Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily up Aug 2 2017

Who here has ever seen an eagle soaring in real life?

Anyone? Put your hands high. I want to see them.

This is quote a few of us. Impressive.

Okay, so

would you say

there was a lot of effort involved on the part of the eagle?

They are barely moving, they have these

giant wings, and they are just resting

and every so often they will just make a slight change of course

but they are literally just resting.

God didn't say

'you should mount up on wings like ducks.'

Have you ever seen a duck take off?

Do you know the amount of wings

there's a neck that gets involved, there's honking.

It seems like a struggle

You know?

God was very specific when he said you will soar on wings like eagles.

But when a storm comes

they fly right into the heart of the storm

they fly right into the heart of it until they reach the eye of the storm.

and when they reach the eye of the storm, the pressure of the storm

lifts them up above the storm.

I just think that's such an incredible analogy

for how we as Christians

can soar like eagles. We can rest

and allow God to lift us above the storms of our life, into the heavenlies.

That is what Jesus offers us

Jesus says 'anyone who is tired, anyone who is burdened

come to me and I will give you


rest. That's what Jesus offers us.

For more infomation >> What Does it Mean to Mount Up with Wings like Eagles? - Duration: 1:43.


Karen Burniston Die Set #1015 House and Fence Pop-up Assembly - Duration: 12:57.

