Could a Water Bottle Left in Your Car Be a Fire Hazard? - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
FBI takes man into custody after explosion in car - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
2-car crash kills 1 on SW 257th in Troutdale - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Police Find Two Women In Car Overdosing On Herion With Babies In Backseat - Duration: 0:23.-------------------------------------------
Car Crash Today | Car Crash Compilation | 2017-2018 | OMG | By SpeederOne - Duration: 5:10.Car Crash Today | Car Crash Compilation | 2017-2018 | OMG | By SpeederOne
Car Crash Today | Car Crash Compilation | 2017-2018 | OMG | By SpeederOne
Car Crash Today | Car Crash Compilation | 2017-2018 | OMG | By SpeederOne
Car Crash Today | Car Crash Compilation | 2017-2018 | OMG | By SpeederOne
Best Toys 🌈 Videos for Children - Farm World Stop Motion | Car Video, Tractor, Combine for Kids - Duration: 10:30.Best Toys 🌈 Videos for Children - Farm World Stop Motion | Car Video, Tractor, Combine for Kids
How To Make A Used Car Look New! - Chemical Guys Car Care - Duration: 8:27.What's up guys welcome back to the Detail Garage!
If you have been following our mini series on this Chevy Cruze you saw that we washed
it, removed the decal and some light interior cleaning.
Now we're moving on to the exterior because there are scratches, swirls and water spots
that Javier and myself are going to remove using the TORQ 10FX and an Orange Pad.
We've never really gone over all of the V-Line polishes explaining what they do and how to
choose them.
Starting off today's detail we clayed the Cruze with a Medium Clay Bar to remove embedded
contaminants that give it a rough feeling that also enhances the shine but after inspecting
the paint we can see that there are tons of swirls and scratches as well as water spots
that have etched the paint.
Starting over here we have the most aggressive compound being V32.
This is intended for really deep scratches and swirls, wet sanding marks and other bad
Moving down the line we have V34 which is a hybrid compound which is less abrasive than
the V32 for lighter scratches and swirls or after polishing with V32 you will need to
work your way down to V38.
The go to polish is V36, this is a cutting polish to enhance the shine and in some cases
it can be used as a one step polish because it has fine diminishing abrasives that break
down the scratched paint to bring back the factory shine.
Lastly, we have V38 which is a jeweling polish that removes light oxidation, minor imperfections,
tiger stripes and if you are performing a two-step polish this refines the shine.
Our method for today is going to be an Orange Hex-Logic Pad with V36.
Starting off by shaking V36 and applying five dime size drops on the pad.
We always go with five dime size drops because this gives us enough product to cover a two
by two square foot area to refine the paint to a factory shine.
We'll spray the pad with Pad Conditioner to moisturize the pad so that we don't install
any marring since it is reducing friction and preventing us from burning the paint.
Lets go over to the vehicle, as you can see we have the hood taped off to show the before
and after.
I'm blotching out the chemical an on the lowest speed setting I'll spread it out before bumping
it up to speed six which is what we'll use for polishing to restore the shine.
Wow, the difference is night and day.
You don't even need to take the tape off because you can already see the scratches are gone.
I will take off the tape to show you the difference between the two sides.
Then we need to move on to the rest of the vehicle because this thing needs to be done
before the end of the day that's why I have Javier to help me.
You guys just sit back and enjoy.
We just got done claying and polishing this car and now we're at our final step of adding
some wax to give it the extra shine and protection.
This guy is on the go and we're on the clock so we need to do this as fast as we can.
Using InstaWax and spread it with the blue applicator pad this way we are in control
of where we are applying the wax to prevent staining any rubber or plastic.
This is safe for headlights, paint and even glass.
All it takes is a couple sprays then spread it out.
Applying a thin layer and let it haze up before wiping it off.
We'll buff off the excess with the Happy Ending Towel.
Here you can see it is already hazing up and with a quick wipe you unveil a deep wet shine
and also adding a layer of protection.
