Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily here Oct 5 2017

(vehicle honking)

(upbeat music)

(rooster crowing)

- Good mornin', good mornin', good mornin'.

It's day four and we just left Portland, Oregon.

Sign language, let's recap what we learned yesterday.


A very excited hello.


What's up?


This is where?

I realize I can't wag my finger very good,

you see the limited motion here?

I wouldn't be very good at being sassy.

(light music)

Where are we right now?

- Kennewick, Washington.

- Kennewick, Washington, we're gonna get some sushi,

we're taking care of some internet problems,

and then we're on our way to Washington State University.

The plant's dyin' on us a little bit.

We gotta make sure we don't let that plant die.

If you can keep a plant alive, then you can get a puppy,

if you can keep a puppy alive, then you can have a kid.

That's the way it works.

So if I let this plant die, man,

it does not bode well for my future.

This plant must live.

Cream cheese wontons.

For life.

I'm just gonna get a tattoo of a cream cheese wonton

on my chest.

Saw Justin handin' the camera to Mike,

- [Man] He did.

- So then I turned around.

So in my mind, I thought that meant

he was gonna be in the bathroom with me.

- [Man] I did go in there,

I washed my hands really quick.

- Oh, so then I'm at the urinal

and then I hear somebody come in and got into the stall.

So then after I finish up going pee

I look in the mirror and I notice

my sunglasses were pullin' my shirt down.

And I was like,"Oh, I didn't

realize I was showin' so much hair

"at the lunch table, so much chest hair."

And then nobody said anything back to me,

so I look in and I saw the guy was wearing a white shirt,

and I knew Justin's wearing a dark shirt,

and I'm like, ohhh shit, I ran out of the bathroom.

(upbeat music)

Hey Kirsten.

- Hi.

- What'd you go to college for?

- I got a degree in communication.

- I was gonna make a corny joke about,

that must be why you communicate so well.

And you wear hearing aids in both ears?

- Yeah I do, but my loss is like, mild to moderate.

It's not as profound as yours.

- Ah, rub it in why don't ya.

- No.


I wore them in college a little bit,

but not as much as I should have.

I would it always do it at the beginning of each semester

and then as soon as I got used to the teachers voice

and everything, I would just stop.

- What made you wanna take them out then?

Like, you said you got used to the teachers voice.

What was the impetus,

what was the motivation for not wearing them anymore?

- I don't know, I think that there is a stigma

and sometimes I don't even realize,

that I like, I don't know,

that it affects me.

Sometimes I just don't wanna deal with it.

Sometimes I don't wanna have to explain what's in my ear

and a lot of times people will be like,

"Well you don't sound like you have a hearing loss."

And I'm like, okay well, what do you want me to do,

prove it to you?

No, I'm not gonna do that, so.

- Yeah, you're either too deaf or not deaf enough.

- Right?

Exactly, no that's the thing for sure.

- What would you say is the main advice you would give

to somebody in college or university or high school,

with hearing loss.

- I would say, don't be afraid to get help,

even if you're really shy like I am.

I'm super shy and I don't like asking people for help.

But it's really important

because there's so many options out there.

And you can try something and it might not work,

but that doesn't mean you should give up.

Just keep trying and communicate

with whoever is helping you.

Your disability counselor or whoever it is.

- See you Kirsten.

- [Kirsten] Bye.

- Bye.

(vehicle honking)

Where are we?

I don't even know where we are.

Somewhere near Idaho,

or no, we're still in Washington,

but it looks very Idaho-like.

I'm getting worse Mike.

Fatigue is setting in.

This is perfect, look at how flat it is,

perfect for Aerobie.

I wanna throw this as far as I can

but I'm afraid I won't find it.

I know this sounds like I'm makin' excuses,

but I'm just not doin' what I'm used to doin'.

Here goes nothin', as far as I can, down this road.

Might be the last time we ever see this baby.

Love you Aerobie.

No, Aerobie, no!

