Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily what Aug 28 2017

First of all, I want to thank you

for the great feedback that we got from our devotions

that you're able to do with your teenagers.

We're going to try that one more time

as we're moving closer to the school year.

Some of you have already started school.

Some of you might even be thinking about homecoming week.

So that's what we're going to kind of focus on today

Hopefully, it starts a dialogue

as it does with me and my kids

that we can just talk about

what God has to say on things.

One of the best things about high school

is that you get to dress up,

And this is especially for girls,

but I think even the boys would admit

they like wearing something special

for their homecoming week.

Now this starts when you're a little kid right,

and you put on dresses and plastic high heels

that are extremely dangerous on hard surfaces,

But boys want to be like Batman and Superman.

Well, 30 years ago a salesman

named Larry Weiss invented underoos.

You may have never had a pair.

If you don't know anything about them,

they're a kind of a top and bottom combo

that are themed after, like an underwear combo,

themed after certain superheroes.

So they started with Wonder Woman,

and now they have just about any character you can imagine.

They're still popular today.

So how does that fit in with homecoming?

I think we like to wear things that make us feel better.

It makes us feel like a superhero.

It makes us feel different.

And during homecoming, you pick out your dress

or you put on a tuxedo,

And brides, they look, and they're engaged,

they look for months or even a year

for the perfect wedding dress that they could put on.

As believers though,

there's times it does not matter what we put on.

Sometimes we're so wracked with guilt,

and we're so despondent

over the sins that we've committed.

It does not matter what we put on.

We feel terrible.

And in the Book of Isaiah,

he has, I think, a beautiful way

to talk about putting on something special.

It says,

So it does not matter how you feel on the inside.

It doesn't matter how you feel on the outside.

God is saying to you, 'All those things are wiped away.

And I am wrapping you not in a jacket of guilt,

but I'm going to wrap you in a robe of righteousness.'

As you get ready for homecoming

and pick out that perfect outfit,

think of the thing that Jesus has wrapped you in

because of his life and death and resurrection.

You're not wrapped in guilt.

You don't have to just feel special.

You know that you are special

because God has wrapped you in his perfection,

and that's the perfect outfit.

Let's pray.

Heavenly Father, we're so thankful that you covered us up with your perfection.

Help us now live as your forgiven children

wrapped in a robe of your righteousness.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Today we got to talk about

one of my favorite sections of Scripture.

As no matter how I feel on the inside,

I know I am wrapped with the robe of Jesus righteousness.

What's your favorite section of scripture?

Just put it down below.

We'd love to hear from you.

For more infomation >> What Are You Wearing? - Duration: 2:54.


What to make with those dehydrated potatoes - Duration: 18:29.

Doing potatoes again. I've only tried to record this like I don't know three times four times

One of my viewers gave me a suggestion to use the meat slicer

Terrific idea we are going for a little thicker this time see if I can focus in there for you


So a little thicker, it's Gonna hold up a little bit better

as I explained

In the first video when you cut them this way right, then that thickness works real well

But when you cut lengthwise that thickness does not work at all

Obviously, so I just want to just show you how super-easy this is as long as you're careful

Never want to get your hand near the blade while it's moving

So yeah, you could end up

Shutting it off quite a few times, but it's worth it

And as long as you keep a firm even pressure on it. There you go

you just get these terrific slices and

then these are going to be blanched now these are thicker, so I will blanch these for five minutes and

then set them out on trays I

needed to get this done because it's



I'm considering doing my celery the same way, and I'll tell you why there's a gal. I think heather follows her

She hasn't made a video in forever

If I can find the video, I'll put it in a card up here

She does all of her vegetable slicing for dehydrating on a meat slicer. It's the craziest thing


if you're not familiar with the process of

Dehydrating celery, I will leave a link to my video up there as well

But if you get a chance, I can't remember the name of the channel, but I will definitely find it for you

To look her up. She's pretty amazing and um


Like I said she does everything

With meat slicer now, you just have to play around with the dial until you find the thickness you want

So I'm going to finish these up. I'm gonna blanch them

I'm gonna get them on the trays and when they come out which will probably be much later

But when they come out, I'm going to show you how they turned out okay?

All right guys. We're back

Um the potatoes turned out nicely. Okay if you can

If it's Gonna let you see it. Yeah

turned out terrific

The meat Slicer was a fantastic idea. I have to say I have plans for doing more

I mean, I you know I used my meat slicer quite a lot but not for veggies

But thing that was super convenient, and it turned out terrific, but all right

So I have a recipe for you for scalloped potatoes

It's Bethlo fees


You just had to know that yeah in my search. I was gonna find her on the top of the list and I trust them

So I'm going to do a half a recipe for you today

Um because I've not made it yet. We're making it together first the full recipe will be

down in the description box

BEv's Channel is right up here

Um and for those of you that want more dehydrating

recipes and how to dehydrate Bev's an excellent resource


We're gonna make this little guy cuz I'm thinking I can fit it in there

the original recipe calls for three cups of


Oops, I'm sorry hold on my alarms going off

Sorry guys. I have alarm set for the

for the baby to record things that

She can watch here

that was a

An alarm to record a paw patrol episode because they don't have TV at their house

They have netflix than that, but you know they're young couple they're just getting started so that was one one of their ways of cutting

Costs, so I settled harms for these little hour-long shows and things that come up so that she can watch

Them here anyway, so the potatoes came out wonderful

We're gonna do it in this little guy, okay the original recipe called for 2 and 3/4 cup milk

I have 11 ounces which is 1 cup and

then half of 3/4 now

if I did this right

3/4 of a cup

Is 6 ounces and half of that is 3 ounces right? I?

Hope I did that right

We'll find out

Alright, so to this. We are going to add

Well, let's put it in this little one so we can

Mix it a little bit better

It calls for two. We are going to add

one Tablespoon of


Just Gonna mix that up

Let's see if I can get you down a little better. Okay. I'm gonna mix this up I

don't like lumps I

know a lot of people just take all of it and put it in there together and I

Don't have good luck with stuff like that. So I try to avoid once all right Bev use potato starch

I'm using the corn starter

Again, we're Gonna mix

And just fyi guys you know I buy the lactose free milk

At Walmart I buy their brand and I'm so utterly thrilled with it. I

Can't even tell you I can drink milk again. It's so nice

alright, so we need a

1 teaspoon, so would be converted would be 1/2 teaspoon dried mustard

1/2 teaspoon of Salt Which would be

We'll just do a quarter

As you can always add 1 Gator

And I use Kosher

cuz to me

it's just as safe as

the pink salts in that and I

Have a quarter teaspoon of pepper. You know buying the fancy salt is just not in my budget

So we've got a quarter teaspoon of pepper 1/4 teaspoon of salt 1/2 teaspoon of dried mustard

1/2 teaspoon of garlic of course, that's up to you if you want to

Really garlic it up, and I should mention as BEv did


You can add cheese to this and make it a rotten as well

Excuse me. I think I got pepper

Okay, no measurement on the parsley. She used tribes

in the original video

But then she also did a video on scalloped potatoes in a jar?

