Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily what Jan 30 2017

Hi, welcome to another What i ate today video.

I made for breakfast Omellete from Hraska (pea mixture) with tofu, onion and veggies.

So, its 6 pm, time for dinner.

I made Robi "meat" with mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes and veggies.

This is how it looks like :)

So thats all for today.

If you like the video, hit like and subscribe.

Dont forget to follow me on facebook and instagram. See you next time :)

For more infomation >> Co jsem dnes jedl #5 | What i ate today #5 | Vegan | Vegabund - Duration: 4:20.



For more infomation >> DESTROYING OUR OWN BASE... WHAT IS HAPPENING? | RUST CHILL GAMEPLAY | Marmatrix Gaming | #4 - Duration: 5:26.


Past, Prologue & What's to Come - Duration: 41:41.

For more infomation >> Past, Prologue & What's to Come - Duration: 41:41.


What Is Kratom & Is It Like Weed? -Brittany Smokes Weed - Duration: 6:08.

the way that it had to crack down on the

floor thinking IM the shit gets old

what's up guys thanks for coming back

i'm here with another fine informational

video because yes

learning is fun learning about drugs

even more fun

so the drug i'm going to be talking

about today is crossing i hope i'm

saying that right crowd until you see it

Crossin correct me if i'm wrong i'm

going to keep saying kratom you had me

at all I have been like into additional

herbs and that kind of stuff pretty much

since I learned the terrible suspect

that some pharmaceuticals can have on

your body your mind and all that stuff

so I've been pre in Tulak medicinal

herbs like legal natural herbs and stuff

like that

chrome has been getting like a lot of

attention lately especially since the

whole like legal status situation going

on da trying to take it down and take it

away but as of now it's still illegal so

I'm gonna tell you guys about the

effects and like all that stuff i

personally think that it's a lot like

cannabis in a way so this is all based

on like research that I've done I

haven't personally tried problem so

result be some personal research so one

of the things that makes me think

problem is a lot like cannabis is the

effects that you get from it and why

people actually use it and so what I

found is that people use it for like

author itís in a lot of chronic

conditions that have to do with pain

stuff and these are a lot of the same

conditions that would qualify you to get

a medical marijuana card so there's that

correlation there and also the way that

you actually ingest cotton reminds me a

lot of cannabis edibles

so after you're ingesting the problem it

usually takes around 40 to 60 minutes

before you start to feel the effects

which is pretty much like the same

timeframe feel like cannabis edibles so

but the overall aspects of problem are

actually going to depend on how much you

ingest and the strength of your product

so i'm gonna go ahead and read you guys

the effects for like low-to-moderate

know Finch so this is that the stimulant

level which is going to be just enough

to feel the effects not too much

recreational sex so at the stimulant

level- more alert physical energy and

sometimes sexual energy is increased

one feels more motivated to get things

done the ability to do hard monton uous

physical work maybe includes that has an

antidepressant effect one is more

talkative friendly social the stimulant

effects of chronic are different from

typical C&S stimulants such as caffeine

and set a menacing drugs crime is more

problem is more of a conscious

stimulants and physical stimulus oh my

gosh location

I don't like to read out loud anyway

sounds more to me like it's going to be

almost like a low to moderate dose into

canada's edible almost on like dash of

at all but that's pretty much what it

sounds like to me it does seem like the

stimulant level will be really great for

someone that maybe suffers from social

anxiety as it seems like talking and

like being more social and friendly

would be a lot easier so you like me

might be a good medication for yourself

um no but anyways I'm gonna go ahead and

meet you affects like the sedate is

super high dosage not super high just

more of like recreational I so at this

dosage you would be less sensitive to

physical or emotional team feel and look

calm have a general feeling of

comfortable pleasure and may enter a

pleasant dreaming Revere you may

experience some itching or sliding your

peoples may be constricted it is

possible you may feel nauseated but if

you lie down and relax and nausea she

quickly side you may find your

appreciation of music increase it will

be very pleasant to lie down on your

back and a semi darkened room with eyes

closed and just listen to your favorite

music if you do this you may be

fortunate enough to enter the delightful

mix state of wake of waking dream where

you have one foot in the dreamland and

the other foot in the real world the

state was much prized by the 19th

century romantic writers who lack in

knowledge of kratom resorted to the much

more habit-forming narcotic opean to

achieve it

so basically i'm getting from that

I don't really have anything you would

compare that to you or like that feeling

too because I've never been created more

like anything to make me feel how i just

described so does sound very interesting

i'm not gonna lie but like i said i

don't really have anything to compare to

you i will leave a link in the

description for all the stuff like

information like more effects if you

guys are interested not stuff but i'm

not really sure problem is something i

would try just because it could become

addictive but you notice maybe it just

needs to be research more or something

like that it is illegal and a few states

here in the US but pretty much we go in

a lot of other places but um I think

majorities places are legal but anyways

that's really all I have for you guys

today let me know what you think about

creating and description don't forget to

Like and subscribe anything videos all

the time guys so there's going to be a

lot of uploads so you like that going to

go ahead and subscribe

I'm gonna go stay educated stay

medicated and i will see you guys later


For more infomation >> What Is Kratom & Is It Like Weed? -Brittany Smokes Weed - Duration: 6:08.


