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Tuesday Loves Grapes, Validation, & Trying His Best - Duration: 6:27.What's up, Halcyon Hooligans!
It's Jonah.
I honestly wasn't planning on making a video today, but I saw Ally's video yesterday for
Monday, and it like really inspired me to want to make a video for Halcyon Hooligans
and like get back in the saddle and just get making Halcyon Hooligans videos again.
I agree entirely that it was a good idea at the beginning for us to have uh themes for
Halcyon Hooligans because not only were the five of us trying to get to know each other
better, but we had to kind of like adjust to a new audience too because obviously when
you have collab channels you have several audiences from different people coming together,
but now that um things are slowing down a little bit I think that it is productive for
us to have like more like loosely structured things and just have like a little chat when
you can.
I think that's really good and healthy.
So yeah I really liked hearing what Ally had to say yesterday about what's going on in
her life, and I thought I'd give you a little bit of an update about what's going on in
First of all, I want to talk about the fact that I have a plate of cotton candy grapes
with me right now, and I'm probably going to be snacking on them throughout this video,
so I'm sorry if that's annoying.
Not a whole lot has been going on for me other than like working which is like a usual for
Um I was supposed to be moving in September with my friend and a third roommate, and that
didn't end up working out the way that we wanted it to and so now I'm not really sure
when we're moving.
And that was like a big chunk of what I was focusing on there for awhile was just like
how I was going to be moving.
And now it's like kind of fallen through the cracks, so I have to kind of put that to the
back burner.
And I've been thinking a lot about what's next for moving, but I just don't really know
what's going on with that.
So I'm like trying not to stress about it too much, so work has definitely been at the
forefront of like everything that I'm working on right now.
One thing out of the ordinary is that last Thursday I went to go see my endocrinologist
which is like my doctor who deals with my hormones.
She is like one of the coolest ladies I have ever met, and she's just like so nice and
honestly she makes me feel like so good about how far I've come and like everything that
I'm doing and she's just like super validating and like always hears me out whenever I go
to her.
If I tell her a concern that I'm having then she listens to me, and she tries to help me,
and she doesn't like try to say that I'm making it up or something like that.
Which is like super validating and just like I get genuinely excited every time I go to
see her.
It's just really nice to have that in my life because I don't really have that in a ton
of areas in my life like honestly.
I don't know if this like sounds wholesome or if it just sounds flat out sad, but a lot
of the times, I think that my doctor is like more supportive of me and my progress than
my parents are.
She just genuinely wants to make things easier for me, which is like something I value so
much in my life right now because things are so far from easy right now where I'm at.
So that was really nice seeing her on Thursday, and I also went to Madison with my best friend.
And my best friend went back to college this past weekend, so it was really nice to get
a solid day of just hanging out and doing stuff together before she went back to school.
I was just like super stressed that day, but it was like such a good day, and then we went
to Hy-vee and we got cotton candy grapes.
Which are so expensive, but they taste just like cotton candy.
I got two bags, and I really wasn't thinking, I just knew I that I needed two bags.
And I didn't think to like weigh them or anything, and I get up to pay for them and it was like
seventeen dollars for two bags of grapes.
I was like holy shit!
They're like $3.99 a pound, but I didn't think to weigh them, so that was my mistake, so
I foolishly paid like seventeen dollars for two bags of grapes.
But what can you do?
They also had vegan peanut M&Ms at Hy-vee, and my best friend bought me a bag because
by the time that this day was over I had spent so much money I was like "I cannot spend anymore
And she's like "I'll buy them for you as a treat."
And I was like "I love you so much."
If you can find these, they are amazing and worth trying.
I mean they're definitely not something I would get every time I go grocery shopping
even if I had a Hy-Vee near me, but like oh my goodness like they are so good.
If you can get your hands on them, they're worth trying at least once.
So that was really nice going to Madison.
