-40% damage penalty while half alive
no crits against non-burning players
always crits on behind
default damage while half dead
Jurassic World - The Game Episode 184 Plesiosaurus Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay - Duration: 18:59.ok guys welcome back let's see what we
Jurassic World - The Game Episode 184 Plesiosaurus Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay
usual episode we're going to go ahead
and get some food production going long
as possible and then we're gonna get DNA
going and then I'll let's see what dinos
have tax looks like our legendary units
forest match
let's go ahead and collect this guy's
place them in there and I think that was
the only one that we had catching us
it's fine so let's go ahead and drop
something else in here if I got anything
test common looks like all common so
common guy in there
ok so we were working on the microflora
failed again so let's go ahead and
continue i'm not going to speed it up
because I've been trying to conserve my
cash then I reflecting the free pass to
always selected collected every then
obviously i'm going to jump right into
the battles because some of you guys
probably watched my videos just for the
battles so I mean if you want to watch
all of it
that's great if you wanted to watch the
ok then I'll get the battles over early
ok as you can see that card pack 1 are
really hard so I'm going to go with the
Rajah's authority in equal agree so
let's jump right in here
I guys gonna kill me 11
hold on can't kill me one day I don't
think I filled ok let's go ahead and try
out down that was going to be carnivores
first report continued to kill be drugs
to take it
preheat that left tax-free take saddles
pretty much all for a stronger board but
the hard
three output for herbs down like that
rumbling shield my gosh
one mistake with court of law first her
before you don't see yourself in this
session is the gas eight always down 17
south 700 Montana kool breeze is
celebrating battle one's in the bag
ok so 50 DNA we jump into battle number
ok so for battle number 2 i'm going to
use so for battle number 2 i'm going to
use mr. on Soros and dominates red and
the Pterodactylus those goose battles
ok responses Lawrence worth trying for
not gonna kill me was won by 14 1 in and
hopefully none of the other two and they
can himself to start acting that's not a
good idea
no that was sweet
ok ok but he left himself defenseless
board 336 and he's going down
10000 57 victory is so 50 DNA moving on
the battle number three okay so it's
three carnivores which always makes the
night because then i will pick 3 and
billions and the battle is pretty much
yours last advantage so i probably not
going to feel pretty close i got the
thing is I'm just going to dr skies
reserve i'm just going to put three in
maybe if you want 5400 35 and also left
is it's probably said this is
block 4,000 every card package mind off
so this is the new and caribbean
pliosaurus at least it looks kind of
familiar so thousand DNA hundred cash
and a legendary Torres been doing a lot
of those all aquatic which the battles
are super hard guys so let's go ahead
and ask this guy right now I got two of
them here okay i got supplies tourists
which I wanted the last episode I guess
they didn't put them in and then I got a
lot of pliosaurus and oh ok so on to
legendary aquatics in there that is all
and then let's go through the park is
the stuff done we're going to do before
revenues hours as i watched refugees
hours by winning
and then I like to go to see if there's
anything i can trade for preferably with
ok so its guidelines loyalty points to
pay cash you get cash almost tempting
because I do need cash though I don't
have enough VIP boys so this guy was
food your payment coins no do not trade
your food guy
you will regret it i guarantee i created
what did I just trade
Oh ahead subset Oh II hit the wrong
button itself too small though
well I got lucky with dad
sometimes you do hit the wrong one okay
sue we already like this yesterday so
i'm not going to go back there again
ah news let's pay nothing really big
news battle wise they left is the food
one I don't I don't much like doing
these I mean you don't get that much
food and that second battle is really
tough because you got to use your common
dinosaurs my comment dinos are not all
that strong
ok so for right now that's pretty much
all i could do right now because I am
still building up my end the end I got
one way to go to sort of stuck there i
am going to jump into the velociraptors
if you've seen this before I mean just
might be boring for you
good times
leave and if you do want to go i want to
thank you for viewing and being awesome
but you want to stick around stick
around if I have better lock at winning
do sometimes when I go through the four
velociraptors I 145 card back other
four is not great i don't have to die
know if you don't have the sign take
cash at me and I just missed the rare
pack that stinks
come on Charlie Charlie doesn't like we
get that far everyone is pretty simple
you have the guy you want it back once
you have absolutely no control
well it does get kind of boring after a
while okay to just missed some good ones
super-rare pack stop stop
are you saying yes I don't like charlie
don't like Charlie never give me
anything good
the echoes any different it doesn't look
like it's going to be
ok rare pack but this is one of the rare
packs that don't have a just that that
barring ok all you need something good
that was one of the better ones because
you can see on the outside of DNA
ok so
oh stop stop stop
super rare pack stopped our Syria
totally not fair not that next don't
have been in car tracks very annoying
and I don't care for that one was
missing quite a few dinos
ok super rare pack also one of the
better ones you can see their DNA to
cash or coin
so okay 60 cash hundred tiene la this
and 80 yet so i guess not doing all that
bad at least that one from X ok good
look cool
that's the Met know that I'm office and
get wall 374 dollars to get that that II
that was high walk this college is not
quite dollars are a lot harder to get
ok looks like the only thing about that
indeed as do any of you guys actually
use the card packs were fighting i tried
fighting in the arena before artifacts
but she I don't like it
give me some blues my favorite but
lately given me a bunch of just missing
I guess the more rare the dyno that
you're making the more they make you pay
is what unseeing not going to help you
fell asleep so this is my last chance
with blue and is just strikeout
okay let me make sure there is nothing
else to do today not seeing anything
else to do obviously exactly what the
commons i know here
another common wanted tank so let's go
ahead and throw another common one is to
the tank there okay
log I thought that's going to bring us
to the end of today's episode if you do
enjoy my videos please click off like
that the thumbs up button under the
video and drop me a comment like reading
your comments of your back to you as
soon as possible and thanks reviewing
and being also click the boxes below for
a lot more fun videos that if you want
to see even more go ahead and click the
subscribe button
ROBLOX | I BECAME A CAKE - Duration: 12:46.Hello youtube!
