Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily what Oct 13 2017

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For more infomation >> What is SnackNation? | Healthy Snack Delivery for the Best Office Culture - Duration: 1:28.


What Does Freedom Mean To You? - Part 15 - Duration: 0:41.


To me, freedom is the opportunity to do

well; it's the opportunity to be prosperous.

It's the opportunity for government to get

out of the way, so that we can allow each

other to grow.

Freedom is the possibility to do well; to

invest in one another not only in our

community, but to allow ourselves to

become better entrepreneurs, about

becoming better residents.

And overall, freedom is just the

opportunity to do well.

You know, I think I am free to choose.

I would like to see more freedom in our

country though.

I think right now we're moving towards

more of a liberty-minded free market approach.

And I think that needs to be the national standard.

For more infomation >> What Does Freedom Mean To You? - Part 15 - Duration: 0:41.


What Seasonal Jobs Are Out There? And Who's Doing Them? - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> What Seasonal Jobs Are Out There? And Who's Doing Them? - Duration: 2:29.


Look What Happened To North Dakota Farmer 24 Hrs After Mowing Anti Protests Message Into Field - Duration: 20:38.

Look What Happened To North Dakota Farmer 24 Hrs After Mowing Anti-Protests Message

Into Field

The national anthem protest has become quite a controversial issue.

Nobody seems to be exempt from taking a stand on the matter.

No pun intended.

Whether they are left or right everybody is on different sides.

Politicians, public servants, celebrities, veterans, everyday people, everyone is voicing

their opinion.

While some praise it as a form of peaceful protest against systemic racism in society,

others are calling it a disgrace to the national anthem, to our veterans, and to our country.

One person, in particular, is taking a stand and voicing his opinion publically.

He is a farmer from North Dakota who expressed his support by etching it into his farming


The President even gave him a little bit of attention on social media for showing support

for the national anthem and the President.

In the field, the rows read, "We stand for the national anthem."

The farmer's name is Gene Hanson and he is from Edgeley, North Dakota.

He cut the message into a harvested field in retaliation for the NFL protests that are

taking place.

When speaking with Fox News he described why he disagrees with NFL protestors kneeling

during the anthem.

He said,

"I didn't think it was anything about black, white or brown, or Democrat.

It was about honoring our flag and our country.

There's a lot of people that died for it."

Minnesota CBS reported,

"In a Facebook post, Trump called Hanson a "great American…who is standing up for

our flag, our anthem and our country!

Hanson has previously made crop messages in support of Trump.

Others read "Drain The Swamp," "Vote Trump, Never Hillary," and "GOP Get Your

Act Together."

He also gained internet attention after making a tribute to Prince following the musician's

2016 overdose death.

WDAY TV reports that Hanson's most recent political message is about two football fields

wide and took about two hours to create.

The farmer told Fox and Friends that he creates the messages with his tractor and mows the

letters by counting rows in the field.

He then goes-up on his plane to take photos.

He says an initial version of his anti-protest message contained a typo, so he had to start


Gene is known for doing this on more than one occasion.

In the past he has etched phrases such as "Drain the Swamp," "Blue Lives Matter,"

"GOP, get your act together" and "Vote Trump" into the field.

While everyone has the right to express their opinions how they choose nobody can deny this

is certainly an interesting way to do it.

One in which gives him widespread recognition while also getting his point across.

Fox News reported the following on the story adding that,

"Hanson told Fox News he got his "We Stand for the National Anthem" message right on

the second try.

During the first attempt, he was interrupted by a passerby with only two letters to go.

He soon relocated to another section of the field.

Hanson said he initially wanted to add an addendum — "We kneel at the cross" — but

the plan was foiled by the first frost of the season.

Hanson said, weather permitting, he plans to add that phrase soon.

Hanson and his wife, Darlene, are Lutherans and attend church regularly.

He also describes himself as a Republican and Trump supporter, and he had the chance

to get a picture of the president when Trump came to North Dakota for a tax reform speech

in September.

"I was 20 feet away from him," Hanson said.

"It was a good meeting and the president stayed on script."

Hanson said he believes Trump is trying to do well but faces a "continuous battle"

in Washington, D.C.

And Hanson said he's doing all he can to send his support from his Edgeley farm."

People like Gene are an example of the silent majority.

The working class Americans that love President Trump for what he stands for, and who have

now been enlightened now that he has taken office.

They are no longer remaining in the shadows and they are being vocal about their beliefs

and are not afraid anymore to show them.

They should be proud for taking a stand.

These NFL protestors have a right to kneel even if it is a disrespectful thing to do.

Well, Gene has his rights, and he is using them judiciously and his point is clear.

America is great, and it is great because of the selfless men and women who sacrifice

their lives for this country and they deserve to be respected by Americans standing for

the national anthem and the American flag.

Clearly, some people just don't get that.

But the war of the media narrative on this issue has definitely been won by President

Trump and Gene's actions prove just that.

Share if you


with Gene!

For more infomation >> Look What Happened To North Dakota Farmer 24 Hrs After Mowing Anti Protests Message Into Field - Duration: 20:38.


