Hi good afternoon this is rose from fantastic fun
flores family a Catholic homeschooling
family and it is 6:46 and have a couple
of exciting things for me going things
going on and so I have decided that I
want to try to get to the entire Bible
cover-to-cover in a year and a half and
today i woke up like an hour early like
an hour and a half for any woke up at
650 and to start that project is I'm a
pretty determined person when I guess
I'm going to do something I I pretty
much your way and if I fail I could try
and if I feel like touchy if I really
have to feel a lot of sense to finally
give up and just go I can't do this
isn't for me but I decided I'm going to
do that i'm pretty sure all accomplished
I started to date and I'm really excited
about doing that the other saying well
with you and defend the morning when I
woke up my kids at the same time and I
hi I'm had our breakfast i started
homeschooling with my daughter to the
first because my son has been really
taking a long time to get to his on
schooling I and I knew I have to get to
my friends a bible study at her house so
i gave my daughter's first because I
actually do have to sit with her like
the entire time to help reduce your home
school and my my son although i do sit
with him a lot like a lot a lot
he can be a little bit more independent
and so I did he did start solving
homeschooling here but he did have to
take it over there and finish it over
and that worked out great he actually
finish right on time like I'm us what
you got there the kids got their life
and what do you do with a cucumber
wait no don't be sending he's making it
a cucumber half-door we're going to eat
that right now anyways so yeah we guess
he steps he said I'm about could hear
him in the background we are Pete how he
finished it as like pretty much as soon
as he as the other kids were walking in
I'm a tourniquet i'm rather and then the
kids had a couple hours so we'll let go
almost almost two full hours of non-stop
plane that was hella straight for them i
really enjoy a you know doing that with
my girlfriends
imagine my best best friends and there's
other women who I really really like and
I spend with seen them for years but you
know she's my bestest suspense and we
get to you know get to talk and you know
it's just nice what can I say
but what I'm super super super excited
about is that looking ten minutes at
seven and they're my about Michael
bother and guess he's pretty put you off
of one super excited because she's going
to bring me his beyond bay
yes the one you gotta marry ya
yeah like a painted them but they look a
little i'll go yeah let's look exciting
so I'm excited i have never met her in
person because you need is an enumerator
citizen and neighboring town i'm with
you like about two hours away when they
do come i she's going to come live here
but as a right now I have never really
I've never seen her in person
yes master pictures he's actually been
commuting piece of gentle man he's been
community to see her and it's really a
beautiful beautiful love story how for
years and they're not here for me to ask
them but I ll make a little clip of them
and a lot of space to fit our yes I flew
toward the end after this when they get
here so they spend on and off for years
i want to say eight years or so of your
heart you don't know i don't think it
will they come and doctors coming to the
end of the video
they've been together for like on and
off for years they had other
relationships in between they would get
together they trick you know breakup and
state other things you know life
happened you know the course of those
years but you know like magic
all of a sudden that last week just got
back together on a hillock
I can't even remember maybe like six
months ago when they were like you know
what it's been long enough it's time
let's do this
they're like we love each other we will
always love each other we are you know
where we get along so well we know each
other so well we've been friends for all
these years and we don't we we think
we're perfect for each other and solar
you just decided they're going to do
this and I'm just so so happy they're
going to have a Catholic wedding in
September don't pick today but they know
it's in September I going to bring more
yeah this guy very excited I coconut to
do this what I hadn't even made a nose
Oh like all going on you're going to
collect yourself
alright so so I'll it's a really
beautiful love story and it gives me
hope for a lot of single ladies out
there that of you know been struggling
to meet the right wife never to me these
people there that might work i see this
keeps my compositing which means he's
the Godfather of my son the one over
there the one that was just here right
now that's combined area for you not i
don't know if i have not hispanic
viewers about it is the term that you
use to show the relationship between God
parent and the parent of the child and
my first respect both ways and so this
guy he is really eat young he's younger
than me he's like he's like my little
we're very close
he's very close to the family like
you might have one of my husband's best
it's not best friends and that guy is my
brother-in-law's my husband's little
brother's best friends since childhood I
know since like middle school
there's like no it's not an elementary a
might-have-been no IIT was middle school
ya got that torture and so like we've
known him for years years and I see him
go through with horrible horrible
devastating heartbreak like and we put
it quite frequently and trustees you
don't need to explain stuff I'm talking
so he's got 18 since we can't stop
speaking of the week is that's typical
sign up in ec % we gotta we gotta be
some self-control
so anyways I was saying that
yeah I've seen him go through through
really really really really difficult
time and I'm super happy to know that he
is so so happy and with this girl she's
about his age
so you know she didn't do not not 22
years old and so you can find love at 88
some young ladies some not all are you
know they haven't found the right one x
24 25 they're like stressing out
okay if if you do things right if you
pray you do the right thing helping with
a cucumber we're going to hearing if you
know you live my thoughts away and you
pray God will send you the right person
but you really have to be bigger than
end you know trying to lift the Catholic
where Christian Way really so when God
doesn't do that person you'll be able
you'll be better able to you know
distinguish him from other relationships
right aight you know you guys as well
but like I'm really directed mr. to the
ladies here I review and you know you
could be 30 you could be 20 you could be
40 you know you could be 5060 we don't
know when the right one is going to come
and there's always hope
I know 30 doesn't seem like that old but
so something to some young ladies out
there that are worried you know that
they are getting older
it don't happen when it's the right time
so i just wanted to give you all that
like beautiful love story there
hopefully you can it will inspire you I
i will be adding onto the end I'll
introduce you to this business beautiful
new couple
no they're actually they're not on your
helpful but yeah they're like a new
couple again
perfect now and I'm really happy for
them when I can't wait to meet them each
like three minutes till seven so i have
to get good line right now and we will
out I want to do something a little bit
god bless you Barry say beautiful job of
talking to you guys enough bags and live
events you need
ok tell me that's that's died dad get my
dad that one need that one thing I meant
by myself please also take that off but
in the night get much of anything that
extreme mind if we got my youtube
channel bye
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