Jurassic World - The Game Episode 183 Megalodon Dinosaurs Ludia vs Indominus Gameplay
some kind of terrible i am fighting the
flu here so I didn't want to get this
episode out for you guys so we could
have a lot of fun and I sorry this
episode like jump ahead a little bit
guys because my main computer died on me
all know that that really think so first
thing let's get going get in a
production going over here we're gonna
go ahead and collect our mega we want
this guy all while ago this episode
might actually be ahead of that one
so once again I apologize for that
so here is what he looks like
the thing is i'm going to go back here
those to the DNA here we have the micro
besaurus in here cookin
okay it looks like hey failed again
so go ahead and speed that up because it
looks like they got a Microsoft horas
here so often i got eight of these guys
so I got enough of these guys to create
a level 40 micro soros so that's cool
are going to go ahead and collect our
free pack you want to do that every six
hours to get to that guys especially
indicating it will help you a lot
ok sorry things got a bit slower gaming
computer which i actually show you guys
a video together to check that out
faster than that this was the alienware
30 which is a gaming computer but you
know it is not compared to a desktop so
you can see you know as I'm going here
you'll see some daughter sometimes so I
apologize for that but I mean there's no
there's not much I could do there
it almost seems kinda good loyal people
for DNA they got some food cache or
loyalty points no cash up food for
spinal rough there while that's tempting
but you know I I need my food too much
guys do not trade your food away
I mean I learned that the hard way and
since I've traded away
I mean I've had a lot of food shortage
use ok so I looks like here we have a
pop twice horas past so we're going to
go ahead and do this
these ones are tough guys they really go
all ok so I'm going to try it team with
the Pterodactylus the rogers day gotta
do kids let's get this ball rolling guys
and I like i said i am fighting the
might be
older guy but he's not gonna kill me and
one half full reserved and reward can't
kill me hit and so that i will bring my
Roger take advantage over to put to
report of what tryout we're going to
come in with the war and try to kill me
so what I'm going to do is push three
issues hold down i don't know if this is
gonna probably exactly 34 that was a
close one
you know what I wonder if i can take
this out
6-way that's Walt wire goes up quickly
okay it looks like
six will take about 15 or 16 x 1440 like
it looks off
ok so battle number one is in the bag a
few battles 2 is just as hard as it
tries that works on and dominant
Pterodactylus I don't know I could
because our compared to these guys good
kill me i'm beautiful warning ya kill me
with it was a block and my safety killed
20 I got hit twice I believe he's got
warm but what I'm going to attack for
what he is defenseless now so I should
be taken down 33
okay i'm going to block 3 and reserve
training situation because he built
there now I got three
okay that's five blocks are really tough
battles for these card packs so that was
that was cool
ok and then the final war of course
another gorgeous horas
ok so for this one I'm gonna try this
time working on the Soros and the
Pterodactylus so let's get to show the
room is one which he could not a good he
is defenseless against that can take it
but that might be going to have time
because that all that because I got
i'm going to try to walk
there's a good chance that my 11 because
he's got one that i will walk with you
will get me though still kills me that
thing that really thanks i think we're
going to have to try that one again
ok so I'm going to try to battle with
the same characters again except the
first time I'm going to four
my daughter try to make private road on
it good one and up the block not that
was awful wanted to reserve just got
that is not OK battle for Bobby my
cancer so all I got left in my position
to be in
against three dinos three very powerful
put three attack three block so today i
will be very shocked my chances are very
I need 33 wat not wanting it all will be
with alright survive there we go camping
wow that was also okay get the car back
okay for let's see if it was worth it
the pliosaurus there's a legendary
so 1300 VIP point that's not bad either
defeat nine opponents i don't know i
don't really like doing that much and it
is just the super-rare pack
ok let me see your anything else these
wise no nothing in the news we could go
visit the velociraptors and see if we
can win some cars back
let's go ahead and and I by the way guys
if you have to do this before you don't
want to watch this is going to be the
last thing I do today feels like i said
i mean this flu is really getting me
down so if you want to go you know why
you guys watching
so lets you could win any good car pack
for those of you who have stayed but was
like winterwear plots out but this is
one of the ones that have no insurance
is just going to be hard without you
ok a t-coil no i don't use these
contacts that we had a fight i don't i
don't really like you don't have a
diagnosis for flyering station the
boring ones i'm just giving because
basically they attacking one you
attacked once but are you not
you don't have any control of the attack
all necessary fact that thing very good
if I have better luck with it man give
me something good because it's not like
me she's not likely have all ok
what they have and want is you are not
you have no control haul road you're
heading yeah really
ok don't have a project rush at the
otherwise biggest lose you pay for it
ok echoes last-chance are the three good
card attacks in a row and got nothing
echo and where's the love does not love
me if she was here she would probably
eat me cover know it's going to be one
of those days one of the day
well does not like me too much easier
echo Delta over here they're probably
gang up both have not talking as much
just kind of out of it today
stop it doesn't like me either you have
better news of the times they do do
better look
oh not today today is going to be one of
those days one of the ones that did I
think of 145 card packs it was like a
legendary I think like to super rare
seems like common in the good ones that
have DNA and everything in a coin and
meet side so that was a good day
Wow looks like today is not one of them
was freaking sore
it's got cool move give me a legendary
at least oh I might go go go
I got very thanks blue
not much under 30 VIP point ok so that's
it for the velociraptors i believe we
did everything we are going to do today
I'm still working on getting past the
mission the 25-minute Vivian's I mean
I'm not in this world social 1,300,000
likes let's go give it looks like i
could just unlike ok let's try unlocking
liking that counts for something
ok so that brings us back to the part
here so i guess they gave a card pack if
they get enough likes so our guys that's
probably me at forte hopefully next time
of recording i'm feeling a little bit
better i want to thank you get reviewing
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