hello it's Karen Burniston and I'm here

with an assembly video for one of my die sets. This is number one zero one

five the House and Fence Pop-up and you can check out all of my designs

at I'm going to decorate my scene festively

for a winter card today but of course this house and fence can be used

year-round for any theme. So if you are talking "bang for your buck" this is

definitely the die you need because that generic pop-up floating floor

can you imagine everything else you'll be able to do with that? And that's where

we're going to start today by constructing the floating floor. There

are 11 dies that come in this set I've placed them on a magnet sheet for the

video today and I'm going to start first with this big die this die cuts the

floor and the extra supports and I want to use card stock and since mine is a

winter scene I'm going to use white so it'll just appear to be a snowy scene in

front of the house any die cutting machine that could accommodate a

wafer-thin die will work with my dies and I'm using a Sizzix Big Shot

this die-cut three pieces the main one is the floor itself it's done all of the

cutting and the scoring I can pop out those pieces that are in the slots

themselves and what's going to go through those slots are the two L

supports the else supports are just cut at the same time as the floor that makes

it really easy they've been scored to have a little

foot at the bottom so I just need to find that score and then fold under

those little feet I also want to work all of the score lines that are in the

floor itself I'll start with that Center support so that needs to come up so the

first folds of Valley and then it'll be to Mountain so I'm going to find the two

score lines fold them both as Mountain folds and that creates that little up

and over support there's two tabs on the back here that fold down and that

creates the backside of the floating floor that will attach to one side of

the card then the other side of the floating floor is two mountain folds and

you'll see the score lines it's actually very simple to make this floor now I'll

add the tape that I need to attach this to the card so I'll flatten it back out

again I'm going to add a nice strong red liner tacky tape or you could use score

tape or you could use glue and I'm going to add that tape to the outer tabs on

all the sides of the floating floor and then to the two feet of the little

support now that floating floor is ready to go

inside my card first thing I want to do is collapse down the center support into

the closed position so that means refolding it on that valley-fold and

bringing it down into this position card size is always up to you as long as you

have at least enough width which is four inches to hold that floor and on the

length you want it to be as long as you need it to be for however tall your

items are today for my card I chose four and a quarter on the width by five

inches tall top fold card so that means I start with four and a quarter by ten

score in the middle for folding and I'm just carefully removing the three liners

from my tape on the back tabs making sure that those outer tabs are lined up

directly in the fold of the card holding down my Center supports and nothing

really shifts or moves and then just giving everything a good press so what

I've done is I've connected now my back three tabs to the back wall of the card

really simple assembly on this one for attaching the other side of the floor I

want to flatten it now on the back side of the card and then I want to fold in

my two outer panels so I folded them both in see I didn't do just the tape

tab that would not work it wouldn't be correct I need to have both the panels

folded inward and flat then I'm going to carefully peel up the liner on my tab

and close the card against it and that creates the floating floor and now it's

ready for those el supports for the El supports it's just a matter of taking

off the liner to expose the adhesive on the bottom of the foot and then with my

card open to 90 degrees so I want to make sure that my floor is in its

viewing position because that will help me with placing my feet so that my

supports will stand straight up in that viewing position I'm just going to slide

that sticky end of the foot down and attach it to the base of the card so let

me show you from the side in that viewing position I should have straight

supports in fact I'm probably going to move that one just a little bit this one

looks perfect so I'll just go in and unstick that one foot and just change

the angle a bit and it is time to add the house and the


you have styling options with the house you can just die cut it and leave it

flat or you can leave that paper in the die change out your machine to have an

embossing sandwich and then roll it back through the machine to press that paper

up through that die to create that brick and siding texture to the house

it'll be a subtle tone on tone texture that you could leave alone or brush some

ink across it or if you want to have a very crisp texture use the die as a

stencil and brush some ink through it and then you'll get a very crisp

highlighting of that texture and then I like to just brush a little of the same

color ink around the edges as well

then of course I want to spritz a little water on my die and immediately dry it

just remove that ink there are several little decorator dyes

that go with the house a little rectangle that you can glue behind the

window openings I like to use yellow and makes it look like the lights are on in

the house then you've got a dye that does the door frame and the door since I

often want those out of two different colors I use the first door as a chimney

and then I run back through with whatever color I want my front door with

that same die there is a diet it does the roof pieces and then two identical

window frame and shutter dies and that way you can cut both of the window

frames at the same time I like to just add a little glue around the window

frame itself and then press it into position that allows me to kind of lift

up and shape those shutters without having glue underneath them you can even

add a pop dot underneath them or you could go in and cut with another color

and just trim out just the shutter piece and glue it over the top if you wanted

to have a different color to your shutters

for adhering all those small pieces you could just add some double-sided

adhesive to the back of the card stock before die-cutting and then all of those

little pieces will become stickers or I just use my fine tip bottle filled with

line code neutral pH adhesive which is my favorite I can get all those little

fine lines of glue and quickly attach everything onto my house and this house

really doesn't have a season you'll be able to use a year-round and with or

without the pop-up since today's card has a winter theme I thought I would add

some snow to my house using some Nouveau crystal drops in the simply white and

I'm just doing the roof line to the top of the shutters a little bit pooling in

the panes of the windows but then I need to set that aside to dry the other

decorator pieces that come in the set are the stone past the fence and the

little guy that does four wreaths my snow has dried so I get to start

creating my scene inside the card and I'll start by adding some adhesive to

that center support and pressing the house to it it doesn't matter where it

goes I decided just to Center it and just give it a second to set up before I

close the card and give it a really good press I like to add the house first

because that is going to set the location in my front door which is what

sets the location of my stone path that stone path is designed to be half the

distance from the front door to the edge of the floor so you just need two of

them but it up next to each other to create that stone path

two senses will go across the front of the floor just perfectly which is not to

say you can't trim those fences extend them you can just line them right up

over the top of each other and make that fence as long as you want it to be one

of my favorite looks when I'm doing it with the house in the stone path is to

have the last section of the fence not be glued down then outward just a little

bit to appear to be a gate or another idea would just be to leave a section

out in front of the path so it's just kind of completely up to you I decided

just to do that gate look it can't stay open you know it's going to be mostly

closed but it has a little bit of dimension to it

there is a decorator dye that will cut for tiny wreaths at one time and the

reason it cuts for is in case you want to hang them off of the fence postman

with just one cut you've got enough to decorate the entire fence but they also

fit on the house so you can use them on the house either on the front door you

can hang them over the windows you can hang them above the windows so lots of

ways you can use that cute little wreath

so now it's time for the finishing the sizing of the large tree charm in

the winter charms which is two inches tall is actually perfect for the scale

of the house and then I decorated mine with a small snowflake charm on top

since I chose to do a pretty skinny card my Elf supports are pretty close to that