Got to get some gourmet coffee, treated myself to a new shirt which I conveniently happen
to be wearing right now, um and I got to hang out with my best friend, got to see my doctor
who is just like so lovely.
And as I was in Madison that day, I was whining to my best friend about how upset I was that
my plans for moving with my other friend didn't work out and how I really wanted to be moving
to Madison by the end of the year, and I was just super bummed out.
And when we were in Hy-Vee, I checked my phone and I have a message from my friend that I
was supposed to move with, and she says "I think I might've found a third roommate, we
might be able to move in October."
And I'm just like WHAT?
Do you ever get a sign from the universe and you realize like this is a sign?
It's just so weird, and I was like really appreciative that I had that little like sign
that I should be doing that.
Now I'm not entirely sure what my plans are, but um I'm feeling a little bit more calm
about my moving plans because things might just work themselves out on their own, and
I might not have to stress so much about it, so I'm just kind of taking things one day
at a time.
Sorry my angle might be a little bit different.
My card just ran out of space, so that was great.
But I guess just the point I'm trying to make is that uh no matter what you have going on
in your life, you really just have to take it one day at a time and just be nice to yourself.
And remind yourself that you've got this.
You just gotta do what you can to stay in your own skin.
So yeah, that's the extent of what's going on in my life right now.
I just wanted to pop in and say hey, and I hope that all of the people watching this,
including the other people of Halcyon Hooligans, are doing well and getting by and taking things
one day at a time because I know that it's difficult, but we can get through anything
that we are you're through.
We're strong individuals.
We can kick ass at this thing we call life so.
I will hopefully see you next week depending on how things are going um.
I hope to see some more faces on Halcyon Hooligans this week.
I'm going to go finish my grapes and probably take a nap because today is my only day off
this week so.
Have a great week.
I will see you in the future.
Peace and love.
Best Practices For Teaching and Raising Boys Of Color - Duration:'re you doing this is JB to mentor and I want to talk about raising boys of
color and how difficult that is and what it requires it requires all hands on
deck it requires our understanding the boys of color will eventually become men
of color and men of color at this point in time are considered to be the enemy
to some they haven't labeled as criminals crooks
delinquent fathers abandoning homes communities women only seeking out white
women and incapable of love not these boys that you have in your home someday
those are the titles that someone will place on them and whether or not they
accept that title and wear that suit will depend on prerequisites because
when they become grown men they will have to step into another universe and
that universes predicate them having success in that universe is predicated
on a set of things being done before they reach that point in time so are you
ready for this difficult assignment when it comes to raising boys of color so one
of the things that you have to take it to consideration when you raise them
boys of color is give them a deep understanding of their history make sure
that they know all of the great people that came before them there were people
of color and in particular men because they are men let them know that they're
has been established way before they got here and they just add to the train of
value let them know that someday that men of color will be considered an
endangered species and that they must apply themselves in every way and first
a foremost take education seriously because doors are locked right now and
the only way to unlock those doors and obtain the keys is through education and
hitting the books these young men you come from a group of
people that have faced every imaginable atrocity possible and your people did
you come from have survived all this time and you're part of that lineage so
when you're raising boys of color it's important that you teach them that
eventually they become princes and eventually they become kings and Kings
are destined to rule and so you don't want them to be cavalier with their
presence on this earth you want them to be forceful you want them to be dynamic
but you want them to understand that there is a purpose to their existence as
boys of colors they're gonna face some bumps in the road they're gonna face
discrimination they gotta face bias they're gonna face ugly things that they
might not be ready for but they're gonna have to deal with it anyway and they
great men before them was able to accomplish knocking these demons out of
the way slaying these dragons and that they have
the ability to do the same if not better when you're raising boys of color you
have to remind them that being great or greatness as a state of mind and if they
truly want to be great it comes along with structure and
discipline and they're gonna be moments that they won't necessarily appreciate
but if they stay focused if they stay disciplined and you provide a structure
that provides them connecting the dots from A to B to C to D and so on and so
on that at the end of all of those letters will be an amazing man that's
ready to take on the world and lead a family when you raise them boys of color
you have to be empathetic to the fact that your child is going to be singled
out because he is a child of color when you're raising a boy of color you have
to be prepared to fight the fights that will be waged against him because he is
