Well its time to play Phantom Forces :D
#Skill %100
R.I.P me
Not this time son
Rip me again
Wait... Its was tie :P
Im Assasin :D
(Im bored of editing so there will be no more word :P)
🐳 🐳 ব্লু হোয়েল গেম কিশোর কিশোরীরা কেন খেলে । Blue Whale Game 🐳 🐳 - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Puppy Dog Pals Take Me Out To The Pug Game Episode 4 - Green Butterfly - Duration: 18:07.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, SUBCRIBE video! Thanh you!
Take me out to the ballgame
Let Elise revolt, I just took a vow I'll go along with that
Favorite player Teddy peppercorn hit his very first homerun and I was at the stadium to catch it I
Can stare at this ball big game? That's on TV, so it's a good thing. I invented this
It's an automatic fetch machine yep
Do you think you could put this machine Bob said whatever we want
That was the baseball
I'll put these harnesses in our College when we plan home. I don't think he'd mind overusing them now using the mouse
It's bad I wouldn't want to get in your way, which is why I'll have Rufus getting you wait for me
Just need to make a quick stop, okay
Well you guys came to see the right junkyard dog I can tell you where pretty much anything his mouth
Sounds like an impressive game of fetch. We're on a mission oh
Right okay, so if we follow this dress
You can be the one to pick it up a few onto I do want to
Before the game starts teni is going to recreate its very first homerun
Party bargain with cutting signature honor he's going to be one
Got my smoothies of fruit and some fingers made of foam
Baseball fanon
But right now. It's time to watch the game
Love thinking about the day, I caught this ball
Hey, and of course you'd probably want to run around chasing every ball that was
Looks like too sick let go of us I
Call it the go long retriever looks like a stick probably more than a stick although
That stick you slow itself yeah, so somebody needs
There it goes again
Now watch it come right back. Oh, no version of my invention again. See you later doggie, dude
Too bad about that stick it seemed real nice for stick
Rolling Bob said he needed to start over with a new version of his invention so maybe we should hop on by getting rid of
this one for
We're trying to get rid of you
Bring cupcake what she wants oh?
This is a weird game matchstick likes to play
Keeps wanting to come back to a bog once and I know exactly what we need to do
Oh, Oh me, and you just as good of a whole killer upper
So on your bark
Hey ty Johnson joy we're in a bouncy house you can jump for whatever you want
Did you just please stop trying to come back to us
The sticky situation and I didn't mean now when I said just now I'll say now when I mean now
Not yet
Not yet
Don't see another stick as long as I live me neither, but at least we did with Bob wanted us to do
Yeah, we want to
What you doing are you two having a doggy host I
Better take this one back to the shop to make sure it's still working right?
Not tired of fetch it huh how about we try them?
I don't want to be a shark monster. Please be our shark monster sign him a shark monster
Little fellas I like seeing in the morning
We like seeing you too, Bob
Feel that sand on my toes someday
But right now I've got to get to work and invent neat stuff to put in your doghouse
Oh, that's right the gardener's here today using the leaf blower could be a big
Job come on Roli you and I are going on a mission
Good thing Bob invented these collars for us to put stuff in
Lay hands on this
poor boy
Away is the Hawaiian name for this necklace made of flowers. Hey, can you just turn that neck flower?
This is exactly what Bob needs for scope and it's exactly what?
We can figure out how to get it there
We need something big that flies like a big fly bigger and fly so let's get to work
What are you doing walking away from me I was talking to you. I'm not walking away from you. You're walking away from me
except neither of us is walking
Nothing contests for dogs. Yeah, we poor Lakers are gonna ride the negs way and whoever serves the best wins a trophy
You two doggies one the surfing contest first place must have got bonus points for being extra huggable you crabby
It's really hard for me to think with all of that same flying past my face in into the trophy
In our collars. Yeah, I
Already ate mine on the way here. That's okay. I can share mine. I ate yours, too
Sam that's in my ears, what are you doing? I'm doing that other trick Bob taught us shake no
I meant shake shake, but not to Bob Quito
See there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up for my nap or beg me to be a
Shark monster until I finally said okay
Whoa, would you two get into?
