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New Best Hard Rap beat Trap Instrumental Hip Hop Type 808 Trap beat 2017 FREE - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
22 best teas for weight loss | Useful info - Duration: 18:46.22 BEST TEAS FOR WEIGHT LOSS.
For most Americans, tea is tea.
Forget black teas, white teas, greens, and reds; tea is that finely ground gunpowder
that comes in bags from Lipton, or that over-sweetened sludge sloshed into plastic bottles and sold
in between the Coke and the Mountain Dew.
However, in places like Japan, the UK, and large swaths of Southeast Asia, tea leaves
are as diverse and nuanced as wine grapes.
Not only does the flavor profile change dramatically between one tea variety and the next, but
so do the health benefits.
Not only can certain brews fight off various diseases, select teas have also been shown
to rev the metabolism, quell hunger, slash waist-widening stress and shrink fat cells.
When Taiwanese researchers studied more than 1,100 people over a 10-year period, they determined
that those who drank tea had naearly 20 percent less body fat than those who drank none!
To ensure you brew the best cups for your weight loss goals, we've rounded up the
most potent waist-whittling teas from around the world.
Green tea literally blasts away flab!
Researchers attribute the fat-burning properties of green tea to catechins, specifically EGCG
— the name of a group of antioxidative compounds that blast adipose tissue by revving the metabolism,
increasing the release of fat from fat cells (particularly in the belly), and then speeding
up the liver's fat burning capacity.
It gets better: Research suggests that combining regular green-tea drinking with exercise may
maximize the weight loss benefits.
In one study, participants who combined a daily habit of 4-5 cups of green tea with
a 25-minute workout lost 2 more pounds than the non-tea-drinking exercisers.
Whether salty foods or alcohol are to blame for your blimp-like belly, lemon tea can help
fight the bloat thanks to its d-limonene content.
The compound, which is found in citrus rind oil, has been used for its diuretic effects
since ancient times.
But until recently, there were no scientific findings to back the claims.
An animal study published in the Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan confirmed
D-Limonene can indeed banish boat due to water retention.
Not only does white tea prevent new fat cells from forming, but it also enhances the body's
ability to break down and utilize existing fat for energy, according to a study published
in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism.
As if that wasn't enough, "Chemicals in the tea appear to protect your skin from sun-induced
stress, which can cause the cells to break down and age prematurely," says Elma Baron,
MD, the study author.
To put white tea to use, try rubbing on a lotion containing white tea extract before
you apply your sunblock!
Italian researchers found that drinking a cup of black tea per day improves cardiovascular
function—and the more cups you drink, the more you benefit!
Better cardiovascular function means you can breeze through that 5K you signed up for.
And a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed
that drinking 20 ounces of black tea daily causes the body to secrete five times more
interferon, a key element of your body's infection-protection arsenal.
Just make sure to ditch the dairy.
A study in the European Heart Journal found that while black tea can improve blood flow
and blood vessel dilation, adding milk to the tea counteracts these effects.
Sleep's a big deal.
Losing a mere hour of shut-eye over the course of three days is enough to negatively impact
the body's hunger and appetite-regulating hormone, ghrelin.
Quality sleep, on the other hand, fuels the production of fat-burning hormones, making
it a top priority if you're trying to drop a few pounds.
Valerian is an herb that's long been valued as a mild sedative, and now research is showing
what tea enthusiasts have known for centuries.
In a study of women, researchers gave half the test subjects a valerian extract, and
half a placebo.
Thirty percent of those who received valerian reported an improvement in the quality of
their sleep, versus just 4 percent of the control group.
Ashwagandha tea gives you a better outlook on life and reduces stress hormones that can
wreak havoc on your waistline.
A study published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine found that "Ashwagandha
root extract safely and effectively improves an individual's resistance towards stress
and thereby improves self-assessed quality of life."
When it comes to weight loss, stress is not your friend.
A recent study at Penn State found that people who react badly to stressful situations have
increased levels of inflammation in their bodies—and inflammation is directly tied
to obesity, as well as diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
When anxiety rides high, you're also at the mercy of stress hormones such as cortisol—known
as "the belly fat hormone" for its ability to pull lipids from the bloodstream and store
them in our fat cells.
