Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily game Aug 29 2017

Well for another year it's over. The last episode of the season of Game of Thrones

was last night, so I'm gonna double up my review for episode 6 and episode 7. And a

recurring theme that's been going on for the last few weeks, if you've been

watching all the misc videos, is that there's some things I've been greatly

enjoying – there's some of the spectacle moments I've liked – but some of the

things I feel are less than great is the speed at which we seem to be rushing

through the end game of Game of Thrones. We had so much build-up and now it just

feels like we're just getting as quickly to the end as we possibly can. And episode

6 was the worst case of this, where it felt very much the worst case of TV

writing, where we're just truncating things from a source material and it's

throwing it at the screen where character motivations seem not as clear

as you would hope, where people seem to be doing stupid things like they do in the

classic horror movie – like bad horror movies – where characters just randomly do

things because the plot tells them to and not because it feels organic to the

story. I can get into the minutiae of that but I would rather not. Because I

think all of that stuff that I wasn't a huge fan of in episode 6, as much as the

beginning part I really liked – the walking and having those small character

moments, and the small character beats – it was eventually overshadowed by this

great big battle, which again felt forced. And the bringing together of all of the

characters, while cool and the fact that we're seeing all those characters

together and meeting the Night King for the first time (at least the characters

meeting the Night King for the first time) just didn't feel as grand as it

could have been because we feel like we're just throwing things at the screen.

Where Daenerys changes her mind randomly or, "We don't have time!" as Cold Hands yells.

But it's like ... but there's two people can fit on a horse! I don't understand

why we're exclaiming that. Anyways, we kill the dragon and we get

to episode 7. In episode 7, and I don't know

if this is a bold statement or a controversial statement, but my ideal

Game of Thrones is kind of the behind the scenes talking, the scheming of all

of the characters – that is the part where I enjoy it the most. Where I see the chess

pieces being moved around the board, and yeah it's cool to see the the

culmination of that in big battle scenes. But the battle scenes don't mean

anything if we don't care about the characters that are going up to that. And

this was an entire episode (the longest episode that they've ever created) really

just designed to see the people and understanding where they are going. As we

go into the end game why they've chosen to do what they're doing, that's the

thing. The whole Winterfell thing is kind of a waste of time.

Sansa and Arya were working together which was, I guess, kind of obvious. But I

don't know. I feel they could have handled that a little bit better, or more

clearer. I think that the meeting between Cersei and Jon and everybody else worked

well for me. I mean, again, I don't really know Cirsei's true endgame here, because

she's kind of doing exactly what everyone expects you to be doing. So I

feel that there must be, like, Tyrion must have some sort of be plan here, where he

understands that she's probably not actually gonna help, and how is he gonna

use that to his advantage. And we end with that scene of

the White Walkers finally coming past the wall. I think that the

greatest accomplishment of this episode is that we have everyone clearly pointed

in the direction they need to go, and it's up to the show to give me those

cathartic moments, and having those surprising moments, but also hopefully

throwing some things in front of them so it's not just battling zombies versus

dragons to end off the show. I think the show is much more than that. It does need

that, absolutely. That is exactly where this is going, but i think George R. R.

Martin is smarter than just to end it like Lord of the Rings in a way where

it's like, oh it's just a battle and then everything is happy-ever-after.

There is going to be deep divisions and there's going to be deep scars that

Westeros is gonna have to deal with. I think that's what excites me the most. So

next year it's the end! Six episodes and we're done. Or will it be? Yes it will be.

No it won't. Let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments below.

I enjoyed Game of Thrones a lot, so let's nerd out down in the comments, and

I'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones season finale – misc. - Duration: 5:05.


Game of Thrones | Petyr Baelish'in Ölümü 720p (Türkçe Altyazılı) - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones | Petyr Baelish'in Ölümü 720p (Türkçe Altyazılı) - Duration: 6:02.


Baby Hazel Ballerina Dance - New baby hazel games - Game Video For Kids - Duration: 8:47.

Baby Hazel Ballerina Dance

New baby hazel games

For more infomation >> Baby Hazel Ballerina Dance - New baby hazel games - Game Video For Kids - Duration: 8:47.


Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 Review Part 1 - Duration: 10:26.

Hello everyone.