WHAT'S IN MY BAG? (Updated) | Carmen. - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> WHAT'S IN MY BAG? (Updated) | Carmen. - Duration: 6:56.


What Would Nora Ephron Do? - Duration: 2:08.

Hi everyone. Wallace Yovetich here with

your Monday video. Today I am talking

about Nora Ephron. I'm talking actually about

authors that make you happy. So this week

is huge for me. I am trying to coordinate a move.

I'm heading back to another part of

southern California with my son, Smith,

and wrapping all the stuff up here in

the town that we live in. And my brain

is frazzled and so what I'm doing is I'm

going back to one of my favorite authors.

And I am watching the documentary on her

that her son made for HBO.

I'm listening to a book by her and I'm

actually listen to a book about her. And

I am reading the latest book by her

sister Deliah Ephron about her. I will

link to the titles of those books down

below. But I'm curious, do you have any go

to authors where you just know that you

need whatever brand of whatever that

they're giving you. With Nora Ephron, it's

kind of no-nonsense. She gets me in this

mood of like no-nonsense, get things done,

keep on moving, you're going to be fine.

Because that was the personality that

she had. So if you're in need of that,

I highly, highly recommend reading anything

by her at all or watching this

documentary. It's called Everything is Copy,

and it will give you some good

ideas of where to start with her work

because they have snippets of her work

in there. There's also a lot of

anthologies about, from Nora, the work

that she published in magazines and also

books that are included. That, I mean, those

anthologies are pretty big. They're about

this big. So I recommend finding what you

like from her nonfiction or fiction and

starting there. And if any of you follow

my stories on Instagram then you can see

that I have been very into her lately, and I

continually give some recommendations

there as well. So shoot it to me down

below, just let me know which authors you go to.

And I will probably be off for the

next couple weeks as I move. So I will

see you in a couple of weeks. Until then

enjoy the rest of the Book Riot channel.

Happy reading.

For more infomation >> What Would Nora Ephron Do? - Duration: 2:08.


What You Never Knew about the Armor of God - Duration: 4:26.

While studying the full armor of God, the Lord showed me something that changed everything.

Keep watching.

As I studied to write a chapter about the full armor of God for my book, Silence Satan,

the Lord clued me in on something that radically changed

how I approached it.

In Ephesians 6, Paul instructs, "Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be

able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

Next, he clarifies the source of our struggles: "For our fight is not

against flesh and blood, but against principalities … powers … rulers of the darkness of the

world… and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

Then he boasts, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to

withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.

Stand therefore…"

I noticed that in only five verses, Paul uses the word stand, four times.

Then God revealed something revolutionary: "The armor isn't

meant to help battle a devil who is defeated, but to

stand in the victory of the One who defeated him!"

This simple revelation changed everything about my plans for the chapter.

I suddenly saw that Paul used the context of the Roman soldier's

uniform to relate about the power we each possess as those dressed "in Christ."

Amazingly, each of the six articles in the armor are all ours—not

to fight for what we don't have, but to help us

stand in what we already have in Christ.

Take a look.

The belt was a thick leather that was band girdled around the soldier's waist.

Paul probably mentioned it first because it was foundational—the belt is

what most of the weaponry was attached to.

Then he likened it to the truth we have in Christ.

That is, knowing the truth about who you are and what

you have in Him is foundational for victory.

The breastplate was a beautiful, scaled metal piece that was fastened around the upper body,

protecting the vital organs of the soldier.

Paul likened this to the righteousness we have in Christ, which

protects the most vital part about us—our identity in Him.

The shoes were made of a leather sole with bands that wrapped up around the ankles.

On the bottom were stones, or cleats, to help the soldier

stand firm in his position.

In Christ, we have shoes of peace, which help us stand calm and strong

in the midst of difficulties and trials.

The shield was the largest and most movable piece.

It protected the soldier from the flying spears and swords of battle.

Paul compared this to our faith in Christ, which when raised,

protects us with an unwavering confidence that God's got this!

The helmet protected from the most fatal wounds on the battlefield—head wounds.

In Christ, we have a helmet of salvation, which protects

our minds with salvation thoughts: thoughts that are

true, pure, lovely, excellent and worthy of praise.

Finally, the sword was both a defensive and offensive weapon.

Of course, defensively, it could block the enemy.

But offensively, the soldier would stand and wave it in the air, signaling to an

enemy: "I'm armed and dangerous, you better stay back!"