Oolong tea's major weapon against weight gain is its ability to prevent fat absorption.
Japanese scientists found that high levels of antioxidants called polymerized polyphenols,
specific to oolong tea, inhibit the body's ability to absorb fat by up to 20 percent.
When Taiwanese researchers studied more than 1,100 people over a 10-year period, they determined
that those who drank black, green or oolong tea one or more times a week had nearly 20
percent less body fat than those who drank none.
And oolong tea fights blood pressure, cutting the risk by as much as a whopping 65 percent!
Consuming bilberries, a northern European cousin to the blueberry, may help reduce bloat-inducing
inflammation, according to a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food
To come to these findings, researchers divided participants into two groups; one group was
given a diet that included an equivalent of 1.5 cups of blueberries, while the other group
followed a control diet that didn't include the fruit.
At the end of the experiment, the bilberry-eating group had significantly less inflammation
than their counterparts who didn't munch on the berry.
Since the fruit is native to Northern Europe, it isn't widely available in the US.
To reap the benefits, enjoy a few cups of bilberry tea.
Rooibos tea is made from the leaves of the "red bush" plant, grown exclusively in
the small Cederberg region of South Africa, near Cape Town.
What makes rooibos tea particularly good for your belly is a unique and powerful flavonoid
called Aspalathin.
According to South African researchers, polyphenols and flavonoids found in the plant inhibits
adipogenesis–the formation of new fat cells–by as much as 22 percent.
The chemicals also help aid fat metabolism.
Plus, Rooibos is naturally sweet, so you won't need to add sugar.
It's also not technically a tea—it's an herbal infusion.
Mate tea is known for its powerful thermogenic effects—meaning it turns up your body's
calorie burning mechanism—and can also promote weight loss by improving insulin sensitivity.
In a recent study, participants were divided into two groups.
One group took a placebo 60 minutes prior to exercising, while the other group ingested
1000 mg capsule of yerba maté.
Researchers found that those who consumed the herb increased the beneficial effects
their workout had on their metabolism without the workout.
Plus, this brew is like green tea on steroids, with up to 90 percent more powerful cancer-fighting
antioxidants, a cache of B vitamins, and plenty of chromium, which helps stabilize blood-sugar
MINT TEA. Mint tea wards off the munchies.
Fill a big teacup with soothing peppermint tea and sniff yourself skinny!
While certain scents can trigger hunger (a trick Cinnabon figured out long ago), others
can actually suppress your appetite.
One study published in the Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine found that people
who sniffed peppermint every two hours lost an average of 5 pounds a month.
Although tea is relatively low in caffeine—about 25% of what a cup of coffee delivers—decaffeinated
varieties are great to have on hand for a soothing bedtime treat that will keep you
out of the cabinets!
Chamomile-and-lavender tea wards off fatigue and depression by reducing the stress that
comes with insomnia.
And reduced stress prevents increased levels of inflammation, which have been directly
tied to weight and blood sugar disorders like obesity and diabetes.
One German study found that chamomile tea significantly improved the physical symptoms
related to a lack of sleep, and even helped reduced levels of depression in the chronically
Another study found that it improved daytime wakefulness in people who suffered from a
lack of sleep.
Here's the funny thing about chamomile: Although it's the most popular tea for bedtime,
there's actually no evidence that it improves the length or quality of sleep.
Goji tea cranks up calorie burn by 10%.
Lycium barbarum, the plant from which gojis are harvested, is a traditional Asian medicinal
therapy for diabetes, but it also boasts a slimming effect.
In a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, participants
were either given a single dose of L. barbarum or a placebo after a meal.
The researchers found that one hour after the dose, the goji group was burning calories
at a rate 10 percent higher than the placebo group.
The effects lasted up to four hours!
Most goji teas are mixed with green tea, further boosting your calorie burn.
Not only is ginger one of the healthiest spices on the planet, but it also fights inflammation.
According to numerous studies, ginger, traditionally used to ease stomach pain, blocks several
genes and enzymes in the body that promote bloat-causing inflammation.
This means you can enjoy that second serving of nutrient-dense veggies without worry.
If you prefer the taste of chai tea, typically made from a blend of cinnamon, cardamom, cloves
and ginger, that may also do the trick but may be less potent.
