Learning Colors Car 3 Lightning McQueen, Sally Carrera, Doc Hudson, Jackson Storm for Kids
Car Talk #73 - The Future of TV and Movies - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
Cars for kids | racing cars | car games | videos for children - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
Kindig IT Custom Cars Automated Showroom - Duration: 1:56.We are at Kindig-It Design, it's a custom auto shop in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Dave Kindig designs and builds hot rods for hight-end clients.
"My job here is basically to do all of the pre-conceptual , design, develop the ideas,
sell it to the customer, and then I hand it off to my twenty-six guys in the shop, and
they basically can build anything I can draw."
It's a car shop where they pay a lot of attention to detail, so all of the wring, all of the
products that are installed, all match the fit and finish and quality level that they
put into their cars.
Dave Kindig, the owner of Kindig-It designs, is using Control4 in this new showroom incorporating
distributive audio, distributive video, security integration-including surveillance cameras,
door contact, and window contacts-control4 touchscreens in the walls, automated lighting,
the garage roll-up door control.
We also have Pakedge network devices controlling the network in the building.
"With the Control panels in a lot of the offices here, as well as the front and rear
entrances of the showroom, the guys are able to come in and with one touch-BOOM-turn on
the lights, turn on the AC."
Turns on the showroom, starts the music, get's the showroom ready.
What used to take them several minutes to come in the morning and all the work that
took a couple people to do, now they can come in and just press one button and get it done.
Control4 Home Automation fits really well here at Kindig-It design.
They focus on putting every detail and every customization into their vehicles, and now
they have that in the showroom with the automation system.
Any home, any business, anyone with a power bill basically, can benefit from having Control4
automation in their home or on their property.
CNG kit maintenance part 2. Car CNG gas kit repair and maintenance - Duration: 13:41.This is the second part of the CNG LPG gas kit vaporizer kit maintenance and repair or servicing. You people must watch the first part first before watching this part.
This will give you understanding of how to disassemble and open the gas kit or vaporizer with a few basic tools. Also it will show you how to inspect kit parts.
We will remove most parts from the kit. here is the nut holding the gauge and kit intake unit, I already loose. We will unscrew this nut to remove the unit from the kit.
We will keep the aluminium washers with care so that will be fixing it back when will assemble the gauge.
The gauge unit may come off easily. There are a few electrical connections to be remove. So are removing electrical connections by removing its connectors.
Here is the ground wire connection under the nut. We will loose the nut and will remove the wire underneath it. We will mark the wire position for the ease of installation
The negative or ground on the solenoid also we will disconnect by removing its connector.
By this way the gauge unit came off of the kit. We will keep it side ans will start kit or vaporizer disassembling.
We will start loosening all nuts and will mark on the ground cable connection nut for ease of installation in the end. By this way we will fix back the wire in its own place.
We are loosening all nuts using a 10 mm socket. All nuts have washers under them. We will open all nuts and keep them side along with washers for future assembly process. We will not loose any nut or washer.
For opening you need any 10 mm socket or a ring spanner. Anyone may do the job. there is no restriction that you may have a very expensive tool to do this job.
The bolts here are studs actually. As you can see one came off. But it is not a problem. In the end we will fix it back same as we will fix the nuts.
We will remove all nuts and washers from the kit to open the parts for cleaning and inspection.
To remove this plate for cleaning we should have to open the 19mm nut on the central solenoid block. We can use a socket to open it.
The pliers may not work because it could be very tight as you can see here. So socket is the best choice here.
The adjustable spanner may also not do due to its improper grip.
While putting force on the socket and breaking bar, hold the kit so that it may not move with the force applied.
The nut is smaller that is why it was difficult to hold in the socket.
Now we can remove the solenoid and the plate both together to clean underneath.
Here is one adjustment which holds the plunger for final gas control to the engine.
We would remove this plate also. Inside there is diaphragm which controls the gas initial pressure and regulates it to low pressure value.
All nuts here are also 10mm so we will use a 10mm socket to loose them.
keep in mind that there is a loaded spring inside. So it may jump a little bit but not too much. A little force maybe good on this plate during removal.
Here is the spring and keep it side.
To remove the diaphragm for cleaning and inspection, we should have to loose its nut. Afterward we can remove its plate.
this gasket also we should have to remove. and keep it side with other parts of this section.
We can open this nut with the 12mm socket.
Open and remove this plate and keep it side with other parts of this section.
Now is the time to remove the diaphragm. Now it will come easily.
