Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily game Oct 11 2017

It's mean't to say "haven't"

For more infomation >> Pickle Rick Fan Game Demo | EARLY BUILD - Duration: 2:09.


What if Tywin Lannister was still Alive? Game of Thrones - Duration: 5:42.

Hello Youtube Today we are gonna talk about Game of Thrones.

We all know Lannisters are not doing well after Tywin Lannisters.

There enemies and there problems are getting bigger and bigger day by day.

So in this video we are gonna talk about how things would have been different if Tywin

Lannister was still alive.

Before we start please hit the like button down and subscribe to our channel and hit

the bell icon, so you won't miss any of our video.

So without further a do let's begin!

Let's start from the point in which he dies.

Tyrion is freed by Jamie but doesn't climb up to kill his father, still escapes with


Tywin would know Jamie is partly responsible and would hold him accountable but publicly

blames Varys and hides Jamie's involvement.

He would most likely be able to work out that Tyrion isn't going to stay in Westeros and

dispatches a party of men to hunt down and return Tyrion but I doubt he'd be too bothered.

Dead or across the narrow sea, he's still got Tyrion out of the picture.

He spurns Jamie frequently for betraying his family and I imagine would try to find a way

to use this to send Jamie to Casterly Rock to rule there.

Tywin remains hand of the king in Kings Landing and successfully builds the union of Tyrell

and Lannister.

Jamie isn't dispatched to Dorne to retrieve Myrcella and she therefore isn't murdered

by the sand snakes, Cersie is wed to Loras, Tommen is wed to Margaery, Myrcella is wed

to Tristane, the realm is more united than ever before.

I imagine Blackfish still takes Riverun from the Freys, Tywin orders Edmures to be put

to death and raises Riverun to the ground killing Blackfish in the process.

Littlefinger does not give Sansa to the Boltons as revealing that he has her would bring Tywin's

wrath down upon him and he doesn't want that so Sansa remains Alayne at the Eyrie for now.

The goings on across the narrow sea would remain the same as we see them except Tyrion

is slightly less fucked up.

The Boltons hold on the North is much less secure without Sansa and the Northern lords

attempt to oust the Boltons and declare for Stannis (we mustn't forget Stannis) causing

Roose to ask Tywin for help, Tywin, knowing how unsuccessful southron lords fair in the

North uses the freys and the Tyrells to join the force with the Boltons and they are defeated

by the Northern lords but Stannis dies.


Jon Snow to take the place of King of winter but he'll refuse being lord commander and

honourable, until of course he's murdered and reborn upon which he takes his seat and

King Jon.

The High Sparrow never comes into power because Tywin would never allow the faith militant

to be remade.

Cersie, Margaery and Loras aren't imprisoned or put on trial.

The Mountain dies of his wounds and doesn't become Frankenmountain.

Qyburn still becomes Varys' replacement but answers to Tywin (secretly still consorting

with Cersei) it's all much more boring than what actually happened and the Lannisters

are in a much better political position when Danaery's sails for dragon stone.

(Season 7 spoilers ahead)

Jon still sees the Night King as the real enemy and still goes to dragon stone after

Sam tells him of the dragon glass there.

However Tywin sends a small force of Eurons men to intercept Jon on his journey and stop


Jon makes it to dragon stone before Euron can get there however and dragon stone is

laid siege to by the Iron Fleet.

Jon is stuck on dragon stone with Davos.

He convinces Dany of their plight but cannot go down to the cave whilst dragonstone is

under siege.

Eventually Danaerys looses her dragons on the fleet surrounding Dragonstone and destroys


Jon gets his dragon glass, Bran and Arya return to Winterfell and Arya assumes command of

the North in Jons absence since bran is the Three Eyed Raven.

Sansa returns to winterfell with Littlefinger and a similar things happens as in the show,

except the Starks don't fight amongst themselves, they communicate as a family and sentence

Baelish to death.

Tywin isn't fazed, he calls the entire force of Cassterly Rock and the Iron Islands to

Kings Landing.

