Hey there and welcome to another video from your band is a business. Today I'm
going to talk about the PRS, what they do how to join them and how to register
your songs and then how to register the performances of those songs so that you
can earn some money. Now everything in this video is not meant to advise you to
join PRS. I'm not saying you should or that it's a good idea or anything like
that and the reason I'm saying that is because it's when you register your
songs and things like that it starts to stray into legal advice and I don't want
to give any legal advice to you regarding your music career. Because I
could get into trouble or perhaps one day you'll sue me for loads of money
that I don't have or something like that. I'm kidding but look I just want to be
very clear I'm not advising you to do anything. Personally I have registered
with the PRS and I know musicians have. I also believe there are other agencies
that do similar work to PRS so I will explore that in the future but today's
video is to show you, if you choose to, if you choose to off your own back to join
the PRS this is how you do it. Now what the PRS does, the Performance Rights
Society they issue licenses to venues so that they can perform or have
performers at their venues or they can play music at their venue and then they
collect the money from those licenses and they then distribute it to the
people that have written the songs or the music publishers. So even if you are
an independent artist so you have not signed to a label you literally just
sat at home and wrote some songs and now they aren't even recorded yet but you
start performing them live then you can already start to earn you can already
start to get money for that. So in order to get this process started to go to PRS
for music dot com and this is the website that you'll arrive at and of course you
can read about what they do, royalties all of that kind of stuff. Once
you've done that and you're satisfied with that you click here at the top
'start here want to join' now there's a lot of scrolling down on this on the PRS
website so I'll be doing that a lot but make sure to read everything before you
make the decision to join the PRS. Now in this video I'm speaking to people,
these videos are aimed at people that are in a band or solo performers are
producers, songwriters that kind of stuff. So you need to join as a writer because
you are making original music and you want to register that and make money
from it. So click 'join as a writer' it will say, it will ask you is it for you?
And it says as a songwriter composer you can earn money when your music is used
and that means, that includes when you perform it yourself and you don't need
to be signed to a record label or publisher. But you do need to be
identified as the copyright owner of a musical work. Now I'm just going to
assume that you are the sole creator of a song so we're not discussing songs
that you've co-written with people that's another story which I'll go to
into in the future. But for now it's just about songs that you've written yourself
and you are performing yourself so again scroll down, as I said lots of scrolling
down. Click there 'When is it best to join' and then it says should
you join because it cost 100 pounds to join. That's a one-off fee, one time and
then it gives examples of how quickly you could earn that money back. So if it
plays on on BBC 1 on a primetime show then you'll, they'll pay you a fee that
is more than 100 pounds and you have earned everything back. If
you're not at that stage yet but you're just performing and open mic
nights and stuff like that then it will take you a couple of performances. So it
says here twelve small-scale venues that are registered in our gigs and club
scheme. So a local pub. So if you perform 12 gigs at a local pub then you'll have
earned that money back. And I think this example talks about a full gig so maybe
25 to half an hour gig. If you're just doing two or three songs at an open mic
night it's gonna take a little bit longer to earn that money back. But look
after that it's all it's you know it's just easy money if you're just if you're
out there performing then you might as well be claiming this money because that
money is is going is being collected by the PRS anyway and it's just sitting
there and if you perform then you are entitled to that money so might as well
do it. Sorry caveat again, look out I said you
might as well I'm not advising you to join the PRS specifically if you read
all the information and if you decide to do that then this is how you do it. So if
you do want to do that click join PRS as a writer and then it says that you need to
have a debit or credit card ready and some ID. Make sure to read these
documents as it tells you to. If there's anything you don't understand then
please look for help, please ask people because you should not be signing things
that you don't understand. And if that means that you need to find a lawyer to
help you with that, then do that because you don't want to do anything
that you'll regret later. So make sure you read all of that it's fairly
straightforward so don't be afraid of just reading that yourself read the
terms and conditions and if you're happy with those click 'accept' and then you'll
have to fill in your details. Now from what I remember
I don't think, when I first registered the website was different and it's been
updated but I think the process is still the same where they will then send you a
form or you have to print out a form and then fill that in and then send that in
the normal post. And then it will take a couple of weeks for them to get back to
you to confirm that you are registered with the PRS and then you will have,
you'll be provided login details so that you can log in to the website. Ok so I'm
logged into the PRS now and I scroll down there's a lot of scrolling down as
I said and here you can see two options register or amend works and report live
performances. Those are the two that we're focusing on out of these other
ones so register or amend works means you can register your song. So let's do
that. Let's go over here and then you see option register and you work amend an
existing work or view your previous work registrations. So let's
quickly look here you can see I recently registered two new songs passion is
aggression and adrenaline overdose. And you can look back in history at all the
other ones that you've done. And here I'm going to show you how to register a new
work. Now it's really easy you don't even need a recording all you need to do is
write down the title of the song. You can have an alternative title if you want
, you don't need to. Then you put in the time that it is so as a 4-minute song maybe.
