Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily game Jan 28 2017

Initial Game#3

Initial Game with NCT! Question: A word that starts with "N"

1 2 3

The camera is going to break kkk

It's me xN

[After a discussion and let them cool down]

Mark approved!

Haechan approved!

Ten approved!

Me? November

(Is he a genius? The manly man Yuta who is also good in english)

[while hyungs are celebrating... Renjun and Chenle who are resisting until the last]

I think it doesn't work with "No"?

Doyoung: "No" it's okay

Winwin: NO!

Chenle: It doesn't count "No"

Renjun approved!

Initial Game with NCT! Question: A word that starts with "C"

1 2 3


1 2 3

Renjun: Who is it always stopping me? T_T It hurts so much~






[Oooooooohhh~~~ Chenle!]


[With Renjun, all the member passed!]


Kids, the camera is looking up..

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] NCT LIFE MINI GAME "INITIALS GAME" Part. 3 - Duration: 1:29.


Pillars of Eternity II, Ni No Kuni II Coming To PC | Yesterday's Games Today – 1/26/17 - Duration: 4:30.

Hey, fellow nerds.

Max here, and welcome back to another episode of Yesterday's Games Today.

This is the last episode in the first week of the show, so that's pretty cool.

Alright time for the news.

* The JRPG Ni No Kuni II is coming to PC!

The first game was originally a Nintendo DS exclusive before coming to the PS3 in Japan

in 2011, and then the PS3 and PS4 in 2013.

There were some interesting differences in development between the DS version and the

PS3 version, and I highly suggest checking out the link below for more information.

The games were very highly regarded and news of the sequel coming to PC is awesome.

More and more JRPG's seem to be coming to Steam and that is a trend I would like to

see continue.

* Codemasters revealed that Dirt 4 is coming in June.

Dirt is a critically acclaimed off-road racing series with a dedicated following.

Not much more is known, but it was revealed that the sequel will feature a rally route

creation tool called "Your Stage".

* A new Avengers game is coming from none-other than Square-Enix!

Two of it's studios, Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal, seem to be working on the


The press release states "The Avengers project is being designed for gamers worldwide and

will be packed with all the characters, environments, and iconic moments that have thrilled longtime

fans of the franchise.

Featuring a completely original story, it will introduce a universe gamers can play

in for years to come".

Well i'm fucking hyped for whatever comes out of this.

There hasn't been any gameplay shown, but i'm going to guess the game will be open-world

due to the sorts of games these studios work on.

Square-Enix says we can expect more information in 2018.

* Obsidian Entertainment teased a Project Louisiana the other day.

Because of Fallout: New Vegas, we all thought that we were going to get a Fallout: New Orleans.

Yesterday Obsidian revealed that the project was actually Pillars of Eternity II.

The first game was regarded as one of the best games of 2015, and was talked about well

into last year as well.

I can't really say us Fallout fans are disappointed, as this announcement is equally as awesome.

Like the first game, the sequel is being crowdfunded - only this time on Fig instead of Kickstarter.

It asking for the same amount of 1.1 million.

The first game ended up raising just under 4 million, and we can probably expect the

second to raise a similar amount if not more.

* The new Mass Effect Andromeda trailer showcased the main villain of the game as well as some

squad mates and an unknown alien race.

There isn't much to say except get hyped.

If you haven't watched it yet, please go do so.

Remember, the game drops on March 21st.

* The first screenshot for the new Oddworld game was revealed.

This sequel - or maybe prequel, entitled, Oddworld: Soulstorm, is slated to be released

in the second half of 2017.

I sadly have never touched one of these games, but I have heard very good things.

Hopefully i'll be able to play one of them at some point.

* Microsoft has released some new Xbox Live stats.

The number of monthly Xbox Live users has just reached an all time high of 55 million.

According to the article, this is a much higher number than they were at last year, so that's

a nice win for Xbox.

They could use the good news, because who the hell knows what they are doing with Scorpio

or upcoming games.

* Former Rockstar North President, Leslie Benzies, has announced his new project under

the working title "Everywhere".

The game sounds like an interesting concept, with Benzies himself stating: "I am proud

to have been part of past advancements in gaming, but I am even more excited about what

we have in store for the future.

The working title of this new game is "EVERYWHERE" and the vision is long term,with the capacity

to develop and grow forever.

Our goal is to create a platfom where players can be entertained, and also entertain others

while blurring the lines between reality, and a simulated world."