It protects against industrial fallout, contamination, UV solar rays and other harsh elements.
It has a deep wet shine with added protection.
So if you guys like this video please be sure to give us a like, subscribe and leave a comment.
I'm going to finish the rest of
this car and we'll see you
next time.
Living in A Car: TOP 10 PLACES TO SHOWER! 🛀 | Hobo Ahle - Duration: 8:10.So living in vehicles- super fun, really exciting, great lifestyle! But one of the
biggest obstacles to overcome or that you're gonna encounter when you first
start is: where to shower? So I'm just gonna go over like the top ten places to
shower or I guess really like places / ways to shower because they're not all
definitive places. Also these are in no particular order in terms of popularity,
I actually think the most popular one is number nine. And keep in mind that these
are not the ONLY places to shower this is just gonna be a list of ten of them
and if there's something that you really want to add to the list feel free to do
so and just leave a comment. So number one is just gonna be a baby wipe bath or
the usage of water bottles. Pretty self-explanatory.
Take a couple baby wipes, you know, get the key spots to try to not stink and
feel as clean as you possibly can. With the water bottles kind of like- I've done
things where I just pulled over on the side of a road and used the water bottle
to wet my hair, shampoo it inside the vehicle, and then rinse it. As long as
I was using biodegradable soap and it wasn't in an area that was like super
populated and you know midday- when people are out walking around- kind of
keep a still factor to it. That really worked for me. The baby wipes I think
it's pretty convenient just because you can pretty much like- you can do that
inside your vehicle. So you know you can again- the stealth factor. You can keep
that super low key. And you can always do things like freshen up in public
restrooms, I promise you it gets less awkward each time you do it. But at the
end of the day like you cannot do that all the time otherwise
yeah.... you just- well, I mean I guess you could... I guess you could. But you gon'
smell. And so I wouldn't recommend it for the long-term lol kind of just as
like an in-between type of thing. Number two would just be campgrounds. And the
thing with campgrounds is that some of them have showers and some of them don't,
and then some of them are free and some of them are not. So just be mindful of
that whenever you're looking for a campground shower. Number three is gonna
be a makeshift shower or a solar shower. So what I mean by makeshift shower is
like I have one that I made out of a weed pressurizer. I have a video showing
how I did it if you guys want to check that out. And then solar showers or other
types of kind of makeshift showers... they sell those at almost any outdoor store.
In order to get like a comfortable warm shower I just boil some water and mix it
with room temperature water and it works really great. For solar showers they are
typically black so then you leave them outside and they heat up with the Sun so...
I don't know, I think it's a pretty convenient way of staying clean. I personally really
like this one just because the shower that I have is portable so sometimes I
can shower outside like if the weather's nice and there's not anyone around or if
I have to I can always shower inside the van. Moving on to number four is gonna be
the houses of your friends and family. So I like to keep this pretty minimal just
because of the fact that I feel if I am choosing this lifestyle I don't kind of
want to infringe upon others. I want to be able to take responsibility for
myself, for my choices, and since this is something that I have willingly decided
to do I feel like I I want to remain as self-sufficient as possible. But you know,
in the case that I'm visiting a family member and they're like "yeah, just
shower at my house." and that's kind of what I'm talking about.