WHAT A GOAL #1 - FIFA 18 - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> WHAT A GOAL #1 - FIFA 18 - Duration: 1:05.


What Writers Should Learn From Rocky - Duration: 9:02.

"Every day, I truly miss that character so much, I tell you, sometimes I could just

cry, because I'll never have a voice like that again, where I can just speak

whatever I feel in my heart. That's the one thing I'll always cherish about that

character, because if I say it, you won't believe it, but when Rocky said it, it was

the truth." Why is rocky so inspirational? Like

millions of other people, these movies and this character have inspired me for

years. The films are like adrenaline shots of motivation. It is my favorite

movie. And it's not just because Rocky has a lovable accent, or because he gives

great speeches. A different character saying the same lines might come off as

preachy, and we'd be like Marie: "Screw you creepo." But with Rocky, we lower our defenses. We trust him. And I

think the reason for that, the reason we root for him, is that maybe more than any

other fictional character I've ever seen, we see ourselves in him, while at the

same time, seeing who we wish we could be. I think one of the ways the original

film accomplished this was by taking its time to lock in our empathy for the

character. Here's a question: when should a story start? And I mean really start.

Not just what the first scene should be, but when should the events of the story

go into hyperspace. If you've read Blake Snyder's infamous guide to screenwriting

"Save The Cat," you'd probably answer definitively, page 12.

Snyder calls this moment "the catalyst." You can also call it, the inciting

incident. It's when something happens that launches the character into action.

We've had a glimpse of their normal life, and then BAM! something happens and they

have to answer the call. That book published in 2005, has had wide-reaching

influence in Hollywood, because it provided a page-by-page formula for

writing movies. Snyder argues that we should cut out "redundant details" that

"clog up" the story so that we can get the catalyst moment to page 12.

Well that is total nonsense. Here's the catalyst moment in Rocky. Jergins: "Would you be

interested in fighting Apollo Creed for the World Heavyweight Championship?" That

happens on page fifty-five in the script. For nearly a

full hour before this moment, the film is dedicated to one thing: making you care

about the characters. I've talked about how to create empathy for a character on

this channel before, but Rocky really demonstrates how making an empathetic

character isn't just about checking some box once and then moving on with the

plot. It's a constant process. In that first hour, we are repeatedly shown how

poor, alienated, and alone Rocky is. We see his run-down apartment, the fact that he

works as an enforcer in addition to being a boxer, that he regularly gets

stiffed by fight organizers for his winnings, and that he'd try to haggle a guy

for two bucks. We know how washed up and alienated he

feels because literally everyone he meets insults him. Someone calls him a bum

in the first scene. Adrian's boss is dismissive of him. Boss: "Starin' with the bad jokes early, huh?"

Gazo's driver calls him ugly. Mickey says he's washed up.

Micky: "You're a tomato." A younger boxer taunts him. The girl he walks home says "Screw you Creepo."

The only person who doesn't insult him is Adrian. To show how lonely he is, we

don't just see him sitting alone in his apartment. We see him talking to his pets

and to pictures of his family. We see him walking down cold and empty streets, sad

and alone, not just once, but four times. Save The Cat says this is redundant. I'd

call it effective. Especially when you're soundtrack is written by Bill Conti.

Now if you were to apply the formula laid out in Save The Cat to Rocky, you

might end up saying that this scene is the "midpoint" and that the "catalyst" is

when Rocky talks with Adrien in the pet shop, or when he finds out he lost

his locker. You can make that argument, but I think it only works retroactively.

Because I don't think anyone reads Save The Cat and then structures a movie like

Rocky. If you tried that, then you'd probably drop a lot of the meaty scenes

establishing Rocky's character. That scene where he walks a girl home? Well we

got to cut that right? She doesn't even show up later in the movie. So cut this

cut that. You'd get it down to maybe three quick scenes at the gym, at home and on

the docks, and then this guy would show up and make the offer. By bringing the

"catalyst" up to page 12, you've followed the formula -- congratulations! -- but in the

process, you've butchered one of the best stories ever told. Because that's the

thing with the rules of writing. Barbosa: "They're more what you call guidelines than actual rules."

So chuck out the idea that a script needs to hit certain beats on certain pages.

Studying the craft of writing is about building out your toolkit, to learn the

techniques that can help shape your story when it's not working,

instead of getting a paint-by-numbers formula that writes the story for you.

Some stories just need more room to breathe. Now having bad things happen to

a character is one thing, but what makes rocky unique is that he is miraculously

able to withstand the slings and arrows of life, and still remain a good person.