This tea is a weight-loss ninja.
The stem, fruit and root bark of the barberry shrub contains berberine–a powerful, naturally
occurring, fat-frying chemical.
A study conducted by Chinese researchers revealed that berberine can prevent weight gain and
the development of insulin resistance in rats consuming a high-fat diet.
Previous studies have also found that consuming the plant can boost energy expenditure and
help decrease the number of receptors on the surface of fat cells, making them less apt
to absorb incoming sources of flubber.
Kava Kava quells worrying thoughts.
In one study, 120 mg of kava-kava was administered daily over 6 weeks to patients who had stress-induced
The results suggested a statistically significant improvement in sleep latency, duration and
waking mood.
When you're anxious, your body feels like it's under a tremendous amount of stress
all the time.
This is why anxiety is a powerful trigger for weight gain.
A recent study in the journal Eating and Weight Disorders placed anxiety as "one of the
most important factors significantly associated with weight gain."
In fact, two-thirds of people with eating disorders also suffer from anxiety, and the
anxiety usually existed first.
But sip with caution—at very high levels, kava kava can cause liver toxicity.
Kava Kava should only be one part of an overall, balanced tea cleanse.
This fermented Chinese tea can literally shrink the size of your fat cells!
To discover the brew's fat-crusading powers Chinese researchers divided rats into five
groups and fed them varying diets over a two month period.
In addition to a control group, there was a group given a high-fat diet with no tea
supplementation and three additional groups that were fed a high-fat diet with varying
doses of pu-erh tea extract.
The researchers found that the tea significantly lowered triglyceride concentrations (potentially
dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in the high-fat diet groups.
Although sipping the tea could have slightly different outcomes in humans, we think these
findings are promising enough that it's still well worth your while to fix yourself
a steaming hot cup.
According to a 2015 Journal of Food Biochemistry study, foeniculum vulgare–better known as
fennel–has major inflammation-fighting properties.
Fans of the mild, sweet licorice-flavored tea have long used it to treat gas and other
gastrointestinal issues, too.
While the U.S. National Institutes of Health has no stance on fennel's medicinal effectiveness,
Germany's Commission E, an official government agency similar to the FDA that focuses on
herbs, says that the plant can indeed be an effective flatulence fighter.
With a caffeine count higher than coffee, these teas kick your metabolism into gear.
In a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, a 3-4 percent increase in metabolic
rate was measured in both lean and obese subjects after a single 100 mg dose of caffeine.
Look for teas made from this caffeine-containing fruit; if you want to skip comparative shopping,
just grab a box of Celestial Seasonings' Fast Lane, which clocks in 20 mg above your daily
cup of coffee at 110 mg caffeine.
Sip and soothe the central nervous system with this tea.
The hop, a component in beer, is a sedative plant whose pharmacological activity is due
primarily to the bitter resins in its leaves.
Hops increase the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps combat anxiety.
New research suggests simple food choices can make the difference between feeling anxious
and feeling calm and in control — and that's a big deal.
Eighteen percent of the population suffers some form of anxiety disorder, and experts
say everyday worry can quickly snowball into a crippling condition if it's not dealt
with swiftly.
And it all begins in the kitchen.
The pressure, the puffy stomach, the self-consciousness—this tea can help you ditch all of it.
According to numerous studies, flavonoids and other compounds found in the hibiscus
plant help to counteract bloating by influencing how aldosterone, the hormone that regulates
water and electrolytes balance, affects the body.
Enjoy a cup of hibiscus tea and watch your pooch slowly–but surely–deflate.
Derived from the Japanese tencha leaf and then stone ground into a bright-green fine
powder, matcha literally means "powdered tea," and it's incredibly good for you.
Research shows the concentration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in matcha to be 137 times greater
than the amount you'll find in most store-bought green tea.
EGCG is a dieter's best friend: studies have shown the compound can simultaneously
boost lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of fat cells)
particularly in the belly.
One study found men who drank green tea containing 136 mg EGCG—what you'll find in a single
4 gram serving of matcha—lost twice as much weight than a placebo group (-5.3 vs -2.8
lbs), and four times as much visceral (belly) fat over the course of 3 months.