In Christ, God's Word is like this sword.

When spoken, it defends against the devil's attacks.

But used offensively, it alerts Satan: "Stay back!

Because I know who I am and what I have in Christ!"

Isn't this awesome?

As someone who is "in Christ," you already possess the armor of God,

which is the uniform of Jesus.

Yes, in Christ, you have truth, righteousness, peace, faith,

salvation, and His Word to help silence Satan.

Now stand in it!

For more infomation >> What You Never Knew about the Armor of God - Duration: 4:26.


NOT A Booktube Newbie Tag! [CC] - Duration: 8:30.

hello my name is Alyssa and welcome

back to another video today i am

bringing you the not a booktube newbie

tag this tag was created by clever fox

and her video will be linked in the

description i have seen around and I

really like it um I had a lot of new

subscribers recently and I feel

together I know me that left and so I

think that this video is going to help

you know more about me and how my

booktube life have begun and everything

like that so if you've been watched

every video of mine you know but if

you're new and you only like a few

videos then you won't know about my

channel or welcome to my channel if

you're new here please subscribe if you

haven't or let me know if you've

recently subscribed it because I've been

awesome i'm really sizes tag because

it's a lot of different questions about

the coop and I just want you guys to

know me better especially if you are new

to my channel so hello

if you're new to my channel and hello if

you're back home

let's just get into the tag the first

question is how old is your channel icon

will be three years old in May and that

is crazy

I've been doing looking for two and half

years are my child was 18 and I was

approaching my 19th birthday home so

that's crazy

um and yeah I cannot believe that my

channel is going to be three years old

it's crazy having like my subscribers

that have been with me since my first

video was my three-year-old subscribe

group that's so weird

next is what are your favorite videos to

make my favorite videos of mind are just

the creative ones are really being

creative and especially like adding some

popular videos and making a bookish like

my life hack videos i love them i think

there's so much fun and it was

researching stuff like that

um I just like my creative videos the

ones that like our generic um I like my

five reasons why you should reduce both

because they feel like it gets people to

watch it rather than like it through a

review and my recommendation videos

to like I like my like creative

recommendation videos home I think

they're really fun actually just like

all my creative videos basically and

it's at because I know a lot of people

don't like my DIY videos but i actually

love making them and its really thought

so I'm still going to do it either way

what is one piece of advice that you

would give to a new book super my

biggest piece of advice to give you is

if you're trying to start out

not everybody's going to watch your

video unless it's like a booktube newbie

tag then everybody will watch it because

it's a very search the highly search

video I'm justify new book covers but I

you want to stay that the biggest thing

is to comment on people's videos i know

it like my first year of booktube I

didn't comment and I just like wasn't a

commenter because comedy scares me

especially since if I like comment

something that I get attacked that this

week makes me not want to comment on

that certain video or the certain

person's video because I'm afraid of

getting attacked and so I just like

didn't want to comment but that I like

as I grew up to budget we start

commenting and commenting on other

videos and that is how you set your

channel but might this is this is worth

going this world series of this is going

comment if you just comment and watch

those videos and comment that is amazing

and that help people find their cattle

but just comment don't comment

hey I have a booktube channel this

because that is what will steer people

away from your channel i cannot tell you

when somebody comments that it makes me

feel really bad for not wanting to click

me be like haha like I mean personally I

will find someone channel if they

comment on like a lot like all are they

able to Peralta check but if you tell me

that you have a book to cattle or just

you have a youtube channel in general

that really just asked me it makes me

angry and makes me not want to check it


so do not promote yourself in the

comments is basically my piece of advice

comment or other people's videos and

ok we'll find your channel that is how i

find your channel just don't promote

your cattle in the comments

that's all I was in storybooks to have

you run into any unforeseen challenges

honestly i don't think so i think but i

don't think i've really run into any

challenges really um no I could upload

consistently i participate and comment

and just like try and be the best Cooper

I can be um but I do think the one

little challenge I have for my channel

is that I only really contemporary book

and I don't read the books that other

people are reading like 30 class and the

darkest minds and just like the popular

books that are fantasy and anything

that's why movement many people are in

Toronto me because they don't worry

contemporary but if they ever need a

contemporary recommendation they can

come to me but I think that's my big

challenges just that I don't read

fantasy or dystopian or whatever those

things are because they was not my

interest but I think that's just always

think that people that challenges my

channel it's like a bit different

channel challenge because people don't

like contemporary design what is one of

your favorite books ever series that you

picked up because of booktube i'm going

with fangirl I would never have known

about rainbow rowell just in general if

I had enjoying booktube I was really

John rain before i started booktube and

yeah I like pick up all the books that

explosion was talking about and doing

but they read attachment and then that

hit me to sanger like I feel like if you

like anybody's book two videos you'll

know fangirl and I'm just so happy i

also have a video on the books that i

