nuclear states have always closely guarded the exact number of nuclear warheads in their arsenal.  But every year, the international nuclear weapons watchdog Federation of American Scientists (FAS) estimates the current amount of nuclear weapons around the globe.

Russia is thought to have the most with around 7,000 warheads, with the US closely following behind with an estimated 6,800. France is though to have 300 warheads and China 270, while the UK is fifth with 215.

Pakistan and India are thought to have up to 130 and 120 each, while Israel has 80.

Does North Korea have nuclear weapons? North Korea's passionate drive to develop nuclear weapons of mass destruction is a well documented  affair that dates back to the 1950s.

An April 2017 report by David Albright and Mark Gorwitz of the Institute for Science and International Security, claimed Pyongyang is in possession of an "improving nuclear weapons arsenal".

The report outlined dramatic progress in North Korea's nuclear build up, pointing towards procurement from abroad and a functioning industrial complex dedicated to producing plutonium and weapon-grade uranium.

The report said: "The bottom line is that North Korea has an improving nuclear weapons arsenal." And the Washington-based institute estimates the regime has between 13 and 30 nuclear weapons, based on North Korea's production capabilities, while the FAS suggests 20 to 40 warheads.

But official US estimates have been more generous, predicting the regime possessed as many as 60 nukes in July.

Alongside Israel, India and Pakistan, North Korea is not a signatory of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, after withdrawing in 2003.

For more infomation >> MAPPED: Which countries have nuclear weapons? Does North Korea have nukes? - Duration: 3:47.


Buttons & Rusty: Which Witch is Which? - Duration: 24:16.

JONESY: My mountains are especially beautiful

this time of the year.

When Mother Nature paints the leaves--

purple, red, and gold.

Being this as the last day of October

tonight is Halloween.

I guess I know

where millions of you little witches and goblins

are going to be going after sundown.

( dog barks )

GIRL: Rocky, pick it up!

Come on, boy!

Christy, Chuckie!

You know the camp rules--

keep that animal on a leash!

Yes, Mrs. Sporne.

( growling )

Sheesh, what a grouch.

I hate to run into her on a dark night.

That's a nice Halloween costume, Mrs. Sporne.

You really liked it?


Especially that funny fake nose.

That's not a fake--

( grunts )

Now get that mutt out of there!


That was a dumb thing to say, Chuckie.

How was I suppose to know?

Okay, go get your frisbee.

( barks )

CHUCKIE: Go get it boy!

She won't bite ya.


Yes, ma'am.

Throw that stupid dog his stupid frisbee.

Okay, fella.

Run out for a long one.

That looks like a fun game, Rusty.

( chuckles ): You're kidding, Buttons.

That's easier than falling off a log.

CHUCKIE: Hey! You threw it too far.

- CHRISTY: Wow! A fox! - CHUCKIE: And a bear!

And the fox caught a frisbee.

Sic him, Rocky!

Go get him!

( Rocky barks )

Rusty, don't just sit there--

we got to get out of here!

( coughs )

That's a rough game.

Yeah. It's gonna get rougher

If that dog catches up with you.



Come back here!

Drop that frisbee.

SPORNE: Sam, stop those kids!

Christy! Chuckie!

Come back!

Those animals are wild!

Breaker, Breaker, Ranger Jones!

This is Mable Sporne reporting from the Trailer Park.

Do you copy?

10-4, Mable.

Is it about the Halloween party?

Two little kids and a dog just ran into the woods

after a wolf and a grizzly bear.

Wait a minute.

There hasn't been a wolf and a grizzly

in these parks in fifty years.

You're gonna believe history or what I saw?

Calm down, Mable.

Do these animals attack the children?

- No. - Did the dog attack the animals?

Well, after the wolf ran off with the frisbee.

( chuckles ): The frisbee?

This is no laughing matter, Ranger.

Now, call out the National Guard

turn loose your bloodhounds

and do whatever is you do

when folks get lost in the woods.

Do you read me? Over.

Yes, ma'am. I'll take care of it.

Over and out.

You know and I know

that the animals in my forest

wouldn't harm a fly.

But Mrs. Sporne

she doesn't really understand such things.

The animals are more afraid of people

than people are them.

( laughs ): Especially my little pals

Buttons and Rusty.