Rather than consistently seeking them
out and depending on them in order to get your daily shower or your every
other day shower whatever you know. So kind of alongside that number five is
going to be strangers' houses. And I know a lot of people are gonna
freak out, but here's the thing I'm mainly talking about like websites- two
websites in particular. It's gonna be like the couchsurfing website and warm
showers. And so for couchsurfing that's kind of more geared towards people with
the intent to stay the night so they're willing to host you a lot of
times. They're even they're willing to you know give you meals, and drive you
around, or show you around, hang out with you, and stuff like that. So in the past I
found it very easy to just communicate with them and tell them like
"I'm not looking for a place to stay the night, but I am looking for a shower. Is
that something, you know, that would be okay with you?" But it's even also worked
out that I've gotten a shower out of it and then I've been able to park in
someone's driveway for the night. And then the warm showers website... that's a
little more specifically for cyclists. But again same deal, like if you get on
there and just talk to the person and let them know like "hey I'm- this is what
I'm doing: I live in a car, I'm looking for a shower..." I've found that they're
usually totally fine with it. And of course there's a whole safety factor
that goes with it like you don't know this person so just be really careful,
take the time to be sure that you're comfortable with the situation and you
feel that you can handle what you're getting into. But I mean that kind of
goes with all of these. But at the same time I think it's- it's definitely not
the same as just walking out on a random street and finding the first person you
see and saying "hey can I shower at your house?"There's a little bit more
of a verification process that goes through with people registering for
these things and you communicating with them. But always always always keep your
safety your number one priority. Number six is outside in nature. So lakes, rivers,
waterfalls, I guess the ocean if you really wanted to.
Just anywhere that there is a large body of water that you can use to your
advantage. The 7th thing is gonna be hotels. And i know
that that's not gonna be super popular because a lot of us live in our vehicles
for the entire reason to not spend money on hotels especially when
traveling and everything. In my case I've done this I think twice and
unfortunately both times it was because I got really sick. But even if you find
yourself like just so stressed out because you cannot find a place to park
or the area is maybe just a little too sketchy or you're just really- like you
need a break... I don't think there's anything wrong with- if you can
afford it budget wise- just check yourself into a hotel get a nice hot
shower and then figure out what to do from there. Next is gonna be rest areas
or truck stops. And I think it's Flying J or no no no no it's Loves. They have
showers for $12 and that's really not that expensive. I mean if you do it every
single day yeah, that's definitely gonna add up. But for a good shower every once
in a while it's really not that much and they keep their facilities very clean
just because they constantly have people going in and out of there like truckers
who are showering. At least from what I've seen, all the places that I've
stopped have been very very clean. And it's always a possibility that while
you're there you could run into a trucker, they could have an extra shower
or something on their card, and let you use it you know. Number nine is probably
the most frequently used and that's gonna be gyms. So I think the most
common gym that people use is Planet Fitness. It's ten dollars per month for a
membership and they've got Planet Fitness's everywhere.
So if you're thinking about moving into a car or a van and trying to
figure out where to shower that uh that might be the winner. I personally use
gyms a lot too however, I don't have a membership to Planet Fitness. I usually
end up at climbing gyms so they've got showers there and that works for me just fine.
And lastly number ten is just going to be other public showers. So for
instance like when I was in school I would shower at the locker room, I used
to have a job that had showers- it was a lab and the types of materials that we
used to deal with anyways- at the beach they have showers, or rec centers, or
swimming pools, anything like that. Pretty much any public place where you can find
a shower. So one more time the safety thing for all of these is going to be
the same you know, just be mindful of it, take it into consideration, do your best
and try not to put yourself in harm's way. I know that some of these might
sound a little bit iffy and that's totally understandable. Just always go
with what's right for you personally because it's not gonna be the same for all of us.
I hope that this list of ten places are ways to shower was helpful and I'll see you guys next time.
Filter Car Smells Away - Duration: 1:24.rev up your engines, today I'm going to show you how to remove smells from your car,
now many modern cars can have cabin air filters, there's a filter and this one is
behind the glovebox, you just remove this screw, take the arm off, then squeeze, and
the box comes out, and here's the cabin air filter, you just squeeze, and out it comes
and yes you can see, I've been a bad boy, I haven't cleaned it out in a while, you
can whack it out, you can vacuum it off, but here's a way to make it smell even
less, they do make fancy cabin air filters that have activated carbon, but
they can cost a lot of money, you can make your own, like I do,
I got Honeywell House air filter, you can buy these carbon filters for like 10
bucks a piece, and it'll make like 20 of these things, so if you don't want your
car to smell like a cat box, here's what you can do, cut out a
section that fits over, put a little duct tape on the edges, to hold it in place,
and then slide it in place, then you've got activated charcoal filtering and
it costs you less than a buck a filter, just remember to check it like once a
month, especially if you park under trees like I
do, so if you want a car that smells sweet all the time, now you know how to
do it on the cheap, more quick fixes on the Scotty Kilmer channel.
