Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily song Aug 1 2017

SUNDAY - A Sunday collection of photographs - New Original Song By Darren Burch

SUNDAY - A Sunday collection of photographs - New Original Song By Darren Burch

For more infomation >> SUNDAY - A Sunday collection of photographs - New Original Song By Darren Burch - Duration: 3:21.


Relax Music 2017 - हिंदी गीत- Bollywood Acoustic Covers of Popular Songs Arijit Singh Cover Samprita - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Relax Music 2017 - हिंदी गीत- Bollywood Acoustic Covers of Popular Songs Arijit Singh Cover Samprita - Duration: 4:45.


Reaction to the song Knock Knock from Twice (트와이스 トゥワイス) - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Reaction to the song Knock Knock from Twice (트와이스 トゥワイス) - Duration: 5:56.


THE SONG OF MY PEOPLE | Guts And Glory #16 - Duration: 14:06.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome back to guts and glory now I

know it's been forever since I've done guts and glory I knew somebody pointed

it out it's been like a month since I've done a Gustin glory episode I just got

loaded a video of Ben and Ed Blood Part II saying that I was kind of

discontinuing it for a while but I can't stay away from guts and glory and just a

duty to fulfill and there's people who like to watch it so I'm going to jump

into it and mountainous mayhem that's what we're going to do right now

not this mayhew because I like money him alright Gyan and gem put the viking

helmet on and John and Jimmy for the way I've done this one before have have I've

done this one already I feel like I've got get up get up I feel like I've

totally done this one already I know we'll see I'm just going to do it in it

is gone but get done is gonna get done I'm just gonna do it again just in case

it I pretty sure I don't think I have like I really I legit like I may have

done like a similar level maybe the nagas and not advancement John all right

Ian I'll do watch out for the spike you just

want the spikes hit you're like thank you

and already Han to two deaths imma start counting my death um we know watch out

for the spike ease it up get up get up get don't go towards them oh yes oh I

got to go back up now what the f bro what the f bro bro with the ACE you want

me to get back it we get back it that day I don't want to go back up do this

way up no okay let's get let's get a running start

no don't fall you soup you so stupid you're so stupid you just did down this

little man you dum-dum if you will on those bombs which I've heard two bombs

which out screw the razor blades another missile why why are you even here this

was just a bad life decision that's all this is a poor decision to make

in your life and you brought your son into it - oh good you

belly flop on impact huh just don't even care you don't even care oh okay it's

fine I've seen get more speed and a better angle a better angle and more

speed probably just better angle honestly oh

sorry but oh my god why are they such good shot I don't know why you should

shouldn't you be okay so um I'm probably actually enjoy this game is to depending

on how many how many new custom levels actually are released which I got a look

at the workshop again it's been a while I might actually I might start it go my

god come on Oh mind if I start again I might start

doing these again I don't I don't know we'll figure it out we don't don't

figure it we go figure out of because I've been doing this thing to where I

just play what I want like that's just been my thing like I've been that wasn't

even that even count didn't even count to try but I've been just kind of like

cuz I've been taking requests since I started YouTube like people been not you

should play this and you should play this and stuff like that and I've been

like okay up high and then I play it and then it's just like uh my soul calm now

because I didn't play with what I wanted to play so I've been playing what I've

been wanting to play which was the joy of creation which is funny it's funny

there's a lot more to the joy of creation games oh come on

there's reborn there's Halloween edition and I've got to play those too because I