I looked across the street for a second,

'cause Mike was comin' back in the truck,

and then I lost it.

Not leavin' without you Aerobie.

I've lost you before, I won't loose you again.

Feel like Brad Pitt, at the end of Seven.

I've had to loose the thing I love the most

in the middle of an empty field.

- [Brad] What's in the box?

- I love you Justin.

Let's go.

Don't ever leave me again.

I'm very embarrassed

by how I've been throwin' this so far,

I can't stress that enough.

All my friends back home

that know how much I love this

and how much pride I take in it,

they're gonna laugh at me.

(light music)

I knew that was gonna be checkmate at the beginning.

And then I forgot, because I thought about it too long.

Let's make sure Justin wins.

- [Both] Good game.

- I'm so glad we're documenting all my failures.

I can't throw a Frisbee.

I'm losing at chess.

How's it feel being on camera, instead of behind the camera?

- Uh, it's kind of weird.

- We're at WSU, Washington State University, WASU.

We were walking to do an interview right now

with the newspaper.

Let's tell the people that we were playing Frisbee

in the middle of nowhere, Jo's phone fell out of her pocket,

we were driving five minutes away, we drove back,

and Mike, the driver, found her phone in the middle

of like a cornfield, or whatever crap that was.

It was a miracle.

It was a great moment, probably the best moment

of the tour so far, the relief that we all felt.

We high fived.

We cried a little bit.

I put my leg up, I crossed it,

I'm going into full interview mode here.

I feel like I'm on 60 Minutes, or 20/20 or something.

This means I'm serious, once that leg gets crossed,

I'm all business.

- So I read in the press release

that you were on America's Got Talent.

How was that?

- It was fun, yeah it was great.

- What season?

- Last year.

Yeah, I lost to a juggler,

that's how I ended up getting kicked off.

But now I hate jugglers.

If you can put that, make sure everybody knows,

I got beef with jugglers, all jugglers.

- Do you have any advice for people who are wanting

to get into standup comedy, or any type of performance?

- Advice to people who want to get into standup comedy,

I would say don't do it, this is my turf, back off.

- [Interviewer] Do you have like a favorite dad joke?

- A favorite dad joke?

- [Interviewer] Yeah, like the super cheesy puns.

- Yeah, I do.

I really do.

A mushroom walks into a bar.

And the bartender says, hey hey hey,

we don't serve mushrooms here.

And the mushroom says, why not, I'm a fungi.

Huh, come on.

- [Interviewer] That's pretty quality.

- Pretty quality bad joke.

Fam, that's a pretty lit sign.

Six p.m.

I'm the comedian, yeah, it'll be fun.

Club auditorium.

- Alright, I've seen you before somewhere.

- Really?

- Yeah, I swear to God.

- Cool, well come see me again tomorrow night.

- [Student] What's your name?

- D.J.

- Nice to meet you D.J.

- What's your name?

- Sean.

- Josh?

- Sean.

- Oh John, nice to meet you man.

Tomorrow night, six o'clock, bring your friends?

- Where is it?

- Club auditorium.

- Awesome, sounds good.

- Cool, see you then man.

- [Man] I'm in slow motion mode,

so if you throw those up it'll be pretty slick.

- Let's do it.

(acoustic guitar music)

- [Man] Nice.

- This campus is one of

the more beautiful campuses you'll visit.

I've seen like campus, its plural should be campi.

Like fungus, fungi, cactus, cacti.

When I was in like 5th grade, I loved the Cries of Intrepid.

It had just come out.

And I loved it so much I was walking home

from school one day,

and somebody on my walk, some house had an Intrepid.

And I loved it, and I was a weird kid.

And I walked up, and I kissed the ground

that the Intrepid was on.

I kissed some random driveway, because I was like,

I love Intrepid.

So there's a funny story.

Day four.

And the crew loves each other more and more everyday.

I'm very excited for tomorrow man, it's the first show.

Watch, we're gonna get up on stage,

well I guess not we, me, I'm the only one up on stage.