Which she did and you know instead of just leaving her channel? I'll leave that recipe

Scalloped potatoes in a jar


And she added

powdered milk to this so literally all you had to do was pour water on it and put the butter cubes on and

You're done right, and I think she was doing it for her kids for her boys

which gave me this great idea to prepackaged this and

Put it in bags. Just like I did my stuffing and you know if you want to know how to do that

I'll leave a um

I'll leave a link to my stuffing video

where I packaged up all of the

dry ingredients and the stuffing and the dehydrated vegetables that I used with instructions in

Mylar bags zip locks this time and so that way I'll have to do is crack open a mylar bag

Pour the liquids in I'm done

Everything it was done for me

all right Mm-Hmm, so

Now what we've got left is our potatoes


our onions, and I'm gonna do a

hers calls for one large onion, I'm using the dried onion, so it's just gonna be a sight thing honestly because


Don't want too much to be in it cuz then hubble loses money

so this is one and a half cups and

you know you have to be careful with stuff like this because this is not by volume or by weight it's by volume, so

Bev didn't give me a weight. She just said three cups of

the potatoes

but I had a volume measurement of the liquid so

just gotta play around if it doesn't work therefore if it's a little too dry or not a

Little too soupy or whatever. We're just gonna play around till we get it, right?

When you get it right, that's when you take your weight measurement

of the potatoes okay, and then you go from there because

you know getting a volume measurement of these it's not easy all right, so I'm just going to

do that

If I was gonna, make au gratin at this point, I think I'd put a layer of cheese down there

You know what this is a test batch. He's not even eating this one. Let's live it up

But I did want to make this without the cheese first because I don't know

If I'm gonna have to make some liquid adjustments because of the cheese. I don't know so all right, so

Now we have our liquid. We're gonna pour this on top and

I know, it seems like a lot but

keep in mind

we are

Rehydrating something so it's Gonna use all that liquid

alright now after this a

Lot of that spice kind of settled in the bottom

Want it to kind of be everywhere?

Okay after that now the butter is two tablespoons

Which I think you could totally eyeball it. That's just how I feel


And she just cut it up into little quarters you know

Out there

Now this is smaller. I'm just going on

There we go well now I think that's probably enough this can go on my butter dish

all right, so we are going to

cover this

and what she did was

Sorry guys. I don't have a lip for these little guys she covered it

And then the last five minutes, she took the top of that cover off, so I'm going to pull you know what?

We might not be cooking it that long. I forgot well

Just because it's smaller doesn't mean it's gonna cook less time

We'll just have to keep an eye on it, so I

will check this at

You know I'm thinking it's gonna take the same amount of time all right, so I'm gonna do this for 35 minutes

I'm going to take the lid the cover off at 35 let it go

Through the last five minutes without a cover let it sit for five minutes, and I'm doing this


my toaster oven

It's easy it's convenient. It doesn't heat my house up. We're no longer having

Triple-digit days, but

93-94 is about the average for us right now

so this is set on 350 and so the

Least amount of hard work that my air conditioner has to do the better. I like it

So I'm going to set this for

35 minutes, and I'm going to bring you back when

It's time to look at it. Okay guys, so I had to cook it a

little bit Longer

about seven minutes longer, but I'm wondering if maybe

Well my toaster ovens been giving me problems

So next time I will probably make this in the oven, but it looks pretty darn good. It's

Yep, all the potatoes are nicely cooked and if you threw some

cheese in this

It would certainly make a great or gratin, so I'm gonna plate this up for you. Oh

Yes, look at that. Oh


So yeah this actually cooked about seven minutes longer. I would try it with the original setting but

do it in an oven because it might be that the oven just works better or my

toaster ovens on its last leg which I've been noticing problems with it anyway, so

The buttons have been having a hard time

Mmm, yummy all right, so look at that isn't that beautiful

All right, so there's our potato first potato

Do this with cheese or without?

if you wanted a little


Deeper color to it. I would say add some tumeric to it because that would certainly be pupp the color a little bit


I will look for another recipe, but

Go ahead and try this one. I'm certain that you will enjoy it it looks absolutely delicious

I have some leftover meatloaf, and I'm going to have a nice lunch

All right guys

Give me a thumbs up if you like this

Thank you for watching I appreciate your viewership and until the next video

I'll see you later. Bye

For more infomation >> What to make with those dehydrated potatoes - Duration: 18:29.


What does a wee Jamaican Irish boy have in common with an Irish man in a car dealership? - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> What does a wee Jamaican Irish boy have in common with an Irish man in a car dealership? - Duration: 1:10.


Nightcore - Look What You Made Me Do (Male Cover) || Lyrics [HD] - Duration: 2:05.

Nightcore - Look What You Made Me Do (Male Cover)

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Look What You Made Me Do (Male Cover) || Lyrics [HD] - Duration: 2:05.


What does periphrastic conjugation mean? - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> What does periphrastic conjugation mean? - Duration: 0:48.


Taylor Swift Fans Lose Their Minds Over 'Look What You Made Me Do' Video - Duration: 2:06.

'Bad Blood,' step aside.

Taylor Swift dropped the music video for her new single 'Look What You Made Me Do,'

at the 2017 MTV VMAs, and it might just be her hottest one yet.

Fans think so, too!

Taylor Swift, 27, is back, and you're not even ready for what you're about to watch.

She released her first music video since January's "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" and it

is everything.

First, check it out it above, then see what fans are saying about the video!

It's hard to believe that all of the Taylor madness has been going on for less than a

week, starting from when she deleted all of her social media posts on Aug. 18.

That's when we knew something was coming!

After wiping her accounts, she began posting cryptic videos of writhing snakes, alerting

fans that she was about to make her return.

Taylor then announced her album Reputation, dropped "Look What You Made Me Do" and

finally, gave us the video!

And, unsurprisingly, fans can not hold back their reactions online.

See what they're tweeting after seeing the EPIC video premiere during the VMAs right


Tweets below

This sudden comeback isn't the first time Taylor has pulled the rug out from under us.

In Dec. 2016, Tay granted us with her first new song since 2014, "I Don't Wanna Live


No one knew she had been working on the song with Zayn Malik, 24, and it began dominating

the charts the second it dropped.

