Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily up Oct 8 2017

All good things have a sinister counterpart.

For every adorable kitten clip, YouTube also has a video composed of soul-withering trauma


Even worse, most of these are unintentionally creepy.

We've put the links to these videos in the description so you can experience all the

horror yourself.

Here are some of the creepiest videos on YouTube.


The brain-spawn of Osaka University researchers, baby Beelzebub here — officially known as

"Affetto" — has the stated purpose of helping scientists better understand human intelligence

through interactions with a "realistic" child robot.

According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers magazine Spectrum, Affetto's

uncanny humanity derives from its numerous facial expressions.

Take this one, for example: the common expression for "Bet you can't find the nanny."

The hope is that Affetto will elicit genuine human responses from caregivers, better training

them to deal with real children.

Sure, most of those responses will be curling into the fetal position, but at least the

caregivers will really mean it.

MLB the horror show

Just about every video game runs through some weird glitches during development, but usually

the problems are ironed out before the world ever gets to see them.

But for some reason, the developers of MLB The Show 17 decided to share some of their

programming hiccups with the world, one of which happened to be a horrifying head-morphing


Rather than getting people pumped about hitting home runs, they just gave the world a taste

of what happens when your starship's transporters screw up.



Lead programmer Patrick Hager had a more positive spin, framing the visual catastrophe as one

in a series of problems being fixed.

But how would revealing such a grotesque flaw encourage anyone to buy the game?

That's like trying to sell a sandwich by admitting you sneezed on it, or worse.

"I think of it like this: if you're going to eat a sandwich, you'd just enjoy it more

if you knew no one had f---ed it."

Fiery farewell

According to this video's description, a doll randomly appeared in the yard of YouTube user

Premium Aphid.

So what does he do?

He sets the faux baby ablaze — and that's where it gets creepy.

Seemingly sensing its own demise, the flaming doll starts reciting the classic bedtime prayer,

"Now I lay me down to sleep."

After offering its plastic soul to Jesus, the toy concludes its farewell by popping

its battery pack and melting into a puddle.

Also probably by haunting that guy for the rest of his life.

Revolting molting

Aesthetically speaking, spider crabs can go right to hell.

These spidery bastards boast a leg span of up to 15 feet and can live as long as a century.

According to The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the average crab takes 15

minutes to molt, but viewed in time lapse, it's an ungodly undertaking.

This video shows the beginning stages of the aquatic facehugger leaving its own dead self

behind, presumably to hunt down its favorite meal: children's tears.

And remember, people eat these.

Ask yourself: do you see food?

Happy meal

According to PBS, Ronald McDonald was invented by television host Willard Scott, who originally

made appearances at McDonald's locations as Bozo the clown before designing a unique clown

to make the hamburger franchise chain seem more child-friendly.

But in early commercials, the character feels a bit too child-friendly.

One clip in particular definitely smacks of sinister vibes.

Ronald meets a little boy and gives him free hamburgers.

The kid seems suspicious of this roller-skating, burger-distributing clown, but fortunately,

Ronald trained at the Stephen King school of clowning, so he knows exactly how to win

a kid's trust.

"Mom told me never to talk to strangers."

"I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers."

"I'm Ronald McDonald.

Gimme a McDonald shake."

[Horn honking]

"Well I'm Pennywise the dancing clown.

Now we aren't strangers, are we?"

At the end of the commercial, they frolic together in a McDonald's parking lot, just

a happy boy and a strange, grown man in a clown costume eating processed-meat sandwiches.

Ah, the '60s...

Female Figure

Art is always open to interpretation, but there's really only one interpretation for

Jordan Wolfson's art piece, "Female Figure": run away.

An animatronic sculpture made of wires and fever dreams, the artwork is halfway between

a seductive woman and a dirt-stained witch.

But the worst part?

She can Wolfson's own, deep voice, all while making eye contact with the viewer.

To put it bluntly, Female Figure has all the sex appeal of the demogorgon in a bear trap.

Which is partly the point.

Wolfson explained to the LA Times that Female figure doesn't aim to titillate, but to tell

a story.

Still, that's one story we don't want to hear late at night with the lights off.

Baby Secret

Dolls are basically imaginary buddies you can see and touch.

They're a lot of fun, if you're a little girl or the antichrist.

But there aren't many dolls that resonate with pure evil like Mattel's Baby Secret doll.

Sold during the 1960s, the doll's defining feature was its ability to whisper through

barely moving lips — without the aid of batteries.

"Is anyone else awake?"

Baby Secret offers up a treasure trove of terrifying statements, including "hold me

close and whisper" and "I like to whisper in the dark."

Come on, that's literally the set-up for a horror movie.

[Scary music]

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Creepy YouTube Videos That'll Keep You Up At Night - Duration: 5:17.


3-Alarm Warehouse Fire Lights Up San Bernardino Night Sky - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> 3-Alarm Warehouse Fire Lights Up San Bernardino Night Sky - Duration: 0:16.


D2ie E4ntf9ühr3ung (2013) [RE-UP M4ulti4sub] - Duration: 2:04:43.


Ah, I was in love,

so blissfully in love.

I knew nothing

of the pain love can bring.

