Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily here Oct 15 2017

I actually didn't like the original track, which was a rap-rock song, when I first heard it

but then there was once the original singer revealed that the song supposedly incorporates traditional Chinese music elements

with disbelief I listened to the song again, and during the last rap verse, a string of melody played by the Guzheng suddenly came into my mind

so I took that melody and eventually expanded on it to create this cover

I apologize if you find my cover of the song a total blasphemy to the original piece, and hopefully the rest of this video can calm down your wrath

For more infomation >> 【Audio】Chenyu Hua - Here We Are on Chinese zither and harp 【古筝+竖琴】华晨宇 - Here We Are 【音频】 - Duration: 6:18.


Mooji: Zisti kto je tu (Find out who is here) - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> Mooji: Zisti kto je tu (Find out who is here) - Duration: 13:21.


Moving Cows and Bulls From Here to There and Everywhere - Duration: 11:31.

Hi I'm Mike and every day on the ranch is filled with hard work in order to bring food

to your plate and as we are now less than one week from shipping calves off to auction,

it's time to move some cows around in order to make room for the over 300 cows and calves

that will be on their way back to the corrals in the next few days.

We have to move heifers, steers, bulls and our bottle calves to new pastures today as

we play musical cows, on our Wyoming life.

When it comes to space here on the ranch we have plenty of it, but as we get closer to

selling calves, which happens next week, well, that means that all the cows will soon be

back here at home on about 7 acres.

All 160 of them plus all their calves.

It makes for some cramped quarters.

At the moment, we have steers, heifers and bulls all right here at home as well as the

bottle calves talking up some corral space that we are going to need soon too.

So, today we get to move a bunch of cows around.

It's kind of like three card monte.

Ya move the bottle calves here, ya shuffle heifers there, steers go over here and bulls

go in their winter pasture.

Then you move the bottle calves back over here and the heifers go in a trailer to move


well I'm not even sure yet.

One thing I do know is that I planned to get some cool drone shots of me moving cows but

because we have a nice gentle wind blowing out of the west at about 300 miles per hour.

That's not going to happen, the drone hates the wind and unless you want to see me crash

the drone in about 3 seconds, it can stay in its box.

Instead of the drone, I have a few cameras that I'm going to be moving around and a

new go pro that I'm going to wear to give you that first person perspective.

I'll do my best, but keep in mind it's just me out here, no help and no cameraman.

Let's get to it.

The easiest place to start is the closest, our bottle calves, or calves that either lost

their moms after birth or their moms wouldn't take them or some other goofy thing happened.

However, they ended up here, they are orphans, most of them were hand fed until they were

old enough to eat food on their own and rather than stick them back out with the cows where

they could get lost or confused we kept them close to home.

They have been living in this corral for the last few months but now this corral is needed

for the steers, who we will deal with in a few minutes.

The easiest place to move the bottle calves to, that is out of the way for a while is

into the barn, at least until we get done moving all the other cows around.

They are pretty docile, they are used to people moving them around and move into the barn

with little effort, although I don't think they are too happy about it.

The steers are hanging out just outside of the bottle calves old corral which will soon

become their corral.

Steers are bull calves that have been castrated.

We don't do it just for fun, it's actually a very vital procedure that makes them easier

to deal with than a young and rowdy bull and it also makes them gain weight faster.

That's important, because these steers are being raised for their meat.

Up until now they have been eating grass and hay but starting today they will begin getting

a daily ration of corn, oats and barley.

The amount that they get is carefully figured based on their average weight and over the

next couple of months the ration will be increased as they gain weight.

When they reach about 1200lbs they will be taken to a USDA inspected processing facility

and returned to us as about 500 lbs. of beef that we sell to our farmers market customers.

There are seven steers, so when we butcher our freezers will be filled with almost 2

tons of hamburger, steaks and roasts, or about the same weight as the average American car.

In the end that works out to almost 30,000 dollars in beef before expenses and if we

never sold packages or put it on sale.

A lot of work but a huge part of our business.