Well, if it isn't the Big Bad Wolf

or the ferocious grizzly

and the missing frisbee.

Okay, Rusty hand it over.

- Ranger Jones. - Are we glad to see you.

There's this dog and some kids--

WHOA! That's enough.

First of all

Didn't I tell you to stay away from the Trailer Park?

Well, yes sir.

Remember why?

The animals are different from forest animals?


And the humans they want us to move away.

I'm afraid so, Rusty.


This is out home.

If humans don't like us

why don't they stay in the city?

I guess they're too many people down there.

Ask me

they are too many people up here!

( laughs ): Yeah. But after all

they own all of this country.

Own it?

I thought the forest belonged to everybody.

How can I explain to these little guys

if I don't understand it myself.

Calling Happy Days Trailer Park.

Mable, you got your ears on?

SPRONE: Roger Ranger.

Any luck?

JONESY: I've got two little tykes and a frisbee.

Good. Wait--


I hear them.

Thanks anyway, Ranger. Over and out.

SAM: Mrs. Sporne?

We're back.

Thanks to Ranger Jones.

Ranger Jones?

You kids better get ready for trick-or-treating.

Yes, ma'am!

SPORNE: Remember

The Ranger's party starts at 7:30.


WOMAN ( laughs ): That's the scariest I ever saw, Lenny.

LENNY: At least it's different

it's more than safer than yours.

This is one time

when being short is gonna pay off.

I can't wait till 7:30 rolls around

and everyone goes to the Ranger's Party.

Except for two little trick-or-treaters

who missed the party.

( laughing )

BRIDGETTE: Rosie, dinner's almost ready.

ROSIE: Good.

Now, where are those children?

George, can you go outside and get Buttons and Rusty?


Oh, no!

Psst! Abner, wake up!


Rusty and Buttons

they haven't come back yet!


Let's go, George.

Now, Abner, don't you go anywhere.

I am about to serve dinner.

We were just going outside to--

--to get the kids.

Be right back, girls.

Those kids promised to be home in a half hour.


That was about three hours ago.

- Slow down! - Just a little farther, Abner.

- ( laughing ) - That's neat, Jonesy.

Jonesy, when does the party start?

After the kids are through Trick-or-Treating.

What's trick-or-treating?

In this part of the world; every Halloween

children dress up like witches, ghosts, and monsters.

They go from house to house yelling "Trick or Treat!"

And people give them treats like candy and stuff.

( sniffs ): Wow!

Does everybody give them stuff?

JONESY ( chuckles ): Yep.

Bags full.

Sounds like a lot of belly aches.


That's why I'm throwing the party

to prevent belly aches.

RUSTY: Wait a minute!

They eat bags full of goodies

and they come here to eat more stuff?

That's what I really call chowing down.

My tummy hurts just thinking about it.

I know it sounds crazy.

I give a prize to the kids

to the most trick-or-treat stuff to the party.

That way, the parents check out the treats

to make sure they are safe to eat.

I suppose this party is just for human types.

Afraid so, Buttons.

Which reminds me. Should you guys be heading home?

Yeah. Guess so.

Okay. Bye, Jonesy.

BUTTONS: Happy Halloween!

( laughs )

ABNER: What do you see, George?

I don't know. They sure ain't human.

Oh, b-b-b-b-but where are they?



- HELP! - RUN! - MOM!




( frightened ): HELP! WILD ANIMALS!!!


LENNY: It's a real bear!




I told him that was a scary costume.


What's all the shouting about?

You know how crazy kids get on Halloween.

Hey! No running out there!

Sam, stop those children!


( screaming at once )


( laughs )

You know how crazy kids get on Halloween.

Look out, Sam!

Here come more wild animals!




Ain't that kids too big for trick-or-treating?


GEORGE: Forget, Lulu

where the heck is Rusty!?



( gibberish ): WHOA!!!

What was that?

ABNER: Buttons!

Ow! My head.

Well, young man

what do you have to say for yourself?




JONESY: Well, It's 7:30.

Folks have to be arriving any minute.

I suppose you're wondering

why I didn't ask Buttons and Rusty

to stay for my party.

Even they become to be like family to me

I don't care mix a bunch of little kids with wild animals.

You know, the more I think of it

the matter I get.


Who needs this old party anyway?

Hey, I got it.