So that's great.

Day five, finally, get up on stage,

here at WASU, WASU, Washington State University.

I'm wearing their colors, a nice fortunate coincidence.

So stay tuned for tomorrow.

It gets better everyday.

And I'm gonna start throwing the Aerobie better.

This is really embarrassing.

(hip hop music)

For more infomation >> Ep. 4: - Losing things in the middle of nowhere - HERE TO HEAR TOUR - Duration: 9:36.


Ellen Hutson & Altenew Mix-it-Up Challenge October 2017! - Duration: 6:11.

hi it's Therese from Lostinpaper and I'm really excited because today I'm at the

Ellen Hutson classroom at their blog and sharing this card that I'm making for

the mix it up challenge so that means I get to share some products from both the

essentials by Ellen product line and combine it with the Altenew stamps and

I'm using their inks as well today so a lot of fun I decided to stamp out my own

background and I have a piece of cardstock and using some Altenew inks

this is the mountain mist color is the lighter one and I'm rotating this

beautiful leaf image now this is a real kind of retro style leaf and it's from a

set called rustic botanicals that was created by Julie Ebersole and I love it

it's a beautiful set so once I've finished stamping out the first color

the second one that I'm going to be using is the volcano Lake which is a

really pretty color too so this was really easy to kind of line up and each

line of leaf I've flipped the leaf around but focused all the lighter ink

on one side of the card and the darker and the other sort of creating that

ombre effect it was a very easy panel to stamp out took no time at all a bit took

me longer to edit it than to acutally stamp it alright so I'm going to create my

flowers now to go on the panel this is gonna be the focal point of my card and

I'm using the set that was created for the essentials by Ellen range with Altenew

this is a collaboration set and it's amazingly beautiful and it's called

poppy fields and I've used, I want three different colors of poppies

so for the yellow one and I use the citrus burst and the

shadow color was called Sunkissed then the second the orange poppy I did with

Sunkissed and then with my favorite colors ever which is called orange cream I used

a Copic marker to color in the center of my flower and then stamped out the

center's that come in the set with the industrial diamond so these leaves are

from the rustic botanical set and I created sort of two tones on them by

using the the cubes of Altenew ink you could do this with the bigger ink pads

it just would be a little bit more difficult but I stamped the lighter

color which is the parrot onto this onto the leaf image and then stamp the edges

with the Moss ink and now I'm going to stamp three of those because we all know

that odd numbers look good too I've got the coordinating dies for both

of the stamp sets actually the poppy fields stamp set comes with coordinating

dies I think and if not you should get them they're amazing and I'm just going

to run these all through my die-cutting machine the last color that I'm going to

use for this from my poppy is coral berry and then I use the ruby red as the

shadow color this just blew me away it was so beautiful there is an outline

stamp in this set as well I should say I just chose not to use it today and

that's one of the best things about these layering stamp sets you can use

either part of them all of them some of them only the outline everything it

doesn't matter so easy and so versatile the sentiment comes from the poppy fields

stamp set as well and I didn't stamp it in black I did stamp it in the

industrial diamond so now it's time to put my card together I've got a top fold

card and I've added some fun foam to my background I have cut it down to fit the

card front just leaving a white border

around the whole edge popping up all my flowers no I'm not I'm popping up some

of my flowers and adding some tape runner to the leaves and the orange

flower I decided to actually use tape runner and adhere it directly to the

panel as well it's just good to have different sort of heights of your

embellies it just adds a bit of interest to your card so if you're here in

October 2017 I'd love to see what you can do combining the essentials by Ellen

Hutson stamp and die range along with Altenew, what a good combination it's

so much fun I know I had a blast making this card so all I have to do now is

just pop my little bouquet together and I'm finished thanks so much for joining

me today I've had such a fun time head over to the Ellen Hutson mix it up

challenge I'll put the link in a new youtube description below and look

forward to seeing you there till next time happy papercrafting bye

For more infomation >> Ellen Hutson & Altenew Mix-it-Up Challenge October 2017! - Duration: 6:11.