read because the book you and so if you

want to see that it will be carded up

here on spring overall what is a very

respectable cube I really just lost that

we promote books and it's amazing i just

think that's like the coolest thing that

like I get to know about new books and

you guys get to know about new books

from me like that's my favorite thing

about lupus and booking in general i

just love to promoting books and what I

never want to promote a book again then

that's what I'll stop but I just was

promoting books and you probably know

that already but i just love it I love

being able to read a book and then put

my camera on to be like guys you need to

read this right now this is the best

oh and that's just my favorite thing

especially like other people that I get

to meet that's pretty fun on I've met so

many people recently and it's amazing it

is to share those book to love and to

shout out a newbie it is as read by

broke i love her i just watched I just

started watching her videos on she's

pretty new to participate in the

biannual big waves on every time at all

her saying all her challenges were very

different and it wasn't just an eric

Harry Potter books and like she just

went out of your way like she did other

books that not a lot of people wouldn't

know that I'm not a lot of people would

talk about but not a lot of people would


she did a very different ones like just

people that they want to do she did

Jimmy so I feel like nobody's jenny is

always Harry Hermione Iran or like

anybody else from there and I think that

you just did such a good job so go and

subscribe to her if you haven't already

she's so awesome i love her she's really


um I think really like I'm going to a

booktube shout soon but another book to

movie is still in the reader you should

go subscribe to him too he is doing a

movie theater on or he hosted he's

hosting about to get on and i am also

doing two different and he's awesome you

should go watch these videos is also ok

to do a whole video because I just have

so many people to show and last issue

you tagged they're tagged the storage

pods that are tagged other people down

below and hope you all enjoyed this

video if you did give it a thumbs up and

hit subscribe if you haven't after you

guys next time make a video goodbye

For more infomation >> NOT A Booktube Newbie Tag! [CC] - Duration: 8:30.


What is 360 degree video ? how to record and watch it ? - Duration: 5:44.

Hello friends , From the last few days hope you heard about

360 degree videos & also had various doubts in your mind .

What is this and what are it's features ?

So friends , today I am going to tell you about this in detail.

Friends , My name is NITIN .

You are watching tech pedia .Lets start now.

Friends first of all we have to understand the difference

between 360 degree videos &normal videos

and what are 360 degree videos?

Friends as you are seeing me in this video

is the normal video that is being recording .

But what will happen in 360 degree videos ?

Like you are watching the front frame by fixing the camera

and also able to see all views of the video like front - back , right - left ,up - down .

That video is called 360 degree video .

Now the second question comes out

that how can we record such kind of videos ?

Is it possible to record in normal mobile phones ?

or we need some special type of professional camera's for it ?

Now am going to tell you how you can record 360 degree videos .

Friends basically there are two ways to record these videos.

First one is customized way .

Customize means you can set different camera's on different angles

and create a proper setup and record your video with them .

What will happen with them,

As you move the camera's they will show you all the different angles

& then you need to merge all the videos according to your plan

and then you have to edit it .

This one is customized way .

But apart from this

there are some professional camera's also available in the market .

For example RICO THETA camera as you can use ,

a SAMSUNG camera you can use this too .

and one more is of NIKON .

What will happen in these camera's

they are well featured in such a way that

you just fix this at one location

and as you start recording it will record your video in all the angle's in a 360 degree way .

Friends , the professional camera's are designed in such a way that

the customer don't need to edit anything .

These camera's contains two type of lenses

which are known as ULTRA VOID lens .

As you record by fixing in front of you

these two lens will record your video with all the angles

and merge automatically & give you a perfect 360 degree video .

Along with this there is one more camera available in the market named as NOKIA OZO .

This camera contains multiple lenses in place of two lenses

and it is very costly too with a worth of near about 60000$ .

So we cannot define i.e. camera with 2 lenses or 6 lenses or with custom way

is useful to us but according to our need we make our 360 degree videos with any of these types .

If we think by fixing multiple camera's in customized way then yes we can make video with this way.

If we want to use professional camera

then also we can make with professional camera too .

Now the question come out where we can seen these videos .

The very first option come out I.e. on YouTube .

You just type 360 degree video in the search panel &

after that YouTube will give you a list of 360 degree videos .

After that you can click on them & watch those videos.

Recently YouTube gave a option of live streaming .

By this option you can record your 360 degree videos

and live stream them in front of whole world .

Secondly you can also watch 360 videos on Facebook.

Same as YouTube write 360 degree video & you see a lot of result of 360 degree videos .

You can watch 360 degree video with every angle by clicking on the given result set .

Apart from this one way is also there to watch these videos I.e. virtual reality .

What you need to do with this

just put a VR Headset on your eyes as you are seeing on screen.

As you move video in up down , right left you will feel like you are present in that video .

So friends , now lets talk about is it possible to watch these videos

in our smartphone / laptop ?