Driving Through Huge Potholes in 4K Slow Motion - See through Car ( E.1 P.1 ) - Duration: 12:46.Welcome back to Warped Perception.
I got the idea to do this from the previous videos I've done.
See through engine.
And the see-through model rocket engine.
I had the idea to get a car.
And remove as much of the exterior as possible.
To reveal the suspension.
And Chassis.
Then I'm going to put the car through a few extreme tests.
And see what we get.
I think it's going to be really cool.
And I think we're going to learn something.
First thing I need is a car.
My friends at Mercedes-Benz of Chicago.
For this episode were nice enough.
To give me this car right here.
But not everything is perfect with this car.
Apparently it has already seen its day.
I have to make any necessary repairs.
This car is about to take a beating.
According to the repair order.
This car has two broken front Springs.
And ironically 4 bad shock absorbers.
Got to make sure we have enough windshield washer fluid in here for the road.
This car has been sitting here for two years.
Looks like we have an episode to make.
Are you ready to strip down a Mercedes?.
No we got the car all cleaned up.
Ready to take it to the garage.
Aright so it looks like I didn't make it all the way.
This thing started overheating.
Somebody took the radiator hose off of it.
Oh well let's go get some antifreeze.
Good thing we're really close to Fletcher Jones.
Let's get this radiator hose plugged up.
We got the antifreeze.
Get this antifreeze in there.
Temperature looks good it's going down.
Alrighty we got the car up.
Let's do our preliminary inspection.
yeah something's not right in there.
Yeah so that spring is definitely broken.
The piece is still in there.
All we have to do is take this apart.
And get some new Springs in there.
And We're ready to go.
Alright there's our Springs.
I just want to make sure all of these covers are fastened down properly.
Before this thing hits the road.
And ready.
Oh yeah ready to hit the road.
Now that we got that all fixed.
Before I strip it down.
I'm going to take the car to our location.
See how it likes the terrain.
And the get a couple shots of it in its complete form.
We are here at the location.
And we're going to see just how much.
This Mercedes-Benz E-class likes this street.
Alright so it looks like after that one puny run.
Our car is overheating.
I think this has something to do with it here.
im thinking this Tube that goes between here and here.
Must be part of the cooling system.
Because it's overheating.
so What I did is.
I went to Home Depot.
And got this.
And a few fittings.
And I'm just going to outfit this with a.
A piece of tubing.
This brass nipple.
This hose right here.
I'm going to put a brass nipple right in here in this water neck.
And a brass nipple in this cooling Reservoir.
Then I'm just going to connect the hose in between the two.
And yeah I think we're set we're ready to go.
We have now arrived at one of the most exciting parts of our episode.
It's time to expose the inner workings of the Beast.
This is got to be one of the top three craziest ideas.
I've had yet.
Most of these things I do on my own.
But in this case.
I need some help.
Alright the whole thing comes off.
Go carry it Let's go.
Ready go all right.
Now for this next test.
I'm not going to run the length of the street.
I'm just going to hit one pothole.
And one particular pothole.
This one right here.
I saw this one a mile away.
This one is about eight or nine inches deep.
I'm going to try to hit this at about 20 miles per hour.
I think this is going to give us a great demonstration.
Of how the suspension components work in unison.
I don't think that at first we're going to get in the upward Force.
We're going to kind of get some lateral force in there.
And see how the suspension components deal.
With all of that shock.
And what they do with that energy.
So that's what we're going to do so let's go.
Okay so that was a little slow for my preference.
I got a little scared.
I thought the tire might pop.
And then I realized that this is a Mercedes.
That being said that last run was at about 10 miles an hour.
I'm going to jack this one up to about 20 or 25 miles per hour.
I think we're going to see some serious.
Some type of movement or something cool happening.
Now that I got that pothole run all done.