Season 7 has finally ended.

It's going be a long wait for season 8.

Especially if it comes out in 2019.

But if you've been with my channel long enough, you know there's no off season for


I'll keep posting Game Of Thrones videos.

I heard the filming for season 8 will start in October, which means the casting news,

locations etc. should start coming in from next month.

Along with my theory videos, I'll also post the season 8 updates, set photos etc.

And in the meantime we can also binge watch some other shows together and discuss it here.

So, don't forget to give your suggestions using #UBMTVMarathon in the comments below.

I'll Post the second part of this review, my Episode 6 Q&A and Season 8 predictions

videos soon.

Make sure to subscribe this channel and also click on the bell next to it to activate notifications

for this channel.

So, let's take a look at this episode.

So much has happened in this episode, I don't even know where to start.

Let's start with the North, and then we'll move south from there.

The wall is finally broken, or at least a part of it is.

This scene was so epic.

Although, I thought the Night king will bring down the whole wall not just a part of it,

but I guess this works better.

Bringing the whole wall down would have wasted time and energy, and he has already waited

for 6 seasons.

We don't know if Beric and Tormund survived the attack, but judging from the thick plot

armors they had on in the 6th episode, I would say they somehow survived.

Besides, I don't see why R'hollor will bring Beric back, if he was just going to

die a useless death like this.

I think he will die trying to do something important.

BTW, when the army of the dead approached, did you notice there were ONLY THREE WWs leading

the army?

What happened to the rest of them?

In one of my previous videos, we discussed the number of WWs we have seen so far.

According to that, there should be 8 more WWs waiting somewhere.

Anyways, the Night's Watch sounded three blasts for the Others.

I don't think this warning would have helped them much, but luckily, Bran's ravens were

at Eastwatch too.

So he will know what has happened there.

Once Jon & Dany arrive at Winterfell, he can tell them about the Wall and Viserion.

And speaking of Viserion, Abby Tabby & Davey Boy have asked earlier whether Viserion was

a Wight or a Whitewalker.

As I've said in my Episode 6 Review videos before, it turns out, Viserion really was

a Wight.

We saw the proof of that in the Season Finale.

You could see the holes in Viserion's Wings.

Just like the damaged parts of the wights don't heal, Viserion's wings didn't

heal either.

So Viserion is not a Whitewalker, he is a Wight.

I even had this chart prepared for my episode 6 Q&A video to show the difference between

a Wight & a WW.

Nevermind, I'll keep it in the video anyways, even if it's too late now.

Anyways, let's go a little south to Winterfell now.

As I've said in my Sansa's masterplan video, the Stark sisters fighting was infact

a part of Sansa's plan.

I LOVED the look on LF's face when Sansa accused him instead of Arya.

The Stark kids named his crimes one by one, and then Arya executed him with his own dagger.

As I've said earlier, Bran had been conveniently absent from the last episode for this reason


Because he has already told them everything and Sansa and Arya were only pretending to


I loved when Arya said, "My sister asked you something."

This was one of my favourite scenes from this season.

I've watched it a million times already.

Watching LF trying to find a way out of this was really amazing.

Usually, he finds his way out of every situation.

At first, he tried make Lysa an unreliable source, thinking she has told Sansa about

the tears of Lys.

Then, when they talked about King's Landing, he tried to say that none of them were there,

so they don't know how he had no choice, but then Arya brought up the knife, in which

she did have a choice, but he lied to Cat about it.

When LF understood that they know EVERYTHING, he tried one last time to get Sansa alone,

so he could manipulate her somehow.

He even pretended to cry, but even his overacting didn't work.

Sansa had looked sad before going in the Great Hall.

In a way, she did admire him a little.

In fact, she has learned a lot from him.

I think the reason they played this game instead of executing LF the second Bran told them

about him was because Sansa wanted to give LF one more chance.

She probably wanted to see what he will do.

And LF did what he does best.

He plotted against Sansa's family.

Even if Bran hadn't been there to tell Sansa about him, there was one mistake that would

have given LF away.

LF tried to make Sansa think that Arya was doing all this to become the Lady of Winterfell.

But he didn't know Arya like Sansa did.

Arya would rather eat bugs than be a Lady.