<i>I will do whatever it takes.</i>

<i>The highest bliss and the deadliest despair shall take turns</i>

<i>and whirl me around like a dervish in their twists and turns.</i>

<i>You When I think of her standing naked before me,</i>

<i>in all her voluptuous beauty,</i>

<i>like a Persian king's bride, anointed with precious oils,</i>

<i>dripping on the carpets on her way to his chamber.</i>

<i>There are no words to describe you: I have to invent a new form of art.</i>

<i>I want to draw from all vials of emotion.</i>

<i>So pure, so ample, so sensuous, so moist.</i>

<i>You are mine!</i>

So this is where I am to find you,


my only joy.

Heaven, hear my plea.

Restore my peace of mind.

I have endured such sorrow

for the sake of love.

Now grant me joy instead,

and help me reach my goal.

When once you've found a sweetheart

who is faithful and is true,

then smother her with kisses,

make her every wish come true,

be her comfort, be her friend.

Tralallera, tralallera!

Excuse me, is this Pasha Selim's home?

But to keep her nice and faithful,

put her under lock and key.

For those flighty creatures grab

at every passing butterfly and gladly sip

at other people's wine.

Tralallera, tralallera!

Good fellow, is this the entrance?

And when the moon is in the sky,

my friends, be especially on your guard.

There's often some fine fellow lurking

to turn the foolish girl's head.

And she's no longer faithful.

Tralallera, tralallera!

A curse on you and your song.

I've had enough of your crooning.

Just listen for a moment.

Who do you think you are?

Bursting in and putting on airs!

What the devil do you want?

Hurry up. I have things to do.

- Is this Pasha Selim's house? - Eh?

Is this Pasha Selim's house?

Yes, this is Pasha Selim's house.

- Wait a moment. - I can't.

- One word. - I must be off.

- Friend, are you in his employ? - Eh?

- Friend, are you in his employ? - Eh?

Friend, are you in his employ?

Yes, friend. I am in his employ.

How can I see Pedrillo,

who is also in his employ?

That rascal fit for the gallows?

Find him yourself if you want him!

What a boor!

Another gallows bird!

You're wrong! He's a fine fellow.

So fine that I'd have him stuck like a pig.

You obviously don't know him well.

Well enough to have him roasted.

He's quite a decent chap.

I'd have his head stuck on a spike.

- Wait a second. - What is it now?

I'd like to

spy on this house and sneak around it

and steal the girls.

Be off! We don't need your sort here!

You must be out of your senses. How dare you insult me like that?

- There's no need to get worked up. - Save your venom.

- I know your kind. - Stop threatening me.

If you don't get out of here

I promise you'll end up getting the bastinado.

This is my last warning.

You really are out of your mind.

What a way to answer a question.

Come to your senses.

As if I'd need another rascal like Pedrillo,

who never has anything else on his mind

than to chase after my models.

If only he hadn't ingratiated himself with the Pasha.

I'd like to see a noose around his neck.

Osmin! Isn't the Pasha back yet?

See for yourself, if you want to know.

As helpful as ever.

Can't we be friends for once?


- With you? - Yes.

- I wish I could wring your neck! - Why?


Because I can't stand the sight of you!

Preening posers like you

with nothing but women on their minds

are the kind I can't stomach for the life of me.

All they're out to do

is to get the better of us.

But your smirks don't fool me.

Your dodges, your wiles,

your tricks and your guiles,

I've seen it all before.

To pull the wool over my eyes,

you'll have to get up very early.

I'm no fool, you know.

Preening posers like you

with nothing but women on their minds

are the kind I can't stomach for the life of me.

All they're out to do

is to get the better of us.

But your smirks don't fool me.

Your dodges, your wiles,

your tricks and your guiles,

I've seen it all before.

To pull the wool over my eyes,

you'll have to get up very early.

I'm no fool, you know.

By the beard of the Prophet, I'll not rest, day or night,

I'll cook your goose, so watch your step!

What a brute you are!

I didn't do you any harm.

You've got the face of a gallows bird,

and that is enough for me.

I'll behead you and hang you, impale you on skewers,

scorch you and bind you, half-drown you and flay you.

Go take a shower, you stink!



Tell me what's going on.

I'll show you what's going on.


Pedrillo, tell me about Konstanze.

The Pasha is courting her since we've arrived.

What about her?

As far as I know, he's still playing the rejected lover.

But only Heaven knows what's going on between my Blonde and this muscle man.

- The body builder? - Exactly.

We should get away from here as soon as possible.

And what's holding us back?

We'll have to find the women first.

Where is Konstanze now?

You'll see.

Is she with him?


To think that I shall see you at last.

Oh, how timidly,

oh, how ardently

my loving heart is beating.

And the tears of joy at our reunion

are the reward for the pain of separation.

I tremble and falter,

I hesitate and waver.

My heart is pounding madly.

Is that her sweet voice?

I almost fear to see her.

Was that her sigh?

My face is all aglow.

Am I deluded by love? Was it a dream?

Oh, how timidly,

oh, how ardently

my loving heart is beating.

Is that her sweet voice?

Was that her sigh?

I almost fear to see her.

My face is all aglow.

Oh, how timidly, oh, how ardently

my loving heart is beating.

I tremble and falter,

I hesitate and waver.

Sing the praises of our great Pasha

fervently in song.

And make the shore resound

with our joyful sound.

Waft to refresh him, you cooling breezes,

smooth your countenance, seething waters,

greet him with song, jubilant voices,

and tell him of the joys of love.