Check as these parts will be dirty with oil component of gas. So we will bring all parts out of kit and will clean them thoroughly.
We will use a fillips screw driver to loose two screws to remove these parts from the kit.
In this way these parts will come off. You must not make any adjustment to such parts but just to clean them from oil and liquid gas.
Now we will open the bigger out output diaphragm. For that we would loose all 10mm nuts and bolts using a 10mm socket and spanner.
The last nut and bolt we are going to remove from the kit. This will open the bigger output diaphragm cover.
We will make a mark on both parts with a screw driver so that it will give us help when installing these parts in the end.
This mark will serve as guide mark when fixing things back together.
The diaphragm is sticking here to the upper top cover. So we will take care when removing this cover from the kit not to damage the diaphragm.
In the center they have given a little bigger hole to bring the pointer out.
We will inspect the diaphragm for any whole or damage. We will clean if there is no hole and no damage. Otherwise we will replace it with a new one.
Here is another plate and underneath is another diaphragm in the high pressure stage. We will loose all screws and remove it for inspection and cleaning.
This lever is very important and is controlling the low pressure to the engine. So we will remove it, will inspect it and will clean its stopper part using an emery paper.
To remove the lever we should have to open the two screws on its pivot. Also we will remove some other parts from here.
We will keep those both screws in their wholes not to mix them with other parts.
Here is the stopper part. We will clean it with the emery paper.
The spring and idle adjustment we would have to remove for cleaning.
Take care of the spring and brass bolt arrangement so that parts may go in the proper orientation. Nothing should be reversed so that it may not cause any problem in the end after assembling everything back.
We will remove this plate and underneath the diaphragm for cleaning and inspection.
Remove its gasket and keep it side.
Here is 8mm nut so we will remove it with an 8 mm socket or ring spanner.
We will keep its two washers along with its nut and the plate in one place.
We will wash now all the kit using our solvent. For solvent we can use any proffered solvent. I am using regular gasoline for cleaning and it works awesomely.
The rubber parts we will not wash in solvent but will clean only with rag. Also we will inspect them. Will replace parts if they went defective.
We will only wash the metal parts in the solvent.
After the cleaning everything I will fix back all parts and what will be the exact reverse process of disassembling.
Thanks for watching. Stay tuned for next parts. The next third part will show the very important adjustment and alignment part.
Two officers pull teen from burning car - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Teen killed in Plymouth car crash identified - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
Car Wash Owner Shot And Killed Outside Business In Gary, Indiana - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
My most profitable cars in 1000+ deals - Duration: 5:23.Do you think [your McLaren F1] was the most expensive car ever sold on eBay at the point?
What is your favorite car that you ever owned?
Columbus City Council set to approve money for electric car tests - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
HONG KONG - CRAZY CABLE CAR RIDE to BIG BUDDHA - Vlog - Duration: 6:28.[music]
There's nobody out, this is how you do Hong Kong
And I got breakfast, 7-11, bam.
First day in Hong Kong, we got up
at 5 in the morning
look at this sunrise
this is insane.
So right now we are on Hong Kong island, and this is the Star Ferry that takes you to Kowloon
This is why you get up early
This is the Hong Kong harbor
Taking the metro
Alright guys this is the video of our room - this is our view. This is from the
Holiday Inn Express SOHO, we got this room for
a little over $100 USD
it's probably one of the cheaper 3 star hotels
on the SOHO area and the view is amazing
And then the room
Mike say hi
we got two beds, everything you need
The big Buddha!
Going to the big Buddha!
we are on the tram
terrain has changed into ocean
The metro system is really easy to use, you just follow the colors and it tells you where you are headed
Just got out of the train station
and now we are heading to the cable car to see the giant Buddha.
I'm not a big fan of heights
but we're gonna do this anyway
going in
we are inside the cable car
check out this view
we are going from here
all the way to here to see the giant buddha
So we just finished taking the cable car
it actually wasn't that scary so I highly recommend it, and check out big Buddha
here is big Buddha
One of the largest Buddha statues
Going to big Buddha now, it's 268 steps,
by the way it's like 90 degrees out
Hong Kong!
