Central, possible structure response on Little Creek off of Soquel / San Jose.
[Fire Tones]
Medic 8, 3112. Code-3 Medical at 127 Ocean, there's multiple pages now.
127 Ocean, number 4 cross of Limos Avenue
Possibly a Medical for a disabled person yelling for someone to call 911.
Break, 3413, 3414, 3511, 3411, T3472, B3403, with CFD 6, and AMR SUP
Structure Response, possibly on Little Creek off of Soquel/San Jose. MPQ26D
One and only RP advising a house is on fire, at 23:25
Somebody is calling from 4000 Block of Yard Arm Court, looking across to the next ridge, and is advising now that things are exploding, she does see flames, believes it is a house on fire, and she does believe it is on Little Creek Road.
I copy all that, and we are going to keep this on Red, Red and Blue.
Red and Blue, 10-4 at 23:27.
Units responding to Little Creek and Soquel, utilize Red and Blue.
On Chardonnay?
Affirmative, I'm not sure if its related to what my RP is seeing, cause she's looking across the ridge and she thinks its Little Creek, however this caller is now calling from Chardonnay saying its a Vehicle Fire.
Matcom, Engine 4121 Responding.
Matcom 3403, I'm going to divert 3414 to Chardonnay, lets keep the rest of the units towards Little Creek unless you get further.
I may have a little bit farther. Break, 3414 for information if you could start heading to 3600 Chardonnay Road, cross of N Rodeo Gulch. I think we are getting more callers now.
I'm not sure if its a multi-vehicle fire, at this time. A vehicle fire.
Matcom, Battalion 3403, have 3413 continue to Little Creek. 3411, 3414 go to Chardonnay.
10-4, 3411 and 3414 you are to respond to 3600 Chardonnay, which is between...
Matcom, 3413 we're on scene on Little Creek, we have absolutely nothing. However, we do have a glow off into the distance which appears to be in the area of Chardonnay.
10-4, break 3403, Matcom you copy that?
I copy that. Break, re-route all units to Chardonnay.
All Units originally responding to Little Creek, redirect yourselves to 3600 Chardonnay Road, with a cross of 1700 Block of N Rodeo Gulch.
13 is on the scene of Little Creek with nothing, however sees a glow in the area of Chardonnay Road.
3472, 3403
3415 is responding Code-3 with a Water Tender to Chardonnay.
3415, confirm that was you?
Thats affirmative, red and blue.
3415 responding with a Water Tender. Break, 3411 Matcom?
Truck 3472, Matcom?
3472 is not responding.
Is that where 15 came in?
That's affirmative.
Thank you.
Matcom, 3511 copies traffic. (unreadable)
3511, 10-4. 3600 Chardonnay.
Thank you!
Matcom, Battalion 3403 if you could notify CALFIRE of the redirect and let me know what units are responding from CALFIRE.
3141, Matcom?
4121, Matcom?
Matcom, Engine 4121 copies traffic. Chardonnay.
Thank you.
Battalion 3403, Matcom?
Theres 3 cars on fire in the driveway, and now the fire is spreading to the garage of the house. We are trying to get the people to evacuate, not sure if they are doing so yet.
Copy that, 3 cars spreading to the house.
Thats correct.
Matcom 3403 can we add one more Duty Chief to this please?
Central Fire, Additional Duty Chief needed to respond to the scene of a vehicle fire possibly now spreading to residence. 3600 Chardonnay Road, cross of 1700 N Rodeo Gulch.
Utilize Red and Blue, at 23:33.
Matcom 3403 I'll be more specific, send me 3503 to the scene.
I copy.
And matcom 3403 add one more Water Tender too please.
An additional water tended, 10-4.
3503, Water Tender 3550 respond with Central Fire to a structure response.
3600 Chardonnay Road, cross of N Rodeo Gulch. MPQ26A
You can respond Code-3 with Central at 23:34
Matcom, show Water Tender 3550 Code-3 and engine 3512 unavailable.
3550 I copy Code-3 and 3512 not available.
Matcom engine 3415 we're on the scene with Water Tender 3450 we've got multiple vehicles on fire, fully involved spreading to the Wildland. Establishing Fire-Tac and Chardonnay Command.
Water Tender, 3450 drop your tank and set up for water shuttle and supply to fire engine. Next in unit you can draft and supply 3415. Initiating Fire Attack.
3415 I copy on the scene of fully involved vehicles, establishing Fire Attack and Chardonnay Command. Time now 23:37
Engine 3414 we copy we're on Chardonnay now. Coming up from N Rodeo. We'll set up for a draft with the water tender supply and 3415.
Watsonville Medical, 1955 Pajaro Ln.
Engine 4414 and Medic 4, Code-3 EMS to 1955 Pajaro Lane. Cross of Pajaro Circle. (continued call details)
Matcom 3403 on scene I'll assume Chardonnay Command.
Matcom Engine 3513, AP2.
3513, 10-4.
Matcom, Chardonnay Command, Yellow is terrible up here, keep it on Red.
Be advised, apparently somebody is still inside the residence.
I copy that.
Matcom 4414 is Code-3.
4414 at 23:39
Chardonnay command on Red, did you have traffic?
Affirm, information was already relayed.
If you guys ... lets.
Matcom 3414 we're on scene.
Units on scene at Chardonnay, go to blue. (x2)
Engine 3503, second page for an additional BC to the scene of 3600 Chardonnay Road, cross of 1700 N Rodeo Gulch MPQ26A for Chardonnay Command at 23:41
Matcom, Medic 100 is on scene.
3112 respond for Central Station 1 Coverage, 3112 respond to Central Station 1 for Coverage at 23:42
Matcom, 4414 is on scene.
Matcom, Engine 3112 movin' up. Confirm CF1?
Water Tender 3550: (unreadable)
Water Tender 3550 was that you?
Affirmative, can you confirm the tactical?
Copy, blue.
Matcom, 3503 is Code-3.
3503, 10-4 at 23:45 for Chardonnay Command.
Chardonnay Command, Matcom on Red?
Chardonnay Command go ahead?
Information: There's a BC coming from CALFIRE for the Wildland Area, do we need any more resources from CALFIRE?
At this point, resources are kinda pinned up in here, I'm going to hold tight. Lets send a BC.
BC 1708 is enroute to your location and 3503 is also enroute as of less than 1min ago.
Copy, thank you.
Engine 2610 move up to Central Station 3 for coverage. (x2) at 23:47.
Engine 3113 Matcom?
Engine 3113, Code-3
Copy, Code-3.
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