Sing the praises of our great Pasha

fervently in song.

And make the shore resound

with our joyful sound.

Still so despondent, still in tears?

Konstanze, how do you expect your yearning to dry up

if you keep watering it with tears?


To yourself. And to me.

If only I could! But

Look at me!

What holds you back? Your old life?

You'll hate me for telling you.

I will hunt the sun, the celestial stag, until it looses all flesh,

if it means I can finally catch you.

You little bird.

Ah, I was in love,

so blissfully in love.

I knew nothing of the pain love can bring.

I swore to be true to him,

my beloved.

I gave him my heart with no reservations.

But how fleeting was my joy!

Separation was my dreadful lot.

And now my eyes are awash with tears.

And sorrow reigns in my heart.

Ah, I was in love,

so blissfully in love.

I knew nothing of the pain love can bring.

I swore to be true to him, my beloved.

I gave him my heart with no reservations.

But how fleeting was my joy!

Separation was my dreadful lot.

And now my eyes are awash with tears.

And sorrow reigns in my heart.

The line about your heart,

about giving it with no reservations,

could I hear it once more?

I gave him my heart with no reservations.

Don't demand my heart of me.

But you are demanding my patience!

All I ask is a delay, a little more time.

Time, time

I know that these wounds will heal.

Of course, because all wounds heal eventually.

Her pride and courage have enthralled me.

Oh hunter, don't go killing that musk deer.

Let yourself be ashamed by its black eyes. Don't dare tying it down.

What do you want?

Pardon me for disturbing your deliberations.

This man admires your collections

and wishes to apply for a position as perfumier.

- As what? - As perfumier.


We have to go and look for the women.

Where to?

- What does he want here? - He is in the Pasha's employ now.

The Pasha has a good heart and is easy to deceive.

But I won't let you pass.

We will pass, Osmin.

Is that right?

Move it! Move it! Move it! Get lost

before you're treated to the bastinado.

Oh, it would be shameful to treat us in that way!

- Not one step further! - Let us pass!

- I'll strike you down! - We are going in!

- Get out of here! - Let us pass!

- I'll strike you down! - We are going in!

Oh, it would be shameful to treat us in that way!

- I'll strike you down! - We are going in!

- Get out of here! - Let us pass!

- I'll strike you down! - We are going in!



Where are you?


You are always ordering me about!

And your clumsy advances are even worse!

That's no way to treat a girl!

With tenderness and compliments,

good manners and wit,

it's easy to conquer

a nice girl's heart.

But uncouth domineering,

ranting, quarrelling and harassment

will very quickly waste away

all love and fidelity.

With tenderness and compliments,

good manners and wit,

it's easy to conquer

a nice girl's heart.

Tenderness! Compliments!

Who put these thoughts in your head?

I want you, that's all.

Women are not a commodity.

She drives me crazy.

Why don't you want to be with me?

I think Pedrillo would like to have a say in this matter.

You know, Osmin Hold this.

If you want to impress women, you have to be caring,

charming, respectful of their wishes,

and gentle.

Don't you dare touch me!

I'll go, but my advice to you

is to stay away from that rascal Pedrillo.

Go to the devil, and stop ordering me about!

You know I won't stand for it.

- Promise me! - Who do you think you are?

- Damn it! - Leave me alone!

I won't budge from here

until you swear to obey me.

Not on your life,

you foolish fellow.

Not even if you were the Great Mogul in person.

O Englishmen, Englishmen, you must be fools

to let your womenfolk have their way.

A woman born to be free

won't be pushed around like a slave.

- Even when she is robbed of her freedom, - What a scourge, what a penance it is

- she stays proud and defies the world. - to end up with an old nag like this!

- O Englishmen! - A woman born to be free

- won't be pushed around like a slave. - you must be fools.

- What a scourge, what a penance it is - Even when she is robbed of her freedom,

- to end up with an old nag like this! - she stays proud and defies the world.

- Now shove off! - Are you talking to me?

- You bet I am! - I'm staying put!

- Some other time. You've overstayed. - Have you ever seen such impudence?

You'll get your eyes scratched out

if you hang around here any longer.

All right, I'll leave after all,

before you start thrashing away.

How sad she looks.

It must be hard for her to have lost her beloved.

I'm not much better off,

but at least I get to see my Pedrillo in secret.

What a change has come over my soul

since the day when fate forced us apart!


Gone are the joys

I once knew in your company.

Harrowing pangs of yearning

have now engulfed

my afflicted heart.

Sadness is henceforth my lot,

since I was torn from your side.

Like the blighted rose,

like grass choked by winter moss,

my piteous life withers and fades.

Not even to the breezes can I lament

the dire anguish in my heart.

Unwilling to be its messenger,

they blow all my cries of grief

back into my own poor heart.

Sadness is henceforth my lot,

since I was torn from your side.

Like the blighted rose,

like grass choked by winter moss,

my piteous life withers and fades.

Not even to the breezes can I lament

the dire anguish in my heart.

Unwilling to be its messenger,

they blow all my cries of grief

back into my own poor heart.

I'll be your bird catcher,

your bird as well as the net.

I'll be your doctor and your sickness,

your poison and your antidote.

I am the sweet and the bitter,

the honey and the bile. Don't tie yourself down!

Love me!

As if love were subject to your commands.

It's not about commanding.