outside edge of my card what I'm going to have to do is I'm going to have to

slide my tree over a little bit into the card so that the bottom branches don't

stick out of the side of the card when it's closed it's not a problem as long

as a portion of the tree touches my elf support I can still use it so it's not

like it has to be centered behind the tree I just have to have some portion of

the tree touching that L support and I'll do that again on the other side a

little bit of glue on my elf support and then just line up my tree so that the

edge of the branches is right along the edge of the card and then press it to

that exposed adhesive so by using those L supports you really get a lot of

layers to this pop-up I finished out my cards interior with a

greeting from word set three and then the large snowflake charm and a couple

little strips of the pattern paper that I intend to use on the front of the card

my design process for the card fronts is usually just to repeat the same color

styling and elements as the inside with just a simple little lead-in so a fence

with a couple wreaths on it and I'm layering a couple of labels that I took

out of the Catherine label pop-up it has been my experience that people tend to

display their pop-up cards open since that's where the wow factor is so I'm

not really a fan of doubling my work if I've spent a bunch of time designing a

really cool card interior then I just like to take the same elements colors

styling leftover materials and create myself that simple lead in my finished

card measures four and a quarter by five inches it will fit in an a2 envelope and

because I didn't put a lot of rhinestones and bulky embellishments on

it it will mail for a single stamp there are just so many different ways that you

can style this one I think that you're going to find it a really really

versatile set this is the packaging sample which is a gingerbread version of

the house so exactly the same assembly I just cut absolutely everything out of

gingerbread colored cardstock and highlighted with a white gel pen

or how about a haunted house this one is styled using a couple of the new

Halloween dyes in the collection the Halloween elements and the Halloween

scene and really you can style that house for any season all year round so

here's a cute idea using the little winter animals just styled for a spring

thinking of you card so you can create your own neighborhood

using the House and Fence Pop-up die If you click on the website link you'll

go to where you can find out information about

purchasing these dies as well as links to all of my other social media accounts

you can subscribe to this YouTube channel and check out some of my other

videos thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Karen Burniston Die Set #1015 House and Fence Pop-up Assembly - Duration: 12:57.


Arsenal transfer news: Rafa Benitez steps up pursuit of Arsenal ace Lucas Perez but will not match - Duration: 3:47.

Newcastle boss Rafa Benitez steps up pursuit of Arsenal ace Lucas Perez but will not match their £13.4m valuation

NEWCASTLE boss Rafael Benitez is hoping to step up his interest in Lucas Perez – but only if Arsenal lower their asking price for the unsettled striker.

Benitez is looking to bring in more firepower to his squad as he prepares for the clubs return to Premier League football. Newcastle are hoping Arsenal lower their asking price for Lucas Perez.

Rafael Benitez would prefer to take Lucas Perez to Newcastle on a season-long loan. And according to the Standard he is keen to snap up Spanish striker Perez, who is looking to escape from his nightmare spell with the Gunners.

But though Arsenal accept the 28-year-old forward wants to leave the Emirates in the pursuit of first team football, they are still demanding a fee of £13. 4million for his services.

That fee is not one Benitez is willing to pay as he attempts to piece together a squad capable of ensuring Newcastle consolidate their position back in the top flight.

If a permanent deal is the only one available then Benitez does not want to pay more than £10m, partly because there would be little sell-on value for the player in the future.

Instead, the Toon boss would prefer the Gunners to agree to let the former Deportivo La Coruna star move to Tyneside on a season-long loan deal.

And they believe Arsene Wenger may have to budge from his tough stance with no clubs willing to pay the London sides asking price.

Lucas Perez is training with Arsenal but is looking to leave the club this summer.   Lucas Perez scores an amazing volley for Arsenal against Bournemouth.

Perez is desperate to leave Arsenal having struggled for opportunities during his first season with the club following his £17m move last summer.

He scored seven goals in 21 appearances last season, and made no secret of his desire to leave when he met with Wenger at the start of the summer.

Having splashed out £52m to sign Alexandre Lacazette last month, Arsenal opportunities for Perez seem even more remote than before.

Rafa Benitez is trying to build a squad capable of surviving in the Premier League.

Wenger admitted he had not been able to give Perez the chances he deserved, and showed a willingness to let him leave if the right move came up.

But that gesture now looks as though it could be blocked because the Gunners are insisting on such a big transfer fee.

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Rafa Benitez steps up pursuit of Arsenal ace Lucas Perez but will not match - Duration: 3:47.