Benzies is going to use the Amazon Lumberyard platform to develop his game, which is a free

cross-platform 3D engine with deep integration into Twitch.

He is joined by other Rockstar alum Colin Entwistle and Matthew Smith.

* A rather unknown game by the name of Overwatch just hit 25 million players.

I'm sure this is a big surprise to everyone, but of course it's nice to see Blizzards

game doing so well.

I still need to get in there and try out that Year of the Rooster event.

* And finally, The ZeniMax vs. Oculus case goes to the jury with ZeniMax asking Facebook

for a total of $4 billion dollars.

I have hardly given the case more than a passing glance over the past few weeks, but from my

understanding, it's that ZeniMax is accusing Oculus of using a bunch of it's code brought

over from former ZeniMax employees.

Facebook, who owns Oculus, is denying that.

Those who want more information can check out the link in the description.

Alright folks that it for yesterday's news.

Make sure to like the video if this recap helped you and subscribe for daily news updates

straight to your inbox!

Remember, the show runs every week from Tuesday to Friday.

I'll see you guys next week.

This is Max signing off.

For more infomation >> Pillars of Eternity II, Ni No Kuni II Coming To PC | Yesterday's Games Today – 1/26/17 - Duration: 4:30.


Roblox Escape The IPhone 7 Speed up - Duration: 4:46.

Hi Everyone Mario Here This Is Going to be a Speed Up Hope you enjoyed

For more infomation >> Roblox Escape The IPhone 7 Speed up - Duration: 4:46.


Baro Ki'teer 27th January 2017 (56th rotation? i don't fucking know xD) PS4 - Duration: 1:41.

Hi my name Baro i sell you shit items today m8

buy my shit or fuck off pls

For more infomation >> Baro Ki'teer 27th January 2017 (56th rotation? i don't fucking know xD) PS4 - Duration: 1:41.


AQW How to Get Toxic Eye of The Void Sword,(And the Helm,Cape,and Pet!Free)! - Duration: 2:00.

You Can Get These Items from Tercessuinotlim and click Shop of Nulgath and you can get this quest On Free crag Quests!

For more infomation >> AQW How to Get Toxic Eye of The Void Sword,(And the Helm,Cape,and Pet!Free)! - Duration: 2:00.


awesome game - Duration: 0:39.

awesome game

For more infomation >> awesome game - Duration: 0:39.


Days Gone - OFFICIAL TRAILER 2017 - Duration: 2:20.

Put Like and subscribe to the channel Please...

For more infomation >> Days Gone - OFFICIAL TRAILER 2017 - Duration: 2:20.


Tony Plays - How To Get the bird says & How to escape prison life - Duration: 5:19.

Hello Every One . IM Tony

And i Will show you how to get the bird says

First : Go to the link in the descreption

And Enter That Code : TweetROBLOX

And Press Redeem

And You will Get The Bird Says . He is up my hand now

And Now i will Show You How to escape prison life !!!

You Need to stay here first it take a minuite

When you see the hammer down You . Get it and do like me !!!

And Now Go there and click c to get down

Click C again to Get UP

Run Run RUN !!!!


NOOOO !!!!

BooM i Die !

0K !! So... Thanks For Watching Guys

Subscribe And Like the video if You Like it !!!

Dont Forget for subscribe Up There ------->

For more infomation >> Tony Plays - How To Get the bird says & How to escape prison life - Duration: 5:19.

------------------------------------------- #Team Epic game | ZzZVC :) - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> #Team Epic game | ZzZVC :) - Duration: 4:35.


[SFM] Frozen in time - Duration: 2:07.



[SCOUT] Play ball!

[SCOUT] Oh. my. holy. freaking. stupid. crap!

[HEAVY] Ah! Have not seen many of this!

[HEAVY] Help!

[SOLDIER] Holy mary mother of Joseph!

[SCOUT] Yo, a little help here?

*heavy laughs*

[ENGINEER] Yeeeeeeeha!

[Engineer] Damn.

[ENGINEER] What in Sam Hill were you thinkin', string-bean?

[ENGINEER] I need some doggone help!

[ENGINEER] Now that is just dynamite.

[Engineer] I'm movin' this!

*dispenser clicks*

[MEDIC] Gah..



[MEDIC] Wah!

[ENGINEER] Follow me, Doc!

[MEDIC] Jawohl!

[SCOUT] Yo, a little help here?

[MEDIC] Yes!

*medic beam*

*Engineer chuckles*

[SCOUT] Aah!

[MEDIC] Waah!

[SCOUT] That..