a child of color and at this point he won't have the intellectual competency
to fight this battle on his own so for a while you'll have to fight the battle
for him as he's preparing for that most difficult journey when you're raising
boys of color you must remind them that the community is very important and it's
someday they're gonna grow up and eventually lead communities and be
providers of families when you raise them boys of color you have to provide
leadership whether or not it comes from you or you find other individuals that
can provide that structure and that leadership that you must every day
provide models and images so that he can see what it's like to be a man that is
thriving and not just any man but a man of color when you're raising a boy of
color this is probably the most essential piece
tell that boy of color that you love him you love his chocolate nice you love his
skin tone you love the fact that someday that he's gonna be a black man and he's
gonna be a brown man that you love these dynamics and these dynamics make him
special and separate him from everybody else on the planet it's important
because if he's not told early on that his presence is valued his presence is
needed that his presence is loved he will never value himself and he will
never value his community and he will never value the people that he comes
from when you're raising boys of color please be aware that it is difficult to
take in the ignorance it is difficult to understand why someone of the world
would choose to disregard you just because you have brown skin why he would
do that and how much hurt and pain it causes and how it eats at the soul and
deteriorates the mind and the well-being of that young person of color did you
have to understand this so that you can combat it and the last piece that I want
to leave you what is this if you truly commend it to raising boys of color you
have to value men in particular men of color you have to value them you have to
see them as an asset you have to see them as a resource you have to see them
as gatekeepers you have to see them as CEOs you have to see them as doctors you
have to see them as lawyers as accountants
as people that matter because if you don't value them if you don't hold them
at high regard young men of color will never hold themselves in high regard and
will never be a value to you your community or the children that they
might bring into this world someday so don't put men of color down raise them
up and tell these young men of color that someday he's gonna be a powerful
King and that powerful King will be a person of color and if you value men of
color so go on start the conversation start the movement be the force be the
drive behind these precious boys because if you don't do it they will cease to
exist and right now this tug of war that we're
having in America
it's not good so raise your boys raise them well and understand what they carry
with them because they're boys of color men women communities it's on you
so what do you intend to do love yourself love your community be the
change that you want to see and I'm one black man and I'm looking to promote the
raisin of boys of color because I want them to be king someday
Doc Mcstuffins Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 71 - Duration: 16:58.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMEMT & SUBSCRIBE
Best TRX exercises for Back - Duration: 2:38.welcome to my today I'm going to speak about some exercises for back including
the TRX and some pull-ups now I'm going to show you a few exercises for the TRX
for the back and it will look like this first thing that you need to do is to
take the TRX as I said in my previous videos you should keep your body
straight and the most important thing your back should be straight you lean
your body down and how you do it you just lift yourself up while open your
hands your back squeezed and you going down again going up squeeze your back
and down pay attention that you open your hands as much as possible and then
your body will be more squeezed you should do it 15 times four sets the next
exercise will look like this your body should be straight and your back should
be straight you are lifting yourself up while squeezing your back and touching
with the TRX your chest and lifting yourself down very slow again up
touching with the TRX your chest and going down you should remember to do it
very slow and feel how your back is squeezed you should do it 15 times 4 sets
when you finsh your TRX exercises for the back and you feel that you can do more I
recommend you to do pull-ups and it look like this
I recommend you also to choose a partner that can lift you up and help you if you
cannot do it by yourself the partner hold you and just help you to lift you
up and it looks like this one two three and four
if you really want to do pull-ups and in this specific day you don't have any
partner you just need to lift yourself up and hold yourself in there for 15
seconds I know it's first it will be hard but
from time to time your arms will be much stronger and after a specific time we'll
be able to pull yourself up correctly that's it for today guys hope you
enjoyed it was here Emily and I have only one thing to tell you for today
it's your body it's your choice LIKE this video and subscribe it
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They were more like haunted cottages, but this will be a haunted castle party come in
There's no one here. That's
Just sitting they were maybe someone moved them when we weren't looking you don't understand lots of strange things have been happening
First they were knocked at the door, but no one was there then those skeletons stood up one for ya
This is one of your spooky surprises, isn't it ah no?
