Hello everyone
My name is DivinePegasi
Today we're on Mineplex playing some survival games
I don't know how to say survival games so I just say survival games (in English)"
[Gasps in Chinese]
Aw, I didn't get it
I didn't get it
That uhh.. that uh.. that uh..
diamond [chuckle]
If you're wondering why I'm speaking chinese in this video
a few days ago, I reached 2000 subscribers! So many people watch my videos
It's very... very... very.... uh.. very.."
...very cool! :D
if you know Chinese,"
how to speak Chinese, read Chinese, write in Chinese,"
leave a comment below letting me know! I want to know how many of you understand Chinese!
So, write a comment and I'll reply!
If you're wondering why I'm speaking some English in a Chinese video,"
well, my Chinese isn't that great.
I've already learned 8 years, so you're probably thinking: you've learned for 8 years, shouldn't your Chinese be better?
Except, it's bad.
At least I think that it's bad!
I learned Chinese for 8 years, but this year I quit because
Too much... homework
I just don't like learning Chinese, because
I can't seem to remember most things. I know how to speak, but I forget how to write words or read words.
I feel like -- OH
There's a person!
Let's kill him!!
Uh oh, his gear is so good!
I opened something!
Oh my gosh, I almost died! And I opened this
That was.. [realizes I spoke English]
Ahh, I almost spoke English
About to die, oh my goodness
We also need
use this thing, it's very useful (enchant table). It's very
Anyways, earlier I was saying
My Chinese isn't that great, although
I know how to say
basic everyday words so I'm all set!
I don't know super complicated words
so, some things,
some words,
I don't know how to say, like this (armor)
wearable thing! (armor)
I've also checked google translate
these items (armor)
except, I already forgot [chuckle]
mainly because I feel like it's incorrect
I don't know either.
Ooh, there's a person!
Yo dude why are you standing still here!?
I want you killed!
[grunt of victory]
Got him killed! [melodic voice]
AHH! There's another person!
You want to
you want me killed?
[correcting my pronunciation] You want me killed?
Do you know,
who I am?
Oh, what is this?
Almost spoke English >.>
SG Slayer
We have so many items!
There's another person?!
All of them want to kill me!
Why are these people so mean?
Why do they --
act so bad?
I'm so bad!
I'm going to die, I'm going to die,
I'm going to dieeeeeeeeeeeee [melodic voice]
[loud gasp in Chinese]
[madly blowing out air bubbles]
Alright, we're in another game now!
Still Survival Games, just another map.
[sigh] I really hope in this game
that this time we will win, because I haven't won in a long time!
because -- OOOOOH
There were so many items and I got nothing! Except
only a cake,
and a few baked potatoes.
We really need a sword!
We also need..
well we already have a helmet and boots, so we're good. But we still don't have a sword!
We're going to kill people with our sword!
Where are the swords??
Welp, we got a sword! A wooden sword.
It's not that great, but we can still use it to kill.
[200th sigh in video]
maybe -- [realizes I spoke English]
Maybe, this,
this time,
we will uh --
maybe win, but I don't want to
say I will because I know I most likely won't! [chuckle]
I also feel like my Chinese is getting worse and worse because I
I've been speaking Chinese only from since when I was able to talk until about I was five years old
My Chinese was very good that time, because
I only spoke Chinese, since I didn't know English.
But now, since I go to American schools where people speak English,
I don't need to speak Chinese, so my Chinese is a bit --
worse than it was before.
[500th sigh of the video]
When I grow up, I think I will regret not studying and speaking Chinese more
since if you know how to speak Chinese, or multiple other languages,
your, your, OOH --
Your job opportunities will be much better!
Are there any people?
Oooh, I see people!
Woah, they have so much gear!
I want to go kill them!
Let's go!
Why do I? Ugh! Why do I?
Why am I speaking Chinese? Oops I mean English!
I'm too used to it.. I should really speak
Except.. I.. I really like to speak English! [chuckle]
Maybe it's cause I've been living in America --
There's a.. There's so much stuff!
Such great loot!
Uh oh, he's going to try and kill me now!
Trying to kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I am going to run!
I'm running, I'm running -- OOH there's a person there!
They're in front of me, I didn't even notice!
Hey! You! You can't run, no running, no running!
Ooh, they have a stone sword as well!
Ooh, that really stacked guy died!
Now I'm really scared! If he, the guy with all that great armor, died, then
then I, won't I die too?
Ooh, a person!
He doesn't noti-- aw, he saw me!
Agh, I'm so ba --
Ooh! I have a -- what is that?
I don't know, but wow!
How did I kill him?
He most likely already fought someone, so he was low.
I'm so good! (not really)
Uh oh, I think there's people!
First, I need to do that (/dm)
Where is this person?
I saw something..
But where is he/she?
Hurry up and come out!
I want to kill you!
Ugh, this
this thing
Oh! A person!
That, "Press Q to open your inventory." thing is bothering me!!
I don't like it!
[random panicking]
I am going out!
I'm scared to death!
We're about to --
It's just me and one other person!
I'm going to die.
Everyone, listen up. I'm about to die.
I won't -- he's level eleven!
How am I supposed to win?
He's that good?!!
Ohh my goodness.
I'm not good at all...
[1000th sigh in the video]
[panick hollers]
I don't want to dieeeeeeeeeeeee [melodic voice]
I'm going to die. :(
I'm going to dieeeeeeeee! [somewhat melodic voice]
Why did I use the snow?
Ahh I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..
AHHH why did I open that? I'M ABOUT TO DIE!
[trying to focus]
[sigh of defeat]
I'm not good at all!
I'm soo.. I'm so...
I'm soooo.. I'm so...
Me, I'm such a failure.
I'm just really.. not good at all.
[this part was supposed to be cut out]
If you guys enjoyed this video,
Leave a like below!
And also
leave a comment below if you understand Chinese!
This video was
very weird, but if you liked it, then
let me know! I might
not make another Chinese video, since it's odd to me
I'll see ya next time! :D
Thanks for watching this video, thank you
for helping me reach 2000 subscribers!
Welp, I'll see you next time! :)
For more infomation >> CHINESE COMMENTARY? // Minecraft Survival Games // 2K SPECIAL pt.2 - Duration: 10:13.-------------------------------------------
Juggernaut and the Grail- Knight Squad Game Play - Tips and More - Episode 3 - Duration: 10:16.
The Juggernaut - Knight Squad Game Play - Tips and More - Episode 3
The Juggernaut - Knight Squad Game Play - Tips and More - Episode 3
The Juggernaut - Knight Squad Game Play - Tips and More - Episode 3
The Juggernaut - Knight Squad Game Play - Tips and More - Episode 3
The Juggernaut - Knight Squad Game Play - Tips and More - Episode 3
Game of Thrones Season 7x03 Inside the Episode (SUB ITA) - Duration: 4:30.
Video game releases for August 2017 - Including Tacoma, LawBreakers, Uncharted, Madden and Mario - Duration: 5:02.
hey folks this is Tom Nash and welcome to game and AMEX and today I'm going to
talk about the top video game releases for the month of August 2017 but before
we get started with the list please let me know in the comment section below
which games are you looking for so coming up this August 2nd Tacoma is
going to get released on the Mac PC and Xbox one coma is a story about people
the game is about six individuals who have been thrown into a situation and
about how crisis can pull them together or push them apart yeah that's not a lot
of details but if you are the kind of person who are into psychology and human
interaction I think you get a kick out of this game
next we got arc with a release date of August 8th on the Mac ps4 Windows PC and
Xbox one now the game has been in early access on Steam since 2015 it's been
really popular and now on August 8th finally the full commercial releases
here but the downside will be the price as the price will go up from $29.99 to
60 bucks also in August 8 we got lawbreakers on
the ps4 and the PC now this game underwent a private alpha and two
private betas with the recent one as late as March 2017 this game is a
class-based team shooter from the new studio started by the creator of Gears
of War the price tag on this game is going to be $29.99 agents of mayhem on
August 15th on the ps4 Windows PC and Xbox one agents of mayhem is supposed to
be a different experience from the same throw series even though agents of
mayhem is supposed to build on the expertise of Dave Saints Row series it's
supposed to be a whole different experience and over-the-top open-world
third-person shooter characters who feel superhuman while still funny
also in August 15th we got observer on the mac ps4 ps3 is supposed to be a
horror story taking place in Eastern Europe you play as a detective and
observe and use your skills to scan the environment and hack player's fears on
August 22nd we have my own personal favorite uncharted The Lost Legacy
exclusively on the ps4 I think the biggest fear for a long time and
childhood series fans is whether Uncharted The Lost Legacy can hold its
own can it be its own game not a knockoff another lesser experience than
any other Uncharted so far nobody has the answer but from the limited gameplay
released it seems like it honestly has a chance from the initial information
really so far by Naughty Dog it seems like the
characters as well as the story have enough depth to carry this game let me
know what you think about this are you hyped so another favorite of mine on
August 25 Madden NFL 2018 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox one I've spent countless
hours playing this game ever since met in 2009 so finally Madden has adapted
the career mode from the 2k basketball games they have a mode is called
longshot but this career mode has a different twist instead of playing
through high school and college and getting drafted high like you're doing
the 2k basketball games here you'll be playing as Devon Wade a former college
star who's been out of football for a few years and is struggling to get back
into the league this was really interesting and finally on August 29th
we have absorber on the PlayStation 4 in the Windows PC from everything released
so far it seems like it's a hand-to-hand fighting game where players collect
moves over time and improve their character eventually creating
personalized fighting styles one of the most curious things about this game is
the fact that the development team is comprised of a few members that are very
deeply into mixed martial arts in real life and based on what we seen so far
the animations are awesome and you can see that the people who made this game
actually know MMA another game coming out in August 29th mario + rabbits king
moon battle coming out obviously on the Nintendo switch from what we know it's a
turn-based game based on the mario world where you have two features exploration
and a turn-based RPG battle as you may remember from the e3 conference
it's a collab between Ubisoft and Nintendo and it's really curious to see
what came out of it August 31 we have life is strange before the storm coming
out on the ps4 PC and Xbox one so we've seen the trailer on this year's e3 the
game will focus on two characters from the life is strange previous version
from 2015 Chloe price and her best friend Rachel amber but unlike the
previous life is strange this one is going to have three chapters not five
and obviously it's going to be the same mechanic a story evolving based on your
choices and the final game on the list releasing on August 31 Resident Evil
Revelations coming out in the ps4 and Xbox one so this game apparently is set
on a cruise ship between the events of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 so
you get to go on this abandoned bullshit and trying to stop a terrorist
group from infecting the Earth's oceans with some virus so I'm really curious
which games are you hype for which games do you think I missed which games you
may think are going to bus let me know in the comment section below as always
it was a pleasure I had a blast thank you so much for watching don't forget to
hit that like button and also click the subscribe if you haven't done so and
I'll see you all next time
Der SCHAUER vom LAND | Friday the 13th the Game (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 18:14.