I am in the IFC Building right now
this is the monetary center, this is a $100 dollar HK bill
equivalent to $13 USD
check out this view
That's Victoria Peak
We are inside the IFC building
this is the Hong Kong monetary authority
we are on like the 55th floor
but it explains everything about the money
how they prevent counterfeiting
it's really interesting
Shows you how they make the $10 HK dollar
So you can see some of the different features of the $10
So this is Hong Kong's exchange rate system
it's linked, which has
enabled it to stay steady including in the 2008 financial crisis
This timeline tells the story of how
Hong Kong became a major financial center
Cool Big Trucks! USA vs Japan - Car Hauler Comparison! Steve's POV - Duration: 6:24.The biggest difference between Japanese trucks and American trucks are their size.
Look at the length of this truck.
Look at the height too.
Cars are stacked on the bottom and on top as well.
There are no gullwing type doors on this truck, unlike Japanese trucks this big.
Newer trucks like this one recently started adding more side doors to help loading.
On older trailers, there weren't even side doors, so getting out of a loaded car was very hard.
Loading an unloading a car on a truck like this isn't very easy, especially without side doors.
Look at the size of this thing!!!
The inside of this cab is bigger than a Japanese house!
There's a shower...
refrigerator and more...
America is a big country so if you are on the road a lot, a truck like this is a good thing to have.
How To Care For Vinyl Wraps - 2016 BMW M4 - Chemical Guys Car Care - Duration: 11:24.Hey guys, welcome back to the Detail Garage.
Today we have this 2016 BMW M4 in the shop, as you can see it has this cool gray finish
which is actually a wrap.
So we're going to be showing you how to properly wash as well as maintain this without harming
the finish.
Before we do that we're going to jump on the dirtiest area which is the wheels.
Brake dust and all kinds of grime collects on the wheel because as you drive all kinds
of things attract to the surface.
It's actually degrading the finish so we are going to get that off there without scratching it.
You can't even tell these wheels are actually glossy because of the amount of grime that
is on the surface.
All that brake dust gives it a cloudy look.
We're going to start by rinsing it down, then using three Gerbil Wheel Brushes to safely
pull off the filth without scratching.
Then we can move to the tire and remove old dressings using the Stiffy Blue Brush, it
will remove anything else that was on the surface as well as embedded grime.
Any kind of old dressing will sling on to the paint job and that is how you get these
little black specs.
We're going to rinse it off then get started with the detailing process.
So now that we have rinsed it down using the Fire Hose Nozzle, it has taken care of the
loose brake dust.
Now we can get into the more intricate areas like the barrel, spokes and lug nuts using
the Gerbil Wheel Brushes.
I'll start by placing a Dirt Trap in the bucket, this bucket has fresh water for rinsing to
prevent bring the dirt back on to the wheel.
We'll agitate anything that is on the surface using Sticky Citrus Wheel Gel to emulsify
and trap particles on the surface so we won't scratch it.
It creates lubricating bubbles that loosen and soften contamination so we can easily
take it off and get this wheel looking its best.
You can use this on any kind of wheel finish like OEM, matte wheels, chrome and so on to
make them look great.
Starting with the biggest Wheel Gerbil at the top of the wheel, getting all the way
to the back of the wheel down the barrel for a perfectly clean wheel.
By using the biggest Wheel Gerbil it has taken care of the brake dust that is all the way
in the back of the barrel.
Now we're moving on to the medium size Wheel Gerbil so we can get all the crevices and
spokes when the bigger brush wouldn't fit.
Spraying it for added lubrication and cleaning power.
Slide it in between the spoke, this is an area where a lot of brake dust collects and
over time it can start to pitting and deteriorating the finish so we are going to get all that
out of there.
You can see that the medium size Gerbil does an amazing job getting between the spokes
and it works great for cleaning in between the caliper and inner barrel.
This is an area that is hard to get bigger brushes in and around.
So now using the last Gerbil Brush which is the smallest.
Again spraying it with Sticky Citrus Wheel Gel for more lubrication and cleaning power
because anything that's on there is corrosive and car scratch so you'll want as much lubrication
as possible.
It works well for cleaning lug nuts, emblems and for detailing the caliper because it is
hard to get a brush behind the spokes.
So now you have more mobility to get all the around without scratching the painted finish
of the caliper.
Now this wheel is looking really good, we're going to move on to the final step of cleaning
the tire using the Stiffy Brush.
I'll spray down the tire one last time with Sticky Wheel Gel to loosen up any grime that
was on the rim as well as old dressings.
Scrubbing all the way around the tire to get it looking its best.
Now this tire is looking really good.
We're going to finish it off by rinsing it down and then we'll take it inside to continue
the rest of the detailing process.
If you don't believe me just take a look at this bucket, it's disgusting.
So we're moving right along with the detail on this BMW.