Today we are playing roblox!
And I hope you enjoy this video!!
And if you like this vid please press the like button and if you are new to my channel please press the sub button
Ok now lets play!
Ooo a cannon
Ok we lets sit for a while
Ok now I think there's a secret here ok lemme see if its right here
Lemme press the button I like pressing buttons
It didn't do anything...
Ok I think theres a secret here...
Ok why would someone put a ladder here??
OMG its luigi haha! XD
Oh my gosh I got a Luigi face haha!
Ok lets go back
Lemme put all my stuff here
Uhm I glitch it I think
Ok lets go explore
Ok what does this cannon do??
Oh it shoots stuff..
Whats that?!
Ok a storage room
whats inside?
Oh a Roblox cake and a old oven..
Im gonna try this old oven if it works is it called oven or ok nvm...
Ok there's a skeleton and I became like a cake
Lemme touch this rolling pin
Oh I got a rolling pin!
Lemme roll it with people
Get it! Roll people rolling pin? I dont know if you get it
Oo a person lemme roll him
Haha his head became like a cake
Ok lets go over here
Ok next is the mixing station
Those are some weird Chickens...
Ok now my skin is weird
Ok I became shiny...
Wait! is that the illuminati!
Ok uhm how to touch the illuminati? I wanna touch it
Ok lets find a way...
Ok right here
And theres the illuminati!
Oh my gosh cake is illuminati comfirmed
The illuminati is 3 sides and the cake is 3 candles XD
Ohp I'm back at spawn again
Ohp almost miss that one..
LOL! I can see my illuminati eyes!
Ok he made me like a cake!
Uhm this is weird my eyes is at the back
I'm going normal to make me more delicous
Or not...
Ok now the Frosting
I'm going apple cause I like apple
Ok lets go
Ok now the toppings
Im going mixed berries
Ok now we are delicious
Ok now we are going inside the tummy of the noob
Oh the noob burp
Eww! What the heck
Uhm why are we moving forward and backwards?
Ohp ok now im a poop mixed berry
Wait theres a ladder
Lemme go over there
What's up here?
Ok weird there's a cake at the top of the toilet
Let me ask a question
Ok lets go
Lets goooooooooo!
Well this is taking so long
Lemme put all my items inside my backpack
Ok lets go
Lets go parkour cause i,m good at parkour
Ok we found it now lets parkour
Hmm ill choose the hardest obby
This is easy
Oh no I touched it..
I thought i'm good at parkour
Lemme put all my items back at my backpack again..
Oh I glitched baymax
Uhm why is baymax not gone yet
Uhm game?
Oh I was just lagging
Ok lets explore this place
The Vip is saying "ACCESS DENIED"
Ok we have the shop and cafe
and bronze silver and gold
oh cute its DOGE
Ok whats up here
What does this button do :3
Oh it kills you and gives you a badge..
Ok lets go back their again
Ok what did that button do?
Oh some disco balls
Zombie :3
Ok whats here
Uhm did I do that?
Mmm cake tree I wish I have one and ill eat it :3
Ok whats this
Ok ok ok
Why cant I sit!
Ok there we go
Oh it give me an item says spy
Oh I get it
Lets spy some people hehehe
Ok the noob
wow this looks messy..
Ok the toilet wierd
the obby
Ok the spawn place
Some random places
Ok I guys this is the end of the video
Good byeeee!!!
FIFA 17 ROAD TO GLORY | EPISODE 1 | OUR FIRST GAME! - Duration: 9:43.What's up guys! Welcome back to another...
...video on my channel! Today we're starting...
...a new series in a road to glory series.
Remember to Like comment and subscribe...
...if you enjoy the series and want to see...
...more! Ill try to upload it three to four times a...
...week with 3 gameplay videos and one
trading video. As you can see we got a...
...pretty good starting team with some...
...good overall players and some players have...
...combined to give us good chemistry which...
...always helps when playing games.
What I'm doing now is manager...
...tasks they are great way to strengthen...
...your ultimate team at the start and will give you some very decent rewards...
...like coins, packs, stadiums and more!