【BLACK SURVIVAL】 Adriana - ranked game play 【Louisol】 - Duration: 25:03.
Hello, guys.
This time, I played the new character.
And... I'll go bow.
Oh, Here is no people.
Lucky xD
awww f*king miss
Call me the miss master.
umm... my crow... T-T
oh, Hi JP
Not enough arrows...
benefit x)
Oowowow rameenn!!!
ha... f*king misss....
Okay, find bear.
what the miss!
umm.. and Gorilla?
... Already dead?
This is cooking game.
Making delicious garlic ramen!
oh, hello wickel?
go a way!
I came to find the item I entrust! (It called pawn shop meta in Korea.)
oh, Nooo
I need to find wickel quickly.
Where are you T0T
If I can't find it, let's make it.
ohhh wickel T0T0T
WTF this suit...
Yeah New weapon x)
byebye, Holy Blood.
Lighter... Lighter...
very good dmg xD
I think I won.
byebye. :)
I played all the characters. xD
Maybe... next is Hyun-woo guide video. :0
Then, Thx for watching! seeya.
10 Reasons why Jon Snow and Daenerys Might End Up Together | Game of Thrones Episodes - Duration: 6:11.
Jon Snow and Daenerys Might End Up Together on "Game of Thrones" - 10 Reasons.
They are "ice" and "fire".
Let's get the obvious reason out of the way first: Book readers had long theorized that
the title of George R.R. Martin's epic upon which Game of Thrones is based, A Song of
Ice and Fire, is a nod to the eventual union of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen.
A Northern son living on the Wall who battles White Walkers, Jon is the physical embodiment
of ice.
In a more literal sense, he was resurrected after his body turned cold.
Daenerys obviously commands fire-breathing dragons.
She also survived walking into Drogo's funeral pyre.
Melisandre confirmed the theory that each represents their own element when she said
in this week's episode, "I have joined ice and fire."
That said, Melisandre has made mistakes before.
Jon could also possibly represent both ice and fire himself: His mother was Northerner
Lyanna Stark, his father (almost certainly) Rhaegar Targaryen.
They both lost their first loves in tragic ways.
Both Dany and Jon fell for people that the Westerosi might think of as savages.
Both earned the respect of the Dothraki and Wildlings respectively, in part because the
romantic relationship forced them to develop empathy for these peoples.
Both leveraged that mutual respect into important alliances.
Both accidentally caused the death of their loved ones.
Daenerys enlisted a witch to use blood magic on Drogo, which put him in a catatonic state.
Daenerys had to smother her husband in order to put him out of his misery.
Meanwhile, Jon's "betrayal" of the Wildlings resulted in a fight between the Wildlings
and Northerners that led to Ygritte's death.
Both watched their lovers die in their arms.
Both avenged the death of their lovers by punishing those who were responsible: Daenerys
burned the witch and Jon condemned Olly to hang.
They're both perceived as gods for defying death.
Both characters have evaded death and are worshipped for doing so.
Daenerys emerged from fire unburnt.
Jon was resurrected by Melisandre after being stabbed in the heart.
Daenerys' feat earned her the respect and loyalty of the Dothraki.
Tormund told Jon that the Wildlings think of him as a god.
In both resurrection scenes, the camera shoots the naked star from behind, showing their
back as they unexpectedly emerge from the pyre and rise from the slab, respectively.
They both fulfill that "chosen one" prophecy.
In a previous episode, Melisandre declared Jon Snow to be the Prince Who Was Promised
— a savior in the religion of R'hllor who is the reincarnation of the legendary hero
Azor Ahai, who once brought about the end of the Long Night.
Signals of the hero's return include a person being "born of smoke and salt" and a "bleeding"
star, like a meteor.
Of course, Missandei recently pointed out that the phrase actually translates to "the
Prince or Princess Who was Promised."
For reasons you can read about here, both Jon and Daenerys could potentially fulfill
the prophecy.
Some fans, however, think that their offspring would be the true savior.
The blue rose.
As Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fair points out, a major motif in the book that has been largely
left out of the show is a blue rose.
In the books, Rhaegar Targaryen gave Lyanna Stark a blue rose in front of the nobleman
in Westeros, signaling their possible affection for each other.
Daenerys later sees a blue rose in a wall of ice during a vision in the House of the
Undying, which fans interpret to represent Jon Snow.
While the rose is missing from Dany's vision in the show, she does see what appears to
be the Wall.
Either way, Daenerys' vision connects her fate in some way to that of Jon.
People rally around them.
Each has earned his or her own rabid following in part because of their somewhat democratic
Daenerys frees slaves, and Jon unites the North and the Wildlings.
As Cersei pointed out in Sunday's episode, Daenerys fancies herself more a revolutionary
than a monarch.
That's perhaps even more true of Jon, a reluctant ruler who nevertheless gave Wildlings their
due — and their own castle to guard.
Again, the show's creators craft two similar moments for the two characters: Compare the
moment when the slaves lift Daenerys chanting "Mhysa" after she frees them with the time
when all the Northerners cheer, "King in the North!" for Jon.
They were both treated terribly by their siblings.
Both Daenerys and Jon are treated terribly by their siblings in the first season of the
As Daenerys reminded the audience in Sunday night's episode, she was traded like chattel
by her opportunistic brother Viserys.
Jon, meanwhile, was picked on by certain siblings (cough, Sansa, cough) for being a "bastard."
They both lost two brothers.
Jon and Daenerys' first bonding moment comes when the two talk about how they both lost
two brothers: Robb and Rickon for Jon and Viserys and Rhaegar for Dany.
In both cases, the loss of these siblings put Jon and Daenerys in unexpected positions
of power.
Still, both had to prove that they deserved to sit on their respective thrones.
Their BBFs Jorah and Sam totally hit it off.
Samwell Tarly just saved Jorah Mormont's life.
Maybe this isn't the best reason for Daenerys and Jon to marry, but their wedding would
allow Sam and Jorah to reunite.
The evening would probably be a difficult one for Jorah, who continues to carry a flame
for the Mother of Dragons, but Sam could soothe him with some readings from those old scrolls.
The Kiss.
To be fair, this picture — also spotted by Robinson of Vanity Fair — is not a promotional
photo for the show, but reportedly the brainchild of a photographer who shot actors Kit Harington
and Emilia Clarke for Rolling Stone back in 2012.
Still Harington and Clarke are clearly fanning the flames of a rumored romance between Jon
and Daenerys with this kiss.
(There's also this rom com-worthy shotthey took for Entertainment Weekly in 2013.)
محاولة قتل بران ستارك من قاتل مجهول مترجم باللهجه العراقيه Game of Thrones - Duration: 1:19.
ᴴᴰ Paw Patrol Mission Paw - Playground Super Fun Pet Rescue - Cartoon Game Kids Video | Nick Jr. - Duration: 44:12.
The storm rocked a lot of things into the water we have to find all the recyclable items. That's sweet fine
Nope that stays in the bay. Nope that stays in the Bay
dude totally
The Bay is getting cleaner
Nope that stays in the bay sweet fine
The Bay is getting cleaner
great job
We found all the items all right now the waters all cleaned up and Captain turbot can get the recyclable items
We're going to need to go paw patrol is on a roll
All right, we got the bay all cleaned up look how many pup treats you've collected paw patrol to the lookout
The bay she was a pup ready set get one
Captain Turbot needs no job is too big. No pup is too small
Rocky give us a Ba tap Rocky's badge. So he can help us. I'm on it zuma. Thanks, Rocky
Totally make it treats dude
Rocky thanks, Rocky
Rocky give us a bomb after Rocky's batch so he can help us
Rocky to the rescue way to go Rocky
totally mega treats dude
run away Captain Turbot
run away Captain Turbot
what a mess the storm left the bay is full of litter we've got to sort through it all and
Separate the items not duck nope
Nope, dry put it right on
right on
No, that's not right great sorting
great Sorting
Good thinking, you did it rock and recycling now the bays in Shipshape condition
Hey paw patrol is on a roll
All right, we got the bay all cleaned up look how many pup treats you've collected
You've earned the gold bone totally paw patrol to the lookout
The Bay choose a pup to leave the rescue cakes Mountain choose a pup to lead the rescue this pups gotta fly
The storm blew up some trouble on no job is too big no pup is too small
We'd go rubble. It's treat time
Nice flying there good race
Hold on Jake we're coming
Hold on Jake we're coming
No problem. I can use my up great going
great going great going
Supera Sorting great going
Supera Sorting
Supera Sorting
great going
great going
great going great going
Jakey's Ski down the Path now the Saints Jake paw Patrol is on a roll
Great job. We saved. Jake look how many pup treats you've collected
You've earned the gold bone to paw patrol to the lookout
The Bay choose a pup to leave the rest Jake's Mountain. She was a pup to lead the rescue rubble on the double
The storm no job is too big. No pup is too small
Helped south sky tap skies badge, so she could help us. I'm on ik rubble way to go sigh
It's Mayor. Goodway's flying away
Hold on Jake we're coming
Whoa talk about a log jam all those logs are totally blocking the ski lift Jake can't quit playin hi
Great sorting tap the pile of lock let's swing high
Oops, it doesn't go there try again great sorting
Tap the pile of logs, and I'll pick one up wait job
great job
Tap the Pile flip flyin High
great job
great job
tap the great job
Great sorting now, Jake can ski down the path paw patrol is on a roll
Great job. We saved. Jake look how many pup treats you've collected
You've earned the gold bone totally paw paw patrol to the lookout
The Bay I'm fired up
There's trouble at the train tracks
The storm scared Callie, and she ran away from the train we need to find her for Katie
We need an emergency rescue team with fire pup and a police pup Marshall and Chase
Need you to no job is too big. No pup is too small
Here great job. You could
Beneath Chase on the Kicks have chases batch Shrill chase reporting for duty. Let it go Chase
We need chase on the kicks chases batch trail chase reporting for duty way to go chase
We need chase on the cake tap chases batch rail Jinx reporting for duty. Let it go Chase
All right
We're coming Kali
kali got scared when the train stopped and ran away
My nose always knows. I'll tell you where I smell her hiding and you yes, that's it
Smell Cali hiding in the tree with seven grip yes, that's it
- I
Smell cali. Yes, that's it
Ah-ah-ah we found cali nice work paw patrol is on a roll
Awesome job we cleared the track so the train can get back to Adventure Bay
Look, how many pup treats you've collected at paw Patrol to the lookout
The Bay choose a pup til jake's mount the train. She was a pup to lead the rescue Chase is on the case
There's trouble at the train tracks stem. No job is too big no pup is too small
These paws uphold the laws
These paws uphold the laws good work
We need Marshall tap Marshalls bad wow I'm here Kate way to go Marshall
police puck coming through
Report to my belt these paws uphold the laws
We need marshall yeah Marshals badge wow
I'm on tape way to go Marshall sweets report to my belly
Good work
We need Marshall cap Marshals badge Brown. I'm on taste way to go Marshall
We're on our way, Katie
Look at all the ross the storm flew on the tracks the train can't keep going to a venture Bay
We need to use the water from my hose push the rocks off the track to guide my hose throw your finger over the rocks
Do your best to get the rest?
