for three decades
the child allocation Bureau has
combatted catastrophic overpopulation
this sibling will be processed under
authority of the child allocation Act to
build a sustainable future full of hope
and possibility how do you plan on
hiding this starting tomorrow you will
each get to go outside on a day of the
week that is your name Sunday will get
to go outside on Sunday Monday on Monday
Tuesday on Tuesday and so on you will
all take on the singular identity of
Karen SEC Terry near you even siblings
no evidence against surviving to
adulthood it would destroy my
credibility in excitement step into the
van please mum is not sure to please
gotta go out there where am I going
run the trash was off in the impact
what happens to one of you
happens to you all
For more infomation >> What Happened to Monday - Noomi Rapace, Willem Dafoe Sci-Fi Movie - Netflix - Chefhawks Trailer HD - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
This Is What It's Like To Wear The Same Thing Every Day - Duration: 4:45.
We're wearing the same clothes...
Ok, so it's Day 1. Just got dressed.
Wearing the shirt and the pants.
Lookin' great.
Normally, got this whole plethora of dresses and other assorted ensembles to choose from.
But today I know exactly what I'm going to wear so
I'm closing the closet door
and we're doing good.
Some reflections this morning: Felt pretty good.
It was nice to not have to think about what I was wearing.
I know I'm gonna wear this shirt. It's on. It's mine.
The pants I'm gonna have to be wearing for the rest of the week, which should be interesting.
Definitely cut some time down in my morning— you know 5 or 10 minutes.
I'm not totally a morning person so that helps, you know, it's like
I could brush my teeth 4 or 5 times in that amount of time so...
All good so far.
So it's Day 2 of living the Zuckerberg life.
I can feel my net worth rising already.
I spent a lot less time getting ready for work today.
And how did that make you feel?
Probably 5 minutes because I don't really ever spend
that much time figuring out what I'm going to wear.
The joys of being a man.
But that 5 minutes is nice.
What did you use that 5 minutes for instead?
Wondering about whether I'm going to get sick of this shirt by the end of the week.
I guess right now we're kind of at this weird halfway point.
We have 3 shirts. I did first shirt, second shirt, first shirt again.
I wore one shirt for the first two days and then this is a
fresh one I put on today.
As far as things go hygiene-wise, I mean things seem pretty OK.
Smell pretty good still somehow.
It's a little hot out so maybe we were sweatin' a little bit but, you know,
deodorant works wonders, perfume is pretty great.
I've been showering every day like normal.
About to head to my boyfriend's apartment.
We'll see if he notices that I've been wearing the same clothes.
OK so I have infiltrated the boyfriend's apartment.
I've been here for about an hour.
My girlfriend so far has been the only person who noticed that I'm wearing the same shirt
over and over again.
Didn't notice at all.
Are we surprised? No.
She kind of laughed and said, "It's pretty much what you do anyway."
Which is true.
I have mixed feelings about this, to be honest.
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this.
I wish that I had chosen a different uniform
and I definitely would have taken that minor, teeny tiny little bit of
like gender privilege that we have in wearing dresses in the summer.
I only have 3 shirts and so I sweat through one already, which means if I want
to wear that again tomorrow, I'm going to have to do laundry tonight.
That seems kind of troubling.
I feel like this is a really good experiment in concept.
It's day 5.
The final day.
I don't know that it had a huge effect on me.
It definitely saved time in the morning.
Definitely cut some time down in my morning 5 or 10 minutes.
Definitely took less time getting ready.
And I spent a lot less time getting ready for work today.
I definitely would do this again, though.
I like this shirt.
I just like my shirt a lot too.
We have really good style, I think.
If anything, this experiment proved that.
I don't know if I necessarily felt productive just at work.
I had a lot of different stuff thrown at me this week and I feel like I was
better able tackle those things than if I was also running around being like,
"What am I'm gonna wear in the hottest week of the Summer thus far?"
Most people would probably benefit from it a lot more than I do,
because I generally don't put a lot of thought into what I wear.
I've just never have had great style and I have 5 shirts that I wear all the time.
So it's like kind of similar to this.
Do you know what you're gonna wear on Monday for your first day?
I don't actually.
I will be, first of all, not surprised if it ends up being this.
I'll be wearing this with a different plain t-shirt.
You'll be wearing shorts.
Yeah, actually I'll be wearing shorts.
So we'll be wearing not pants.
This would be like a Fall thing — like a back to school Fall thing.
If you're ever planning your outfit for a week, check the weather first.
What a hot tip.
[먼데이에게 무슨 일이 벌어졌는가?] What Happened to Monday 공식 예고편 (한글자막) - Duration: 1:50.
What Does it Mean to Mount Up with Wings like Eagles? - Duration: 1:43.
Who here has ever seen an eagle soaring in real life?
Anyone? Put your hands high. I want to see them.
This is quote a few of us. Impressive.
Okay, so
would you say
there was a lot of effort involved on the part of the eagle?
They are barely moving, they have these
giant wings, and they are just resting
and every so often they will just make a slight change of course
but they are literally just resting.