LF was already a dead man walking the second Sansa found out what he has done.

That's why Arya and Sansa didn't care if he found out about the Arya being a Faceless


They knew LF won't tell anyone about this, so that he could use this information later,

but they weren't going to let him live long enough to get a chance to use it.

BTW, I still think that Sansa wrote that letter to send Brienne away.

Brienne would have noticed the "Enmity" between the Stark sisters and would have tried

to get in the way, or LF would have tried to get her involved somehow.

So, Sansa needed her out of the way.

Did you notice how Cersei didn't even acknowledge Brienne or asked why Sansa wasn't there

and was defying the Queen's orders?

Cersei didn't act like Sansa has missed the meeting.

If Cersei really had sent that letter, she would have taken it as an insult that Sansa

didn't follow her order.

At the very least, she would have mentioned this at least once in the meeting, but she


It means Sansa was the one who wrote that letter.

Anyways, Theon was finally able to fight back and win in a fight with Harrag.

I think it's pronounced Harrag.

As I have said in my episode 7 trailer review, and many videos before that, EVERYTHING Theon

has gone through Has to mean something.

That it was all for a reason.

And it was.

His time with Ramsay made him able to suffer pain more than any normal person can.

He was knocked down again & again, but he was still able to stand up because he has

suffered much worse pain and survived.

Eventually he fought back, and won.

He actually won, and then he laughed for the first since Ramsay.

He became a little bit like the Old Theon too, but a slightly better version of him.

And In the process, he also gained the respect of the Iron Born.

Because let's be honest, no one would have taken the old Theon seriously.

They used to laugh at him but they respect this new Theon.

All he needed to do was to get over his fear.

I still believe that Theon will be the one to ultimately lead the Iron born.

Maybe Yara will die in season 8, or maybe she will make Theon King herself, but I am

sure Theon will be the one to lead them.

Theon tried to explain why he did what he did to Jon and ask forgiveness.

Theon was put in an impossible situation.

He was taken hostage at the age of 10, and later, he was forced to choose between his

family, who ridiculed him, or his captors, even if they were nice captors.

The Starks have never fully accepted him as one of them, and he was desperate to prove

himself to his family.

And a desparate man will do anything.

I think the conversation he had with Jon helped too.

Remembering the old Days, and Jon forgiving him and all.

Jon said that Theon is a Stark too.

I think in a way, Theon has always believed that he deserved what he got from Ramsay,

but when Jon forgave him, he allowed to forgive himself too.

Jon had told Theon he was both "A Grejoy AND A Stark," I have a feeling that Jon

will be told a similar thing later, that he is "A Targaryen AND A Stark.

He doesn't have to choose."

Who knows, maybe Theon will be the one to say it back to him.

And it turns out, Theon wasn't taking any blessing from the Drowned God, he was just

washing blood off his face, but I think the Drowned God will give him his blessing anyways..

It's time for the comment shoutout now.

Todays comment shoutout goes to Shelli Belli, who said, "Ultimate Book maniacs, you make

me giggle.

I enjoy your subtle humour (Sam and the Chamber pots, Davos dying of natural causes.


Keep the videos coming!"

Thanks a lot Shelli.

Finally, someone noticed my humor.

I know I am terrible at making jokes, but I try anyways.

Remember "Bran the Voyeur" from my season 6 Q&A part 1 video or "One Way or Another"

joke from "Bran's journey video"?


I know I am bad at it but I really appreciate that you liked my jokes.

So, what do you think of these theories, don't forget to tell us in the comments.

If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe

to my channel.

Have a great Day.

Bye Bye..

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 Review Part 1 - Duration: 10:26.


The Rap Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 - Duration: 3:11.

Arya Stop arguing with your sibling

Or maybe something good Will result from this quibbling

Littlefinger clearly at the middle Of this mayhem

Dude's more shady Than a Jersey Shore spray tan

Brienne told to go to Kings Landing To represent...

Sansa, cause she don't trust That dirty bitch Cersei yet

She don't even trust Arya And they're related

So she went through all of her shit Like Room Raiders

Sansa Has skeletons in her closet

But Arya Has dead peoples faces held hostage

How she emerged I bet it would've made Petyr proud

Talking crazy I thought Bran was the weirdest child

Everything she say to Sansa Seem threatening

But gave her the Cat's Paw Why don't nobody want this weapon?