Jon having excavated the cave, returns to Winterfell having allied with Danaerys by

bending the knee as he sees no other way to defeat both Tywin (who Jon believes will never

ally with them to fight the white walkers) and the army of the dead.

Swiftly afterwards Jon and Dany join their entire forces together to march to kings landing

and take the city by force.

From there: Jamie dies, Theon and Yara die, tens of thousands of soldiers die on both

sides but the dothraki, unsullied, North men, vale, dornish and dragons will come out on


Tywin is executed, Tommen and Cersie are imprisoned.

What's left of the Tyrell's are pardoned along with the soldiers who didn't die in the war.

And then they all turn their attention to the enemy beyond the wall.

This is one of thousands of possibilities and just what I believe should have happened

if Tywin was still alive.

All I know that it would be all boring if tywin was still in the picture.

Tell me what you think would be different down in the comment below.

Hope you all like this video, do subscribe to our channel and hit the like button to

stay updated with our new videos.

For more infomation >> What if Tywin Lannister was still Alive? Game of Thrones - Duration: 5:42.


mad games gameplay no commentary - Duration: 19:02.

i had to edit 2 songs out because of copyright these songs don't belong to me

For more infomation >> mad games gameplay no commentary - Duration: 19:02.


פלמידה לאנדרי האלוף ! קרקעית - הקפצה - בום | Spanish Mackerel Shore game - Duration: 2:38.

the jig touches the bottom, jerking, boom !

For more infomation >> פלמידה לאנדרי האלוף ! קרקעית - הקפצה - בום | Spanish Mackerel Shore game - Duration: 2:38.


Kpop Guessing Game #9 - Guess The Idol Based On 3 Facts (Part 2) - Duration: 5:14.

MVP - Take It

Teen Top - Call Me


Girls Next Door - Deep Blue Eyes

f(x) - All Mine

Key (SHINee) & Doyoug (NCT) - COOL

BTOB - Movie

Chung Ha - Make A Wish

Samuel - Sixteen

Weki Meki - Fantastic

Pristin - We Like

Rainbow - Whoo

AOA - Bing Bing

Boys' Republic - Video Game

2PM - Go Crazy

Laboum - Hwi Hwi

Block B - Yesterday

Odd Eye Ciricle (LOONA) - Loonatic

EXID - Night Rather Than Day

Monsta X - Unfair Love

Day6 - I Wait

For more infomation >> Kpop Guessing Game #9 - Guess The Idol Based On 3 Facts (Part 2) - Duration: 5:14.


Puppy Dog Pals Take Me Out To The Pug Game Episode 13 - Yellow Panda - Duration: 18:09.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Yellow Panda Channel

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Take Me Out To The Pug Game Episode 13 - Yellow Panda - Duration: 18:09.


PLAYING THE BOOM BOOM BALLON GAME! | KayBee Kids - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> PLAYING THE BOOM BOOM BALLON GAME! | KayBee Kids - Duration: 7:43.


Blue Whale/ ব্লু হোয়েল কেন এতো ভয়ঙ্কর জেনে নিন || BLUE WHALE GAME PANIC - Duration: 2:14.

Hello guys

Welcome to my channel

For more infomation >> Blue Whale/ ব্লু হোয়েল কেন এতো ভয়ঙ্কর জেনে নিন || BLUE WHALE GAME PANIC - Duration: 2:14.


Fun Animals Care Kids Game 🎮 Kids Games Baby Learn Colors - Pony Sisters Pet Hospital - Duration: 19:48.

For more infomation >> Fun Animals Care Kids Game 🎮 Kids Games Baby Learn Colors - Pony Sisters Pet Hospital - Duration: 19:48.


মৃত্যুখেলা ব্লু হোয়েল গেমের মূল রহস্য ফাস | Blue Whale Game Mystery | Bangla News Today | News - Duration: 7:51.

