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Feel Sorry for you
I used to hike to these Mountains Around, was it looks like he's Having A bad day then let's not Make it Worse, okay
hey How about, We go Through the Waterfall this Time
Oh yeah!
That's Right, no one Beats me in A funny, face war knowed a mountain Stream Carries The Red-hot anger away
Stay Calm
Sorry, my sister built this New Kind of chair but it's a little Squeaky
go on
Okay, he Means, We have to vote on what to do, oh?
And i Say We Throw them on stir out of Avalor Thrown out I must agree With Us seven
There is no Talking to a monster like that, We must Take Action ooh?
That is Really Tough what Should We Throw out to Roca before Trying to Fix that Problem?
Let me go talk to him and find out what's Making him so angry then
Maybe I can get him only if you are escorted by the royal guard
it's a deal
Princess Elena You heard the princess let's go, oh not them Just you then. I won't be Alone?
Did You hear that Guys She just Needs me
Does this Look like a place Where a monster lives
Stay Here
So you think it's alright to just Come in my House and sit on me I'm sorry
Is that Supposed to be Some kind of Joke what no I was Just
Wish to thank you for rescuing my Granddaughter I Didn't need Rescuing your Appearance suggests Otherwise
First This Monster Attacked the Children
Feelings Are
Important But Rulers Must deal With facts and We know for A fact that the Monster is a danger to Everyone in the Kingdom I
Say, We vote To Remove him from Avalor Immediately sorry Elena?
Lieutenant Nunez Assemble the Royal Guard at Once Gentler
Look Elena They Called him, monster Rocks
That's why, he's so mad I have to go?
That's your right Wing
Come on Skylar Please, oh
No not the Sad Puppy-dog, eyes you know I could I have a pretty good idea why
Taraka so Angry I just need to Make Sure
You're not Going sure I'm well then I'm Coming With you you are
You and me Partners on A risky Dangerous Death-Defying Mission right now I wish you were A silent Partner to Juglans
Oh you call it a princess hi There
What's your Name Bala?
Those Are Pretty Rocks Bella and it doesn't Mean it's okay to take his things
you two
It's not what you think
Look that's Jasper I Didn't get the chance to Introduce Myself before I am Crown Princess Elena
You're The Crown Princess and You Brought Back my rug is a Monster
But Just because I made a rock doesn't Mean I don't have Feelings
If I could live in Peace
With all
So you're Not A Bad Guy after all you Just Have Serious anger Management Issues yes But I'm Working on that
You Know Breathing Exercises um Gardening he's not a Monster I thought you wanted to be my friend but you
Were Just setting me Up for a sneak Attack it's not True I'm Trying to help, oh he's getting angry
It's okay Guys it's gonna be okay, sorry
They Just Make Fine and Healthy Fight the Vote of the Council Elena and Now I must inform them of the Fiasco you've Created
Attacking Him Is what Caused all this de Lavaz Call Me and Us
okay, then let's save the village
That Should do it here it Comes
my House my friends in With the cool stay Calm stay cool
Feel Better Guys Know
cool the Lava Down
Including you
Come on Fuego Stopped erupting
We've Still got A problem it doesn't Matter I lost my cool and now They're all in danger Because of me?
I can't stop this lava if I stay cool
We stay cool You did You Really, did?
Aha There She is Princess Elena Disobeyed our boat and Took Matters Into her Own ah but Sometimes The heart Knows Best
Francisco She Has a Point Just Saying
I'll tell you what I will next Time I'll, do what the Council Decides
Princess Elena I thought my only Friends in the World, were my rocks but um looks like I was wrong
For a special Princess Rough on the Outside but beautiful on the Inside
Just like you
Island of Youth I
Did not know, We, were Having a meeting its Princess Matter
The Chancellor, Well That was close, well he's off to the library now so we're in the Clear and I have List of everything
We need i'm Going to Bake a stephens Favorite that is Lettuce Climbing to his Nests
So what's the Plan for the Music my guitar Is all tuned Up Can I play the Birthday Song with you of Course?
he's A bell
Thank you
Though he doesn't find out About the Surprise right of Course
We're Taking him Sailing
Good Idea it's Time I love Sailing
Just Make sure To it
I'm just getting older but I have Nothing to Show for it that's not True you've got Loads of New gray Hairs
Getting Old is no fun, oh first my grandparents then Shiriki Guess What Cousin I know
You're Taking a Sailing Today, ah see, what i mean and I found this Old Nautical map in my Grandfather's Stuff?
It must be Magical Look There's the Castle
Come on Come, on we're Walking
Why, do you!
Want to go to the island of samos it Is rumored to have a boost It'll be on the other Side of the World
Do you realize what this means Higgins When I drink from the Fountain of Youth I will be Young and Strong again?
Hmm what Is that A new hinge to me I Invented Today is your Birthday
We are all here for you?
So make a big wish
I thought this was supposed
Be a duet edward it's a performance Where Both People are heard I Can only Hear that
That Gets Hard ian I'm not at all but I like my way I have an Idea why
Don't you Both Play for the royal Staff and Let Them Decide Which one Should be Played at the party, ah
I do your logical moppy's Maybe not so magical after all him Wait I see Something over There
You two stay here While I scout the area to Make sure it Is safe but I will need This Thank you
it's a long way Down
Farewell Old man
I'D go Easy on the Water it is magical my fale you, worry too much worrying Is for all People
From this day on yeah
Stefan Come Back
Where did he Go
Feel weird
What happened to me why, Did I get Younger you drank too much Water seagulls?
It's getting Late and We have to leave this Island before the sun goes Down or will Vanish Along With it
We can't Take him Home Like this I'll go get it - no I will wait
What if he eats too much of the Flour like you drank too much Water We have to Catch him I?
Should Have Brought my running Shoes
your turn, okay
It Looks Like They prefer the new Way
What to do do you want to get out or not I
Am rain Now Where Is that magical Flower, hmm Let Me Check the map
it's over here right Through Those Trees
I'll eat as much as I want and you can't stop me Cousin the flower the tail Grab him
Get the Party, We are going to vanish if We don't get off the Island before the sunset
He's a baby now
It's alright
Everything's okay Now
So beep Tied in your bed the jack Winds are Honestly Way
Love you too
Aleena Sorry To Interrupt but Look
The Island is Disappearing, we need to go now I haven't done This Spell on Anything Bigger than a present and you
Saw how that went Floating Spell but if it doesn't Work you could get Hurt I just have to Concentrate that's all
Your Grandparents, did Say he was a Picky eater as a child
And where are my Buns Uh-huh it's a long Story but right now
We have to get Off This Island before We vanish the boat Is this Way Follow me?
That was Close This is True Personally as a Bond I like you better this age?
I thought you Forgot of Course, We Didn't forget
Elena Planned The Whole Thing
Anything for my Favorite cut, oh I
can't do it
Unless of Wellö Joins me what but I don't know how to play your way you?
Won't play it much I am Better off my Own age well a willow
Always Says That Every gray Hair Makes him that much Wiser, well if that's True?
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