DIY How to make nylon butterfly out of tights (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #382 - Duration: 3:16.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make butterfly out of nylon tights.

I made this video by request from my viewer.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Wrap a wire around a round container (make a circle).

Remove it...

...and make another circle.

Cut them off...

...and fold the end of wire.

Make second pair of circles but slightly bigger.

Improve a shape of both pairs of wings.

Wrap a wing by using tights.

Secure it by using thread.

Cut off an excess of nylon.

Do the same with all the wings.

Next, bind wings together by using thread.

Hide the thread by using a piece of tights.

Secure it by using glue.

Cut a piece of wire.

Fold it in half...

...and add beads.

Squeeze the wire.

Add a bead on the end of wire.

Fold the end (secure the bead).

To the same with second end of wire.

Glue the body to the wings.

Glue a couple of pearls to the wings.

And it's done.

This butterfly is a nice decoration.

You can attach it to a curtain or use it to make a hair decoration.

You can decorate your butterfly by using rhinestones, sequins or other small ornaments.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

That's all for today. Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make nylon butterfly out of tights (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #382 - Duration: 3:16.


"Hoop It Up" tournament expands to Waterbury for this year's event - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> "Hoop It Up" tournament expands to Waterbury for this year's event - Duration: 2:00.


HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance Up To 70% Off 08.01.2017 - 09 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance Up To 70% Off 08.01.2017 - 09 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance Up To 70% Off 08.01.2017 - 11 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance Up To 70% Off 08.01.2017 - 11 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


How to set up your Convert Kit account - An Introduction To Convert Kit - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> How to set up your Convert Kit account - An Introduction To Convert Kit - Duration: 10:48.


HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance Up To 70% Off 08.01.2017 - 03 PM - Duration: 1:00:00.

For more infomation >> HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance Up To 70% Off 08.01.2017 - 03 PM - Duration: 1:00:00.


Local dairy farm back up and running after flash flooding cut off supply - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Local dairy farm back up and running after flash flooding cut off supply - Duration: 1:58.


Three ways Manchester United can line up with Nemanja Matic following Chelsea departure - Duration: 4:26.

Three ways Manchester United can line up with Nemanja Matic following Chelsea departure

Manchester United announced the £40m capture of Nemanja Matic from Chelsea on Monday. Its the Red Devils third signing of the summer following the arrivals of Romelu Lukaku and Victor Lindelof.

Jose Mourinho had identified four targets at the start of the summer but says hes willing to accept three because of the difficulty of the transfer market.

The 54-year-old wanted his signings in place before pre-season and, though Matic doesnt excite fans in the way perhaps Lukaku does, his arrival could be crucial at Old Trafford this term.

Heres three ways the Red Devils could line up with Matic at the club.

4-3-3 with Pogba pushed forward. United spent a world record £89m on Paul Pogba and, while he may have impressed in periods last term, the Frenchman needs to kick on this term.

The former Juventus man started the season in a midfield two with Marouane Fellaini but was then pushed forward in a midfield three alongside Ander Herrera and Michael Carrick.

Pogba was supported by two conservative midfielders at Juventus and produced his best football when he was allowed the freedom to roam forward.

While he has the physical attributes to defend, his ability is wasted by sitting too deep and he can become Uniteds main man next season without Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Wayne Rooney.

Part of the reason that Pogba was deployed so deep was because Mourinho didnt trust any of his current midfielders to occupy the role by themselves.

Herrera had a fine season at Old Trafford but hes at his best when hes playing box-to-box and does not sniff danger in the same way Matic does.

The Serbian has the defensive discipline to allow Pogba and Herrera to push forward and this could allow for United to play a more attacking brand of football at home.

4-2-3-1 with Herrera dropped. Mourinho switched regularly between formations last season and hell be searching for a cure to Uniteds horrid home form.

The Red Devils drew 11 matches at home and this ultimately cost them a place in the top four, as well as a title challenge.

United struggled in particular against the weaker sides in the league and one option Mourinho has is to deploy Matic alongside Pogba in a two-man midfield.

While Pogba is better in an advanced position, he has the passing range to unlock defences and this formation would allow Mourinho to field an exciting front four of Anthony Martial, Romelu Lukaku, Marcus Rashford and Henrikh Mkhitaryan.

