SPIDERMAN and Lightning McQueen | Cartoon for children & Game for KIDS - DISNEY INFINITY
FOR HONOR: (INSANE ALL OUT BRAWL!) Gameplay/Let's Play (2017) - Duration: 10:43.SET TO 720p FOR BEST QUALITY1
Today I am Showing How To Use Clone Spell.
I Draft Challenge I choose Clone And Mirror.
Luckyly He Give Me Lava Hound.
I Have Clone,Fire Ball,Graveyard,Archer,Lava Hound,Baby Dragon,Mortar,Mirror.
He have A Golem Sparky Deck.
I Put Lava Hound Right Side Conner,Than Mirror Lava Hound
And Baby Dragon For Supporting And Clone Both Of Them.
I Put Mirror Lava Hound In The Middle So There Is Three Lava Hound
And I Clone Them So There Is Six Lava Hound In The Arena.
Inferno dragon Has Medium Speed So you Can Use With Clone Spell.
3 Muskeetor Have Also Medium Speed you Can Use With Clone Spell.
And Last We Have A Pekka.
Pekka Has Slow Speed.
So, We Look 3 Cards Using Clone Spell And New Card Game play.
First We Have Inferno Dragon.
Take Two Tower To Put Elixir Pump.
OK put Inferno And Mirror Inferno And Clone Them So We Have 4 Inferno Dragon.
Basically Clone Spell Only Clone Original Troops.
So We Have A 4 Original And 6 Clone Inferno Dragon.
30 Max Inferno Dragon You Can't Stop Them.
Than we Have 3 Muskeetor Game Play.
Take Two Tower More Elixir.
Put 3 Muskeetor And Mirror Them So We Have 6 Muskeetor.
Again Put 3 Muskeetor So We Have A 9 Muskeetor And Mirror Them So we have 12 Muskeetor In The Arena.
So We go To Clone Them Ohh 24 Muskeetor.
24 Muskeetor Take Down tower in 3 Second.
Last We Have A Pekka But I Don't Like Pekka So i Don't Know How To Use Pekka.
Pekka Down but I Have No Mirror.
It's Funny.
This Is My Mistake Because I forgot That Clone troops Hp Is 1 so My Clone Pekka Die With Ice Spirit.
This Week New Card Releases is Executioner.
He Throws His Axe Like A Boomerang.
His range IS 5 tiles.
So Let's Look Game play Of Executioner.
Thank You For Watching.Stay Tune For More Quality Game play Video.
redKind - Late Game - Duration: 13:34.In fact, I do coaching!
You can either check out my Patreon and get up to 5 match reviews per month there, or
just send me a message on my mail to dicuss the price and details.
I will probably give away some coaching sessions too soon.
But for now, be sure to subscribe and rate the video, so more people can see it. Enjoy!
join my clan - Duration: 0:40.hy guys
join my clan
if you are gold league 1 u can be co leader if you are gold league 2 you will be elder
it is limited time upto tuesday so join it fast
search #GPCLOR80 for my clan
JACK DOMECRACK!- Resident Evil 7 Playthrough Part 3 (PS4) - Duration: 16:16.-------------------------------------------
ESO Stream 1 - Duration: 25:50.I don't know if you guys noticed this at all, but the stream started to lag here a little.
But it ends up cutting out as I ponder getting Biohazard VII
Which sucks.
Funny Clip w/ Ando the Scrando & Orphan of Kos (Hardest Boss) (FIRST TRY?!?!?!) - Bloodborne - Duration: 9:19.Okay. -_- Ando: Nice.
*gets shot in the face*
Ando: Ohhhhhh my gawd.
*swings at already dead body..... good one*
*chuckling Ando*
Ando: Lol.
*gross laugh*
Ando: Yeah, why don't you walk straight? :P
Ando: YEET!
Ando: Oh, shit!
*Ando struggling to breathe through the lolz*
Ando: That actually was not going to work.
*most epic warcry ever*
*sicc miss there bruthur*
*still alive*
Uh oh.
*gasp of realization*
Ando: Oh, you used it? Yup.
*lol RIP Ando the Scrando*
*realizing what just happened*
Ando: Are you @#%&ing serious?
*and let the laughter begin*
*RIP headphone users*
*both XDing*
Ando: What the #$%& ??
Ando: That's so random.
Ando: That's so @#%&ing random, dude!
*the never-ending lolz*
Ando: What the @#####%& .....
*gasping for air*
Ohhhhh my gawd!
Ohhhhh that was priceless!
Ohhh, shit. Ando: Jesus Christ, man.
The last boss for the DLC, dude, is ridiiiiiiiiiculous.
Generic: How ridiculous?
He's.. like.... the hardest... of all the bosses in Bloodborne.
Generic: I thought you said the last boss of the game was the hardest?
Noo, eh....
I meant...
Well, if I did say that, I meant the one in the DLC.
Like, cause that's the last boss in the DLC.
But yeaaahhhhhhhh.....
He suuuuucks.
*sigh of sadness*
Alright, here we go.
Generic: Doesn't seem like a bad guy.
Alright, Generic, wish me luck.
*the "like that would help me" laugh*
Generic: I'll pray.
Ohh, nooo!
Oh, gawwd.
Oh, hold up.
I - I've almost beat this first try.
Well, RIP.
I have no health Blood Vials, heh. And I have like 2 HP, heh.