Nice hosing around we still have more vows to clear
Nice housing around he's done more rocks to clear
You're doing great
Nice hosing around all right?
Now the tracks are clear and the train can make its way back to adventure Bay paw patrol is on a roll
Awesome job we cleared the tracks so the train can get back to adventure bay look how many pup treats you've collected
paw PatroL to the lookout
The Bay choose a pup to leave Jake's Mountain ship the train the jungle choose a pup to lead the rescue. Oh
Yeah, welcome to the wild side amigo
There are fret no job is too big no pup is too small
kid level
a beer remember Bonanza
Sky, I need some help oh, hI taps guy's badge, so she can help sky here
I need a fly great going sky
Alright, Mega tree get leno
Oh, nato treat
Sky, I need some help up high tap skies badge, so she can help. I'm on a checker Rig going sky. Oh
Get off awesome
Get off the tree time let's see
Sky, I need some help up high tap skies badge, so she can help
Here ready to fly Rick going sky alright, Mega tree
awesome, oh
Mega Tree
Awesome. We're almost to the temple
treat time
Awesome get lemmo mega-tree time
Get lentil. We're almost to the temple
This giant statue is stuff
We have to solve the ancient temple puzzle so we can raise it high enough to be airlifted to the museum
To solve the ancient temple puzzle you have to complete all of the patterns
I'll call out the pattern then you use the dials to complete the rest of it
But be careful if we choose the wrong answer the temple will oh, no. That's not it try again
When you have changed all the dials to complete the pattern tap on me
That's the one okay. It's time to complete another Pattern the pattern is
Circle triangle
Circle circle
triangle Circle circle what comes next
When you have changed all the dials
We're almost there one more pattern to complete the pattern is
triangle star
triangle triangle
Star triangle triangle, what comes next
The statue is high enough for me to air lists off to the Museum. We go. Thanks for all your help
great job
You helped raise the giant jumbo statue high enough for it to be airlift into the museum
Look how many paw paw patrol to the lookout?
The Bay choose a pup to leave Jake's Mountain the tree the jump down town
Choose a pup the jungle choose a pup to leave this pups gotta fly
There are precious relics deep in the jungle that need to be airlifted to the museum for safekeeping
We need to airlift a giant jungle statue over to the museum, but it's stuck
We need to get it unstuck quick tracker in sky you're the perfect pups for this mission
No job is too big. No pup is too small
Whoops we're flying those monkey can make whoa
Tracker I need your help tap trackers badge for help
Tracker to the rescue I knew I could count on you tracker
You look apply. We're flying
Tracker I need your help
this badge for help
To rescue I knew I could count on you tractor tree
unified we're flying
We're flying it now. We're catching up to Mandy's
Tracker I need your help top track first batch for help drop her to the rescue
I knew I could count on you sucker
Beautifly we're flying
We're catching up to Mandy's. We're flying
away worf beautifly
We're flying it now drink more fuel to fly
We're catching up to Mandy
Where is that Safety Mandy? She's wearing the ancient necklace?
We made that back she's hiding behind one of these statues
I'll chop her down with my super yay, Maddi is happening Mandy Mandy keeps watching her hiding spot
Let's go after her
Mandy is hiding behind the monkey statue where one orange trapezoid
It again Mandy keeps switching her hiding spot. Let's go after her
Mandy is hiding behind the monkey statue with three purple triangles three blue
Doctor Mandy, Lo Ciento, but you can't have that necklace. We'll bring it to where it belongs
Way to save the precious necklace
Great job, you got the ancient monkey necklace back from Mandy
You've earned the paw patrol to the lookout
The Bay choose a pup Jake's met the trick the jump downtown choose a pup to lead the rescue aye
sir snow, I'm ready to go a
Big freeze blew through downtown making the roads hard to drive on now Mayor Goodway's car is stuck in a snowbank
We need to pull Mayor Goodway's car out of that snowbank
Everest and chase you're the perfect pups for this mission. No job is too big no pup is too small
Watch me go
Yo, watch me go
All right, Mega tree
Chase a little help, please
Tap chases badge so he can lend a paw chase reporting for duty nice chain all right mega tree
What yeah?
Jase a little help, please tap chases badge, so these in Lend-A-Paw. I've got this everest nice Jase
Oh yeah, Mega tree
Look out
Chase a little help, please tap chases badge so he can lend a paw I've got this everest nice chase. Oh
Mega Tree
What yeah?
Watch me go
This car is really stuck hang on there good way good thing
We've got just the right equipment drag the winch from my police Possum job now
We need to use the controls on my dashboard
To activate the winch so we can pull the Mayor's car safety the controls work in a pattern I'll call up
Pattern then you tap the button with the color that comes next the pattern is
Red Curve awesome job, we're making progress
The Mayor's car is getting unstuck great job
I'll call up Pattern then you tap the button with the color that comes next the pattern is
red Red Blue Red Red
blue Red
Which to work my mark?
Evo we've almost got this car on stuff. We just need to pull a little bit more
I'll call up Pattern then you tap the button with the color that comes next
The Pattern is blue Green red
Possum jumping mark my mark. That's it the car is out of the snowbank. We see Mayor Goodway, whoo?
Paw Patrol is on a roll
Nice job, you found Mayor Goodway
You've earned the gold Bone paw patrol to the lookout
The bey choose a pup to lead the rest Jake's met the trail in downtown the Bay the Bay
Downtown she was a pup to lead Chase is on the case
Big fries loser death no job is too big. No pup is too small
Everest lend me a paw, please check every badge for help
I've got this chain kept Acula job everest please report to my belt
police pup coming through
Nice rubble looks just like everest easy
police puck coming through
Robo-dog news
Embers let me apply please tap every spare out no problem Chief. Oh
tweets Report to my belly
police pop coming through
Everest let me Abab, please check every Spanish for help. I've got this chief
These paws uphold the laws
police pup coming through opossum
Chickaletta got so cold and scared she flew over to a nearby building I can use my grappling hook to climb the building so we
Can bring Chickaletta back down to the Mayor?
Launch the hulk to the ledge so we can swing to the next level to get started touch my pup pack
Then drag your finger back behind me aim by keeping your finger down and dragging from side to side
When you're ready to launch the hook just let your finger keep trying until the hook connects to the left when the hub
Connects, we'll swing up to the ledge. We need to do this until we reach, Chickaletta
Almost use the dotted line help aim the hook toward the ledge. You're getting closer
Make the dotted line touch the ledge you
Can do it drag aim and then let go?
You can do it drag Aim and then let go
You can do it drags aim, and then let go hang on to your hat
Almost use the dotted line. Help aim it nice Aim. We're coming, Chickaletta
Nice, Aim, we're coming, Chickaletta
Almost use the dotted line nice Aim. We're coming, Chickaletta whoo
You're safe now
Chickaletta all right we saved Chickaletta
Nice job you found Chickaletta. Look how many pop treats you've collected
You've earned the gold bone totally paws paw patrol to the lookout
The bey choose a pup to lead the rescue
Game on! UCF develops game system for those without hands or arms - Duration: 1:38.
LẦN ĐẦU CHƠI GAME - #2 Lần đầu chơi Escaping The Prison - Hắc Đê A Gamer - Duration: 10:00.
Security Guard Apparently Starts Brawl With Fan At A's/Giants Game - Duration: 1:36.
"Let me Feel" - Assassin's Creed GMV (Game & Cinematic Music Video) - Feel Invincible (Skillet) - Duration: 3:47.