Herrera deserves in no way to be dropped for his performances last term but Matics greater positional sense would benefit the club in home games.

Three at the back. United switched to three at the back at times towards the end of last season and Mourinhos continued to experiment with the formation in pre-season.

The formation was used to great effect against Chelsea in a 2-0 win in April – Mourinhos stand-out win since his move to the club.

The system would allow Mourinho to pick Matic, Herrera and Pogba but keep a good defensive shape with wing-backs in Valencia and Jesse Lingard.

Crucially, it would allow United to play Rashford and Lukaku together in a front two – something that the club have been trying to figure out since the Belgians transfer to the club.

For more infomation >> Three ways Manchester United can line up with Nemanja Matic following Chelsea departure - Duration: 4:26.


Zara Larsson Tells Us Which Harry Potter Star Glowed Up: The GOAT Show | Complex AU - Duration: 2:30.

[The GOAT Show theme music]


This is really funny


I like,

people are funny as hell, I have to say that.

So extra.

I like the Katniss Everdeen one

and the little sperm one.

I like the Katniss one, I feel like I could be of use

when she pulls the arrow.

Also I'm a Sagittarius,

maybe that's why.

The GOAT meme is the Hunger Games braid one.

Leonardo DiCaprio

never looked so good as he's doing in,

'Romeo + Juliet'

Any Leonardo DiCaprio is bae, honestly


that was kinda like his prime, I feel like.

Just before 'Titanic'. 'Titanic' is a good one too

I think Rihanna looks stunning always

and she really, really hit the nail in coffin

– Is that what, do you say that?

No! That's not the expression I wanna use.

She just hit the nail on the head!

At the Met Gala, when she did Comme Des Garcons

And, people thought it was,

People who didn't get the Met Gala thing,

Who just think you should go there in a nice dress

thought it was weird, but I just thought it's perfect

Although I do like the Swarovski

I do like that one.

It's a statement, and it's really cool

and she looks bomb.

I would say the CFDA Awards 2014.

It's just,

that look is just iconic.

Yea, it really is.


Well the GOAT 'Harry Potter' bae is Harry Potter

He's cute

I like him.

We're talking about the movies now I guess

but also Ron is quite cute, honestly

but I would say Harry Potter.

Also he's nice. Draco isn't nice.

He's not that cute, either.

But also, he fucking glowed up

[laughs]. You're right, Neville

He glowed, up.

If there's a definition of glowing up,

It's Neville. Like, from the first to the last movie.

You're like, 'ohh...

OK. Well hey there.'

But I would still go with Harry Potter.

For more infomation >> Zara Larsson Tells Us Which Harry Potter Star Glowed Up: The GOAT Show | Complex AU - Duration: 2:30.


Motorcycle Adapter Kit Sets Up Fast, Easy - Duration: 1:51.

Matt: Welcome back to QuickJack Quick Tips. I'm Matt. This week we're bringing you everything

you need to know about our motorcycle ada--

Max: Nope! It's still me, Max, the host that

tells it like it is, without any stupid crap.

This week we're going to show you how to set

up your QuickJack motorcycle adapter kit. The motorcycle adapter is a neat accessory

that lets you quickly secure and lift basically any motorcycle that weighs less than 1,000

pounds. If you're interested in this tool for your garage, setting it up is fast and

easy. Here's how it works. It's got a clamp needs to be attached with a total of

12 bolts, which only takes a few minutes to do. Two tie-down rings are also included,

and these screw directly into the platform. With that done, push both QuickJack frames

together, making sure the lock bars always face out. Place the platform over the frames

and slide in the included metal rod, then secure the rod in place. That's it! Now

you're ready to roll a bike onto the low-profile ramp, secure it in place with the front-wheel

clamp and tie-downs, and start lifting. Setup and takedown takes minutes flat! If you own

an ATV, we also have an extra-wide platform made just for you. Both platforms set up the

same way. And that's all! Before I go though, special shout-out to our biggest Quick Tips supporter,

MFX3. I speak on behalf of all of us here at QuickJack when I say…

We love you, MFX3.

Everyone else, we need your support too, so be sure to like this video and subscribe to

our channel for more Quick Tips.