Like a moth to a flame,

I want me to burn for you,

and you for me.

I shall always think as I do now.

I admire you,

I even desire you,

but that is not love.

We are unlike in our desire,

but alike in our love.

What do you fear?

If I surrender to you

There will be no turning back.

No! I'd rather die!

Death is not the worst thing in store for you.

Though torture of every kind

may be in store for me,

I laugh at torment and pain.

Nothing shall shake my resolve.

The only thing that could make me tremble

is the prospect of being untrue.

Let mercy prevail,

and spare me.

The blessings of Heaven would be your reward.

Let mercy prevail, and spare me.

The blessings of Heaven would be your reward.

I see my appeals are in vain.

But I am just as determined to suffer the agonies of torture.

Go on, give your orders!

Rant and rage and rampage!

In the end, I shall be freed by death.

Let mercy prevail,

and spare me.

The blessings of Heaven would be your reward.

I see my appeals are in vain.

But I am just as determined to suffer the agonies of torture.

Go on, give your orders!

Rant and rage and rampage!

In the end, I shall be freed by death.

I won't let you go.

Pasha, what kind of man do you want to be?

I won't let you go!


Blonde! Blonde!

- What is it? - I've got news!

- News that will delight you. - Out with it!

Give me a kiss first.

And the news?

Belmonte has arrived.

We intend to abduct the two of you tonight.

Oh dearest Pedrillo! You've earned yourself a kiss.

But what about Osmin?

This potion will make the dirty old man sleep.

Go and give Konstanze the news.

What joy, what rapture now reigns in my heart!

I can wait no longer to bring her the glad tidings.

With merriment and jests

I shall give her timid heart

a taste of the bliss and joy to come.

What joy, what rapture now reigns in my heart!

I can wait no longer to bring her the glad tidings.

With merriment and jests

I shall give her timid heart

a taste of the bliss and joy to come.

It's do or die. Now or never.

Off to battle!

Into the fray!

Only lily-livered chickens lose heart.

Should I tremble?

Should I lose heart

instead of bravely risking my life?

No, never! We must be bold.

Only lily-livered chickens lose heart.

Should I tremble?

Should I lose heart

instead of bravely risking my life?

No, never! We must be bold.

Off to battle! Into the fray!

Only lily-livered chickens lose heart.

Have you completely lost your mind?


Let's have a good time, just the two of us.

- A good time? With you? - Yes, come along.

Let's go to the bar

and have a drink.

Doesn't that sound good?

It's forbidden by the Pasha's orders.

Come on. At least we agree on the subject of women.

- Are you sure about that? - Yes.

- It's forbidden by the Pasha's orders. - Come!

Just one little drink.

- It's forbidden. - Why? Come along!

It's forbidden!

Here's to Bacchus! Bacchus was a splendid chap.

Shall I risk it? Shall I try it?

What if the Pasha sees me?

Why so timorous? Down with it!

And no more questions asked!

Now I've done it.

Now I've downed it.

That's what I call,

that's what I call bold.

Here's to the girls! The blondes and the brunettes!

Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!

- What a taste! - How divine!

The drink of the gods!

Here's to Bacchus! Here's to Bacchus for inventing wine.

Within these

Within these hallowed halls

Everything is prepared.

As soon as it gets light outside, we can leave.

Do the women know about it?

They should be here by now.

I'll take care of it.

When tears of joy flow,

love smiles upon the beloved.

To kiss the tears from a loved one's cheeks

is love's most glorious reward.

Oh, Konstanze, to see you,

to feel the rapture and the bliss

of pressing you to my faithful heart

is of greater worth than Croesus' riches.

Knowing that we might never meet again

means that we should not wait to show our feelings

until separation inflicts its pain upon us.

Where is Konstanze?

- Belmonte! - Konstanze!

Ah, Belmonte! My dearest life!

Ah, Konstanze! My dearest life!

Is it possible? What bliss

to clasp you to my breast after so many days of suffering!

What rapture to find you here!

Now all sorrow will be banished.

How my heart rejoices!

See the tears of joy I'm weeping.

Let me kiss them away!

May they be the last.

They are. You will be free before the day is done.

Did you understand the plan, Blonde?

All's ready for our escape. We'll meet here at the stroke of 12.

Have no fear, we'll be waiting.

I'll count the minutes! If only it were already 12!

At last sunbeams of hope are piercing

through the gloomy firmament.

Full of rapture, joy and bliss,

we look forward to the end of our torment.

Yet, despite my joy,

my heart still harbours

many a worry.

What torments you, dearest? Speak!

Quickly say what's on your mind!

Quickly say what's on your mind! Don't hide your fears from me!

It's been said

that you are

But, Blonde, come along.

Are you worth so much?

You fool! Have you lost your mind?

I'm the one who should be asking.

But didn't Osmin

I'm listening!

Won't you say what's on your mind?

- It's been said - But didn't Osmin

- that you are - But didn't Osmin

- Go on! - I'm listening!

Won't you say what's on your mind?

- I will, but don't be angry. - Isn't it true that Osmin

- After all the rumours - as one might believe

- I have heard - has claimed his rights as master

- may I ask you - and exercised them on you?

- Do you love the Pasha? - That wouldn't be a good bargain.

Oh, how you hurt me with that question!

- There's your answer. - Straight and to the point.

Konstanze, please forgive me!