*groan of internal pain*
Generic: You jinxed it by saying "first try". :P
No I didn't!
Oh gawd!
*kill it*
*the laugh of disbelief*
I need to sa-
Modern Warfare® Remastered Ambush Sniper Gameplay - Duration: 11:34.-------------------------------------------
Goodbye...for now - Duration: 5:49.-------------------------------------------
MINI MONTAGE - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
The YouTube Family Chronicles Sims 4 Livestream Wond3rJay - Duration: 1:05:17.-------------------------------------------
Dark Souls III: The Movie | Gwyn's Firstborn - Duration: 7:25.-------------------------------------------
Welcome To Games Gamit - Duration: 0:15.-------------------------------------------
Crysis 1 (Repack) ll Installation ll easy ll CP ll - Duration: 3:08.
Sorry No Music.. :-)
Sorry No Music.. :-)
Sorry No Music.. :-)
Sorry No Music.. :-)
Reaching pekkas playhouse | Clash royale - Duration: 16:47.Dont forget to sub and leave a like :)
first video ever!(lit)! - Duration: 5:33.first ever video enjoy!
yo wassup guys
today we are going to be playing roblox
and I'm joined with emilyrosecool1738
today we just hanging and havin fun
so les go ill take you along with us
les go
How To Get Free Games On Steam - WORKING! - FULL GAME DOWNLOADS FOR FREE | 100% LEGIT METHOD - Duration: 7:31.-------------------------------------------
Raft: Proof The Survival Genre Hasn't Run Dry | Indie Preview | Early Access Gaming - Duration: 4:09.Look through most of the indie games out on Steam or Early Access or what have you.
How many of them are survival titles?
Quite a few, no?
It's no secret that the rise of these games is due to the explosive success of Minecraft
back in 2011.
It's no surprise either - success tends to breed imitators.
Minecraft was no original idea either.
Creator, Notch, has been very open about his inspiration from games Infiminer, Dungeon
Keeper, and Dwarf Fortress.
It is important to note that those titles inspired his game, he didn't just clone
Take a look through Steam and Kickstarter again, but this time look for survival games
that strand you on a piece of wood in the middle of the ocean.
There are none.
None except Raft, and that's part of what makes it such a great idea.
The other part is that the three members of Raft Developer (yes that is their name) simply
took a good look at the survival genre and came up with an idea that hadn't been done
Raft is still in it's early stages, but the foundation already set has me excited
for the game's future.
I start the game with a hook.
I look around and there are tons of materials floating by the raft that I can bring in with
the hook.
Constantly trying to land the hook in the right spot is a fun mini-game that kept me
aware of my surroundings.
Gathering materials is nothing new to experienced players of survival games, and here there
is a lot of it.
Turning those materials into items is very straightforward.
The crafting menu states what is needed, and clicking the item creates it instantly.
Hovering over the item in the inventory provides a quick description - no wiki scouring necessary.
Where Raft really stands out is in what it doesn't have.
Most survival games have me running around searching for materials.
Raft forces me to stay in one place and wait for them.
It's a bit agonizing being one plank away from the next staircase and having to wait
for it to come rather than go searching for it - but the feeling of finally getting to
craft the item is truly worth the wait.
Though Raft does try to do a lot of things differently, I can't say that I agree with
all of the choices made.
A recurring problem of mine comes from the one enemy in the game - a shark that constantly
swims circles around the platform.
It's an intimidating and straightforward enemy.
When it does attack, it goes for the foundation and eats away at the wood until it breaks.
I can craft a spear to hold the shark off, and then kill it for meat.
I'm a fan of that, but what I find annoying is how often this shark attacks.
There were times where I had just finished repairing a piece only to turn around to find
it back at my base again.
This is likely an issue that will be balanced out in the future, but it happens often enough
that I felt it should be brought up.
It is different to have an enemy that I'm never truly safe from, and again I like that
Either the frequency of those attacks needs to change, or maybe some stationary defenses
should be included to hold it off.
Not even walls work from my testing.
I also found it a bit weird that cooking food or boiling water requires no materials needed
to make fire.
Keeping my hunger and thirst meters full was never much of a concern.
I could just keep throwing my food or water into their respective stations.
Since I can craft a fishing pole, I can gather food with a few seconds of effort, I can scoop
up water at any time.
Having a type of coal or using wood to create fire would create a bit of stress around keeping
myself full.
Elements like that also keep the game true to a survival experience.
Maybe I am used to other survival games needing cooking materials, but the lack of them here
broke the immersion.
Raft was a breath of fresh air for me.
A solid foundation with original ideas brought me into the game.
The execution of these ideas made me want to stay.
No game is perfect, and the complaints I have are minor compared to what can be accomplished
This is the sort of game that the survival genre needs in order to thrive again.
I wish Raft Developer the best of luck in creating the rest of their game.
Top Hidden Secret Game On Your Android Phone | How to Play Hidden Game Of Android In Hindi & English - Duration: 2:02.Hello Friends This Is Rajit singh pal Here
and today i am going to show you a hidden secret game on your android phone
so here this is a game
to play this game you don't want to install or download anything
So Let Get Started
firstly,You want to go to setting
Scroll down and open about phone
see game is now running
this way you can play this game
you want to out from these two marshmallow
so thanks for watching for this video
click the subscribe button to get more tips and tricks
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