wanna I won not they're very hard and I miss hard games like that like even five

nights at Freddy's itself like the original game was not this hard so I'm

gonna play what I want like this all Jade come on Kevin

Ketel then you can't just get shot in midair like that go to bat flip though

my yard dodge it a guy died guide and guide you

candy oh yeah oh don't don't oh my god you're just trying to break

dance at all the wrong times

and do that you can't do this you just frickin a frickin a every bad be victim

Dave the baddie oh no no no ah I don't like this I don't like when

you just do the thing oh stop it you're bullies you bigger bullies

that's all you are oh dude how are you supposed to do that you gotta get air

you can't not get launched into the sky and it's like pull you just get shot see

boom okay no wait I'm just gonna go yo nice music 90 oh yeah dumb I didn't gain

any speed I gained no speed from that boost just

then if not not even a tic not a little not even a little bit is

speed and also I've been wanting to play Slayer unknown battlegrounds I'm like

shooters start the conversation off of that I don't really like shooters that

much Oh freaking Frank I'm like I'm losing it I'm losing it on first level

sure it didn't burst me why are you not gonna boost me you're not getting a

boost before feel like I'm doing my part I feel like feel like I'm doing my part

trying my best and you guys aren't respecting that

let me up should I even try anymore I don't think i'ma try anymore I'm gonna

make up songs and not try anymore because the don't want rocks keep dying

yeah don't fail doh haha it's a game all lawyers right there yeah you are mine

why you say you are mine you are mine but I'm not a mile

it's his recipe this is better to be applied because the minds and oh wow

that is so first of all over dog don't you think it's a little ridiculous

haha did it look at them lame yeah boom you're at a bomb dad cam that's what she

said oh hey oh I'm for some Forrest rampage

with Errol the poopoo head poopoo add L if you might want to know his name that

this is alias and he exploded today and I'm just gonna close says the man who's

got cut in half okay I am going to take it slow though I am I'm gonna take a

couple nice and slow and slow down dude you don't know to your face I just had

this context low Oh what okay it was a vegetable

it was the vegetable region's going together

Street on our ATV L I'm gonna ride out of country song because don't know how

to see in you or play guitar or play piano or play any other instruments as

you do at this bit but happy a little my own we do a singer because singing yeah

but everybody but do you do division deep indeed you believe a diver doopa

doopa doopa doopa there's the finish line already got to go back down but I'm

gonna take a shortcut take a circuit yeah into the bar pin I'm

last oh never mind it's a ball pit of death I guess you gotta understand it I

got confused because the left peer-to-peer below let Pam

is a good tragic rhythmic entropy neski perk oh so I can't think just this just

in case you guys didn't know hey I'm alive

excuse me everyone I have a finish line to get to okay there are they divorced

over the finish line I have finished in a stunning okay next level let's go to

change track I'm running on tracks and ran out of tracks to do not running out

of tracks themselves because you can install them in the game but I try to

pre install them before the episodes so valley of death I guess um I'm gonna do

this hat with the yang family sit oh they're not all wear it it I'm the game

family and I am going to make it through the valley your job also known as death

because I don't know how to speak not because I'm the yang family because I'm

not I'm actually just give you voicing the yang family today what we can't

break the fourth wall I am breaking the fourth wall and I am also drifting me a

pig if you tip of Cuba oh I look at this wrecking ball I challenge me to a duel

just kidding I don't feel like it today I'm on a leisurely stroll through the

valley of death with my family family I mean because I'm jay-z me not not the

yang family be pppppp okay I want them to add like an ice

cream truck in this game with Rupert Grint in it because you know the he

plays wrong on Harry Potter and nowadays he actually he he has an ice cream truck

and it's really what's not silly is actually really cute because he I can't

remember this stuff that about it something about like donations or

something some some kind of charity words but it's really cool it's really

nice and involves kids and stuff and wavy does

yeah we I forgot you get eject now oh you're

freaking awesome I know Maine I know I know I am I can't

see myself any other way I wonder if there's any other levels I got a

mountain village sounds lame oh you have to place it

I am very confused very confused by all of this because it just popped me in

here is the egg family with the same hat and everything and I'm at the bottom of

Mountain I don't know if there's a there's a finish you have to go up to

very confused very very confused do I have to talk I'm gonna start over

because something something's fishy I can't even look up like is there is

there a way up is that what you're trying to say you gonna ride around

mountain today because on the mountain rider I'd imagine ready ran round the

mountain today yeah yeah cuz I'd make up a song because just singing out the

worst yet you got to go up that way I guess you got to get some speed and not

drift like a maniac do it this is not you are not vin diesel and this is not

let's have some furious okay let's go let's do this yes be in didn't die okay

you know what guys rude we're going on a field trip we're gonna field trip there

did you know going up to Tappin mountain dare we can't hear each it can't reach

it we can't reach it how you sent me to bed

excellent me - beta H on it Oh God spin on ten seconds I'm not driving them

Oh am I actually climbing it and I'm doing doing I'm like at the edge though

oh no we're going down well yes all right last try last try I mean try this

if it doesn't work then I'm gonna have to just download some better bubbles

this is not do thing uh uh wait so why is it finished down why is a start and

the finish down here I feel like they didn't mean to do that

feel like they meant to put the star somewhere else if it continues to be

impossible oh wow okay okay that was way easier I'm here

guys were here or I'm here we're not you is just me it's just me without family

ah okay don't flip it now we did with there so

much tradable what the f anis your dorms at us no thanks no thanks I'm not not

nah nah nah nah fam alright I gotta finish a puddle here I hope you guys

enjoyed oh god sir Gloria's back and maybe been in that blood party I don't

know thinking about it and it might do another few other bit random stuff I

still have a lot of indie games on my list s not a lot of fool anyway if you

guys didn't enjoy make sure you slap that like button underneath the video

and until next time I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> THE SONG OF MY PEOPLE | Guts And Glory #16 - Duration: 14:06.


