(vehicle honking)
(upbeat music)
(rooster crowing)
- Good mornin', good mornin', good mornin'.
It's day four and we just left Portland, Oregon.
Sign language, let's recap what we learned yesterday.
A very excited hello.
What's up?
This is where?
I realize I can't wag my finger very good,
you see the limited motion here?
I wouldn't be very good at being sassy.
(light music)
Where are we right now?
- Kennewick, Washington.
- Kennewick, Washington, we're gonna get some sushi,
we're taking care of some internet problems,
and then we're on our way to Washington State University.
The plant's dyin' on us a little bit.
We gotta make sure we don't let that plant die.
If you can keep a plant alive, then you can get a puppy,
if you can keep a puppy alive, then you can have a kid.
That's the way it works.
So if I let this plant die, man,
it does not bode well for my future.
This plant must live.
Cream cheese wontons.
For life.
I'm just gonna get a tattoo of a cream cheese wonton
on my chest.
Saw Justin handin' the camera to Mike,
- [Man] He did.
- So then I turned around.
So in my mind, I thought that meant
he was gonna be in the bathroom with me.
- [Man] I did go in there,
I washed my hands really quick.
- Oh, so then I'm at the urinal
and then I hear somebody come in and got into the stall.
So then after I finish up going pee
I look in the mirror and I notice
my sunglasses were pullin' my shirt down.
And I was like,"Oh, I didn't
realize I was showin' so much hair
"at the lunch table, so much chest hair."
And then nobody said anything back to me,
so I look in and I saw the guy was wearing a white shirt,
and I knew Justin's wearing a dark shirt,
and I'm like, ohhh shit, I ran out of the bathroom.
(upbeat music)
Hey Kirsten.
- Hi.
- What'd you go to college for?
- I got a degree in communication.
- I was gonna make a corny joke about,
that must be why you communicate so well.
And you wear hearing aids in both ears?
- Yeah I do, but my loss is like, mild to moderate.
It's not as profound as yours.
- Ah, rub it in why don't ya.
- No.
I wore them in college a little bit,
but not as much as I should have.
I would it always do it at the beginning of each semester
and then as soon as I got used to the teachers voice
and everything, I would just stop.
- What made you wanna take them out then?
Like, you said you got used to the teachers voice.
What was the impetus,
what was the motivation for not wearing them anymore?
- I don't know, I think that there is a stigma
and sometimes I don't even realize,
that I like, I don't know,
that it affects me.
Sometimes I just don't wanna deal with it.
Sometimes I don't wanna have to explain what's in my ear
and a lot of times people will be like,
"Well you don't sound like you have a hearing loss."
And I'm like, okay well, what do you want me to do,
prove it to you?
No, I'm not gonna do that, so.
- Yeah, you're either too deaf or not deaf enough.
- Right?
Exactly, no that's the thing for sure.
- What would you say is the main advice you would give
to somebody in college or university or high school,
with hearing loss.
- I would say, don't be afraid to get help,
even if you're really shy like I am.
I'm super shy and I don't like asking people for help.
But it's really important
because there's so many options out there.
And you can try something and it might not work,
but that doesn't mean you should give up.
Just keep trying and communicate
with whoever is helping you.
Your disability counselor or whoever it is.
- See you Kirsten.
- [Kirsten] Bye.
- Bye.
(vehicle honking)
Where are we?
I don't even know where we are.
Somewhere near Idaho,
or no, we're still in Washington,
but it looks very Idaho-like.
I'm getting worse Mike.
Fatigue is setting in.
This is perfect, look at how flat it is,
perfect for Aerobie.
I wanna throw this as far as I can
but I'm afraid I won't find it.
I know this sounds like I'm makin' excuses,
but I'm just not doin' what I'm used to doin'.
Here goes nothin', as far as I can, down this road.
Might be the last time we ever see this baby.
Love you Aerobie.
No, Aerobie, no!
I looked across the street for a second,
'cause Mike was comin' back in the truck,
and then I lost it.
Not leavin' without you Aerobie.
I've lost you before, I won't loose you again.
Feel like Brad Pitt, at the end of Seven.
