Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily which Sep 3 2017

what's up guys how's your day going it's Mike and chipper hellooo in today's

video we're gonna be hunting down the top six performing Vanguard mutual funds

of all time so let's go

welcome to money in life TV where our goal is to help you improve your

financial position career and life alright guys thanks for joining me today

give me a moment while I hunt down the top six performing Vanguard funds of all

time ooh yeahh! be right back with y'all

okay guys that was a lot of research couple of things to point out before we

get started all the funds which are the six the six

funds I'm going to show you today they're all mutual funds I did not do

any research on ETFs because this video is about the six all-time best Vanguard

mutual funds I can totally do a video on the ETF's if you guys would like me to

just let me know in the comment section down below okay number one the first

thing to point out is that please note I am NOT a professional investor these

funds and all the research I did is of my own opinion and this is not to be

taken as investment advice what this video is for is if you do not have a lot

of time the research stocks yourself and meet your funds and that kind of stuff

or you're unsure of how to look at investments in that kind of thing this

video will at least help you identify some of an guard's best funds the second

thing I want to point out is there is no guarantee that the prior performance

will continue into the future now the funds we're looking at are some

of the oldest funds in Vanguard I think all the funds we're looking at are over

30 years old so there's a lot of performance history behind them which

helps me feel comfortable personally as an investor versus if something is

brand-new and it only has been out less than a couple years it's really hard to

know how it's gonna do long term the third thing I want to point out is that

these funds are actively managed which means that somebody is managing and

actively trading the funds within some of the stocks with inside this mutual

fund if the fund manager changes then obviously the mutual fund itself could

change so I just wanted to point some of these things out guys before we get

started so let's go ahead and dive right into this the fourth and final thing I

want to point out is please take the time to do your own research I cannot

guarantee that the funds I'm about to show you are gonna perform the same way

into the future nobody I don't know there's no way for you to

you and I don't know but just be aware of that but anyways with that being said

let's go dive right into these okay guys thanks for joining me

the first fun work of the six we're gonna be looking at is the vanguard

Wellington fun investor shares ticker symbol VW elx this my friends if you

want to see the oldest Vanguard fun in existence this is it am I'm good this is

the fun it's been around for 88 years holy crap that's a long time it has a

moderate allocation in regards to its category which I believe means it's very

well diversified in various sectors of the stock market so it's not just like

health care it's not just technology it's a very well mixed

yeah so this fund in general is 2/3 stocks and one-third bonds and it's been

as founded in 1929 can you guys believe that it's pretty crazy so let's just

pause in a minute what I did obviously is I took all the information from the

website of Vanguard and this is how I do a lot of my research even when I'm

looking at stocks or mutual funds whatever it is I'm looking at I like to

use an Excel document to pull in my research because that way I can easily

save it I can transfer it to different computers I can look at it wherever I'm

at so this is how I prefer to do my research

oh so let's look at rates of return so this is as of I think all this

information is as of June 2017 okay guys June 2017 I'm looking at this in August

but I believe a lot of this data it goes back to June of this year so obviously

you can look at this chart right here it shows you the one year performance

through your performance five year ten year etc overall an eight percent return

since inception which if you think about it the average return of the S&P 500

over the last 100 years is actually eight percent so this thing is right on

the money so this fund owns a lot of high quality

blue chip stocks and large companies if we scroll down you can see it owns

Microsoft JP morgen Comcast Chevron Bank of America

alphabet which is Google Intel etc it's got in terms of risk it's on a moderate

risk which means it's not super conservative

but it's not overly aggressive either so it's right in the range now this another