Getting the steers into their new corral and eating their new feed is a big step to clearing

out the corrals and pastures getting ready for cows to come home but a lot more is needed

done as we begin working with the heifers.

The heifers are all first-time moms, they were bred for the first time this summer to

a heifer bull, roughly the same age as them at about 15 months old.

After checking them by ultrasound about a month ago to find out who was and who wasn't

pregnant they were moved into this corral.

Where they have anxiously been waiting for the next step in their lives.

After preg checking we found out that 2 of these heifers are not pregnant.

One is our daughter Grace's, which we will be keeping to try again next year, the other

was found by ultrasound to have under-developed ovaries and will never be able to get pregnant.

She will be sold but before we can get there we have to sort both of them off of the other


Doing so means that we have to move them into one corral then make the heifers we don't

want to sort off go back into the other corral.

Sometimes it works perfectly.

Other times you have a cow like 80, who is one of our oldest and a pet cow try to help

but she usually ends up in the way.

But through a bit of moving and shaking you can get the heifers you need sorted off.

We are going to put them in with the steers for now so that they are out of the way, as

we move the rest of the heifers up into the loading corral and onto a waiting trailer

to move them to a new pasture, where they will spend the winter.

Keeping them separate from the other cows until after they have their calves in the


They are due about a month before the other cows and because heifers are notorious for

having complications during the birth process we like to keep them separate that way we

can devote a lot of our time taking care of them.

Once the first batch is loaded into the trailer, they are taken to their new pasture and dropped


Then we go back and get the rest, releasing them as close as possible to their friends,

where they go right to work eating the new grass they have found.

Well, we are almost done, but we have saved what could be the most problematic bovines

till the last.

The bulls.

These guys have been sorted off of the cows for the last couple of weeks and have been

living out on pasture, separated from the cows by just a few fences.

Bulls are stubborn animals.

They learned somewhere along the line that if they don't want to move, you can't

make them.

Each full-grown bull weighs over 2000 lbs. and if pushed too hard they will start to

push back and that can make for a very bad day.

One of the techniques that I try to practice on the ranch is low stress cattle handling.

Basically, that means that you try to stress the animals as little as possible, taking

your time and being incredibly patient.

This is our youngest bull, the heifer bull, who was turned out with the cows after he

was done with the heifers.

With him you can definitely tell that he hasn't learned the bullish way of only moving when

he wants, he's more skittish and tends to run and move around more than the older bulls.

Call it old age or just being stubborn in their old age but you will rarely get an older

bull moving like this.

One trick that I have learned over the years with the bulls is to find the alpha bull,

just like dogs, wolves, or even elephants the herd mentality is in full effect with

the bulls.

There is an alpha bull, the one in charge and occasionally another bull will challenge

him and want to move up in the pecking order.

Bull fights can be epic and go on for hours and usually leave a bull injured or even lame,

which happened to this black bull.

He challenged our red bull, named Bubbles for supremacy of the herd and ended up going

lame on his back leg.

He now has a pronounced limp.

And because of that he will not be effective in breeding next year.

After allowing him to heal for a few weeks its evident that it's a permanent injury

and he will need to be sold, more than likely I will end up taking him to auction with our

heifer that can't get pregnant, so because of that he will need to be sorted off as well.

It looks like Bubbles is still the alpha bull and after getting him moving in the right

direction the rest of the bulls move along with him, from one pasture to the next and

eventually into the corrals and on to the trailer.

Bubbles is not only our alpha bull but he is also the oldest bull on the ranch and he's

has been through this a few times and he leads two other bulls, including the heifer bull

right onto the trailer.

Once inside the trailer, pandemonium breaks out as a bull fight starts inside the trailer.

Bulls do well when out in a bigger area but the closer they are to each other, the more

aggravated they become and it's imperative to get them out of the trailer as soon as

possible before another bull gets hurt.

Getting them to their winter pasture and out of the trailer, where everything calms down


We still have two more black bulls to get back to the corral and after some coaxing

they begin to move in the right direction and into the corrals, where I can them split

them up, keeping our lame bull back and moving the other black bull up into the trailer.