The video was totally sexy — not too shocking, since it was for the Fifty Shades Darker soundtrack

— but nothing compares to a solo TSwift video.

Well, she's given the people what they want with this one!

Like all Tay videos, we'll have it on replay for years to come.

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift Fans Lose Their Minds Over 'Look What You Made Me Do' Video - Duration: 2:06.


48 Symptoms of Lyme Disease: What They Look Like and How They Feel - Duration: 15:10.

If Lyme Disease was a book, Stephen King would have written it.

That's how twisted this disease is.

People with Lyme Disease experience a carnival of symptoms.

These symptoms bend the mind, and cripple the body.

These symptoms appear so random, and so similar to other diseases, that doctors often spend

years misdiagnosing patients with other conditions like Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and Rheumatoid arthritis.

For this reason Lyme is called the great imitator.

It can imitate a host of different diseases, which is why in this video you'll learn to

recognize the symptoms.

You'll learn what to look for, and what the symptoms look like, but more importantly,

you'll get a deeper understanding of how the symptoms feel.

I lived with Lyme Disease for ten years, but it took nine years and almost twenty doctors

to diagnose.

In these ten years , I experienced over thirty symptoms.

These symptoms came in stages, often several at a time.

My initial symptoms were subtle at first.

They got worse, but they came on subtle.

Brain fog, depression, social anxiety, chronic fatigue, memory loss, mood swings, and daytime


I was 19, and it almost seemed like I had puberty again, except different.

Something I call: Lymeberty.

Lyme messes with your hormones.

It turns us into angsty, terrible little pre-teens.

If you're are a pre-teen with have both.

Learn to laugh.

It's one of the medicines.


Lymberty robs you of your liberty.

You can't be yourself.

You don't feel like yourself.

You don't know who you're becoming, the same way a pre-teen doesn't know.

You don't know who you're becoming so you have all these different ways of acting out.

After a couple years of living like this, the next batch of symptoms emerged.

Where the first batch messed with my mind, this second batch broke down my body.

These symptoms were: acid reflux, spinal discomfort, food allergies, high blood pressure, itchiness

in public and private places, cold intolerance, cold hands and feet, low body temperature,

a slow heart rate, jaw tension and clenching at night, insomnia, sleep apnea, muscle cramps,

and tremors and fasciculations in my calves, poor coordination, dropping things randomly,

just randomly dropping something while walking, tingling pins and needles in my hands and

feet, electrical sensations down my spine, especially if I did this, when I touched it (my chin to my chest,)

it would cause a sharp electrical pain going down my spine, frequent ear and sinus infections,

musky body odors, a thick white coat on my tongue, and IBS.

I B.S. you not...that S*** was terrible.

Blood tests at this time revealed a very low testosterone for my age, and a low platelet



With the spinal discomfort, I could never get comfortable when sitting down.

It felt like a snake was in my backbone, and I had to constantly wiggle it out.

Always tring to crack..move it around.

That sensitive snake.

It needs a massage.

My night sweats were so bad that not only were my sheets soaked, my mattress was soaked.

I'd have to change my sheets twice a night sometimes, and not only would I change my

sheets, I would put towels down underneath.

When I was 22, my night sweats were so bad that my skin was moist and clammy all day.

My lymph nodes swelled massively all over my body, and when I saw my infectious disease

doctor, he put me in a CT scan right away.

Afterwards he told me, "I thought you had Lymphoma.

I thought you were a gonner."

Then he put me in an MRI and said, "You probably have MS.

It's not that bad.

Compared to Lymphoma."

That's Lyme.

The great imitator.

Digestion was a huge problem, and I quickly learned through experimentation that I couldn't

tolerate processed foods, carbs, wheat, sugar, dairy and fruit.

The first thing I gave up was wheat, and within a couple weeks my blood pressure went from

170 to 100, 110 sometimes.

That was the first huge indicator for me the power, the effect that food can have on your


The next thing I gave up was sugar, and almost immediately, within a couple days, the night

sweats stopped.

The itchiness also died down, but the night sweats stopped . Any time in following years

where I cheated, and ate something sugary, the night sweats came back.

Sugars also brought on these flash fevers, where I would have a random fever that went

to about 103 degrees, then it'd disappear.

It'd be gone.

It just left me feeling used and,

why did you do that to me?

My hands and feet were always cold.

My core body temperature went from 98 to 96, sometimes 95.9.

A low body temperature is bad because it allows pathogens to thrive, among other processes

like's bad, you need to raise your temperature for optimal health.

Due to my insomnia, the doctors gave me a sleep study, and they diagnosed me with mild

central nervous system sleep apnea, not obstructive.

When Lyme gets in your brain it's called neuroborelliosis, and that's what caused my ALS-like symptoms.

I often got the muscle cramps in my feet, so bad, like my feet became claws.

It would last for maybe thirty seconds and I had to just had to relax it.

And the same thing with the, when I was sleeping.

I would wake up all the time with Charley horses.

I'd have a Charley horse in my calf or my hamstring and it'd last for like a minute

and I just had to sit there holding it, like my entire leg stretched out.

The pins and needles happened in my legs every time I was sitting down.

My legs would fall asleep.

My hands would fall asleep if I had my arm resting on a cushion.

On a cushion, that was enough to cut off the circulation.

So my circulation was really bed.

And if i was sitting cross-legged my legs would fall asleep in less than a minute.

I couldn't, I hated sitting cross-legged.

I would prop myself up and people would be like, "What are you doing, do you have to


What's going on?"

The frequent ear and sinus infections, the white coat on my tongue, and the musky body

odors probably meant I had developed a systemic overgrowth of candida, or some other pathogen,

and that's very common with Lyme Disease, to have a co-infection like candida.

When I was 26, many of my earlier symptoms got worse, while a new, insidious group of

symptoms emerged.

SIBO, mindless binge eating, eye floaters, parotid insufflation, where my salivary glands

right here would swell up with air if I blew out like this.

I'd have to deflate them like little balloons.

Also, tooth decay, extreme eye pressure, a weak urinary stream, like I couldn't pee hard

enough, it just came out so slow.

I would also pee 3-4x a night, waking up and never getting a deep sleep.

Bone ache, these achey breaky bones that made me feel...ancient.

My heart hurt.

My heart literally hurt.

Like someone was pulling a string through it, really quickly, like a pluck, like a doctor

was pulling out your stitches with one, methodical rip

rather than threading it out.

One of my ears dropped, like permanent palsy, like you see my glasses, they don't sit right.

It both of them touched right there, this would be how my glasses should be.

My ear dropped.

My glasses used to fit.

When talking to someone sometimes I couldn't remember the word I wanted, and I developed

this weird type of stutter, not so much stuttering but pausing, like my mind was glitching.