গ্রামীণ ব্যাংক নিয়ে চরম একটা গান - ভাওয়াইয়া সুরে গানটি আসলেই সত্য - bangla new song - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> গ্রামীণ ব্যাংক নিয়ে চরম একটা গান - ভাওয়াইয়া সুরে গানটি আসলেই সত্য - bangla new song - Duration: 5:45.


Honey Bee 2.5 |Aminathatha Video Song Lyrics | - Duration: 3:20.

Lyrics in Description

For more infomation >> Honey Bee 2.5 |Aminathatha Video Song Lyrics | - Duration: 3:20.


The iconic Frank Sidebottom expresses his love for Dennis and Lois, in a song - Duration: 1:18.

Dennis and Lois are really fantastic

Yes, they are fabulous people

They do things in America

and I've not yet thought up a rhyme for that bit...

Oh, Dennis and Lois are fantastic in the morning

Dennis and Lois are fantastic in the evening!


Dennis and Lois are most fantastic in the afternoon...

Take it away, me!


Oh, Dennis and Lois

are really

Yes! I love Dennis and Lois dearly!

Dennis and Lois

are really


You know they are.

They really are!

Thank you!


For more infomation >> The iconic Frank Sidebottom expresses his love for Dennis and Lois, in a song - Duration: 1:18.


le chak mian aa gaya (Full Song) Parmish Verma | Latest Punjabi Songs 2017 | - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> le chak mian aa gaya (Full Song) Parmish Verma | Latest Punjabi Songs 2017 | - Duration: 3:24.


Song of Phoenix (思美人) - Episode 59 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:19.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ The far and long roads, the man I miss is at a distant place ♫

♫ Seeking the truth in heaven and on earth, opening up the words deep in my heart, not looking back ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, if one's heart could be fragrant ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful woman, desolate like the moon ♫

♫ I worry, when can I appreciate the grasses and flowers with a beautiful woman ♫

♫ The ancient people didn't have time to leave some Yimoxiang (a type of plant) ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, heart becoming fragrant on its own ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, fragrant dreams ♫

♫ The whole world is drunk, one's whole life just follows the blue water ♫

♫ I'll drive and go away for an adventure, flying as I want to in the nine skies ♫

Song of Phoenix

Episode 59

The peak that a grand ambition reaches, love how the white clouds floats freely in the sky. - Sorrowful Returning Wind from Nine Chapters by Qu Yuan

The Inner Court (harem) has evil spirits.


It seems to be coming from the southwestern corner of the palace, at a very vast area.

Southwest direction?

Isn't that River Algae Palace?

Queen Dowager, Consort Ying is from the State of Qin!

With the recent Qin and Chu war, could it be the restless souls are surrounding River Algae--

Stop talking.

Currently, the grieving spirits emitted are quite strong, so it must have something to do with the person living there.

If we just ignore it and let it be, a bigger disaster might happen.

Then since you know it's from River Algae Palace,

is there a way to break it?

There is a way. But...

But what?

Perhaps Consort Ying will have to suffer a little.

Right now, the situation is a bit dangerous.

Maybe we can try to organize an offering ceremony to the heavens.

Offering to the heavens?

Royal Mother, you said that we must organize an offering ceremony to the heavens?

I haven't been sleeping well lately.

Ever since the Great Shaman of Chu spoke,

I woke up from nightmares every day.

It's just that letting the consorts of the inner palace to do an offering ceremony to the Heaven,

won't that sound absurd when people learn of it?

I wasn't the one that said that.

It was the Great Shaman of Chu.

But, that's true.

I also find River Algae Palace a little strange.

Despite being summer, it feels cold when you go inside it.

Besides, that Consort Ying,

she never associates with the rest of you and just holds that rabbit,

living not as a ghost or a human.

I wouldn't believe you if you said there were no problems with her.