Maybe there's a ghost in the castle ghost I have to get my decorations. There's so much left to do for tonight's
Stop laughing at once hmM. You're not supposed to laughing ghost you're supposed to be terrified
You're a ghost ghost wait a second were you the one knocking on the door and blowing out the lights
that was I sir reginald dexter sucked if the fourth
Not anymore darling because I'm hosting a ghostly gala tonight
Oh, what a party for all the ghosts in the kingdom, but I have to throw my party
I can't have my gala. Which does not give me much time so I'd better get back to it
Please sir gasps. I don't want to let my family down
That time the coziest most relaxing time home as I had ghosts. Oh, yes
Would you quit it? Are you kidding? This is the one day dax finally lets me
Go out and do some actual it was a ghost back. There are two ghosts in the castle
I guess so what do they want with the sea for you
They're trying to scare us all out of the castle, but my haunted castle party who in the old d'oeuvres
Hmm wait Sir Dax told me if he doesn't frighten all the people out of the castle by Sundown. He can't have his ghostly gala
Baileywick. Have you seen any?
strange things happening, not at all Princess, Sofia
It's a party trick. Uh-huh
Do you like it? It's very charming
Well, I could use a nibble, but come on. I could tell you're a gourmet ghost all right you convinced me
You better get back to work
Everything okay, nothing you know unusual to report no nothing out of the ordinary Princess, Sofia
It's one of my haunted castle surprises
There you go. Oh see you later
I'm trying is come on. So you can tell me the truth
Okay, there's a ghost in the castle too actually brilliant. I always hope the castle would be haunted oh
Amber better not say so all I have to do is scare Princess Amber Julia. I can manage that
Hmm because I'm scary enough. I'm frightening enough. Well actually
Hello, I usually hang up here, but yeah, this is our room
Come on. Let's begin
Once every hundred years on Halloween, huh tis true
Now you see why I must throw my ghostly gala tonight. It's the only chance
I'll get to see my dearly departed you know dex
you should really tell us to fiy about all this maybe you two could work something out ah
There's nothing to work out. She wants her party. I want mine. Maybe amber's up in her room
Hold on. I'll be right back. I have to go
No, it's the ghost
What you're carter Sappy Halloween that's not funny, Sophia
Oh, and next time ask before you use my silk sheets
I get to have my party
Not quite yet. You've left me no choice princess. I must call in reinforcements. Come along boo
I know how to scare everyone out of the castle once and for all up we go boo
We must get to the top of the castle
to the observatory
Be a sport boo and invite your friends into the castle. Oh, yeah, that'll scare them all out I
Will take cover if I were you darlings?
first let's go
Clear everyone out of the castle. Where did all those fans come from?
Ha ha so it appears that I get to have my gala after all I guess so now let's clear out these back
Sorry backs. You're not going anywhere. What do you mean? That's so easy to let in oh?
Don't leave like that
Sophia look everywhere for you. Oh
What's up with the bats Jax let them in I was being so stubborn
You both were and now he won't get to see his family I
Need to talk to Jax clover. Do you have any idea where Jax might have gone?
I don't know what I would do if I couldn't see my family for that long you would miss them
Quite a lot. We should have talked about all this in the first place instead of fighting not my party
But I can see my family and friends every day you can't that is very kind of you princess, Sofia
But how are we going to remove all those bats who are going to scare all the bats out of here me?