Like the word was right there on the tip of my tongue, but there was a hook with a line

pulling it back down.

I couldn't get it out.

Like a lag in a video game.

Sometimes when I stood up too quickly I'd have this weird sort of seizure, where I would

jerk and fall to my knees.

It wasn't like a typical...I've seen epileptic seizures, but this was...I don't know, it

was strange.

Until I was 27 I worked and ran a lot, because exercise was the only thing that treated my

depression and anxiety.

But around the age of 27 I must have burned out, because I couldn't recover anymore.

Even if I did a single squat, I was out for a week.

Imagine you haven't worked out for two months, five months, whatever, and then one day you

do a massive workout.

You know how that next day how sore you are?

How that soreness has a sharpness to it?

Like a creaky, plastic sharpness?

That's how it always felt after even a single squat, after a single mile of running.

My whole body felt like that all the time.

It got to the point where I didn't want to leave my apartment anymore because I hated

the idea of climbing back up the stairs.

Like the stairs were an insurmountable odd against me.

Like I didn't own my body anymore.

Like my body owned me.

Like owned.


Like I got owned by my body.

That's how it felt.

This group pf symptoms freaked me out goes to the root of human fears.

Like, one day I was brushing my teeth and then I looked in the mirror and saw my my

teeth were decaying...on the outside.

I saw the roots, and what looked like scabs caving in.

Like something was eating my teeth. That's the stuff of nightmares.

Don't mess with the teeth.

That was game over for me.

I was like ok, something is wrong here.

I have to move.

I also had a few thick white hairs growing on my chin.

If I grew out my beard, these white hairs, I had three or four of them, spread out.

That was clearly showing that my body was stressed, and prematurely aging.

It confirmed how old I felt.

Then one day, when I was 28, a little over a year ago, it felt like my stomach jumped

into my esophagus, like my stomach was right in my xiphoid process, like right there, that

little knot.

And I had pain radiating all around my liver and gallbladder.

And it turned out my heart rate had dropped to 25 beats per minute.

25 beats per minute.

And I had a splitting headache that gave me new appreciation for the cliche, to split

your head in two.

Cliches, when you're sick and you're living them, they're the most real thing you can


Like oh my god, splitting my head in two, I get it.

But by this time I had so detached from my body that I didn't worry.

Intellectually, I felt like I was dying, like this is the end.

Like finally, whatever it is that I have, it came for me, and I'm going to go.

And so chill, like I was, like nothing was wrong in the world, I walked a mile to Weil

Cornell, the Presbyterian hospital in Lower Manhattan.

I walked there, checked myself into the ER, and said, "I have a heart rate of 25."

They didn't let me leave for four days.

They did every test you could imagine.

I will show you every test they did on me, and I've never seen doctors who were so confused.


These doctors were flummoxed.

I had pure consciousness I was articulate, I couldn't explain things.

I told them what was happening.

And I did these heart tests, and they said they, literally, literally, they said they

had never seen such a strong heart.

So whatever was happening was obviously electrical.

it wasn't my heart that was bad.

Something else was going on.

But they didn't get it.

They didn't get it.

This was like the first time that doctors had seen that I had symptoms, I wasn't making

them up, and they could not make sense of it.

I was secretly very happy.

I was like, "Hell yea!

Now you see I'm not making this s*** up, doctors.

I'm not making it up.

I can't consciously lower my heart rate.

I'm not a yogi.

Like the nurse, one of the nurses looked at me, when I was checking out, because my heart

rate had raised to 40, and I was like I am getting out of here.

I can't spend another day in the hosptial.

You guys don't know what's going on.

I'm going to figure it out.

So one of the nurses looked ot me and said, "I have never seen someone who was, who looked

so ill, but seemed so healthy."

It's the paradox of Lyme.

I don't udnerstand it either.

I don't know.

So, after this episode, I finally realized that the traditional doctors could not help

me, so after this I sought out a funtional medicine doctor and that's a story you can

hear in my last video, My Life in the Lymelight.

If you have or know someone who has Lyme, or might have Lyme, please share this video.

And share it with their friends and family.

Because they need to know what it's like.

They need to understand.

They need to know that this disease is not just in that person's head.

It's true, and it's real.

And we need help.

We need to heal.

In the next video in this series I'll share with you my bloodwork, and all the random

tests I took over the years.

Thank you for watching.

Subscribe because you will help build this channel, and that will help spread the word

on Lyme Disease, on what we need to do to, to truly heal ourselves.

And don't forget to play.

Make yourself play.

Live whys and profit.

Just find a way.

Even if it doesn't feel natural at first, play, for me, in the first, when I first started

playing around, like being playful with myself again, trying to feel young, it did't feel

natural, but work through it.

Nothing feels real with Lyme.

Just play.

Just bring that lightheartedness back into yourself.

So thank you again.

Live Whys an Profit.

Even if you can't sing.


Play on.

For more infomation >> 48 Symptoms of Lyme Disease: What They Look Like and How They Feel - Duration: 15:10.


MC Taejoon is shocked to hear what a 12-year-old has to say. [Hello Counselor / 2017.08.28] - Duration: 14:01.

It's titled "Please Give Up!"

Hello. I'm fifth grader Eom Ye-eun,

and I must act every day.

"You practiced, right? Show me."

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I do wrong?"


"Why are you doing this to me?"


"Why are you doing this to me?"


"That's not the right emotion!"

"Did you practice? You can't be an actress that way."

I practice acting with my dad every day.

But I don't want to become an actress at all.

(A mental breakdown for all emcees and guests)

"You must become an actress."

"That's your fate."

"Didn't I tell you to sit up straight?"

"You will become a star in the future."

"You shouldn't slouch like that."

We should sit up straight.

"I told you not to smile like that."

"Don't show your teeth. Slightly curl up your lips."

"Try smiling again."

My dad's been teaching me since I was eight.

"I got a new car. Ta-da!"

"A van that celebrities ride."

"You'll be a star someday. You must ride in a van."

Why is my dad like this?

I really don't want to become an actress.

Please talk my dad out of it.

Let's hear her out.

Please come on out.

(Eom Ye-eun)

Please introduce yourself.

Hello. I'm stressed out by my dad.

I'm 10... I mean 5... I mean...

Are you lying about your age already?

Because you're going to become a star?

I'm fifth grader Eom Ye-eun.

(She's pretty)

You said you're taking acting classes.

Have you ever been on TV?

I've only gotten small roles.

KBS drama "My Dear Cat."

SBS drama "Ugly Duckling."

I was in "Ugly Duckling."

(Ha ha)

(You don't recognize me?)