Ep. 3: Beginner ASL Lessons - HERE TO HEAR TOUR - Duration: 7:00.

I'm back baby

'bout to go live on Facebook I'm gonna look swole. I'm kind of joking

but kind of not. I don't know what's real and what's not anymore.

Hey Justin, catch

wooo hooo!

I need a minute. It's day three of the Here to Hear tour. I'm gonna do this

every day because I think it's important. I want to start every day with a moment

of gratitude. Today I'm going to start with gratitude for every audiologist

I've had. Well, two in particular. Danny and Steve, the two my two main squeezes

two audiologists I've had in my life. I appreciate everything you've done for me

um, so thank you. Second thing I want to get to is the

thought of the day. Adventure is good. Every adventure is worthwhile and that's

Amelia Earhart. And, the song of the day - I want to do a song, I love music. Today's

song of the day is by one of my favorite musicians Mac DeMarco and his song is

called, "Dreams from Yesterday," and I love that

song because that song is all about not letting your dreams pass you by. Not

waking up one day when you're old and gray and be like, man I wish I would have

done this, I wish I would have followed that dream.

You wanna do this puzzle with me?

United States of ... A....


Just got the warning. Battery is going dead. So I don't know if

you if you know this secret but I read about it or something.

You take the sticker off your battery you don't put it in your hair you need

right away you wait a couple minutes because, I don't know what the science is

behind it, but it'll last longer after you do that. I don't know much well

that's one of the things I do know. If you move it around in the air it works

quicker. That may be true, may not be. Out with the old in with the new. I'm back

baby. The United States of America we're coming for you. California, in Oregon

and by tomorrow, Washington. Got the whole West coast. In 3, 4 days, thanks to this guy right up

here. Thanks Mike. You know what, it doesn't seem that

impressive if I'm looking at the map here. It's only a few inches you've driven, so.

I love chess so much.

So, do you have like a thought out strategy, or?

No, that's why I'm so bad.

-Me either

I'm just like, I play chess like I live life, you know. One

move at a time

Exactly, That's the only way to do it.

No, actually, probably the worst way to do it.

I'm calling Allee Hewitt

she's a friend I met on Instagram, and she is... she knows ASL, so she's gonna

teach me a little bit. Let's call her up.


[Allee] Hi!

Hey, how's it going? Can you teach

me a few things here? [Allee] Let's start with the basics. That's hi. Salute

If you're really excited you can go with the two. I can go, OK.


Can you go extra with the bye?


I learned the sign for Canada. You learned the sign for Canada?! What is it?

Yeah, you're going to love it.

It's, you just do this.

Oh, that's amazing!

What's America? Ah, ok. Like a melting pot.

Home. Dog? Is that home dog, did you say? I don't think I've ever said a home dog in

my life. I'm learning? Sign. Learning is good. That that makes sense to me. And

then after you learn it you can forget it! Okay, I'm not trying to, believe me.

yeah thanks Ali bye we are outside the Nike employee store

in Beaverton are we in Beaverton - Beaverton Oregon and Jill has a friend

who had a hook-up at the Nike store and normally I'm not into rampant

consumerism but when somebody says they can get you a sweet deal at the Nike

employee store you gotta go and get the flashiest kicks you've bought since you

were 10 years old I feel like I I'm gonna run to that tree

I'm back you ready yeah

that was fast I'm very concerned by had a Bethlehem I know I'm gonna run 10k

every day for the rest of this work I gotta stop sayin things I can't live up

to know that I've caught my breath let me say something for real

October is Disability Awareness Month very important I'll tell you why because

I am a comedian so I never really intended to set out to be an advocate

for anything I just wanted to be funny but now that I've kind of attracted some

sort of notoriety people have reached out to me with hearing loss with all

sorts of disabilities they kind of look to me not a lot of people but some

people say oh I'm inspiring for whatever reason but here's the thing the reason

why Disability Awareness Month is so important somebody a very smart man once

told me I wish I could remember his name but I met him in Toronto he was a

disability advocate and he told me you're either disabled or you're not

disabled yet we all get older we're all one accident away from something

happening so Disability Awareness Month is about compassion being able to step

outside of yourself and realize that people are living all sorts of different

lives and they need our help whether it's with institutional health or just

in our day to day living so Disability Awareness Month is very

important to me as a man with a disability but it should be important to

you whether you have a disability or not because people are people and compassion

