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So what exactly is this reputation?
Well people have used the j-word but you know what they say sticks and stones can damage your vital organs
So always wear body armor. Oh cool. That's a good one. I know right all right. Seriously, dude. What's going on here
What do you mean? I mean, what is all of this and what is the j-word well?
Bet my pudding pack we don't see them again today
I find it doesn't help just hurts the larynx hand me that bungee and you better hang on to my back
You might want to slide over this way
So, Melissa, what's up with your boy? I can almost taste that snickerdoodle now. Oh, yeah, all right all right. Let me oh
Man I miss my first day at a new school my parents are gonna flip out don't worry
I've got the bus route marked on my GP
yes, I
Must have gotten wet when we fell in the mud, but fear not I've got a backup right here paper map could possibly go wrong
Sorry boys. It's been a little oil spill as you can see it's quite a mess so nobody's getting through today
I think we can still make it across Iraq galoshes. I didn't I've got a next
Maybe we should go through the woods
In the middle of Coyote was with coyote woods I
Got a thing about coyotes. They're like big dogs that are dangerous defense. Oh, don't worry. There's no coyotes
We mean we're outside the fence just jump
Fatalities are blamed on boys and beats again. We wouldn't be the first
This cyclone of calamity that follows you everywhere you go, how do you live like this how do you live like that
What do you mean? I mean, you want to live like those other kids?
All right, I guess we turn the water back on
You know we're missing one of those heavy tow that a new scar yeah, thanks for noticing
Okay, chill season for a pack of chips Sid's up and get to to putting packs. I like that confidence there they go
Anyone want to up the ante?
We got a way to steer this thing this sure we don't need to look the mate excellent do G good boy
Here you go, but I do need you to go home, okay?
Go home
But I'm starting to feel like we can handle anything that comes our way
If you're so sure it's not too late to sweeten the pot done three jawbreakers and some vitamin C tablets
What it's cold and flu season?
Well Melissa look the vitamin C tablet
Today we are starting on a new physics project this will test everything you've learned about
Gravity inertia and weight distribution all things I utilize in makings
If you if you work hard someday you too may own a special desk not this one though this one's mine
So Oh for the week all the others will be judged on how well they have applied the concepts
We've been talking about in class now. You will all be breaking into teams of three
Really you're gonna jeopardize those straight A's you know eggs can be rather fragile
Bring it on I eat eggs for breakfast. Yeah, so do all of us. That's a lot of eggs
I've got a grade point average to protect you think that's maybe a little bit overkill
Did you just put an egg in your pocket yeah, yeah, that's not gonna end well
It's all in here. We have to build something that will withstand not only one of these things, but all of them simultaneously
Well, you know what they say whatever breaks our egg, Bertha. I'm not naming them anymore
I don't want to get attached come here do G here it goes
Okay, well the egg is completely
I gotta see this I'll be right down
Triple cooler eat and we better get out of here before anything else
Time to get you to screw
Just a dream
Yeah, that's more like it
Mellisa over here, how's Big Bertha doing good so far? How's the a a oh do you mind no problem?
I'll stand in the corner. I'm helping by not helping
Pilot egg is ready for drop-off I
Don't know what to say oh
Wait a second I forgot this one okay class take your projects up to the roof while I monitor the drop zone
Parachute chick was 1 point 5 second deploy speed Shaka barbers
check compress
Will show you how it's done
Oh very nice just a hairline fracture
Come on hold together
Okay, no no, Oh kickball game check. She can handle day
Wind turbine
Looks like puns you
Welcome to battle of the bands just getting started
This has been your practice area
So this is our competition huh yeah, but we're not here to bat
Yes, I'll suit up now
What exactly are you guys worried about what if my base goes out of tune between then and now that's not gonna happen
What if no one can hear us or I'm emotionally out of sync or I have a sneezing fit a coughing mm hmm, okay?
Thanks Zack. Okay. I'm going to go get some snacks
You guys work on
Zack what are you doing here? Hey max Lyle Shawn Melvin? Oh we changed their names - max -
Hi, max. I see what you did there a reverse psych. I'm not reverse psyching anything. How are you guys doing?
We're making a comeback
Touring a new album a music video, and there's a you better get back to my band. See you later
Don't beat yourself up too much second place is great for an amateur musician
Okay, okay, they're called the lumber max now well now all the good band names are taken
Who are the lumber Zacks is there some backstory that I'm up? It was the year
We started partying constantly it was non-stop
then one day a girl came between us I
Was standing there she can stand this?
To max so
When I was the lead singer they never changed their names - Zack
Did you want them to it these guys will really think I'm lost without them
Wow, this is like one of those movies where there's one dance team from the streets and one dance team is classically trained
And they're both gonna do this competition now pick up your stakes Melissa pick up your bass, okay, but I'm telling you now
I'm not changing my name to Zack Milo that accordions not gonna play itself actually
It has a not quite my tempo one two three four
Bass okay, then go replace Mort with a drum machine, and he can play bass like puppies - yeah
So do I but you don't see me destroying this band over. It well actually just getting started. Yeah, we really need a better name
I'd like to introduce our judges judge number one miss Whitley the music teacher to Jefferson middle school
Let's hear for our first band Scott and the underground er
My look what about your Cordy everything it's fine. Let me take a look I
Can do this okay? Just getting started is up next and on deck is reflective Randy and the see what you've become
And not only do they win the dance competition, but they've all learned the true value of their friendship
Exactly this contest was about us playing music together. Not about getting ramped up or what will good luck to the next band
Let's hear it for just getting started
Guys that was awesome
Thanks, but was on Saturday is there any chance you could pick up pizza on the way not picking up anything
I'm not walking away, man
Just walk
And the spare spare spare under the spare spare and my seat cushion doubles as a flotation device and a spare spare spare
Spare I'd say that's overkill, but I'd be wrong we used to plan
But it never worked out so now we just go with the flow for generations Murphy family vacations have been historic
San Francisco earthquake the Titanic nope I'm not always saying anything today. I'm on vacation I
Knew I should have gone before I left all right are these all gassed up. What do you say we get some snacks?
It's the Murphy family
Vacation Sarah, can you get me a soda from the fridge? I'm busy Milo
My gosh this seat isn't a flotation device
Okay, I'll see you soon. We're gonna meet my family at Boulder City mr.. Brule again
I roll Charlene Sharon Jar
Come on girls at your favourite Canyon, it's everyone's favorite Canyon so long as there's no further
Sometimes the interruptions are half the fun and sometimes they're mind-bogglingly terrifying
I can't wait to see what Hey look. It's horse face the equestrian barbarians
How did we not see that I mean it's huge
Sorry gang Murphy's Law my bad. We better call Milo with a change of plans
Under left you can see knock you mister
Since we kind of missed that stop my folks say they'll meet us at roadside attraction highway
You're so calm
I tagged something for my mom
I don't even change the radio station with new commercials come on because I feel guilty making their body go to waste
Why is this happening to me?
I blame you
Mr.. Brule
My local change of plans an RV we're supposed to be abducted cows
Disintegrator Ray's sir you know it's not the answer to everything just because it's the closest but
Have you seen the
Precious time that could be spent standing and staring on a massive crevice
Dinosaur made a pair and isn't it a great day for it
Good dog do gee how did he do them who knew vacations could be so?
Exciting I guess Milo showed us there's more to vacations than the Grand Canyon. That's my boy
It's like my dad always says you get closer to what you already have
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