You can prepare the powder as a traditional tea drink as the zen monks have done since
1191 A.D., or enjoy the superfood 2015-style in lattes, iced drinks, milkshakes and smoothies.
Need one more reason for tea-time?
A single serving sneaks in 4 grams of protein—that's more than an egg white!
[Best Asian Food] Street food Thailan 2017 how to cook LOBSTER - Duration: 13:34.-------------------------------------------
top 10 best monsters in monster legends - Duration: 3:46.stay till the end for awesome gameplay
Eminem & 2Pac ft 50cent - Best Gym Hip Hop Workout 2017 - Svet Fit Music - Duration: 32:39.Svet Fit Music
BEST Builder Hall 5 Base / PROOF! +3200 CUPS! | CoC BH5 Base Design + Replay / Anti Everything CoC - Duration: 1:37.CAN WE HIT 1000 LIKES!? :) O.o
CAN WE HIT 1000 LIKES!? :) O.o
Best Songs Of Phil Collins || Phil Collins Greatest Hits Full Album Live - Duration: 1:48:53.Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
Sade Greatest Hits Playlist Full Album 2017 - Best Songs Of Sade Live Collection - Duration: 1:22:25.-------------------------------------------
Is Ark The Best Survival Game EVER!!! | Crank Skit - Duration: 2:59.Ah... alright!
I wonder if there's anyone on Xbox today...
Well *beep*
Looks like I'm playing by myself then...
Wait! Hold on...
I can just play some GTA 5!
GTA Douchbag: "He's over there! I see him!"
Drive faster lad!
He's gonna get away in the helicopter!
Now give us that bounty!
Ah! Get in lad!
Actually... better not
Could play some Black Ops III...
Ah! Don't you just love COD?
Too slow!
Now what's out here?
Are you serious?!
Yeahhhhhhhhhh... I suck at that game...
Or maybe I should just play Minecraft...
No one plays this with me anymore... :(
Ugh! I'm so bored!
I'm sick of the same old frickin' games!
Maybe I should just walk the dog instead for a change...
Bloody hell... who's this now?
*Burp jumpscare*
Um... sorry
I heard you're in need of a new game...
Who the *beep* is this?!
Is that you, Jonatha--
Anywho my friend...
What you need, is this!
Hang on, what the hel--
The best survival game of all time!
It is that good, you can play with other players!
There is not one point where you feel... you have an "unfair" situation!
You can make armour and weapons to keep you alive through the game!
And to make you feel even more safe!
You can build your own house where "nothing" can get to ya!
And to top it all off...
There are some "intense" boss battles!
That can be really... overwhelming!
But before you can get to the boss...
You need to find some parts...
that can be really "easy to find!"
And the best part is, you can rid--
*hangs up*
Helgi & Adanna in Budapest... Our Best of Budapest! | MIXED BANTER - Duration: 14:46.It looks very dark
We've been through this it's not dark. You have to just imagine okay
this is
Magic of Cinema
So we are here to discuss Budapest
How did you like Budapest?
It's a very nice country
I enjoyed it
quite a bit
On this camera you can't actually see my hair
No, but it's very nice
People just have to believe you
You can see my heads getting cut off
I don't know if people can see my hair style
Which is quite important
Do the people like our new Pillows we've got subscribe and youtube
because we always forget to say
and welcome to our channell
so we just thought
Let's put pillows in the background
Why is it like you're cut off
Just move
So we went to Budapest
yeah we did, we went to Budapest
We liked it alot
I liked the houses, like the atmosphere. It's a romantic city, and it's pretty cheap
Looks a little run down which is nice
Like going back to the future
in a way and
What should we talk about?
I think we should talk about even the plane ride
Getting off the plane
We went with Wizz air
to Hungary, Budapest which was a little bit
of an experience
just waiting for the plane was an experience
It was quite difficult
Yeah, you kind of hated it
I don't think I'll be using them again
We'll probably see a clip of that
So we're here in in Luton airport. How are you liking it?
It is the worst
airport ever
What don't you like about it?
The fact that you feel like you're cattle
being pushed and shoved everywhere
The queue for the women's toilets is nearly
ten minutes long
It's ridiculous
just to buy anything from any of the shops there's a queue
And it's so tiny
tight It's very claustrophobic
very claustrophobic
so you don't recommend Luton airport
No, never ever again
Yeah, let's just end it that Wizz air was an experience we don't need to go back to
But when we came off Wizz air and landed got on the train to the main
town in Budapest
what was the name? Deak?