The answer is absolutely yes .

For that there are two ways

first one is if your smartphone has Gyro sensor

what gyro sensor mean here is as you move your phone

in left right , forward - backward your video will go in the same

& if your smartphone doesn't have gyro sensor

then you need to swipe your video by your finger

your video will move in same direction

Same as you play in your laptop then you just need to hold with your mouse

and then your video will move in the same direction in which you move your mouse .

Next one is virtual reality .

You need to put a VR Headset on your eyes

same as you seeing in this video

and then you need to move your neck in right left , up down &

you feel your presence in that video .

Your video will move right - left along with your neck .

So friends this is all for today .

If you like this video then hit on like button

and also share with ur friends .

If you have any doubt or any query

then Don't forget to leave comment in comment section below .

or if you didn't subscribe TECH PEDIA yet

then click on this red button to S-U-B-S-C-R-I-B-E .


For more infomation >> What is 360 degree video ? how to record and watch it ? - Duration: 5:44.


WHAT YOU, BEYONCE, THE DALAI LAMA & I HAVE IN COMMON | Travel in Her Shoes | - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> WHAT YOU, BEYONCE, THE DALAI LAMA & I HAVE IN COMMON | Travel in Her Shoes | - Duration: 3:42.


What Can You Give - Duration: 2:16.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Man, that's a lie,

a horrible lie.

Words hurt.

Words matter.

Words that were said to you on the playground growing up,

even into your adulthood,

they can still have a lot of pain inside of you.

Careless words that your parents maybe said,

even in childhood or adulthood.

It can't be unheard.

Inside of arguments we have these big blowup fights and we say things.

We go, "I didn't mean that."

But you can't unhear those things.

This week we're gonna be talking on sticks and stones;

on godly communication.

And we need to learn more on this aspect

because we, as broken sinners,

we fight in our relationships in ways that our hearts don't want to.

God shares these words for us in Philippians chapter 2.

Part of the reason why we have these big arguments and fights in our relationships

among people that we love

is because of why we're in that relationship.

So often, we think we're in a relationship to see what we can get out of that relationship.

And then when you're not getting what you think you need,

you're going to fight,

fight to get that back.

God says here, value others above yourselves.

In a relationship, don't look at the other person,

of them doing less,

because then you're going to do less.

And if you do less, they'll do less, and down you go and these huge fights happen.

Jesus valued you above himself.

He set the course, the example for you.

In showing love to others as he gave and gave and gave,

so that you could be full.

In your relationship, don't look at the other person and what they're giving.

Focus on what you can give.

And if you both give,

you'll both get.

If you'd like to receive these videos in your inbox,

just simply go to our website and sign up for free there.

And join me tomorrow as I talk about unwholesome talk.

Have a great day!

For more infomation >> What Can You Give - Duration: 2:16.


What's New In My Golf Bag In 2017 - Duration: 5:32.


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And today I am going to talk about some changes I have made to my golf bag.

It's a new year 2017.

There has been a couple of changes since I saw you last.

Stay tuned.


So we are into a new year.

And there has been some equipment changes in my golf bag.

I thought now would be a good time to update what changes we have actually made.

So over here I have my bag.

So I'm still using my Mizuno MP 25 irons.

That hasn't changed.

I still have my Mizuno MP T5 wedges.

There is a new model the T7 wedges.

But I'm really happy with my T5's so I am reluctant to change them.

They are lightly used so the grooves are still good.

I might wait a little bit longer and I might upgrade the wedges later in the year.

So So the big changes I have made to my bag.

Um oh by the way I've got a 3 iron, a 4 iron, 5 iron, 6, 7, 8, 9 and pitching wedge.

I have got a 50 degree with 7 degrees of bounce MP T5 wedge.

I've got a 55 degree, 9 degrees of bounce T5 wedge.

And I have got a 60 degree 6 degree bounce T5 sand wedge or lob wedge.

I have got my JPX EZ 3 hybrid.

Now I have made this a little longer.

So you may be thinking he has got a 3 hybrid and a 3 iron aren't they the same thing.

I am using the 3 hybrid to hit a little bit further.

So I am trying to create something like a 2 iron or a 1 iron.

So I have souped it up a little bit.

I have got my JPX EZ 3 wood.

So that hasn't changed.

It is set to a standard 15 degrees.

So I don't really fiddle with that.

15 degrees works really well for me.

So the first of the changes is I got my hands on a JPX 900 Driver.

So you may have seen the JPX 900 Driver review I made late last year.

And I'll put a link at the top of the page if you are interested.

This is the best driver I have ever owned.

So it has got a lot of customisation to it and optimisation.

So I have got it set to the lowest centre sorry to the highest centre of gravity that

I can to lower my ball flight.

Ah, I've got it set to the neutral position there with the little slider and I am using

it at 8.5 degrees of loft.

