Lord God!
God of Israel!
Heed the prayer
of your children
imploring you on their knees.
Take pity
on your people
in their distress!
Let our grief
appease your wrath!
You once turned away from us,
and that day your people were vanquished.
What! Would you allow
the nation that first knew you to be destroyed?
All day I implore in vain.
Deaf to my cries, he does not answer!
And yet from dusk until dawn,
I beg for his help.
Our cities have been overthrown,
the Gentiles have profaned your altars.
Under their yoke our tribes
have lost everything, even the name of Israel.
Are you no longer
the God
who led our tribes out of Egypt?
Lord God!
Have you broken
the holy covenant,
the sacred promises,
made to our forefathers?
Enough, brothers!
Bless the holy name of the God of our forefathers!
The hour of forgiveness may be near.
I hear a voice speaking aloud in my heart.
The voice of the Lord
speaks through my mouth.
The God of mercy,
moved by our prayers,
promises us freedom!
let us break our chains!
And raise up the altar
of the only God of Israel!
empty words!
Where shall we find weapons,
to march into battle?
How shall we arm ourselves?
Our tears are all we have!
Have you forgotten him,
his power once gave you strength?
He who, full of mercy,
caused his oracles to speak for you,
and rekindled your faith with the fire of his miracles?
He who divided
the sea,
when our fathers fled
from shameful slavery?
Gone are the days,
when the God of our forefathers,
protected his children,
and heeded their prayers!
Be silent, wretches!
To doubt is blasphemy!
On our knees let us beseech the Lord who loves us!
Let us place the care of our glory in his hands.
Let us gird up our loins, certain of victory.
He is the God of battle! He is the Lord of hosts!
He will arm you
with invincible swords!
The breath of the Lord has passed into his soul.
Let us banish shameful terror from our hearts.
And march with him
to freedom!
Jehovah guides him
and gives us back hope!
Who then raises his voice?
Amongst this base herd of slaves,
always daring to defy our laws
and hoping to break their shackles!
Hide your tears and sighs
for they try our patience.
You would do better to beg
for your conqueror's mercy!
This god you implore
remains deaf to your cries,
and you dare to pray to him
when he abandons you to our scorn?
If his power is not in vain,
let him prove his divinity!
Let him break your bonds
and set you free!
Do you believe this god is as great as Dagon, greatest of the gods,
whose mighty arm guides
our victorious warriors?
Your god is a coward
who fled before him,
just as the timorous dove
flies from the hawk pursuing it.
It is you, Lord, he insults, and yet the earth does not shake?
O Lord God! Our ruin is complete!
I see angels wielding flaming swords,
and all the hosts of heaven hurrying to avenge our God!
As the prince of darkness passes before them,
his grim cries set the heavens trembling.
The hour of vengeance has come at last,
and I hear God's wrath in the skies.
All tremble and flee
before his wrath.
The earth shakes, lightning fills the skies.
All tremble and flee
before his wrath.
Enough, reckless fool,
- or fear my anger! - Israel, break your fetters! Rise up!
Assuage your hatred! The Lord is within me!
God of light, as you did in the past,
fulfil my prayer and fight for your laws!
Israel, break your fetters! Rise up!
Assuage your hatred! The Lord is within me!
God of light, as you did in the past,
fulfil my prayer and fight for your laws!
All tremble and flee before his wrath.
The earth shakes, lightning fills the skies.
He unleashes the tempest, commands the whirlwind,
The ocean retreats at his passing.
Israel, break your fetters!
Rise up!
Assuage your hatred! The Lord is within me!
God of light, as you did in the past,
fulfil my prayer and fight for your laws!
What do I see? Abimelech!
Slain by slaves!
Do not let them escape. Quickly, after them!
To avenge your Prince, strike down this rabble
who dare to disobey.
My blood turns to ice in my veins.
Suddenly I feel chains all around me.
In vain I seek my weapons, my arms are powerless,
my heart is filled with alarm, my knees tremble.
You are more cowardly than women!
You flee before the battle.