মৃত্যুখেলা ব্লু হোয়েল গেমের মূল রহস্য ফাঁস

For more infomation >> মৃত্যুখেলা ব্লু হোয়েল গেমের মূল রহস্য ফাস | Blue Whale Game Mystery | Bangla News Today | News - Duration: 7:51.


Dark Universe ⭐ Rare PC Game - Duration: 5:22.


At the same time, a Terran space cargo carrier tries to reach the planet ERMET II in the Kurullian sector near the neutral zone, escorded by some fighters with a sabotage command on board, in order to destroy important installations.

But a patrol of the empire spotted them and attack.

Emperor Kendrax, we don't want any peace!

We'll simply destroy the empire!

You asked for it!

We'll force our peace on you!

My Emperor! I'm Kark, your advisor and first intelligence officer! It's a great honor working for you! Under your command, we'll send these pestilential Terrans back to where they belong.

Yet we have to be careful! I've learned from reliable sources that the Terrans began to switch their planets to a defence production. We have to act as well!!!

For more infomation >> Dark Universe ⭐ Rare PC Game - Duration: 5:22.


ব্লু হোয়েল গেম যেসব দেশে এখন পর্যন্ত পাওয়া গেছে । Blue Wheel Game - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> ব্লু হোয়েল গেম যেসব দেশে এখন পর্যন্ত পাওয়া গেছে । Blue Wheel Game - Duration: 1:02.


Tải và chơi game Double Dragon | Đánh võ đi cảnh nitendo nes trên máy tính - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> Tải và chơi game Double Dragon | Đánh võ đi cảnh nitendo nes trên máy tính - Duration: 8:24.


Death Game 'Blue Whale' মরণ খেলা 'ব্লু হোয়েল' !! ব্লু হোয়েল সুইসাইড গেম !! - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Death Game 'Blue Whale' মরণ খেলা 'ব্লু হোয়েল' !! ব্লু হোয়েল সুইসাইড গেম !! - Duration: 3:01.


Weeb Wars (Smash Bros Melee & PM) [New Gaming Channel!] - Duration: 6:39.

This is... have you ever wanted to see a smash ballet? you're looking at.

k, so you knoooow how like

Smash Bros. is a Nintendo game


Who could forget Roy? He's on every lunchbox and everything. Then they brought in like these guys. You know what the heck?

These are like minor

Anime characters. I never seen before why put them in here? Let's fight, bro. We could have a weeb war

This is the true Fire Emblem stage

The only stage. Also, I forgot how to do the side-b dunk

Just the tip

I'm better than you I'm stronger than you

I don't know either. I've never played I've never played Fire Emblem

Fire what how why isn't there a bucket of water let's put it out you know fix it in one game?

This is... have you ever wanted to see a Smash ballet? you're looking at it.

Smash the anime


Yeah, okay, you know what? I don't need your input!

How dare you no no no

See it's like real anime like see we have the shack where the hero gets his start

oh, yeah, then they run into a Shack as in Shaquille O'Neal and then they

slam, oh, yeah, welcome to the jam

And then the kid also grants for wishes or Oh

Mmm Robin Williams... Ms. Doubtfire comes in and like tucks him in or something

My favorite anime: Star Fox Zero - Battle Begins

You're not skilled enough Roy to beat my Fox. No. I'm not actually I'm a skilled Marth, so...

I give up

Your mother

Also Dave way to shield break the stage. yeah, I can't I don't have the grab privilege that like Fox does, excuse me

That's why skilled Roys have to do it all by themselves. They have to make their own, man

You know you haven't even seen my true form boy, oh

There we go boy the real anime hero. You know one who fights for his friends I?

Guess I was never one of those friends

Let's go to castle

castle beige

Nice dunk

I knew the peanut gallery had something to say

What Wow I have

You think it's just Dolphin that hates anime?



And we back boys, okay?

Figure out

The other day

There's a picture I send you of different notes

For more infomation >> Weeb Wars (Smash Bros Melee & PM) [New Gaming Channel!] - Duration: 6:39.


