Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily land Aug 1 2017

Fun pango story time for kids, pango land cartoon pango storytime for kids games videos, android games, iphone games

For more infomation >> Fun Pango Story Time For Kids - Pango Land Cartoon Pango Storytime For Kids Games Videos - Duration: 13:25.


Pascal looks to land spot on Redskins' roster - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Pascal looks to land spot on Redskins' roster - Duration: 2:46.


Chick O land Menu board - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Chick O land Menu board - Duration: 1:17.


Je suis à NML toute seule et LAVI me mp... | BLABLA.LAND | - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Je suis à NML toute seule et LAVI me mp... | BLABLA.LAND | - Duration: 6:48.


Bangkok Chronicles Follow My Time Living and Working in Thailand's Capital Part 7 - Duration: 16:13.

hi everybody Simon again so this is Bangkok

Chronicles number seven and what I've decided to do I'm going to do a separate

video and put up in the next day or two of how the story of me and the wife how

we met dated married visas and all the rest of it I'll put a separate video up

as I say and then but she will be in the bangkok chronicles as well with me on

the story just in case you don't watch that one you can follow the story

through this so last time we were talking about again in Chinatown I'm

making a lot of money on purses handbags and this sort of thing and we touched on

sunglasses today I'm going to move up the road carry it on to the top of

yellow rap road to where the canal is a little bridge over canal and shortly

I'll drop onto an interactive map with you and show you that now this I was

always into computers wasn't so much into the consoles the Playstations and

Xboxes and things but a friend of mine was really into helicopters

remote-control helicopters another friend of mine was into cars

remote-controlled cars and they both mentioned to me that spare parts they

had to import from China and they cost a fortune and was there any way I can have

a look around to these bits and they gave me a list of bits they wanted now I

went up and down this yeah or a road so many times and I never saw the secret

entrance to this one zone when I found it and got in there I was amazed

now the laws are mentioned on the map about the Playstations and Xboxes of the

day and this is back when we're talking to PlayStation twos you could chip your

Playstations so that you could play copy games but the law stated if you had the

original game you could have a copy game as a backup and that's how they got

around the laws and things I wasn't really interested in buying copy games

because again it's counterfeit but all these hidden shops under here they had

thousands of these copy games but they also sold all the chips so you could

chip your Playstations with instructions in a little pack they also had really

good prices on memory cards as well black discs also and when I got into

this zone I've started buying these bits and pieces the PlayStation chips

especially I bought a few there was different models slightly but abort a

few and I tried them on eBay and they sold very quickly really well

competitors were selling them about 24 pound at a time and I went straight in

at 20 pound they would cost and be sick spanked

so those started moving really well there was all the electrical bits and

pieces there with computers consoles down there but as I went along the zone

then there was an area of all these different board games and different

pieces it was something I wasn't into the toys for the kids these different

characters and things I didn't understand it I kept off that one then

further along all the remote-control stuff and it was just it was fate all

the cars helicopters all the bits so on a second visit took all the paperwork

from my friends handed them over to a couple of people

and yet they had everything I had all the prices my friends will pay I'm from

China with the shipping and it was 70% cheaper but time I shipped them my

friends would say 50% at least so after us communications they're friends so I

bought all that stuff shipped it all they just paid costs I didn't make a

profit on my friends you don't do that but I said to them if they've got other

friends in their clubs and things who want these parts then okay I'll do that

and they can put profit off me and they'd have a bit of a profit as well

and I did a few parcels for their friends but not huge market but their

consoles that was going to be a daily visit for me for months I was my days

were turning into hip a walk breakfast in the morning and Pratt UNAM a

wandering over to the other side of town to Chinatown and then it was pick up

some handbags pick up some purses pick up some same girl as console bits and

pieces just like shopping every day and I couldn't gamble with buying those of

each item because the market on eBay was changing so so rapidly but because I was

going every day I was getting to know all the stall holders and I was asking

them questions of other stuff and they will point to me in many other different

directions so right now I'm going to drop on to the interactive map we'll put

that in here have a look at this so now I've dropped onto the maps onto the

computer to show you about but the areas which I was mainly buying and selling in

this is Chinatown now this interactive map you can actually go onto my website

Lander smiles Thailand calm go along to the YouTube the menu at the top to where

it says YouTube highlight YouTube in the drop down menu will come and you can get