As I mentioned earlier this is a vinyl wrap, so I'm going to show you the proper techniques
and products you'll need to keep it looking fresh.
This is just a protective layer of vinyl that is very thin so sun rays beating down on it
or things that harm the vinyl like tree sap and bird droppings can cause it to peel and fade.
Using Wrap Detailer and spraying it right on the surface will rejuvenate the wrap as
well as protect it.
You can use this on the vinyl wrap, glass and wheels.
It's a quick detail spray that picks up loose dirt, bird droppings, sap and water drops
to bring back the pristine finish.
You can see it has a light layer of dust on there.
Although this car looks really clean there are actually things still on the surface that
can harm the finish.
We're going to get it all cleaned off and protected, then move to the interior.
Real quickly I wanted to mention the towel we're using, this is the Happy Ending Towel.
It is a very plush towel, vinyl is very sensitive so we want a very soft towel that will remove
anything on the surface without scratching.
I'm going to finish off the rest of the vehicle and then we can jump on the interior.
The last step of our detailing process is cleaning the interior of this BMW.
Starting with a vacuum to pick up the filth and debris then clean and protect the leather.
Whenever you use a vacuum on leather, make sure the edges aren't sharp.
Typically when you drop your vacuum the plastic edges will scrape making the plastic sharp
and if you run this across the leather it can cause scratches or tears which are hard
to repair or replace.
So be very careful when you are working on sensitive surfaces such as leather.
We're going to vacuum the seats, carpet and finish up the rest of the cleaning process.
Alright guys we have made it to the end of the detail on this BMW.
To wrap it up we're going to hit all the leather surfaces in the interior using Leather Quick Detailer.
This cleans and protects in one step.
Just spray it on the surface or on a towel to control over spray and then wipe down the leather
and buff off any excess.
That is going to add a UV protective coating that also resists stains and solar rays from
damaging the finish.
I'm going to finish this off, in the meantime you guys can head over to our website chemicalguys.com.
If you like this car or this video be sure to give it a thumbs up.
Don't forget to drop a comment below if there is something you want to see or
want more information about.
We'll see you guys next time right here in the Detail Garage.
Grand Theft Auto Online - NEW CAR TODAY!!! - Duration: 2:44:57.-------------------------------------------
[Bob閃評分析] BMW X4、M.Benz GLC Coupé與Porsche Macan - 3款豪華跨界休旅車 | U-CAR 集體評比 - Duration: 15:37.-------------------------------------------
Jake Paul LEAVING Team 10 House! #DramaAlert Logan Paul Car Accident! KSI PewDiePie Casey Neistat! - Duration: 9:31.what is up
Drama Alert Nation. I'm your host, Killer Keemstar
Let's get riight into the neeews
Our first story today is coming from Jake Paul
We interviewed Jake Paul right here on this channel in so many of you haven't even seen it because YouTube was
Broken over the weekend and notifications, didn't go out so if you haven't seen that interview with Jake Paul
Make sure you check it out, but in that interview Jake Paul was asked about the problem
He's having with his neighbors, and he said that he was planning on moving
And it looks like he was telling the truth because today he uploaded a vlog showing that they were fixing up the place
awesome, and it is a day of
Repairs guys you've seen us destroy the house
talk about
savage guys
But today is a day that we repair all of those damages because kids you can't damage something in life without repairing it
One of the teams have members known as Tristan Tales
tweeted out this: "It costs more to move all my things than my things are actually worth" and apparently the
Martinez twins from Team 10. Well their visas up, they uploaded a video today titled "We left the Team 10 house forever"
Saying that they had to go back to spain because their visas were up now apparently they're going to be gone for like two weeks
And the title says forever meaning when they return to the United States
Jake Paul is not going to be in that Team 10 house; in related news one of the team 10 members known as
Ray Diaz got pants'd
oh sh*t
I-I told you. All the YouTube pranksters are going to the team 10 house to pull pranks
I mean until they move this is never going to stop and
Speaking about Jake Paul his brother logan Paul yesterday got into a car accident
He tweeted out "Some lady just drove straight into the Yeti first car accident of my life
Tomorrow's vlog should be interesting", apparently the woman ran right into him and logan Paul's
$300,000 yeti got fucked up. Here's a screenshot of some of the damage
God damn, also in the news. Player unknown
Battlegrounds is one of the most popular games right now
It's one of the most popular games being streamed on twitch and well
There's a twitch channel that allows the chat to actually play the game, the channel known as twitch plays
Battlegrounds allows the chat to type in different commands to control the player within the game and what's actually
Amazing about this out of 97 players the people in the chat spamming different commands got a player
To number 3 out of 97 players in the way, they went out with so disappointing roll it
I must say that was impressive, also in the news. There's this question
/Meme that's been going around
Are traps gay now. I'm not sure if this is
Transphobic or not, but I'm going to try to explain this question to you the question is if a guy
Transgenders into a girl but dates guys would that mean that that guy that who is now a girl is gay
And it's fucking confusing but anyhow at a gaming convention earlier this month
Jesse Cox was asked this question on a panel, roll it. Yo in the back. What up dude, so
uh ,me and a couple friends having a
Discussion about this at the bar last night, are traps gay?