Are you afraid that the flames of their god,
will shrivel your arms?
My Lord! The wild mob led by Samson,
in his bold rebellion is wrecking the harvest.
- We must flee this needless danger! - And be gone with all speed.
Let us abandon the town and hide our shame from all.
Cursed forever be the children of Israel.
I shall blot out all trace of them and steep them in gall.
Cursed be he who guides them!
I will crush underfoot
his broken bones and parched throat,
and show no pity.
Cursed be the mother's breast that suckled him.
May a woman's wiles betray his love!
Cursed be the god he worships, his only hope!
For my hatred reviles both
his altar and his power!
Let us flee into the mountains...
May Israel be cursed by our gods!
Hymns of joy
and hymns of freedom,
rise up to the Eternal!
In his omnipotence
he has deigned
to save Israel!
Through him the weak have become
the masters of the tyrants.
He has overthrown the proud and the traitor
whose voice reviled him.
His wrath chastised us
because we had broken his laws.
Our foreheads in the dust,
we lifted up our voices to him.
He said to his beloved tribes:
"Rise up, go forth to battle."
"I am the Lord of Hosts."
"I am the might of your arm."
He came to us in our distress
for his children are dear to him.
Let the universe exult!
He has broken our chains!
Hymns of joy and freedom,
rise up to the eternal throne!
In his omnipotence he has deigned
to aid Israel!
Spring has come, bringing flowers
to wreathe the conquering warriors' brows.
Let us mingle our voices with the scent of fresh roses.
Dear sisters, let us sing with the birds.
Beauty, gift of heaven, springtime of our days,
sweetly bewitching eyes, hopes of love,
fill our hearts and souls
with your sweet flame.
Love, sisters, love forever!
I come to celebrate the victory
of he who reigns over my heart.
Dalila prefers love to glory for her conqueror.
Beloved, come with me to the sweet valley of Soreck,
to the remote dwelling where Dalila's embrace awaits you!
Lord, you see my weakness...
- For you I've wreathed my brow... - Have pity on your servant!
- Close my eyes and heart to her sweet voice. - ...with dark clusters of privet...
and roses from the plains of Sharon crown my raven hair.
My son, turn away from her path. Have nothing to do with this foreign girl.
- Hide her beauty which troubles my senses... - Close your ears to her lying tongue...
- Put out the flame in her eyes that enchains me. - Avoid the serpent's venom.
- My kisses are sweeter than lily-of-the-valley. - Burning flame that consumes me...
- The juice of the mandrake is less sweet... - Woe betide you if you befall her charms...
Find peace in the face of God.
Open your arms to your loved one...
Your eyes will never cry enough tears,
to disarm heaven's wrath!
To disarm heaven's wrath!
Spring returns,
bringing hope
to lovers' hearts.
Your passing breath wipes away unhappy days
from the earth.
Our souls are afire
and your gentle flame
dries our tears.
Your sweet mystery
brings back to the earth,
fruit and flowers.
My beauty is in vain.
My loving heart
awaits the faithless one
and his return.
My grieving heart lives in hope,
past happiness.
When night falls,
I shall sit weeping by the stream,
awaiting him.
If one day he returns,
casting off my sadness
I shall offer him the sweet rapture
that my passionate love
saves for his return.
The spirit of evil has led this woman
across your path to trouble your peace.
Flee the burning flame of her glances.
It is an all-consuming poison.
If one day he returns,
casting off my sadness,
I shall offer him the tenderness,
and the gentle rapture
that my passionate love
saves for his return.
Samson is to come here
this evening, in search of me.
Now is the hour of vengeance
to satisfy our gods.
Love, aid me in my weakness.
Pour your poison into his heart.
Conquered by my wiles,
let Samson lie in chains tomorrow.
In vain he would banish me from his soul.
How could he extinguish the flame that his memories keep alive?
He is mine, he is my slave.
My brothers fear his wrath.
I, alone among all, stand up to him,
and keep him at my feet.
Love, aid me in my weakness.
Pour your poison into his heart.