- Hey! - Sorry.

I got realized

there's nothing that says we go trick-or-treating.


Then we can have our own party!


Who needs people?

Come on!

Hello! Anybody?

Rusty, how do you trick-or-treat somebody?

RUSTY: Watch.

Hey, wake up up there!


Let's go.

He sounds awful mad.

Relax, would ya.

I'll handle this.


What's that suppose to mean?

It means you have to give us a treat.

Oh, yeah!?

And if I don't--

( laughs ): That's where the trick comes in.

What trick?

We don't do tricks.

We'll think of something.

( sinister chuckle ): Be right back!

( laughs ): This ought to be good for a couple of nuts.

- OW! - YEOW!


A couple of nuts you said?

So he was generous.

Why don't we go to the Trailer Park

and watch how the human kids do it.

Good thinking, Buttons!

Here we are gang.

( children cheering )

Anybody for hot dogs?


Hey! Wait till I cook them!

See why I couldnl't mix Buttons and Rusty

with that wild bunch?

Those cubs wouldn't stand a chance.

Save some food for the rest of us!

I'll call you on the C.B. when we are ready to come home.

Yes, ma'am.

Have fun, ladies!


BRIDGETTE: Serves you right you big clutz.

( grunts )

GEORGE ( chuckles ): You really put your foot

in it this time pal.

How can you sit there laughing

and stuffing your face when your children are missing?

Missing, Rosie?

Those kids know their way home.

I wouldn't worry about them.

How do you explain this bucket, Abner?

Don't tell me you went to the Trailer Park.

Okay, I won't.

Abner, get Ranger Jones.

Maybe he can help.

On a sore paw?

Oh. Did it hurt when I pulled the bucket off?

It sure did.


Imagine how it's gonna feel

when I pulled it off your thick head!

You know, that paw is feeling a lot better.

Come on, George.

LENNY: Where's the stupid light switch?

What a set-up.

We got the whole trailer park to ourselves.

( laughs ): We'll be back in town selling this stuff

when we get home!

LULU: Wow!

Here's one thing we won't be selling, Lenny?

LENNY: Holy cow!

This coat must be worth a fortune.

- Take it off! - You can have everything else.

This coat is M-Y-N MI-NE!

There's that grouchy lady in the funny hat.


I don't see any kids around.


I got to take a look at those squeaky brakes.

Isn't that the man who threw the frisbee at ya?

Where did I leave the doggone lug wrench?

Must have left it in the shed.

He left the keys in the van.

What a break! Let's go!

Did I see what I think I saw?

Look like a bear and a fox in a funny hat.

We ought to warn 'em!

It is a fox and a bear!

Look at all the trick-or-treat stuff she gave 'em!

- Wow! - Let's ask them how they did it.

Okay, sweetie!

Let's burn rubber.

( laughs ): Buckle up, babe!

LULU: Come on, move it!

What's the matter with this piece of junk?

LULU: Don't just sit there.

Get out there and fix it!

No wonder.

Probably some Halloween prank.



Reach in the motorhome?


Those were kids dressed up like animals.

How do I look?

Just like the kid who's wearing it.

How's this look?

( cackles like a witch )

Like your Dad, when he's mad.

I got an idea

If kids like us to go trick or treating

we can just wear nothing and--

And we're think we're two kids in costumes.


Uh-oh. Somebody's coming.

In there.

Uh-oh. Rusty, I think this thing is moving.

Thank goodness, Halloween comes once a year.


You in the van!



Maybe a flood in the engine.

The battery's dead.

Come on, let's steal somebody else's rig?

That van.

It's running away!

Hurry, Lulu!

There's our getaway car!

Run, Lenny! Run!

Now what do we do?

The minute they stop this thing

we run for it!

All right!

Pedals to the metal, Lenny.


Next stop, New York City!

New York City!?

SAM ( on C.B. ): Breaker! Breaker! Ranger Jones!

Ranger Jones, here.

That you, Sam?

A couple of kids stole my van!

They're heading your way!

I thought all the kids we're here at the party.

All I know is, them two little brats

the bear and fox suits rode off in the van.

A bear and a fox?

No, they would.

Then again--

Okay, Sam. I'll get right on it.

Hey, Mable!

Carry on without me for a while.

I got official business to take care of.