But it's not that easy, he doesn't want to leave his friend.

With some patience though and light nudging he eventually gets with the program and loads

up in the trailer himself where the door is closed and he is taken to the bull pasture

with his other friends.

The lame bull is kept back and separated until it's time to sell him, he's fed and the

other bulls in the bull pasture also get a bale of hay to keep them occupied while they

get used to their new homes.

Back at the barn the bottle calves are let out after being cooped up in the barn and

seem to be happy about being outside once again.

Now we are ready to bring the cows home.

Next week we will be sorting off their calves, loading them on semi-trailers and taking them

to auction in south Dakota.

I hope you stick with us as we head into the payoff for the ranch, the one big payday that

makes it all worth it, from feeding all winter long to calving in the middle of spring snow

storms, haying and fencing and all the little projects that come up on the ranch every day.

Our goal here is give you an inside look at how food gets from our ranch to your table,

whether is beef, pork or veggies, there is a story behind every bite, and we are happy

to share our story with you.

Subscribe and find us on Facebook and Instagram and make sure you don't miss a thing.

Have some great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Moving Cows and Bulls From Here to There and Everywhere - Duration: 11:31.


CAN WE LIVE HERE?! 🌴 Our Trip to SINGAPORE | Travel Vlog - Duration: 17:29.

For more infomation >> CAN WE LIVE HERE?! 🌴 Our Trip to SINGAPORE | Travel Vlog - Duration: 17:29.


The U.S. & Russia Are Building a Deep Space Gateway, Here's What You Need to Know - Duration: 2:31.

We last popped up to the moon in 1972.

But now, the USA is going to work with Russia to head back to orbit ol' Luna… on the

way to Mars.

Is your Space Race bone tingling?

Right now, the International Space Station is slated to be abandoned by NASA in 2024.

And, like Geocities, one day, it will just be a memory, but now we might see what's


A few weeks ago, NASA and Roscosmos announced they'd work together to build the "Deep

Space Gateway" a space station near the moon offering a "deep space environment…

for human missions that push further into the solar system."

and to "the lunar surface."

Does this mean we're going back to the moon?!

USA (and Russia), USA (and private corporations), USA (if this actually happens, woo!)

The gateway is slated to be a public-private partnership where astronauts can try out technologies

needed to go into deep space, all while orbiting the moon.

That said, NASA's not really given a concrete goal.

They're not, like, testing specific things, the announcements just said "new technologies."

Russia handles docking tech, we've got orbits pretty much licked… long-term space travel we do on

the ISS… maybe a new airlock!

And some kind of deep-space transport...

They mentioned "confidence..."

When it comes to specifics, it's unclear.

Proponents of the plan say, we should get really good at moon missions before going

to Mars.

Meanwhile, opponents say this could tie up resources in Lunar exploration, meaning a

trip Mars could disappear into the distant future.

The Gateway news should make the Mars-or-Bust crowd nervous, because we were aiming to go

to Mars by 2033… but the Gateway won't be fully realized until the late 2020s.

Sooooo… shrug?

Going to space and trying new things does drive innovation.

What will this new space endeavor bring us?

I'm not sure… without a concrete goal, it seems like we're trying out an ISS, only,

it's a few days farther away.

Space exploration yielded satellite communications, cordless technology, LEDs, solar power, water

purification, digital cameras, literally hundreds of things.

I hope I live long and prosper, so I can find out if the Gateway can live up to the hype.

Want more science goodness.

Click that Subscribe button and join us

We used to spend lots of billions on space travel,

so, what would happen if we doubled NASA's budget? Find out here

So far, we've spent 65 billion dollars on International Space Station, not actually that much

The new F-35 fighter jet? 400 billion.

For more infomation >> The U.S. & Russia Are Building a Deep Space Gateway, Here's What You Need to Know - Duration: 2:31.