Conquered by my wiles,
let Samson lie in chains tomorrow.
Against love, his strength is useless.
And he, the strongest of the strong,
who broke his people's chains,
shall succumb to my efforts.
I have climbed the mountain to seek you out.
Dagon has led me to your dwelling.
You are welcome, father.
You are respected here.
You know our fate.
The Hebrew slaves have taken the city with an easy victory.
Our frightened soldiers fled before them
at the very name of Samson,
whose terrifying courage has thrown them into confusion.
The strength and courage Samson received from his god prove fatal to our people
bound by a vow,
he was chosen at birth
by heaven,
to restore the might of the people of Israel.
I know that his courage defies your rage,
and that he spares you no outrage.
At your feet his strength once deserted him.
Since then he has striven to forget Dalila.
They say that, in his heart,
forgetting your love,
he laughs at the passion
which lasted only a day.
I know that heeding his brothers' words,
who reproached him bitterly for our love,
Samson resists and struggles in vain.
I know how much he loves me. My heart fears nothing.
In vain he braves me. Strong in battle,
he is my slave
and trembles in my arms.
Then help us with your power. Come to our aid.
Surprised and defenseless, may he be overcome this very day.
Sell me your slave Samson. To pay his ransom,
I shall make no empty promises.
Choose what you will from among my riches.
What does your gold matter to Dalila?
I dream of vengeance not of treasure!
In spite of your great wisdom,
I deceived you with this love.
Samson once conquered you.
Yet he never managed to conquer me, I hate him as much as you do.
I should have guessed your hatred and intentions.
My heart quivers with delight as I listen.
But have you not measured in vain
your strength over his heart
and his might?
Three times I have sought to discover
the secret of his strength.
I fanned the flames of his love,
hoping they would let me read in his soul.
But three times, dashing my hopes,
he let me see nothing.
In vain I feigned passionate love,
hoping to soften his heart.
The proud captive tore himself
from my embrace and ran to battle.
But today he is in my power,
I saw him grow pale and tremble in my presence.
At this very moment he forsakes his people
to come in search of my embrace.
For this final battle I have prepared my weapons.
Samson will not
resist my tears.
May Dagon our god vouchsafe you his aid.
You fight for his glory,
and he will bring you victory!
My power must enslave him to satisfy my hatred.
Overcome by love, he must in turn be humbled.
Let Dalila enchain him to satisfy my hatred.
Vanquished by love, he must in turn be humbled.
My power must enchain him to satisfy my hatred.
- In you alone I place my trust. - vanquished by love, let him in turn be humbled.
- You shall enjoy the honour of vengeance! - I shall enjoy the honour of vengeance!
My power must enchain him to satisfy my hatred.
Vanquished by love, he must in turn be humbled.
Let him bow his head in submission!
Let us unite our efforts!
Death to the leader of the Hebrews!
Samson is coming here, you said?
- I await him. - I'll leave, lest he surprise us.
Soon I shall return by a secret path.
My people's fate is in your hands.
Strip the impenetrable shield from his heart and discover the secret
of his strength.
Could it be that love has lost
its power over his heart?
There is not a glimmer in the dark of night.
Nothing can betray his presence.
He hasn't come!
Against my will, my footsteps bring me back here.
I long to flee, but I cannot!
I curse my love and yet I still love.
Let me flee this place
that my weakness adores.
It's you.
My beloved, you have come.
I have been waiting for you.
Seeing you, I forget the hours of suffering.
Greetings! Greetings, my beloved master!
Enough! I cannot hear you without shame
and remorse.
Samson, my beloved,
why reject my affection?
Why turn away your caresses
from my scented brow?
You were always dear to my heart
and cannot be banished from it.
I would have given my life
for the love which brought me bliss.
Why these fears when you are beside me?
Could you doubt my love?
Are you not my lord and master?
Has love lost its charm?
A servant of my god,
I submit to his holy will.
With a last farewell,
in silence we must break
the sweet bond of our love.
Israel's hope is reborn.