For more infomation >> Motorcycle Adapter Kit Sets Up Fast, Easy - Duration: 1:51.


HSN | Home Clearance up to 50% Off 08.02.2017 - 06 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Home Clearance up to 50% Off 08.02.2017 - 06 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


HSN | Home Clearance up to 50% Off 08.02.2017 - 01 AM - Duration: 1:00:00.

For more infomation >> HSN | Home Clearance up to 50% Off 08.02.2017 - 01 AM - Duration: 1:00:00.


Local dairy farm back up and running after flash flooding cut off supply - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Local dairy farm back up and running after flash flooding cut off supply - Duration: 2:23.


Karen Burniston Die Set #1021 Sleigh Pop-up Assembly - Duration: 15:50.

Hello it's Karen Burniston and I'm here with an assembly video for one of

my die sets. This is die number one zero two one the Sleigh Pop-up and you can

check out all of my designs at

This is a really cool die set because you get two different assembly options.

You can make a standing pop-up which means that you open your card up to 180

degrees - a nice flat card - and then that sleigh pops up in the middle, or you can

assemble it to be a traditional pop-up card which is when you view your pop-up

with your card opened to 90 degrees. The video will show you both assemblies

and we're going to start with the stand up assembly. There are nine dies in the

set - I have them here on a magnet sheet for the video - and I'm going to start

with the two pieces to cut the sleigh. You can use any die-cutting machine that

can accommodate a wafer-thin die just make the proper sandwich and roll it

through. I'm using a Sizzix Big Shot today.

The overlay piece is just sized to fit over the sleigh like this to give it a

highlight and you also have the option with this piece to take advantage of the

stencil and emboss feature on the die. So if I want to emboss that die I need

to change out my machine to be an embossing sandwich and you would just

need to Google that to find out what it is for your machine. I'm using a Sizzix

Big Shot so I need my Impressions pad and my silicon rubber on the height for an

embossing folder. So for me that's my Essentials Platform - it might be Tab One

if you're using a tabbed platform. Cutting pad on top and then you just

roll that through the machine. So embossing the die gives you that really

cool raised texture and you can leave that as is or maybe highlight that by

brushing some ink across it. And then another option would be to actually put

the die back over the paper again and sponge some ink through the die using it

like a stencil. So in this case I'm using some white ink and then that will give

me a very crisp version of that texture because it will add that white color to

all those raised areas. And then maybe I'll brush a little red around the edges

as well.

And then I just glue those two pieces together. And then I would just repeat

this exact same process to make a second sleigh because I need two of them when

I'm making pop-up cards. This is the pop-up mechanism die so I

just need to die cut that out of cardstock.

After die-cutting I want to work all of the folds in the piece and I always find

its easiest to put my thumbnail right into the fold, fold towards my thumbnail

but then reverse, because every one of these folds on this piece I want to fold

away from me so basically as a mountain fold. Okay so I'm going to just find each

one and then reverse it so it goes the other way. I have a whole series of

mountain folds going down this piece.

By working all those folds first it becomes really easy to bring the notch

that's out on the end of the strip around and into the notch that's in the

center of the strip creating this little box. Now I'm going to repeat that same

thing on the other side. I'm going to bring the end around slide the notch

into the notch at the center and that creates my second little box. So

basically - and I'll just kind of work these fold so those boxes will fold in

either direction - but what it is is two side by side boxes with kind of a

doubled up center. And what I'd like to do is actually seal that center so for

that I'm just going to take my glue and get in there between the two boxes and

just press those two together to seal them.

You get to choose your card size. A top- fold card is what you need. I've decided

to make a square card today so I went with a 5x5 top fold card, added some

patterned paper just out of my stash, rounded the corners and then now I'm

going to glue my mechanism right over the center of that fold. Before I glue

this down I want to make sure I have it oriented correctly because the little

cutout in the mechanism points one direction but then the opposite on the

other side so I have to figure out which way is forward and the way that's

forward is the side that matches the sleigh. So it's just a matter of taking

my sleigh and saying "oh does that fit? Yep, that fits perfectly." So that's the

section that I would want to have pointing towards the front of my card.