♪ Can't tell

♪ The goodie from the bad

- ♪ Which witch - ♪ Which I could tell

- ♪ is which? - ♪ That lies the magic spell

♪ I know once a devil

♪ and is what on the level that's a saint

♪ Which one is and which one ain't?

♪ Can't tell

♪ The batty from the good

- ♪ Which witch - ♪ I am so impressed

- ♪ is which? - ♪ Which witch that has the legs?

♪ They come dressed alike that has to shoo

♪ so I haven't got a clue

♪ Which is witch and who is who?

♪ They both have the customary broomstick

♪ How can I pick and be sure I'm right?

♪ With the same laugh and cackles

♪ it will sure raise your hackles

♪ when they scream in the middle of the night

♪ With a fright.

♪ It's weird

♪ and it's so mysterious

- ♪ Which witch - ♪ I am not amused

- ♪ is which? - ♪ I am so confused

♪ I don't know the bad witch from the good witch

♪ Why doesn't someone tell me

♪ Why doesn't someone tell me

♪ Which witch is which?

Those crazy cubs are gonna get themselves killed.





boy you scared me!

What's happened to Buttons and Rusty?

Where are they?

We've been looking everywhere!

This fella called me on the C.B.

He saw two kids who looked like a bear and fox

stealing his truck!

Those kids weren't trick or treating

they we're stealing!

Holy cow!

Holding on that silver got dented.

Check on it, Lulu.

This teapot seems okay.

Uh-oh. Trouble ahead.

Looks like the cops!

Lulu, give me the head for this costume!

What did you do with it?

Look in the back!

Here it is.

JONESY: Yep. That's the van all right.

I'll let them pass, then follow 'em.

LENNY: Smile and wave, babe!

Maybe they're on their way to the Rangers Party.

Just smile and wave, guys.

I wanted to think we're three guys in Halloween costumes.

Hi! Goodbye!

Hi! Goodbye!

Lenny, I think those are real animals in that jeep.

That was them!

It can't be!

It better not be!

That sounded like, Jonesy!

Isn't that his jeep?


- What the hey!? - Two little kids?

How come you ain't at the Halloween party?


we weren't invited you see--

( siren blaring )

LULU: It's the law!

Step on it!

There's a side road up ahead.

GEORGE: They're headed for your place, Jonesy!



What's all the racket?

Oh my gosh!



( crash )



I hope nobody was--



SPORNE: Ranger, grab those kids!

They stole my van!

Let's get out of here!

There must be some mistake.

Are kids wouldn't steal.

I know that.

I also know who did.

- ( Lenny groans ) - I'll straighten everything out.

with one quick turn!

Mr. Spat!

What's the meaning of this?

I was saying I lost my head.

LULU: Shut up, Lenny!

They ain't got nothing on us.

SPORNE: Except my best fur coat.

( laughs )

Come on, Abner.

We don't want the kids to get home

before we do!

Thanks, Jonesy.

So long, George! Bye, Abner!

Ranger, you're not gonna walk them to the forest alone?

They'll be all right.

Until they get home.

I sure had have enough Halloween for this year.

Me too.

( grunts ): Whoa!

Now, what?


One last chance to play Trick-or-Treat

on that ol' gopher.

I wouldn't do that If I were you.


What are you!?

A wise guy!?

Sorry, wrong cave!

Come back!

I'll give you trick-or-treat.

That isn't a gopher.

It's a skunk!

I tried to warn you.

GEORGE: What the matter kids?

That mean ol' gopher bother you?

Not exactly.

Come on, Abner.

He can't get away with that.

We wouldn't do that If we were you.



Yeah, you little stinker!

SKUNK ( laughs ): That's me all right!

OH NO!!!

BRIDGETTE: So there you are!

Where are you fathers!?

Well, it's a long story.

Did you ever hear something called Halloween?

Or trick or treat?

BRIDGETTE: Now don't start telling us

another one of your wild stories.

( Buttons and Rusty laugh )

- BUTTONS: Okay. - WITH RUSTY: We won't!

[Captioned by The Caption Center WGBH Educational Foundation]

For more infomation >> Buttons & Rusty: Which Witch is Which? - Duration: 24:16.


5 hidden games which are already there on your smartphone. - Duration: 3:24.