I've had to loose the thing I love the most
in the middle of an empty field.
- [Brad] What's in the box?
- I love you Justin.
Let's go.
Don't ever leave me again.
I'm very embarrassed
by how I've been throwin' this so far,
I can't stress that enough.
All my friends back home
that know how much I love this
and how much pride I take in it,
they're gonna laugh at me.
(light music)
I knew that was gonna be checkmate at the beginning.
And then I forgot, because I thought about it too long.
Let's make sure Justin wins.
- [Both] Good game.
- I'm so glad we're documenting all my failures.
I can't throw a Frisbee.
I'm losing at chess.
How's it feel being on camera, instead of behind the camera?
- Uh, it's kind of weird.
- We're at WSU, Washington State University, WASU.
We were walking to do an interview right now
with the newspaper.
Let's tell the people that we were playing Frisbee
in the middle of nowhere, Jo's phone fell out of her pocket,
we were driving five minutes away, we drove back,
and Mike, the driver, found her phone in the middle
of like a cornfield, or whatever crap that was.
It was a miracle.
It was a great moment, probably the best moment
of the tour so far, the relief that we all felt.
We high fived.
We cried a little bit.
I put my leg up, I crossed it,
I'm going into full interview mode here.
I feel like I'm on 60 Minutes, or 20/20 or something.
This means I'm serious, once that leg gets crossed,
I'm all business.
- So I read in the press release
that you were on America's Got Talent.
How was that?
- It was fun, yeah it was great.
- What season?
- Last year.
Yeah, I lost to a juggler,
that's how I ended up getting kicked off.
But now I hate jugglers.
If you can put that, make sure everybody knows,
I got beef with jugglers, all jugglers.
- Do you have any advice for people who are wanting
to get into standup comedy, or any type of performance?
- Advice to people who want to get into standup comedy,
I would say don't do it, this is my turf, back off.
- [Interviewer] Do you have like a favorite dad joke?
- A favorite dad joke?
- [Interviewer] Yeah, like the super cheesy puns.
- Yeah, I do.
I really do.
A mushroom walks into a bar.
And the bartender says, hey hey hey,
we don't serve mushrooms here.
And the mushroom says, why not, I'm a fungi.
Huh, come on.
- [Interviewer] That's pretty quality.
- Pretty quality bad joke.
Fam, that's a pretty lit sign.
Six p.m.
I'm the comedian, yeah, it'll be fun.
Club auditorium.
- Alright, I've seen you before somewhere.
- Really?
- Yeah, I swear to God.
- Cool, well come see me again tomorrow night.
- [Student] What's your name?
- D.J.
- Nice to meet you D.J.
- What's your name?
- Sean.
- Josh?
- Sean.
- Oh John, nice to meet you man.
Tomorrow night, six o'clock, bring your friends?
- Where is it?
- Club auditorium.
- Awesome, sounds good.
- Cool, see you then man.
- [Man] I'm in slow motion mode,
so if you throw those up it'll be pretty slick.
- Let's do it.
(acoustic guitar music)
- [Man] Nice.
- This campus is one of
the more beautiful campuses you'll visit.
I've seen like campus, its plural should be campi.
Like fungus, fungi, cactus, cacti.
When I was in like 5th grade, I loved the Cries of Intrepid.
It had just come out.
And I loved it so much I was walking home
from school one day,
and somebody on my walk, some house had an Intrepid.
And I loved it, and I was a weird kid.
And I walked up, and I kissed the ground
that the Intrepid was on.
I kissed some random driveway, because I was like,
I love Intrepid.
So there's a funny story.
Day four.
And the crew loves each other more and more everyday.
I'm very excited for tomorrow man, it's the first show.
Watch, we're gonna get up on stage,
well I guess not we, me, I'm the only one up on stage.
So that's great.
Day five, finally, get up on stage,
here at WASU, WASU, Washington State University.
I'm wearing their colors, a nice fortunate coincidence.
So stay tuned for tomorrow.
It gets better everyday.
And I'm gonna start throwing the Aerobie better.
This is really embarrassing.
(hip hop music)
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