SONG: "Feel Invincible" - Skillet All rights of this song are reserved for its owner
Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 3
It's the #TOP5TODAY
Let's rundown the top five moments from this week's Game of Thrones
but first... Spoiler Alert
if you haven't seen this week's episode then
you've been warned
also if you're new to the channel
I make Top 5 lists, every day, Monday through Friday
be sure to hit subscribe and hit the little bell
I do take requests so if you wanna dance
Alright this episode was Epic
Awesome! Amazing!
and very, very bad for Elaria Sand and her daughter
Number 5
This episode was titled, "The Queen's Revenge"
no it wasn't... hahaha
This episode was titled, "The Queen's Justice"
and the first Queen that got her justice was Cersei
she gave the very same poison to Elaria's daughter
in the very same way that Elaria did to Myrcella
That's Cersei's daughter
yeah... she's dead
only Cersei is going to keep Elaria chained up for the rest of her life as she sees her daughter rot
away into a corpse and then a pile of bones and that's crazy
Cersei, you're evil, good job!
she's a bad lady
Number four, another queen gets her justice
now even though Jamie sacked Highgarden
and the House of Tyrell is pretty much over
Oleanna Tyrell reveals that she's the one who killed Joffrey
and so now that means Jamie now knows it wasn't his brother Tyrion
What's that going to lead to down the line?
Maybe Jaimie will be like, "Hey look... sis...
... I know you wanna kill our brother Tyrion and all...
... for killing our son only guess what? He didn't do it. Oleanna Tyrell did...
... Oh yeah and there's an army of dead coming from the north so...
... yeah you might wanna check that out."
Number three, the curveball at Casterly Rock
Gray Worm and the Unsullied took Casterly rock pretty damn easily
and it was looking like Tyrion's strategy was totally kickass
but Casterly Rock's gold mines are dry
So Jamie made the sacrifice of giving up the Rock
Not this Rock
This Rock
He'd rather sack the Tyrell's at Highgarden
than keep his dilapidated childhood home
Number two, Sam curing Jorah Mormont's Grayscale
In the books there's this whole other character named Jon Connington
and he's the one who has Grayscale
and it goes on forever that he's hiding this Grayscale
but in the TV Show that character Jon Connington is sorta combined with Jorah Mormont
and while it takes forever in the books to talk about this Grayscale... will he be cured?
On the TV Show it's like...
Pish Posh! We only need two episodes for that!
You're cured Jorah!
and the number one moment in this episode was, of course...
Jon meeting Dany
I was glad to see this episode open with a long sequence of
Jon coming to Dragonstone
The stuff with him and Tyrion is hilarious
the Bastard of Winterfell
The Dwarf of Casterly Rock
that didn't sound like either one of them but whatever
this season's storytelling is so much faster
yeah, Jon got there pretty quick from the North
the long and the short of it is Jon won't bend the knee
but by the end of the episode Tyrion has convinced her to let
Jon mine and make weapons out of the Dragonglass that's on Dragonstone Island
but for me, my favorite part was seeing that Dragon
almost take Jon's head off
I'm really hoping that dragon was Rhagal
who is named after Rhaegar, Dany's brother but also, Jon's father
Maybe that dragon almost taking Jon's head off was like
his father's soul inside the dragon saying,
... I know you! Maybe I should bite your face off?" I don't know...
Alright my question for you today is will we see the White Walkers next week?
you see the White Walkers every week... in your mind... and you're terrified!
Let me know in the comments below!
if you have an idea for the #TOP5TODAY please leave it in the comments below
hashtag it #TOP5TODAY
or hit me up on Twitter @BOBJENZ
and as always
You're Welcome, Internet
Developer Update | The Games are Back (EN subtitles) - Duration: 6:54.
Good evening everybody, welcome back to another Developer Update.
Last year for the first time, our first event ever, we ran the Summer Games.
And we learned so much from running that event.
You guys gave us tons of feedback.
As you saw throughout the year we iterated and changed our future events
based on that initial run with Summer Games.
Now I've been paying attention to a lot of social media and
I've been hearing the buzz everybody asking about:
When is Summer Games coming back?
Well, now is the time Summer Games is coming back very soon
and we wanted to set you up with some pertinent information so you knew
what was going to be the same and what was going to be different about Summer Games this year.
So, first of all a question on a lot of people's minds is:
Are the skins that were available in Summer Games 2016 going to be available again this year?
And the answer is absolutely, yes,
we know you want a chance to get that American McCree skin
or the Nihon Genji.
You will absolutely be able to get those skins again.
Now the other thing, if you remember, not all of you
were around back for Summer Games 2016, but back then those skins were not
available for unlock via the credit system and that was something that we changed
based on your feedback.
Well, this is going to be the first year that Summer Games is
going to run where you'll be able to unlock the old skins for credits
as well as the new skins that are coming too.
So, that is also awesome.
Now as I mentioned there's new skins and new content coming as well
and I don't want to spoil it all, but I'll give some hints.
Roadhog, I'm sorry, Roadhog is not getting anything.
So, that was just me being silly.
Junkrat is going to get an awesome Legendary skin and I think you guys are
going to love it; it's very sports themed and our favorite Australian
is going to get a great skin.
Mercy, and that's why I'm wearing this shirt today,
Mercy is getting one of my favorite skins of all time and I'm so excited
for you guys to check it out.
And we have some other cool things happening as well.
I think Widowmaker and the McCree fans are going to be really
blown away with what we're going to deliver and there's some silly
stuff too and I'll just I'll just leave that for you guys and you'll know what
I'm talking about in a little bit.
But, the new skins will be available for credit unlocks just like every event
and as I mentioned those old skins are available too,
but we're going to do something different for the old skins.
We're going to discount the prices to normal loot box prices for the credit
cost of those skins.
So, for example if you want Tracer in her runner skin that
she had in Summer Games 2016, which was a Legendary, it will
only cost you 1000 credits versus the 3,000 credits that an event
Legendary normally costs.
We think that bringing the old items back is absolutely key for our players
who weren't able to get them the first time around and we also want to discount them
somewhat, so more of you can get more of those items you want and love while
still reserving some specialness for the brand new stuff.
So, not everybody's running around in all the coolest most brand-new stuff.
We also want to remind you that we've made significant loot box
changes which you guys have already seen a little bit of in our
normal loot box in regards to duplicates.
So, we drastically reduced the rate at which you're going to get
duplicates and we've never before felt this in one of our
event loot boxes before.
So, Summer Games will be the first time that you're experiencing the
much reduced duplicate rate in the loot boxes.
So, we think that'll be awesome.
Now a lot of you are thinking enough with the rambling about
skins and loot boxes all we really care about when it comes to Summer Games
is Lucioball. Is it coming back?
And the answer is YES, Lucioball of course is coming back not only that
but we have our beautiful Rio Stadium that we built for 2016 and we're
proud to introduce Sydney, Australia as a new stadium for Lucioball
to take place in.
Now we've also made some tweaks to Lucioball based on feedback from
the first time around.
There's a couple things that have changed.
1) You can no longer stand in the enemy goal and BOOP the enemy
goalie out of the way.
We've removed the ability to BOOP your enemies because a lot of people
were finding that frustrating.
We also changed Lucio's ultimate in Lucioball.
It used to pull the ball towards you very dramatically and there
was sort of some cheesy strategies about BOOPING the goalie stand and the
goal pull the ball in, etc. We made that go away.
So, now when you use Lucio's ultimate you move much faster, you can use
his alternate ability to BOOP the ball much more quickly and he
jumps a lot higher.
So, it's sort of like super Lucio when he uses that ultimate.
We think you guys will really enjoy it.
We think the change is really healthy to Lucioball and that will be great.
Now the thing that is probably most exciting about Lucioball coming back
is we've really upped the stakes this time.
Not only can you just play Lucioball like you enjoyed it last year in
Summer Games but we've also added a new card to the Arcade
that's called COPA Lucioball.
and what this means is competitive Lucioball.
That's right, for three weeks during the Summer Games
we're going to be running a competitive Lucioball system.
Not only that if you place if you play your ten games competitively
in Lucioball you will get a special spray.
If you make it into the Top 500 of Lucioball players in
your region you will get an additional special spray.
So, we can't wait to see how you guys do to see what your skill
ratings are, to see you know how great of a Lucioball player
are you versus a normal Overwatch player.
We think this three-week season concept could be a lot of fun outside
of Lucioball even.
So, we want to see how you guys respond to it.
We want to see how you guys play with it and what you think
about that.
So, that's an overview of Summer Games.
We're going to be releasing even more information leading up to the event.
We think you guys will have a ton of fun.
As always, we're listening to you for feedback and if we need to make
changes, we will.
We hope you guys enjoy Lucioball, Summer Games, and
all the new loot box content and have a blast playing.
Sonic Unleashed: Sonic FanFic - PART 29 - Game Grumps - Duration: 18:10.
Arin: Have you ever seen this gif of Hulk Hogan
Arin: riding a motorcycle down the road while a dude chucks a dog in a river in the background?
Arin: [laughter]
Dany: [far away] Well, that's how I like to start my day. Arin: [laughter]
Danny: Alright, Matt, Ryan, please put that in. Arin: [laughter]
Hey I'm Grump. I'm not so Grump And we're the Game Grumps!
A: SSSSSSSSSSS D: We are back
D: Yes, Arin? A: SSSSSSSSsssssss
D: Di-uh- did someone poke a hole in you? What happened? A: [laughs]
A: I was too excited to play more Sonic so I had to, I had to let some air out. D: Yeah, that's understandable
A: There was air. There was air in (Arin) me, hahaha D: [forced laughter] hahahehehuehuhuh
A: Fuck. Hey Sonic.
D: Fuck I can't believe you've done this. A: Now that we have more tablet fragments, isn't it about time to go see the professor?
D: By the way- Okay, we gotta go see the professor. By the- uhm
D: For anyone who hasn't seen it. We strongly recommend you look up-
D: It's a very old video, but just- "I can't believe you've done this"
D: it's a British guy who started h-yeah A: [quietly] I can't believe you've done this
D: He starts talking about a video
D: That he's going to do or setting it up or something and someone just punches him in the face out of nowhere
D: But instead of getting mad he just[laugh] he's just like "oh fuck"
D: "I can't believe he's done this" and it's just so honest and like, cool.
A: But he's got-He's got a look on his face like he's shouting. D: He is mad. Yeah, he's genuinely mad.
D: [old man voice] Aah, Sonic. It's good to have you back.
A: [Amy voice] I'm Amy. [laughs] D: Jeeze
D: [omv] I've been so busy I've not even had time for cucumber sandwiches
D: [omv] That's a callback am I lovable yet? A: oh did he have- did he have it?