The Worst Chess Game Ever Produced - Duration: 0:27.


this is a video


i liek memes

the dankest

For more infomation >> The Worst Chess Game Ever Produced - Duration: 0:27.


Game of Thrones | Prologue 2 | Fluency Book Club - Duration: 14:21.

Hey! Welcome back fluency people for more Game of Thrones!

We were just in Winterfell and Will was explaining the scene at the camp – if you

are new to the book, start here! A lot of great vocabulary, an amazing story, and

to make everything so much easier click down here: the three dots, open transcript.

after doing that and will be much easier to read with me. of course if you have

any questions comments or suggestions, then put them down there in the comments.

of course I'm here to help – if you can help me, click like on this video. and of

course subscribe and click that bell to get the next video. I'm sure you know

that the podcast will be available shortly after this video is published.

and if you want even more practice, click down here to get your copy of the book,

or to get your free audio book, or to start watching the show for free!

practicing your English with native content will make your English go like

this. it is time to go back to Winterfell. "did you see any blood?"

"well no." will admitted "did you see any weapons?" "some swords. a few bows, one man

had an axe, heavy-looking. double bladed. a cruel piece of iron. it was on the ground

beside him right by his hand" "did you make note of the position of the bodies?"

Will shrugged, "a couple are sitting up against the rock. most of them on the

ground. fallen like" "or sleeping" Royce suggested. "fallen!" Will insisted. "There's one

woman up in ironwood, half hidden the branches. a far eyes." he smiled thinly."I

took care she never saw me. when I got closer I saw that she wasn't moving

neither. Despite himself he shivered. "you have a chill?"

Royce asked "Some" Will muttered. "The wind m'lord" the young knight turned back to

his grizzled man-at-arms. frost fallen leaves whispered past them and Royce's

destrier moved restlessly. "what do you think might have killed these men, Gared?"

sir Waymar asked casually. he had just stood the trip of his

long sable cloak. "it was the cold" Gared said with iron certainty. "I saw men

freeze last winter and the one before when I was half a boy. everyone talks

about snows 40-foot deep and how the ice wind comes howling out of the North.

but the real enemy is the cold. it steals up on you quieter than Will. and

at first you shiver and your teeth chatter and you stamp your feet and

dream of mulled wine and nice hot fires. it burns it does, nothing burns like the

cold. but only for a while, then it gets inside you and it starts to fill you up

and after a while you don't have the strength to fight it. it's easier just to

sit down or go to sleep. they say you don't feel any pain

toward the end. first you go weak and drowse in everything starts to fade, and

then it's like sinking into a sea of warm milk. peaceful-like."

well that was a nice description of death! let's take a look at what we just

read. in battle if someone has fallen it means they have been killed. Will thinks

set the people in the village were fallen, slain, or dead. a bow or what we

often say, a bow and arrow, is the thing– go like this and and you shoot it. an axe

you used to cut down trees. chop down trees. and if someone is grizzled; we're

talking about hair, it specifically means they have gray hair, a streak of gray

hair. the horse is restless. for someone to be restless means they are very

anxious, unable to relax. when your teeth chatter it means you are so cold that

your teeth are hitting each other. we don't usually say stamp your feet, the

present tense is to stomp. and to stomp is this – when you hit your feet hard

against the ground to make noise or to get someone's attention. if wind is

howling it means it's very strong wind. you can hear it and there's a lot of

force behind it. alright let's continue. "such eloquence,

Gared" Sir Waymar observed. "I never suspected you had it in you" "I've had the

cold in me tot, lordling" Gared pulled back his hood giving Ser Waymar a

good long look at the stumps where his ears had

been. "2 ears, 3 toes, and the little finger off my left hand. I got off light.

we found my brother frozen at his watch with a smile on his face.