(Audience laughs)
What!? Are traps gay?
No, its a genuine question
Now again I personally don't know if this question is transphobic or not
But a fellow Youtuber known as totalbiscuit
Took matters upon himself by tweeting out this:
"We commend the Transphobic question asked at Coxcon panel. If anyone knows the identity of the person, please inform a member or staff"
So basically they were trying to find the person to asked that question and when they found that person
totalbiscuit tweeted out this:
"The person has been identified and is being removed from the event. We will not tolerate that bullshit in our event ever"
Damn seems like totalbiscuit was seriously offended by that question being asked however ever since
Totalbiscuit took that action, there has been a backlash on his channel since july 22nd when this happened
Totalbiscuit has been losing subscribers
Every single day at an alarming rate
Also in the news; FaZe Rug's hamster
Unfortunately passed away, he uploaded a video titled "Rest in peace
Hammy" where him and his mother buried the Hamster, but unfortunately lost his life now
I seen a lot of people making jokes and stuff about this but come on
We love our pets
And I'm pretty sure that FaZe Rug loved his hamster who appeared in a bunch of his videos.
Also in the news;
Ksi did an interview
Caspar Lee uploaded a video today titled "KSI life after YouTube
(Honest interview)" and holy shit a lot of stuff went down in this interview Ksi explained that
You know he's loving life now that he's taking this break from YouTube
He's doing stuff that he loves I got mentioned in it
Thank you Ksi for the shoutout, but also Ksi. I revealed that he has a girlfriend
And he says that no one is going to find out who she is ever which honestly JJ. I'm really sorry
you know I love you homie, but um I
Feel like you just challenged me and my team to find out who this missus is
but but out of respect
I I don't what we're not going to dig to try to find out who Ksi's girlfriend really is
also in the news; the biggest YouTuber on the Planet Pewdiepie
is taking digs at Jake Paul and Kasey Neistat that, he tweeted out this picture with the caption
"It looks like they already found a replacement for Jake in bizaardvark
Kasey Neistat responded by saying this: "it's the role that I've been waiting for my entire life"
And now for our final story and listen
I'm going to I'm going to go in a little bit of a rag here
so I'm sorry that I'm ending this video with it with a little bit of steam, but
The trending page in the United States fucking sucks here on YouTube it is so goddamn bad
I hate it today number 21
Trending on YouTube was a video about Miley cyrus telling us what her stripper name would be and Nirvana
karaoke with a grand total of
Fourteen Hundred Fucking Views
Youtube, how the fuck is this considered trending okay?
I interviewed the fastest-growing
YouTuber on the Platform Jake Paul,
I asked him controversial questions about
Controversies on YouTube that have millions of millions of views and my video didn't trend
But this shit does if you live in Mexico, Canada, Australia or England
You're trending page is pretty decent
But here in America our trending page is filled with late late shows
Fucking trailers to movies, this bullshit and about once a week
Matthew Santoro call somebody at YouTube and gets his videos put on the trending page
I'm not saying that I have the greatest videos in the world and that my video should be on trending pages every day
I'm not saying that but, I'm saying every once in a while when I have a legitimate video
That is actually trending that
That's a big deal
I should be on the trending page other
YouTubers that have videos that are out of the norm that take off on their personal channels should be on the trending page
Not this fucking garbage that we see every day
YouTube please
fix our trending page
Trending means trending like trending means that it's that it's that's going viral
That people are talking about it that that is the thing
In the conversation okay, okay? Whoo. I'm going to give myself a heart attack
I got to stop okay rant over. Guys, I hope you enjoy this video
If you did, please slap a like on it, make sure you are subscribed
With notifications on because you do not want to miss the news, you want to see this daily. Drama Alert Nation now
over two million two hundred
fix the fucking trending page
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