A: [unentelligable] D: [omv] So I'll get right to the point. Your destination is Holoska.
A: I had to come all the way here just to fucking have you say that to me? D: [omv] Probably could have e-mailed that to you.
A: [Amy voice] You're such a busy guy, we haven't even had any quality time together. Why won't you ever fuck me?
A: [av] Why won't you fuck me like you used to fuck me? [Sonic's voice] Uh I never fucked you before.
D: [laugh] and the Professor's like, "Why don't you fuck her?" A: [laughter]
A: [av] C'mon man.
A: [sv] We-we've never fucked Amy. I don't know what you're talking about. D: [laughter]
D: Whoa A: [av] But what about that one time?
A: [sv] that wasn't me Amy, I wasn't there. D: [laughter]
A: [av] Well then who was it?
A: Fuckin Shadow the hedgehog
A: [Shadow voice?] Chaos Control!
Both: [laughter]
D: oof A: Alright let's get the fuck out- Central bonfire.
D: Yes.
A: I-I really wish we were playing the 360 version we could walk around and talk to these people.
D: [omv] Well what do you know, you got the tablet fragments. A: [omv] eh-hrr
D: [omv] You might be chosen ones after all.
D: [omv] I know I've been saying a lot of silly stuff, and I apologize zip zap dippity-doo. A: [laughter]
D: [omv] That was just a ruse you see. A: [omv] I'm not crazy
D: [omv] you probably thought I was just a doddering old man, but I can put tablet fragments together.
A: [omv] "Here, give 'em to me!" and then he just runs away. D: [laughter]
D: [omv] That Jari-Thure and Sarianna are guardians too,
D: [omv] , but my role is special, don't you know? A: oh, special, huh?
D: [omv] Let's see. Put this like this. There. Your tablet. Bet you didn't think I couldn't do it- could, did-
D: [groan] Just hit A. A: It looks like his beard is like some kind of device that's attached to his face,
A: that he could just like pull off and be like [clunk] "alright anyway"
D: Yeah [laughs] A: "Thank God I'm not wearing that fucking thing anymore"
D: Boy, that is weird, yeah.
D: [omv] Not much we villagers could do about the crazy things going on in the world, but you fellows, you dot dot dot
D: [omv] dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot Huh? What? Where was I would you like some seal blubber?
A: What? Oh, he is crazy. D: Ok he went back to being crazy. -- Yeah, he's...
A: Well at least he put together our tablet or whatever. D: Yeah. Cool.
D: So we got that going for us. A: That's that's an important thing, right?
A: The tablet, and take it to the sacred Shrine and open up the doors
A: And I do the- the levels that I hate and I talk to more people that I hate and then
A: uhm. Just basically go through a bunch of menus I hate and
D: That sounds good A: [strained] and then I go back to my life I hate. mehh
A: I'm just kidding. I love my life.
D: Hey. Ok, so we just got back from, uh
D: First of all, I apologize for how I sound. My allergies are going nuts today
A: Wait, why don't you take any histamines? D: I-sh- I would love to.
A: er, antihistamines. D: We didn't have any in the office.
A: What? D: Yes, I know.
A: Awww D: I know.
A: coulda gotten you some Clary Tin (Claritin) D: [groans]
A: or some Ben a Dryal (Benadryl) D: [nasally voice] Dat would've been delightful
A: or some Nasonex.
D: Okay, cool. Thanks. Thanks for reminding me of all the wonderful substances which would make my life better right now.
A: I'm flossing my toes with the Wiimote cord.
D: Cool. Thanks. Oh shit. Is this a boss? A: What the fuck?
D: Yeah, it's gotta be. A: [mocking] I'm trapped in ice
D: He's light blue and purple, which means enemy.
D: Whoah! A: Oh man, seeing Sonic just made his blood boil. He's like me!
D: [laughter]
D: Thanks dude, you've been very helpful. A: Yeah, he's really big help.
A: Alright, so we just got back from what? D: Oh, we just got back from touring! And uh
D: we had a great time in Salt Lake City, and A: yeah boi
D: Uhh. Vegas and Arizona and- and then a hometown show in LA
A: yeah D: but, here's the thing about Arizona. When we played Tuscon,
D: great crowd, and uh
D: one of the things I promised, uh, the people of Tucson
D: This guy stood up, and he was like "I really,"
D: "really, want you to read more Sonic fan fiction the next time you play Unleashed" A: Oh shit.
D: And I was like, you know what dude? I'm going to remember it, and I'm gonna shout out Tuscon when it happens.
D: And, uh, That way if the rest of the world is like- A: and the he comments and he's like, "I was at the Vegas show"
D: Yeah, right. No I actually wrote it down, so I wouldn't forget. A: Okay [laughs]
D: But I found myself... a quality Sonic fan fiction.
D: Since we uh- since we read about Sonic, uh A: [quietly] What am I doing here?
D: banging uh, Who was it last time?
A: Tails? D: Nooo
A: Was it Tails? D: It was uhh
A: Was it K-nucks? D: Princess.... not Princess Peach?
A: Princess Toadstool?
D: Who the fuck was it?
D: Who did- who jerks off Sonic and he's like, "Whoah, that's one way to wake up"?
A: [laughs] I think it was Princess Peach! D: Well, maybe it was Princess Peach.
D: okay A: [mocking Sonic voice] Well that's one way to wake up!
D: Well then you better get ready for another
D: Princess Peach A: Hell yes.
D: uhh, Sonic fan fiction. Uhm
D: This is uh A: Just stand there and take it or?
D: This is from "Sonic's Ultimate Harem" by Lil Sonic A: [snickers]
Both: [laughing and snickering]
D: I looked through a lot of them, uh A: [snickering]
D: but this was my absolute favorite. I'm just gonna A: [snickering]
D: I'm just gonna read a couple of random, random pieces A: Yeah. Yeah, please.
D: Okay.
D: I'd- First of all there's an author's note at the beginning. This is chapter 50. A: "This is all extra true"
D: Yeah. "Wow, 50 chapters already and now I have like over 30,000 views of this story"
D: "This story has become very very and very popular and everyone is enjoying this story so far"
D: "I would like to thank you all for the major support the views and especially the reviews to this story turning out to be a great success"
D: "knowing how popular this is so far. Anyway. Here's the next chapter you've all been waiting for, enjoy."
D: Ok, so, there's a part where sonic fights Mario A: Wait. We haven't we haven't read part 1 yet!
D: No, dude there's 50 chapters! Like I'm just- I'm just- I'm just getting to the good stuff.
D: Ok A: As far as I'm concerned, the entire story's the good stuff
D: <"Oh! Sonic hi!," Peach greeted. "Hey there Peach. How are you?" Sonic greeted happily. "I'm doing ok- well a little sad of course">
A: of course D: <"Oh? What that?">
D: <"Can we talk over at my castle and I'll tell you?" "Sure thing. Let's get going then">
D: <Minutes later.> A: ooo
D: <The two arrived to Peach's castle and heads on inside the castle. They then head on over to Peach's bedroom>
D: <"So what's on your mind?" Sonic asked. "Sonic I broke up with my ex-boyfriend," Peach responded sadly.>
A: Mario? D: <"Is it Mario?"> Dude!
A: I'm participating! D: You're right on the wavelength with this offer- with this author.
D: <"No, someone else, and we've been dating for three months until I caught him cheating with another woman">
A: WHAT!? D: <"Oh, that's too bad. Are you going to be ok?" "I guess so">
D: <"I hope so,"> This is Sonic talking. <"Peach, listen to me. You are a beautiful.">
A: This is written like a screenplay? D: Yes
A: Why is there no like Stage Direction or anything?
D: You know what? We're not here to criticize Arin. We're here to celebrate A: Well I'm just curi-
A: I want to- I want to know if sonic like lightly pressed his hedgehog paw D: Listen-
A: On her pink dress D: There's about to be a lot of that.
A: comforting her... soul or whatever D: <"I hope so, Peach listen to me>
D: <"You are a beautiful and a attractive woman, and you're better than him you don't need him go out with Mario>
D: <"He's always been there for you, comfort you, making you smile.>
D: <"Have you being happy and give you hope and faith in him when he always beats Bowser and save your life, and save the world, I guess>
A: I guess!? Shit! D: <"but anyway he's- he's better than that guy, and he will make you feel more happy>
D: <"He'll give you love compassion loyalty respect and honesty you will help you.>
A: You- you will help you? D: <"and make you feel better">
D: <"You think so?" "Of course and I know it straight from my heart and soul.">
D: <"Thank you so much, Sonic. That means a lot to me">
D: Uhmmm A: Is Sonic like hi-her gay girl- boyfriend?
D: Wait. <"You're welcome, and I'm glad I can help.">
D: <"Anyway, are you feeling any better?" "A little bit." "Is that so? Then I know a way to make you feel better">
D: <"Really? What's that?" "You'll see soon enough">
D: <Sonic then pushes Peach to the bed gently and gets on top of Peach.>
D: <Peach wonder why Sonic push her and puzzling with answers until Sonic leaned down to Peach, and kisses her neck.>
D: <Caressing her body with his hands> A: Oh shit!
D: <which brought Peach to feel the soft pleasure making her feel good.> A: Oooh my God.
D: <"Ohhh" Peach moaned.> A: Oh that's fuckin raunchy.
D: <"Feeling any better now?" Sonic asked. "Yes I am at this moment I am.">
D: <"Take me right now, Sonic. I want to feel you inside of me">
D: <"I always admire you and grown attached to you. Make love to me right now, Sonic!"> A: Oh my God!
D: <"Yes, your majesty."> A: WHOAH!
D: <Sonic went on to kiss peach by the neck, smothering it.> A: Dude, he told her to get with Mario!
D: <Peach also wrapped her hands around sonic softly moaning to this feeling the sensation rising on her.>
D: <"Oh, Sonic it's all yours my body is all yours," Peach moaned.> A: Oh my God!