thing guys risk is very important okay if if a lot of the funds we're looking

at here they're probably at a moderate risk are above they're more aggressive

in nature because that's why they're the best performing there is a direct

correlation between risk and reward I'm sure many of you already know that but

just so you know if you're near retirement you might want to meet with a

financial advisor before considering these funds because maybe this might be

too much risk for you to take I don't know it depends on what you're

comfortable with but you have to know how much risk you feel comfortable

taking before diving right in okay let's getting back to it so minimum of

investments around $3,000 and this is what the graph looks like on Yahoo let

me zoom out a little bit since night since it goes back to this is as far as

Yahoo Finance goes back but as you can see it's got a very solid graph and from

what I can tell it looks like it's just gonna keep going up that's what it looks

like at the moment until something else changes but as you see guys on average

over the last 100 years you're gonna you can expect an 8% return on average and

the last 10 percent aren't me in the last 10 years you can expect around a 7%

return per year five years is about ten percent per year this is always changing

guys but to know that this has been around for 88 years and you're gonna

expect an 8% return that's pretty darn good just to point out the fees it's

very minimal it's only a quarter of a percent okay let's go on to the next one

guys okay Vanguard Morgan growth fund

investors shares VM our GX now all of these guys I will leave in the

description section below these ticker symbols so you can go back

and look them up yourself okay the Morgan Growth Fund so this

thing is made up of large growth domestic stocks so mainly stocks in the

states that's what they made my domestic right fund is 49 years old so it's been

around for a while it's been around the block a few times more okay so this year

and tooth are within from last year to now from so from June 2016 to June 2017

it's basically had a 20% return which is pretty stellar over three years its

average ten percent a year over five years about a fifteen percent return per

year ten years seven to eight percent since inception a ten percent average

annual rate of return pretty cool alright and on all these guys if you

look on the Vanguard website you if you click and find this fun on the Vanguard

website you can actually read about the fund and I highly encourage you to do so

because as a financial advisor recently told me you want to read this product

summary information because that helps you get an idea of what the fund manager

is thinking about all right so it's mate this fund is made up of 297 stocks the

one we were just looking at the Wellington fund is made up of 98 total

stocks but also notice the risk is a little higher meaning if the risk is

higher if the market goes down this is gonna go down faster what it's likely to

go down more than something with a lower amount of risk what does it own it owns

things like Apple Google Microsoft Facebook Amazon Visa Alibaba Priceline

group so a lot of technology stocks and this is the portfolio composition on

Vanguard website it doesn't have this information on all of them as you can

see this thing has 16% in consumer discretionary stocks it's mainly in

technology stocks right because all these are technical tech companies for

the most part so mainly tech and healthcare and consumer discretionary

but notice the chart it's a little choppy er than the last chart we looked

at on the Wellington fund and as you can see look at this guys if you remember

that the tech bubble of 2001 well look what this thing did when the tech bubble

burst this thing fell to the floor through the floor almost but now it's

very healthy its back up here but something to consider that

it does show if the market tanks this thing is gonna go down with it this is a

more aggressive fund so that is the Morgan the Vanguard Morgan growth fund

investor shares let's go on to the next one

Vanguard healthcare fund investor shares the GHC 8x okay healthcare industry so

this one's really sector specific buy-in by sector specific we're talking about

the healthcare sector the funds been around for 33 years which is one year

older than I am so this thing's been around longer than me

okay average annual performance since June since four in one year it's about

11 1/2 percent three years ten percent five years eighteen and a half ten years

eleven percent since inception this is really impressive

sixteen to seventeen percent average annual rate of return since inception

because healthcare is very important in the world we live in and that's why this

thing is so powerful this is probably the best performing mutual fund I have

to show you today of all of them alright low fee ratio of only 0.3 seven let's go

down here let's look at the portfolio composition it's made up of 76 stocks

look at mainly in biotech Healthcare distributors healthcare equipment

managed health care pharmaceuticals most of this stuff is farmed almost half of

the portfolios in pharmaceutical based companies and it owns things like

bristol-myers allergen United Healthcare Group which is an insurance company Eli

Lilly and Merck and just it goes on so forth and so forth and on and on so as

you can see this is what makes this fund up but notice notice the risk is at five

so this has this extreme amount of risk this is very aggressive but it has

performed at least in the past it has performed very well so honestly like on

average I think you could easily expect anywhere from 11 percent return to 16

percent return on average if you hold this thing long-term so like I said if

you go to the website in Vanguard you can read all about the product

summary of this mutual fund and this is what the graph looks like on this from

Yahoo Finance so it's had a pretty solid run it's cut back right here so it's

down in price a little bit so it might be it may be a good buying opportunity

depending on your opinion but that is the Vanguard healthcare fund investor

shares onto the fourth one all right so now we're looking at a Vanguard us

growth fund investor shares okay this is made up once again like the Morgan fund

this mate is made up of large growth domestic stocks it's got a fee ratio of

almost 1/2 percent and I forgot to put the age of the fund here but if you look

right here it says since 1959 so it's been around for over 50 years so in the

past year it's made about 19% rate of return in the last three years you can

expect 10% the last five years about 15% return per year 10-year average is about