Any strong adhesive will work. I'm using glue, so I'm using Lineco neutral pH

adhesive in my Fine Tip Bottle but you could also use glue dots or a nice

strong double-sided tape - just something that's strong enough to hold up to that

card opening and closing a bunch of times. For location I want it directly

over the fold of the card. And then I can close that card and actually give it

another good press in the closed position to make sure I have a really

good bond on the two boxes to the card. And that's all there is to it - that's the

pop-up mechanism. All that needs to happen now is just to glue a sleigh to

either side of those boxes and then start filling it up with fun


Your glue needs to go on the box itself because of all the cutouts,

but the cutouts line up perfectly with the sleigh and that makes it super easy

to both add the sleigh to the box in the proper position so that it pops up and

pops down really nicely, but then also so that when you add the other sleigh to the

backside it is in the same exact spot as the one on the front. So that will really

make it easy to do that because you've got that guide on the mechanism itself. I

love that this pop-up is such simple assembly but with such a dynamic look to

it. Now I am going to see the back of the sleigh as the card opens and since I

happen to choose a metallic cardstock that wasn't the same on both sides - it's

actually just white on the back - my thought was to at least kind of dress up

that back sleigh a little bit. I'm going to put a little gold decorator sleigh on

the back and that way as the card is opening it's not just solid white it has

a little bit of glamour to it. So you fill the sleigh by gluing things like to

the center piece or to either of the sleighs but you can also add a little

extender giving you more area to decorate inside the sleigh.

So here's what I mean - you take a little scrap of cardstock

I don't even measure it - I just loose cut it with my scissors and then I just add

a little bit of glue to both sides of the end of that scrap. And where that's

going to go is I'm actually going to separate the two halves of that center

piece and just press that little extender right in between the two and

I'm just going to do it at an angle that it's basically kind of hidden by the

sleigh but going up into the back of the sleigh like you see there. And that just

extends all of that platform area where I can fill that with presents and

animals and, you know, whatever I want to put in the sleigh.

The die set does come with decorator pieces including a present with a bow.

You've got a wreath with a bow, and then there's a snowflake.

So the cross piece is the ribbon that goes on the present. So you just add some

adhesive to that, and then you've got the present box, and just glue those together.

And then you have the option on the big bow as to whether you make this a

horizontal present or whether you make it a vertical present so it's just up to

you as to which way you you glue the bow on. I like to just add the adhesive kind of

to the tails of the bow and have the top of the bow sticking up higher than the

package. I just think it looks nice that way. So typically I just make a series of

presents, some of them horizontal, some of them vertical - just kind of mix up the

colors and the looks to them. And then there is a small bow as well and that is

sized to fit perfectly on the little wreath die that comes in the set.

And then there's a snowflake.

So then to fill the sleigh it's just a matter of adding some adhesive to that

strip and then just pressing my items to it. So I'm going to start here out on the

end of the strip - I'm going to choose a present... ooh tough choice I'm gonna

go with red. And I just press that to that glue to add it into the sleigh and of

course it can go at any kind of angle - it can be high, or low, or side-, you know. You

decide. Decide how you want these to look in your sleigh. I'm going to just go

right down that strip and add another present and then just continue filling.

You can also attach items to the sleigh itself like I'm going to add this extra

present here to the front end of the sleigh. And I wanted to point out that

the sleigh is sized to fit any of the animal sets including the new Winter

Animals. So I've chosen to use the Hedgehog here and have her holding that

wreath. And then I'll just add snowflakes. Now in addition to the snowflakes I did

create a greeting using Word Set 3 and I thought it'd be fun to swap out

the O for the wreath that comes in the set.

And I am a fan of just repeating my elements on the fronts of cards just to

make a simple lead-in. So more of the patterned paper. I made a little row here

of some more presents and snowflakes using the set and then I'll just glue

that to the front of the card. And this finished card is a five by five square

and what's important about that is that you can mail it in an A7 - an envelope for

a 5x7 card - and then you don't have to put extra postage on it. Okay one card

down let's make another one. This time using the assembly for a traditional


And you know I'm all about options so let me show you another way that you

might choose to style the sleigh. In this case I'm going to nest the two dies

together and cut them at the same time so now instead of having a piece that I

layer on top, actually the area that's the decorator part of the sleigh ends up

coming shining through from underneath when I layer that overlay over the top

of a solid sleigh. So you might just experiment with your different options

for how you style these sleighs.