God didn't say
'you should mount up on wings like ducks.'
Have you ever seen a duck take off?
Do you know the amount of wings
there's a neck that gets involved, there's honking.
It seems like a struggle
You know?
God was very specific when he said you will soar on wings like eagles.
But when a storm comes
they fly right into the heart of the storm
they fly right into the heart of it until they reach the eye of the storm.
and when they reach the eye of the storm, the pressure of the storm
lifts them up above the storm.
I just think that's such an incredible analogy
for how we as Christians
can soar like eagles. We can rest
and allow God to lift us above the storms of our life, into the heavenlies.
That is what Jesus offers us
Jesus says 'anyone who is tired, anyone who is burdened
come to me and I will give you
rest. That's what Jesus offers us.
Because what one Earth could possibly go wrong—scientists create - Duration: 5:33.
Because what one Earth could possibly go wrong�scientists create a BLACK HOLE on Earth
Nothing could go wrong reassure experts.
Using the world�s most powerful and advanced X-Ray laser, experts have managed to create
a �MINI BLACK HOLE� in a laboratory which could lead to numerous revolutionary developments
in science.
In this illustration, an ultra-intense X-ray laser pulse from SLAC�s Linac Coherent Light
Source knocks so many electrons out of a molecule�s iodine atom (right) that the iodine starts
pulling in electrons from the rest of the molecule (lower left), like an electromagnetic
version of a black hole.
Many of the stolen electrons are also knocked out by the laser pulse; then the molecule
(DESY/Science Communication Lab) The machine used extremely bright, intense,
fast flashes of light in order to capture atomic-level snapshots of nature�s fastest
processes known to us.
According to experts, a single pulse managed to strip away everything but a few electrons
out of one atom from the INSIDE out.
This resulted in a void that began to pull in electrons from the rest of the molecule�just
as black holes feeds on a spiraling disc of matter in space.
This new breakthrough is expected to advance the imaging of viruses and bacteria, something
that could eventually lead to the development of better medicines in the near future.
The so-called �molecular Black Hole� was developed by scientists from the Kansas State
The results, published in Nature, give scientists fundamental insights they need to better plan
and interpret experiments using the most intense and energetic X-ray pulses from SLAC�s Linac
Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray free-electron laser.
As reported, the laser which created the molecular black hole (LCLS), is used to image individual
biological objects, including viruses and bacteria.
�For any type of experiment you do that focuses intense X-rays on a sample, you want
to understand how it reacts to the X-rays,� said Daniel Rolles of Kansas State University.
�This paper shows that we can understand and model the radiation damage in small molecules,
so now we can predict what damage we will get in other systems.�
As explained by SLAC, the experiment, led by Rolles and Artem Rudenko, took place at
LCLS�s Coherent X-ray Imaging instrument (CXI).
The device is able to deliver X-rays with the highest possible energies achievable at
LCLS, known as hard X-rays, and records data from samples in the instant before the laser
pulse destroys them.
So� How intense are those X-ray pulses?
�They are about a hundred times more intense than what you would get if you focused all
the sunlight that hits the Earth�s surface onto a thumbnail,� said LCLS staff scientist
and co-author Sebastien Boutet.
Scientists used mirrors in order to focus the X-ray beam on a spot which is around 100
NANOMETERS in diameter�that�s around one thousand times SMALLER than the width of a
human hair.
As reported by SLAC, �scientists observed three types of different samples, individual
xenon atoms, which have 54 electrons each, and two types of molecules that each contain
a single iodine atom, which has 53 electrons.�
Interestingly, based on previous studies experts expected electrons from the outer parts of
the atom to drop into voids inside the atom.
While this did occur, the process did not end there.
SLAC reports that the iodine atom also sucked in electrons from neighboring carbon and hydrogen
atoms, losing a total of 54 electrons, resulting in a level of damage and disruption which
is higher than expected, and greatly different in nature.
Artem Rudenko, the co-author of the study, said: �We think the effect was even more
important in the larger molecule than in the smaller one, but we don�t know how to quantify
it yet.
We estimate that more than 60 electrons were kicked out, but we don�t actually know where
it stopped because we could not detect all the fragments that flew off as the molecule
fell apart to see how many electrons were missing.
This is one of the open questions we need to study.�
Mike Dunne, director of the LCLS, concluded: �This has important benefits for scientists
wishing to achieve the highest-resolution images of biological molecules to inform the
development of better pharmaceuticals, for example.�
what i want when i want - Duration: 1:30:34.
ALA Connect Migration: What to Expect - Duration: 2:03.
Hi, I'm Pamela Akins, Community Engagement Specialist with another update on the New
ALA Connect!
In ten (10) days all users will be locked out of the current system as the announced
"gray-out" begins at the end of business on August 10, 2017.
Although public content will be viewable without a login, private content, viewable to members
only, will not.
Starting August 7th live training sessions via Adobe Connect will be offered on Monday
mornings and Wednesday afternoons.
Details about the training schedule and resources will also be available at this link on the
support site.
Staff training sessions will be held in-person at the Chicago HQ Technology Training Room
on Thursdays from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. beginning August 10th .