How the two you guts my toes can talk each one of them would be saying thank you
Thinking about how the two of you and hisy are here all day
And how I wish I could be with you so I invented this to do the kinds of things I do
hi bingo, hi Roley I
Call him ARF
Which stands for?
Auto doggy
Robotic friend if you guys any messed that you make before I get home from work so we can have more time to play
It does do
Wanna meet ARF maybe later, I'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean, which means
Think of that yeah
They call that so ours can have fun cleaning it up. Wait a minute you want us to mess this place up. Oh, yeah, okay?
Nice job, I can hardly see the floor at all
Oh, but he's not going to have to clean it up. That's right. Oh
To finish the job
Pippy and ARF made a little bit of a mess so our wishes aren't good help, but ours wasn't programmed to make wishes either
So I guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves
puppy dogs die
Bingo and Rolly made this mess art will clean it all up
Sparkly clean this right after they come out of the washing machine I
Guess my new invention really worked huh, which means all of us have more time to play?
'A Team Game' - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
Pence Leaves NFL Game After Protests During National Anthem - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Match Game (July 1973) Gary at Super Match - Duration: 22:04.-------------------------------------------
AVM Games AVM - Beach Flamingo Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 9:40.AVM Games AVM - Beach Flamingo Escape
10 Trivia of Game of Thrones - Duration: 3:21.how about being welcome to a new episode on this we'll talk about 10
game of thrones trivia game that sure did not know game of thrones is a series
which has a large production and a large number of characters for what it is
I find common curiosities about the actors and I think these
are the best number 10 more than 150 babies were
named khaleesi in the year 2012 khaleesi is the word dothraki for
reigns in both the series and books
apparently many parents believed that this was a good name for their daughters
we hope it will not affect them throughout their 9th day
sansa stark adopted her wolf sofia turner the actress who plays samsa
adopted the dog that carried out his wolf in series number 8 the heart
horse daenerysen had to eat
the actress who plays daenerys had to devour a horse's heart in
a scene for the actress's fortune was actually made of a very material
similar to the number 7 gummy bears
the granddaughter of charlie chaplin the actress who plays the wife of robb stark
Oana chapín is the granddaughter of charlie chaplin himself, number 6, the dothraki language
this language was created only for the series since in the book it is written but
never spoke as such were invented more than three thousand words for the series
number five there are versions :::: of all game of thrones
you do not save your version .... game of bonnes
number 4 stannis baratheon is the father of tomb rider is the father of lord voldemort
the actor who plays the rudo stannis baratheon is the father of the actor who
performs tom riddle in the movies of harry potter number 3
joffrey baratheon in batman in the batman movie
we can see Jack Gleeson in a scene as a small innocent child
who would say that he would become the evil king joffrey number 2 catelyn stark
is the mother of hermione granger in harry potter we can see as Michelle Fairley
is in a scene the mother of hermione and number one the original pilot
of the series was never emitted the series k if it fails
before being able to start a pilot made the same HBO or considered
of very poor quality, several actors were changed and
filmed a new one almost completely normally what should have happened
Is that if the pilot is bad the series would have canceled yet with all this less evil
that did not happen good that has been all dale to like comments and
shares we see in the following a greeting and goodbye
boxing game - Duration: 2:25.please follow us on our social media that is posted on our second video...make sure to like and subscribe.
Dark Universe ⭐ Rare PC Game - Duration: 5:22.NEUTRAL ZONE TACHOS SYSTEM Sector 9
At the same time, a Terran space cargo carrier tries to reach the planet ERMET II in the Kurullian sector near the neutral zone, escorded by some fighters with a sabotage command on board, in order to destroy important installations.
But a patrol of the empire spotted them and attack.
Emperor Kendrax, we don't want any peace!
We'll simply destroy the empire!
You asked for it!
We'll force our peace on you!
My Emperor! I'm Kark, your advisor and first intelligence officer! It's a great honor working for you! Under your command, we'll send these pestilential Terrans back to where they belong.
Yet we have to be careful! I've learned from reliable sources that the Terrans began to switch their planets to a defence production. We have to act as well!!!