Yes he's working as a leg-breaker, but he still has a heart. He doesn't hurt this

guy even though it could get him into trouble with Gazo, and when he sees a

drunk guy out on the street, he carries him into the bar. This gives us a glimpse

at the man he could be if it weren't for rotten luck. This movie came out in 1976,

at a time when anti-heroes dominated the box office. I think the idea of a real

underdog hero, of an individual triumphing when everyone else told them

they were worthless, came like a revelation, seizing on a Zeitgeist

nobody knew was there until it happened. We see ourselves in him because he

struggles. But we see who we wish we could be because he doesn't let the

world run him down. There's one more thing to say here. Sylvester Stallone

wrote rocky when he became obsessed with the idea of a story about redemption,

about unfulfilled dreams, and of personal triumph, because that's what he was

dealing with at the time, being an unsuccessful actor after years of trying

and abysmal poverty. All of that adds a layer of authenticity to the film that's

impossible to replicate, but it reinforces for me why writing needs to

come from some kind of emotional truth. Chasing industry trends, or squeezing a

story into preordained boxes, will only guarantee that you'll make okay at best

films, not great ones. This movie has been so inspiring to me personally because I

cannot watch it on its own. I can't see it without seeing the struggle behind

the camera, or how he was so poor at the time he had to sell his dog for 50 bucks,

or how he turned down hundreds of thousands of dollars so that he could

star in the film. Rocky's story of determination and

sudden success after years of struggle is Stallone story too -- and when I look at

the film through that lens, it magnifies every emotion the movie makes me feel.

But the only reason I care so much about any of this, is because the film took the

time to make me.

I can't even comprehend that number! Thank you guys so much for watching and

subscribing. Making these videos is very rewarding, so I hope you guys enjoy them

as much as I enjoy making them. I post new videos about every other Friday and

here's why: if you're watching my stuff, you've probably got some sort of

creative goal that you want to reach, whether you're a writer or a filmmaker

or something else, and the weekend is most likely your best chance to make

some tangible progress towards that goal. So I want you to bounce off of my videos

on Fridays, and into the most productive 48 hours of your week. Let me know how it

goes in the comments below, and if you need a website or an online store to

reach your goals, then I highly recommend that you use Squarespace. Many thanks to

Squarespace for sponsoring this video. Squarespace, as you may know, offers an

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to get 10% off your first purchase. One more note. I was pretty hard on Save The

Cat here, but I'd also like to say that it's really just the notion of attaching

page numbers to specific beats that I'm reacting against. Not what the beats

actually are. The book is still a must read for anyone getting into

screenwriting, especially for the parts that it is least famous for. So it's

famous for the formula, and all the other stuff I find really insightful. His

observations on genre and how to create high concept premises for a story are

really interesting, so read it, just be skeptical of it at the same time. Thanks

again for watching and I'll see you in two weeks! :)

For more infomation >> What Writers Should Learn From Rocky - Duration: 9:02.


You & What's next in Hungry Gopher? - Duration: 3:19.

Hi guys,

It's Sun Chung from Hungry Gopher.

It's been 4 years since Mr. Lunch and I launched Hungry Gopher.

A lot of things have happened in the course of 4 years.

Hungry Gopher has over 2.5 million views on YouTube and over 26,000 subscribers

and the list is growing every day.

So, thank you for joining the movement of, "Eat Real, Be Real."

to empower yourself with real wholesome foods.

In the midst of growing Hungry Gopher, I achieved something

I had not known was possible.

Some of you might already know that I got off of the steroid medicine that I had

relied on for 30 years by simply changing my diet.

It's been 2 years since I became medicine free.

Also, I've lost 14 pounds in 12 months as a side effect.

Many of you asked about what I eat and what foods to avoid.

The principles are simple.

Eating real wholesome foods.

A good indication of that is that real foods have dirt on them.

But, navigating in the current, complex food system is a challenge.

Not to mention, finding a balance between your busy schedule and healthy eating.

My intention is to provide you practical health tips and easy recipes

so that you can implement what you learn here in your daily life.

I believe when you and I are well and healthy we can make smarter choices to make positive

progress in our society.

This way we'll create a society that nurtures us, not one that hinders us.

As an endeavor to deliver my promise, Hungry Gopher is going through

some restructuring and regrouping.

The current release schedule on YouTube might shift.

But don't worry.

We're not going anywhere, just drilling down on serving you up even more meaningful


If you're interested in regular updates from Hungry Gopher,

sign up with your email address to receive my bi-weekly newsletter.

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Also, the link is in the description box below this video.

For more information and tasty resources, visit Hungry

Thanks for watching.

Eat Real, Be Real.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> You & What's next in Hungry Gopher? - Duration: 3:19.


What to Do in 10-day-long Korean National Holiday? - Duration: 9:05.

Yeah, I'm back to my reality

I go to coin noraebang

I go to my part-time

I have dinner with Yongyeon

I film videos

so what should I do again here in Seoul?

You know there's a playlist called 'movies', which I made before

I'm in fact trying to put a video there right now

It's about an episode that I had in 21

and the video is gunna be wholly about that story

but that's taking a long time

and if I don't put any other videos in the mean time, it's too boring

That's how I'm vlogging today

I got a contact from Andrea last night

which was great because I was wondering what foreigners were doing in the holiday

but I'm not sure if I can speak English cuz I didn't use it for 10 days

We're going to THIS cafe right now

They utilized this old building to make a cafe

I'm new here, too

(His name is MARU)

When I got out of that cafe, it was like waking up from a dream

Like you're coming out from another world

You should go there if you visit Hyehwa

Byeol, Dal, Bam (meaning star, moon, night)

And this is not a present I got, but just something I bought actually

I finally got it today

It's fun to open this kinda stuff

and fun stuff gotta be shared!