This driver really does go.

I think it is the hottest driver on the planet.

Some people are telling me the Titleist is.

And a couple of other people are telling me the Calloway is.

I've tested both and this is the best driver for me.

So I can whole heartedly endorse it.

I think so much of this driver that I have bought it.

So i physically paid money for this driver.

So that's what I think of the driver.

I could have waited a little bit longer and got it for free as part of my contract being

a Mizuno brand ambassador.

But I really want this driver.

So that is what i think of that.

You may have also seen a review of the Giant putter review I did late last year and I will

put a link to the top of the page of this one.

But I finished up going for the SeeMore Giant M1T.

So it is not quite as big as the one you saw me use in the product review.

It's a little bit smaller.

But I just love this putter.

It is made of high grade aircraft aluminium.

It's got a milled face.

It's got a couple of copper weights to increase the weight.

The aluminium is quite a lightweight material.

So by putting the copper weights in there it brings the weight of the putter up.

It's quite a short putter.

Because I am vertically challenged.

I have short legs if you haven't noticed.

And it's actually down there at 32 inches.

So with my putter at 32 inches my arms hang freely and I can swing the putter in a pendulum


And I have got this nice 1.52 RoseMark grip.

So they're really the big changes I have made to my equipment and I can't wait to get out

on the golf course and put them all into good use in the next few weeks.

So have you made any changes to your golf equipment?

If you have I would love to find out.

So what did Santa bring you?

Any new changes.

Let me know.

You can do so in the comments section below down on YouTube.

or you can send me an email

I'd really like to hear what you are using.

What drivers you like.

My 2 favourite drivers at the moment.

In order are the Mizuno JPX 900 and the new Titleist drivers they are both amazing and

they offer full optimisation for ball flight.

As a club fitter and a golf coach I like to be able to optimise in as many different ways

for each client.

So they really do offer that.

I hope you have enjoyed the video.

I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And if you would like to subscribe to my videos you can do so by clicking the avatar down

the bottom there.

You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.

And you can sign up for my electronic newsletter at

For more infomation >> What's New In My Golf Bag In 2017 - Duration: 5:32.


Mị nhìn thấy cái gì vậy - WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN - (PEWDIEPIE VIETSUB) - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Mị nhìn thấy cái gì vậy - WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN - (PEWDIEPIE VIETSUB) - Duration: 6:09.


What Is Algorithm & FlowChart Program in"C"Language [Hindi & English]By Stark Guru - Duration: 10:01.

1.What Is Algorithm 2.What Is FlowChat 3.What Is Program In "C" Programming Language In [Hindi]&[English]

For more infomation >> What Is Algorithm & FlowChart Program in"C"Language [Hindi & English]By Stark Guru - Duration: 10:01.


Basic Woodworking Terms - KERF {aka Saw Kerf} - Duration: 9:30.

Okay, as you can see, the KERF is actually the cut

made by the saw.

The width of that kerf is dependent on the teeth of the saw blade.

I'm speaking here of handsaws because,

When you get into circular saw, or table saw blades

it gets a little bit more complicated and a little more out of...

out of my realm of knowledge. But...

On hand saws.....

when you sharpen them, every few times, you have to set the teeth.

You don't have to, but it certainly helps because,

if those teeth are straight with the width of the saw blade...

or straight with the blade....

your saw will start binding on you and become difficult to cut with.

You have to, every few times

set those teeth where.. there's a tool...

a tooth setter....

that you use...

You bend one tooth this way, skip the next tooth....

and keep on going down the saw blade in that manner.

Turn the saw around and....

come back along the teeth that you didn't get the first time

and push them over, just a fraction.

Just a hair. Not even a hair,

in the other direction.

At the end, your teeth will be

one going that way and one going that way.

all the way down your saw.

And that gives you enough width

of cut...

so your saw will freely cut through the wood.

Or more freely anyway.


It's a hand saw so sometimes you get that... umm (bind)


setting those teeth like that, setting your saw....

As some people say, setting your teeth....

That's what sets the kerf that you're going to cut.

Best way I know how to explain it anyway.

And.... a lot of people want to.....

Well, I call it a mistake. When I first started woodworking,

WHen I went to cut, I marked my line at....

Say I wanted to cut a 3 inch

piece of wood.

I needed three inches to go on a project....

I'd mark it for 3 inches and I'd cut it right there center of that line.

Which in some cases is ok, but....

Because of the set of those teeth and the width of the cut (kerf)....

of the kerf....

That can start leaving you with gaps.

Therefore, what I'm going to show you here next.....


It's what I've started doing and it helps a lot.

If I need to; if I cut a 3 inch piece....

I'll mark a 3 inch piece, but instead of cutting in the center of that line...

I'll move the saw blade just over to the other side of the line.

Say if my 3 inches is here and my line is here,

I'll start cutting on this side of the line.