Loving This Game! Can we get War Greymon? | Digimon Linkz - Duration: 2:13:23.-------------------------------------------
WELCOME TO: LOOT | PARTY GAMES - Duration: 1:46.Hello and Welcome!
to: LOOT | Party Games
where play is priority.
My name is Jeremy and I'm th… plltt…
This will be fun.
My name is Jeremy, I'm 30 years old and am the creator of LOOT | Party Games.
The reason I wanted to create LOOT was simply to help friends, families, and co-workers
deepen their relationships with each other through one simple avenue:
Through my 10 years of experience in team building I have found that play is the most
profound way of helping people connect with each other.
Naturally those that you play with you tend to care about.
So my dream for LOOT is to distribute opportunity for others to re-learn how to play well together.
I want to do this in two ways.
First, digitally.
My hope is that this channel serves as free access point for those who need tools to connect
with their inner circles.
The second being, locally.
I want to create a LOOT | Party Games Cafe in which people could come together and connect
face-to-face while enjoying a drink or beverage.
This would be a hybrid take on a normal coffee shop but also would serve as a place that
has access to thousands of games that you and your community to try in a warm and hospitable
We live in a world where individualism, entitlement, and technology are creating alternatives for
genuine connection with each other.
My hope is to create a growing community that pushes play as priority in-so-that we can
care well for those who are different than us.
I'm Jeremy have a good day and a good game and for now it's your turn.
Construct 3 - First Game - Getting the Player Moving - Duration: 9:16.Now that we have our player object added to the layout, we need to get it moving when
we press the arrow keys.
In Construct 3, this can be done very easily, through use of the built in Behaviors.
We'll take a look at what behaviors are, and how to add them to an object.
Also, we'll discuss how movement works in Construct 3.
In Construct 3, Behaviors are the way that we add more functionality to an object.
Later, we'll look at the event sheet, and how it can add even further functionality
to our games, but for now, think of Behaviors as a shortcut to adding commonly used movements,
and abilities.
These behaviors can be replicated in the event sheet, but they are things that are used so
commonly in games, that they are built-in, as Behaviors.
So, let's take a look at adding a behavior to our player object.
First, make sure you have the player object selected, and go over to the properties bar.
About half way down, there is a section called Behaviors, with a blue Behaviors link.
We can add new Behaviors to the selected object here, just click Add New Behavior.
From here, we can choose from a bunch of Behaviors, but we're going to keep it simple, and choose
8 direction, from under the Movements category.
The 8 Direction Behavior allows an object to be moved in 8 directions, up, down, left,
right, or diagonally between each of those.
This is useful for a top down type of game, like we've started to build with this player
Either double click the 8 direction behavior, or click it and then the Add button, to add
the 8 Direction Behavior to our player object.
Now, 8 Direction is added to the list of Behaviors this object will be using.
We can have multiple behaviors assigned to one object, combing them to get our object
performing exactly how we want them to.
We'll add another behavior to the Player object in a minute, but first, let's take a look
at what adding the 8 Direction Behavior has done.
To do that, we need to test what we've got so far, which you can do by previewing the
To preview the layout, click on this play button, the Preview Layout button.
That will launch our game in a new window.
By default, the 8 direction behavior allows us to control the movement of an object using
the arrow keys.
So, if I press the up arrow, the ship moves up.
But, it looks like the ship is flying sideways, not forwards like it should be.
We'll fix that right now, but first let's make sure we can move in all 8 directions.
We can go up, down, left or right, and we can move diagonally between each of those.
Now, let's fix the orientation of the ship.
The reason why it's moving sideways, is because Construct 3 expects the front of the sprite
to face to the right.
Right now, it considers this side of the ship the front, and when the ship changes direction,
using the 8 Direction Behavior, Construct rotates the sprite, so that it's front faces
the direction it's moving.
All we need to do is double click on the Player object, and open up the Animations Editor.
Then, we've got options on the toolbar to rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise.
We want to rotate the ship clockwise, so the front of the ship is facing to the right.
I'll preview the layout again, and this time, the ship is facing the right direction, and
when we turn, the front of the ship is always facing forwards.