But I haven't scared a soul old date only because James and I kept getting in the way you can do this dex
Your green eye really frightened them. I knew you had it in your Dad's
Thank you Princess Sofia sure Dax. Well, I better go find my family have fun at your ghostly gala
RutherFord good to see you, Old Chum Charlie my boy
Ah best you have not aged a bit may. I have everyone's attention
I would like to introduce you all to my new friend Princess, Sophia
Well in that case. Thank you princess
You're welcome, and sir dax, and I were wondering would you mind sharing the ballroom with my friends and family share the ballroom he is?
haunted castle
Hmm. She's really up
Yes, sofia, they're much better than your other fake o's
That's some spread up there your princess
Seifert Suman
They're choosing the host of the tea party today today's the day. I wonder who it's Glenda. The-- I hope they take me
These tea parties are a much bigger. Deal the whole class goes
Even the fairies see for yourself Sofia cleo's head ponies Hildy's party had a merry go round
Amber's Party was my favorite
okay, and
only submit row name once please and now for the drawing
This is so exciting at your castle this weekend
You can throw any kind of party you like this is your chance to show us who you are
Express yourself and have fun
What are you going to do for your sofia? I have one idea it better be spectacular. I'll show you when we get home
Really? Oh don't worry Sofia your party is going to be fabulous. No because you have a secret weapon
Sod that cane. I took one look and said there must be some mistake
I'm going to have a swan themed tea party
we'll set up the tables right beside the swan fountain and we'll have swans eat cookies and cakes sounds lovely and
a little
Princess, Sophia this all sounds delightful, but are you sure you want to do so much she has to Baileywick
Perfect. It looks just like a swan ruby jade
my secret Garden
Look at all the butterflies
This reminds me of the tea parties we had in the village it is nice
I wish I could stay longer, but I have a lot left to do
Oh, come on. One more teeny. Teeny, weeny meeny biscuit
What's wrong with it? Yeah, it looks all right to me well
It isn't it's too small too plain, and too simple you need something like this
Amber, are you sure this isn't too much it looks more like a feast than a tea party oh, sophia
You can never have too much of a good thing
Oh that won't do they need to be at least a big. I'm probably bigger. I thought this was Sofia's party Amber
Do I have a spell the connecting flow? Oh of course I do I guess?
The real Sorcerer was supposed to do whatever the king commands
Yes, I do what the king commands uh-huh then perhaps. I should go get Daddy Smartin like it
Thank you, Mr.. Ceedric. See you at the party. It's adric, and you are most certainly not welcome
But I'll catch up with you later. Okay. I'll go check on the decorations
of course
Listen I'd love to chat more
But there's so much to do I have to make sure we have enough streamers goody bags ice hold on
we fly
We do not dance honey. I think she means she wants us to fly and swim as though. We were dams
Let's see did the plates Cookies, Mr.. Ceedric
swans oh
Dress I have to go see you at the party
Does everything okay? Yes? I've just been really busy
Like those sweet little tea parties used to have with ruby and jade by the lake I don't know
Yes, the tables look great, and we have a deaf teapots more than enough. What about the cookies and cakes they come
What's up? I just wanted to make sure you're ready for your performance
Well, hi, Mr.. Ceedric Shall we get this party floating floating tables, right?
Maybe we should wait until I just want to get it over with and be on my way. Thank you
The swans fault Silly Birds should watch where they're playing
I'm sorry honey. What am I going to do?
Everyone's about to show up like the parties
I had with Ruby and Jade
Well now's your chance to throw the party you want to throw not the one everyone expects you to throw
But what will the other kids say it doesn't matter?
My favorite spot in the whole Castle hmm. Where's that it's a secret?