On launch day, August 31, 2017, you will get an all clear message containing a link to
the site asking you to log in.
Using the same credentials that work today in the current system, your account will give
you access to all the migrated groups you belong to and the groups you are eligible
to join, based on your membership.
This message will also include password recovery tips, how to manage email opt-outs and other
pertinent information.
At this point, you will be encouraged to update your profile, and to confirm your interests
and demographics.
Once you agree to the Terms of Use, you should be able to find your groups, search
content, connect with people.
In the meantime,
explore the training videos or sit in on a live session and learn about
the New ALA Connect.
If you have trouble, questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to me, at,
or contact your staff liaison.
Thanks again for your continued attention.
Stay tuned for the next update in this series, entitled, "Feature Overview"
What My Secrets Are - Duration: 0:31.
I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are...
Secrets are...
I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are...
Secrets are...
So what?
Two of our call-takers share what it's like to work at E-Comm - Duration: 0:50.
- So the most rewarding part of the job, for me,
is when I meet people who are brand new to me
and they ask "What do you do for a living?"
and I tell them that I work here
at 9-1-1 and police call-take.
And they're always super interested
and I'm always very proud about what I do here
because it's just a very rewarding job,
at the end of the day, when you get a chance to help
so many different people in so many different situations.
And also, there's such a great amount of people here,
really great co-workers.
- It's the same with me, what I love most
about doing this job is the people here.
Everyone here is so much fun,
they're so passionate about the work
and everybody just genuinely wants to help people.
There's nothing more rewarding than helping somebody
on one of the potentially worst days of their life.
And that's what just loves me,
or that's what I love about being here.
What it feels like to get a Nintendo Switch on 2017 - Duration: 0:10.
Ohh... YEEEAAAHH!!!!
*dies on euphoria*
what is probation - Duration: 1:41.
What should you look for in a spouse? - Duration: 8:50.
- One thing that might be particularly helpful
is just a simple observation
that you may not realize about yourself.
And that is, that what you're attracted to
is more influenced by the culture around you
than you might realize.
So, when you find that one particular person
more attractive than this other person,
without even knowing it,
you have some sort of values,
or things that you think of as good or best,
that you're kind of reading them with.
So the question is, how did those values get in there?
How do you find that set of characteristics
more attractive than that set of characteristics?
And the answer, largely, is that it's a mystery.
It's shaped and influenced over the years
by what you found good, and valuable, and attractive,
and secure in your home and your upbringing.
It's shaped by what you take in on television,
or on the internet, the media that you consume.
You have a world full of people giving testimony
to what's most beautiful and most attractive.
And, that has more of an influence on you than you realize.
So, you might have heard the phrasing,
'We live in a pornified culture.'
I find that to be helpful phrasing just because
it recognizes that there is this effect
that pornography has on larger culture.
Even if someone isn't using porn,
there's this cultural value system where the elements
of what make pornography so powerful and attractive
weave their way into the way we tell our stories
about romance, weave their ways into fashion.
It's an entire framework of understanding
what's beautiful and good.
And basically, it packages beauty in this convenient,
flashy package that supposedly costs me nothing
and requires nothing of me to appreciate.
Beauty becomes a way of serving myself.
It's just instant gratification,
it's 'Yeah, I find that visually appealing,
'and so I just reach out and I take
'in a way that's meant to fill me,
'that's meant to serve me.'
It's having a really dangerous effect, I think,
on the way Christians think about finding a spouse to marry,
finding a mate to love and to cherish and to value.
Because true beauty,
it takes more effort, it costs more of us
to truly appreciate because it's this acknowledgement
that I have to conform what I perceive as good
and attractive to what God actually says
is most good and most attractive.
And that's, in other words, believing His testimony
above the testimony of everyone else.
So for instance, if you watch the average romantic comedy,
ladies just need to be aware of the pornified expectations
that might shape their initial assessment of people.
Instead of, sort of, a certain body shape, so much,
as it might be with men, maybe it's a certain personality
or a certain style of romantic consideration.
What's missing from your average romantic comedy
is a value that says, 'Actually, when I read the Bible,
'and I read, for instance, the Book of Proverbs
'about what a man in his prime ought to be,
'a man who fears the Lord, a man who works hard,
'a man who does what is right,
'a man who doesn't take a bribe,'
a man who just has all the things
that conform to God's values
displayed there.
And then Proverbs 31 gives the female version of that,
of a woman who fears the Lord.
But if you actually read Proverbs 31 for the values
that it lifts up as most attractive,
here's at least one surprising thing.
A woman who fears the Lord is displayed primarily
in her industriousness, in her work, in her labor,
in her strength, actually.
In her valiance.
Two thirds of the verses that are talking
about this Proverbs 31 woman are dedicated
to the fact that she is smart, and works hard,
and is productive in those ways.
If you look at that value system,
and then you look at what's valued
in terms of the priority structures
of what we find attractive in our pornified culture,
that does not line up.
And so the question is, how do I move from here to here?
And it's through reading the Scripture enough
to where the heart of God, the values of God
come to map and have authority over mine.