Ser Waymar shrugged. "You'll have to dress more warmly, Gared." Gared glared

at the lordling. the scars around his earholes flushed red with anger where

Maester Aemon had cut the ears away. "we'll see how warm you can dress when

the winter comes." he pulled his hood up and hunched over his garron, silent and

sullen. "If Gared said it was cold" Will began. "have you seen any watches this

past week, Will?" "Yes, m'lord" there never was a week when he did not draw a dozen

bloody watches. what was this man driving at? "and how did you find the wall?" "weeping"

he said, frowning. he saw it clear enough now that the lordling had pointed it out,

they couldn't have froze. not if the wall was weeping, it wasn't cold enough. Royce

nodded "bright lad. we've had a few light frosts this past week and a quick

flurry of snow now and then, but surely no cold fierce enough to kill eight

grown men. men clad in fur and leather. let me remind you, with shelter near at

hand and the means of making fire. the knight's smile was cocksure. "Will, lead us

there. I would see these dead men for myself" and then there was nothing to be

done for it, the order had been given and honor bound

them to obey." let's take a quick review because a lot of great vocabulary. to be

eloquent or to have eloquence, means you speak and write very well, with nice

words and very good structure. maybe even persuasive. to get off light, means to

avoid something severe ,especially a punishment. Gared got off light

according to him, because he only lost a few fingers and his ears. his brother on

the other hand, did not get off light. he died because of the cold. and he died while

on his watch. not a watch you wear on your wrist. if you are in the military or

some type of service like that, a watch is when you have to observe for enemies

or just to observe the environment in general.

after Waymar's response to his story, Gared flushes red. to flush red– means

for your face, or in his case, his ears, to flush red. to blush. to become– just to

become red. and he becomes very sullen, and he hunches over. sullen means

depressed or dejected, sad. and Will wonders what is Ser Waymar driving at?

with this story. to be driving at something means to be aiming at or

intending for. in the u.s. we don't use lad. this is very British. they continue

talking about the weather, they say that there were some flurries. a flurry is a

light snow, without very much wind. the opposite is a blizzard, very intense and

very cold with lots of wind. and the men that Will saw earlier were clad in fur.

to be clad in something means to be covered in something or wearing

something. Will and Gared realize that Ser Waymar Royce was right. they could

not have frozen from the cold and this gives Royce a cocksure smile. cocksure

means arrogant, presumptuous. thinking too much of yourself.

egotistical. being bound to obey they follow him. if you are bound to do

something, you are required, obligated to do it. let's continue. Will went in front,

his shaggy little garron picking the way carefully through the undergrowth. a

light snow had fallen the night before and there were stones and roots and

hidden sinks lying just under its crust. waiting for the careless and the unwary.

Ser Waymar Royce came next. his great black destroyer snorting impatiently. the

warhorse was the wrong mount for ranging but try and tell that to the lordling.

Gared brought up the rear. the old man-at-arms muttered to himself as he rode.

Twilight deepened. the cloudless sky turned a deep purple, the color of an old

bruise, then faded to black. the stars began to come out, a halfmoon rose.

Will was grateful for the light. "We can make better pace than this, surely" Royce

said when the moon was full risen. "not with this horse" Will said. Fear had made

him insolent. Perhaps my lord would care to take the

lead?" Ser Waymar Royce did not deign to reply. somehere off in the wood a wolf

howled. Will pulled his garron over beneath an ancient gnarled Ironwood and

dismounted. "why are you stopping?" Ser Waymar asked. "best go the rest of the

way on foot m'lord. it's just over the ridge." Royce paused a moment staring off

into the distance, his face reflective. a cold wind whispered through the trees.

his great sable cloak stirred behind like something half alive. "there's

something wrong here" Gared muttered. the young knight gave

him a disdainful smile. "is there?" "can't you feel it?" Gared asked. "listen to the

darkness" Will could feel it. four years in the Night's Watch and he had never been

so afraid. what was it? "wind. trees rustling. a wolf. which sound is it that

unmans you so, Gared?" when Gared did not answer

Royce slid gracefully from his saddle. he tied the destrier securely to a

low-hanging limb. well away from the other horses. and drew his longsword from

its sheath. Jewels glittered in its hilt. and the

moonlight ran down the shining steel. it was a splendid weapon, castle-forged and

new made from the look of it. Will doubted it had ever been swung in anger.