is what makes this world go round not to spew cliches over here but it's

very important not just in October but the rest of the year to have compassion

for compassion compassion for your fellow man fellow woman and be able to

step outside of yourself that's why it's important to me there's a moment of

seriousness yeah why can't I talk when I get sincere I lose the ability hello or

goodbye whether it's the end of the day we're here in Portland Oregon we drove

all the way from Redding California a long day on the road but a fun day we

stopped at the Nike store yeah that's right got some sweet new kicks feeling

pretty fly right now I want to thank Alli for teaching me ASL today Thank You

Ally that's the end of day three thank you very much for tuning in we'll

see you tomorrow tell your friends subscribe share like do all that fun

stuff let's spread the word and remember disability awareness month

so be nice to everybody whether they're disabled or not let's all be kind to one

another there's your cheesy thought of the day

to end day three on the here to hear comedy tour

For more infomation >> Ep. 3: Beginner ASL Lessons - HERE TO HEAR TOUR - Duration: 7:00.


ENG SUB-Park HyungSik - I'll be here .HWARANG OST-화랑 OST: 박형식 - 여기 있을게 - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> ENG SUB-Park HyungSik - I'll be here .HWARANG OST-화랑 OST: 박형식 - 여기 있을게 - Duration: 4:36.


Kat Von D SuperSonic Glimmer Veil Is HERE! + MODA Mythical Brushes are COMING! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:00.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for October 4, 2017

It's Everlasting Flash day TODAY at Sephora!

Grab the KAT VON D Everlasting Glimmer Veil Liquid Lipstick in Super Sonic - $22 until


ELF has introduced the new ACTIVE line for your post workout care.

Featuring Post-Workout Cool Down Mist, Cleansing Body Wipes, Hydration Stick as well as makeup

and Silicone Sponge Duo - $3 to $8 Plus you will get FREE SHIPPING TODAY only

from Elf, and on top of that, 12% Cash Back from Ebates!


Still longing for the Lorac Pirates of the Caribbean collection?

It's now 50% off at Kohls!

Kohls cash can be used and look for 6% cash back from Ebates

MODA Mythical is on the way to grant all of your Unicorn wishes!

Too Faced and Jerrod Blandino sent a sneak peek of this Melted Gold Lip!

Watch for it

That's if for now.

We'll see you same time tomorrow!

Remember we have Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and Don't forget our full-length

weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Kat Von D SuperSonic Glimmer Veil Is HERE! + MODA Mythical Brushes are COMING! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:00.


Here's How To Heal Your Dry, Chapped Lips Naturally - Duration: 3:06.

Chapped lips are bothersome both during the winter and the summer.

Our lips hurt, sting, and don't look good at all, but there are remedies.

Chapped lips can be caused by several different things, depending on each individual person:

allergic reactions, smoke, prolonged sun exposure, licking your lips, vitamin deficiency, cold

weather, too much wind, dry weather, certain medications and other issues.

In this video we'll show you some cheap and easy solutions for this problem.

The best part is that they are made with all natural ingredients.


Aloe Vera Aloe vera is a powerful plant that can be

used to hydrate your skin.

Not only do its healing properties hydrate and restore chapped lips, but they also lessen

the pain.

All you have to do is remove the aloe vera gel from its leaf and apply it directly onto

your lips.

You can mix the gel in a blender to make it easier to apply.

Don't lick your lips afterwards.

Aloe vera doesn't taste very good.