Now the ship can fly around the layout, and everything looks great.
But, the ship can fly off the screen, which I don't want it to be able to do.
I want to force the ship to stay within the boundaries of the layout.
To do this, we can add another behavior, the Bound to Layout Behavior.
The Bound to Layout Behavior will stop an object from leaving the layout, making sure
it's contained within the edges of the layout.
With the ship selected, click on Behaviors, and then Add New Behavior.
This time we need to select Bound to Layout, under the General category.
Now, our player object has two behaviors applied, 8 direction, and bound to layout.
If I preview again, now when I fly towards the edge of the screen, the player's ship
is held within the layout.
I feel like the ship is a little too slow, though.
I'd like to get it moving a little faster.
Just like objects, and the layout itself, most behaviors also have properties that can
be adjusted in the Properties Bar.
With the Player object selected, under 8 Direction, change Max Speed to 300.
I'll preview the layout again, and now the player moves around at a better speed.
Last, I'd like to talk a bit about how movement works in Construct 3.
In an earlier video, we set the size of the layout to 900 x 600.
This means the layout is 900 pixels wide, and 600 pixels tall.
We can place objects, like our Player sprite, anywhere inside or outside of this 900 by
600 pixel area.
But, for the object to be on screen, it must be within this area.
You can place an object using X and Y coordinates, with X representing horizontal placement,
and Y representing vertical placement.
The X and Y coordinates begin at the top left corner of the layout, so this position, at
the very top left corner, is represented with XY coordinates of 0, 0.
X is equal to 0, and Y is equal to 0.
As we move to the right, the X value increases, and to the left, it decreases.
If we move the sprite down, the Y values increases, and if we move it up, the Y value decreases.
Since the layout is 900 pixels wide, the maximum X coordinate for an object to be visible,
would be 900.
If the object was placed at X coordinate of 901, it would be one pixel off the screen.
But, our player ship is not a single pixel, it's a sprite made up of many pixels.
If I double click the Player object, and open the Animations Editor, and click on the Resize
button, we can see that the Player sprite is 64 pixels by 64 pixels.
The coordinates work the same way within an object, as they do in the layout.
The top left corner is 0, 0.
So, if we place an object on the layout at a specific XY coordinate, we need to specify
a point within the sprite, called the origin point, that will determine exactly where it
is placed.
Let's me show you what I mean.
I'll close down the Animations Editor for a second.
Under the Player object's properties, we can set the exact XY coordinates we want.
I'll set the ship to 0, 0, the top left corner.
You can see, that the ship was placed in the top left corner, but the center of the ship
is located at the actual 0, 0 coordinates.
That's because the default origin point is set to the center of a sprite object.
Double click the Player ship, and click on this button, edit the image points.
We'll talk more about image points later, but every sprite has at least one image point,
known as the origin point.
The origin point corresponds to the X and Y position of the sprite in the layout.
We can click anywhere on the sprite to place the origin point, or if you have a numpad,
press the number keys to automatically place the origin point.
It will place the origin point on the sprite relative to the placement of the number you
push, for example, pressing 1 on the numpad places the origin point at the bottom left
corner, pressing 9 places it at the top right corner, and pressing 5 places it right in
the center of the sprite.
I'll press 7, and put it in the top left corner, and exit out of the Animations Editor.
Now, the ship is still placed at 0, 0 coordinates, but the origin point has been moved.
You can see how the origin point directly corresponds to the XY position of the object.
Objects can be placed outside of the layout as well, they'll just be off screen.
If you place an object off the left side of the layout, it will have a negative X position,
and if you place it off the top off the layout, it will have a negative Y position.
But, if you place it off the bottom of the layout, it's Y position will just be greater
than the height of the layout, in this case 600.
Similarly, off the right side of the layout, the X position will be greater than the width
of the layout, in this case 900.
It's important to understand how this coordinate system works, because we'll be using these
values to trigger events, spawn enemies, and more.
Just make sure you understand the X and Y coordinates, as well as what an origin point
is, and you'll be good to go.
If these tutorials are useful to you, please support me on Patreon, at patreon.com/todaystuts.