You didn't see him on "Ugly Duckling"?

You didn't see me on the drama?


(Oh, gee!)

You didn't?

He was one of the main stars in the drama.

I'll work harder.

Why don't you want to become an actress?

My dad got me started when I was seven years old.

His dream was to become an actor.

He wants me to fulfill his dream.

He's forcing you to act?

Yes. He wants me to become an actress.

I can see your dad sitting in front of us.

(We can feel the force)

I can feel a strong force from him.

He looks like a young Seol Undo.

You've been doing it for five years now.

Why do you want to quit all of a sudden?

Dad forced me to act in the first place.

I've been taking acting classes in Gangnam,

and I live in Songdo.

You're lucky that wide roads have been built.

- Since when? / - Since I was eight.


I'm tired of traveling back and forth.

He's also making me learn swimming and piano.

Because they'll improve your acting skills?

Yes, that's right. (I'm his acting Avatar!)

He teaches me how to act now.

He isn't so good?

That's right.

He teaches me how to act.

He gives me a long script to memorize.

He yells at me if I don't memorize it.

He makes me express different emotions.

If he's busy, he checks if I've practiced via text.

- You must videotape yourself? / - Yes.

- By acting whatever you want? / - Yes.

If I don't send it, he yells at me.

There was a time

when I wanted to quit acting, too. When I was young.

I told my parents that I wanted to quit,

and they immediately told me to do so.

Have you ever told your parents

that you'd rather play with your friends?

I did, but he didn't listen.

He told me that I've done so well until now,

and that I shouldn't quit now. He got so angry

that I pretend to enjoy acting now.

(She must've been scolded a lot)

What is your dream?

I want to become an elementary school teacher.

That's not bad.

Do you get good grades?


(I can't pretend that I do)

Why do you want to become a teacher?

My teacher sang as she played piano.

Watching her made me want to become a teacher.

You speak so eloquently.

You have such a beautiful head.

It's nice. It's the shape of an egg.

If you don't want to act, you can't succeed.

Let's talk to her father now.

Hello. Nice to meet you.


I'm quite shocked.

You really bought a van?

Yes, I did.

Not a big van that top stars ride.

One that average celebrities would ride.

Average celebrities?

Who are they?

We must be divided into top and average stars.

That's the van I ride. I'm an average celebrity?

- Average! / - Average.

My car is worse than that!

KBS sends cars to our guests.

But he insisted on driving his own van here.

They came in their own van.

You didn't know she hated acting so much

that she wrote to us?

- I didn't know. / - Not at all.

Our Ye-eun loves acting.

She's too young, so she doesn't know

what she wants. She wants to play with her friends.

That's what I think.

You think she likes acting?

Yes, very much. She's good.

You wore that bow tie on purpose, right?

I always dress like this.

He's quite fashionable.

He looks quite attractive, too.

I understand why his dream was to be an actor.

He likes to hear compliments.

Please stand up for us.

He's dressed very well.

He looks like he'll come up on stage and sing.


Your dad just said you like acting.

You told him you do.

I was scared when he yelled at me,

so I lied and said I liked acting.

You even lied?

You must really be good if he fell for that lie.

How much did you yell at her, that she lied to you?

She told me she wanted to quit out of the blue.

I was flustered, so I ended up yelling at her.

Then I had an argument with my wife.

We raised our voices,

and I think that scared Ye-eun.

(I hate acting, but I pretended to like it)

Excuse me, but how old are you?

I'm young.

I'm 39 years old.

- He looks really young. / - You look young.

You're not that old.

You should go to auditions yourself.

I did.

(My mouth is getting dry)

Do you still go to auditions? Which auditions?

I used to go to auditions with my wife in the past,

but it didn't work out for me.

- You don't try anymore? / - Not anymore.

I have three kids. I must earn money to raise them.

Then you should understand.

This isn't something you can force on someone.

She's young and can have dreams of her own.

Why are you forcing this on her?

I really want to know.

She's really good at acting.

We got that.

Is she good relative to you?

When she was a baby,

she would dance by herself.

But she was too shy to perform in front of people.

So I took her to take acting classes.

They hold an exam once a year.

She won first place out of 300 to 400 students.

She really won first place.

We got that. But listen.

She's good, but she doesn't like doing it.

Then you shouldn't force her.

She's still too young.

She doesn't know what's right for her.

She should know that.

Let me ask you this.

Were you happy when you won first place?

- No. / - Why not?

It's something forced that I don't enjoy doing.

So I wasn't happy.

Did you ever consider supporting her

when she decides herself that she wants to do it?

Why must you force it on her now?

Listen to me.

She's really good.

We get that.

Stop repeating the same thing.

She says she hates acting.

You hate it?

(Ha ha ha ha)

He's so interesting.

Answer your dad.

I hate it.

(His eyes are wandering)

Will you accept her opinion?


Why do you insist that she start now?

It's less competitive for children

compared to older actors.

She used to be a shy girl.

After she started her classes, she became less shy.

Then she doesn't have to take classes anymore.

But she's really good.


Think about it this way.

How many actors have succeeded in becoming

a top star after starting as a child?

Kim Hyesu.

Kim Hyesu.

(Who else is there?)

Why are you repeating after us?

Fewer than five stars started out young.

But there are so many actors out there.

They didn't start from childhood.

Did you know her dream is to become a teacher?

I'm hearing that for the first time.

You never even asked her.

(He didn't know what her real dream was)

She takes acting classes.

Why do you tutor her as well?

Taking classes isn't enough. That's why.

Wait! Right on the spot!

Why don't you act for us?

Something you're most confident with.

Why don't you act together with him?

(We're curious to see how good you are)

He's a professor of dramatic performance.

You can act whatever you want.

Something you auditioned with in the past.

- Ye-eun, want to show them? / - No. You!

I can't act. I only teach.

How can you teach if you can't act?

You said you went to auditions before.

Show us.

That was 20 years ago.


I'm older now, so I teach.

Can you show us your acting skills?

It can be something very short.

- Okay. / - Go ahead.

- I can do whatever I want? / - Yes.

(Her eyes change)

What are you doing?

You hate that someone gave me this stupid doll?

What have you ever done for me?

- I'll stop here. / - That was so good.

What was wrong with her acting?

What part did she do wrong?

I thought she was talking to her father at first.

What part did she do wrong?

She's so talented.

What part of her acting was wrong?

Good job.


Does he usually say you did a good job?


He points out what I did wrong.

That's why she doesn't want to do it.

What do you usually point out to her?

She's good at everything else,

but she isn't so good at crying.

Do you know why?

You don't, right?

Her emotions...


It's because she doesn't want to do it.