Yes. Since you have decided, I will go arrange for it right now.

It's just...should we tell Consort Ying ahead of time?

There's no need. This is an order.

She must obey.

After everything is ready,

I will personally go to find her.


Greetings, Queen Dowager.

Greetings, Great Shaman of Chu.

Consort Ying, we are now going to the nine-level stage for an offering ceremony to the heavens

to remove the evil spirits surrounding your body. Please come with us.

Evil spirits? What do you mean?

You don't need to care too much. Just come along.

I won't go! Why should I go?

You have no choice!

Queen Dowager. Queen Dowager, you cannot be like this! I won't go!

The earlier you do the offering ceremony, the earlier I will be at ease.

Great Shaman of Chu, you must do your best today.

You must totally eliminate the evil spirits surrounding Consort Ying

and ease my heart.

Do not worry, Queen Dowager.

I will definitely do my best.

Big Sister, don't be afraid.

Big Sister, there's no time. Hurry and go.

If you don't go now, you'll be discovered.

Then what about you?

You don't need to worry about me. I will have my ways.

Mo Chou, if I can reach Xianyang,

I will be forever grateful to you.

Big Sister Ying, getting to meet you

is the happiest thing to happen in my life.

Alright. Hurry and go.

Hurry and go!

Be careful on the road.

-Stop! -Stop!

Big Sister!


-Great Shaman of Chu! -Yu Niang.

I've never really supported the Princess leaving,

but I am willing to give up my life to go with her.

If the Princess won't fight for herself one more time,

she won't have another chance!

So I beg you, you must succeed!

The Princess cannot take more disappointment!

Hurry and get up.

It looks like there will be a good show to watch now.

Your Majesty!

Great Shaman of Chu, you are very daring!

Take them back!


Your Majesty, the Great Shaman of Chu dared to openly trick you

and trick the Queen Dowager and all of us!

Then it means that the evil spirits she was talking about are just made up things!

Great Shaman of Chu really wants chaos to happen in this world.

Your Majesty, I don't know what is going on,

but according to what I know about her,

if there was no special reason, the Great Shaman wouldn't do something so ridiculous.

Please investigate, Your Majesty!

Your Majesty, no matter what, the Great Shaman has earned great merit for us.

Your Majesty, please look upon her past merit

and spare the Great Shaman of Chu!

What a joke! It is the crime of lying to the king!

How can there still be any pardon based on past relations?

Your Majesty, ever since the Great Shaman of Chu was appointed,

the country's state has been in turbulence.

Your Majesty was benevolent and kept sparing her before. We all didn't say much more about it.

But now, she dares to trick the king, the Queen Dowager, and the Queen!

Even all the lords of the court!

She's trying to control the entire court with her own hands!

I agree with Lord Jing!

The rules are the rules.

Guilty royalty are as guilty as commoners committing the same crime.

Can she be spared because she is the Great Shaman?

I ask Your Majesty to hurry and deal with the Great Shaman of Chu,

and enforce the country's rules.

Please deal with the Great Shaman of Chu!

Your Majesty, I only hope that you can investigate this case!

Take the Great Shaman of Chu and Consort Ying,

and put them in prison!

She actually dared to fool me? She's really getting unruly!

Queen Mother, don't be angry, don't be angry!

Isn't that right?

She even dares to trick the Queen Dowager!

She put on such a big act in the harem too!

Is she trying to make us all fools?

She didn't just lie to me.

She even wrongly used the power of the Great Shaman of Chu!

If the king wasn't intelligent and discovered her plan early,

Consort Ying would have escaped!

If this gets out, we would have been made a complete joke!

Perhaps, Consort Ying begged the Great Shaman of Chu to do it.

Little Sister Tian, it's just one Consort Ying.

She has come to the Palace of Chu for so many years.

She usually doesn't even dare to speak a word.

She wouldn't dare to do such a thing.

Queen Dowager, that Great Shaman of Chu must have influenced her.

This matter cannot be treated lightly.

We must eliminate her so the government and the inner palace can be at peace.

Enough, enough. There's no need to keep talking.

Stop talking! Queen Mother will harm her health from her anger!

All of you go back.


I trusted her so much!

Yet...I fell into her trap!

Queen Dowager, do you really want to kill her?

If I don't kill her,

it will be hard to ease my hatred!

Please be calm, Queen Dowager. It's easy to punish Consort Ying,

but the Great Shaman of Chu

cannot be touched!