In this pack we get some very decent...
...high rated players...
...unfortunately we can't use them in our squad...
...as they won't help with our team chemistry.
I'm doing some more manager tasks, the easy ones...
to get some free, easy rewards.
There's our first few coins there aand......
......a nice chemistry style there.
Now let's put those players we just...
...got in them packs to help our team to...
...help boost their rating and give us...
...more squad depth to allow better substitutions during matches.
A few contracts there which will help us in...
,,,future episodes... now let's rename our team...
...remember the name.
Another nice pack there with a few decent...
...players and some consumables...
which are always useful... and two new kits.
And a new badge to help freshen up the club.
Into our first game now...
...he seems to have a fairly average team and...
appears to only be starting off too.
But he does seem to have more chemistry.
I think we can win the game.
Hopefully we can get an early goal to...
...give us some confidence and put him in...
...panic mode.
This could be it now, we're through on goal (3v3)...
He's through, shoots, ohh, and it hits the crossbar.
Through again now, over the top through ball, shoots,
OOh, good save by the keeper.
Creating A Side Scroller Game With Unreal Engine 4 - Duration: 1:17.Hey guys, your boy Virtus here and welcome to my latest tutorial series where we'll be
creating a sci-fi side scroller game from scratch using unreal engine 4.
We'll be going over step by step how to plan the game, setup the project, create the environments
and script the gameplay behind it.
Having said that, we'll be working with the character, creating immersive environments
and scripting awesome mechanics such as pickups, levels, UI driven doors, puzzles and so much
By the end of this series you'll have a complete game ready to be published and shared among
your friends and all the project files you'll need will be down in the description below.
This series is going to be beginner friendly, but if you want to brush up on the basics
of the engine you should definetly check out my unreal engine 4 beginner tutorial series,
also, if you fancy it, why not try create a survival horror game using my other UE4
Anyway, without further ago, let's go ahead and dive into the first video and If you're
not subscribed already make sure you do to stay up to date with the series and as always
guys, keep on creating!
Your boy Virtus, Signing out
MY old video#LittleVoice! - Duration: 9:07.hi guys welcome back to another video
and today I'm just looking at my old
videos which is pretty old like one year
it's short January 2016 when I had a
little voice okay guys come look at this
you're late i'm gonna get I mean I had
like Penn begin like look at this look
everybody got their recent fight another
language but you can put the thing is on
never-ending styles on the rep right
corner there's like a options and i are
going to sub dials and make it on
english and that's all it is voice let's
see-oh like up here also you fool
articles about your PA area our own
national speaking Nepali left-back and
and I think that I can do this ladies
Thank You members metamodel
then make sure i have shown that were
just night all the one with both the
phone you're gonna matter what kind of
food do you like the end and what like
you get here
I was a to influence he's making a
delicious when he's not actually look
that is why would he please come by
english i will be plenty of like yeah I
am what older than I always get what I
want but I was talking with my friends
on the guy but he's always like not
coming up on a life but today I'm going
to do something to do with killing
killing more i love it killer harder
life you gave me last night the host of
this snowball's you can we do the wall
and like I said nobody should've broken
get this can i get younger my cake make
this any unit which maybe is the make
sure i asked or two about George other
so that the horde of free again because
I'm sure as hell yeah so what I don't
know what would have saved all three
hundred yeah i thought those my friends
I was like no don't do it don't do it I
thought he was like joking then I was I
realized he's fighting with another guy
I would you also get it had been either
for had video i was there any said yes
oh my i forgot to open your fucking self
Lightcraft your your fucking idiot
walking outside ug fucking three or two
guys in the front of me guys I've got
another video it's my other youtube
channel youtube child i'm going to take
the link and download the video and put
it on this channel so my name is your
gaming bros youtube it was my channel I
mean my channel with my friends but now
I've got an own channel this channel
right shape and yes so you can know i'm
going to put another sky was again a
picture of you
I don't know what it is
its fate that looks like a little bit
oh my god i'm putting a lot of luck in
finding I was like run now I'll Bumi and
I'm gonna hear ya TI look four steps
yeah Maggie been saying I like saying I
oh are you still in New Bern stuff but I
ok i was like i am you again hit me when
I would like to keep liking subscribers
on the channel not this channel but the
chance escalated in creating a lot my
I said you don't look back look I'm
going guy look fucking that is now a pro
I was no fucking love what you guys want
to kill myself log
yeah that's what I can't do where you
were i was like panic and then my friend
is going to shit in my voice just
fucking change GG you damn that he gave
the up like English unflagging 13 is the
morning and that is your position been
younger like letting my head maybe it's
not my hands
ok it's my hands so worried about you
connect your life back up and over I'm
gonna shoot and we're fighting for seat
to subscribe
another would ok guys thanks for
watching the video I really appreciate
that black I hope we get it a yeah this
is my old videos old States old and ok
thank you liking the video please leave
a like comment and subscribe and I see
you guys on the next video bye to
realize own
agar.io - Game play - Mega Mass 2000 - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Hooked Forest Escape walkthrough Games2Rule. - Duration: 8:39.-------------------------------------------
Final Fantasy XII PS4 HD Remake RELEASE DATE REVEALED! - Duration: 1:33.Dialogue
