Here i am
Walking in her steps
Always close to her
at the service of her Quest
"you really still want to share your life?"
"it's fatal..."
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La couleur raciale des crimes et délits : Les BLM vous mentent ! - Duration: 11:13.-------------------------------------------
Don Francisco Te Invita | Conociendo más a la comediante Alejandra Azcárate | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
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VLOG | Show Danse Phénoménale à Paris | Finale #handball2017 - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Petit test - Remake d'un extrait de K2000 - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
Alexandre Taillefer, porte-parole de la ''Semaine nationale de prévention du suicide'' à TLMEP - Duration: 18:01.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 Rhythm Tengoku Games - Duration: 17:20.Hello everyone and welcome to La Liga del Ritmo!
The name's AngryTapper and I have Sir. Killble with me too
We're going to share with you all our Top 10 of games from Tengoku, made by all of us
As you may know,
this game was released exclusively in Japan, more than ten years ago
as the first game of the series.
The games are a creativity explosion, which made it extremely popular in Japan.
Us five members agreed with this top and enumerated the games according to
our own taste and experiences with the games and the music.
So, without further ado...
Is there a best way to kickstart this top than a rap about food?
Welp, that's what Rap Men is based on.
Leaving that aside, a catchy rhythm and the good music make this a enjoyable experience.
In fact, it's possibly one of the few games that make you rely on the visuals.
That's because the rapper's sentences follow a specific color
depending of the way in which you have to press A.
With the blue ones, just once at the end of the sentence
while the purple and yellow ones are different.
In the purple one you have to press twice with the offbeat
and in the later you need to press A twice consecutively.
You'd say that this game has so much potential that...
It could get a sequel...could it be?
And there we have Rap Women! Rap Men's rivals
with a catchier tune and longer too.
A bit too repetitive but it's still the BEST and it's great to play.
It follows the same patterns as the prequel,
it's also a rap about food...but we don't care!
They've already charmed us with their sweet voices.
Because of its mechanics, the music and all those UH!!, Rap Men deservers the tenth place.
Quite possibly one of the classics of this series,
The Clappy Trio totally deserved a spot in this top.
It's got a simple premise;
You're the third and you need to clap following the cues of your partners.
The music and speed changes
are what make this game so much fun.
(That and the faces that the other lions make when you mess up)
Its snappy sequel changes from a reaction game to a game more in the lines of a "follow the rhythm" kind
due to the fact that it repeats the same pattern tons of times.
But the new west theme along with the new arrangement
and that simultaneous clap
make this game a totally new experience
which you can't help but love.
In the eight place we have the game that we all know and adore (and the highest quality one).
Night Walk became an icon of the series, it even came back with a new version
in Fever. The character you play as, Play-Yan, has appeared in all the games of the series
and it actually comes from a GBA game with the same name which let you play MP3 files
(The main theme of Night Walk is also the main theme of said game)
Play-Yan also made a great cameo in the Nintendo 3DS Music Player
Night Walk is possibly the simplest game of the franchise. You only have to press the A
to keep the beat. But the music and those visuals make it a relaxing experience.
The game's so popular because it works great.
And let's admit it, the music is a ten outta ten. You must've listented to it already
and if you haven't, what are you waiting for? David, tell me that
you have extended the song for twelve hours.
Hey baby! How's it going? This is the first and most iconic game of the series,
of course it will have a spot here. This game teaches you one of the most important things
of the series, react to the cues and press the button as needed.
This one's simple (of course, it's the first one ever); one pot, one punch
Three pots, hit three following the rhythm.
In this game we see the first of many appearances of Karate Joe (Kárate Killo in Spanish)
training in karate with good background music (I wonder if someone has ever attempted that)
You also have a flow metter with hearts that raises as long as you hit the pots,
up until 5. If you barely miss you'll lose one (and all of them if you mess up). There's also soccer balls,
boulders and...more, but you can't hit the boulders unless you have at least
three hearts in your metter. With a game this good, I'm sure that the sequel
will be even better, right? Well, the sequel is...slow. The idea is that the game's speed changes
to mess up with the player, making you pay attention to the music and its
tempo in order to know when to punch. But the game slows down way too much, making it
kind of boring. At least the song is somewhat funny when the tempo changes...
Baseball in the outter space! What could make it better? The crazy visuals!
Spaceball is a game that it's as weird as great
You'll need to hit the ball with your trusty bat (classic baseball)
in space while the camera goes crazy with weird zooms, making you guide by the music.
That simple but amazing music. It's one of those games in which
every second you play it you're like...what... a nice alien
But why number six? That's beacuse of the importance that
this game actually has. We know that Rhythm Heaven is one of those series that makes you forget visual
and trust your sense of rhythm. And what does Spaceball do?
Exactly that (well, it kinda forces it on you); and it's actually the first game in doing so.
We believe that Spaceball it's important because it introduces us to the main mechanic of
the game.