[SCOUT] ...really freaking hurt!


*medic and engi laugh*

*medic continues laughing*



For more infomation >> [SFM] Frozen in time - Duration: 2:07.


4种在新年会发生的事情|《郑翔泽和game Terrence Chan and game》 《Subtitles/CC中文》 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 4种在新年会发生的事情|《郑翔泽和game Terrence Chan and game》 《Subtitles/CC中文》 - Duration: 4:22.


AVM Mystic Castle Escape walkthrough AVMGames. - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> AVM Mystic Castle Escape walkthrough AVMGames. - Duration: 4:59.


SCARY BANDIT !! EZ WINS Ranked - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 10:37.

[Critical] At your location ?

[Sushi] I throwed a granade to his chest !

[Sushi] He's like 1 hp ?!

[Sushi] Cmon man... you can see him shoot !

[Critical] Where from ?

[Sushi] Where that bot died !

[Sushi] In bomb site... to your left , right i mean...

[Critical] For real man.. for real ?

[Sushi] There ! [Critical] Mother f***** .

[Critical] Where did i plant lol my right straight no ?

[Sushi] laughing.. I think so ..

[Critical] Yeah. Thx .

[Critical] Good thing i muted that retard.. couldn't focus at the game.

[Sushi] That's normal lol.

[Critical] One colegue is on second floor !

[Critical] Who was it ?

[Sushi] A big one ... who knows ?

[Sushi] Valkyrie i think !

[Sushi] Holy shit ! .. For real man ?

[Critical] Hold on !

[Critical] we both get in at the same time .. watchout !! f****** caveira !

[Critical] Good !

[Sushi] Wtf have you done ? where did you disappear ?

[Critical] Kill him .. kill him !!KILL HIM !! That f***** valkyrie !!

[Critical] How the f*** did he also get you man ?

[Critical] At least we did a nice push !

[Sushi] Good game.

[Critical] Above you echo !

[Echo] Thx !

[Critical] Are you going that way?

[Sushi] Aaaaaa ..F*** ! I shoot like the last gos !

[Sushi] Get the f*** out ...

[Critical] Right... No chance !

[Critical] At you ?

[Sushi] He was ...

[Critical] You mfu !

[Critical] Nice costume !

[Critical] I take yes ?

For more infomation >> SCARY BANDIT !! EZ WINS Ranked - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 10:37.


Good Game Design - Super Metroid: Atmosphere - Duration: 8:43.


Immediately, that word might make you think of scenery or a world that you're placed in,

and in movies or books, that will probably be the case, but in the interactive medium

of video games, a lot more can be at play here.

Let's talk about it.

So, what makes a game have good atmosphere?

Well, I think that while a game doesn't have to be realistic, it needs to be believable.

Part of the reason we play games after all is to escape reality and play in a fantastical

world, and it is easier to do this when a game's environment is authentic and cohesive.

In Bioshock for example, Rapture is an intricate underwater city that's run by a fictional

resource called plasmids, which you discover ended up being the same city's downfall.

Little intricacies and hidden backstories are some of what make a fabricated world "click"

with us as a player, and certainly the art design helps with this, the more detail in

the visuals the easier it is to get sucked into a universe, but other factors are involved

here too, including pacing, game feel, heck even the music and sound effects, and none

of these could get the job done on their own.

Now, it's important to note that games with good atmosphere aren't locked into a particular

genre - it can fit all sorts of different moods and playstyles.

Look at Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

I've played a lot of campy, over the top games, but this one might be the hypest.

Everything here screams Saturday morning cartoon, and it sets that tone right from the get go.

You are immediately thrust into battle with a giant robot, and even though it keeps coming

back for more, you can chop it up with ease.

It makes you feel extremely powerful, but then the villains you face are even stronger,

and put you in your place.

This raises the stakes and delivers high octane action for the whole experience.

The entire world compliments this tone, from the cheesy dialogue to the epic music playing

as you slice everything standing in your way to bits.

Ah man it feels good!

Now look at a game like Braid, almost the polar opposite in terms of gameplay, pace

and atmosphere - the theme here is Keep Calm and Puzzle On (heh that's still a popular

reference right?).

I mean, don't get me wrong, some of these puzzles are mind-bending, but the environment

in which you do them is entirely non-threatening.

Soothing music plays in the background as you travel to different cutesy locations with

even cuter enemies.

Fear of death is non-existent because you can just rewind time and try again.

Braid wants you to take a step back, breathe, and focus on the puzzles.