Beyond the wall It's more popping

Jon has a chat With every man in his squadron

First was ol' eye patch Talking about death

Then they laughed at Gendry Who was scared to have sex

Then the wildling Reminded Jon how the pride

Of Mance Rayder Lead his people to die

Jon pulled Jorah Mormont To the side

And tried to give him Longclaw Cause his family ties

Jon handed him the sword Said it's yours and you know it

He's like "I don't need more heavy shit To walk through the cold with"

Oh Shit!

Frosty the undead polar bear is over here Ice in it's veins

And the coldest stare It took out

A couple no name soldiers And Thoros, for his most

Sobering moment They ambushed

A small pack of the undead Led by a single white walker

Once dead They all dead

At least those he resurrected So killing the Night King

Would be most effective But we know

Jon Snow gotta be extra The one wight they captured

Screamed out a message Now they got

The whole zombie army closing in This the shit they need

Cersei to see to turn foe to friend Gendry

Has the best cardio in Westeros At least for a human

The ravens even better tho Dropped a scroll

To Daeny down at Dragonstone who got to Snow Before him and his honchos

Turned to zombie popscicles Dangerous ground

The Hound and his brethren Walking on thin ice

Wights all around The Queen from the East

Swooped in with flames These undead lames

No match for her beasts But the Alt-Wight

Showed up to protest Threw a javelin

Turned hot breath To cold flesh

No Sweat!

It hit the lake with a thud Cracked the ice underneath him

And further he sunk Jon is unnecessarily

Holding off wights Daeny can't wait

Had to put Drogon in flight Now Jon left behind

He must be losing his mind Climbs out his fishing hole

How the fuck he survive?

His uncle Benjen Shows up just in time

With the deus ex device And gives up his life

So Jon can return To call Daeny his Queen

Dude, you could've done that In episode 3

Now the Night King Has his own dragon

And none of your men Are even nice with a javelin


For more infomation >> The Rap Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 - Duration: 3:11.


Game Night Live: McCormick vs. Lincoln County - 1st Quarter - Duration: 33:52.

For more infomation >> Game Night Live: McCormick vs. Lincoln County - 1st Quarter - Duration: 33:52.


Eerste video korte versie van EEN game wat wij gaan doen Rocket league - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Eerste video korte versie van EEN game wat wij gaan doen Rocket league - Duration: 3:11.


Virtual Collector #25 - Shining Force II: The Sword of Hajya (3DS/Game Gear) - Duration: 2:41.

Welcome to Virtual Collector. My very good friend, Soybomb

will be spotlighting a game from a virtual console.

...That's right, I'm back once again to tell you more about the excellence the Virtual

Console brings to the gaming community!

Today, we're checking out Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya, which was released on

the Game Gear in North America in 1994.

This miniaturized tactical RPG is actually a side-story to the main series on the Sega

Genesis, but it still shares the same addictive gameplay style.

You enter the battle boots of Deanna (who, despite the name, is a man) as he is entasked

with reclaiming the titular Sword of Hajya, stolen by the neighbouring and opposing nation

of Iom.

Deanna starts out with a small band of friends willing to give it their all against the soldiers

and other creepy inhuman comrades of Iom, but as he travels the countryside, new soldiers,

birdfolk, dogmen… you name the species, they'll probably join you at some point,

thus expanding the unstoppable Shining Force.

You can only bring so many people to the battlefield, however, so I'm afraid you're going to

have to [insert safety dance]leave your friends behind[end].

In order to shrink Shining Force onto the meager Game Gear, some beloved features, such

as actually exploring towns and rummaging for treasure in strangers' homes, had to

be scrapped entirely.

Shopping is now done on a couple of static screens.

The core, however, is fully intact.

Typically after cutscenes, the group is thrust into battle on a grid-like plain where they

must engage in turn-based strategy battle.

Defeating enemies (or even just laying a scratch on them) gives the acting character experience,

and their stats improve as they level up.

Once they reach Level 10 or higher, you can promote them to more powerful jobs.

The presentation won't wow anyone (though it IS cute), and the gameplay starts out slow,

but it soon becomes incredibly addictive, especially for fans of strategy RPGs like

Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea, or Ogre Battle, even if this is far more simplified.