Like I said you don't even need a recording so just play the song and see
roughly how long it is and it doesn't matter if it's if you're not accurate
and I'm just type in how long the song is and if you don't if you don't put in
a duration then it will default I believe to 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
Don't need to worry about any of these tick boxes just leave that alone and
then all you have to do is click 'Save' and then your
song is registered and that's really it.
Because we're not talking about anything more complicated than a song
you've written now if there's a situation where you are signed, you have
a publishing deal or a record label or you've co-written the song then things
get a bit more complicated and you need to you know you need to make sure that
the other person that wrote the song with you is properly credited or if the
publisher owned or the label owns rights to your songs that they have that
registered as well and that's all a bit more complicated and I won't go into
that in this video. I'm just going to obviously this is just for people that have
written their own songs and are performing them. So once you've
registered those songs, you'll receive an email that will say that that
that's been done correctly and then you can report those songs, and what you need
to do is click here 'Report Live Performances' scroll down again as usual.
Then you're in the the live performances section let's click on 'submitted'. You can
see previous gigs that I've done I still have to do a few more there's a few that
happened between the 30th of September the 10th of October. I make sure that
I'm always keeping the track of where I perform and which songs I do so that I
don't forget. So let's go back report a live performance, so let's do that let's
pretend that I performed well I did perform on Monday but I can't where just
now but I'll just make something up for now I won't save it. So you
choose the date, which country so it was UK, was it the festival no, where
was it. So here you type in the venue so say it was at Belushi's in Camden. So you just
type in the name of the venue and sometimes there's venues that obviously
exist in different places. Sorry, have the same name so Belushi's in
Camden there's only one, but maybe King William
See there's loads so make sure that you know the the exact address of the of the
venue so I'm just gonna click one I'm not gonna save it now. Then who performed
the setlist so put your band or your name. Which works did you perform well you can
either add an existing setlist if you constantly play the same set setlist at
different venues then you can just go here and these are previous setlist
that I maid but if not it will, I cancelled there if not it will just choose the
date and the venue and all that will be a unique set list. So let's pretend that
was the case and then you can add works. So click add works and that's which
songs I play so for example 'Look Back And Laugh'' there you go. Now make sure
that you choose the one that you wrote so here Cornelis Blokland that's
the one i wrote but some other people wrote songs called 'Look Back And
Laugh' this one and this one so don't click those because otherwise
you know that means you've covered somebody else's song but no it's
a song I did myself. Done and scroll down again and as you can see 'Look Back And
Laugh' has been added there and you can add as many songs as you want and once
you're satisfied that you've done that all correctly you
click 'Submit' or you can save for later. But I won't do that now because this is
I didn't perform at King William Four on Monday I performed somewhere else.
But that's it and you'll receive a notification
that it has been submitted it will be listed here under your submitted
performances and then you wait because the payments happen four times a year I
believe. And that will be a direct deposit into your bank account that you've that
you've submitted when you registered with the PRS. So that's it, that is all
there is to registering with the PRS and some registering your songs and
submitting live performances. And I'll say it again, I said it at the start of
the video this is not advice for you. I'm not advising you to join the PRS like I
said I believe there are other societies that do similar work so they
collect royalties on your behalf. I will investigate that and make another video
in the future if that is the case. I'm not advising you to do this. If you
want to do it though then this is how you do it.
Okay that's it for this video if you have any questions then leave them in
the comments I'll speak to you guys soon!
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