Die cutting and folding the pop-up mechanism is identical no matter which

way you're making the pop-up, so it's just a matter of making those two side

by side boxes by bringing the ends around and putting the notches together.

So we make mountain folds. I bend towards my thumbnail and then reverse it.

i bend towards my thumbnail and then reverse it. And that makes all the folds

necessary for a box. I bring the notch around and put it

through the center notch, making those two side-by-side boxes. And once again I want

to seal those together by putting glue between them.

I always get to choose my own card size so I've cut a piece of cardstock to 8.5

tall by 5 inches wide so that makes a 5 by 4.25 top fold card. So

I have a little bit of a patterned paper problem in that that I have way too much

of it and yet I still manage to buy more. But this is an older paper. I have

so many pretty holiday papers just left over from previous years that I don't

buy new stuff for videos. I just go back through my stash and I really encourage

you to do the same - just find something pretty. This sleigh is going to work great

with any color scheme in any type of paper. For a traditional pop-up assembly

the back sleigh is glued to the back wall just right along the edge of the fold.

And then the mechanism is actually going to glue to the sleigh lining up the

mechanism with the pattern on the sleigh. So the adhesive will go on the box

itself just avoiding all the holes and then I'm just going to press that down

over the top of the sleigh.

And then the other side is going to attach by adding the adhesive to the

bottom of the two boxes - they're basically just going to operate as one

unit now - and I'll just bring the card up to that 90 degree position so that I can

press down the bottom of that box to the other half of the card. Now one thing

that I discovered right away was that glitter paper being behind that

mechanism was not going to be permanent. There was no way that glue was going to

want to stick to that glitter. So I just went in and peeled away the glitter. It

didn't really matter that it was a little bit messy because all of that's

going to be hidden anyway. So a little hint from me - if you're using glitter paper

just make sure that you remove it from the area that you're expecting that

mechanism to stick to.

And then I just need to add my other sleigh to the front of the box so once

again just go in there with my glue and avoiding those holes with adhesive and

then just lining up the pattern and pressing that other sleigh to it.

From here there's no difference. The process for filling the sleigh is

identical as with a standing sleigh. I just added my little extender arm with a

scrap of cardstock and just filled it all up with some cool presents,

snowflakes, and a wreath. I stamped my Merry Christmas greeting onto a couple

of layered labels. Those came out of the Gift Card Label set which I'm going to

use on the front of the card as well. Now for the front I've just turned to my

leftover materials the same pattern paper and a few embellishments from the

sleigh set. And when I die cut the large Gift Card Label I also nested it in one of

the smaller labels and cut that at the same time. So this large label is cool

because it holds, as an option, a standard sized gift card. So you don't always have

to use it for a gift card as you see it's a really pretty shape and you could

just use it as its own embellishment on a card. But it does hold a gift card and

since I do plan to use it for a gift card I'll put the gift card in before I

add my glue and that way I know I'm avoiding those couple little areas where

the card slides kind of behind the piece. I don't want to glue those areas down.

And I like doing this inlay technique when I am going to use a gift card so

that I don't have anything for the gift card to catch again so it ends up just

being a nice flat piece even those two-tone.

And then I will just finish out my front decoration by just layering those few

extra pieces in the corner and gluing it to the front of my card.

So there you have it - two different ways to assemble the Sleigh Pop-up die and

while of course we think of a sleigh for a Christmas card I am looking at this

and thinking it could be a pretty cool Halloween card. A little bit of that

"Nightmare Before Christmas" styling and there are a couple new Halloween dies in

the collection as well. So I'm looking forward to giving that a try.

And throughout the year you can use those presents maybe on birthday cards.

You can use the mechanism to animate something else in your collection so you

don't always have to use the mechanism just for the sleigh. And of course I love

how the cute little Winter Animals fit so nicely in the sleigh.

If you click on the website link you'll go to where you

can find out information about purchasing these dies as well as links

to all of my other social media accounts. You can subscribe to this YouTube

channel and check out some of my other videos. Thanks so much for watching and I'll

see you next time.

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