The Lord has chosen the day of our deliverance.
The Lord said to his servant:
"I have chosen you,"
"to lead your brothers to the Lord,"
"and bring an end to their suffering."
What does the fate of Israel matter to my grieving heart?
For me the only fruit of your victory is my lost happiness.
Love clouded my reason
when I believed your promises.
I have drunk nothing but poison
in the rapture of your caresses.
Break my heart no more!
I obey a supreme law.
Your tears revive my grief.
I love you!
A god greater than yours
speaks through my lips.
The god of love, my god!
And if this memory touches you,
remember the blissful days
you spent at your lover's feet
when you swore to love her,
she who, alone,
is faithful.
You dare to accuse me!
When my whole being cries out for you.
Though lightning should strike me,
and I perish in its fire!
So great is my love for you
that I dare to love in spite of God!
Even though one day I should die for it!
I love you!
My heart awakens to your voice like a flower
to the kiss of dawn.
speak to me once more
to dry my tears.
Tell me you have returned for ever to Dalila.
Repeat to my love the vows you once made,
those vows I loved.
Return my love!
Fill me with rapture!
Return my love!
Fill me with rapture!
I love you!
Just as the corn ripples
in the gentle breeze,
so quivers my heart
seeking consolation
from your beloved voice.
Faster than the arrow that brings death,
your lover flies to your embrace.
Return my love.
Let me dry your tears with my kisses.
- Fill me with rapture. - And drive all fear from your heart.
- Return my love. - Let me dry your tears.
Fill me with rapture.
I love you!
But no! What am I saying?
Unhappy Dalila does not believe your words.
You have already deceived me with trivial promises.
When for your sake I dare forget God, my people and my vow!
The God who marked my birth with the divine seal of his power.
Very well! Understand my love for you!
I envy your God!
This god who created you and ordained your life.
Tell me the secret vow that binds you to him,
and gives you strength.
Banish the doubt that burdens me.
Dalila! What do you want of me?
Beware lest I distrust you.
Today I shall see if I have retained my power.
I want to test your love by demanding your trust.
How can my sacred vow affect your happiness?
The secret hidden in my heart?
Relieve my grief by disclosing it!
You could never force me!
Yes! My power is futile because your love is futile.
When I want to share the secret
that wounds me,
shameless and cruel,
you dare accuse me of treachery!
Immense grief overwhelms my heart
and in despair, I call upon the Lord.
I offered him my youth and my charms.
Now I have only my tears to shed.
Almighty God, I invoke your help.
My voice lacks the strength for last farewells.
Flee from this place where your lover will perish!
- Leave me! - Your secret... - I cannot.
The cause of all my woe!
The storm rages over the hills.
God's thunder crashes over our heads.
I'll face it all with you. Come!
No! Let me go!
- I cannot bring myself to speak. - I do not fear the storm!
It is the voice of my God.
Loveless heart!
I despise you!
Answer my call, Philistines!
See my misery!
See my distress!
Lord, take pity!
Take pity on my weakness!
I strayed from your path.
How quickly you withdrew your hand.
Lord, I offer you my broken spirit.
I am nothing but an object of ridicule.
They have robbed me of heaven's light,
and poured bitterness and gall upon me.
what have you done to your brothers?
And to the God of your forefathers?
Alas! Israel lies in chains,
and enduring heaven's vengeance,
it has lost all hope
because of the wrongs it has suffered.
May our tribes find grace in your eyes.
Spare your people their suffering.
Take pity on their plight, Lord,
you whose mercy never tires.
God entrusted us to your strength
to lead us into battle.
Samson, what have you done to your brothers?
What have you done to the God of your forefathers?
Brothers, your song of lamentation
penetrates my dark night,
and mortal anguish floods
my guilty, wretched heart.
Lord God, take my life in sacrifice
to satisfy your wrath.
<i>He sold us for a woman's sake.</i>
Turn your blows...
...away from Israel...
<i>To pay for Dalila's charms.</i>
And I proclaim your justice!