Hey everyone what is up i'm going to be
talking about the final fantasy 12
international zodiac HD HD remake of
Final Fantasy 12 is coming out to the
ps4 some really good news release date
has been officially announced that the
final fantasy 30th anniversary event and
the game comes hell on july 11 for 2017
knowing me i'm a big fan of final
fantasy 12 exploit my second favorite
game of the entire final fantasy series
i've put through the original version of
final fantasy 12 and the international
version and basically HD remake is based
off of the international version which
added a job system into the game and
added the ability to fast-forward the
combat to fast-forward the game in
general so you can travel to a location
quicker it also did some gameplay
changes like allowing you to break the
damaged women that way you could be some
optional bosses in the game a lot
quicker so i'm definitely looking
forward to the final fantasy 12 HD
remake let me know if you're a fan of
final fantasy 12 as well I definitely
can't wait to play this him i'm very
interested to see if they can change
things further what the gameplay I've
heard some people say they added more
like smells into the game and they
changed some of the balancing stuff they
either way definitely looking forward to
the game and great to hear it coming out
and only a few more moms looking forward
to the game
let me know what you think and I'm outta
Nintendo Switch Launch Lineup-First Party titles - Duration: 4:50.hey guys this is Pizza Boss and today I'm going to
be talking about the Nintendo Switch's launch lineup
for this video i'm only going to
be talking about the first party titles
but in another video I'm going to be
discussing the third party titles coming to
the switch because my gosh there are so many
games to cover and I can only put so much into
one video now let's get into it so most
of you should know whenever a company's
really seen gaming console they have to
put some huge system sellers within the
first few months of the console's launch day
and even after that they have to make games
that are good enough to give the consumer
a supporting reason to buy the console in the
switches case on of the huge system sellers
would be the legend of zelda breath of the wild
which comes out as a launch day title and the
game to follow it up would be splatoon 2
which comes sometime in summer of
2017 at the earliest four months after
the switches release now that we've
discussed the basics of launch lineups
let's take a deeper look at the switch
launch titles, now remember i'm only going
over first party games in this video so
games that are developed by Nintendo
such as skylanders Imaginators, the binding
of isaac super bomberman R
and etc. aren't going to be discussed
in this video moving on at launch day
the nintendo Switch is getting Zelda Breath of the Wild
and 1-2-Switch so it's quite
obvious that the system seller in this case
is Zelda Breath of the Wild because even though 1-2-Switch is
a pretty fun looking game it's just not worth
fifty dollars Zelda Breath of the wild however
is probably one of the best games of
2017 and the most ambitious Nintendo game ever
so we can expect great things coming for
this title sadly breath of the wild is also
releasing for Wii U and some people say
that will damage the switch sales and that
without zelda breath of the wild the switch's launch
titles would be nothing and that is
totally true but when you think about it in a
more realistic manner zelda breath of the wild
is coming to the switch as a launch
title so there is no need to worry and I
seriously doubt that breath of the wild
being on the wii u will damage the
switch sales think about this way you
don't have the switch or wii u but you
want zelda Breath of the Wild so you think
should I get Zelda Breath of the Wild on a dying console with
constant framerate drops or should I get
Zelda Breath of the Wild on a new
console with better graphics less
less frame rate drops and where I can play all my
games on the go and I know it may be
hard to tell but this consumer is
probably going to get th Switch version of
Zelda Breath of the Wild moving on in April 28th we
are getting more Mario Kart 8 deluxe
which I personally think serves first
of all as one of the first Nintendo
family-friendly multiplayer games in
the Nintendo Switch lineup
and second of all almost like a buffer or connection of
some sort between Zelda Breath of the Wild and
splatoon 2 now I'm not saying or
implying that this was done
intentionally but bare with me and think about it
this way between zelda Breath of the wild and splatoon 2
what huge semi-famous game is there
snipper clips
yeah I don't think so however a game
that has a good reputation is well known
and is great to play with friends could
fill that gap just happens to be that
mario kart 8 deluxe fits that description
not saying that Snipperclips is a bad game
in fact it looks quite enjoyable and could be fun
to play with a friend but it's a rookie title
and it is very unlikely that it will be a huge deal
but I confidently can say it will
probably receive nice good sales oh and I almost
forgot another game between breath of the wild
and splatoon 2-arms which is coming out
in spring and just like snipper clips is a
rookie game but I think that judging by
the reception of the people who are
actually able to play the game at nintendo treehouse
it could be the splatoon of fighting
games or at least good enough to give
nintendo a quick pass into the fighting
genre after splatoon 2 we have a huge
system seller Super Mario Odyssey which
releases in the holiday season so as you
can see the switch's launch lineup at
this point is almost like a sandwhich
where you have Zelda Breath of the Wild at the top
Splatoon 2 in the middle and super
mario odyssey in the bottom and then you
have a bunch of tiny bits in between
these parts such as mario kart 8 deluxe and
fire emblem warrior. By the way
did I forget to mention that fire emblem warriors
is being released in autumn of
2017 or right in between Splatoon 2
and Super Mario Odyssey yeah well that's
happening to anyway guys thank you so
much for watching this video remember to
Like share and most importantly
subscribe to
my channel
Crypt of the Necrodancer: AMPLIFIED - Nocturna - Duration: 16:50.Word had been spreading for months about a cemetery where dead things moved.