For a dollar a month, you'll get early access to each new tutorial, and you'll help keep
this channel active.
Thanks for watching, see you next time.
Blue Whale Games, দেশে নতুন আতঙ্ক ব্লু হোয়েল গেম, গেম খেলে স্কুলছাত্রীর আত্মহত্যা - Duration: 2:51.
Blue Whale Games
Blue Whalel in Bangladesh
This number is 130 in India. Of these, at least 20 people died in the West
Unboxing: Cluedo Game of Thrones Edition - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
The R70 AJAX SLAPS in THIS GAME MODE on BO3 ... - Duration: 8:54.!
They are all going inside, this is the easiest kill ever come on, baby
Look at that that's what I'm talking about I told you easiest kill ever bro watch this
You don't matter it don't matter
Alright yo what's going on guys who bought the fuse Jay back again tonight with another gameplay
And I'm on the map Metro on hardcore team deathmatch for the double cryptokey week and man
I wouldn't dropped a clutch nuke with my sister man
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video man makes it a subscribe 10 on the post with the kitchens and all that other good shit
Man, I'm out peace
They're each Alex
God ain't met on and you should've told that God was drunk that 50 bombing in
Wow yeah, and we had them niggas traps
Yeah, I know right got your way
Watch houses you won't I got him about to have a century
Okay, we got a century turn around other side. Oh this morning
Okay about to have a hater. Hey turn around. Oh this other side check both sides
Okay, I got a century watch another salon, okay. I got a hater there we go and game
That's game, baby
Come on they better not shoot that shit out of the sky, man
Get the teams at the enemy leave most of them niggas left, bro
Sitting over in a back crouch literally
That's all good bitch-ass kid okay, I got another heart
Okay, I'm about to put another century on the other side oh
Shit okay, this will have us on
Okay, we got another no I'm not have another here no no
He'll watch the back soon and this we need to try to get a spawner
You know Peter bottom get teammate good shit, okay the niggas coming up to the back side, right
There we go
Yeah, make sure this don't worry about us. It's no just concentrate on getting that done
Now straight on getting it done about to get that nuke dough boy drop that -
Yeah, okay there - sure my Center
Got that hater boys
Fuck did I hit that did I hit that nuke?
Probably, not I miss the new nuke fail
No he's on me they destroyed my hater, bro, how did they destroy my hater, bro?
I'm just saying like is
About to drop a fish
Well I got a seafood I should have use a
My bad it might be out too far
They just camped up in the back oh shit now
I don't know what that was
Okay, well I want off from a 50 Bob again
Fans Feel Excited And Safe Ahead Of NDLS Game 3 - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
How Game Designers Protect Players From Themselves | Game Maker's Toolkit - Duration: 11:52.SID MEIER: One of the responsibilities I think we have as designers is to protect the player…
from themselves
Whenever a designer makes a game, they'll have certain ideas for what would be the most
enjoyable or interesting way for a player to approach things.
For example, Jake Solomon reckons that XCOM is at its best when the player is taking risks.
He told Rock Paper Shotgun: "Risks are what lead to loss and what lead to triumph".
But players will often have other ideas, because many will simply gravitate towards strategies
that will most likely lead to success - regardless of how enjoyable those strategies might actually
be - so they grind, they use repetitive tactics, and they play slowly and cautiously.
As Civilization 4 designer Soren Johnson puts it, "given the opportunity, players will
optimise the fun out of a game".
He was talking more about exploits, but I think the quote still works.
And this is kinda what happened in XCOM: players rarely took risks, because why would you?
Instead, they found much more success when they moved slowly, played cautiously, and
overused the overwatch ability - meaning they often ended up playing each mission in largely
the same, risk-averse way.
But the awesome thing about design is that the game's developers can tweak things,
to make sure players approach the game in the way they think would be most interesting.
The question is - what's the best way to do this?
The most obvious answer would be to add some kind of system that will stop the
unwanted behaviour from occurring.
And that's what exactly Firaxis did when it decided to introduce turn-limits to standard
missions in XCOM 2.
Many of the game's missions will have some kind of time limit - hack the network in 8
turns, destroy the relay in 6 turns, extract the VIP in 12 turns.