8% and since inception is about 10% so I think just by looking at this you might

expect anywhere from you know an 8 to 10 percent rate of return if you hold this

thing long term based on his prior history this thing is made up of 152

stocks it's a 4 on the wrist scale so it's it's not completely aggressive but

it's a little bit more aggressive than moderate so keep risk in mind it's made

up primarily of consumer discretionary stocks it's made up of healthcare

companies information technology companies and here we go look at a third

of the portfolio is in companies like Google Facebook Microsoft MasterCard

PayPal Visa telogen Corp amount Amazon and what you're gonna find guys and I

think you'll agree with me if not it's totally fine to disagree with me but

what I found when I was doing my research the best all time performing

mutual funds usually were made up of technology stocks and healthcare stocks

because the human race he likes to continues progress in technology and

we're always concerned about our health and so in my opinion that's why these

things are so powerful and have performed so well over

these years as you see as you can guys can see most of these have a minimum

investment of about three thousand dollars and here is the graph on this

thing so notice you notice how a lot of it was in technology stocks well this is

the graph from Yahoo Finance going back to before 1985 and once again look at

this the tech bubble when the tech bubble burst look at how far this thing

fell this thing like I don't know went from looks like it went from like 46

bucks down to 10 ouch but obviously since then it's made quite

the recovery it still hasn't topped its all-time high but it could in the future

okay let's go on to the fifth one okay Vanguard Wesley income fund investor

shares vwi NX conservative allocation it's 57 years

old it has about 2% are less than a quarter

percent fee at the moment this is definitely a more conservative fund in

fact this is an income fund so this is if you're looking to achieve income from

investing in mutual funds this is one of the funds you might consider looking at

this thing has a about a one-year return of 5% three years around five seven five

years about 7 percent 10 years around 6 to 7 percent return and since exception

of 1970 which means it's 57 years old its average is about 10 percent are

close to 10 percent so if I'm looking at this and I'm just diving in at any given

point I can expect a 5 to 10 percent return realistically on this in my

opinion all right asset class it's balanced okay because it has a lot of

different funds our little eye sorry it's balanced because as holds a lot of

different stocks it has 63 total stocks and look how many bonds it has it has

nine hundred and ninety seven bonds in this thing which is what is helping

produce a lot of its income it's moderate on the risk scale so it's

definitely not aggressive but it's definitely not

super-conservative either minimum fee I mean sorry minimum investments $3,000

all of these have a $3,000 minimum investment if you go to Vanguard you can

read the product summary on this thing and it holds companies like Microsoft JP

Morgan or Chase Bank basically Philip Morris which is a cigarette company

Wells Fargo Johnson & Johnson Cisco Systems Pfizer Merck Dow Chemical Intel

etc this is what the graph looks like has a really healthy graph to be honest

from as far as a stark chart goes so look at all the dividend payments as

made throughout the years quite a few and you can see it's they had a pretty

healthy growth trend overall and and looks like it's gonna continue into the

future based on how this is going it has an upward trend okay guys let's look at

the sixth and final fund okay so now we are looking at the Vanguard Windsor fun

investor shares do not mix this up with the Wellington fund that was the other

fund with the W so PW and DX 59 years old so this thing is pretty old

fees of about less than a quarter percent and this thing's been poor

performing pretty well so over one year it's made 23 percent three years about

six or seven percent return five years is there out 14 to 15 percent average

annual return 10 years is around 5% and since its inception this is actually the

second highest rate of return since inception of all the six of these listed

11% so I think if you're looking at this if you're looking at investing in this I