- Worthless man! - To doubt that I was faithful!

This rascal dares to ask if I was true to him.

Someone told Belmonte that I loved the Pasha.

Blonde is a good girl, I swear by every devil.

Konstanze is true to me. There can be no doubt.

- This rascal dares to ask - Someone told Belmonte

- if I was true to him. - that I loved the Pasha.

- When women are aggrieved - When men become suspicious

- because we think them fickle, - and have no faith in our honour,

- then they are really true - and look upon us with mistrust,

- and free from all reproaches. - It is not to be borne.

Darling Blonde, please forgive me.

I'm now more certain of your fidelity

than I am of my own wits.

Ah, Konstanze, my dearest life,

if only you could forgive me for asking you that question.

Belmonte, how could you believe that anyone could steal my heart from you?

A heart that beats for you alone.

No, I cannot pardon you. To suspect me of something

with that stupid old fool!

- Darling Blonde, please forgive me. - Ah, Konstanze, my dearest life!

Me and that stupid old fool!

Please, forgive me.

Please, forgive me.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I forgive you.

If you're truly sorry.

Let that be the end of it.

Long live love.

- Long live love. - Let love be prized above all else.

Let nothing fan the flames of jealousy!

I put my faith in your power,

O love, and trust in the strength you give.

What deeds have been accomplished

by those who put their faith in your might!

Even against impossible odds,

love finds a way of uniting kindred souls.

Even against impossible odds,

love finds a way of uniting kindred souls.

I put my faith in your power,

O love, and trust in the strength you give.

What deeds have been accomplished

by those who put their faith in your might!

Even against impossible odds,

love finds a way of uniting kindred souls.

Everything is ready. There's nothing to do but wait.


There once languished in Moorish captivity

a maiden fair and fine.

Red-lipped, white-skinned, wit jet-black hair,

she sighed and wept the days away

and longed to be set free.

One day there appeared

a young knight from afar.

He took pity on the maiden's plight.

He said, I'd risk my life and honour

to save that maiden fair.

- Nothing's going on yet. - Finish the song.

It's not my fault they aren't here yet.

I'll come to you in the dark of night,

my dear, let me in.

I fear neither lock nor guard,

so take heart! At midnight,

you'll be set free.

It was said and done. At the stroke of twelve,

the gallant knight appeared.

Gently she gave him her lily-white hand,

and the next morning the cell was bare.

She was gone without a trace.


- Konstanze! I am here! - Blonde!

- Blonde, hurry up! - I am!

What do we have here?

So you wanted to escape?

With the girls?

The Pasha will not be amused.


Osmin, I beg you!


I've been waiting for this moment!

Oh, how I shall triumph when they drag you to the gallows

and put the noose around your neck!

I'll cavort and laugh and skip and sing a little song of joy

at being rid of you at last.

Slink around as quietly as you like,

you accursed harem rats.

You won't escape our vigilance.

Before you get away you'll be caught in our snare,

and you'll get what you deserve.

Oh, how I shall triumph when they drag you to the gallows

and put the noose around your neck!

I'll cavort and laugh and skip

and sing a little song of joy

at being rid of you at last.

What is going on?

Osmin, what is going on?

Foulest treachery!

They wanted to escape with the girls.



Only after they've been impaled,


hanged and killed,

put in coffins,

and buried,

after their remains have been scattered,

only then are you allowed to say "Pasha"

and ask for forgiveness.

Pasha, this is my husband.

Belmonte Lostados.


The son of the man I hate like no other.

And you are here?

And you wanted to go with him


What dire misfortune!

O torment of the soul!

Is everything conspiring against me?

Ah, Konstanze!

You are doomed for love of me.

What anguish!

Let it be, beloved.

Do not torment yourself so.

For what is death?

The threshold to peace

and with you at my side

a foretaste of eternal bliss.

Angelic soul.

Epitome of goodness.

You pour balm

upon my troubled heart.

You ease

the dread pain of death,

while I, oh woe,

I drag you down into the grave.

For my sake you are doomed to die.

Ah, Konstanze, how can I dare

to face you anymore?

I am bringing death upon you.

Belmonte! It is you who will die for my sake.

It is I who have sealed your fate.

Should I not die at your side?

I welcome the dread summons.

Noble spirit!

To live for you was my desire and all my intent.

Without you it is torment to live any longer in this world.

For my sake you are doomed to die.

Belmonte! It is you who will die for my sake.

Ah, Konstanze, how can I dare

to face you anymore?

It is I who have sealed your fate.

Should I not die at your side?

I am bringing death upon you.

I welcome the dread summons.

Noble spirit!

To live for you was my desire and all my intent.

Without you it is torment to live any longer in this world.

I am at peace with all my woes.

I die at peace and full of joy,

because I have you at my side.

For you, my beloved

For you, my beloved

I give my life only too gladly.

Oh, what bliss!

To die with one we love is heavenly delight.

Our eyes shine with joy as we leave this world for the next.

To die with one we love is heavenly delight.

What do you expect?

My worst enemy's son in my power.

Your father robbed me of my fortune,

my career,

my honour,

my wife,

my happiness, everything!

And now her?

What do you expect?

What do you expect?

I expect you to avenge the wrongs

my father did to you.

I loathe you too much

to emulate what your father did.

Take her. Go!

- Pasha! - Madame

I hope that you may never regret

having refused my love and my heart.