Princess. I'm afraid this time,

it will be hard for us to escape again!

This is fate.

What I'm worried about now is Little Sister Mo Chou.

She tricked the king for me.

She incited the king's great anger. I'm afraid nothing good will happen.

Vice Chancellor Qu, you are...?

I want to see the king.

The king has ordered that he won't see anyone.

The king once said that no matter what it is for, I can come see him.

Vice Chancellor Qu, please do not make things hard on us.

It's an emergency! Let me in!


Vice Chancellor Qu, if you insist on being like this, don't blame us for not being courteous!

Let go of me! Let go of me! I want to see the king!

It's an emergency! Let go of me!


Vice Chancellor Qu, the king invites you in.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Greetings, Your Majesty.

I just knew that as long as she is in trouble,

the first to appear will definitely be you.

Your Majesty, I did come for the Great Shaman of Chu,

but I must first defend Consort Ying.

A person from the State of Qin

repeatedly gains your defense?

Just why?

Your Majesty, did you know? Qin and Chu have been at war for years.

As a girl from Qin, Consort Ying

has been trapped between the two states.

She then became an object where you all vent your anger to.

So? The Great Shaman of Chu should trick everyone,

and save her even if she becomes guilty of tricking the king?

If I don't punish her this time,

how can I stop those criticisms?

Your Majesty, please think again!

You can't bear to?

I do not dare.

Mo Cho used to be my concubine, and is now the Great Shaman of Chu.

Even I dare to do it. Why can't you?

-What? You have nothing to say now? -Your Majesty!

Enough! Stop pleading!

In the past, no matter what you said, I'd believe it.

But this time, I don't want to hear it.


Vice Chancellor Qu, please leave.

I take my leave.

Zhao Manor

Say that again?

Father, please save the Great Shaman of Chu.

What do you take me as?

Father, the situation now is very serious.

Last time, she wasn't killed because you spoke on her behalf in front of the Queen Dowager.

This time, I beg you to save her one more time!

Why do you think I will save her repeatedly?

Think about what crime she has committed!

Yes. The Great Shaman of Chu has gone a bit overboard this time.

A bit overboard?

She dared to take an royal consort out of the Palace and even dared to trick the Queen Dowager.

What else would she not dare to do? You want me to save her?

If you don't want to live, I still do!

If you don't go save her, she'll really die!

What did you promise me?

You said you wouldn't associate with her anymore. But to save her,

you come to beg me?

Don't forget. Bixia is your wife!

-Father! -Enough! Stop talking.



During these years, she's made it through every trial.

This time shouldn't be an exception.

What did the king say?

Is there no other way?

She's committed a big crime now.

Everyone are avoiding her like a plague. Who will still talk for her?

Orchid Dais Palace

Mo Chou!

Your Majesty. Your Majesty, did you have a nightmare?

What time is it?

Your Majesty, it is already 5 a.m.

What did the Queen Dowager say?

To give her poisonous wine.


Tomorrow noon.

They said they had it looked up already, it's supposed to be a time when the Yang influence is at its peak

to prevent evil spirits from being too strong when the Great Shaman of Chu leaves.

Your Majesty, the Great Shaman of Chu is guilty of tricking the king.

The Queen Dowager won't spare her no matter what!

Yes, the crime of tricking the king.

It is still early. Rest some more, Your Majesty.

You can leave first.



Go for a walk with me.

Mo Chou Palace

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, the road is long and undetermined to end ♫

♫ Ten mile horizon, no date of return ♫

♫ So many words, are like fish bones in the bottom of my heart ♫

♫ Deep longings like thousands of threads, day and night ♫

♫ Thinking of a beautiful lady, clouds leisurely floating for me ♫

♫ How come going away to do some great undertaking isn't really what I want? ♫

♫ The returning bird rides with the wind and flew far away, while I broke my wings and stayed at the same place ♫

♫ Pointing my fingertips and thinking about softening up the horizon ♫

♫ A man aspires on thousands of years of concerns, overflowing in his chest ♫

♫ Throwing it into the water, the river then flows to the east ♫

♫ Laughing but not laughing; sad, hence, sad, who in the mortal world can understand? ♫

♫ Flicking one's sleeve, walking alone, and not looking back ♫

♫ There are orchids giving off fragrance, the cold wind with its heroic posture smiles ♫

♫ and asks the man if he can identify her traces ♫

♫ While the fireworks haven't dissipated yet, pick up a lotus to share ♫

♫ Don't let regrets wind around your heart ♫

♫ There are orchids giving off fragrance, the cold wind with its heroic posture smiles ♫

♫ and asks the man if he can identify her traces ♫

♫ While the fireworks haven't dissipated yet, pick up a lotus to share ♫

♫ Don't let regrets wind around your heart ♫

Your Majesty, the sun has risen.