I'm just going to have fun with it.
I'm thinking I'm going to try to get this car airborne.
And the way I'm going to do that Is.
After looking at the street.
I realize that there's like a ramp right here.
If I drive in the opposite direction that I've been driving.
Which is going to be South instead of North.
I think I'll be able to catch some air.
I'm just a little bit worried because.
I don't want to bust up our air conditioning condenser.
Or bust up our radiator.
Because our air conditioning condenser is in such good condition as it is.
And yeah that's what I'm going to do.
Keep your fingers crossed.
And hope that I get air.
Alright so I shut it off right away.
I have some really crazy engine vibration.
I'm going to take a look and inspect the damage.
Let's look inside there.
And it looks like I bent the whole subframe.
Up about 4 to 5 about 4 inches.
Our whole radiator support has moved inward.
So our radiator is kind of tilted now.
I don't know over here.
I don't know if you can see that line right there.
Busted line hopefully that's not a power steering line.
Oh no you know what.
That's our AC line okay that's fine.
Well the good news is that our radiator isn't leaking.
The radiator is still intact.
Which means that the car is still in good.
Decent running condition.
But I think that's all of this street that this car is going to see.
I don't think it will take another run.
Since we really bent that subframe badly.
And yeah that's about it.
That concludes episode 1 of our See through Car Series.
But don't you worry episode 2 is coming up right after this one.
I am excited to see what the limit of this car is.
And just how much I can take before it breaks.
I'm going to be pushing this car harder and faster in every episode.
So make sure you subscribe.
And look out for those episodes.
Tell us what you think in the comments below.
Thanks for watching.
Chao Chao.
Make Your Car Engine Last - Duration: 2:22.one, two, three, four!
Rev up your engines!
It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel
today I'm going to show you how to make your car's engine last as long as it
possibly can, now as most people know, engines are very expensive, yet oil is
relatively cheap, so you want to change your oil frequently, but if you put more
than oil in your car, your engine can last longer, now it's been scientifically
proven, that the majority of wear in your engine occurs upon startup, and the
first minute or so, of driving your car, because when you turn your car off, most
of the oil drains down into the sump, so the top of the engine is drying, and when you
start it up, you got metal to metal bare contact, now I have found that oil
additives, like this slick 50, can reduce the friction and heat on startups, and
help engines last longer, now I know quite a bit about slick 50, because I'm in
Houston where it started, and a friend of mine, Dave, he was one of the original
guys in the company, and a few years ago, Dave cashed in for millions, moved to
Austin, and lives in a mansion, and Here I am, stuck in my old garage in Houston,
life is just so unfair, I have to give Dave a heads-up, because he started me using
this stuff decades ago, and with my old work Toyota having 239,000 miles on it,
still doesn't burn any oil, I do have to say this stuff works, now don't think
I've become some kind of sleazy pitchman, selling snake oil, now this stuff doesn't
rebuild your engine while you drive, like some of them claim, it reduces heat and
friction, it prevents sludge, and it enhances oil durability, all things you
want for the oil in your car, if you put it in an old worn out junker engine, hey,
it's still going to be an old worn out junker engine, but you put it in a good
engine, it's going to make it last as long as it possibly can, and to me that's
the name of the game, I hate wasting my money buying cars, so if you're like me
and you want to drive your car for 20, 30 years, and hundreds of thousands of miles,
you might try the slick 50 original formula, works for me,
and remember you got any questions just visit Scotty Kilmer channel
POO Car Mack Truck Transportation Funny Video with Color Poop Emoji Cars for Kids Songs for Children - Duration: 10:06.POO Car Mack Truck Transportation Funny Video with Color Poop Emoji Cars for Kids Songs for Children
Color Cars 3 McQueen Miss Fritter MACK TRUCK Friends Disney Car 3 Finger Family Cartoon for Kids - Duration: 14:40.Color Cars 3 McQueen Miss Fritter MACK TRUCK Friends Disney Car 3 Finger Family Cartoon for Kids
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