Un...dead things.
The clan elders dismissed it as just rumors.
Called my investigation a fool's errand.
They told me I was too young.
They told me I needed more training.
I told them...
I was already dead.
So what's the worst that could happen?
HAYAT.. THE OYUN. - Life: The Game - Duration: 6:28.-------------------------------------------
Yo-Kai Watch PLINKO Game 4 SLIPPERY VS HEARTFUL YoKai Medallium Medals Battle! ✳ TottyChoCho - Duration: 12:43.Yo-Kai Watch PLINKO Game 4 TottyChoCho!
Hi Everybody, my name is Sammy from TottyChoCho and I'm so excited because we are going to
do another Yo-Kai PLINKO!
You guys decide which YoKai's battle!
Look how many of you voted for Slippery VS Heartful!
Guys, don't forget to keep commenting.
Let us know who should battle next and what you think of our show.
I hope Heartful will win, who do you hope will win?
Tell us in the comments!
This game goes up to 40 points!
First tribe to get 40 points is the winner.
It's round 1 and I choose Heartful to go first.
First up is Smashibull.
Next up is Rollen.
Next up is Rhyth.
Next up is Happierre.
Last one for Heartful is Tongus.
Heartful ends round 1 with 9 points.
First up for Slippery is Firewig.
Next up is Croonger.
Croonger got a 4.
If one of you guys want Slippery to win, you might be happy right now.
Next up is Dragon Lord.
Next up is Noko. hahaha
Next up is Fishpicable.
At the end of round 1, Slippery is in the lead with 11 to 9.
Round 2.
First up for Heartful is Tongus.
(Fake crying)
Next up is Happierre.
Next up is Rhyth.
Next up is Rollen.
Next up is Smashibull.
First up for Slippery is Fishpicable.
Next up is Dragon Lord.
If your favourite team is Slippery, are you crying right now?
Next up is Croonger.
Last for slippery is Firewig.
It's the end of round 2 and it's 18 to 16 for Heartful.
First up for Heartful is Rollen.
Next up is Smashibull.
Next up is Rhyth.
Heartful ends with 28 points.
First for Slippery for round 3 is Firewig.
Next up is Croonger.
Next up is Dragon Lord.
This is a sparkly medal.
Next up is Noko.
Last one for Slippery is Fishpicable.
At the end of round 3, Heartful and Slippery are TIED!
Round 4, the first for Heartful is Tongus.
Next up is Happierre.
Heartful needs 10 more points to win!
Are you Slippery fans nervous?
Next up is Rhyth.
There's two Yo-Kai's left and I need 9 points to win… the most I can get is 8.
Good thing I have Smashibull so he can smash them down.
Next up is Rollen.
(Fake crying)
Heartful ends this with 34 points.
Slippery needs 12 points to win.
To tell you the truth, I'm a little bit nervous.
Next up is Fishpicable.
Slippery needs 10 points to win.
Next up is Dragon Lord.
Slippery needs just 6 more points to win.
Next up is Croonger.
Slippery has to hit a 4 to win.
It's Firewig.
(DaddyCho) They got it!
No, my team lost!
Congratulations to the Slippery tribe for winning and who ever else wanted them to win.
I'm going to say who was the WORST player and the BEST player of the match.
Can you guess who was the best and the worst Yo-Kai's of the match?
The very worst Yo-Kai was…
it was Happierre and Tongus, they both only got 4 points.
And the very best Yo-Kai was…
He got 11 points!
Guys, thanks again for watching our show.
We are always reading your comments, so keep writing them!
Don't forget, let us know WHO SHOULD BATTLE NEXT???
See you next Tuesday guys!
Underpants Demo! (With Subtitles!) - Duration: 11:04.Hello Guys! And welcome back to another video.
Where today I Will Be Playing Very Surprisingly a game called Underpants
somebody went and made this.
And as you can see my megabytes are rocketing up there.
sorry for the noise i just didn't want to play the sound from this game 'cause then it will interrupt this audio.
so sorry if you hear this weird crackling noises of it.
sure, let's get into this!
no i'm in the bandicam folder..
here, Underpantsss
let's name ourself....
What in the world is this song?
Wheres the N?
(Long Gap...)
That probably Won't fit...
You can fit an S.
PANTIES yes it is correct.
I got some SAKATAS Here..
What In The World?
Umm.. (Munch)
(Blows In Mic)
you have Lovv. What does Lovv Stand for?
LOVE Of Course!
Want Love Right?
Don't Worry.
I'll Give You Sime..
LOVE Is shared through Bublezzz
Here You Go Pal.
You really Have To Get Them...
UhhHhhHH Uh Uh umm?...