Osmin, let them free.

What? He is to take my Blonde too?

If you love someone, you have to let them go.

If she returns, she is yours forever.

And if you cannot win someone,

the only thing to do is to rid yourself of them!

Never shall I cease to extol your virtues.

My gratitude is yours for all eternity.

In all places and at all times,

I shall praise you as a great and noble man.

Anyone who can forget such graciousness

is only worthy of contempt.

Never shall the delights of love

make me forget the gratitude I owe.

My heart, though dedicated now to love,

will never deny its debt of gratefulness.

Anyone who can forget such graciousness

is only worthy of contempt.

How should I ever forget

how narrowly I escaped the strangler's rope

and all the other dangers.

I ran away as if chased by some fiend.

Anyone who can forget such graciousness

is only worthy of contempt.

Lord Pasha, you have my heartiest thanks

for lodging, board and a bed of straw.

But I am even more grateful

for being allowed to take my leave.

Just look at that beast. Who'd want to be stuck with him?

We ought to burn these curs

who have abused us so disgustingly.

I can no longer stand it.

My tongue is rearing in my mouth

to command what they deserve:

I'll behead you and hang you, impale you on skewers,

scorch you and bind you, half drown you and flay you.

There's nothing so hideous as vengeance.

But to let human kindness prevail,

to be selfless and merciful,

is the sign

of a great and noble soul.

Anyone who cannot see the truth of this

is only worthy of contempt.

Long live Pasha Selim!

Give him the honour he deserves!

May his noble countenance be hailed with songs of praise!

Long live Pasha Selim!

Give him the honour he deserves!

May his noble countenance be hailed with songs of praise!

For more infomation >> D2ie E4ntf9ühr3ung (2013) [RE-UP M4ulti4sub] - Duration: 2:04:43.


#Tiemoue Bakayoko shows Chelsea fans what he's up to - Duration: 1:15.

Tiemoue Bakayoko shows Chelsea fans what he's up to

Tiemoue Bakayoko looked to be in good spirits as he put his feet up and enjoyed some downtime during the international break.

The midfielder has been getting used to life at Chelsea following his summer transfer to the club from Monaco.

Bakayoko has been a regular fixture in the Chelsea team since recovering from injury and he has made one assist in six Premier League games for the Blues so far this season.

The 23-year-old is now enjoying some time away from football before Chelsea return to Premier League action after the international break with a crunch clash against Crystal Palace next weekend.

Bakayoko shared the picture above on his personal Instagram account and wrote the caption: "Smile Everytime.

For more infomation >> #Tiemoue Bakayoko shows Chelsea fans what he's up to - Duration: 1:15.


Little league team catches up decades later - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Little league team catches up decades later - Duration: 1:59.


Yoonla Tutorial, How To Get Set Up With Yoonla - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> Yoonla Tutorial, How To Get Set Up With Yoonla - Duration: 11:36.


Nike, Special Olympics team up for annual Youth Games - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Nike, Special Olympics team up for annual Youth Games - Duration: 1:52.


:0164: Up-date Rose Budding / گُلاب پر لگنے والے پیوند کا نتیجہ - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> :0164: Up-date Rose Budding / گُلاب پر لگنے والے پیوند کا نتیجہ - Duration: 5:58.


Can SAAB up its Game in India - Duration: 2:21.

Thier is no doubt now that American Defence major Lockheed Martin with its F-16 Block-70

is in driver's seat when it comes to India's Single-engined fight jets program for a requirement

of 114 jets.

But does Swedish Saab has an ally in India to become the darkhorse in the race to clinch

the deal from Americans?.

While Government of India can be seen totally inclining towards Lockheed Martin's F-16

Block-70, but Indian air force has not shown the same level of inclining and support towards


IAF in its candid admission has said that if allowed to decide between both F-16 Block-70

and Gripen-E, the force will choose the later for various reasons.

But that is not the way winner will be selected in India even though both the aircrafts will

be going through competitive technical trial rounds in India to gauge their performance

m final decision most likely will be taken by Government of India and for long, Americans

having been eyeing a multi-billion dollar deal from India for their support to Nuclear

suppliers exemptions and also for entry into MTCR regime . India's Single-engined fight

jets program will be more of a political decision rather than a technical one but SAAB does

have a friend in Indian air force but it won't still be easy and we will further, by examining

what it will take for Saab to clinch a deal with India.

SAAB Advantage * Support to India's AMCA 5th Generation fighter jets program * Complete

Transfer of Technology * Scope for future growth and upgrades.

* No Political Sting attached with usage of them * Open to Indian weapons integration

SAAB Disadvantage * Unit cost higher than F-16 Block-70 * No Political cloud in Indian

Government * Use of American and European pieces of equipment and components * Similar

to India's Tejas MK-2 * Poor Indian partner choice What Saab can do * Ask for direct one-to-one

trial between both the jets * Force India to have outcome based on Technical trials

* Guarantee Transfer of Technology * link future upgrade Gripen-E program to Tejas MK2

program * Make India, Export base for future orders of Gripen-E * Built pressure in Indian

Air force to push government


For more infomation >> Can SAAB up its Game in India - Duration: 2:21.



Speak up, I will, Speak up, I will,

Speak up, I will. (I need you to know)

Speak up, I will, Speak up, I will.