<i>Son of Manoah, what have you done with our blood</i>
<i>and our tears?</i>
At your feet, broken but penitent,
I bless the hand that strikes me.
Lord, let your people escape
the fury of their enemies!
What have you done to the God of your forefathers?
Dawn rises over the hills,
and puts out the torches of this beautiful night.
Let us continue feasting and pursue love
in spite of the dawn.
Love makes our hearts forget our woes.
The morning breeze chases the shadows of night
towards the horizon like a delicate veil.
The eastern sky reddens as the sun rises over the mountains,
flooding the countryside with light.
Hail to the judge of Israel
whose presence enlivens our feast!
Dalila! Prepare the cup of welcome!
Pour a cup of nectar for your lover!
So he may drink to his mistress,
and to her powers of seduction!
Samson, we'll drink with you!
A toast to Dalila your queen!
Drink up and fear not. Wine chases away all sorrow.
With my heart sick unto death,
Lord, I bow before you.
By your divine will,
let my fate be accomplished.
Let me take your hand,
and show you the way,
as I did along the dark path leading to the valley,
the day you followed me and held me in your arms.
You climbed the mountains to come to me.
I left my companions to be alone with you.
Remember our rapture!
Remember my caresses!
Under the cloak of love,
I stole your secret to satisfy my vengeance.
I had sold it in advance!
You believed in that love.
And it has forged your chains.
Today Dalila has avenged
her god.
Her people
and her hatred!
Today Dalila has avenged
her god, her people and her hatred!
When you spoke, I remained deaf.
And in my anxious soul,
I defiled love
by giving it to this woman.
Amuse us, Samson, by repeating to your lover
the tender words and songs that lend their fire to passion.
Let merciful Jehovah restore your sight!
I shall serve this mighty god if he can answer your prayer.
But if this god you name father is powerless to help you,
I shall scorn him and laugh at his wrath.
God of Israel, will you allow this false priest to insult you,
in his fury and rage in the face of heaven!
If only I could avenge your glory
and by a sudden miracle,
recover for one moment my eyes, my strength
and victory.
How we jeer at his rage! You cannot make us fear!
Samson, in your powerless rage, you see nothing. Mind your step!
His anger pleases us!
Dalila! Give thanks to our gods
who make Jehovah tremble in the skies.
Let us consult the oracles of great Dagon.
And pour the sacrificial wine in his name.
Glory to Dagon, the conqueror!
He helped you in your weakness,
instilling strength and cunning in your heart.
You the greatest god of all,
you who made the earth,
may your spirit be with us,
master of gods and men.
Bless our abundant flocks and ripen the vines on our hillsides.
Restore to our fields the harvest which Samson burned in hatred.
Let the altars flow
with our victims' blood,
to atone for their crimes.
Glory to Dagon!
Reveal to your priests, who alone may look upon your face,
the future that lies hidden from the sight of other men.
God, look favourably on our destiny. Make the Philistines,
glorious in combat!
Let victory follow in our steps!
Dagon appears!
The flame rises,
reborn from the ashes on the altar.
Dagon appears!
The flame rises...
Our god comes down to see us!
Our god's presence
displays his power.
Our god's presence displays his power in this place.
To make the omens favourable, Samson, come with us,
and, on bended knee, offer your cup to Dagon, the mighty god.
Lead him to the middle of the temple
so that the people may see him.
Lord, inspire me,
do not abandon me.
Lead me to the marble pillars, child.
Dagon appears!
The flame rises,
reborn from the ashes on the altar.
Our god's presence displays his power in this place.
God, look favourably on our destiny!
Make the Philistines glorious in combat!
Let victory follows in our steps!
Israel's insolence vanishes before your might.
Our armies guided by your spirit,
have prevailed over this cursed people,
who defy your anger and might.
Lord God, look favourably on our destiny. Make the Philistines glorious in combat!
Let victory follow in our steps!
Glory to Dagon!
Remember your servant,
whom they have deprived of light.
Lord, for an instant give me back my strength.
Let me avenge myself and you,
by destroying them in this place!
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