Coconut oil The controversial coconut oil can be used

in many different ways, and your whole body can benefit from it.

Due to its hydrating properties, you can apply a light layer on your lips several times throughout

the day, and a thicker layer before going to bed.

And, as an added benefit, it smells and tastes delicious.


Castor Oil Castor oil is very moisturizing, and can help

heal cracks on your lips.

It can be used several times throughout the day, just like coconut oil.

Apply it at night before going to bed, and wash your lips in the morning.

You'll soon notice a huge difference.


Vegetable Oil Before Bathing Before you wash your face or take a bath, apply some vegetable

oil onto your lips to create a barrier, since your face soap could be drying out your lips

and stripping them of their natural oils.


Honey and Vegetable Oil Use this mixture before going to bed.

Mix a small amount of honey with some drops of the vegetable oil of your preference, and

rub it on your lips before going to bed.

In the morning you will wake up with hydrated, smooth lips.

Furthermore, honey has antibacterial properties, so it will protect the cracks on your lips

from an infection.


Rose Petals Rose petals are well known for the benefits

they bring to our skin.

They can also heal our cracked, dry lips.

All you have to do is wash a handful of petals and let them soak in milk or glycerin for

a few hours.

Then knead them together to form a thick paste and apply it on your lips every night before

going to sleep.

It will help repair your lips and improve their natural shine.


Beeswax If your lips are already smooth and pretty,

you should use beeswax.

It will protect your lips and help them stay hydrated.

For more infomation >> Here's How To Heal Your Dry, Chapped Lips Naturally - Duration: 3:06.


XXXtentacion and Fame - Duration: 4:48.

Recently, a young Floridian Soundcloud star, Jahseh Onfroy, known more by his stage name

XXXTentacion, rose to fame seemingly out of nowhere while serving time in prison.

But how did he get to the top?

Jahseh has managed to make a name out of edgy behavior.

Doing things such as what occurred during his Cypher, where he cut out the beats and

proceeds to recite spoken word about the apocalypse, to lynching children during a music video.

Even doing things such as all his times fighting.

Jumping a guy in the bathroom, a street fight, the story he told of being in jail with a

gay guy.

So how did he get to the top considering all this negativity?

I think its a matter of how he went about it.

Around December of 2016, he began to spike in terms of trend.

This is most likely due to his song "Look at Me!", which became his biggest hit, and

the controversy of Drake mimicking the flow of the track.

He lived and performed on tours on the idea of being memorable.

Doing something so big that he makes a name for himself.

He keeps this aura of conflict surrounding him.

And that just draws more attention to his name.

His most recent subject under fire, is him lynching a child in his "Look at Me!'

music video.

This music video was crafted to draw in the audience who like that song and then switch

halfway through and performed his older song "Riot", which tackles issues such as murder

and racism, accompanied with graphic imagery of black men being hung and ending on a silent

clip of X himself hanging a child.

And following this, a lot of his older stuff, along with his new album that was released,

17, seems to be following the modern-day logic of pandering to mental illness because that's

what gets you attention.

Tracks from his 17 album seems to be regaling us with the typical 'oh my heart's broken,

oh I'm sad' with no true emotional depth to them.

It seems to be repeating the same sort of pity undertones that a lot of popular artists

that appeal to mental illness do.

Lyrics like:

'The pain in my heart just won't end, The words that I find just don't seem to compare,

Awaiting my death in the end, Alone I must seek out the end to begin,'

Just sounds like it is a song from the likes of My Chemical Romance or Three Days Grace.

This whole lyricism and melancholy beats, only to accentuate that appeal to depressed

kids that is such a trend with newer rappers.

With no actual three-dimensional lyrics, and doing the very flat, generic, sad sounding

lyrics that sound deep to the casual listener.

I think the edgy behavior, his pandering towards mental illness, and his constant controversial

issues help him get the recognition that he has currently.

In light of his recent controversy regarding his ex girlfriend's testimony this just provides

him with more recognition.