I've always known I'm a girl that could never stay quiet.

I can be soft as a song, can be strong like a lion.

When I hear em tell us to take it, we just stand united.

I can speak up. Yeah I can speak up!

Don't blame it on my youth I'm gonna speak the truth.

Tell you, tell you What's inside me,

What defines me.  Could lay in bed all day.

Still stuck in yesterday. No way, no way.

Come stand beside me.

Speak up! I'm gonna say it now ...

Now speed up ... I'm coming back for more.

(Keep up keep up keep up now). Speak up!

I'm gonna say it. Don't need much!

I just need you to know. (Keep up keep up keep up now).

Stay ...

True to me cause I know what it's like when I hide it.

Oh wait ... Imma make my mistakes but just let me decide them.

Oh yeah!

Give me your worst and I know I'll survive it

Cause I'mma speak up. Yeah I'mma speak up.

Don't blame it on my youth.

I'm gonna speak the truth. Tell you, tell you ...

What's inside me, What defines me.

Could lay in bed all day. Still stuck in yesterday.

No way, no way. Come stand beside me!

Speak up!

I'm gonna say it. Now speed up!

I'm coming back for more. (I need you to know)

(Keep up keep up keep up now). Speak up! I'm gonna say it now.

Don't need much. I just need you to know.

(Keep up keep up keep up now).

Speak up, I will, Speak up, I will,

Speak up, I will.

Speak up! I'm gonna say it,

now speed up! I'm coming back for more.

(Keep up, keep up, keep up, keep up now)

Speak up!

I'm gonna say it. Don't need much.

I just need you to know. (Keep up keep up keep up now).

Speak up!

I'm gonna say it. Now speed up!

I'm coming back for more.



S. Korea and U.S. beef up monitoring and surveillance on N. Korea - Duration: 1:52.

Activity at North Korea's missile facilities is prompting the regime could conduct a major

provocation in the coming days.

In response, Seoul and Washington increased their military readiness.

For details we turn to our Kim Hyesung.

South Korea and the United States' military have stepped up their monitoring and surveillance

of North Korea amid speculation of a possible provocation by Pyongyang in the coming days.

A military official in Seoul told Yonhap News Agency on Sunday that there is no sign of

any imminent provocation, but that some activities have been detected at the North's missile

facilities and bases.

The official said that U.S. Forces Korea has increased operations of the U-2S ultra-high

altitude reconnaissance aircraft and South Korea has also increased surveillance with

reconnaissance planes and P-3C maritime patrol aircraft.

An Aegis destroyer is deployed in the East Sea and a land-based missile defense radar

system is also running to detect ballistic missile launches from North Korea.

On top of increasing its military readiness, South Korea has been working on developing

new weapons technology to counter North Korea's threats.

South Korea's military said on Sunday that it has acquired the technology to develop

a bomb that could paralyze North Korea's nuclear missile base during a conflict.

Known as the 'Blackout Bomb,' the weapon could neutralize the regime's electricity grid for

up to 12 hours.

It's part of South Korea's Kill Chain system, aimed at detecting, tracking and shooting

down Pyongyang's ballistic missiles.

The Agency for Defense Development has been working on the key technologies,... and according

to South Korea's military, once given the defense budget for next year, it could develop

the Blackout Bomb.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea and U.S. beef up monitoring and surveillance on N. Korea - Duration: 1:52.


Emmerdale babe to sex-up I'm A Celeb steamy shower scenes? - Duration: 2:45.

Emmerdale babe to sex-up I'm A Celeb steamy shower scenes?

Telly star Natalie Anderson is the latest celeb to serve up fresh Down Under gossip.

The 35-year-old brunette babe – whos most famous for her role as Alicia Metcalfe in Emmerdale – has opened up on rumours that shes set to join this years Im A Celeb line-up.

Will she be trumping the likes of Ola Jordan and Lisa Snowdown in the sexiest shower scenes of all time awards? Heres hoping…. Natalie spilled: The jungle is something I would veer away from because I am too frightened of everything.

I would be terrible television. Natalie – who graced the Dales for five years – continued to the Express: I dont like spiders, I dont like heights.

Its not for me. Despite Natalies firm denial that she wont be partaking in any Bush Tucker trials this year, there is one soap star who might be feasting on maggot meals.

EastEnders actress Lorna Fitzgerald – whos character Abi Branning will be exiting at Christmas – has been tipped for the ITV reality show.

Her agent exclusively told Daily Star Online that shes in the mix for a stint on the 2017 series alongside 70s songstress Linda Lewis.

Bookies Betfair have also listed some big names in the run up to the all important celeb reveal. Future possible princess Meghan Markle has been tipped at a whopping 250/1 and Celebrity Big Brother winner Sarah Harding at 5/1.

This coming series looks like it will blow last years out the water, with former queen of the jungle Scarlett Moffatt being signed up to present show spin-off Extra Camp.

Presenter Ant McPartlin, who has just left rehab for depression and drug addiction, has also been confirmed to continue presenting alongside Declan Donnelly.

For more infomation >> Emmerdale babe to sex-up I'm A Celeb steamy shower scenes? - Duration: 2:45.


Volkswagen up! 5Drs 1.0 MOVE UP! BLUEMOTION Navi, Airco, Elektr.Pakket! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 5Drs 1.0 MOVE UP! BLUEMOTION Navi, Airco, Elektr.Pakket! - Duration: 1:01.