And if you don't finish that objective within the turn limit, the mission is failed.
And this means that inching slowly across the map like in XCOM 1 is now massively discouraged,
and the player is forced to move more quickly and take more risks.
A very similar thing happened in the making of Spelunky.
Creator Derek Yu says "I never intended Spelunky players to collect every piece of
treasure, get every item, or explore every room each time they play.
Instead, I wanted to force them to make difficult decisions and experience both the satisfaction
of choosing correctly and the regret of choosing poorly."
So, he added the deadly ghost enemy which appears at about two and a half minutes into
every level to put pressure on the player and discourage them from dawdling around.
Now both of these decisions had the intended effect - but they were also both met with
some amount of controversy.
Spelunky less so - that's a long time to spend in one level.
Besides, the ghost doesn't actually kill you. You can still run away and finish the stage.
But many XCOM 2 players hated the turn limits,
and even made mods to rip them out of the game.
"I didn't expect people to have such a strong reaction to the timers," says Solomon.
And turn limits were greatly reduced in the game's expansion, War of the Chosen.
So, what went wrong?
Well, there's a bunch of things.
Many people simply just enjoyed playing cautiously in the first game, and expected to do so in
the sequel.
And Solomon suggests that "maybe there's a clumsy thematic wrapper on the turn-timer".
But one thing is clear: some players will always react negatively to punishment.
And, in XCOM 2, the fact that refusing to speed up and take risks will see you fail
the mission at hand, means that these players felt that the game was punishing them for
playing in a certain way.
And there's a famous story about World of Warcraft - which I've never played so excuse
me if I screw this up - but in the story, Blizzard didn't want people to play the
game for too long - so they introduced a system in the beta where the longer you played, the
fewer experience points you'd get for killing monsters and whatnot.
But players hated it.
They hated seeing the numbers going down.
It felt like a punishment for playing the game.
So Blizzard did something pretty clever: they flipped the system on its head.
Now, players can build up a rest bonus whenever they're not playing the game, and then get
an experience points boost when they next log in.
It's essentially the same numbers, says Blizzard, but making it a reward rather than
a penalty made it much more agreeable to fans.
So, it's often better to encourage the behaviour you want, than discourage the behaviour you don't.
Instead of punishing a player who is too slow, reward a player who finishes the level quickly.
And there are loads of good ways to encourage player behaviour.
It starts with the fundamental, moment-to-moment gameplay, where designers can tweak the game's
most basic mechanics to push players towards a certain style of play.
Take the latest DOOM, where the designers wanted to promote an aggressive sort of "push
forward combat".
One way id Software achieved this was through the glory kill mechanic which provided plenty
of compelling reasons to close in on your foes, instead of running away and firing from
a safe distance.
This move instantly kills an enemy, it doesn't use any ammunition, and it showers the player
with useful health pick-ups.
And so, despite years of FPS games training players to run away and hide behind cover,
in DOOM, players spend much of the game racing headfirst towards demons.
Likewise, Bloodborne encouraged players to be more aggressive than they were in Dark
Souls by adding the rally mechanic which lets you recover health if you strike an enemy
within a few seconds of taking damage.
Players are less likely to back off and wait for an opening if they have a chance to win
back some health with a quick, aggressive attack.
Other examples of this sort of immediate encouragement might include the
Burnout games, where you gather much-needed boost by doing all sorts
of fun things like driving close to other cars and racing into oncoming traffic.
You've gotta drive dangerously to win.
And Hyper Light Drifter, where the only way to recharge your gun is to slash bad guys
with your sword, encouraging you to get up close and personal with enemies.
Encouragement can also be baked into more abstract, overarching systems like scores.
In most character action games, you can finish the stage even if you're pretty sloppy and
rely on the same few tactics for the whole game.
But you'll end up with a crappy grade at the end of the level.
To get a better grade, you need to play in the way that the designers intended.
So, for a game like Devil May Cry which is all about being stylish, you'll get better
grades - plus, some handy items - if you use varied and more difficult attacks, and use
your guns to keep the combo ticking along.