We asked you to act,

and you refused.

You ask her to cry, and she's refusing.

That's what it is.

Of course she doesn't want to be forced.

What do you think of when you have to cry?

I think of something sad, but it's hard to cry.

What do you think of?

Mom dying.

Why do you make her do such a thing?

I think I've thought of that 3,000 times.

I'm serious. I've killed my mom 3,000 times.

At this age, it's hard to think of something sad.

They've never gone through a breakup or anything.

So all she can think of is her mom dying.

I'd like to ask you this.

If your dad compliments you on your acting,

do you think you'll come to like acting?


She really hates doing it.

Her heart is completely closed.

Let's meet her mother, who has died many times.

Let's meet her mother.

For more infomation >> MC Taejoon is shocked to hear what a 12-year-old has to say. [Hello Counselor / 2017.08.28] - Duration: 14:01.


What does butyrometer mean? - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> What does butyrometer mean? - Duration: 0:36.


What happens when you troll a 22 Year Old Splatoon Autist - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> What happens when you troll a 22 Year Old Splatoon Autist - Duration: 0:25.


what time does the vmas start 2017 [ what channel is vmas on tonight [ look what you made me do ] - Duration: 1:41.

Taylor Swift debuted an aggressive new era with her new single, "Look What You Made Me Do," on Thursday night. The music video for the song, released Sunday night at the MTV Video Music Awards, makes it very clear: this is a very different Swift we're dealing with.

In the video, she rises from the dead, quite literally, as a zombiefied version of the pop star crawls from the grave. It then gets much more glamorous, as Swift bathes in a tub of diamonds before cutting to a shot of her on a golden throne, snakes popping up behind her.

Swift ended the video with a bit that included every iteration of herself — from her innocent first album to her infamous 2009 VMAs appearance (where Kanye West interrupted her win to talk up Beyonce) to her new, edgy self.

"There she goes, playing the victim, again," snarks one Swift, likely playing on media criticism of herself.

If you like this video, you may like the video below and subscribe to my channel to watch the latest videos. Thank you for watching this video. Wish you always fun and success!

For more infomation >> what time does the vmas start 2017 [ what channel is vmas on tonight [ look what you made me do ] - Duration: 1:41.


( GoT )Tyrion Lannister || What is my fault - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> ( GoT )Tyrion Lannister || What is my fault - Duration: 3:52.


Joni's Corner: What Impresses God - Duration: 1:45.

Hi I'm Joni Eareckson Tada

and have you ever thought about what

really impresses God?

Is it the universe and all the expanse of stars?

Is it the epitome of God's creation?

Man and all his physical and intellectual strength?


These things do not impress God,

actually Psalm 147 gives us the answer

it says "there that the Lord takes

pleasure in those who fear him and those

who hope in his steadfast love?


I hope that did you find that as amazing as I do

because out of all the wonderful things

in God's whole wide universe which might

impress him or delight them of all the

the supernovas and of all the Mount

Everest and of all the vast oceans and

expanse of stars what impresses him most

it's when I put my hope in him or I

trust in him or wholeheartedly worship

Him or simply obey Him that's what

strikes God that's what really fills his

heart so friend you don't have to go far

to impress him you don't have to go to

the outer limits or to great heights

it's not the beauty of all creation

around us it's you and all of your

humbleness and meekness bearing the Lord

and trusting him that is what really

depresses God

For more infomation >> Joni's Corner: What Impresses God - Duration: 1:45.


look what you made me do video [ where can i watch the vmas 2017 [ who opened the vmas 2017 ] - Duration: 1:51.

Taylor Swift debuted an aggressive new era with her new single, "Look What You Made Me Do," on Thursday night. The music video for the song, released Sunday night at the MTV Video Music Awards, makes it very clear: this is a very different Swift we're dealing with.

In the video, she rises from the dead, quite literally, as a zombiefied version of the pop star crawls from the grave. It then gets much more glamorous, as Swift bathes in a tub of diamonds before cutting to a shot of her on a golden throne, snakes popping up behind her.

Swift ended the video with a bit that included every iteration of herself — from her innocent first album to her infamous 2009 VMAs appearance (where Kanye West interrupted her win to talk up Beyonce) to her new, edgy self.

"There she goes, playing the victim, again," snarks one Swift, likely playing on media criticism of herself.

Another's on her phone, "getting receipts"

If you like this video, you may like the video below and subscribe to my channel to watch the latest videos. Thank you for watching this video. Wish you always fun and success!

For more infomation >> look what you made me do video [ where can i watch the vmas 2017 [ who opened the vmas 2017 ] - Duration: 1:51.


Mom got me WHAT for back to school? - Duration: 17:21.

Look at all those shoes you got!

Holy crap, did you guys rob a shoe store?

I thought you were taking a picture, not video.

Did you rob a shoe store?

How many pairs of shoes do you have there?

One two three four five a hundred.


Okay guys, let's see what you got for school

I want to see all of this!

Every year we go on dates for school shopping.

Like Nico goes on a date with me and then Micah and Liam go on a date with me, and then

Tristan, but not always in that order but that's how it went this year.

We usually get something to eat.

We get a treat and we go clothes shopping.

And as you can see our go-to place to go shopping for clothes is H&M.

They have like the absolute BEST deals.

This is Nico's load.

He has some really nice pants, in fashion pants.

They were only like 10 or 20 they're super comfy so they're durable

too they have like really good quality jeans too which is nice to fish with

boys who thought that like good fun otherwise you get holes in the knees

like crazy holes within two days of them wearing them trust me insects this shirt

the sweater was only seven dollars I got a cool Batman shirt and these came out

like a package deal so it came out for like two for like 10 bucks nice one let

me go walk a nice crisp white tee because I mean what fly kid doesn't have

a nice crisp white team a lot of these months like come by to get one like how

often something and in this really nice sweater was only five dollars as you can

tell we end up giving a lot of winter type clothes

please stop okay we're not getting a lot of winter clothes because it gets really

soft pretty fast you need to start wearing with your clothes by October

makeup do you want to go and start putting yourself

skinny jeans these are only nine bucks nice skinny jeans

color skinny jeans make some noise only five dollars for these really cool

t-shirts Batman apparently right now you have like that bottom some of the buy

one get one half off shirts another Batman's more jogger pants

five dollars for this awesome dinosaur shirt fsm days

for sure and another guy store shirt and another one sweaters but at this one

it's cool because they had like these really cute like jogger pants that match

the sweaters and it gets cold so another cute sweater

like I said you have to have a white t-shirt as to how long the last that I

don't know I did a crystal ball but maybe maybe two days maybe three well

see that's why you're eating that mama washes clothes everyday not me you won't

let me wash the clothes and in this

really cool jacket how much was it was $15 for this really cool

denim jacket legit for our two boys sweet and that's spending probably like

a little over 100 but they got like a ton of clothes they're like really

really company yeah they look like they're not skinny jeans really Kings

shirt with a hood and it's so awesome cuz these were only like five bucks like

the shirts and the jeans were like 10 bucks along the beach next year

wind blowing no more they're like jogger sweats that look really cool with like a