Popping blackheads and whiteheads up close Part10 - Duration: 7:39.

cystic blackheads videos

For more infomation >> Popping blackheads and whiteheads up close Part10 - Duration: 7:39.


Planning a Homestead Part 1: Setting up Your Workspace - Duration: 4:44.

This demo relates to the GSP 270 Lab activity, Planning a Homestead.

The instructions are located on the Humboldt State Geospatial Online web site.

I'll post a link to the instructions in the video description.

The first step in any of these lab activities is to create a basic folder structure.

Typically, this will be placed on your local hard drive.

On a personal computer, this would be the C drive.

If you are in one of the labs at Humboldt State, then it will most likely be the D drive.

In this example, I am using the downloads folder on my local C drive.

I'll start by creating the top-level folder, which should indicate the lab assignment.

Within this folder, I will create three subfolders, original, working, and final.

Now I am ready to download the data.

Right click on the DEMs For Arcata link.

Select Save link as, then navigate to your original folder.

Save the compressed file inside your original folder.

Open your original folder.

You will see the data saved as a compressed zip file.

Go ahead and decompress the file.

Delete the original zip file when you are done.

You should see a folder called Terrain Data.

Within this folder, you will two sets of data compressed as a tar.gz file.

You will have to decompress it twice to get to the data.

Right click on the tar.gz file, select 7zip, then extract here.

Then, right click on the .tar file and decompress it.

Delete the original tar.gz and .tar files.

It saves space and helps to prevent confusion later.

As you can see, this raster file format contains many component files to make it work.

Repeat these steps for the second tar.gz file.

In ArcMap, open a blank map document.

The steps in this activity involve using the Spatial Analyst extension.

To make use of the tools that come with this extension, you must be sure it is activated

on your computer.

From the menu at the top, go to Customize, then Extensions.

Check the box next to Spatial Analyst.

If you fail to do this step, you will encounter a licensing error message when you try to

run the tools for this activity.

In the ArcGIS software, the Background Geoprocessing setting is often turned on by default.

This setting allows users to continue to work while a tool is running in the background.

However, sometimes this setting will stop tools from running or cause other unforeseen


To reduce that chances of the ArcGIS software crashing during this exercise, I recommend

turning this setting off.

Open the Geoprocessing options from the Geoprocessing menu.

Under Background Geoprocessing, uncheck the box next to the word Enable.

While you are setting things up, take a moment to enable store relative paths and save your

map document.

The easiest way to add data is to use the catalog window.

You'll typically see the catalog window pinned to the right side of the screen.

If you don't see it, just click the button with the yellow file cabinet icon.

When you first open the catalog window, you may not see the project folder right away.

If you don't see it, you can add it using the connect to folder button.

In this example, I am going to connect to the downloads folder so that it will appear

in the catalog tree.

Now I can access anything in the downloads folder right from the catalog window.

Unlike previous lessons, I won't add this data to the map.

Instead, I will show you how to convert the files to a format that is easier to work with

in ArcMap.

Navigate to your TerrainData folder.

Right-click on the DDF file that starts with 9945 and select Export, then Raster to Different


For the output click the yellow file folder icon and navigate to your working folder.

Call the file, "Arcata_North.img.

You will have to add the .img extension manually.

Adding an extension like ".img" makes things run more smoothly and prevents some

errors that may occur without it.

Under Pixel Type, change the type to 32 bit float.

Leave all of the other settings as default and click OK.

A digital elevation model for the Northern part of Arcata is now added to the map.

Repeat these steps for the DDF file that begins with 9946.

Call the output "Arcata_South."

In the next video, I will show you how to use the Mosaic to New Raster tool to create

a single digital elevation model out of the two datasets.

For more infomation >> Planning a Homestead Part 1: Setting up Your Workspace - Duration: 4:44.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 high up! BlueM. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 high up! BlueM. - Duration: 0:54.


News 8 Sports Round Up-October 7, 2017 - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> News 8 Sports Round Up-October 7, 2017 - Duration: 4:32.


Arsenal transfer news: Gunners lining up shock move for Everton star Ademola ... - Duration: 2:28.

Arsenal transfer news: Gunners lining up shock move for Everton star Ademola Lookman in the winter transfer window

ARSENAL manager Arsene Wenger is chasing Everton's speedy starlet Ademola Lookman in a shock move. Wenger's spies have been tipped off that England Under-21 flier Lookman could be tempted out of Goodison Park and back to London.

Lookman, 19, was fancied by the Gunners when he left Charlton - but Everton offered a better deal as they looked to recruit young talent.

Now he is being overlooked by Toffees boss Ronald Koeman and even new boy Gylfi Sigurdsson is being tried out in the his favoured left-wing slot. Lookman would be ideal for Arsenal as a young English player.

Wenger is looking for pace out wide with the possible departures of Theo Walcott and Alexis Sanchez.

Everton would not want to lose him but an offer of about £15million may change their minds - especially with Koeman not sure about what he can offer Lookman's style of play.

The winger's adviser is close to the Gunners and that would help if Wenger pushes the button on a New Year offer.

Arsenal's Olivier Giroud snubbed a move to Merseyside at the start of the season but the French forward could yet figure in a swap in January.

Lookman has failed to play in the Premier League this season, but netted once in eight games last campaign.

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