Its sequel it's not the best, at the end it's as if the developers were in a hurry
to end the game, as if they were...rushed
[Sings in japanese] This song's gonna stick with you, either because it's beautiful...
or because you'll play it so much trying to beat it. The game takes place in the eponymus Bon-Odori,
a japanese tradition celebrated in summer where people sing and dance
to receive the spirits of their ancestors.
In this game you'll have to read/listen to the "don don pan pan" cues, being
"pan" the moment in which you'll have to press A to clap. The reason this game
is here it's due to its amazing soundtrack. It's the second vocal song of the series
and damn, it's good.
My name is Mike...I mean, Bunny Hop!
It's a "keep the beat" game like Night Walk but the difference is that here
a bunch of whales will make you take a rest.
This game is based in a traditional japanese folklore of...a rabbit that wants to make it to the Moon?
That's why it will ask for help to some animals from the sea...ocean? Whatever, to arrive
to the Moon.
Have you ever wondered about shaving vegetables? You haven't? Well, we neither
but in that creativity explosion that is Rhythm Tengoku someone though about it and it ended
being a really entertaining game with great arabig music and that proves really well
your sense of rhythm despite being one of the first games ever.
The game starts easy on you, just 4 roots (are they hair?), soon followed
by other four with one of them being curly, you'll need to keep pressing the button for that
(or the D-pad). As you advance the game keeps getting harder,
you'll have to alternate between buttons and D-pad for the consecutive hairs,
and you'll need to do it 13 times in the end.
This game teaches you something essential; alternating between buttons and D-pad...
...well, you don't do it that much but that's not important, but its sequel tho...
It has the same music but it's way harder, you could do it with just one button
(I suppose, the last ones are impossible D:). The patterns
of both games are quite the challenge.
This vegetables have make an appearance in all the RH games, in DS in the game
"Crop Stomp", in Fever in the Rhythm Toy "Hi-Hat" with a remix of its music
and it came back in Megamix and with a story version too.
There's gotta be something about shaving vegetables to the rhythm, it feels...strangely good.
Ahh, Tap Trial, one of the most popular games from Tengoku
and it deserves it. Your objective? Dance some simple tap dance moves
with a couple of monkeys in order that the giraffe doesn't eat your soul...I mean,
in order that it doesn't judge you. It loves tap, did it mention it? This game's no monkey business...well, actually
This series sure loves monkey business
Why does Tap Trial deserve the second place? Well, everything's already said.
All in theses games works soooo well. It's simple, that's true, you'll only need
the A button but it won't be easy, there's a lot of moves and if you monkey around
you'll end wiping the floor. And its music...its music! RH always has great tracks
but the ones of Tap Trial and its sequel are amazing.
We can't keep goinf without talking about Tap Trial 2, possibly one of the best Tengoku sequels
It's curious, there's no new moves but both of them feel
and play so different. Tap Trial gives more importance to all the moves,
it's slower and its music reflects it (an elegant style, almost classic).
On the other hand, Tap Trial 2 is crazy, a frenetic game in which you'll need
good reflexes (dat double tap) with a superb ska arrangement that totally fits this fast game
Only downside, no giraffe. [RIP Giraffe, it was too divine for this world]
And now for some honorable mentions...
This place was reserved for the greatest game in the story of this franchise.
Its gameplay, the visuals and its extremely catchy soundtrack
make it a pleasure to play. Just look at this masterpiece in action..., on second though...
NUMBER 1 (fo'sho)
Get ready, we're going to outter space (again) for our number one which is...
Space Dance! This simple game
has won this top (and our hearts) thanks to how fun it is,
to its wonderful music and the quality of the English dub in Megamix
There's soo many great games that you're probably wondering...
why Space Dance? The five members of this channel made our lists and
only one game appeared in ALL the lists. That's right...
Space Dance! Space Dance is that game that, stealthly, became one of our
favorite games in Tengoku.
In first place the gameplay, it's really fun to play due to
its innovative controls. Between that and its catchy and upbeat song it's almost as if you were there dancing.
And the voices! In both Japanese and English, they're unforgettable.
Especially the one of the Space Sister in Cosmic Dance, it's one
of the many things that make this game so memorable (that and that missing is really fun)
These famous square-headed dancers are one of the icons of the franchise, we saw
them in DS too with one of the "most beloved" games in the series, they of course
were back for Megamix and they even made a cameo in Fever. No, NO! How could you mess up so hard?!
I'm done with this top.
Ahem. I'll talk you about Cosmic Dance, which we like equally or even more.
The music is a wonderful jazzy arrangement but we switch dancers and the space for a psychedelic stage.
They're both amazing games but if we must mention one thing from the sequel
is that looong pause...and P-P-P-PUNCH (even better in Megamix with the Skill Star)
No doubt, one of the best moments of Tengoku.
And well, this was our Rhythm Tengoku's Top 10
Thanks for watching and we hope you had fun while watching how we expressed our love
and other feelings about this great collection of minigames. It was really fun to
play them again and we'd love to know what do you think. Furious because
we didn't mention your favorite game? Tell us so in the comments.
For now, see ya. (Tapper? Tapper? Tapper, don't hurt me...)
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