I don't buy many shoes

I don't know much

I don't love them that much

and I'm not an expert, either

so this is not a review, but still...

when I look at many bloggers,

I noticed they often talk about things that purchased

This is Nike Airmax Invigo Black

and this is the one I've been wearing, New Blance 990

I bought this model as soon as it was released

I wore it for a long time, so I feel attached to these shoes

Wherever I go,

I traveled the world with it, and it was carrying me all the time

and it was quite a huge stress for this

and started to be torn

I didn't wanna give up on these cuz I loved it

but it's time to let them go

(The owner tried to take a picture)

Oh it's okay okay

cuz I'm used to it

Yeah, he even has a channel

I'll take a pretty picture

I'm not a good photographer but...

It's okay

I'll try to do pretty

For more infomation >> What to Do in 10-day-long Korean National Holiday? - Duration: 9:05.


It Only Took Melania 9 Months To Do What Furious Michelle Couldn't Get In EIGHT YEARS - Duration: 36:10.

It Only Took Melania 9 Months To Do What Furious Michelle Couldn't Get In EIGHT YEARS

America's pastime is supposed to be baseball, but ever since the Trump family rocketed into

the spotlight, the favorite pastime seems to be comparing Melania Trump and Michelle


Liberals seem a bit obsessed with our former First Lady and what her replacement is doing

to her legacy.

It seems that Michelle Obama's legacy was to leave her office as First Lady with a bloated

staff and school children across the country using her name as a curse word, thanks to

the disgusting school lunches.

We don't know exactly what Melania's legacy will be just yet, since she's only been

in office less than a year, but we do know she's off to a pretty good start.

The Americans who voted for President Trump seem to be even more enamored with his wife.

In fact, according to Daily Mail , one Houston Texas woman thinks so much of her that she

underwent $50,000 worth of surgery and a lot of pain to look just like her.

Claudia Sierra is 42, and extremely happy with the choices she's made:

"A woman who went through nine plastic surgeries and spent $50,000 to look just like Melania

Trump is proudly showing off her new appearance after weeks of recovery.

Claudia Sierra, 42, believes the First Lady is 'the most beautiful woman' and was

determined to become the former model's lookalike.

The divorced mother and cancer survivor, from Houston, Texas, underwent a breast augmentation,

a tummy tuck and a butt lift among other procedures.

'I definitely want to look like Melania Trump,' the interior designer told Inside

Edition before her drastic makeover.

'What is there not to like?

She's perfect to me.

This is the perfect woman.'

It took weeks for Claudia to recover from the extensive surgeries, but she seemed thrilled

as she revealed her new appearance in front of television cameras.

'I absolutely love my transformation,' she told the program, which is set to feature

her full makeover on Thursday's episode."

They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and if that's the case,

I'd say that Melania has found her biggest fan in Sierra.

However, her motivation is a heart wrenching story of pain and emotional distress that

caused her to want to alter her appearance.

Claudia previously revealed she suffered years of cruel taunts over her appearance before

deciding to go under the knife, and feels as though she's been 'reborn' since

having her surgeries done.

She suffered with a low self-esteem her entire life after being bullied about the size of

her nose, her hair and darker complexion from the age of seven.

'Since I was a young girl, I was made fun of for the color of my skin, nose, hair and

everything, I was different from everybody else,' she said.

'I remember as a child I would scotch tape the tip of my nose to my forehead because

I wanted a nose like all of the other girls.

'Despite my parents telling me I looked beautiful, I would get into the bathtub and

try to lighten my skin by scrubbing it with a loofah, because all the girls I knew had

lighter complexions.'

Even though there was absolutely nothing wrong with Sierra's before picture (above) there's

still something to be said for taking your life into your own hands and taking charge

of what you want your future (or mirror) to look like.

Sierra also reveled that she had suffered domestic abuse that left her with a badly

broken nose that she had repaired along with having her cheek bones pulled back, breast

augmentation, a tummy tuck, ab sculpt, Brazilian butt lift liposuction.

She also had hair extensions, blue eye contacts, her teeth fixed, a personal trainer, spray

tan, my nails done, facials to tighten her pores and laser surgery to remove scarring.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what's known as putting your money where your mouth is.

Not only did she commit to making a positive change, she decided to model her life after

someone that she looked up to.

No doubt it helps that everyone knows about our beautiful First Lady's amazing career

as a model.

Sierra said at her big reveal party at Saks 5th Ave in Houston last week that she feels

"beautiful" and she's ready to move on with her life.

She choose to emulate Melania Trump because as she puts it she is a "strong, powerful

and glamorous woman" who has also faced struggles.

'I wanted to have a polished structured look like Melania Trump, she is very glamorous

and I like that, I didn't want to appear as a frumpy, typical-soccer mom like before,'

she said.

'I feel like the First Lady and I are very alike too, everyone puts her down yet she

remains a powerful, strong woman and that's what I want people to see in me."

One thing is for certain, the current First Lady of the United States can certianly be

a role model not just in appearance but in strength of spirit.

That seems to be part of what Sierra was attracted to when looking to remake herself.