And that happens in the context of a culture
where there are people valuing in the folks you know
what God values, and drawing your attention to those things.
In the context of that input into your life,
do you actually start to make wiser choices
when it comes to who I ought to pursue,
or who I ought to allow to pursue me?
And I have just been able to witness, in my ministry,
so many conversations where older Christians
who have just a really good established relationship
with a single Christian are excellent resources
for someone saying 'Hey, this person's pursuing me,'
or 'I'm thinking about pursuing this person.'
'What do you see in their lives?'
And sometimes it's, 'Man, I see that that girl,
'she serves well, she's always engaged,
'I've seen her sort of suffer well
'through different seasons of her life.
'I think that's a worthwhile person to pursue,
'you should do that.'
And then other times they say of that person,
or help you assess, 'You know, if you actually think
'about the way she lives her life,
'she might have this attraction for you,
'or this thing going for her, and we acknowledge that,
'but the overall pattern of her life
'doesn't seem like a strong pursuit of the Lord.
'We would caution you against that.'
What I've just suggested is actually really counter-cultural
because, especially on issues of attraction,
we tend to think so individualistically.
But the great irony of thinking it's my choice,
it's my attraction, it's my thing,
is we're totally missing the fact that actually no,
you've already been influenced by a community.
It's just, which community have you been influenced by?
So I want to be careful here,
because I'm not saying it's wrong to have preferences,
or to find certain personalities easier to get along with
than others, or to even find certain appearances
more attractive visually than others,
that's not wrong at all.
It becomes wrong when that becomes the control value
under which the values of God are arranged,
rather than the values of God being the control value
under which all these other values are arranged.
So this answer is very counter-cultural,
but I hope it's been helpful to just make us aware
of what our hearts are doing
when we find one person attractive, and another person not,
and then submitting that whole thing to Scripture,
and to the church, and to a better community
than the communities that just, we naturally orbit in.
[Narrator] Thanks for watching Honest Answers.
You can submit your questions by email,
Twitter, or in the comment section below.
And don't forget to subscribe
to find out the answer to next Wednesday's question.
What's New in Trapcode Particular 3? - Duration: 3:10.
Hi I'm Harry Frank for Red Giant and here's what's new in Trapcode Particular 3!
Get fast feedback with Trapcode Particular's new GPU-acceleration through
OpenGL. Depending on your system and setup, you can see speed boosts of up to
4x or more over previous versions. Creating particle effects is easier than
ever before in the newly overhauled designer. Add adjustable blocks with
preset behaviors and styles for emitters, particles, physics, and aux particles, or
add completely customizable particle effects with a single click. The designer
gives instant visual feedback making the building and previewing of effects an
intuitive and creative experience. New in Particular 3, the designer respects the
AE comp size, bringing in the composition and camera info. And for preview purposes,
it lets you work with the camera and emitter positions. For the first time
ever, combine multiple particle systems in the same unified 3D space! Create
incredibly beautiful complex effects through the interaction of different
particle systems. You can also have your particle systems define their own
settings or share parameters. For example, have your systems share gravity, wind, and
turbulence. Duplicate, solo, hide, and save individual systems in addition to saving
multiple system presets. Load 3D models or animated 3D sequences in the OBJ format
to use as a particle emitter. Particles can be emitted from vertices,
edges, faces, or your 3D model can be used as a volume emitter for particles.
Particular allows the use of layers as 2D sprites or textured polygons. That
means you can use any image in your composition as a particle. Particular 3
now includes over 270 still and animated sprite images. Easily load it directly
within After Effects via the new sprite loading panel or directly in the
designer. The new panel also makes it simple to load OBJ models as emitters.
Particular's aux particle system now includes the ability to add custom
particles for even more variation, as well as keyframe-able parameters for
even more control. Finally -- within the updated designer, Particular 3
includes over 175 new designer presets, giving you over 300 fully customizable
presets for creating fire, spaceflight, fireworks, muzzle flashes, explosions,
smoke, and more. Many of the new presets utilize the latest Trapcode Particular
features such as multiple systems, new sprites, OBJ emitters, and more to help
get you started. And that's what's new in Trapcode Particular 3! Once again, I'm
Harry Frank for Red Giant.
Brock Lesnar responds to Jon Jones' UFC 214 callout: Be careful what you wish for - Duration: 2:42.
Brock Lesnar responds to Jon Jones' UFC 214 callout: Be careful what you wish for
GETTY Brock Lesnar, former UFC heavyweight champion.
Jones, the man regarded by many to be the greatest fighter of all time, called out the former heavyweight champion moments after his UFC 214 victory over Daniel Cormier, which saw him reclaim the light-heavyweight title he was stripped of in April 2015.
A fired Bones, 23-1, said: Brock Lesnar, if you want to know what it feels like to get your ass kicked by a guy who weighs 40lbs less than you, meet me in the Octagon. Jones promptly dropped the mic after his stunning call out of the WWE superstar, who retired from mixed martial arts in February.