this map in there on the interactive map and you

can actually interact with it it will show you

on the left here all the markets and where I'm getting the different items

from and this whole map a zoom out there's Bangkok and it gives you an idea

this top pass here if you can see the mouse hopefully is my where my Condor

was impressed now market over to the right here that is Nana Plaza saw a

cowboy and then here is the main center of Bangkok with the MBK Siam Square

Paragon all the shopping centers just below this here is patpong night market

and salon and the papal and stamen zone over here is Chinatown now from one side

of Chinatown right across to cable is about seven kilometers and about three

kilometers so I was working mainly in that 7 by 3 so 20 square kilometers

which is a lot that's big and you've got to get around but we'll talk about more

of us in other episodes but that is the interactive map and the main road coming

into Chinatown is the yellow rod road here and everything as i zoom in you can

see this is the main road running right up the middle here all the different

areas watches consoles handbags everything food zones mobile phones it's

all there and you can zoom in end point as I said and look on the left-hand side

there's all your information now if I come off there and go onto Google Maps

this might make it a bit easier for you the road here running down that is the

yellow rap road the Central Road of Chinatown and today

talking on the subject after I done all the handbags and wallets and purses I

was looking for other goods and this was a find that I absolutely loves finding

it was like a secret passageway but this area here right next to the clong the

Canal is where you will find the Sony PlayStation Xbox console games and again

legally you can chip your own PlayStation and Xbox and then you can

buy discs with the game latest games on providing you own the original copy

you're allowed to buy backup discs and this is how they got around chipping the

machines so people could use discs then instead of the cartridges and things but

now with the later Playstations and Xboxes its downloads or or discs anyway

but this area is where you've got it and this little square here it's well

rectangle this is where the market underground hidden zone is and at the

top end is remote-control equipment so we talked about that in a minute let me

show you when you walk up the yellow rock road and come up to the first canal

as a bridge here little bridge there's a hidden entrance and at the other end is

another hidden entrance and if I go to the street view so let me spin it round

I hope this isn't too jerky for you that thing there is central Bangkok and you

come up the our rap road this is Chinatown main road and you can see the

type of shops and side streets and stalls all the way along ATM machines

then you come to that little bridge now it doesn't look much the little bridge

but there's a canal under this bridge and much to my amazement when I walked

up here the pavement drops a couple of steps down here and the first few times

I walked up here completely missed this but between this building and this

building here is the canal and it runs along about 500 meters down there below

the pay for global curb is a couple of steps down there's a secret entrance in

there you go inside and then you're in the zone I just move onto the bridge a

bit more you can see between the buildings all the roofs here now this is

a canal running under long here Krong and they built over it probably

illegally of course but there is a load of shops hidden under there I couldn't

find any photos but if I come back down and we'll go down this road here so

there's your entrance there secret entrance and you come down this side

street and from memory again I'm sorry if it's a bit jerky but just about half

way along here in between a couple of these shops somewhere is a little

alleyway another secret entrance and it's it's hidden it's like down the side

of one of these little shops it is another entrance into that but you can

go to the other end which is along this road onto the next main road it's a bit

of a one-way system but if I now spin the camera around that's the traffic

coming towards you and then down there and the pavement again is

down here is the entrance this end and you can see all the rooms again so that

whole area is hidden and so hard to find but once you find it it's it's amazing

let's look over the tops there you can see down all those now this is over a

canal but look at these roof structures a metal

they've even got air-conditioning units on and under there somewhere is the

canal excellence area anywhere let's drop back on off the computer now now

we're back now you've seen that as I said you can get a map on the website

and you can have a look around yourself I will add more to the map and I'll try

and get as much as I can and it's all learning care for me this map thinks and

the PC how you get it into the video but that showed you the sort of street views

and things of what I was walking around and every one of those little shops in

the rural roads and the side roads were selling different products there was a

lot of industrial stuff around that area it was food carts and all the cooking

machines and things for people and the heated grills for making pancakes so

it's a really busy area but I naturally had gone up that road yellow rat road

and then along through the console market and that then took me into what I

would say is my favorite part and that is all that watch section and all that

other parts will come on to that on another separate video by the way anyway

through these series if you've got any questions about certain products prices

and things drop comments below this was fourteen thirteen years ago something

like that some of the markets have been demolished yes I know but those people

would have moved you will be able to track them down again prices I'm still

pretty clued up on prices on all the stuff for purchasing and selling

but any questions drop below and if there's anything you want to see

specifically in Bangkok that I might go again pop down below so there we go

another one with a little interaction on the map hope you like that so let me

know what you thought of the maps if there's anything you want on the maps

alone and I'll as a sales of a separate video on the wife watch out for that one

I'll catch you soon thanks for watching oh please share thumbs up need the

thumbs up apparently share and like subscribe if you haven't subscribed it's

free and as I'm starting to do less videos make sure you hit that little

bell but next to the subscribe box it's all free it just gives you a

notification when I upload a video great to see it see you soon bye bye

For more infomation >> Bangkok Chronicles Follow My Time Living and Working in Thailand's Capital Part 7 - Duration: 16:13.


Land Transport Amendment Bill (No 2)- Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 5 - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Land Transport Amendment Bill (No 2)- Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 5 - Duration: 7:57.


Land Transport Amendment Bill (No 2)- Committee Stage - Clauses 1 and 2 - Video 3 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Land Transport Amendment Bill (No 2)- Committee Stage - Clauses 1 and 2 - Video 3 - Duration: 5:08.


Improving Online Platforms with PROS Products – Sambit Dutta of Land O'Lakes - Duration: 0:52.

one of the things about e-commerce that often people don't understand is that

it's not infinite shelf space of infinite real estate right real estate

is really couple of screens that it's literal right so anything on the screen

in terms of the top NAB bottom nav how the screen modified itself is very

important so one of the aspects that we have we are actually in the process of

implementing is putting cloud craze and CROs together so cloud freezes or

e-commerce platform part of the app exchange muscle cells force and flows

together to see whether you can go and do things like can I serve up the

content based on the segmentation can I serve of the right kind of promotions to

promote based on segmentation

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