That saves you from having gaps. And if it's a little bit too much,

you can always trim it off with a chisel

or block plane... what have you...

To get a snugger fit and prevent yourself from having gaps.

Also, what I'm getting ready to show you, uhh......

Sometimes you have several pieces to cut and you want to go ahead and mark them and cut them out.

Which is fine.

The problem is, if you cut on that line

you're gradually taking away material from each piece.

Unless you allow for the width of that saw cut (kerf) when you mark it.

uhhh..... Seamstresses have something called seam allowance,

I do something called a saw allowance lol

Here I'll measure 3 inches....

Then I'll measure and mark the with of the saw kerf....

Mark again.

And measure again from that last line leaving that gap in there which will

account for my saw blade or the kerf of my saw.

Again, if it comes out a little bit too wide, I prefer that.

Because I can trim that down with a plane or a chisel or what have you and

fine tune it later on.


if I didn't do this my last boards would come up with gaps.

And that's not good.

This is my philosophy on it anyway. I hope this video helps you.

Ummmm.... (I got to get those ummms and uhhhhs in)

I'm going to do another one on Joinery and; this is just....

basic knowledge

of terms used in woodworking. A little series

I'm contemplating doing.

If you like it and you'd like to see more of these....

Let me know down in the comments.

My links to facebook, twitter, and instagram; they are all down in the description.

If you're not already a subscriber, I do invite you. Toward the end of this video there'll be a little

button, with me in it. You click on it....

and you can subscribe to me.

and get more.......

videos like this.

I got more of em comin.


Above everything else... have a lovely day.

Have a lovely night.

Have a lovely decade.

Have a lovely twenty seventeen.

Have a lovely life. Because life is short and it's meant to be enjoyed. Peace!

For more infomation >> Basic Woodworking Terms - KERF {aka Saw Kerf} - Duration: 9:30.


What's In My Bag? - University Edition | PATRICIA - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> What's In My Bag? - University Edition | PATRICIA - Duration: 6:53.


Lauren's List: What Your Handwriting Says About You - Duration: 1:45.























































For more infomation >> Lauren's List: What Your Handwriting Says About You - Duration: 1:45.


How to use TOR Browser - Practical Video TOR Browser ? Hackers use it? what is TOR browser - Duration: 8:01.

hello friends welcome to my youtube channel

and today we're going to talk about a

very interesting thing about TOR browers so

let's get started

so the most asked question is

what is TOR browser and who uses TOR browser

and what is the benefit of TOR browser

so i want to tell you that mostly the hackers use it

because it allows no body to track them

so TOR browser is the Onion router

the onioun router in onion you

have noticed that it's made of

couple of shells in that way tor browser creates

couple of links of IP addresses

so whenever you browse through your TOR browser

your ip adress is are linked with couple of 3-4 new ip addresses

couple of new I did it so we're about to

her mother laughing it is even that

means it is a couple of way that nobody

can tell you because you only ok we will

do it in the winter knew how to resolve

us so let's hope you have understood the

breaking of Providence so much upon into

total order four covers and then click

then after this there will be presented

with the window at the top shelf of

sight and all the positions are here you

can see after in charge okay but we have

to download it so click here and solidly

so then when presented with digital then

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30 hope you have understood what is your

browser and I'll do this

over to like the video if you liked it

and twist your defense and over to

subscribe our channel and if you have

any questions about College of warranty

you can even put a question in the

comments below will gradually play want

For more infomation >> How to use TOR Browser - Practical Video TOR Browser ? Hackers use it? what is TOR browser - Duration: 8:01.


What Memory Cards Can I Use with Olympus Pen F? | Olympus Pen-F Mirrorless Camera Video Tutorial - Duration: 1:47.

Izzy here from Digital Goja.

Today I'd like to go over a frequently asked question

about the Olympus Pen F.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to our channel.


And when in Miami, come visit me at Digital Goja showrooms.

What kind of memory cards can I work with this camera

well it's SDXC compatible so that means you can use all these crazy new

gigabytes I mean we're up 128 gigabytes on these things, and it is UHS-II

compatible so it does work with the faster read write speed cards and it

fits right down here so you line it up and push it to it locks it in place it

has a spring-loaded feature don't ever let go cause I've had these things fly

off, but that way you can work with beautiful cards that allow you to do

full 1080 video and raw recording.

As a side note!

Make sure you are never trying to remove the card when your camera is on

and when it's writing to it because if it's doing that while it's blinking

notice how that's when it's actually writing you never want to remove the

card while it's doing that because that's just like ripping the hard drive

of your computer.

Well I hope I answered your question about

the Olympus Pen F.

And if I didn't, leave them in the comment section below.

Happy shooting!

For more infomation >> What Memory Cards Can I Use with Olympus Pen F? | Olympus Pen-F Mirrorless Camera Video Tutorial - Duration: 1:47.