And the atmosphere helps in doing so, there isn't much else to worry about.

It's not tense, there's no time limit, it's...simple.

And yet, this is such a contrast from the ending.

Maybe Braid's atmosphere is a facade to catch you by surprise here, because, whoo

it's a doozy.

What's fascinating though is that both of these examples use their atmosphere to guide

you into a certain playstyle.

While Metal Gear urges you to be aggressive and rip out people's hearts, Braid trains

you to act slow and think deeply, and this isn't accomplished by a direct push or instruction,

but rather by the immersion in their respective worlds.

But what's interesting is that the games we say have the best atmosphere, tend to be

ones that are desolate, spooky and empty.

There's something exceptionally eerie about having to explore a world alone.

I think of Portal, which thrusts you into a pristine, white walled testing chamber with

an unintentionally funny narrator guiding you through the different rooms.

Things start simple enough, yet you can't help but think that something here

- it's too good to be true.

Especially when you start to face danger, like pools of acid or turrets shooting at

anything that moves, the cracks start to show, you question why you're truly here - I mean

it's starting to look more like a torture chamber rather than one for testing.

That's why it's SO satisfying when you find the Rat Man's hideouts - this is the

perfect detail that adds to the game's unsettling atmosphere.

You KNEW it couldn't be real, there HAD to be some ulterior motive going on.

He warns you of the upcoming danger, and when that is finally realized, this gives you motivation

to track down Glados and exact your revenge in the final battle.

Portal does an incredible job of teaching you your goals simply through its aesthetic,

and ironically it seems more believable because of the imperfections, rather than its perfections.

But perhaps the granddaddy of them all, the game that's cited for its atmosphere more

than any other, is Super Metroid.

An intergalactic bounty hunter investigating a disturbingly bleak alien planet makes for

some pretty spooky moments.

And like Metal Gear Rising, Super Metroid's tone and themes are established within the

first minutes of the game: isolation, exploration, and growth.

Let's talk about title screens for a second.

On the Super Nintendo, what do most of these look like?

Happy, simple little vignettes showing you basic mechanics, or giving you a taste of

what the gameplay will look like?

Now look at Super Metroid's title screen.


Eerie music.

Creepy sounds.

You're shown that this will be an isolated, chilling experience from the first seconds

of booting up the game.

It doesn't hold anything back, and maybe that's why this game didn't interest me

that much as a kid - it was frightening and mysterious.

And sure enough, as you begin your journey, it's empty.

You are truly alone, and that makes it even more terrifying when space pirates and aliens

do show up!

There's no one here to help you, you have to do this mission on your own.

Yet you do have a mission, so you show up at the space colony and are confronted with

two major problems.

Everyone is dead, you need to get to the bottom of it, and Ridley, the leader of the space

pirates who stole the last Metroid, just wrecks you.

You don't even stand a chance, and he escapes.

So this sets up two motivational points for the player - retrieving what was lost, and

growing stronger.

And how do you accomplish these goals?

By exploring the world!

As you dive deeper into this foreign planet, you'll gain all sorts of powerups along

the way, and this not only makes exploration easier, but helps you defeat enemies quicker

as well.

Some of the foes that deflected all your shots in the beginning can now be taken down with

ease as you develop skill as a player and as a character.

And perhaps what stuck out to me most while playing was how real Zebes felt as an actual


Super Metroid's sound design is out of this world (heh) The music is more ambient, focusing

on fitting with each area rather than being memorable, and all the little sound effects

give so much character to the world.

Does anyone else think it's weird that these guys are supposed to be space pirates but

they're like, dragon-people?

I've never seen something like that before and it's definitely not what I picture when

I think of pirates, but that's cool and it makes me want to learn more about them!

Powerups could have just been sitting on regular pedestals, but instead they seem to be treasures

of a forgotten race...but some of them are still alive?


And sure there are some items that you gain by defeating bosses, but many of them are

just in hidden alcoves, or simply rewards for searching every nook and cranny of the


Necessary powerups for beating the game are just waiting to be found by a searching mind.

If you accidentally fall down a large pit, you won't be able to get back up until you

find the right item, but that's exactly what your goal is anyway - to become more

powerful as you explore.

And then when you do finally confront Ridley again, it is so satisfying to take him down.

All of your hard work paid off, and you feel a stronger connection with Samus and her motives.

Everything in Super Metroid is trying to convey its major themes, and they do so by letting

the gameplay shine and providing a mysterious setting to explore.