D: <Afterwards Sonic got off of Peach and Peach let herself up from the bed and pulling Sonic for a kiss on the lips.>
A: dude. D: <Sonic returns the kiss having his hands wrap around Peach's hips.>
D: <Peach, then moan with onto the kiss and seconds passes by.>
D: <Sonic slide down his hand to Peach's rear and softly gropes it reaching- making Peach jumped to surprise.>
D: <They start to wrestle their tongues as they were tongue kissing each other, slobbing,>
D: <and licking each other's tongues before going on with the regular kiss.> A: Whoah dude!
D: <The kiss had lasted on for 12 minutes> A: 12 MINUTES!?
D: <and Sonic broke the kiss.> A: God!
D: <Peach was now out of her zone and decide to take off her pink shirt.>
D: <showing her cleavage with a prin- pink bra on.> A: Ohh nice.
D: <Sonic took off his black fingerless gloves and his shirt off throwing them to the side.>
A: Wait, what? that's not on model. D: [laughter]
A: What the fuck kind of a Sonic is this? D: Would you just fuckin go with it man? I'm- this is hot.
D: <Peach w-> Both: [laughter]
A: Shut up, you're ruining my boner right now! D: You're fuckin killin my chub!
D: <Pe-Peach walk on->[wheeze]
D: <Peach walk on over to Sonic and caressing Sonic's chest and kissing him on the lips once again, having sonic returning the kiss.>
A: Ooo D: <Peach went on to rub on Son->
A: The best kind of kiss. D: <Peach-[wheeze]
D: <Peach went on to rub on Sonic's crotch feeling his shaft erected to its full si-> A: What shaft? He has none!
D: <After a few minutes of kissing Peach then turn on her radio playing an old school classic.> Which it's all in bold text.
D: <Barry White, I'm Gonna Love You Just a Little More Baby.>
A: [squeaking] D: [laughter]
D: Back to regular text. <Peach helps Sonic unzip his pants pulling them down, and Sonic-> A: WHAT PANTS?!
D: [laughter] [wheezing] A: He doesn't wear pants!
D: Would you just let me finish this? A: I'm sorry!
D: <Sonic soon took off his shoes and pants off including his socks.>
A: [laughter][wheezing]
D: This is the best- Shout out to Lil Sonic. You fucking killed this. This is awesome. A: [high pitched] ohhh my god
D: <He now had on his boxers on and he then unzip Peach's shorts, and she then pull them down showing her pink thong on.>
A: oooo, nice! D: <She took off her shoes and socks off also.>
D: <Plus Peach then take off her thong and throwing them to the side smiling sexily.>
A: Sexily?
D: <Peach then got down to her knee-> Wait
D: <Peach then got down on her knees and start to stroke Sonic's shaft softly, looking up at Sonic.>
D: <A few seconds later, Peach then went on sucking off Sonic slowly and softly.> A: Whoooah dude.
D: <Sonic soon began to moan softly, but quietly feeling the pressure from peaches mouth sucking him off softly.>
A: [snickers] That's a lot of softly goin on.
D: <Peach bop her head back and forth in rhythm, moaning softly.> A: [laughter]
D: Don't throw off my rhythm of reading this! A: [laughter]
D: [laughter]
D: Alright, we're going to cut ahead. We're going to cut ahead.
A: Sonic, I bet the professor has found somewhere new to explore. Oh yeah?
D: Yeah, so has Sonic in this story.
B: [laughter]
A: A new cave in which to Spelunk D: [laughs]
D: <Peach rolled her eyes feeling the sensation rising inside her as the lust then start to take control of her entire body.>
D: <Obeying Sonic's command of excitement.> A: Oh my God
D: <They spend 22 minutes in the sexual position until they switch positions as Peach got on doggy position on the bed>
D: <And as Sonic thrusting himself in Peach. Peach looked down-> A: This is how I describe my sexual escapades.
D: [through laughter]<Pe-Peach A: What happened last night? I spent 22 minutes in the doggy position.
D: Listen, just cuz you're not a fuckin great artist
D: doesn't mean you have to- give- it doesn't mean if to criticize others. A: Hey
D: <Peach looked down, eyes closed grabbing the bed sheets moaning with excitement enjoying the sexual feeling.> A: oof
D: <Sonic grab hold onto Peach's hips thrusting hard and fast inside of Peach.> I'm going to read each of these A: Go for it.
D: <uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh>
D: <"Oh Sonic! That's the spot right there, right there, right there, right there," Peach moaned.>
D: <"Oh Sonic. Oh sonic yes, right there." After spending 48 minutes they switch positions again.> A: Jesus Christ!
A: Uh, you would- you would think that because he's so fast, that they would just [stammers]
A: It's been over an hour! D: <"Open your mouth Peach, here it comes!" Sonic commanded.>
D: <Peach did w-> This is- this will be the last I read of this. <Peach did what Sonic req-> Oh wait, okay, sorry, plot.
D: We gotta, we've gotta A: This is much more interesting than what you were you were reading.
D: Are you serious? A: Yeah.
D: How dare you. A: I mean look at this.
A: He-he's saying things and then there's a little robot that says things. I mean all this happening in the story that you were reading was
A: Uhm, Peach and Sonic were fucking D: [laughs]
A: That's waaay less interesting. D: It was incredible. Yeah.
A: Princess Peach
A: of Mario fame
A: And Sonic... this is- this is post Sonic, um, telling her that- that Mario is good for him- her D: Mm-hmm
A: And then she was like thanks for the advice and he was like, "I'll give you some fuckin advice" and then he just fuckin
A: lays her down. D: [sigh] Yeah. That's actually true. That's exactly what happened.
A: Yeah, I'll get some energy conversion circuits warmed up. D: We have energy conversion circuits? Alright
D: Final clearance. Does I mean we're getting towards the end of this game?
A: Well, yeah, I think there's two or three more floating parts of the planet to- D: Really?
A: put back, yeah
D: Sweet A: Yeah, it is pretty sweet isn't it?
A: It's uhm,
A: It's good times, Dan. D: Okay back to what's important.
A: M'kay good. D: <Peach did what Sonic requested her to do opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out>
D: <looking up directly at Sonic and seconds later Sonic began to ejaculating, bursting his cum>
D: <onto Peach's face and mouth.> A: whooah
D: <Peach jerked away as more cum start to burst onto her face.>
D: <She licked her lips and went on to suck on Sonic's shaft some more.>
D: <"Ah, that felt good," Sonic sighed in relief. "Sonic, I had a->
D: First of all, um shout out to anyone watching this with their parents. Sorry about this.
D: <"Sonic, I had a good time with you and the sex was wonderful," Peach complimented.> A: Then Tails said, "whoo it's hot"
D: <"So did I, and I'm glad I was able to help you. Either way, I hope we don't do this again since I made you feel better.>
D: Wait, what? <"I hope so too-> A: Dude, we're at 16 minutes, we gotta fuckin end the episode!
D: This is the end. <"I hope so too, and if Mario doesn't want to have some fun, perhaps you cold entertain me one day once again.">
D: <"Hmm, maybe if you're feeling lucky." "Perhaps then again. Thank you so much." "You're welcome, your majesty">
D: Oh Lil Knuckles! Lil Kunckles, that's who wrote this. A: Oh, thank God we could clear that up.
D: Dude, I mean, congrats to Lil Knuckles. Fuckin, you killed it.
A: Yeah, Lil Knuckles, you killed it. D: This is Sonic's Ultimate Harem if you want to read and enjoy.
A: You killed my lack of- D: Cos there's 50 more chapters.
A: Ooh, Ok. That was chapter, what, seven? D: That was chapter fifty, dude.
A: [while sighing] oh my god D: Yeah!
D: Fuckin rock and roll, and that goes out to the people of Tucson, Arizona!
D: You're so welcome. And if anyone else was like "man, that was- I hated that" you can blame Tucson.
A:[snickers] D: Cuz I had nothing to do with it!
A: Oh, did you not? D: Nope.
A: No, not a single thing? D: I merely- dude
D: I'm merely a vessel for God to work his Magic through A: [laughter]
D: [laughter] A: And God is Lil Knuckles
D: Ye- see you later everybody! A: Bye. D: Bye!
[cathode tube shut off and crackle]
D: Oh that was fun. I like helping young artists.
D: Get their work out there A: [laughing]
A: Good exposure you know? D: Yeah man!
D: Fuck yeah, he wrote that shit for people to enjoy it!
Zelda's Adventure: This Can't Be Real - PART 1 - Game Grumps - Duration: 18:25.
Arin: Hey, I'm grump!
Danny: I'm not so grump!
Both: And we're the Game Grumps!
Arin: Hey, welcome to the black screen.
Danny: Well, this is fucking- ohhh (Arin: oh nonono)
Danny: Oh god, is that what it looks like? (Arin: Spoilers!)
Danny: oh no!
(Arin: Spoilers!) Danny: That was horrible looking! (Arin: Spoilers.) Oh my God.
Arin: I gotta go back to the- Hold on, I gotta get to the intro. Here we- oh god. (Danny: Oh, no) Wait, is this what's happening right now? (Danny: Yeah)
Danny: I think you're need to- (Arin: Is this the credits?) You need to hit reset ( Arin: oh Anna) Anna Roth.
(Arin: Oh Anna) Danny: Okay, so for anyone who doesn't know this is the this is the third and final
Danny: Zelda CdI game yet. Don't worry. We won't be making copies of it. (Arin: Yeah who would want to?)
Arin: Well I guess this came cost like $400 now
Danny: Yeah, thanks to someone- (Arin: God damn it, fucking, I know somebody sent it and I know who sent it.)
Arin: I just got to look it up. We'll put it in. Thank you *gurgled mumbling*.
Danny: *laughing*
(Arin: So thanks.) Danny: Thank you so much. (Arin: Thank you) um (Arin: We'll put it in. Did it just go to-what the fuck?)
Arin: Did it just reset the CDI because, like, didn't understand what was happening? (Danny: Did the CDI just reject the game?)
(Arin: Oh my fucking god.) Danny: This is the zelda game that the guy who made the other two zelda games for CDI
Danny: Said was so shitty he couldn't get through it. (Arin: Okay. So here we go.)
Arin: This is what I want. This is the intro. (Danny: This looks good.) Oh, it's good. It's good alright.