Phrase vs Clause - What's the Difference? - English Grammar - Independent and Dependent Clauses - Duration: 8:19.

Many people are confused about the

difference between phrases and clauses.

Are these different grammar items or are

they just two names for the same thing?

That's what we're going to talk about in

this video.

Now before we start just remember: if you have any questions at

all you just have to ask me in the

comments section below and I will talk

to you there.

So in this lesson we're going to learn

the difference between phrases and

clauses. But first let's talk about how

phrases and clauses are similar.

They're similar in this way: both of

these refer two groups of words that are

meaningful. Look at these examples: near

my home or Dexter won the bicycle race

You can see that these are meaningful

so one of them is afraid and the other

is a clause

OK so what's the difference between them? Well

the difference is this: a clause is a

group of words with a subject-verb

combination so Dexter won the bicycle

race is a clause because it has a

subject - Dexter and a verb - won is the past

tense of win so this is a clause. A

phrase is a group of words without a

subject-verb combination. So near my home

is a phrase because there's no subject

verb combination

It's very simple but keep this important

difference in mind - a clause has a

subject-verb combination and a phrase

does not. So now let me show you some

more examples so that you can learn how

to easily identify phrases and clauses

Alright all the words that you see on

the screen are phrases. You'll notice

that in all of these there's no subject

verb combination and these examples also

show the most common types of phrases

For example my two wonderful dogs is

a phrase focusing on the noun dogs and

the phrase the tallest building in the

world focuses on the noun building so we

say that these are noun phrases.

What about couldn't go and will be

working? Can you guess what type of

phrases these are? These are

verb phrases because they only have verbs

in them. All of these words are verbs

similarly we have the adjective phrases

very friendly and afraid of the dark

we say that these are adjective phrases

because the focus is on friendly and

afraid - the other words in these phrases

are only helping the main words and the

main words are adjectives. Really fast

and much quicker are adverb phrases

because the adverbs fast and quicker are

the focus of these phrases and finally

what about near the post office and on

the 29th? Do you know? These are preposition

phrases because each of these tells us

about a place or about time using the

prepositions near and on. These are the

most common types of phrases that you

will come across and once again remember

these are phrases because they don't

have a subject verb combination. So let's

now look at some examples of clauses

like I said a clause is just like a

phrase - it's a group of words but a

clause has a subject verb combination

now in English there are many different

kinds of causes but the two most

important that you need to know about

are independent and dependent clauses

let's start with the independent clause

this is simply a clause that can stand

alone as a sentence. For example He ate


this is a clause because it has a

subject - he - and a verb - ate - past tense of

eat and it's independent because it can

be a sentence on its own. So what's a

dependent clause then? Well it's a clause

that is it has a subject-verb

combination but it cannot be a sentence

by itself. For example When James got

home is a dependent clause - it has a

subject - James - and a verb - got - but if you

think about it it's not a complete

sentence because if I said when James

got home you will ask okay then what?

What happened?

So you see the sentence isn't complete

so this is a dependent clause. To make it

a full sentence you have to combine it

with an independent clause such as When

James got home he ate dinner. In this

next example Please send me the report

tomorrow if you can - the sentence has two

clauses - here the first clause is


Please send me the report tomorrow and

the second clause is dependent - if you

can. Usually dependent clauses will have

words like when while whenever before


because if unless and so on

Really simple isn't it? OK now I'm going

to give you a small test to see you can

identify phrases and clauses correctly

OK on the screen there are 10 items and

for each item I want you to say if it's

a phrase or clause. You get bonus points

if you can say what type of phrase or

clause. Pause the video if you want,

think about your answers and then play

the video again and check

OK let's discuss the answers - number one

in the garden is a phrase because there's

no subject verb combination and it's a

preposition phrase because it tells us

about a place using the preposition in

number two is a clause - it has a subject

Charlie and a verb - won

this is a dependent clause because it

starts with while and it's not a

complete sentence. Number three is also a

clause but it's an independent clause

because it could be a sentence by itself

number four is not a clause it's a phrase

there's no subject verb combination and

it's a noun phrase because it focuses on

the noun box. Number five is a clause and it's

an independent clause. Number six is a phrase

and it's an adjective phrase because the

focus is on hungry. Number seven is

afraid and it's a verb phrase. Number

eight is a clause and it's a dependent

clause because it's not a full sentence

Number nine is a phrase and this phrase is

an adverb phrase because the focus is

the adverbs slowly and steadily. And

finally number ten is a little tricky -

this is actually not one phrase or


this is a sentence with two clauses - the

first cause Whenever I play a video game

is dependent and the second clause - it

reminds me of my childhood - is


How many of those did you get right? Let

me know in the comments section, I hope

you enjoyed this lesson

don't forget to subscribe to this

channel and I will see you in another

lesson soon

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