What The???
Why You Have A Flamethrower?
She's Kinda Creepy..
You seem to be hurt let me heal you...
Thank You.
Come on my child let's get back to my-
Right this way my child.
I Actually Like This, Ohhhhhh...
It's Not As UNDERPANTS But..
I'm just try and see how my facecam's going..
Yea.. It's Going Good.
All good..
Sorry For Using-
Sorry for using bandicam, if it's triggering anybody...
to be honest I don't want to bl-juice
Practice with the dummy.
let me leave!!
(Long Gap.)
wait... Dummee
ohhhh ha ha.
The Dummy's For Talking, Not Fighting.
Come on, we should get back to my home.
By the way i decided i'm gonna do..
I know people do Pacifist first but... I Think...
But I Think i'm gonna go and do Genocide first...
and then do Pacifist after, I'll make a separate video on pacifist.
filled with determination..
I Can't believe I called myself PANTIES.
oohhh! The Menu, Stat Menu works!
Something I have to take care of, please stay here.
oh my goodness, Toriel.
What The World?
It Seems To Be Sniffing.
You decide to move it.
killing is what we have to do here.
maybe it's made with Gamemaker?
he's Flicking Snot At Me!
That's Desgusting...
(Mega Long Gap.)
sniff, sniff.
Why's he throwing bits of snot at me?
And they are coming out of your nose. That makes you even weirder.
33. Please Leave.
You Know? this napstablook is more depressing.
Than the regular napstablook..
This will kill him?
next shot will kill him...
I though I just heard the dogsong.
[FIGHT] With a whip thing there..
hurry up!
Escape all the boogers that your throwing at me.
(Long Gap.)
ghosts sorry..
This is weird, The Song Anyway..
I Only heard about this like a few seconds like, minutes ago..
from when I started making this video. I'll Put The link down below to this.
Why should I come with you?
What are you?
What in the world did I just do then?
Ohh! Gee That's Creepy!
Ohh! you throw things now.
Oh Goodness.
that's creepy!
doing Things so...
I have to do this.
(mini Gap.)
Oh. LV Increased.
Umm. Oh! that's even sadder!
Thank you Save Point!
Shadow of the RUINS fills you with.....
acctualy, that shadow is quite scary. Well you better save!
Does It?
Oh so I does ???
I'm not really killing, It's more like neutral.
You go taste the pie while I stand here.
Is it in my bedroom?
my bedroom?
Is it in my bedroom?
Why Can't I Go Any Further?
Do you let me?
Not even the fire's here.
oh my goodness!
oh yes the pie!
I'm sorry guys. I guess this is the end of the demo.
So i'm Sorry.
Ok I Guess Not...
the end of the demo after this.
My child you shouldn't be down here! Uhm... Did you taste the pie?
Oh.. You couldn't cut it...
well, you should go upstairs now.
I don't want you to get hurt when I destroy your only way out.
GOAT MAMA!?!?!?!
Oh No.. Please...
no no no... Not the garbage truck!
Sorry I Wasn't Able To Finish The Subtitles. Sorry!
Transmog Appearance Sets Feature from Patch 7.2 PTR - Duration: 2:44.Hi!
I'm Hazel, and this is a quick look at the new Appearance Sets feature on the Patch 7.2.
You can access this in your Collections menu and also in the Transmog interface.
Open up your Collections, which is by default bound to Shift-P, go to Appearances and you'll
see a new tab at the top labeled Sets.
It looks like this.
You'll see a big list of tier and pvp sets in chronological order, with the most recent
at the top.
Selecting a set will show you how it looks on your character, with a display listing
which pieces you have and which ones you still need.
Mouse over a piece to see what it's called and where it's from.
While mousing over, you can press Tab to tab through pieces with the same look for that
If an appearance can drop from more than one boss, this lets you see which ones you're
At the top right you'll see a drop down list letting you select which version you want
to check out.
Some of these are just recolors, and some of them are completley different sets.
As an example, Raid Finder through Mythic looks for Tier 19 are under one entry despite
Mythic being a very different look.
Same goes for Gladiator and Combatant gear for a given PvP season.
The scrolling menu on the left is color coded based on how much of the set you've collected.
Grey is for no pieces, green is for some and fully collected sets show as yellow.
When you actually go to mog your gear at the Transmog interface, only yellow sets will
show up.
To fully collect a set you'll need all the pieces- pants, boots, bracers, all of it.
Collector types are going to have a great time 'yellowing' out their appearance journal.
The filter button over here lets you filter by collected, not collected, PvE and PvP.
So, If you're not interested in PvP sets at all you can just filter them out and pretend
they never happened.
Something to keep in mind is that this only shows Tier and PvP sets.
Dungeon sets, leveling sets and fashionable greens are not included.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the system expanded to cover them later.
If not, there's a good chance that addon authors will jump on this and add more functionality.
The new Sets tab is a great way to quickly see how a set will look on your character.
This should keep the fashion-focused players busy for quite a while.
If you're heading out to farm up sets, I recommend the MonArs wardrobe helper addon to help you
keep track of which appearances you need from each instance.