"the trees press close here." Will warned. "that sword will tangle you up m'lord.

better a knife" "if I need instruction I will ask for it"

The young lord said. "Gared, stay here! Guard the horses." Gared dismounted "we

need a fire. I'll see to it." "how big a fool are you, old man? if there

are enemies in this wood a fire is the last thing we want. "hmm there's some

enemies a fire will keep away" Gared said. "bears and dire wolves and other

things." Ser Waymar's mouth became a hard line. "no fire" Gared's hood shadowed his

face, but will could see the hard glitter in

his eyes as he stared at the night. for a moment he was afraid the older man would

go for his sword. it was a short ugly thing, its grip

discolored by sweat. its edge nicked from hard use. but Will would not have

given an iron Bob for the lordling's life if Gared pulled it from its scabbard"

finally Gared looked down, "no fire" he muttered, low under his breath. Royce took

it for acquiescence and turned away. "lead on!" he said to Will. alright let's

look back at some of the vocabulary. so they are walking over this undergrowth.

undergrowth is tall grass and shrubs and other plants that can make you fall

or trip while you're walking, in a place like a forest. and they describe his

horse as a mount. a mount is just a type of animal that you can ride. Gared

behind the other two, brings up the rear. to bring up the rear means to be at the

back of a line. the twilight deepens. Twilight is when it's getting late.

there's still a little bit of sun, but it's mostly dark, but not completely – or

pitch-black. because of his fear, Will becomes insolent. insolent means rude or

not showing people their proper respect. to not deign to do something means to

think that something is not worth your effort, Ser Waymar does not deign to

reply after Will becomes insolent. there's a gnarled Ironwood where he puts

his horse. an Ironwood is just a large type of tree, and gnarled means twisted

and deformed. Royce slides gracefully, he gets off gracefully. nicely and

majestically from his horse. where you sit on your horse is a saddle. so that

the ride isn't so uncomfortable. and he has a sheath. later we hear that

Gared's weapon has a scabbard, a sheath is nicer than a scabbard. but it's– both

of them are just where you put your swords and don't damage anything. and

after Gared gets off of his horse, or after he dismounts, before Royce tells

him not to, he sees to it that they have a fire. to see to something is to do

something. to assume the responsibility of something. Gared's sword is nicked. if

something is nicked, it is damaged physically it has small dents or maybe

holes or other physical scratches and things like that.

and finally Gared does basically acquiesce about the fire. to acquiesce is

to reluctantly do something. to do something even though you didn't really

want to do it. so there is no fire and it looks like there is going to be some

danger. what do you think is going to happen next? or if you have any questions

put them all in the comments. I'm here to help! and if you can help me click like

on this video, and subscribe and click that bell to get all of the newest

videos. and of course to practice more on your own, the podcast will be available

shortly. and to get even more practice, get your free audiobook, start watching

the show for free, or get your own physical copy of the book. all of those

links are in the description. that's it for now guys – adios. ciao for now!

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones | Prologue 2 | Fluency Book Club - Duration: 14:21.


Miles From Tomorrowland Game On Episode 2 - Pink Butterfly - Duration: 18:12.

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Galaxias helps you practice okay, Stella, please start the game affirmative miles

To the top

Over hey don't feel bad Merc. It's okay. If you yeah

Do I have a target on me or something probably time to take off your game gear miles today's mission is about friendship

We need you to visit the aliens of planet Italia and invite them to join our Tomorrowland alliance

My bracelex yes text messages hollow calls, but do they answer no

So we'll be the first TTA family to ever talk to the dethalians. We're making history

Connecting Tomorrowland over the moon

Now let's go meet the dethalians almost like something's holding us in place


Are those the aliens or supposed uninvited?

We are on a mission of friendship, so you say do you know this one?