Danny: I mean, I feel like I'm really on a-*can opening sound*
Danny: What am I? What is this, a pile of shit? A pile of- (Arin: Like the mountain is a rocket ship...) Yes. Arin: Flying through the space.)
Danny: Welcome to Zelda's R adventure (Arin: This is great)
Both: *woah-ing in unison*
Danny: Boy, this is uh, one rough zoom in
Arin: Yeah, it's kind of like *weird noises from pits of hell*
Danny: Yeah, okay. We're right there now.
Danny: Oh shit, is it live action? (Arin: Yes, it is.) YES. (Arin: Oh yeah)
Arin:Who is this? This is like... Zelda's Uncle? (Danny: *old man voice* I am princess Zelda!)
Arin: *old man voice* Link, save me. (Danny: *laughing*)
Arin: *old man voice* I can't read
Arin: Gan-non
Arin: Oh god, it's clearly like a young dude doing an old man's voice. (Danny: totally)
*somewhat awful voice over of note on screen* Danny: Pause for laugh.
*shitty voice over*: A brave warrior must be found to face this evil monster! (Arin: That's not what it says)
Danny: Yeah, could they not program that in? (Arin: yeah) All right fine. (Arin: They've captured link!) Stop! Ohh
Danny: God
Arin: Dude, it's nice. It's good. (Danny: he doesn't even-)
Arin: Ohhh no. (Danny: what's happening?) They couldn't afford
Arin: *hiccup(?)* They couldn't afford to film the whole thing so...
(Arin: Mmm.) Danny: It barely fit over his or her wig
(Danny: What am I looking at right?) Arin: It's the guide crowning Zelda or so- I don't know
Arin: Give her the Magic- She's like it's heavy. It's choking me. (Danny: Every snowflake in hyrule is heavy as shit.)
Arin: When it snows it's like war was cast on us from the gods. (Danny: Oh God trust me. We've got nothing else to do. )
Danny: Make us wait as long as you need to. (Arin: All right all right here we go.)
Arin: Oh I got to create a- (Danny: Ah man. We missed the whole plot.) There's no fucking plot! (Danny:Okay just enter thy name) Link was captured by G-g-gan-
Arin: Gannon and then the old guy was like "oh Zelda take this pendant of power or some shit"
Arin: And that was it. (Danny: that's a hell of a 'Q'.) That is a 'Q'. Let's use it.
Arin: Uhh...qo
Arin: Qox...Qoxon...
Arin: Mafas
Danny: Well done Arin. (Arin: Qoxonmafase) *wholesome laughter*
Danny: You should be-BLARGH (Both: *laughing*)
Danny: You stabbed the name generator! (Arin: You've been murdered for horrible names!) Oh my God
Danny: What a absolutely-oh yeah. (Arin: I got to play as Qoxonmafase.) I'd rather- rather be one of the empties.
Arin: Hey, they had a lot of letters. I had to use-utilize the power that they bestow-ohhhhh
Danny: oh no!
Danny: It's so bad
Danny: It's so bad
Danny: Oh, I don't know if I could look at this for a whole series. (Arin: That that was the menu it took like an hour to...)
Arin: Load (Danny: Are you serious?)
Arin: Here we go-uh oh
Arin: Ohhh (Danny: *laughing*)
Arin: No
Arin: No (Danny: oh my God) Oh have mercy. (Danny: This is just brutal...can you interact with anything?) You mean like behind it?
Arin: It's just kind of like...
Arin: When am I going to come out? (Danny: Doo-d-d-doo-d-doo!)
Arin: There I am (Danny: *doo-dooing continues*)
(Danny: I guess I'll just add it in) Arin: If this was for the NES. If this is the first Zelta game that came out-AAA
Arin: Something or other. (Danny: Oh my God) Larries! (Danny: are you entering into battle mode? No, you're just...
Danny: ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this (Arin: wow I died)
(Arin: Holy shit, dude) Danny: back to ten minutes of the old man being like "oh my God"
Arin: *old man voice* Put this necklace on it'll protect you from nothing, literally nothing
Danny: Arin, I do not think what this can be anything more than a one-off. (Arin: What are you talking about?)
Arin: we have to finish this. (Danny: oh yeah, I'll-)
*eery voice* I have known you since you were a child
(Danny: Oh my god) a difficult challenge
You will have to go far and overcome- (Arin: to carry that fucking necklace)
use your knowledge and strength to defeat your enemy (Arin: uh-huh, what about a sword?) (Danny: this is halfway between..)
Danny: Zelda and the teletubbies game
Danny: duck goes quack
Arin: Uh-Huh?
(Arin: Thank you) Danny: quack quack quack *raspberry noise*
Arin: *teletubbies voice(?)* I made him drink gasoline
Danny: *teletubies voice gone wrong GONESEXUAL* I made him drink gasoline. I thought it would make him go faster.
Arin: There's no enemies. (Danny: Oh God.) Oh what am I supposed to do? I don't have anything. (Danny: Do you have any weapons?)
Arin: I don't have a single thing. I have the necklace.
Arin: What is with these giant fucking stone-ass stone rocks? (Danny: she said use your, uh...) My wits? (Danny: yeah)
Arin: What am I gonna? Do fucking- do math problems? (Danny: I don't know.) I mean- (Danny: what is that? What are THOSE?)
Arin: I don't know man. I'm trying to find a place where I can get a fucking sword
Arin: There's an old man in a cave going "oh it's dangerous"
Danny: Jesus. I can't believe- (Arin: because it is fucking dangerous. Got to load every screen for an hour) I can't believe that this is so much worse (Arin: ah god) then the other
Danny: Zeldas which were already two of the worst games we've ever played. (Arin: Is this it? Did I do it?)
Arin: Oh my God it- (Danny: cutscene.) No. I hit the inventory button. (Danny: oh shit) But I don't have any weapons!
Danny: No
Arin: So what am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to get a weapon at?
Danny: I don't know Qoxonfase, figure it out. (Arin: Return to game)
Arin: I can do this, no, I can figure this out. Wait, oh, so exit is actually exit. It's not exit
Arin: the menu it's like exit the (Danny: game) whole experience. (Danny: Oh, well. If only it were that easy.) Oh boy. It's like hieroglyphics?
(Danny: Yeah)Arin: oh, cool-*both* OHHHHHHHHH
(Arin: Jesus) Danny: God this game could really use some music. (Arin: oh hey, mob went in) Oh good
Arin: Let's get that creepy eerie wind noise. (Danny: Yeah, it's very ambient.) We're covered in them
Danny: It's like the shit that like you go to sleep to, like white noise like oh, I'll choose- tonight I'll choose
Danny: oscillating fan
*disturbing voice* Zeldaaa (Danny: What?) it's wrong to roam Hyrule unprotected. Look nearby for something to aid you.
Danny: Honey bear, what do you think we're doing? (Arin: *laughing* honey bear?) I mean my God
Arin: Did I find it? No? I just found more heads. (Danny: Yeah, no, she doesn't want you going up any further)
Arin: Well where the fu- I feel like I've been everywhere! (Danny: you gotta-) AH! (Danny: oh my god)
Arin: Jesus Christ dude (Danny: Zeldaaa, Zeldaaa) I feel like there's...
Arin: No, I won't say it. (Danny: Go ahead.) No. I won't say it (Danny: Say it)
Arin: I'll say it later (Danny: really?) after- (Danny: You won't remember after- you're gonna leave the sacred pizza pie?!)
Arin: It's a trivial pursuit these days.
Arin: Well, I went all the directions though! (Danny: I'll choose movies and entertainment)
Arin: What game is the worst in the world?
Arin: I don't know. (Danny: you're living it) Is this it? That looks like a sword in the stone. (Danny: Yes, it does)
(Arin: Okay) Danny: Oh my goodness gracious. What year was this?
Arin: Uh...Nineteen twixt. (Danny: yeah) This game does not -I guess I'm stuck (Danny: this game exists outside of time.) Exactly! (Danny: Yeah, I agree)
Danny: There's no year in which this is acceptable. (Arin: Ohhhh)
Arin: God
Arin: What are those? (Danny: This is just like how games were in like the 70s)
Arin: This is how like people's visions of how games were in the 70s. Oh, the forest of de bam
Arin: Damn, de bam (Danny: that could say ogbam actually) da-ham? (Danny: that could say anything)
Arin: Da-ham (Danny: oh God you can't fight those things) Yeah, well, it'd be lovely if they game gave me a fucking sword. (Danny: You can barely fight the trees)
Danny: Right now. Ohhh. (Arin: What- what even are they? Visually? What the fuck is going on there?)
(Danny: How do they roar? they can't have any lungs) Arin: They look like something that you find in a weird Artisanal Bakery. (Danny: *laughing*)
Arin: And you're just like what is that? And they're like "Oh, it's passionfruit Dabam". (Danny: Yeah, we used all locally sourced salt.)
Arin: The salt that was grown in our trees. (Danny: Oh, oh) Oh.
*witch voice(?)* Tell you a great secret. (Arin: You got it) (Danny: Yeah, what could go wrong) (Arin: Let's hear your secret)
*that voice again* Hear me whisper? Trust no one with hair.
Arin: with... Hair????
*Voice* Don't even trust me! Haha!
(Arin: I don't...) I've stolen one of your lives! Ha!
Arin: I don- what? (Danny: yeah, wow) I don't even know what you are! (Danny: cool)
Arin: What even are you I can't even visually make you out? (Danny: Are you wearing a bandana?)
(Danny: Is that a Bandana?) Arin: Is she like crouching over is she like- (Danny: is it a she? It sounded like a she but...)
Danny: But that could be truly anything (Arin: They like-they actually)
Arin: Rigged up-well alright (Danny: Okay)
Arin: Well, they actually rigged up a bird's-eye camera, and then like took pictures of actors. Little do they know
Arin: Actual top-down view of people does not really read very well. (Danny: yeah, especially when they're digitized to shit.)
Arin: Oh my God, alright. Well I gotta figure out where the fuckin-where the fuck this sword is.