Now, ever time she looks in the mirror, she'll be reminded of another strong and beautiful

woman, who endues through the hardships and comes out as gracefully as she went in.

We might not all feel the need to go to the extreme measures that Sierra did, but we can

all learn a little bit from our FLOTUS and strong women everywhere that make a way through

the storms, by whatever means necessary.

[H/T: Daily Mail]

For more infomation >> It Only Took Melania 9 Months To Do What Furious Michelle Couldn't Get In EIGHT YEARS - Duration: 36:10.


What's up with the birdhouse? - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> What's up with the birdhouse? - Duration: 2:16.


What can you do? | daily sprout 378 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> What can you do? | daily sprout 378 - Duration: 0:56.


Taylor Swift "Look What You Made Me Do" PARODY | Cinderella Story - Duration: 3:42.

I just...

I can't do this anymore.

I'm not feeling it anymore.

What do you mean?

I can't do this.

What did I do?

What did I do? You didn't do anything.

It's not you. It's me.

Please don't...

I promise, you didn't...

Okay, listen.

There's someone else

♪♪ Listen, once upon a time

You left me home to cry

No prince for my own ball

Stay at home, yes, I don't need you

Saved! They came to my rescue

Dress, makeup and hairdo

Done, ready to go now

Going out, yes, I don't need you

Don't need a date, appreciate these girls I call my friends!

No such thing as love; this is always how my story ends

If you think you'll get me back, no, we will never make amends

I dressed up nice, but not for you, oh

Oh, my prom dress was so blue

My prom dress was so blue

My prom dress was so bright blue

My prom dress was so bright, oh

My prom dress was so blue

My prom dress was so bright blue

I thought I was over boys

But, then he caught my eye

He came and asked me to dance

Can't believe, he's asking me (What?!)

He spun me round and fast; I fell for my new hottie hottie

He fell for me, fell for me, he told me his name was Scotty

He showed me his sick moves, and I knew for sure

I thought I loved you, but I like him more

My heart beats faster, we get closer, this is so much fun!

The night is ending, but I don't want to ever be done

My friends come up and say it's over and it's time to go

They pulled me once, then they pulled me twice, oh!

Oh, and then I lost my shoe

And then I lost my shoe

And then I lost my right shoe

And then I lost my right, oh

And then I lost my shoe

And then I lost my right shoe

All my friends are leaving but I want to stay here

Don't you forget me; call me when you are free

All my friends are leaving but I want to stay here

Don't you forget me; call me when you are free

All my friends are leaving but I want to stay here

Don't you forget me; call me when you are free

All my friends are leaving but I want to stay here

Don't you forget me; call me when you are free

(Oh and then I lost my shoe)

I'm sorry; I can't come to the phone right now


Oh, her phone is dead

Oh, my Scotty has pulled through

My Scotty has pulled through

My Scotty has just pulled through

My Scotty has just pulled


My Scotty has pulled through

My Scotty has just pulled through

Oh, my fairy tale's come true

My fairy tale's come true

My fairy tale has come true

My fairy tale has come


My fairy tale's come true

My fairy tale has come true ♪♪

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift "Look What You Made Me Do" PARODY | Cinderella Story - Duration: 3:42.


What does linkage disequilibrium mean? - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> What does linkage disequilibrium mean? - Duration: 0:46.


Freedom is What America Looks Like | Stoplight - Duration: 2:57.

It was not what America was supposed to look like – but then, America made something happen

The previous administration talked a lot about faith.

But its actions were consistently antagonistic toward people of faith.

I mean, when you have the Obama administration in opposition to a group called…

What was that?

I'm sorry I didn't quite get that.


– When you have Barack Obama sending his highly-trained government attorneys into fierce

legal battle with – "The Little Sisters of the Poor" – it says way more than any

speech he ever gave.

"Thanks Obama."

That's the same president who put two Justices on the Supreme Court, both in favor of redefining


A ruling without even a hint of a constitutional reason.

That misguided decision is why Christians are still in court today fighting for their

businesses and their freedom.

But rather than losing hope, Americans voted for change.

In May, President Trump released an executive order on religious freedom.

You may remember, it did a lot of telling federal agencies to come up with stuff, but

did not have much actual content.

So little, in fact, that just about every anti-everything-we-stand-for organization

looked at it and said, "There's not a thing in here we can sue over."

It was positively brilliant in its – cotton-candy fluffiness.

That was Step 1.

But now, we're seeing Step 2.

The Justice Department just released guidelines on Religious Freedom.

25 pages worth.

It does quite a bit.

For example, it breathes new life into the often-ignored-by-the-federal-government "Religious

Freedom Restoration Act."

You may recall, the previous administration tried to tightly constrain religious freedom

tightly within the four walls of a church building.

"They must be free to worship"

This new guidance corrects that mean-spirited antagonism, and says religious freedom also

includes corporations, colleges and others that regular people like us would look at

and say, "Yep, they're Christian."

For example: If a Christian family runs a business on Christian principles for the glory

of God and says so in many words – what business does the government have telling

them they can't do that?