It can give you a little checklist of which appearances you don't have and the bosses
they drop off of.
I'll throw a link to that addon in the description below this video.
So, that's the Appearance Sets feature coming in Patch 7.2!
This is an awesome quality of life feature that I didn't know I wanted, but now that
I've seen it I need it.
Thanks for watching!
Let me know what you think, and have a wonderful, wonderful day.
Rivalry and Tradition - Duration: 3:02.[Natural Audio]
Watching some Bulldog Hockey!
That's what we're here for.
Maybe like 4 to 2?
No. 6 to nothing!
Ok, let's go with 6 to nothing.
I think the Bulldogs are going to come up on top of the Gophs, you know, like we usually do.
I'm projecting about a 5 - 3 victory.
I'm going to go 5 to 1 tonight.
Not even going to be close.
Bulldogs are just going to destroy them.
[Natural Audio]
Unfortunately all of our family is from Minneapolis and they're all Gopher fans.
We went up to Duluth for school and we never came back so whenever we come down whether
it's for football, hockey, whatever ... they're Gophers, we're Bulldogs.
We're 2 and 10 against them family-wise so it's fun, the family rivalry as well as the local rivalry.
[Natural Audio]
Well, we have Bulldog season tickets.
The kids love hockey, they've all been to every game since they've been born and just
thought we'd have a fun weekend down here too.
I don't live in Duluth but I want to go there for college.
I usually come to the Northstar Cup with my dad a lot and watch the Bulldogs and they're
playing the Gophers tonight so we'll get a win out of that, that'll be too easy.
Our buddy's house ... he lives up by the University of Minnesota so we're just rooming with him for the weekend.
Ok, he's not here though?
No, he knew better than to watch his team lose.
I traveled a few hours away from Duluth just to watch this game, it's a big game of the
year, a big rivalry.
And you know what we do?
We are going to beat the Gophers with no mercy.
One thing that I really like about Duluth's program is Hobey Bakers.
What character kids we have that play this game off the ice and that's part of why I'm a fan.
I live 60 miles away and I get to see the best kids in the country play and I enjoy
the environment and the game and the new arena.
It's very, very fun, you know?
It's a nice way to spend a Saturday night.
[Natural Audio]
My mother and Mike Sertich's mother took their citizenship together when they came over after the war.
And my mom used to actually pull my sister and Mike around in a little sled in
the winter time in Virginia, Minnesota.
Then Mike became the coach and I had some friends from the hometown where I was at that
played for the Bulldogs.
Matt Christensen, Bobby Lakso ... the 80's were a very good session of hockey, they had
some great players with Watson and Curver's and Hullsie and yeah the program was really
something and it's back to that era now.
College hockey is just fantastic to watch.
Happy wheels - Duration: 6:36.can we hit 4 likes?
Digimon World 2 Review - Learning To Love PlayStation - Duration: 9:04.Digimon World 2 is a follow-up to the very first Digimon World game, which would be incredibly
tough to tell if it wasn't for the fact that its title bills it as a direct sequel.
The game was released in July 2000 for Japan, and nearly a year later in North America on
May 19th, 2001.
Europe just...straight up never got this game.
Which is weird since according to a GameSpot article, Digimon World 2 was announced alongside
the first game in 1997, so there should have been pretty longstanding plans.
Anyway, that's rambling.
Digimon World 2 ditches the virtual pet, city rallying focus of the first game in favor
of being something entirely different; a dungeon crawling RPG.
Digimon are no longer cared for, they simply gain experience in battles, and instead of
traveling through a quirky varied world, you are instead trawling through rather uninteresting,
basic environments.
The game opens with you, a so-called Digimon Tamer, about to complete their training.
Your instructor, Zudokorn, accompanies you into the game's first dungeon and teaches
you a few of the basics of how the game will play out, and after finishing the map, you
return to a city to pick from one of 3 established Guard Teams in the town.
This is basically a way of picking from which of 3 kinds of Digimon you can befriend early
in the game, Vaccine, Data, or Virus, since each of the 3 focuses on 1 kind and you can
only recruit from the kind your Guard Team aligned with.
Until you can buy items from the other teams later in the game, at least.
From here, the game basically just boils down to being assigned some dungeons, going to
them, defeating wild Digimon, overcoming possible traps and staus conditions, then beating the
dungeon boss so you can rinse and repeat this process.
There's also some incredibly light town navigation, where sometimes you'll need to find specific
NPCs to get certain items or to advance certain plotlines or mission progressions.
The plot is nothing to write home about, however.
At least the localization is mostly competent, if still awkward at times.
So let's get into it.
Instead of you as a human explroing these dungeons, you get into a tank called a Digi
Each movement or action costs you one Energy Point, or EP.
If you run out while in a dungeon, you get warped back to the city and have to pay a
Same if you run into enough traps like these colored floors, and wind up depleting all
of your vehicle's health points.
You can find treasure chests and open them, which are sometimes booby trapped, and also
enemy Digimon to fight.