Likewise, Tony Hawk's makes you connect up different tricks to keep your combo going,
and will give fewer points each time you repeat a move.
In all of these games, the only way to get a high score is to play in the most stylish
and interesting way possible, and to use the full extent of the game's mechanics.
Rewards like experience points and achievements can also be used for this purpose, because
the designer gets to choose exactly what sort of activities or challenges the player must
do to earn those points, and can tailor this to reward players for taking actions that
fit the game's intended experience.
GRAYSON HUNT: Ooh, son of a mother. Tech is wild. This cocky leash is grading my performance.
Now, this is not to say that games should never discourage, punish, or penalise people.
This will always have a place in games.
But for those games that do focus on negative enforcement, they should be wary of pushing the
slider from discouraging a playstyle, to practically forcing you not to use it.
Not to beat a dead horse, but playing fast in XCOM 2's timed missions is not just the
best way to play - but, basically, the only way to play.
Because forcing a very specific playstyle is difficult to pull off.
I'm sure we've all played stealth games where getting spotted by enemies leads to
instant failure.
And sure, this makes you play in a stealthy, ninja-like manner, and doesn't allow you
to just Rambo your way through the game with superior fire power, but it's also annoying,
and it gets rid of exciting moments like where you get spotted but manage to escape and go
back into hiding.
So the goal is not necessarily to shut down tactics that can lead to uninteresting playstyles.
For example, if players are spending too much time hiding safely behind cover in a shooter,
when you'd prefer them to run around the battlefield, you don't have to remove cover entirely.
It's more often about keeping this stuff as a valid tactic for certain situations - but
tweaking them so the player will not abuse or completely rely on them.
So, you can discourage players from abusing cover by having enemies throw in grenades
or having cover break over time.
Or you could encourage players to stay out of cover by giving them points for fighting
out in the open.
And to go back to the stealth example, there are better ways to encourage stealthy play
than just insta-failing players who get spotted.
You could discourage direct attacks by making the player very weak.
In the Arkham games, Batman is useless against enemies with guns, so punching the crap out
of guards during the stealth bits is a bad tactic, but you can stay alive long enough
to grapple hook your way back to safety.
Or you could encourage stealth by using the scoring systems mentioned earlier.
In Hitman, the only way to get a high score, or finish many of the challenges like Silent
Assassin, is to play in the most sneaky way possible.
Never get seen, hide the bodies, delete the camera recordings, and so on.
Or, one less obvious way to tackle it, is to make players more aware that direct attacks
are not the focus of the game.
With Mark of the Ninja, lead designer Nels Anderson said that the game originally had
an in-depth combat system with different stances and parries and whatnot, but this level of
depth signalled to the player that direct combat was may more important than it actually was.
By reducing the combat to something much more simple, players now understood that direct
attacks were not point.
Anderson explained this on the podcast Designer Notes,
NELS ANDERSON: People would try to sneak, they would fail, and then they'd just Rambo
through the rest of the level.
It's like: okay, we just need to pair this down, get rid of as much of it as possible,
make it really simple.
And once we just kept pairing it down to, the amount of presence it had in the design
was about proportional to how important we thought it should be, that's when it sat
about right.
So, designers should know how they want players to approach their game.
Perhaps stylishly, or stealthily, or while taking risks, or using the full extent of
the mechanics, or just feeling like a demon murdering machine.
Whatever they think is most fun, or interesting, or thematically relevant.
But if a player can reach their goals - from microscopic targets like "get health"
or "defeat an enemy", to longer-term goals like "reach the end of the level" or "earn
a new skill point" - if players can reach those goals more easily through ways that
don't match that intention, and are actually pretty boring, then the game might have a problem.
Locking off that easier route is certainly one way of going about it, but forcing players
to meet your vision and punishing them for playing otherwise, is fraught with difficulty.
And so while I personally understand and even appreciate XCOM 2's turn timers in the broad
strokes, I'm not surprised that they were met with controversy.
So, it's often better to encourage and incentivise a player to see the game in the best possible light.
To allow for other playstyle, but give rewards, high scores, easy kills, and handy resources
when the player is meeting that intended experience.