Deak Ferenc tér
which is I think the center of Budapest
The trains, trams and buses run through that station. It was very very nice. It's quite an old station
but the lighting
sort of like the industrial feel of it
Is quite beautiful
I really like the trams and the trains
Yeah. I love the trains, like you know
It's very very nice
I love trains in general and we went to a museum
Oh yeah
I was very excited about it. I talked about it to everybody from Budapest. I'm going to the underground Railway museum, and they would just like roll their eyes
The Budapest eye is more interesting
Yeah, the Budapest eye was pretty... uh
It was amazing because we had basically. Yeah it was amazing because we had shots of it from our hotel
the second place we went to and it looked beautiful and obviously we went onto the Budapest eye
and you could see more of Pest and Buda. Cause there were some parts of Buda we didn't actually get a chance to see
but when you are on the eye you get to see a lot more and it's actually quite nice
It was actually very nice for me because I've never been on an eye before, haven't been on the London eye. Haven't been on the Paris wheel
or any wheels or eyes
I went on the Round up in my home town, Hveragerði
An amusement park in Hveragerði where we would go like around and round
many people would puke
there was not really a Ferris Wheel
Well a Ferris wheel in Iceland would be quite dangerous
It's too big for Iceland
Yeah, and so we had five rotations on the Budapest eye which Helgi continued to shake while we were up there
Which I didn't like
Well, I thought it was fun was fun, because Adanna isn't scared of a lot of things. She's scared of bugs and apparently the Ferris wheel
Yeah, well only when you shake it, and no one goes on a ferris wheel stands in the middle and just decides to start rocking it from side to side
I think most people do that
not what people would do
You are just meant to sit there enjoy the sights of the view
you remember you remember notebook when he was like hanging
And asking for a date
that's what people do. They do crazy things
Anyway, moving on
Yeah, what we really loved also was the elevator to our hotel
oh my god
It had so much charm and charisma
I was very nice, even the corridor where the elevator took us to our floors
was beautiful, remember when we saw the mosaic
coming through the broken windows
really, really nice
And I think that's what makes budapest. We have beautiful iconic sort of figures and features
at the same time it's still old
Maintaining the history, and it's still it still looks beautiful to date
and I think that's what was really nice about it
but that lift was quite scary
and it was very run down
there were wires
but beautiful
It's the only lift I've had to close myself
I had like partition shutters. So think of old American sort of style bar
Yeah, In the wild wild west
It had those doors on the inside so once you got in you had to shut those doors
Then the heavy-duty door which was a steel door would close from the outside
And you just be locked in and feel actually locked in well, then when you looked up
you could just see a lot of wood and
Exposed wires everywhere. Which is a bit scary?
And we saw some nice
We went to some nice Museums. We went to
We went to the Underground railway museum then we went to the pinball museum, by accident which was awesome
that was very very good and we got tickets to go back
We'll probably see a clip of that
You were quite good at that actually weren't you
The pinball, I was kind of hit and miss
but at one point you had 3 or 4 balls on the actual pinball
yes, I was very good
which was good
I was quite good at the bowling
The bowling yeah, but it isn't really bowling. It's like a bowling game
Bowling slot machine
Then Helgi cheated on me in Basketball
Cuz I played bowling with you in real life. I won you basketball, yeah
No you cheated
anyway that's another story
And then we went to franz liszt museum
For like 2 seconds
Which is one of the great composers, and I walked in and I gave them my Budapest card
Which is like a card you buy for a lot of money, and think you're entitled to all these museums she said no
And Helgi was just like we're not going in
And I was just stuck in the middle. Saying "are we staying? Are we going?"
"No we're not going" So we left
So what else did we do?