BREAKING: Vegas Witness Who Identified Multiple Shooters FOUND DEAD— Here's what we know… - Duration: 5:30.

It's been almost two weeks since the Las Vegas massacre took the lives of 58 concert-goers,

and there seems to be more unanswered questions at this point than ever before.

The mainstream media as well as the Las Vegas police department have been caught in multiple

lies, leading many of us to believe that we have been fed a giant pile of BS up until

this point.

Now the sole witness who could've proven the truth about Las Vegas has mysteriously

just been found dead, as a massive scandal rips across social media today.

It's amazing how many lies the mainstream media and authorities have already been caught


The timeline has been debunked by several sources, including eye-witnesses, hotel staff,

and even the owners of the hotel itself, but the mainstream media keeps pushing their false

narrative of events.

Rumors continue to swirl that the shooter was an arms' dealer in an ISIS gun-running

scheme gone wrong, which is why details are being buried in order to protect the FBI from


With authorities and possibly top-level government agents now participating in an active cover-up,

just how frantic and determined are these liars going to be at stopping the truth from

coming out?

Would they actually KILL Americans in order to BURY the truth about Las Vegas?

According to breaking reports, it sure appears to look that way.

Up until Kymberley Suchomel was found mysteriously dead in her home on Wednesday in the early

morning hours, the 26-year-old was very vocal in her assertion that there were multiple

gunmen involved in the shooting.

She had spoken to multiple news agencies about the truth of what happened that night, and

was determined to not let the trail of evidence run cold.

Realfarmacy reported:

"Kymberley Suchomel, a survivor of the Las Vegas shooting who claimed there were multiple

gunmen involved in the shooting, has been found dead.

She was 28."

"Suchomel was also vocal about the fact there was 'more than one gunman' involved

in the attack, speaking out repeatedly and claiming that Las Vegas police and mainstream

media were not providing the public with a truthful account of what happened."

Suchomel was not injured during the shooting at the Route 91 music festival, and died suddenly

in the early hours of Monday at her Apple Valley home, according to her grandmother,

Julie Norton, who explained to SeaCoast Online that Kymberley must have died at some point

during the four hours she was alone in the house.

Norton found Suchomel just after 8:30 a.m. when she arrived to care for her 3-year-old


Suchomel's husband Mike had left for work earlier that morning at 4:30 a.m.

Days after the shooting, Kymberley Suchomel explained to the Victorville Daily Presshow

she and her friends escaped with their lives as bullets rained down "from all angles"

on the 20,000 concertgoers on Oct. 1.

What would cause a healthy 28-year-old to suddenly die in her sleep?

Was someone in the government concerned Suchomel was too great of risk to keep alive because

of her determination to spread the truth about there being multiple gunmen involved in the

massacre that night?

Suchomel went on the record with the media and told them:

"Every single survivor I have talked to also remembers multiple shooters, and at least

one from the ground- why aren't we being taken more seriously?

Tons of things don't add up," she wrote on Facebook.

"I have been watching the news non-stop since I arrived back home to my family.

And it just doesn't make sense.

The story that are feeding everyone doesn't add up to our eyewitness accounts.

There is something wrong with what they are saying & the evidence seems fake if you ask


Suchomel was very concerned because of the amount of gunfire being shot by multiple gunmen

that she might not make it out alive via Realfarmacy:

"Explaining that she called her husband and grandmother to warn them she was in a

shooting and might not make it out alive, Suchomel wrote, "The gunfire wasn't stopping

this whole time.

It wasn't ceasing.

It wasn't slowing down.

And It was directly behind us, following us.

Bullets were coming from every direction.

Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us.

"But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us.

The entire time I felt this way.

The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got.

I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than

one person.

There was more than one gun firing.

"100% more than one."

Kymberley Suchomel's grandmother confirmed that she was in good health.

Though she suffered from focal epilepsy, it is understood that the condition is rarely

life threatening.

Horrifically, this isn't the first witnessed that's mysteriously died or disappeared.