It didnt take long for Lesnar to get wind of Jones public challenge, and he responded in typical fashion. Be careful what you wish for, young man, Lesnar to the Associated Press.
Brock Lesnar Talk of a fight between Jones and Lesnar heated up earlier this week when the former publicly enterained the idea of taking on The Next Big Thing. Hes a massive dude, Jones said.
It would be a great challenge. Thats a big old boy, Jones said during a Q&A session. GETTY Jon Jones is open to fighting Brock Lesnar.
"I doubt Brock Lesnar would take that fight, though. I definitely wouldnt try to wrestle with him the whole time.
Im not going to tell you what I would do. A return to the mixed martial arts premir promotion for Lesnar was mooted earlier this month, with it being reported he met with the UFC brass during International Fight Week to discuss a comeback.
GETTY Jon Jones celebrates his UFC 214 victory over Daniel Cormier. It was also alleged that the 40-year-old had re-entered the USADA testing pool.
That notion was quickly dismissed by the UFCs Vice President of Athlete Health and Performance Jeff Novitzky, who said: "(Lesnar) is not currently enrolled in the USADA testing pool, nor has there been any inquiry on his part to do so..
Community Shield – Arsenal vs Chelsea: What TV channel is the match on, latest team news? - Duration: 2:10.
Community Shield – Arsenal vs Chelsea: What TV channel is the match on, and what is the latest team news?
ARSENAL meet Chelsea in a massive London derby in the FA Community Shield in the annual season curtain-raiser.
The Gunners will be determined to get one over on their London rivals following their bitterly disappointing campaign last term as they finished outside the Champions League places for the first time since Arsene Wenger took charge as manager 20 years ago.
Arsenal finished fifth last season whereas Chelsea clinched the Premier League title for fifth time.
Chelsea will aim to add another trophy to the cabinet as they begin their bid to retain the Premier League title and win it for the sixth time.
Antonio Conte is the fourth manager to win the Premier League in his debut season but will hope to become the first man to win it twice in his first two seasons.
Antonio Conte is preparing his Chelsea side for the defence of their Premier League crown. Arsenal and Chelsea have a rivalry that dates back decades and there is sure to be no love lost between the two London clubs.
What TV channel is the match on?. Arsenal vs Chelsea will be played at 2pm on Sunday August 6. Coverage from Wembley Stadium will be shown live on BT Sport. What is the team news?.
Arsenal have no fresh injury concerns going into the fixture but the future of the likes of Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Ozil and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain remains uncertain.
The trio could well be gone by the time this game comes around and the Ox may even be lining up for the blues against Arsenal. Chelsea will likely give competitive debuts to Alvaro Morata and Tiemoue Bakayoko in the London derby.
The blues could also be a key player short come this fixture as Diego Costa is heavily linked with a move away from Stamford Bridge.
Arsenal 2-1 Chelsea : Chelsea fail to do the double as Arsenal win the FA Cup at Wembley. Arsenal star man Alexis Sanchez celebrates FA Cup win in the dressing.
hey welcome back and in today's video I'm just feeling like it's time to talk to
you I just feel the need because a lot of you guys don't know don't know you
are either goals you're either gains goals and gains
there is no in-between or what do I mean by that what do you mean that some of
what do you mean I mean you you were either trying to get to where you want
to be in life or you are there let me be honest with you most you are not there but you
can be don't make excuses I come from like one of the smallest towns in the south
I didn't come from a great family I come from a very humble family I was poor I
was extremely poor I was homeless before I'm not I'm not gonna this isn't a pity
party thing this is saying that I am either gaines or goals and that's all I
can see I got people that hate on me I got people that talk behind my back that
talk down about me that it doesn't matter what they think
this is my message to them it's like I'm one of the hardest-working no one will
outwork me and if somebody is ahead of me it's because they've been in the game
longer they've been in the game longer they know more than I know but that's
but that's that's not going to last very long because I don't just see I don't
just see other youtubers up there and go like man they got millions of subscribers
maybe I should quit that's not what I say I'm like mmm I'm gonna catch up I'm
gonna catch up not only i'ma catch up I'm going to beat that guy their
competition the competition to me but that's just the way it is because I see
you got to have the mind set that you are the best there is no one that's better
than you because inside of each and every one of us is greatness greatness
that has to be realized and there's in the only way it's going to be realized
if you do it I have so many books I read a lot the majority of my books are
business spirituality business motivation but I got the law of success
Napoleon Hill over there I got Anthony Robbins we're talking some Eric
Thomas I mean we're we're it's real up in here I'm not trying to be every I
don't look at PewDiePie I don't look at titanic sinclair and think that gee
whiz I want to be like no hell no for real I'm trying to do me I'm being me
I'm only worried about me mastering my craft and growing our community that's
what I'm focused in what I'm saying is that you're either gaines or goals that's
what it's about most you guys see the outside you don't
see the many failures that took for me to get here there were a lot I'm not
going to lie I didn't just wake up and OH YouTube no not even a little bit I
didn't know anything about YouTube I grew a fanbase from 0 zero from zero to
all together with social medias we're I think it's close to 15,000 and growing
you can't look at it and go oh look he's just got 10,000 something hell no that's
not how it is it's they used to say oh he's just got
