♫ Whatever happened to predictability
♫ The milk man, the paper boy, the evening TV
♫ You miss your old familiar friends
♫ Waiting just around
- I didn't know that lyric.
♫ Everywhere you look, everywhere you go
♫ A hand to hold on to
♫ Everywhere you look, everywhere you go
♫ Somebody who needs you
♫ When you're lost out there and you're all alone
♫ A light is waiting to carry you home
♫ Everywhere you look
It's day seven, we're in San Francisco.
Last night was a great show, San Francisco State University.
Today, I'm gonna decorate my hearing aids
with YouTuber, Jessica Flores
and I think we're gonna see the Full House house,
maybe go to Haight-Ashbury,
where the hippie, free love movement started, man,
it's gonna be a great day.
Let's go.
I have no toothpicks, not that big of a deal, (laughs)
but, seriously, I wish I had toothpicks.
Good morning. - Hey,
how are you doing?
- Good, how are you you doing?
You make YouTube videos, right?
You're a YouTuber? - Yeah,
so yeah, what I've been doing
is I've been making YouTube and Facebook content
to kinda just spread like awareness
about what it's really like to be deaf or hard of hearing,
like I wanna educate more people,
so how can I do that?
And I was like, okay, well, maybe YouTube,
like maybe I'll share my experiences on YouTube
and try and do that.
It's nice to like, just like educate people,
you know, and like tell them,
like, what's really going on
and like, what we're going through.
(rattling table)
- So, you decorate your hearing aids?
- I do, I decorate them for two reasons,
one, I don't really like the silver,
'cause it's kind of just boring to me,
but two, because I want people to be able to see them.
When they were brown and they matched and clear,
they wouldn't see them and they would be like,
just kinda giving me more of a hard time,
'cause I couldn't hear them
and then when they see them, they're like, "(gasps) Oh!"
- A lot of people do the opposite,
they try to hide them. - Yeah, ah-huh.
- You want them to be out in the open.
- Yeah, I do, I do. - Big and bold.
This is gonna be the first time,
that I actually try to make them stand out,
so this is a big moment. - Yeah, well.
- Sound goes into there, into my ear,
it's a big help, a tiny little thing, that is a big help.
- Yeah, it does.
So the first thing you're gonna do,
now that you have your base sticker, that you want to do,
you're gonna peel it off
and you're gonna kinda like guess
like what size it's gonna be
on your hearing aid, - Okay
- [Jessica] So like I'm gonna say right about there.
- I gotta say, arts and crafts was never my thing in school,
- (laughs) That's okay. - so I will mess this up.
- That's okay.
Open up the hearing aid battery part,
try to cover up it as much as you can,
it's not gonna cover the entire thing,
sometimes I like to use these little cuticle scissors,
follow that line.
- [DJ] Cool. - See.
- You know how I said I'm really bad at this?
I put it on the wrong side already.
- [Jessica] Oh look, you're doing it.
- [DJ] I'm doing it.
- [Jessica] Oh, how exciting, DJ, you're a natural.
- Don't patronize me, Jessica.
- Fine.
- I know I'm not a natural.
- [Jessica] Beautiful.
- That's pretty cool, that's some futuristic...
- [Jessica] Yeah.
- looking hearing aid, right there,
I think I'm gonna add a puppy picture,
which puppy?
You know, if they've got a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy,
that's what I've gotta go with, that's my favorite.
- [Jessica] (laughs) So cute.
- Let's see how it looks.
- [Justin] Nice.
♫ Doo doo doo doo
Is that yours too?
When the hearing aids turn on, they make a sound.
By the way, that five second delay,
before they come on, - Yeah. (laughs)
- Why?
- Sometimes I wonder if we can change that
to like, you know, Good morning, Jessica.
- You know what I want mine to say?
- What?
♫ You can hear now
- (laughs) I like that.
- Like how you can have Snoop Dog for your GPS voice,
that type of thing. - Yeah, ah-huh.
- Yeah, having Snoop Dog being like,
You can hear mother(blank), how's it look?
Can you see the dog? - Yeah,
they look so pretty, like woo!
- Can you see the dog?
- [Jessica] Yeah. - Yeah?
- [Jessica] It looks like it's like ooh, ooh,
like just peeking.
- Cool, well, can you show everybody
what your hearing aid looks like?
- Yeah, ah-huh, - The decoration.
- [Jessica] Look how shiny they are.
♫ Yo, I ain't here for the money
♫ I ain't here for the fame
♫ Though it might be nice to own a jet plane
♫ I'm a dude who offers you
♫ Come along and see if it's true
- Funny story, my sister always says when I was young,
she knew I wanted to be a comedian,
'cause she asked me who I wanted to be when I grew up
and I said Uncle Joey, Dave Coulier,
so if you're wondering where my comic influence comes from,
Uncle Joey, cut it out,
but really I consider myself an Uncle Jessie,
have mercy, cut it out. (laughs)
There's a lot of interweaving between my life
and Full House, 'cause when I was a kid,
other kids would try to make fun of me
and I would never have my hearing aids on
and it was always they called me DJ Tanner
and they'd go, "Oh, look at DJ Tanner,"
I'm like, DJ Tanner's awesome,
trying to hurt my feelings with DJ Tanner?
Nah, now if you called me Gibbler, we'd have some problems.
That's another thing about that show, that's crazy
is how often they were always ragging on Gibbler,
why did Gibbler keep coming around?
They abused her horrendously, even the adults,
you never watched Full House, did you?
- [Justin] I did. - Gibbler was DJ's friend
the neighbor and every time she came over,
they would just like, - Oh, yeah.
- she was a punching bag.
Chef Curry with the pot, boy
and can you edit that after?
One on one, what do you wanna play up to?
- 11?
- 11.
Zero, zero, a couple of ballers going head to head here.
Woo, one, nothing.
Two, nothing.
Three, two.
Four, two.
- My bad. - No, that's fine.
Five, five.
Seven, six.
Just doing a little jog.
Nine, six.
It's settling, I just want this game to go on forever.
10, seven.
Just like we drew it up on the drawing board.
San Francisco, I love you, I always love coming here,
the show last night, San Francisco State University,
it was amazing, today was absolutely incredible,
thank you so much to Jessica Flores
for helping me to decorate my hearing aid,
got the cute puppy dogs on the holographic background,
feel pretty pimping.
So that's it, we're leaving San Fran
and we're jumping on a plane, heading to Chattanooga
in the morning, six a.m.,
you ready for the early flight?
- [Justin] Nope.
- No? (laughs)
me neither, let's not sleep, let's party.
- [Justin] Yeah, let's do that.
- And in the meantime, enjoy this beautiful view,
see you later everyone.
♫ Whoa
♫ Where did they all go
♫ Whoa
♫ Where did they all go
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