Sure, we do. That's gadfly

I know we come in peace, but what if they don't it'll all be fine once we explain. This is just a misunderstanding

Queen Gemma I'm here to invite you to join the Tomorrowland alliance a

likely story

I think dad's I sent you to steal our technology


Interesting those are data chips ah mom

Can we just talk to them a little I've never met a human before and you don't need to darling

Take them to the Brig. Ah


Did you drop this laserang?

Cow log it's always settle all our disagreements if you win you get to go free if he wins we're her prisoners forever


Rygan mom anyone complete, Kellogg

- so let's make think you me humans

Puny humans guess they don't know the Callisto's very well. Oh by the way how do we play?

Who dares challenge me we haven't decided yet

We don't even know how come we have to pick miles have you seen him play those hollow games

He's out of this orbit. You must choose your plan now or forfeit

Miles will rest if you land on one you'll get stuff. Thanks


You're right Merc miles remember it's okay

If I ever catch you uninvited in my part of the galaxy again, you won't get off so easily

And Regan wants to say those green miles

So much for our mission to make friends with the dethalians well at least we made one right, and I think the TC

Hey Loretta wanna play doesn't seem like I have much choice

Mark, and I are just getting ready for all the meteor ball. We're gonna alien ruins

They were constructed eons ago by a mysterious race called the builders whoa

Smell that air feel that Starshine, I'm already relaxing

Welcome to the alarbus Resort

Callisto's I have your reservations right here

And only found on alarbus I gotta get one for my rock collection that would be

Nice here, you know

This is the beach all right, but where's the Madame Monsieur?

May, I offer you a massage. Well. That would be nice, but what will you kids do?

Wait did you say alien ruins just like in your bracelex oops Oh tore?

On your left are the dry desolate ocean sand of another era, that's strange

And now prepare yourself to be 15 behold

The ancient look there's some writing on it. Oh, let's check it out

Thanks Merc look more writing

Where did you stop we're not supposed to be here we have to leave

Beware all ye who enter here

Beware of what? I'm not sure I mean if they're gonna write something like that

I'm miles. This is Loretta and Merc

We were just checking out the ruins, but we got lost us too. Do you know how to get out of here?

There's no there are ears everywhere and levers

Try pulling and pushing everything you can

Really, that's what I would do

Blastastic guys, it's Oliver. It's cool. I wish I could do that too

Hey that drawing is the same shape as the Rockwood guard at the gift shop

Thanks guys, I wish I could

Are you okay better than okay, we're super stellar oh, I see you've met the Mendelsohn's

Of pumps and tunnels to bring it up and those rocks you guys collected for your gift shop are actually the keys that turn the

System on and off by taking them out you accidentally turned off the water flow voila

Happens all the time

I'll explain later Ruggles right now. We've got some rock searcher

Why shuttle ready to beat our speed record work

That was our fastest run yet Merc now. We just need some competition

Check it out, I'm building a new booster jet for the starjetter this will make her go even faster

Look out the starship route through the Pegasus constellation calculating captain, Callisto

But I've got a map of galactic highway route of the Tomorrowland Transit Authority why don't you ask your sister?

You want me to race you come on Loretta. Yep

Callisto's, please report to the bridge incoming call from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority

Stella activate hollow scream

Callisto's reporting for duty, what can we do for the TTA captain Callisto we need your help

The malfunctioning shuttle is headed at top speed for a crash as IO the fifth moon of Jupiter, IO

Is covered in fire we went to engineering camp together nice guy?

Not so lucky the shuttle requires a manual restart

You can see why we called you captain of course we call them that they got their phones

If we're going to catch that runaway shuttle we need to move everyone to the starjetter

And get ignition is it go Callisto's let's rocket

Lucky are you there lucky?