t-shirt not just exercised over $10 jeans these are some more really cool

jogger sweats that are really cool too they look so awesome on them you guys

[Music] is that funny runnin look at that back

in biz there are like 10 bucks for these you can't forget that one very well Tim

back and jacket just like oh yeah and

then I go at this counter because I donated clothes and so they gave me like

a 15% discount of that and then there was like another 10 or 20% discount

going on for back to school

this you're actually not gonna conquer shoot this

arrow see interesting so first we have Micah's are these really sick all black

converse shoes and there's both cases they aren't tying one it's just like a

cool that's awesome and they just velcro on the sides those

inventions which others yeah but they're so cool

oh yeah very because they're really cool almost all black conquers to with hey

how about you go put them in your cubby nicely and these ones are Liam's super

cool I like a sneaker convert Superfly that's so hot open we had to show the

house today so we had to clean the entire home top to bottom which we've

done every day this week I swear well not every day but like

every other day this week it's really hard because everyone makes such a mess

in less than two or three hours the house goes from spic and span spotless

immaculate to toys all over the place empty bags on the floor as you can see

which was our own making Ronan throwing food off his seats while

he eats and tipping buckets of macaroni over on his head it just gets messy you

know when you've got six kids and so cleaning it every other day for showing

is intense so someone just by your house already it's for sale so I've had it

that way we can move to the beach he does sound like a good plan

these are big issues we actually spent like an hour where they say interest

probably over an hour what I think interesting and she's sort because every

shoe they picked out was white so we ended up compromising and deciding that

we're gonna get white issues this year but we're gonna take really good care of

them and we're going to clean them whenever

we get home from school and stuff so we're gonna see how that goes and they

have to take their old shoes with them lick with it we're gonna see how that

goes I am really nervous about the kids having even half white shoes because

today have not proven to be good with issues in the past except for less

churches too did pretty good I'll give him that

where we sit over every recess on this class Japanese I'm sorry is super-sweet

Menkes these ones are so cool it's funny cuz they actually remind me of the shoes

that sky war whenever I met help us up they weren't like hmm yeah but there's

these really cool vans they're all leather bands so once again white I

spent five kids that's pretty good I think what do you think bet he's pretty

gonna have to say she got everything all the shoes all the clothes I mean that

was a lot of clothes that was like an entire new wardrobe for each child and

brand-new van shoes for each child or Nike and you got all of it for how much

Taylor so 600 bucks for everything we got to put clothes away we got to get

kids in bed and we have back to school 2017 fall semester good luck to all of

you if you haven't gone back to school yet


we're addressing the problem of the sock thief that we have in the house

something that steals socks and I just realized it might be my alternate

personality I think I have a soft problem and I

think I've been taking the Sox without realizing it and now I have all these

socks I do you do it could be me what do you think mom I'm gonna stop thief no oh

you're a big Matt I didn't make a mess I just felt its gravity it has to do

with don't understand it you see this Ronin

I forgot that I even had this but the boys are gonna love it it's the clean

shoes good morning how are you so today's the first day of school and the

amazing thing is Ronin for the first time in history actually slept in until

the alarm clocks went off but he never does he never sleeps in that one so or

even nice for him to keep sleeping about we have to wake everybody up and get him

off to school dad needs also move our song factor stalkers maybe I am the soft

thief Micah place interesting by the southeast welcome to back-to-school 2017

no today's your first day school are you wearing your contacts yep oh man

and look it's gonna be a Ladykiller does that make sense break ground sure cuz

your heartbreaker sorry I'm wearing my glasses this

morning I I'm trying to get kicked off the school actually it might look like

I'm not doing anything but I'm like the cheer I've got to cheer them on and

encourage them while mom gets their hair done

I think everybody's just a little bit excited for back to school because they

woke up at 7 o'clock and they're supposed to wake up at 7:30 he's back to

school I thought this was a bit like you dad oh yeah he's RA yeah you weren't at

home yeah dog face okay go get your backpack I want to get a picture of you

guys before you well you get a video of you guys cuz that's equal you see

Taylor's a photographer in the family and I'm the videographer and so we have

this constant battle of picture versus video what's more important picture

always wins the video is important too [Music]

can't tell everybody's excited this morning everybody

Mama's making waffles thank you can't tell I'm the last one to

wake up because my alarm clocks going off

yeah but hey I still would have woken up before they left to

school getting some breakfast that's how it's done

who does that we chose this serial over waffles now this guy this guy no way

he's a lumberjack you're coming not Sarah its finest what

do you mean trying this means it's the best Sarah on earth no this is there

mm-hmm this is better words you like this

better that's better than they did actually have mrs.

Butterworth's they actually did but we got this one instead because there's no

high fructose corn syrup healthier made by the Colts oh yeah oh yeah

music got the best in me ever since I was a child producers look at the end of

the sixth grade whole I'm gonna be on the right

[Music] but they have a health policy for school

now for kids what is it for if they get hurt or there's like it's like insurance

oh really yeah like an insurance they said yeah it makes sense at home in that

finger that they gave us but it's not like if you get hurt or like emotionally

hurt and bullying and crap well there's like is it like an emotional anyway

that's so crazy what kind of school are we sending our kids to that we have to

have an insurance policy just to send our kids to school

hey we got the two little ones you know

For more infomation >> Mom got me WHAT for back to school? - Duration: 17:21.


'Surrounded:' What it's like in Houston - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 'Surrounded:' What it's like in Houston - Duration: 2:43.