Danny: Zelda
Danny: Zelda, you're stuck in a crappy game Zelda
Danny: What are you gonna do to get out? (Arin: Is this it? Did it find it?)
Arin: Is this the sword?
Arin: Nope
(Danny: Wow) Arin: I don't fucking know, I don't know where to fucking go. Okay, so the thing
Arin: I was going to say is we should probably, from the goddamn get go, get a fucking walkthrough
Danny: Yeah, what- why- why would you wait to say that that like I'm reaching for my phone as we speak- (Arin: I thought it- it would be funny for-ohhh)
Arin: Here we go! (Danny: Ohhh shit)
Danny: Five-hundred?! (Arin: I don't have any money!)
(Arin: Shut the fuck up) Danny: Just look around I'm sure you'll find a hundred dollars lying on the forest floor
Arin: Maybe you could kill some moblins with a sword. (Danny: With your silly little...)
(Danny: Zelda Hands) Arin: alright. Give me give me a walkthrough. (Danny: What the hell is this game called?) It's called Zelda's adventure
(Danny: Zelda's Adventure Walkthrough) Arin: not to be confused with the adventures of Link. Oh
Arin: Yeah, which is an actual Zelda game that a lot of people don't like but you love (Danny: oh, Zelda 2?)
Danny: Yeah, it's terrific. I had a lot of fun with that
(Danny: Well) Arin: That was before-man, when Zelda 2 came out that was before like
Arin: Sequels in video games existed (Danny: yeah) so that was just kind of like well
Arin: What do we do? We already made that game. We got to make a different game now. (Danny: Yeah, it was really a departure)
Danny: Which was why people like weren't super into it. (Arin: Yeah)
Arin: Well I mean that's such a no-brainer though
Arin: It's like we'll just make the same game, but like with some extra shit in it, and then that's the sequel
Danny: Oh my God
Arin: And that's an update, that what people would say. That's an update that's on the- fuckin that's zelda 1.5. As will. They say
Arin: Fucking complainers th-the sally complainers out there. Oh, God
Arin: Not that I'm one of them. I never complain
(Danny: Absolutely not) Arin: Especially not on
publicly viewed shows. (Danny: oh my God this-)
Danny: Faq is so long-winded (Arin: yeah, well)
Danny: it's like taking me through the entire introductory scene. Like all their dialogue, like I heard that, that's the one thing I understood
Arin: Barely (Danny: yeah, oh my God) Was it like "if you name yourself Qoxonmafase
Arin: You actually won't be able to get the sword." It's impossible
Arin: What the hell is happening here? Is the game glitching or is this their idea of graphics?
Arin: I Can't I can't I (Danny: I can't) can't I can't, I can't even I can't even understand how people would be like "this is okay"
Danny: It's not-who said this is okay? (Arin: Well, whoever shipped it!) Ohh
Arin: Wouldn't you think- I mean I guess they if they sunk like...
Arin: Hundreds of thousands of dollars into it then they're like well, we got to ship something (Danny: someone paid...)
Danny: $400 for this (Arin: yeah) like no.
Arin: And I'm glad it wasn't me. (Danny: wow) The price tag on this game was actually like three hundred and forty six dollars
(Danny: Yeesh) Arin: That's how much this game is worth because it's so rare
Arin: But who would want to play it? Zero people-I fucking hit the inventory button on accident. Where do I go, Dan?
(Danny: I dude-) Arin: You've been sucking down a walkthrough for like three hours over there!
(Arin: It feels like.) Danny: You want to hear what I'm looking at? (Arin: JESUS) I mean, this is a kind of thing that's in this walkthrough
Danny: The design of my CDI controller is very similar-(Arin: Oh here it is, to the right) Oh my *laughing*
Arin: How did I not go to the right?
Arin: How is that not the one direction I went? (Danny: *choking in the background*
Arin: I'm fuckin-come on man! Like seriously?
Danny: There you go (Arin: I'm getting'em!) This is terrible. (Arin: Look at these vertical scanlines. The hell is going on man?)
Danny: Is that a rupee? Is that what rupees look like? (Arin: I guess so)
(Danny: Yeesh) Arin: And it makes the sound of mancala beads dropping into a bowl
Danny: Oh, god
(Danny: Oh dear.) Arin: Just no, there's just no-no (Danny: No sound) No excitement. There's no *laughing*
Danny: there's no anything! (Arin: This is just the...)
Arin: What it is
Arin: Alright, so where do I go now Dan? (Danny: I don't know dude -I don't know all of these walk throughs oh)
(Danny: What?) *voice* a traveler of kind intentions has found me at last.
Danny: Did they...
Danny: Did they just find people in the office, like around the studio to do the voices for this? (Arin: Yeah)
Danny: Like Sherry the secretary would you please come in voice this woman? "I'm starving and I'm thirsty"
Danny: Thank you, Sherry. That's good enough (Arin: *laughs*
Arin: Thank you, Sherry. That was horrible, but we got it so (Danny: Yeah. Yeah) we're gonna ship. Oh God what?
Person in game: Oh fair princess pity a
suffering creature exiled
from great *garbled town name* in the north
*voice* I ask only enough for a single meal for my children who hunger and are chilled by the wind
Danny: All right Sherry that'll do too - we only need you to voice 12 more characters
Arin: Wha-*whining noises*
Danny: Oh god. Hold on
Arin: Don't feel-
Danny: ah
Arin: Treasures there we go
(Arin: I've equipped the treasure.) Danny: Excuse me I have a bit of a a bit of a runny nose and this game
Danny: I think is making me sicker
Arin: Okay, I can't take the water from the Lake
Arin: to give to the lady
Arin: So it's fine
(Danny: Everything's fine.) Oh- is that Pac-man over there? (*another voice*: head in my princess you look dry [wtf bruh])
Have a cup of endor cider on the house
(Danny: You look dry?) calm the cells, but it will cost you 100 rupees. (Arin: I don't have 100 rupees)
Danny: You look like a dried-up hag
*a female (?) voice* Sit a moment
It is said those who go deep into the earth learn to overcome the sins of greed that may be true
but I do know this a
Candle and a silver key can bring you bliss. (Danny: Hey hey hey)
Danny: It's fat Albert!
*voice* Times a wasting
Arin: This is such a fucking like- like 80s cartoon cadence. (Danny: Yeah here we are, at this place!)
(Danny: Gibbity-gabbity-goo!) *worn out voice* When you Spend you whole lifetime defeated like me. Get it over with, quit, go home, give up.
Danny: Wow dude
Voice in game: I Can see you're not one to Surrender. All right take this dagger. (Danny: Oh, God that's horrible)
(Arin: What the-woah!) Danny: He gave you a fucking Sythe? (Arin: Sweet, I'm like Raphael) Awesome. (Danny: Yeah, just like that.)
*worn voice again* I'm so exhausted from my travels, if only I had known to cross the chasm with the ladder
It would have saved me months
Danny: you know-you (Arin: Months? Really?) know I really- I think it's the faces of these characters that really let me into their world and
Danny: Help me connect with them emotionally. (Arin: I feel their plight. You know let's just you just read the emotion-) oh my God.
Danny: You know what fucking next time on Game Grumps alright, if we're doing this then we really have to
Danny: Really got to commit to it. (Arin: We're doing it all the way dude.) We are not- (Arin: going all the way) I will not make it
(Arin: Oh, yeah) Danny: But we could definitely do like seven episodes of this. (Arin: Okay)
Danny: God help us. (Arin: Here we go) Bye~
Arin: Oh creature, magic creature *trails off*
Danny: All you Zelda fans out there... loving this? (Arin: Oh yeah, they love it.)
Developer Update | The Games Are Back! | Overwatch - Duration: 6:54.
Hướng Dẫn Tải App Tính Phí ▶Game Hack ▶MIỄN PHÍ *NEW* - Duration: 5:53.
The Ultimate Game Mode - I Love Arms Race! - Duration: 2:26.
This is Mack, for Pixel Enemy, here to confess my love for what seems to be one of my favorite
ever game modes.
After spending the last few years almost wholly invested in PlayStation games, I missed out
on the Gears of War 4 hype and so didn't really play it much at launch.
However, I've been giving it a good play this past couple of days and have discovered
the fantastic Arms Race game type.
Now I've always loved me some Gun Game, where players have to earn kills with a set
list of weapons, ranking up through the tiers.
Many games that feature Gun Game, do so in a deathmatch variant.
So it's every man for himself, free-for-all style.
A team vs team Gun Game has been featured in the Battlefield series, with Gun Master,
but there's rarely any teamwork involved.
There's still a big focus on that player who comes top.
Your teammates just act as a kind of distraction, or a way for your kills to be stolen.
So what does Arms Race in Gears of War 4 do so well, and why do I want to see more shooters
inspired by this type of mode?
Well, in Arms Race, getting through the list of weapons is a team effort.
You must get three kills as a team, and then the entire side changes to the next gun.
This means that if you're particularly gifted at sniping, you could well get those three
kills yourself, and make up for any bad players on your team.
Or if you're awful at using a shotgun, then you can at least rely on your teammates to
cover your weakness.
Whereas Gun Game is often more of a lone wolf experience, Arms Race offers a kind of natural
synchronization of strategy.
If everyone on your side has a close-range weapon, then grouping up in tight corridors
is the wise thing to do.
Rocking a long-range gun, instead?
Then high-ground with a good line-of-sight on the enemy is best.
Of course, the fast pace of rapidly switching between weapons can cause things to quickly
become disorganized, but Gun Game modes have always been a very frantic affair.
As with all of these modes, each side has the same weapon list and must achieve the
same objective, so OP guns may well be present, but they are present for both teams.
It keeps things balanced.
Arms Race is something I'd love to see in other games, especially those that boast an
active playerbase, as despite me loving this mode in Gears of War 4, the lobbies just won't
populate with real players.
So yes, all of this gameplay has been against bots.
It's a mad, lonely world.
Does Arms Race sound like a blast to you?
Want to see it in Battlefield or Call of Duty?
Let us know in the comments down below.
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This has been Mack, for Pixel Enemy, goodbye!
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