You can grab this game on the 3DS Virtual Console for the cost of an expensively typical

latte and have the time of your life saving a sword from the hands of evil.

That sounds worth it, doesn't it?

For more infomation >> Virtual Collector #25 - Shining Force II: The Sword of Hajya (3DS/Game Gear) - Duration: 2:41.


Game Of Thrones | Game Of Survival - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Game Of Thrones | Game Of Survival - Duration: 2:22.


Game of Thrones 7x07 Inside the Episode (SUB ITA) - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones 7x07 Inside the Episode (SUB ITA) - Duration: 8:31.


TOP 3 CSGO Games On ROBLOX! - Duration: 1:23.

sorry i accidentally put the surf video at the bhop and the bhop video at the surf SO SORRY!!

For more infomation >> TOP 3 CSGO Games On ROBLOX! - Duration: 1:23.


LUXO ♡ Kết Quả MINI GAME Tháng 8 "CUỘC THI NHỎ - VẼ VỊT NHẬN QUÀ" - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> LUXO ♡ Kết Quả MINI GAME Tháng 8 "CUỘC THI NHỎ - VẼ VỊT NHẬN QUÀ" - Duration: 4:38.


「Tear of Goddess」- Game of Thrones X League of Legends - [Music Video] - Duration: 3:56.

The unknown terror

That stood alone

Passed from the days of the early suns

Through worlds of lost belief

Laid waste and buried deep

Summoned to be set up to fall

But there's no fear

That lives inside this soul

Inside this world

There is no way back to forgiving us

Undone, deliverer

The sinful and the saviors of the innocent

And so

Keepers of old

Keep us from cold

Let us fight once more

Till our honor is restored

The unknown terror

That lives below

Breaths the flames from the dying suns

And lives to wake the dying ones

The dying ones

(The dying ones)

Inside this world

There is no way back to forgiving us

Undone, deliverer

The sinful and the saviors of the innocent

And so

Keepers of old

Keep us from cold

Let us fight once more

Till our honor is restored

For more infomation >> 「Tear of Goddess」- Game of Thrones X League of Legends - [Music Video] - Duration: 3:56.


Sheriff warns about online "game" after 11-year-old commits suicide - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Sheriff warns about online "game" after 11-year-old commits suicide - Duration: 1:42.


Doraemon Wii Game #193 | Sinh nhật Doraemon và hành trình đi đến Ai Cập cổ đại | Kuro Tv - Duration: 52:01.

For more infomation >> Doraemon Wii Game #193 | Sinh nhật Doraemon và hành trình đi đến Ai Cập cổ đại | Kuro Tv - Duration: 52:01.


Multiplayer VR puzzle game «SLX Arena» - Duration: 1:54.

This is a virtual reality game…

for three players.

Each player has a distinct role.

And all the players need to…

work really closely together…

to collaborate and to finish the game.

The game is actually a puzzle.

And the players need to…

move the circles…

and remove barriers on those circles.

The goal is to move a small avatar…

to the center of the circle.

You guys are ready?

Yes. — Perfect.

Let's go.

Hey there.


One player can move the avatar.

One player can remove the barriers.

Alright, Andy, could you please…

move the block down?

This one? — Yeah, exactly.

Thank you very much.

One player can move the rings of the level.

Here you go.

It combines a technical level…

with a visual level…

and this really amazes me.

You should put on the VR goggles…

and you should be stunned.

That is the goal.

I think now…

we need to go here.

For more infomation >> Multiplayer VR puzzle game «SLX Arena» - Duration: 1:54.


Dized THRONE OF GAMES PRIZE DRAW WINNER! Gen Con 2017 - Duration: 2:42.

WHO WILL WIN? 100 Board Games & Throne Prize Draw Announcement

Awesome! Very happy so many people turned up today.

We are going to do the "Throne of Games" raffle right here.

Which is this beautiful throne and these hundred and something...

...does anybody know the accurate number?

Alright, so hopefully all of you know that Dized is the smart device application that teaches you how to play games.

Forget the rulebook, sit down with a new game and start playing immediately!

We want to make this available for all the games out there.