Now, please, this is definitely not as easy as I'm making it sound.
There are plenty of pitfalls to think about and some of the most controversial and disliked
mechanics are those that were initially designed to encourage or discourage a certain way of playing.
But when used really well, this type of design can subtly push a player towards having the
best possible experience, and, like Sid says, protect players... from themselves.
Hey, thanks for watching!
I hope you found this one interesting.
I love seeing all the differnet ways that designers try to encourage and discourage different
behaviours, and it's fascinating to see how successful they end up being.
I'd love to hear your examples from games you've played.
Or games you've made, if you're a designer.
Leave 'em in the comments below, if you like.
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Knuckle Bones Halloween Game! | The Rybka Twins - Duration: 7:28.-------------------------------------------
Volantis the first daughter of Valyria - Game of thrones History By Varys - Duration: 4:19.VARYS: Valyria was young,
and as the young do, it sought to spread its seed.
Its first daughter was Volantis,
an outpost on the mighty Rhoyne River at the frontier of the empire.
There, the dragonlords raised the famous Black Walls,
seamless, fused dragon stone, 200 feet tall,
and so thick that six four-horse chariots can race along the battlement side by side,
as they do each year to celebrate the founding of the city.
To this day, only those who can trace their ancestry back to Old Valyria
are allowed to dwell within the Black Walls.
None are even permitted to set foot inside
without an express invitation of a scion of the Old Blood,
meaning, of course, the ancient and noble blood of foot soldiers.
For the city's first 100 years, its only inhabitants were its garrison.
But where soldiers go, vice follows.
Taverns and brothels began to sprout up outside the Black Walls,
and merchant ships began to call, as well,
bearing the favored trade of the Summer Sea...
The east bank filled with homes, shops and society.
And so, the taverns and brothels moved to the west bank,
where foreigners, sellswords and pirates erected their own shadow city
of fornication, drunkenness and murder.
In time, the west bank became such a cesspit of crime and depravity,
that the Volantines had no choice but to send their slave soldiers across the Rhoyne
to restore order and some semblance of decency.
Like all such missions, they succeeded, they left,
then they failed.
When the Volantines grew weary of shipping their soldiers across the Rhoyne every year,
they built the famous Long Bridge of Volantis,
strong enough to support the weight of 1,000 elephants,
and many more soldiers.
The Long Bridge of Volantis stands today
as the longest bridge in all the known world.
The Volantine rulers intended the bridge
to spread the civilization of the east bank to the west.
Instead, the depravity of the west bank spread east.
Shops, temples, taverns, inns and brothels line the bridge,
most three or four storeys tall, with each floor overhanging the one beneath it.
One can buy anything on the Long Bridge,
or steal it, if one's hands are quick enough.
But if they're not...
Though, at least half the decor committed no greater crime than displeasing a master.
For in Volantis, there are five slaves for every free man,
a proportion matched only by the cities of Slaver's Bay.
The Volantine masters mark their property with facial tattoos,
permanent and scarring, which denote the vocation of the slave.
Slave soldiers wear green tiger stripes upon their faces.
Slave whores are marked by tears beneath one eye.
The slaves that collect the dung of horses and elephants are marked with flies.
The drivers of the hathays, the carts pulled by the small elephants of Volantis,
are marked with wheels, and so on.
A master may give his slave freedom,
but no man can give a new face.
Is it any wonder, then, that the slaves and freed men
have turned, in such great numbers, to the priests who preach of a cleansing fire?
The temple of the Lord of Light in Volantis is said to be the greatest in all the world,
larger even than the Great Sept of Baelor.
All who serve within this mighty temple are slaves,
bought as children and trained to become priests,
temple prostitutes or warriors.
And one could argue its adherents outside the temple are slaves, as well,
in mind, if not in body.
Magic frees nobody,
except its practitioner, to do what he will with those who can't,
just as the Black Walls free the Old Blood to see what they will
without those they don't.
But one must wonder how much longer such freedoms will endure,
when across Essos, one hears the sound of chains breaking,
of slaves rising,
of dragons roaring.
Volantis may call itself the first daughter of Valyria,
but it is not the last.
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