Well, we went to cafes
Oh we went to a lot of cafes
And I really loved the New York cafe. Which is one of the oldest cafes and restaurants in Europe. I think
130 Years old
It's very beautiful it is nice
Nice settings and they have nice music
This chamber music and a piano player playing
and the service is very nice and the deserts were beautiful
the first one we went to was the New York Cafe
It's called one of the most beautiful Cafe's in the world?
or was it just in Europe
Must be it's the most beautiful cafe I've seen
It's kind of its kind of mainstream a touristy, but you you can appreciate it because it's that
magnificent in a way
But then we went to another which is like on the other spectrum of cafes. We went to a book cafe
called something like mass...
books cafe and books
we'll put a link below
but it was very very nice
It was a hidden cafe and when you went inside there were books all over the place but you could actually buy these books
Both read them or. You can sit down and have a coffee or you could buy the books I bought a book by Franz Kafka
I bought a Parisian book whilst we were in Budapest
But it was very good. It was words of Romantic authors I think
Well it was Derrida and Focault
All the existentialists and postmodernist
We have to read the book later on
and just enjoy memories of Budapest and that cafe. Cause there was also a secret garden which was so nice to see
But it was just an unexpected sort of like break that we took
whilst we were heading to this cafe and then it just opened up into this treasure chest
What did you think was the down side of Budapest ?
Maybe the food because we went there and there were a lot of burger places
And I wasn't expecting to see a lot of burger in bars, but then I don't yeah budapest is for Europe and plus
It's quite known as sort of like a city where you get a lot of stags and hendoo's and so forth isn't it?
I guess maybe that's why there's more trends now for Burgers pizzas
and you know chips which is strange because we really wanted to try hungarian food, and it was quite difficult to just find a
Authentic Hungarian food place along the streets that we were in but the food, we did try was good. It is a good place
Think that was probably the. Oh, and then only in the second hotel the bugs
I don't like bugs, there were a lot of bugs
I don't even know what kind of bugs
what I hated
they looked alien like bugs
What I hated
people on bicycle
acting like they own the city
It's like wherever you went, trying to walk and they always had their private section
But sometimes there was no place to walk because it was just room for bicycles
But I didn't mind that so much, but
nobody could get through unless they had a bicycle
In Amsterdam there's as many bikes as there probably was in Budapest. I think you just don't like bikes
No, if I would run a city
bicycles and people that ride bicycles would be banned and I know that's a controversial statement them. If I would run a city
How mean is that
It's pretty mean
It's the future
Well the premise is I'm a fascist dictator
The future is bicycles and electric cars
There are no bicycles in my future
There will be bicycles in our future
okay this is too long, we can cut this now let's cut it already home this maybe cut it here and then connect like
get back to it later on
Yeah, bye bye
for me
Yeah, subscribe, and you'll get a prize
stop lying to them there's no prize
we'll invent a prize
there will be a prize for the two thousandth subscriber
no let's make it maybe two hundredth
Yeah, cuz we're on what 61 right now. Maybe the two hundredth subscriber can get a prize from us
200 that's your gift the two thousand subscriber is going to get a great gift from me and the
two hundredth subscriber's gonna get a crappy gift from Adanna
Oh, whatever, Alright
Now bye
It's gary. Yeah, let's see. How slow. I was going I'm like no
John Mayer Greatest Hits Full Album 2017 - Best Songs Of John Mayer - Duration: 1:33:59.-------------------------------------------
Best Run Chase 281/0 by India vs New Zealand in ODI Cricket History ME - Duration: 16:24.-------------------------------------------
Bentley Bison | WE ARE THE BEST - Duration: 3:01.- I'm on a bison ranch in Bentley, Alberta.
This province is home to the largest bison herd in Canada.
It's mostly because of Canadian producers
that this beautiful animal, symbol of the Wild West,
hasn't completely disappeared.
Steven Lunty and his family are the owners
of Canadian Rangeland Bison and Elk.
Their company is one of the biggest marketers
of bison meats in Canada.
It sells about 3500 animals a year
or about 1.5 million kilograms of meat.
♪ ♪ ♪
From a dream from your father-in-law,
you became, I think,
one of the largest bison businesses in Canada.
- I'm very grateful, very lucky.
I'm here with my in-laws and my wife and my two children.
Like you say, we're living the dream.
My 3-year-old loves to come for tractor rides, either
with myself or with Gramps. - You chose a lifestyle.
- It really is a lifestyle; it's not a job.
- Right now, it's the end of spring.
We can see that they're losing their fur, eh?