Your main objective is to look for a warp square on every floor that will take you to
the next level of the dungeon.
Early on this all works fine enough, though it tends to be uninteresting due to the lack
of variety or interesting dungeon layouts.
This falls apart due to how suddenly the dungeon trap placement spikes a dozen or so hours
into the game, however.
Your Digi Beetle has limited inventory space, with a few upgrades available throughout the
game to add more storage in.
You'll need items to restore your vehicle's health, energy points, to remove "Bugs" from
it which are a kind of trap, items to restore your Digimon's hit points, items to restore
your Digimon's magic points, items to remove one kind of obstacle in the dungeon, and items
that remove another kind of obstacle.
The reality is, you won't get to carry an efficient number of these at once, so for
a long time in the game you can't go into a dungeon well prepared, you have to sacrifice
useful items to make way for items you'll need for sure, as some dungeons sprinkle traps
that block progression unless you can undo them and move past them.
However, you can only learn of these spots by just blindly going into the dungeon and
finding out for yourself, which can lead to a lot of backtracking and repeating progress
if you happen to get progression blocked in this way.
Digimon World 2 is already a game with a slow, plodding pace, and this has the potential
to actively bring things to a screeching halt at times.
This progression blocks really wouldn't be an issue if you could always keep an effective
arsenal of items at all times, but goodness help you if you don't bring a certain kind
of trap disposal into a dungeon, or god forbid you bring that kind, but bring one less than
you needed and wind up stuck.
Oh, and there are different colors of traps, which require different levels of disposal
So there's a good chance your currency winds up pretty drained at times, too, requiring
even more grinding.
So let's get to the actual Digimon systems.
Instead of the first game's quirky stat management, Digimon World 2 keeps it fairly simple with
a more traditional JRPG setup.
You find enemies, you beat them, get experience, and when you have enough you level up.
Digimon can still Digivolve, at levels 11, 21, and 31, and anything before Rookie has
been gutted, which oddly robs Digimon a bit of its weird flavor.
But there's another mechanic here that on one hand, seems to encourage a bunch of experimenting
with the game's creatures, but on the other hand, seems like a pretty obvious ploy to
pad the game out.
Digimon have a stat "DP".
This stat increases by one point for every time you DNA Digivolve, which essentially
combines two monsters and leaves you with one.
At different tiers of DP, a Digimon can head down another branch of Digivolution, opening
up new team possibilities, which is kinda interesting.
Unfortunately, DP also determines a Digimon's max level.
Once a Digimon maxes out, it has to DNA Digivolve with another and start from the lowest level
of that Digimon's form.
A rookie starts at level 1, a champion at level 11, and so on.
This effectively means that you are constantly having to bring new Digimon into your party,
raise them, max out their level, then combine them with the Digimon you've had around for
a while, to try and build them back up and keep raising their level cap.
This can be incredulously grindy.
Digimon games have a bit of a reputation for being very grindy and that absolutely has
its origins here.
It's just another layer of tedium in a game that's trying so hard to be decent, but keeps
getting clawed back into a pit of poor design choices with no light in sight.
Coupling that with how long battles can take to load and play out, and how the frame rate
in battles slow down more and more for each Digimon in a fight (up to a maximum of 6),
and how slow movement speed is in cities and dungeons, and hopefully you can start to see
why I called Digimon World 2 a slow game.
I played for 20 hours and was fighting to keep interest.
Part of that might be that I played this game a ton as a kid and I was going through the
motions, but I think that's probaly a very small part of it since I had ambitions to
get certain Digimon, to see certain dungeons, those kinds of things.
But ultimately I threw in the towel.
I even used a GameShark just to see if that would spark my interest in the game again,
and that fell flat.
One nice thing I'll give the battle system is, it's nice to feel more in control of your
That's handy.
Overall, Digimon World 2 is a game that was much easier for me to slog through when I
was young with less responsibilities.
Nowadays, sinking 20 hours into it only to be consistently hitting arbitrary grinding
blocks is rather tiring, as much as I want to like the concept of a Digimon dungeon crawler
with a leveling system that encourages trying out new combat partners and strategies, it's
just hard to do so when the execution is like this.
Next time I want to give this game another go, I think I'll do it in an emulator where
I can speed up the gameplay to see if that alleviates any issues.
But for now, I am done with Digimon World 2.
This is where I would have loved to tell you Digimon World 3 is next, but my copy of the
game is apparently so scratched that it made my game freeze in a very early area, so I'm
going to have to postpone that review indefinitely.
So as for what's next?
I suppose we'll just have to see.
Until then, this has been MykonosFan, thank you very much for watching, and I'll see you
next time, on Learning To Love PlayStation.
This video was generously supported by the following Patreon Producers.
Thank you.
Minecraft Lets Play #1 - Duration: 7:38.That Rude Zombie didn't even knock.
But thats no prob for ya boi.
I farted. (JK that was my mic.)
But my MLG Skillz Slay the ugly purple pants of that dumb zombie
Quick i7-7700k Build Benchmark - Duration: 2:13.I also bring it up because I'm building a house, I'm not a loser I promise
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