There's a lot more in there, but here's the main point:

The experts appear to agree that there is nothing new in here.

It simply reaffirms what's already in the law and in the the Constitution regarding

religious freedom.

Which is to say: Freedom is what America looks like.

For more infomation >> Freedom is What America Looks Like | Stoplight - Duration: 2:57.


WHAT WAS I THINKING??? || Taking Out Trash Flubflabski Inc. || SLACKATTACK BONUS REACTION VIDEO - Duration: 36:03.

Funny how time changes people

For more infomation >> WHAT WAS I THINKING??? || Taking Out Trash Flubflabski Inc. || SLACKATTACK BONUS REACTION VIDEO - Duration: 36:03.


What the hell is that noise?!: ASL Story - Duration: 7:04.

Lilo: Today we have a funny story to tell you

Lilo: The memory that was terrible Stacey: We're scarred from it

Stacey: So this happened last year in Nicaragua

Lilo: There was a beautiful lake!

Stacey: So beautiful! The best! Lilo: Honestly it's my favorite

Lilo: I want to go back! Stacey: Yeah

Stacey: The name of the lake is.....

Lilo: I think Lake Apoyo?

Stacey: This lake is so beautiful

Lilo: Here, the water is inside a big hole and it's natural water!

Lilo: It's not salt water! You can literally open your eyes in the water and it won't hurt

Stacey: Yes! This was the best water I have ever swam in my life!

Stacey: Whooo, it's champ! I recommend you to go Lilo: You know something?

Lilo: Why didn't we drink the water?

Stacey: I don't know Lilo: If the water is that fresh

Stacey: Why would I want to drink the water?

Lilo: Because it's fresh

Stacey: Yeah but what if someone peed in there?

Stacey: So we stayed there a few days. One morning we wanted to wake up to see the sunrise Lilo: We wanted to catch.... yeah that

Stacey: To see the sunrise. Right? Lilo: Yeah

Stacey: At 5am? Lilo: No, I think at 4:30am.

Stacey: So it was Lilo, me, a hearing girl we met and Jason from Nomadic Deaf

Stacey: So it was 4 of us who decided to wake up and see the sunrise

Stacey: It was still dark outside. Jason went ahead without us first Lilo: Yeah he left!

Stacey: Our hostel was on the top so we had to walk down to the lake Lilo: Yeah we walked down

Stacey: The three of us girls...

Lilo: But wait, Stacey went to change or get ready first

Lilo: I was the first to walk out

Lilo: There was a growl. Yes, really a growl

Lilo: It sounded like a jaguar

Lilo: I remember I researched and know that they have animals there

Lilo: I was at first confused

Lilo: It sounded like it was really close to me

Lilo: So I was trying to figure out where did it come from? In my mind I was thinking, shit shit shit

Lilo: What do I do? I went back in and said there is a big animal outside

Stacey: You asked a hearing girl Lilo: Yeah I asked her if that sounded like a jaguar outside

Lilo: She went outside and heard it. We both got scared

Lilo: We were walking back and forth

Stacey: I was getting ready and then when I went out, I saw that both of the girls were scared

Stacey: Then Jason was down at the lake so I was confused to see the girls there

Stacey: Lilo kept asking me, "Did you hear that? Did you hear that?"

Stacey: Then I said no I didn't hear anything. I am Deaf

Stacey: I did put on a hearing aid on because you told me to!

Lilo: She was mad

Stacey: Lilo kept telling me to go back in and get my hearing aids.

Stacey: Why?

Stacey: Lilo said please, just please. I want you to hear what I am hearing

Stacey: At that moment, my heart started pounding

Stacey: Because both Lilo and the hearing girl were serious

Stacey: So I went back in and got my hearing aids. Then I walked back outside

Stacey: I froze. It sounded awful! A roarrrrr

Stacey: a growl! Roar! Lilo: yeah... it was...

Stacey: Three of us walked down and it growled at us so we walked back

Stacey: We didn't know what to do

Stacey: The hearing girl thought the same thing, a jaguar or something

Stacey: She said yeah it sound like a big cat in the tree

Stacey: We saw the trees moving so we looked and thought, "Ok, peace out"

Stacey: We were trying to figure out what to do. I was worried about Jason still down at the lake

Stacey: I tried to wave my arms to get his attention using the light from our phones

Stacey: Jason just sat down, watching the lake

Stacey: Finally, he looked at us. We kept telling him to come back

Lilo: He wouldn't! Stacey: Yeah he wouldn't

Stacey: He just stayed back, chilling Lilo & Stacey: We were mad!

Stacey: He was just chilling saying what's up?

Stacey: He walked back slowly wondering what was up

Stacey: We kept yelling at him to hurry up! Come now!

Stacey: Jason was still confused, walking back slowly

Lilo: The worker came around Stacey: Finally Jason came up and I explained to him what's going on

Stacey: Finally the hearing girl went and asked the worker

Lilo: Yeah she was asking in Spanish

Lilo: Yeah so she asked the worker, "What was that noise?' and the worker responded oh yeah that's the monkeys

Lilo: She was surprised they're monkeys so she came back and told us what they were

Lilo: We were surprised that monkeys made those loud noises!