Lucky we're on our way hang tight leo take us at top speed

Superstellar we need a turbo boost just like marques

Miles we are not stopping Murr be careful

Okay Phoebe this baby's ready to blast now. Let's just hope that turbo booty and there's the shuttle

Iosef gravity is really pulling it down go

All right miles you have less than five minutes to stop that shuttle

Thanks for having my back sis

setting quest comm to race mode


Blasto send power down the shuttle with the big red lever that will open the freezer in free lucky Gunny

Lucky are you okay? Yes, thanks. I was headed from the freezer into the frying pan

I can't reach the restart button the only thing that will keep us from crashing

Thanks for everything Callisto's

Thanks for the ice cream sure as long as I get to ride Merc this time. You'll have to catch him first



little here

little there

Hey, dad why don't use the quantumatic mom gave you for Christmas?

Miles beat moonshredder mood Twitter. She's a beaut, huh?

Yeah, but it's good want to see some hollow pics sure

These are my old serpent buds mu doggy Einstein

Sure is blastastic

That's what I said oh, I wish I could have served with you back, then you served that

Totally the quantum waves around the top are righteous

Hey, maybe we could go out there this weekend. I could show you a few tricks really dad and it's the best ride ever ah

Zuma so many memories and new ones to make honey

Why don't we all go this weekend? I just did one person topi scan right mom right?

I'll do it that way they can still go surfing really

You're the best

Just what a surfers call each other oh well then this is the life, dude

Watching three five five

2.21 gzk got it hey mom why do we record gamma rays with this old thing?

galactic thinking Loretta

Quadrant three five six eight point seven gck Wow there's gonna be a big gamma ray eruption out there


Am ready to ride

paddle out like this see then you turn into the current wait for an energy wave and

Leo come in do you read me leo

There's too much interference

You're right. They'll never hear us a gamma-ray burst a star must have gone supernova nearby

Lay low grab mertcan hang on cuz here come the gamma rays

The cameras just spiked at nine foot nine not a good sign

You'll never make it by himself. I've got to go down there

Now let's get out of here, but too bad. We can't put them together

Miles, and then you can I'll use my quest copter weld them together

Where's the starjetter

It must have gotten blown away by the gamma-ray burst, how are we gonna get home? We just got here, dude

Yeah, we want to surf chill hey. I thought you were afraid of getting sucked into the whirlpool

That was before I made my own gamma ray wolf with the whole family totally, dude

For more infomation >> Miles From Tomorrowland Game On Episode 2 - Pink Butterfly - Duration: 18:12.


Game Power Video System Decal Project | Review - Duration: 21:21.

This is the Game Power Video System.

I picked it up at a local thrift store recently for $5.

It does not have all the accessories that it would have had it been new, including a

power supply.

So I took a chance and brought it home with me and much to my delight it not only works,

but it makes for a great little portable television suitable for some of my retro gaming needs.

It's especially useful for plug and play gaming.

The unit has RCA style inputs as well as outputs which could come in handy for capturing gameplay

as well.

I was not able to find a whole lot of information regarding this unit, but I did find a link

over on which had some images and specifications.

It boasts:

7 inch LCD high resolution color monitor Fold down latch and release screen

Controls below screen: Power switch; one menu button and two menu adjustment buttons

3 LED Indicators: Amber, Low Battery; Green Screen Power: Red Inverter Power

Audio Video In and Audio Video Out(for viewing on a remote monitor

120 Volt AC 100 Watt vehicle power inverter 9 foot power cord and DC accessory plug

120 Volt AC power adapter High quality stereo sound, built in high output

stereo speakers with stereo headphone jack Adjustable strip with carry bag and adjustable

seat mounting strap

I am not sure about the battery as I have not been able to get it to work without an

outside power source, via a Universal power supply I had handy.

Here's an image of a brand new unit with the accessories and carrying case.

These things were probably popular in vehicles before LCDs were everywhere.

Let's take it for a quick

demo .

What I am most impressed with is it's excellent sound output.

It really is a neat little device.

In this video, I decided I wanted to spruce it up just a tad bit, by adding an image from

one of my favorite arcade games, Galaga, to the base of the unit, visible when opened


This did not go as easy as I hoped it would but I thought I would share my journey.

Here is the completed version, continue watching if you want to see how I went about doing

this and the struggles I went through.

There are out-takes at the end of the video.

Otherwise thanks

for watching!

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