1,000 oh he's just got 2,000 oh is it now he's got 10,000 they're always going
to say that it ain't about that it's what where am I going am i growing
what's the progress that's what it's about that's what it's about not just
for me but for you you can't listen to everyone else telling you that you were
this or that you don't go by external validation it's not about how
they feel it's about how you feel you can do it it doesn't you have a vision
that God gives you God give it only to you of course they don't understand it
of course they're not going to be able to comprehend what it is that you
envision what is your greater vision they it's none of their business i'll
tell you right now your family can be falling apart things can be just going
wrong for you it can feel like mmm it's just not working out but is it
it doesn't mean give up but you don't need to be the best at something I don't
need to be the best youtuber out there I strive to be but I don't got to be the
only thing that matters is persistence and the dedication of never-ending
improvement getting that 1% every day I might not be the best now but trust me I
will be the greatest in the future not the best now but I will be a legend
someone that can and will be able to do something for the people because that's
what I'm here for I'm not here for me if I was here for me I would have nothing
left I was nothing to prove nothing I'm here for you I'm here for community I
have long since understood the fact that money is I get it but it's not shit it
doesn't matter it doesn't matter you can you can take it yeah you got money
that's nice you can take the money away and it will not affect me take the money
away I will be the same it does not affect me
I am principle-centered that's that's really what it's about gains and goals
guys gains or goals not I'm telling you I wish more youtubers out there would
press the message like this gaines you either trying to get there or you're
there for real and we're about this or about this life we're out here now and we
are growing and we will continue to grow well beyond well beyond YouTube but
people are alike I do hear questions I guess we should address this RepZilla why do
you make so many poppy videos you must love poppy come on really
you ain't listening you ain't listening if that's what you think that's not what
this is about I'm not knocking anybody when I say this
but I am about the community the community wants this the community is
everything to me I believe in the people and I'm
giving back to the people what they want the talent that I have here that I
have grown has taken me years to get is not being wasted on anything that the
community wants and this talent that I have will grow into much bigger and
greater things I am literally perfecting my craft as we
speak in each every video is nothing but that you guys must see it you must see
what I'm really doing I know they see it I know that's why you got Titanic
Sinclair reaching out to me and the email saying things like oh I really
just don't like the thumbnail you made of me oh this oh man come up grow up
quit being you got to be a it's a dog-eat-dog in the world its life you
got to be a beast right you're either you don't get caught up about what other
people think you don't you you be internally valid you work so hard that
it is no denying that you deserve what you get people are going to come up
they're going to say stuff to you they're not going to like you they're
going to come up with every excuse of why you're not you know what dare
somebody to outwork me you don't think I'm good at what I do you don't think
that I show me what you have show me what you show me that you're better show
me that you're doing good and I'll wait encourage you to do that I encourage you
to do that because this is TeamZilla right here
and we are growing and we love each other
What are Eclipses? || Solar Eclipse || Lunar Eclipse || Astronomy - Duration: 9:03.
Have you ever seen an eclipse?
Fun, right?
Maybe even a little unsettling, but, you knew it was only going to last for a short time.
It must have been terrifying for early mankind.
Your faithful companion in the sky just up and disappears.
It would have felt like the world was ending.
Even now, with all we know, an eclipse is one of the most dramatic celestial events
you can see with the naked eye.
We're a little more blasé about astronomical events these days.
We use powerful telescopes to peer at the distant reaches of space, capturing not just
visible light, but all kinds of radiation - and we get back the most beautiful pictures.
We can see nebulae…... even supernovas.
But we still get pretty excited for eclipses that we experience firsthand,
right here on Earth.
You may be a little fuzzy on the details.
You know an eclipse has something to do with the Earth getting in the way of the moon -- or,
is it the moon getting in the way of the Sun?
Which is for a Solar Eclipse, and which is for a Lunar Eclipse?
Let's take a closer look.
Sometimes, the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon all line up along a straight line.
When the Earth is in the middle, the shadow of the Earth can fall on the moon, which is
a lunar eclipse.
OR, in the other arrangement, with the moon in the middle, the shadow of the moon can
fall on the Earth, which is a Solar Eclipse.
Notice that these eclipses only happen during a new moon (in the case of a solar eclipse)
or a full moon (in the case of a lunar eclipse).
But why don't these happen every single month?
You know that the moon orbits the Earth, and the Earth orbits the Sun.
But these orbits don't take place in the same PLANE.
There's a difference of about 5 degrees between the plane of the Earth's orbit and
the plane of the moon's orbit.
The two orbital planes intersect along what we call the "line of nodes."
This line passes through the Earth.
It's only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon all line up juuust right along the line of
nodes, that you get an eclipse.
The plane of the Earth's orbit is called the ECLIPTIC plane.
This name comes from the path we see the Sun take across the sky - the "Ecliptic".
Of course, it's actually the Earth moving around the Sun, but from our perspective on
Earth, it LOOKS like the Sun is moving in a fixed path across the sky.