Realfarmacy went on:

The news of Kymberley Suchomel's sudden death also comes as Fox News reports that

"hero" security guard Jesus Campos "disappeared" minutes before he was due to appear on Sean

Hannity's program as a featured guest.

The network is at a loss to explain Campos's disappearance.

Hannity did not mention Jesus Campos or his no-show during the program, and responded

to queries on Twitter about what happened by saying "He cancelled."

Something is extremely fishy here and we need to spread this story like wildfire and demand

an explanation.

If the mainstream media and crooked officials in our government are willing to kill to expose

the truth, there is seriously some major dirt behind what really happened in Las Vegas almost

two weeks ago,

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Vegas Witness Who Identified Multiple Shooters FOUND DEAD— Here's what we know… - Duration: 5:30.


Autumn is Here - Plim Plim Episodes - Animated Series (Preschool) - Duration: 6:27.

In today's episode:

Veggie Pizza

Today is the first Autumn's day and the kids are having fun out in the garden.

Oh! I'll make a pile of leaves! Ah?

And I'll climb it!


It's raining leaves!

How beautiful!

Yes, I'm Hoggie! Mrrr


How interesting! Miss Arafa? Why is it that leaves fall from the trees,

You see, kids, in every season of the year nature changes.

In Autumn, the leaves fall from the trees for the new ones to grow in Spring.


What about all together making a collage of Autumn leaves?


Mmm I could make a collection of leaves!

It's ready, Bam!

Great! I'll carry them!

You can do it, Hoggie!

We've collected the best leaves!


Nesho, come here! Bring your leaves!

No, they're for my collection.

We'll stick them here, all together.

But I'm sticking them on my notebook.

Mmm… mmm… mmm… it's just the one I need!

Oh, no!

Watch out, childen!


The collage!


Is everybody all ok?

Yes, but our collage has been ruined.



Plim Plim!!!

Hello, buddies!

Hi, Plim Plim!

Since here news travels fast…

…I know you couldn't finish your collage.

I know a place... where we can make a new one. Can we go, Miss Arafa?

Of course Plim Plim


What about you? Are you coming with us to enjoy Autumn?

Yes, we are!

You got it!

(Music plays)



We've arrived!

Welcome everyone

to the marvellous and amusing

Autumn Park!

With the magical leaves in this park we'll make a new collage all together.


I'll collect them together with Bam.



So we can put them here.


Oh! It's really interesting!

Mm… There are so many leaves for my collection!



Oooh! How interesting!



Mm What's going on, Nesho?

The leaves of my collection are unsticking, Plim Plim.

How strange… Oh! Look…

Mmm oh!!!




Now, Bam!




Buddies, look at this leaf.

Shall we use it to finish the collage?


Stick it, Nesho!



This time is definitely finished!

Because we've made it together!

Like a great team!

(Music plays)

One hand all alone, no, can´t ever go "clack".

But put two hands together, they can "clap", "clap".

One hand all alone, no, can´t ever go "clack".

But put two hands together, they can "clap", "clap".

We´re a team together, we help each other´s needs. And, when we work together, we´re impossible to beat.

We´re a team together, we help each other´s needs. And, when we work together, we´re impossible to beat.

With your hands and my hands, and others that we meet,

we are teammates all together, and it´s fun to be.

With your hands and my hands, and all the others we see,

we are teammates all together, we´re impossible to beat.

One hand all alone, no, can´t ever go "clack".

But put two hands together, they can "clap", "clap".

We´re a team together, we help each other´s needs.

And, when we work together, we´re impossible to beat.

With your hands and my hands, and others that we meet,

we are teammates all together, and it´s fun to be.

With your hands and my hands, and all the others we see,

we are teammates all together, we´re impossible to beat.


And now, look!




What about you? Will you play and cooperate?

See you next time!

Today we've learned that everything is better if we work in teams.

Yes! So as to make my collection of leaves!


I want more Plim Plim! I want more Plim Plim yea!

If you want more Plim Plim click here!

If you want more Plim Plim subscribe here hei!

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