Lilo: My mouth dropped. I was shocked

Lilo: Honestly.. it sounded like what? It's not just the growl but perfect example is...

Lilo: you know that movie Jurassic Park? The dinosaur that moved its mouth

Stacey: What???

Lilo: I will show you a clip but it was making the click noise

Lilo: I can't explain it

Stacey: Anyway back to the point, it was the monkeys. For real, monkeys

Stacey: It was a family of monkeys Lilo: Yes! Cute babies!

Stacey: Yeah. those monkeys literally roared at us! It was loud!

Stacey: What type? Howler monkeys

Lilo: I will never forget

Stacey: Howlers! It make sense

Stacey: They are one of the top, loudest monkey. You can hear them from afar Lilo: The loudest

Stacey: It's one of the top, loudest in the world

Stacey: The roar that made all of us run around frantically while the worker just looked at us

Lilo: It was embarrassing

Lilo: But now looking back, it was funny

Stacey: So that's one of the story we wanted to share with you

Lilo: I am curious, have any of you experienced something scary like that? Come on and tell us below!

Stacey: Anything that is scary but really, its not?

Stacey: So next time you see a howler in Costa Rica or Nicaragua, you will see how loud they are

Stacey: So if you hear those noises, they might be just monkeys

Lilo & Stacey: Peace out

Lilo: Do I remember what?

Stacey: Do you remember what happened?

Lilo: Do I remember what happened? I think so

Lilo: Does it look uneven?

Stacey: yeah it look like it

Stacey: So where does this story happen?

Stacey: Last year in Costa Rica

Lilo: You don't have to say last year

Stacey: Last year in Costa Rica

Stacey: Yeah a hostel in Nicaragua

Stacey: Wait, in Nicaragua? YES! Lilo: Yes, Nicaragua!

For more infomation >> What the hell is that noise?!: ASL Story - Duration: 7:04.


What Are Vegans? | A Poem by David Calleja - Duration: 2:10.

What are vegans?

Crazy, radical, emotional, extreme.

I understand that this is what it can seem like

from the outside,

but you need to try and see it from our side

to truly understand what being vegan means.

Because we view the world differently, you see,

like waking up in a nightmare, it can be hard for me

to always be composed, not let my sadness show,

because what happens to the animals

you wouldn't wish on your enemy.

From castration to maceration, gassing to dehorning,

separating babies from their mothers

now they're mourning for the lives that are lost

at the ripe low cost of $2.50

for a god-damn cheese burger.

Because that's really what it comes down to,

lives sacrificed for you and a taste sensation

that could have been swapped for something new.

But you won't even try it.

God forbid I criticise your diet,

even when it is unnecessarily violent.

But I know what you're thinking,

"They're just chickens, pigs, and cows,"

and if the stats say something

you're probably eating one now.

But take a moment to consider

that animal's life and litter,

because it's the only one they'll ever have.

They're really not all that different from us,

at least when it comes to what matters,

like having a will to live, and room to run and scatter.

To be free from pain, have friends and play games.

To deny them such rights puts humanity to shame.

From tree huggers to log luggers,

athletes to doctors,

Mother Nature's on our side and nothing will stop her

from providing us with health,

sustainability and moral wealth,

there's no end to what being vegan can do for you.

So what are vegans?

By definition we wish to reduce harm

to cows and chickens and pigs on farms.

To minimise their suffering as much as possible,

even when society says that kindness isn't cool.

For more infomation >> What Are Vegans? | A Poem by David Calleja - Duration: 2:10.


Heading into the weekend - what's the weather looking like? - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Heading into the weekend - what's the weather looking like? - Duration: 3:53.


What is malware? | GoDaddy - Duration: 0:36.

Wondering what malware is the word is short for malicious software a piece of

code that computer hackers inject into websites to inflict damage or steal

information viruses adware spyware and ransomware are examples of malware

malware inflicts damage ranging from annoying to catastrophic

today most malware attacks are automated and motivated by money more than 40% of

them target small businesses the good news is there are affordable tools that

can clean infected sites and guard against malware around the clock

For more infomation >> What is malware? | GoDaddy - Duration: 0:36.


What's With Money? (얘네들 MONEY?!) - Full Episode 3 [Eng Subs] | Korean Drama - Duration: 13:59.

Shi Hwan! Hey!

Get up. Hey!


- Shi Hwan. - Run.

Get up. Hurry and leave.

Are you in your right mind?

You gamble and get into fights. Why do you mess with Samchun Gangs?

Did you do it because you want to die? You look like someone set on dying right now.

Why on earth are you doing this?

That's right. I want to die!

Stop lecturing, rascal.

You're just a poor orphan and you try to go against me, someone born with a gold spoon in his mouth?

You were showing off as if you're all that but your family went bankrupt. Good for you.

Geum Hye Ra.

Don't mess with her.

What's with you right now?

So annoying.

Don't butt into business between girls. I don't butt into business with guys.

How lame when you're a guy.

Are you okay?


You're worse.

I, Jin Shi Hwan, am first place at Chun Ha Financial High School!

I studied to death, but the result of it is to steal other peoples' money.