Princess Amber which way to the party. I'm not sure
I see the next one
Here it is. Yes?
but Super Garden
Welcome to my tea party
Everyone gets to pick their own tea. I think it spawns on mine. I'm gonna paint a forward on mine boom goes the kid
Let's raise our teacups to our hostess Princess, Sofia
El Amante by Nicky Jam | Somewhere In My Car by Keith Urban "BEST COVER EVER" Robert Michael - Duration: 4:44.Ya yo me cansé, no quiero ser tu amante, Te digo de mi parte,
Que no aguanto más... Ya no aguanto ver el otro como dice
que es el dueño tuyo Me mata el orgullo,
él ni te sabe hablar
Esta la hice pa él Cuando la escuche quiero estar allí para
ver Cuando se entere y sepa que soy dueño de
usted Tal vez suene un poco mal lo sé y no me luce,
Todo es por usted...
Mami yo me siento tuyo Yo sé que tú te sientes mía
Dile al noviecito tuyo Que con él te sientes fría
Mami yo me siento tuyo Yo sé que tú te sientes mía
Dile al noviecito tuyo Que él es una porquería
Te caliento más, más, más Te caliento más, más, más
Te caliento más, más, más Te caliento más, más, más
Te caliento más
Solo una cosa te preguntaré Si tienes frío quién te da calor
Yo soy el dueño de tu fantasía Nadie lo hace como yo
Si te viste bonita él no te dice ná Y a mí tú me gustas hasta sin maquillar
tú siempre a mí me dices que él te trata mal
y eso lo tienes que acabar
Dime qué tú vas a hacer mami tengo la inquietud
si quieres sufrir con él eso lo decides tú
que seas feliz con él yo no te contestaré
sé que me vas a llamar cuando me extrañe tu piel
Ooh, ooh, ooh, and I don't know why I do this to myself
Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know you're with someone else
But in my mind we're somewhere in my car And it's raining hard on the streetlight glow
You got your lips on mine, it's gasoline on fire
I never will forget, you grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head
Fingertips slide up and down my back Breathin' hard, steamin' up the glass
I'd give anything if I could bring you back ho o o o home
Mami yo me siento tuyo Yo sé que tú te sientes mía
Dile al noviecito tuyo Que con él te sientes fría
Mami yo me siento tuyo Yo sé que tú te sientes mía
Dile al noviecito tuyo Que él es una porquería
Te caliento más, más, más (Driving Home Tonight)
Te caliento más, más, más (Catching all Red Lights)
Te caliento más, más, más (I don't wanna be alone)
Te caliento más, más, más Te caliento más
Mami yo me siento tuyo Yo sé que tú te sientes mía
Dile al noviecito tuyo Que él es una porquería
N I C K, Roberto Miguel
Que no quiero ser tu amante
NBA 2k17 Knicks Rebuild Episode 2 (Best Free Agency Ever) - Duration: 29:55.Welcome to episode 2 of this Knicks Rebuild!
lets look at our roster
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How To Make Best Hummus/Chef Ahmad's Kitchen - Duration: 3:39.hello everyone and welcome to chef Ahmad's kitchen Channel
today we gonna make hummus
which is made from chickpeas
and Tahini
it's a very popular Mediterranean appetizer
see it with me
I have here chickpeas
that I soak it overnight
with water and little baking soda
and I boil it until they get
very soft
in a mixer strong mixer
we add the hummus
vegetable oil
squeeze of lemon juice
we're gonna add
some cold water
mix it well
after I blend them
and mix them very well
soft like this
we will add
also I would like to add some
mix it
here's the Hamas is ready
you can add little bit of olive oil
and some
chickpeas on top
and some decoration with mint
as you like
I'm going to add the
meat now on top
will be very very very delicious
I have here beef steak
I'm gonna cut it into small pieces
on a hot pan
we put butter
add the meat
touch of salt
black pepper
look at the juice
looks very delicious
now it's done
we gonna taste this
hummus with meat
it's really
full flavor
with the meat and the butter
and the nuts
is very very very delicious appetizer
I hope you like it
I hope you try it
I hope you subscribe to my channel
and if you want
the Lebanese bread recipe
you can click the I
on my left side
see you next time
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