Let's go.

Luan Kun Palace

Greetings, Queen Mother.

What is the rush

that you must come see me so early?

Why do you look so pale?

Queen Mother, I have a request.

I'd like you to think over it clearly first.

What crime has the Great Shaman of Chu committed this time?

If you feel that she can manage your heart whims

then I'll let you say it.

Queen Mother, no matter what, executing her

is a little too extreme.

Alright. She can live.

But, she must be imprisoned for life. How about that?

Queen Mother!

Yes. In this world,

there are thousands of ways to die.

But, the most painful way

is to live in a living hell.

I know you have her in your heart.

But I cannot watch you

ignore black and white and become a joke!

I will make it fast.

If you cannot do it, I will do it myself.

Queen Mother, you are-!

Mo Chou is the Great Shaman of Chu after all. If we execute her, we might get punished by the heavens.

By being so disgraceful toward me,

naturally, she chose to die.

If the heavens really want to punish the State of Chu,

I will take it myself.

Lan Xin, pass my order. Present her with poisonous wine.

Have someone watch her take it. There is to be no time wasted.

Do you hear me?


Queen Mother. I have one last request.

This poisonous wine,

let me take it to Mo Chou.

Forget it. Lan Xin, let's go.

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

Great Shaman of Chu, the king invites you to come. Come with me.

Greetings, Your Majesty.

I know you were never willing to be my concubine.

I was never willing to believe in that,

but, even if you are not willing,

but at least you are my concubine in name.

I let it go. Later, you became the Great Shaman of Chu.

Such a minimal title I could not hold back.

I let that go too.

Because I like you in my heart.

I valued you.

I believed that one day,

you'd be moved by me and like me back.

But I never imagined that I was wrong!

And I was ridiculously wrong!

Your Majesty!

Your heart never had me in it!

So much that you have used my trust in you

to break the law and help my wife run away from the palace!

Do you have any conscience?

-Is everything clear? -Yes.

This is the king's order. After you are finished, come back and report immediately.


Go on.

Big Sister Ying is your concubine, and a Princess of the State of Qin.

What do those words mean?

Your Majesty, let me ask you.

Do you still remember the time that Big Sister Ying has been here for?

When she was fourteen years old, Big Sister Ying left her home

and became a chess piece to create harmony between Qin and Chu.

During these years, her time spent in the Palace of Chu,

I'm afraid Your Majesty wouldn't be able to imagine it.

What a joke!

All her daily necessities are the same as the other concubines!

I once favored her too!

Did I make her suffer?

Is that so?

But her child died. Her heart died too.

You slowly grew cold towards her.

Anyone in this palace can bully her.

Qin and Chu went to war.

The State of Chu lost and everyone took out their anger on her.

If the State of Qin lost, no one would

respect the Princess of a defeated country.

During these years, we are often together.

Sometimes, she comes to see me. Sometimes, I go look for her.

She says we're very similar.

She says we're the same.

We are little plants without roots in this palace.

Any small gust of wind,

and we don't know which direction we'll be blown in.

The two of us supported each other like this, and accompanied each other.

Without each other perhaps,

we would have been blown away long ago and separated.

She once told me

that the day she came here, before she left,

the last time her mother helped her dress.

She cried while helping her dress.

Big Sister Ying comforted her, saying,

"Mother, don't worry. I will definitely come back."

But her mother told her,

"Since you're going to the State of Chu,

you will no longer be the Princess of Qin.

Forever and ever, don't think of returning."

Big Sister Ying also said,

when she left, to send her off, her mother

quickly took a carriage to the border between Qin and Chu.

Big Sister Ying turned and watched the carriage slowly grow farther away.

She couldn't help but cry.

Yu Niang said, "Women cannot cry on their wedding day."

"If you cry, you'll never gain happiness."

But she still couldn't help but cry.

Later on, not long after she came to the State of Chu,

her mother died from depression.

Your Majesty, you also have your own mother.

I heard that the Queen Dowager was hit by an arrow for you.