And that's why we're launching an IndieGoGo campaign on the 28th of August.

So please check that out!

And I'm gonna give you a very good reason to check it out: This raffle was such a success,

That it's not going to be the last one!

Check out the campaign, it's gonna be bigger and there's going to be more!

Let's do a raffle!

Here we go!

You can see it on the monitors where it is

Going through all the names who have signed up for the raffle.

It is going to be painfully slow as you can see,

We are getting closer, so let's see who will be the lucky winner

Of the "Throne of Games" and a hundred plus something games.

We're getting very close!

THE WINNER: Alan Scholting

Is Alan here?

Is Alan there?

Are you kidding me? Is Alan actually here?

Let's give a round of applause for Alan!


Alright, we're going to do a thing with Alan here,

Thank you everybody for coming and check out the next raffle that's happening right over there.

Congratulations Alan! Alright, we're going to do a thing with you.

Everybody else: More raffles on IndieGoGo on the 28th of August.

It's time to get Dized!

Tell our audience how do you feel?

I feel incredib... I mean how do you think I feel?

I feel pretty awesome!




For more infomation >> Dized THRONE OF GAMES PRIZE DRAW WINNER! Gen Con 2017 - Duration: 2:42.


FUNNY Things Only GAME OF THRONES Fans Will Find Funny - Duration: 4:28.

FUNNY Things Only GAME OF THRONES Fans Will Find Funny

For more infomation >> FUNNY Things Only GAME OF THRONES Fans Will Find Funny - Duration: 4:28.


Game of Thrones Pop Up Bar with Robbie Backpacking - Washington DC - Duration: 2:41.

(Electronic Disco Music Plays)

(Sounds of crowd)

Right now, I'm here with some new friends.

I got my new friends here: Dre, Mark, Virginia, my girlfriend Kathee, and my new friend Mila.

We are waiting in line right now to get into a Game of Thrones style bar.

We're not sure what to expect but it's going to be pretty cool.

Robbie: So Dre, what's your favorite thing about Game of Thrones?

Dre: Ugh...

I don't know say... what do I do with my hands?

Robbie: I think that's right what you're doing.

Virginia, what about you?

Virginia: I love just the power that women have in the show.

Like Khaleesi is boss!

I love her.

Like what she represents as a symbol for all women.

Robbie: Aria, you got even, Sansa, Cercie.

Dre: Nah! The Dothraki, I love the Dothraki.

These dudes don't care.

They just kill anything.

I love them.Dothraki are amazing.

Best people in the game. Best people in the game.

Mark: Craziest thing I like about Game of Thrones?

The Incest.

(Crowd laughs)

Robbie: And Mila was telling me.

You were saying that between 9 and 10pm you're like don't bother me.

Mila: Don't bother me, because I'm watching Game of the Thrones.

I am the next Khaleesi.

(Crowd laughs) Robbie: Kathee, what about you? What's your favorite thing about Game of Thrones-

Kathee: -I like the puppies

Robbie: The Direwolves, the puppies haha.

Robbie: Alright well, we're pretty excited, we're in line here.

Should be pretty cool so stay tuned and check it out.

Everyone: Bye! Woooo!

Robbie: It's like waiting in line for an amusement park.

Dre: Yeah, exactly. Except the ride is actually just alcohol and that's it haha.

Robbie: When you first enter the bar you'll notice each room is based on different locations from the series.

You'll start in the North where you'll pass through the Godswood from Winterfell.

Next, have a drink with a Girl Who Has No Name in the House of White and Black from

the free city of Bravos.

Right now I'm drinking something called The North Remembers.

It's a tasty drink with a little bit of whiskey.

And what Game of Thrones Bar would be complete without the Iron Throne from the Red Keep in Kings Landing.

And does this guy look like Euron (Greyjoy) or what?

The bar is loads of fun.

A lot of people dress up, and you'll even find a fire breathing dragon.

If you're a fan of Game of Thrones I definitely recommend stopping by.

This pop up bar moves around the country.

I'll attach a link to the pop-up bar's website in the description section of this video.

Make sure to click the THUMBS UP and SUBSCRIBE buttons.

Also, smash the bell to stay up to date on my new content.

Thanks for watching and as always I'm Robbie Frank and I'll catch you next time.

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