- That's right. Bisons have five different types of hair
and grow them very thick for the winter. They love the winter,
they love minus 30. That's why they're built
for the Canadian Prairies, right? So, they'll wallow
in the ground. They use the dirt, they use the grass,
they use our scratching posts, trees, fence posts, trucks--
- Whatever they find. - Whatever they can find, yeah.
♪ ♪ ♪
So we let them graze on pasture.
And we have support quarters as well
that also grows grass and alfalfa.
And we supplement their feed throughout the winter
with that as well. So they eat the same thing year-round.
- Because otherwise, they're on their own. You do nothing.
- That's right. And if we don't feed them,
they leave, and our neighbours don't like it
when they leave. - Haha! I guess so.
For those who never had the chance
to taste bison, what should we expect?
- Well, you should expect a nice, rich, red cut of meat.
It's gonna be a little bit sweeter than beef.
And one of the best-selling features of bison meat
is that it has more of the good and less of the bad.
So it has more minerals, more iron,
less fat, less cholesterol, things like that.
- How do you prefer it? - My favourite cut
is a tenderloin steak, and a little bit of salt and pepper,
a little bit of oil. Put that on the barbecue.
Rare to medium rare, just perfect.
- To get all flavour out of it. - That's right.
- Everyone seems to want
bison meat and not only in Canada.
- There's a large demand for it, yeah. The demand is actually
higher than our supply can meet right now.
We ship a lot to the States, and we're also shipping
to the United Arab Emirates and to Switzerland,
France, Germany, Italy. In my opinion,
I think we're raising the best bison in the world.
- And I believe you! (chuckling)
♪ ♪ ♪ There are now
more than a thousand bison producers in Canada,
and we export over 600 000 kilograms
of bison meat to the U.S. and to Europe.
That's why we are the best.
Best of Anthony Scaramucci, Trump's 1-Week Communications Director - Duration: 5:11.What a great honor it must be for you to honor me tonight
You're gonna see the nicest apartment in New York City.. it's my apartment!
but here's what I'll tell you about the president:he's the most competitive person I've ever met..
I've seen this guy throw a dead spiral through aa tire, I've seen him at Madison Square Garden
with a topcoat on, he's standing in the key, he's hitting foul sots and swishing them.
He's sinks 30-foot puts.
I don't see this guy as a guy that's ever under siege.
He's a very, very competitive person.
Obviously there's a lot of incoming that comes into the white house, but the president's
a winner, ok and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a lot of winning.
This woman from CNN, the "news organization" best known for spending 95% of the last 7
months covering a Russia Collusion Conspiracy- a narrative CNN itself was caught on camera
laughing about how stupid its viewers are for believing, is complaining about being
called fake news.
'So again, I want to speak for myself.
It's my first day on the job, I have to get to know everybody in the room, but I had personal
incident with YOUR news organization, you said something about me that was totally unfair
and untrue, so I sued, you retracted it and issued me an apology, and I accepted the apology
So for me, I've never been a journalist but I have played a journalist on television,
I was the host of the Wall Street Week on Fox Business, so I have empathy for journalists
who sometimes they're going to get stories wrong, but I sort of don't like the fake news,
and if you said to be that there's some media bias out there, you want me to be as candid
as I would like to be with you guys, there feels like there's a little bit of media bias,
and so what we hope we can is- people I grew up with - I get it- they get
me, and they get him - I grew up in a very similar neighborhood
He's gonna win again, Jake, he's gonna win again, I'll bring a box of kleenex over here
to CNN.
He's gonna win again, Jake, he's gonna win again in 2020, and we're gonna get his agenda
I'm not gonna make any prejudgements about anybody on that staff.
If they want to stay on the staff, they've got to stop leaking.
If the leaks continue, we are as strong as our weakest link.
And I'll say it a little differently, in a pun, we are as strong as our weakest leak.
You guys want to keep leaking, why don't guys all get together as a team and make decision
that you're gonna stop leaking.
If you're gonna keep leaking, I'm gonna fire everybody.
very binary.
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Sofia The First BEST Moments Part 11 - Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Duration: 10:43.Please like, share, comment, & subscribe!
Norah Jones Greatest Hits Playlist Full Album - Best Songs Of Norah Jones 2017 ( LIVE ) - Duration: 1:50:03.
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