Every time it rains,

the person you worry about most is the Queen Dowager.

Your Majesty, you are actually so lucky.

You are still able to keep being filial to your mother.

But Big Sister Ying, couldn't even

see her mother one last time.

Yu Niang, I just dreamed that I went home.


I also dreamed of Mother.

She was still so young and beautiful.

I really want to see her.

Yes. In the State of Qin, your mother

was the most beautiful woman in the country.

Or else, how could she have birthed such a beautiful princess?

Lady Consort.

You are...?

This is wine from the king.

He couldn't wait anymore.

He finally couldn't wait anymore!


As you say it,

I made Consort Ying suffer and I owe her?

Your Majesty, you have so many concubines,

but you never sincerely used your heart to love any of them.

Actually, you've never loved anyone before.

Oh? You think so?

True love doesn't need possession.

Even if two people aren't together,

they will still miss each other, hope to see each other again.

You are saying, I don't understand love?

At least if you love someone, you would protect and watch over them.

Then who do you miss?

Who is the person that you yearn to see?

I am the Great Shaman of Chu now. I gave up love long ago.

The Great Shaman of Chu is just not allowed to marry. But no matter how you restrict it,

you won't be able to restrict love.

Is Qu Yuan the person in your heart?

Your Majesty, stop asking.

Did you bring me here to just say these things?

I just want to know if my affections

can receive an answer!

If Your Majesty really has love in your heart,

then please care about your own women.

Some people use their entire life to love.

But in the end, don't they still end up in prison, uncertain of one's life?

Mu Yi! Mu Yi!

-Your Majesty. -Did you send the things over?

They were sent over long ago.

Yu Niang.

In all these years, you were the one taking care of me.

You are my only family member here.

Now, I have fallen to this state.

I dragged you down too.

Princess! Don't say that!

To be able to serve you is my fortune!

When I left the State of Qin, you took a bottle of wine with you.

It's silky-soft with a kick, but so unbearably bitter.

That is the taste of Qin.

It makes a person of Qin forever unable to forget their home.

Yu Niang. You worked hard for me your entire life.

I have nothing much to repay you with.

Please accept a bow from me.


Princess, actually I treated you as my own child long ago!

What mother watches their child die first?

This wine...

Yu Niang!

Let me drink it first!

Yu Niang!


We can go home now.

Yu Niang! Yu Niang, wake up!

Yu Niang!

Subtitles and Timing Brought To You By The Gone With The Shirt Team @ Viki

♫ Day and night, summer and winter, nonstop changes ♫

♫ Herbs and trees, prosperity and decline, would still depend on a beautiful woman ♫

♫ Rumors brought by wind from all over; inciting ministers with different dreams ♫

♫ Asking Heaven if it can bear witness to one's loyalty ♫

♫ Muddy and clear, beautiful and ugly, overturning all living creatures ♫

♫ Angelica and magnolia, orchids and quan, have a hard time emitting their fragrance ♫

♫ Why must you proceed against the current? Why must a lonely flower admire herself? ♫

♫ No one knew that one's birthplace has become someone else's territory ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Getting drunk for a lifetime of dedicating oneself for one's country ♫

♫ Coping with the long, long road; hard to beg the heaven and the earth ♫

♫ I lamented the numerous sorrows in the life of the citizens ♫

♫ Singing one 'Li Sao', pain of separation ♫

♫ Sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes.

♫ If this dream is difficult, let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

♫ Outstanding in a chaotic world, who can understand one's desire? ♫

♫ Going far to travel, yet one's heart is tied with one's home ♫

♫ Drinking one 'Li Sao', the pain of separation ♫

♫ Sighing how hard it is to keep a bosom friend ♫

♫ For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. In the end, turning into ashes.

♫ If this dream is difficult, let's just leave it to the next generations to ponder ♫

For more infomation >> Song of Phoenix (思美人) - Episode 59 [Eng Sub] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:19.


Indonesia's most popular National song | INDONESIA PUSAKA ..(Teaser) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Indonesia's most popular National song | INDONESIA PUSAKA ..(Teaser) - Duration: 3:49.


Aparna balamurali singing guppy movie song thaniye - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Aparna balamurali singing guppy movie song thaniye - Duration: 1:01.


North Koreans Are Using EXO's "Growl" As A Confession Song - Duration: 1:06.