What I Wish I Had Brought To College (Texas A&M) - Duration: 8:39.

hey everybody I'm back today I'm going to be talking about what i wish i had brought

to college so move in day was august 20th and today is august 26th so i've been here

for almost a full week now and i can indicate a few things which i wish i had packed for

the best possible experience what we are in the middle of right now is hurricane harvey

as some of you may know but it is very hard to get to the store and based on my meal plan

i did the math i can't start my meals during howdy week which is the first week of school

if i want food through the semester we don't have classes during howdy week so i wish i

had brought a frying pan from home because i had to go buy one earlier in the week so

that i could cook some stuff but if i had brought one from home i would have saved a

lot of time money and hassle related to this i wish i had brought a mixing bowl not only

is a plastic mixing bowl good for cooking it is also good for storing things things

that flake off or leave a mess everywhere you just put them into the big plastic bowl

and its perfectly fine perfectly fine every time I've been trying to get hot thing out

of the oven with the good old 12th man towels but they are thin so i burn my hand as well

as probably commit some sacrilegious crime against aggieland so thats no good alright

one last thing to do with cooking i promise is a coffee mug i wish i had brought one because

say i want to eat some ramen in my room i can easily boil water in the mug and add it

to the noodles or i can just put some eggs into the cup mix them up put a little oil

in there and boom scrambled eggs really easy and quick and you don't have to leave your

room to male scrambled eggs if you have a coffee mug i highly recommend watching the

video up here somewhere it'll give you the link to how to do that another one i wish

i had brought more pictures of home or memories i have two pictures i took of philmont really

great experience but beside that my room is kind of bare on the walls i have one picture

back there of kyle field but it's pretty small and everything else is just kind of walls

and stuff this of course is the best shot of my dorm because youtube i have to make

everything look nice but behind the camera where you guys can't see is very plain so

i wish i had brought some more memories of home especially people i only have some nature

shots i have two very small nature shots and i feel its eeeehhh but anyway oh another one

is really important so i have a debit card i made the decision to go with a debit card

instead of a credit card which is kind of complicated i may make a video about that

later but i also brought about $20 of one dollar bills i thought that would be enough

and it's not whenever you ask for a favor or when someone drives you somewhere if you're

really nice you'll pay them back you have to pay with cash which is extremely useful

way more than i had initially thought because without it the only way to pay back debts

is to buy them something from the store in the future and that ends up leaving a bad

taste in my mouth and being akward so i would defiantly recommend bringing lots of cash

or a checkbook i also wish i had some string because there are so many uses for it and

it's like a dollar this one is kind of embarrassing but i brought a ton of body wash and only

one bottle of shampoo so if i want to be really cheap i could use a drop every day but ill

just have to go to the store and buy some more but i wish i had just brought some from

home because i don't have a car and i don't regret not bringing a car to college i think

between the cost of the permit and the cost of gas and the difficulty to park stuff like

that i don't really need a car i can bike to the store yes it sucks but i think it's

worth it just from a money standpoint but that may change as the year goes on who knows

another thing is a baseball hat to be clear i did bring one but it is too small for my

head and being pale and pale people tend to burn every now and then i wish i had brought

a baseball cap which covered my face for the football games and general outdoor activities

because i didn't bring sunscreen either click alright moving on from that kind of stuff

i wish i had brought coupons from home and i wish i had researched what kinds of businesses

and returns were in college station whatever city you will be living in I recommend looking

to see what they have because at home i have mcdonalds coupons and i didn't think to bring

them because i'm dumb but they would have been really helpful like kroger deals at kroger

this one is kind of specific but the college station water is very soft if you know what

that means and if you don't it basically tastes a little like sulphur and personally it dose

not bother me that much i have a lot of experience drinking some really nasty water from boy

scouts but one thing i used to do in the past was put ice into water and drink it before

sleep as part of my ritual to go to bed but here in college station at least if you're

using the standard college rental thing where it's microwave refrigerator freezer thing

in the middle if you use that and pour water into an ice tray the ice tastes like acidic

maybe vinegary cheese and it's really really gross and i have a high tolerance for eating

disgusting things but this is absolutely disgusting and completely vile so i would recommend bringing

a water purifier if you are going to be making ice or if you are somebody ho is particular

about how your water should taste and a lot of people told me to get a water purifier

but i ignored them because they are expensive but if that's a thing for you i would buy

a water purifier so that's all I have for you guys today if you didn't see the previous

video its here somewhere so you can get a more comprehensive list of everything you

should bring to college after this video i'll be making an update and a what i shouldn't

have brought to college video but I'm not ready for that yet because i haven't had the

full college experience but ill do that after classes start on monday in the meantime yeah

thanks guys like subscribe and share if you want and as always i will see you in the next

one bye

For more infomation >> What I Wish I Had Brought To College (Texas A&M) - Duration: 8:39.


what is coding and programming? - Duration: 0:38.

Learning coding empowers you to do many things you wouldn't otherwise be able to do.

These things include hand-crafting your own websites,

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Most importantly, you'll be able to understand the technology shaping your world.

You've undoubtedly heard or read somewhere that everyone needs to learn coding, right?

Well, people say that for a reason! Whether you're looking for a career in the industry, starting

a new hobby or just wanting to understand technology, you can benefit from learning coding.

For more infomation >> what is coding and programming? - Duration: 0:38.


Editorial: Small but mighty group of people can show what can be done when we have common purpose - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Editorial: Small but mighty group of people can show what can be done when we have common purpose - Duration: 1:30.


My Look What You Made Me Do Review (Taylor Swift) - Duration: 3:53.

hello everyone today I'm going to be reviewing the new Taylor Swift song look

what you made me do and the reason for this is basically that I want you to pay

attention to the vocabulary that I use to the expressions that I use and I

think if you do then you will be able to use these same expressions yourself when

you are discussing movies when you are discussing films other forms of

entertainment in any kind of conversation of course if you happen to

stumble upon the video by chance and you're just dying to hear my opinion of

the song then that's fine also okay so the reason that I chose this particular

song is that basically the only way that you haven't heard that Taylor Swift has

a new song is if you're living under a rock or something and from what I have

read so far opinions on the song have been mixed so far and it's not

surprising I mean it's very different from anything else that Taylor Swift has

released in the past and it's very different from anything else on the

radio right now I think and let me begin with the negative I mean the idea of yet

another Taylor Swift song dealing with one of her many celebrity fields is not

particularly appealing to me I mean I think it's boring and I think it's tired

and so in that sense I wish she had done something different what I do appreciate

is an artist that is always evolving always changing and like I said earlier

this song is very different from anything else that she has

than before and I also appreciate that she didn't hold back in the song at all

I mean I have expected the bride from the Kill Bill movies to show up in the

music video or something and it makes you wonder if this is another song where

she's being tongue-in-cheek and she's playing with the public

perception about her persona or whether she's being honest and for the first

time she's showing a different side to her personality aside that the public

hasn't seen before either way I think this it's going to take a while for

people to know what to make out of the song and I think that's normal when you

have a song that is again so different and in a way so weird

I mean I remember when Justin Timberlake released sexy back more than ten years

ago people didn't know what to make out of that either and that ended up being a

pretty big hit so the same might happen here as for myself I think it's a great

teaser for the album and even though I'm not the biggest Taylor Swift fan it

makes me excited to hear what the rest of the material will sound like and so

overall I would give it three out of four stars

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