By playing up this whole super villain bit and laughing and making jokes about the testimony

further thrust him into the public eye as an enemy.

Much akin to Marilyn Manson likening himself as a satanist to play up the shock factor.

This is probably the best time to mention that I'm not supporting him in regards to


I'm very much for separating the artist from their work, but there's an extent to

which that isn't a viable strategy.

I don't think domestic abuse and allegations in regards to it are something to be taken


Especially not to the extent of laughing and joking about it.

Now with that disclaimer aside, back to the discussion.

He may be manipulating the spotlight to focus on him, from dyeing his hair and shaving his

eyebrows, to featuring on a Noah Cyrus song.

I think that every action he makes is to help keep attention on him as he strives to become

as he says "the greatest artist of all time".

And to do this, he needs to constantly be focused on.

I fully support the idea that every move on XXXtentacion's part is calculated and made

to further his agenda and growth.

I don't think this is outside the realm of possibility with him, he's made it very

obvious that he knows how to grow himself as an artist, and that this can extend to


There is no such thing as bad press, and X encompasses that ideology.

He has said in the past that his goal is to do big, crazy things to make his name known.

And all he has done, has certainly sparked a fuse in the masses following him..

For more infomation >> XXXtentacion and Fame - Duration: 4:48.


Nat & Friends: Pixel 2 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Nat & Friends: Pixel 2 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:55.


SEAL Team - You're Not Here Even When You Are Here - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> SEAL Team - You're Not Here Even When You Are Here - Duration: 2:26.


October 4th - Google Event - Duration: 1:44:13.

For more infomation >> October 4th - Google Event - Duration: 1:44:13.


Here's My Canada: My Family Settler Story. - Duration: 0:27.

it had five years pass, then, mom took

me up here, and then it's really a new

experience for me, the buses, the schools,

everyone around me, especially the four

seasons, I loved the winter season because I

never saw snow before in my life, and

that's my Canada.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Family Settler Story. - Duration: 0:27.


Here's My Canada: We Are a Free Country - Duration: 0:14.

Canada lets every religions come to live in here,

Canada lets every person from

whatever country they are from,

I love Canada !

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: We Are a Free Country - Duration: 0:14.


Here's My Canada: Diversity - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Diversity - Duration: 0:15.


Here's My Canada:Diversity - Duration: 0:04.

And it just awesome!

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada:Diversity - Duration: 0:04.


Here's my Canada: Forgiving People - Duration: 0:09.

Chance for freedom and

forgiving people,

and that is what Canada mean to me.

For more infomation >> Here's my Canada: Forgiving People - Duration: 0:09.


Citi: Make it Here® - "Movie Night" :15 Citi® Quick Lock - Duration: 0:16.


Dramatic music

VO: Lock and unlock your debit card without putting your life on pause

VO: on the Citi Mobile® App.


For more infomation >> Citi: Make it Here® - "Movie Night" :15 Citi® Quick Lock - Duration: 0:16.


Here's My Canada: Fun Parks - Duration: 0:08.

I like Canada because it has

fun parks.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Fun Parks - Duration: 0:08.


Tom didn't come here to run short on dreams - Duration: 0:31.

Why did you come to Canada if it's that cold?

It's better to be cold, than be afraid.

In Mexico, you are afraid.

Sometimes we struggle with money

My wife couldn't find work

because she doesn't speak English very well.

So we went into a rough time.

Let's say that it's the end of the month

and you don't have your cheque, you can use that overdraft.

Cashco's Everyday Use Account, Empowered by ATB,

has no monthly fees and up to $500 overdraft.

For more infomation >> Tom didn't come here to run short on dreams - Duration: 0:31.


Here's My Canada: How French Settlers Shaped North America. - Duration: 0:21.

Tolerance, purism, a rejection of

anti-semitism, and other forms of bigotry,

multiculturalism, enlightened

monarchism, and a powerful faith in the national

project founded on the union between

North America's French and English

people, here's to another 150th Canada!

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