From the variety of enemies you'll face, to the god-like level design, to simply the

soundtrack - all of it combines into a phenomenal atmosphere.

When you look at a game through the lens of its atmosphere, it sort of changes how you

perceive it.

You can start to understand how the developers intended you to experience their game, and

if the atmosphere fits well with the gameplay, whether it's campy, calming, isolating,

or epic, it makes for a grand adventure that you won't soon forget.

Can you think of some games that have good atmosphere?

Ones that draw you in with its tone and themes, and then reinforce them throughout the experience?

And maybe think of other genres that can still have great atmosphere as well.

Tell me in the comments below, and let's talk about it.

Thanks for watching another episode of Good Game Design, stay frosty my friends!

Hey, I'm snomaN, I hope you enjoyed, and if you did, you can always subscribe for more

analytical content here.

This episode of Good Game Design was selected by my patreon supporters, if you ever want

to join that list and give your own input for the channel, you can do that right here:

For more infomation >> Good Game Design - Super Metroid: Atmosphere - Duration: 8:43.


Holy Moly Im the lord of Hit Detection Bsg episode 2 - Duration: 4:45.


For more infomation >> Holy Moly Im the lord of Hit Detection Bsg episode 2 - Duration: 4:45.


Jurassic World - The Game Episode 183 Megalodon Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay - Duration: 22:50.

Jurassic World - The Game Episode 183 Megalodon Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay

some kind of terrible i am fighting the

flu here so I didn't want to get this

episode out for you guys so we could

have a lot of fun and I sorry this

episode like jump ahead a little bit

guys because my main computer died on me

all know that that really think so first

thing let's get going get in a

production going over here we're gonna

go ahead and collect our mega we want

this guy all while ago this episode

might actually be ahead of that one

so once again I apologize for that

so here is what he looks like

the thing is i'm going to go back here

those to the DNA here we have the micro

besaurus in here cookin

okay it looks like hey failed again

so go ahead and speed that up because it

looks like they got a Microsoft horas

here so often i got eight of these guys

so I got enough of these guys to create

a level 40 micro soros so that's cool

are going to go ahead and collect our

free pack you want to do that every six

hours to get to that guys especially

indicating it will help you a lot

ok sorry things got a bit slower gaming

computer which i actually show you guys

a video together to check that out

faster than that this was the alienware

30 which is a gaming computer but you

know it is not compared to a desktop so

you can see you know as I'm going here

you'll see some daughter sometimes so I

apologize for that but I mean there's no

there's not much I could do there

it almost seems kinda good loyal people

for DNA they got some food cache or

loyalty points no cash up food for

spinal rough there while that's tempting

but you know I I need my food too much

guys do not trade your food away

I mean I learned that the hard way and

since I've traded away

I mean I've had a lot of food shortage

use ok so I looks like here we have a

pop twice horas past so we're going to

go ahead and do this

these ones are tough guys they really go

all ok so I'm going to try it team with

the Pterodactylus the rogers day gotta

do kids let's get this ball rolling guys

and I like i said i am fighting the

might be

older guy but he's not gonna kill me and

one half full reserved and reward can't

kill me hit and so that i will bring my

Roger take advantage over to put to

report of what tryout we're going to

come in with the war and try to kill me

so what I'm going to do is push three

issues hold down i don't know if this is

gonna probably exactly 34 that was a

close one

you know what I wonder if i can take

this out

6-way that's Walt wire goes up quickly

okay it looks like

six will take about 15 or 16 x 1440 like

it looks off

ok so battle number one is in the bag a

few battles 2 is just as hard as it

tries that works on and dominant

Pterodactylus I don't know I could

because our compared to these guys good

kill me i'm beautiful warning ya kill me

with it was a block and my safety killed

20 I got hit twice I believe he's got

warm but what I'm going to attack for

what he is defenseless now so I should

be taken down 33

okay i'm going to block 3 and reserve

training situation because he built

there now I got three

okay that's five blocks are really tough

battles for these card packs so that was

that was cool

ok and then the final war of course

another gorgeous horas

ok so for this one I'm gonna try this

time working on the Soros and the

Pterodactylus so let's get to show the

room is one which he could not a good he

is defenseless against that can take it


but that might be going to have time

because that all that because I got


i'm going to try to walk

there's a good chance that my 11 because

he's got one that i will walk with you

will get me though still kills me that

thing that really thanks i think we're

going to have to try that one again

ok so I'm going to try to battle with

the same characters again except the

first time I'm going to four

my daughter try to make private road on

it good one and up the block not that

was awful wanted to reserve just got


that is not OK battle for Bobby my

cancer so all I got left in my position

to be in

against three dinos three very powerful

put three attack three block so today i

will be very shocked my chances are very


I need 33 wat not wanting it all will be

with alright survive there we go camping

wow that was also okay get the car back

okay for let's see if it was worth it

the pliosaurus there's a legendary

so 1300 VIP point that's not bad either

defeat nine opponents i don't know i

don't really like doing that much and it

is just the super-rare pack

ok let me see your anything else these

wise no nothing in the news we could go

visit the velociraptors and see if we

can win some cars back

let's go ahead and and I by the way guys

if you have to do this before you don't

want to watch this is going to be the

last thing I do today feels like i said

i mean this flu is really getting me

down so if you want to go you know why

you guys watching

so lets you could win any good car pack

for those of you who have stayed but was

like winterwear plots out but this is

one of the ones that have no insurance

is just going to be hard without you

ok a t-coil no i don't use these

contacts that we had a fight i don't i

don't really like you don't have a

diagnosis for flyering station the

boring ones i'm just giving because

basically they attacking one you

attacked once but are you not

you don't have any control of the attack

all necessary fact that thing very good

if I have better luck with it man give

me something good because it's not like

me she's not likely have all ok

what they have and want is you are not

you have no control haul road you're

heading yeah really

ok don't have a project rush at the

otherwise biggest lose you pay for it

ok echoes last-chance are the three good

card attacks in a row and got nothing

echo and where's the love does not love

me if she was here she would probably

eat me cover know it's going to be one

of those days one of the day

well does not like me too much easier

echo Delta over here they're probably

gang up both have not talking as much

just kind of out of it today

stop it doesn't like me either you have

better news of the times they do do

better look

oh not today today is going to be one of

those days one of the ones that did I

think of 145 card packs it was like a

legendary I think like to super rare

seems like common in the good ones that

have DNA and everything in a coin and

meet side so that was a good day

Wow looks like today is not one of them

was freaking sore

it's got cool move give me a legendary

at least oh I might go go go

I got very thanks blue

not much under 30 VIP point ok so that's

it for the velociraptors i believe we

did everything we are going to do today

I'm still working on getting past the

mission the 25-minute Vivian's I mean

I'm not in this world social 1,300,000

likes let's go give it looks like i

could just unlike ok let's try unlocking

liking that counts for something

ok so that brings us back to the part

here so i guess they gave a card pack if

they get enough likes so our guys that's

probably me at forte hopefully next time

of recording i'm feeling a little bit

better i want to thank you get reviewing

ask if you did like the video please

click the like button that the thumbs up

button under the video and drop me a

comment like reading your comments get

back to you as soon as possible and if

you need help I will try my best

thanks reviewing a being so click the

boxes below for a lot more fun videos

that if you want to see even more go

ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> Jurassic World - The Game Episode 183 Megalodon Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay - Duration: 22:50.


Happy Wheels I DAD`S GETTING OLD! - Duration: 8:39.

Hey There guys welcome to this video of happy wheels and in this video we are going to search

lets say mother ok so mothers day

we are going to be dad

i don`t know what can happen in this

This is just for fun because its mother`s day enjoy

For more infomation >> Happy Wheels I DAD`S GETTING OLD! - Duration: 8:39.


IFSCL Future - Orange Return to the past - Reveal Trailer [Code Lyoko Game] - Duration: 2:36.

There's a secret, hidden in plain sight...

..It's time to see, to put it under the light

Change your perception, move out from your display...

...Alter the dimensions, make your own way

Say your last farewell, welcome an awesome feature...

...As I.F.S.C.L, unveils its brand new future

I know, I'm still...


We're going into a world without danger, where we'll be safe, you and I. Forever.

See you in a minute honey...

Oh no!

Run Aelita! Run!

Whatever you do, don't leave this tower.

I'll try to talk with Xana

It's all over Aelita. Xana's too powerful.

He's become threat to all mankind.

I've got to shut the supercomputer down.

For more infomation >> IFSCL Future - Orange Return to the past - Reveal Trailer [Code Lyoko Game] - Duration: 2:36.



Welcome to a new game of K-PopTime!

This time you will have to guess what idols

form the faces that appear

You have 15 seconds to analyze the mix

For each successful idol you have 1 point

At the end, comment how many points you got

Are you ready? Let's start!

How many points did you get?

Write it in the comments!!


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