North Koreans Are Using EXO's "Growl" As A Confession Song

A North Korean defector revealed that many North Korean youth are using EXOs Growl to confess their love.

Kim Dae Hyun, a newly arrived North Korean defector, played EXOs Growl on the accordion in a recent talk show. The shows hosts were surprised that he knew the song and asked him if anyone else in North Korea knew about EXO.

He explained that many people in North Korea secretly listened to EXO, but didnt know what they looked like.

Surprisingly, Twitter had even picked up that there were 15 tweets about EXO coming from North Korea, showing there were indeed North Korean EXO fans.

He also added that EXOs Growl was popular among North Korean youth in confessing ones love towards someone, because the lyrics were about trying to win their heart. Watch the segment here!.

For more infomation >> North Koreans Are Using EXO's "Growl" As A Confession Song - Duration: 1:06.


Karenni New Song ( No More In Tears ) - By Khu HtayReh - Duration: 4:47.


For more infomation >> Karenni New Song ( No More In Tears ) - By Khu HtayReh - Duration: 4:47.


Learn Colors with Color Shovel Toys Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Play with Shovels on Playground - Duration: 5:14.

Learn Colors with Color Shovel Toys Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Play with Shovels on Playground

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Color Shovel Toys Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Play with Shovels on Playground - Duration: 5:14.


JAKE PAUL SONG - Jake Paul, Erika Costell, Tessa Brooks, Jerika (Team 10) - Duration: 2:41.

Why do people hate tho?

I just don't understand bro

You see Jake paul's been in some trouble He's been all over the news

Been interviewed by some reporters And just made fun of their shoes

Somehow he got arrested And almost got sent to Jail

Then flew over to Miami To meet Erika Costell

You know he used to be on disney Then he got screwed

Oh there gonna regret that When they lose views

He can always focus more on Team 10 Start moving on & to bigger and better things

9 Milli on YouTube Ain't so bad

He ain't going nowhere Don't be sad

He's way too busy to be mad


I don't why people hate on him cause he's just Misunderstood

He's one of the hardest working kids Out there in Hollywood

While everyone keeps complaining He's raking in the cash

Why don't take your opinion and shove it up your

Why do people hate tho?

I just don't understand bro Why do people hate tho?

I just don't understand bro

Way too many people Who are tryna bring Jake down

They just wanna see him fail so they can take away his crown

Well that's just not gonna happen Cause Jake Paulers are too strong

If you ever did them wrong Then they'll write more than just a song

You know he used to be on disney Then he got screwed

Oh there gonna regret that When they lose views

He can always focus more on Team 10 Start moving on & to bigger and better things

9 Milli on YouTube Ain't so bad

He ain't going nowhere Don't be sad

He's way too busy to be mad


I don't why people hate on him cause he's just Misunderstood

He's one of the hardest working kids Out there in Hollywood

While everyone keeps complaining He's raking in the cash

Why don't take your opinion and shove it up your

I don't why people hate on him cause he's just Misunderstood

He's one of the hardest working kids Out there in Hollywood

While everyone keeps complaining He's raking in the cash

Why don't take your opinion and shove it up your

Why do people hate tho?

I just don't understand bro Why do people hate tho?

I just don't understand bro

For more infomation >> JAKE PAUL SONG - Jake Paul, Erika Costell, Tessa Brooks, Jerika (Team 10) - Duration: 2:41.


♫ MUZYKOWO ♪ Experience My Balls | Overwatch Song - Duration: 3:36.


Zenyatta is here

Those who think they are all knowing

Know nothing of my balls

My ultimate is ready

Proceed without fear


My Balls

Join me


My Balls

Bask in the shadow of my balls

Be one with the universe


My Balls

Gaze into the ballsack

I can feel the embrace of the balls so strongly here


Revenge is not justice

My balls are justice

Balls will soon belong to the enemy

I feel the warmth

One cannot survive my balls

Join me


My Balls

Bask in the shadow of my balls

Be one with the universe


My Balls

Gaze into the ballsack

For more infomation >> ♫ MUZYKOWO ♪ Experience My Balls | Overwatch Song - Duration: 3:36.


DORA (Official Full Song) | MD KD | Latest Haryanvi Love Song 2017. - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> DORA (Official Full Song) | MD KD | Latest Haryanvi Love Song 2017. - Duration: 3:42.


Love Forever - Deep Sukhdeep Feat. Thee Emenjay - Latest Punjabi song 2017 - Pageant Records - Duration: 3:45.


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