Hi there this is Vaishnav back with another video in this video i'm going to tell you about some

Hidden apps on your device, which you do not know about so without any further ado, let's get started

The first game is there on the Chrome browser

So for this we need to open the Chrome browser and this game is offline so we will need to switch off our data connection

after that

just search for

anything and

You will see a dinosaur on the screen just tap on it and the game will begin

It is a fun game to pass time when you're getting bored and do not have anything to do so

The next game I am going to tell you about is online, so we need to switch ON our data connection

I have already done that and after that just go to google and type in


Then click on tap to play and

Pac-man will start and you can play it over here

The next games on the facebook Messenger app so for this you need to open the facebook Messenger app and

then open any chat and then you need to send an

emoji of a football

After this when you tap on the emoji


You can play this game in this game

You need to tap on the football and keep the ball as high you can in this game

These are there are high scores too, and you can enjoy playing it in groups

The next one is also on messenger so I'll open messenger and this time you need to send a basketball emoji

When you click on the basketball icon

Then a game begins in which we need to put the ball into the basket as many times as we can

So in this game also there are high scores and you can play it along with your friends

The last game is only on the devices which have Google assistant, so if you have Google assistant then turn on your Google assistant and


Speak to it that you want to play a game


then Google gives you a list of games from which you can play anyone and

These are really cool games, so I will be showing you

By playing the snake game

So it is a really fun game to play and pass time when you are getting bored

So that's it for this video these were some of the fun Hidden games on your device

For more infomation >> 5 hidden games which are already there on your smartphone. - Duration: 3:24.


Kylie Jenner Vs. Ariel Winter: Which Sexy Starlet Does Halloween Best? - Duration: 3:07.

Kylie Jenner Vs. Ariel Winter: Which Sexy Starlet Does Halloween Best?

Halloween month is here, which means it wont be long before we start seeing our fave girls, Ariel Winter and Kylie Jenner, SLAYING in their costumes. But whos ruled Halloween better in the past? See the pics and vote here!.

Just like her big sister, Kim Kardashian, 36, Kylie Jenner, 20, has mastered the art of Halloween! The reality star knows how to rock both scary and sexy costumes, and shes given us quite a few iconic looks on the holiday in years past.

For instance, last year, she epically dressed up as Christina Aguilera in the Dirrrty music video. Xtina loved the look SO much, that she invited Kylie to recreate it again at her birthday party later that year.

Of course, being Kylie Jenner, the 20-year-old had various Halloween bashes to attend, so she often wears more than one costume a year. In 2016, she also dressed up as a skeleton with her then-boyfriend, Tyga, and her face makeup was ON POINT!.

As for Ariel Winter, 19, she rocked FOUR costumes last year. In one look, she wore a teeny, tiny, strapless romper with a scarlet letter A on her left breast.

The ensemble allowed her to put her cleavage and long legs on full display, and she rocked it super confidently. For a second look, she dressed as the most perfect Playboy bunny.

She was also a zombie nurse and the sexiest Greek goddess ever, wearing a tiny white skirt and matching white and gold crop top to complete the costume.

This year, Kylie is reportedly pregnant, so it will be interesting to see if and how she dresses up — especially because she hasnt even announced the baby news herself yet! Meanwhile, Ariel still loves showing skin, so its likely shell come out with some super sexy looks once again this time around.

Who do you think does Halloween better? Vote here:.

For more infomation >> Kylie Jenner Vs. Ariel Winter: Which Sexy Starlet Does Halloween Best? - Duration: 3:07.


Switch Is Which? - Duration: 22:10.

For more infomation >> Switch Is Which? - Duration: 22:10.


Which do you think is the riskier investment? | #WeNeedToTalkAboutMoney 022 - Duration: 0:46.

So in today's video tell me which of these investments is the riskiest. Is it

A or is it B. Up the side here is the the price of the investment and this is

the time you're in it. If you think it's investment A you'd be wrong in fact

investment B is the riskiest and the reason is because no matter when you

invest in this investment you would lose money as it's a downward slope. Risk

is a measure of your probability of losing money. This investment here is

volatile, it's a very different thing to risk, there is a relationship but the point is

if you get into this investment you can make money or lose money over time and

increases your chances of that happening. The riskiest investment is the one

where you're going to have the greatest chance of losing money.

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