This idea dates back to the ancient concept of a "Celestial Sphere."
The Greek scholars of antiquity proposed the heavens consisted of concentric, crystalline
spheres, with Earth in the middle.
The Sun, the Moon, and other planets were each thought to have their own invisible sphere
that could freely rotate, and the distant stars were fixed in place
on a single distant sphere.
The "Celestial Sphere" is still a useful way to picture our heavens.
To an observer on Earth, all celestial objects, no matter their distance, appear projected
on the inner surface of the Celestial Sphere - as if we were living under a dome.
Elements of spherical astronomy are still used today whenever we look for celestial
objects based on a particular date, time, and position on Earth.
Like eclipses.
During an eclipse, the Moon happens to land along the Sun's apparent path across the
sky - the "Ecliptic."That's why we call it an "eclipse."
During a Full Moon, The Sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the Earth.
A lunar eclipse happens during a Full Moon if the moon is on the line of nodes and the
Sun is also on or near the line of nodes.
Now all three celestial bodies are in a straight line, and the shadow of the Earth
falls on the moon.
By contrast, the moon comes between the Sun and the Earth in a New Moon.
This is when a Solar Eclipse is possible.
These happen less frequently than Lunar Eclipses.
What's more, it's much harder for an observer on Earth to see a solar Eclipse
than a lunar eclipse.
A lunar eclipse is visible everywhere in the world - as long as it's not cloudy.
If you can see the moon, you can see a lunar eclipse.
A solar eclipse, on the other hand, is only visible along a particular path - the path
of the shadow of the moon.
If you stand right in the center of the moon's shadow (the umbra) you will be able to see
a total solar eclipse.
We call this the Path of Totality.
But if you're in the penumbra, this weaker, outer shadow, you'll only see
a partial eclipse.
The farther away from the path of totality, the smaller the degree of eclipse you'll
get to see.
There's another reason why total solar eclipses are rare.
Remember that the Moon's orbit is elliptical.
That means there are times when the moon is closer to Earth, and times
when it's farther away.
The farther the moon is from the Earth, the smaller it appears.
When the moon is at its farthest from the Earth, we call it apogee.
Under these conditions, even if everything else is right for a solar eclipse, you can
see the Sun peeking out from around the moon.
We call this an ANNULAR solar eclipse, named for the ring of fire around the moon.
In these kinds of Eclipses, the Moon is so far away, its umbral shadow doesn't reach
all the way to Earth.
But when the moon is closer to the Earth, that's our chance for a total Solar Eclipse.
The moon looks bigger in the sky - big enough to cover up the Sun.
Let's watch.
Now put on your safety glasses.
You don't look right at the sun on a normal day, right?
That would permanently damage your eyes.
Well, the sun's rays don't change during an eclipse.
Get yourself a handy dandy set of eclipse glasses for everyone in your family.
They even make clip-ons for people who wear prescription glasses.
They're not the right kind of glass.
I'm dead serious here, people.
Get yourself some genuine eclipse glasses.
We'll include a link in the description so you can get your own. These are mine.
Here's what you'll get to see during a Solar Eclipse if you're lucky enough to
be in the Path of Totality: Phase 1: Partial eclipse - put on your glasses.
You're going to keep these on until the eclipse is at 100%.
No peeking.
In this first phase, the Sun is partially blocked by the moon.
Gradually the moon will move across the Sun's disk.
This phase can last over an hour.
Phase 2: Baily's Beads - keep your glasses on.
Did I mention you need to protect your eyes?
In this stage, the moon is surrounded by bright beads.
The appearance of this phase might surprise you, until you remember that the moon isn't
perfectly smooth like a billiard ball.
It has valleys that allow the sun's rays through.
This stage is named for astronomer Francis Baily, who was the first remarkable
to explain this phenomenon.
Phase 3: Diamond Ring - DON'T REMOVE YOUR GLASSES!
This phase is very, very short.
Baily's beads disappear until there is one final bead left.
One last burst of sunlight through the moon's valleys creates
what looks like a diamond ring.
These are the last seconds before the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE.
Phase 4: Totality - this is the moment we've all been waiting for.
You can take your eclipse glasses off now for a short time.
The Moon completely covers the Sun.
We can see a little bit of the Corona peeking out - the Sun's thin, outer atmosphere.
We never get to see this on a normal day, because the sun is so bright.
Notice what else we can see.
There's Venus.
You can see stars.
You might even see some confused nocturnal animals here on Earth.
Observe all you can.
You only have a short time to experience a total solar eclipse, because of how fast the
moon's umbra moves across the earth - around 1700 km/hr.
The MAXIMUM time for totality is about 7 and a half minutes, but that's only when everything
is perfect - the Sun - Moon - Earth alignment and the distance between the Moon
and the Earth.
Usually totality is much shorter.
Phase 5: Final Stages - put your eclipse glasses back on.
Do it.
I mean it.
These last phases will look familiar - it's repeating the earlier phases in reverse.
Diamond Ring, Baily's Beads, and then we go through a long partial eclipse as the moon
moves back away from the sun.
Keep your eclipse glasses on from here on out.