Survival of the fittest. 21st century is almost coming to an end,

The world hasn't changed a bit.

That's the world!

Kyung Tae.

Shi Hwan... why is he like this?

Shi Hwan's father seized Na Bo Ram father's company, house and everything.

That's why Bo Ram's household went broke and her father disappeared.

Secret behind the seed money

Chun Ha Financial High School

Counseling Room.

This rascal. You're doing this at this young age already.

Hey! If you have brains to sell the brick over online used goods shop, use that brain to study.

If you punish without any reason, it will only encourage animosity.

Even though it was improper,

you're a brave kid who succeeded in making electronic transaction with a college student.

You have talent.

You're a really smart kid.

That's a compliment, right?

Even though it's the same words, it sounds a lot better.

Sign this document here.

What is this?

It's an application to participate Finance Camp for sophmores (10th grade)

Please enter this and take some rest.

Please go here and learn about the Dutch who bought Manhattan for $24,

and learn about the snowball effect too.

There was something like that?


What? They sold New York Manhattan for $24?

$24 mean 26,400won.

That doesn't make any sense. For that great land? Who sold it?

You're smart indeed. Quick with calculating the exchange rate too.

It was the Native Americans. It was a sad thing.

The Native Americans were stupid to be deceived. If it were me, I would never sell it.

Do you think the Native American made such a decision just because they were deceived?

If you don't have power, even if you know, you will be taken advantage of.

If you don't go here, you'll end up like that too.

You will be able to win your opponent using tricks for now, but that won't happen when you go up.

If you don't want to live your life by being taken advantage of, make sure to enter this finance camp.

Applicant signature.

Excuse me.

Your parents will be happy.

Will the homeroom teacher attend too?


Yes. I'm in my second year(11th grade).

We don't choose high schoolers.

Will you make an employment contract?

Employment contract my butt. Hey! Hang up.

Yes, I'm a high school student.

Female high school student? Come for now.

What is it about?

You already know, so why are you asking? You said you wanted to earn money.

Ah, I'm not doing it!

What is he saying.

Na Bo Ram, automatic cell phone payment has been denied due to insufficient funds.

When did I use up this money?

I am bankrupt.

Why are you not going home and playing around here by yourself?

Your friends aren't hanging out with you?

Geum Sohn. I am bankrupt. All of my money is gone.

What did you do?

I don't know. If I knew, would I be like this right now.

Your friends aren't hanging out with you, so you're playing around like this?

Which app did you install?

To track your allowance.

From now, try to control your undisciplined spending.

You need to know where you spent the money to mange your allowance.

Choi Geum Sohn, you're quite something.

So this is how you do it.

You could manage by category too. Thank you.

You're hungry even in this situation?

I'm hungry.

But I'm still on a diet.

I see. Then I'm going to go eat spicy rice cakes.

I can't let my friend eat lone.

No eating alone. I will eat with you.

The saying goes, those who don't work shouldn't eat.


Finance share house


I have to hold these heavy things all by myself?

We are almost here. Cheer up.

It's so huge. This is the Financial Sharehouse?

This is the first time I'm seeing this!

Be quiet.

Here things like foreign exchange, data processing, insurance, stocks, forecasting, international economy and shared economy,

we learn them all and compete against each other.

It's awesome. It's totally cutting edge.

That's it, right? I can eat now, right?

Aren't you on a diet?

Diet? Starting from tomorrow.

I can't eat anymore.

But where did he go without eating?

Where did he go?

Wedding funds, Future, Business, Housing

What is all of this? It's so fascinating.

This abacus is totally big.

Who is this person?

They used to even make 500 won bills?

House, business, marriage?

We use online banking now but during our grandfather's time, they used paper passbook.

During those times, each passbook meant a different dream.

This is buy a house.

This is a seed money for a business.

And this was made to sent his son off to marry.

Right, I've seen my mom's bank pass books too. She has many.

Each bank account offers different interest rates.

Adults put their dreams in each bank account like this, and work hard living day by day.

The biggest secret is...


It's the seed money.

Oh, seed money.

According to Grandfather, he said it's difficult to save the first 1million won($1000).

From that seed money of 1million won ($1000), there are many ways to make it into 10 million won ($10,000).

But people think they can't gather that much and give up.

They won't even dream about the 10 million won($10,000).

Do you have your own seed money?

Didn't you just give up and accept your reality?

I would like you to have a dream.

I would like you to study finance well and make seed money to make that dream come true.

Money grows if you plant it. It reaps fruits.

It reaps interests or profits.

That's the secret of seed money. It literally is a seed.

What's your dream? How many bank accounts do you have? Nine?

My dream is finding my younger siblings and living together.

Younger siblings? Where are they?

I don't know.

Patient? Patient, open your eyes! Come to your senses, Patient!

Have you contacted his guardian?

It's a hit and run case. The traffic accident has been reported but no one is looking for him.

What's the closest hospital from here?

Dae Woong Hospital.

To Dae Woong Hospital, please.

It's an emergency.

Respiratory difficulties due to elevated heartbeat. From his blood oxygen level, stenosis suspected.

Credits Team

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