We're coming back to normal life.
Everyone in the world gets many chances to see a lunar eclipse - usually a couple a year.
But Solar Eclipses are less frequent, and they often occur over water
rather than on land.
Some Solar Eclipse chasers will travel long distances, and even go out on boats far from
land to be able to witness this dramatic disappearance.
If you have the chance to see a solar eclipse, grab it.
But don't forget these little beauties.
Thanks for watching Socratica!
Please share with your friends!
What Image Of Yourself Are You Trying To Present? - Duration: 1:28.
Did you know that the depths of your DNA are actually unbreakable?
God created you whole and completely irreplaceable But the world just wants to sum you up into
a statement - a bio - a description of your placement
You go to the gym so you must be into fitness You're insecure so makeup has become your
fix-it You go along making these things your traits
Without realising they're cover-ups of your true make
Sure it's fine to have hobbies of the kind but you won't find peace in giving yourself
a new label Knowing that you're His is the only thing
that's truly stable Entrepreneur, adventurer, athlete or vegan
- These are only titles bringing self-inflicted
treason What if you fall short to your man-made title?
Why do you place so much value on something so unvital?
Really, deep down there's a longing to be found
To be able to stand proud with identity all around
Imagine that feeling!
It's a universal desire But one that can only be met through relationship
with the Father Who you are is in whose you are, not in the
things that set you apart Know your maker
Farewell your faker And don't let titles become your dictator
Find Out What Is Your Belly Type Says About You - Types Of Belly Fat - Duration: 5:19.
No one can deny that there are different belly types.
There are those bellies that form because of eating too much fatty food, those that
appear because of swelling or water retention, and even those that form as a result of having
given birth.Each of them needs a different approach to get them into shape.
Today's video will discuss What Your Belly Type Says about You.
What does your belly say about you?
Many women dream of having a flat stomach.
Some of them follow strict diets, and others go to the gym to work towards this goal.
However, there are some women who can�t achieve their goal.
Because they don�t adopt a specific approach to losing the fat on their stomach according
to their bell type.
The different belly types are:
A swollen belly,
The main feature of this belly type is that they are flatter in the morning than they
are in the afternoon.
The swelling increases as the hours go by, either because of the accumulation of gas
or indigestion.
This type of belly can affect both overweight and thin women and is related to food intolerances,
allergies or �sluggish bowls� that appear when their diet is deficient.
This means that if your stomach is accustomed to always consuming the same foods (for example,
in the week you eat the same thing several times), you will find it harder to realize
that you have an intolerance to them.
Once you have found out which types of food are causing the problem, the next step is
to remove them from your diet.
This means consuming a different and more generous breakfast or not consuming the food
or beverages you�re accustomed to, such as a cup of coffee in the middle of the morning.
We also recommend that you:
1) Don�t eat too late at night.
2) Drink plenty of water during the day.
3) Consume healthy probiotics to encourage the work of intestinal flora in your body.
Postpartum belly,
If you have recently given birth (even in the last two years) it�s possible that you
may have a belly that bulges at the bottom.
After pregnancy, the uterus sinks and becomes heavier.
You may need to wait at least six weeks for your stomach to return to normal, although
sometimes it could take much longer.
Once you�re a little more relaxed and want to start taking care of your body, we recommend
consuming fish oil supplements, which help burn fat and reduce the production of �needy�
hormones found in food.
For your belly to be stronger you need to perform pelvic and not abdominal exercises,
because the latter are intended for muscles that are already in good shape.
The best-known form of pelvic exercises are Kegel exercises.
Lower belly bulge,
This is the typical tummy of women who have very demanding careers or of mothers who are
too busy.
Women who go to the gym or diet but always repeat the same exercises and eat the same
dishes also tend to have a lower belly bulge.
The other parts of their body look good, but their lower belly bulge spoils their silhouette.
Bad habits related to this type of belly are excessive ab routines or routines that don�t
change, such as always doing spinning.
These exercises burn fat from the hips, legs or arms, but not from the belly.
Moreover, good nutrition is essential to eliminate this lower belly bulge.
This will prevent constipation or bloating.
1) Eat more leafy green vegetables, whole grains and fruits.
2) Change your ab exercises and do push-ups or resistance exercises instead.
3) Start doing circuit exercises that contain strength and aerobic exercises.
For instance, you could do squats, or jump rope.
Stress Belly,
Sitting at your computer and eating snacks in your office for many hours is detrimental
to health in many ways.
One of the main disadvantages is that you accumulate fat in your belly.
This belly type is characterized by a hard and prominent swelling in the area that goes
from the diaphragm to the belly button.
It�s caused not only by the unhealthy food we eat, but also by the production of a hormone
called cortisol, which leads to the accumulation fat around the stomach.
If you consume too much caffeine, eat a lot of fast food and don�t have fixed timetables,
then you�ll be more prone to developing this belly type.
Finally, you should also reduce your coffee consumption to two cups a day and do more
relaxing exercises than aerobics, such as yoga, tai chi, or walking in the park.
What Your Belly Type Says about You, Let me know in our comment section below.
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