think you could reasonably expect anywhere from a six to an 11 percent

return if your if you ask me okay what's this thing made up of okay domestic

stocks so a lot of domestic stocks in the u.s. very low expense ratios these

this is the advisor of the fund Wellington management is the advisor and

it looks like there's a second investment management company as well in

this okay let's go down here guys it's made up of 141 different stocks

and I just want to point out because I forgot to on the earlier ones is if you

go to the Vanguard website and you click on the mutual fund you can actually see

the entire list of holdings which as you saw my when I was going through my

research you can where the it's right if you let me back up because I cannot

speak alright so if you go back to the Vanguard website and you're looking at a

mutual fund I'm just gonna well I'm in one right now I'm in the Wellington fund

on the website but if you want to see what it holds you go down here to the

bottom of the page and go to portfolio holdings and that's how you can see

every single holding in this mutual fund now since this is actively all of these

are actively managed these the stocks in this mutual fund can change over time

like I said earlier so just keep that in mind but this is everything that makes

up this mutual fund so let me go back to my spreadsheet okay so top 10 largest

holdings Citigroup Bank of America American International Group

bristol-myers Broadcom MetLife United Health Group so it sounds like a lot of

financial stocks and which is that seems to be true because if I look at the

portfolio composition look at financial stocks 25 percent so a quarter of the

holdings of this mutual fund are in financial base stocks it has some

consumer staples consumes consumer discretionary stocks it's got some

utility companies and information technology doesn't have the prettiest

graph by any means but still one of the best performing Vanguard mutual funds of

all time for sure so it's had its ups and downs notice during the tech bubble

one of the tech bubble burst it didn't eat it too hard however because it holds

financial company stocks look how hard it got hit because remember when 2008

happened the banks got hit pretty hard before they got bailed out but from a

stock perspective they did get pretty hit pretty hard so this thing fell to

the floor it went from it looks like nineteen

dollars a share down to around nine dollars down here so it took a pretty

big hit but it looks to be doing fine now

alright guys these are what I found to be in my personal opinion to be the best

all-time six Vanguard mutual funds ever in existence and like I said as we've

seen all of these are all over 30 plus years old so you have a lot of data to

run on I just want to point out a couple of little things so as you know we

looked at this kind of chart which shows the average annual rate of return on

each of these mutual funds just so you know that if you go and browse the

Vanguard website you might see some of the funds that say since the inception

with higher average rates of return then then the ones listed but the other thing

too you have to consider I think of is that those funds have been around for a

much shorter period of time than all of these these have been around the longest

and I've had the highest rate of return that I could find on the Vanguard

website alright guys that is all I have for you today I'm gonna be launching a

website soon and soon as I launch it I will put it in the comment section down

below on this video of where you can go and find this excel document that I used

in the video that breaks down all the research I did on those six mutual funds

and so you can download it for yourself and you can look at the numbers for

yourself remember guys always do your own research on this consider consulting

with a financial advisor on your investments they truly are the ones who

will usually know mutual fund the best of anybody because that they know that

people who do the research on them right I mean that's these large investment

companies are the ones who do extensive research on these funds in the in what

stocks go into these things so always consider that but of course I know like

if you're like me I like to do my own investing but always do keep that in

mind or at least consider it alright guys thank you so much for

watching let me know if you found this video helpful if I could have done

anything better explain this better if I didn't explain something right be like

Mike get big dum-dum you didn't explain this correctly or can you tell me more

about this please drop a comment I'm so happy to respond I love talking

to you guys and chatting with you guys about

you know tax is investing whatever it is that you're looking for if you liked the

video please do not forget to drop a like before you leave it really helps

our channel out so thank you so much if you're not already subscribed if you're

brand new to this channel first of all just welcome just so you

guys know we make new videos every single week and if you're somebody who

wants to learn more about taxes or about investing more about personal finance

career and life success etc please highly consider subscribing to this

channel if you have somebody who's been on the fence about investing who maybe

has Vanguard but has not invested in doesn't know what to pick or at least

what to start looking at you might share this video with them because then

they'll at least give them some funds to look at they can do their own research

and I want to leave you guys with this though that you know this video is

really not to promote just Vanguard I am NOT trying to promote Vanguard in any

way because I'm going to be doing a video in the feature that covers the

all-time best fidelity funds all-time best john hancock funds etc so don't

think I'm doing just promoting Vanguard because I'm really that's not my

intention here so just keep that in mind alright guys I love you thank you so

much for watching and thank you for your continued support and I will see you

guys in the next video peace

For more infomation >> Which Vanguard Mutual Funds Should Invest in? |2017 Vanguard Mutual Funds with HIGH returns| - Duration: 25:05.


🔹🔹Do You Know Which Is The #1 Food For Hypertension, Heart Attack, Stroke and Cholesterol ?🔹🔹 - Duration: 3:04.

dates are ones of the healthiest fruits you can consume as they are rich in

beneficial ingredients that treat various health issues including

hypertension heart attacks strokes and high cholesterol

they also accelerate the metabolism here are eight of their health benefits

number one dates prevent diarrhea dates are high in potassium which prevents

diarrhea by the healthy bacteria and thus relieving the belly flora and the

intestines dates cleanse blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots

so they effectively regulate the unhealthy cholesterol or LDL number

three dates regulate blood pressure dates are high in potassium and contain

no sodium so they are perfect in the case of hypertension

moreover five to six dates contain 80 milligrams of magnesium which boosts the

blood flow and is spread through the blood vessels to reduce blood pressure

you need about three hundred and seventy milligrams of magnesium number four

dates for anemia these fruits are a rich source of iron so they are extremely

useful in the case of anemia pregnancy and for children 100 grams of dates

daily will provide 0.9 milligrams of iron which is about 11 percent of the

recommended daily intake of iron iron has a beneficial effect on the red

blood cells and hemoglobin and helps the oxygen flow through the blood

number five dates prevent strokes the high potassium content in these fruits

enhances the nervous system and prevents strokes

hence the daily intake of 400 milligrams of potassium successfully prevents

strokes number 6 dates for heart health soak the dates in water during the night

and in the morning eat them or add them to your smoothie to support heart health

number seven dates soothe constipation dates are extremely useful in the case

of constipation you should keep them in some water overnight and then drink the

water in the morning to help digestion and use their mild laxative properties

number eight dates help weight loss the consumption of dates on an empty stomach

will help you control your body weight as they contain no cholesterol

For more infomation >> 🔹🔹Do You Know Which Is The #1 Food For Hypertension, Heart Attack, Stroke and Cholesterol ?🔹🔹 - Duration: 3:04.




WHICH MARVEL COMIC IS 'THOR: RAGNAROK' BASED ON?. Like a great chef, the Marvel Cinematic Universe knows how to cherry-pick the best parts of its expansive menu and combine them to create a singular treat.

With decades of stories to choose from, Marvel is able to draw inspiration from countless storylines, characters, and events for its films.

Thor: Ragnarok is not based on any one comic book. Following in the footsteps of the rest of the MCU, Ragnarok pulls its inspiration from several different sources. Here's a breakdown of the Marvel comics Thor: Ragnarok is most prominently based on….


For those not in the know, Ragnarok is the final battle of the gods in Norse mythology. Since Thor and his fellow Asgardian gods are directly based on their Norse counterparts, the concept of Ragnarok has also been carried over into the comics.

The destruction of Asgard in the trailer has many parallels within the comics. In 2004, a six-part storyline saw Ragnarok destroy Asgard. In Marvel's mythology, Ragnarok is a cyclical event, and after the battle, all those who fall are eventually reincarnated.

So, for the Asgardians, it's probably a little like getting massively drunk and having an epic hangover for the next thousand years or so.

During Ragnarok, Thor gained the power of the Odin Force and broke the cycle. He would eventually recreate Asgard on Earth, above Broxton, Oklahoma.

That Asgard did not last for long, as it was destroyed by Norman Osborn and his forces during the events of the comic Siege.

Old Norman did not like the idea of a powerful race of extra-dimensional beings living within the borders of the United States. Instead of talking with them, he straight up set out to eliminate them.

Currently, there are two versions of Asgard in the Marvel Universe. The first is a recreated version of Asgard built by Odin in its original realm during the events of Fear Itself.

After the climax of the series, Odin banished all Asgardians from the city and went into a self-imposed exile in the abandoned city. The second is named Asgardia.

Currently orbiting near Saturn, it was designed by Tony Stark and is ruled by the All-Mother. It is the home of the remaining Asgardians. THOR'S SUAVE NEW LOOK IS STRAIGHT OUT OF 'UNWORTHY THOR': .

At the moment in the comics, Thor is not Thor. He became unworthy of wielding Mjolnir after learning a secret from Nick Fury, who was, at the time, imbued with the powers of a Watcher.

This led to him calling himself simply "Odinson" and for a new Thor – Jane Foster – to take up the hammer.

Seeking to find his worthiness again, Odinson sets out into the cosmos rocking a new short haircut and beard with threads similar to those seen in Thor: Ragnarok.

Hearing rumors of another Mjolnir from a dead universe (the old Ultimate Marvel universe), Odinson goes looking for it to reclaim his power. Unworthy Thor is clearly the inspiration for a lot of what we see in the Thor: Ragnarok trailer.

Putting aside Thor's new comic look being translated to the screen, there are a number of other similarities.

The series opens with his capture at the hands of a large number of aliens, and he ends up a prisoner of one of the Elders of the Universe.

In the case of the comics, it is the Collector, but since he is playing around in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, Thor: Ragnarok changes the Elder to be the Grandmaster.

As if these were not enough, the end of the series reveals that Hela is part of the events and is in league with Thanos! Could the references to Unworthy Thor heavily hint at Hela's importance to Thanos in the upcoming Infinity War?.

HULK CHANNELING RUSSELL CROWE IS FROM 'PLANET HULK' : . The best reveal of the trailer is not Thor's new haircut. Or Hela's weirdly beautiful headpiece.

It's the arrival of the Incredible Hulk and Thor's pure look of joy when he realizes who it is. Decked out in some wicked-looking gladiatorial armor, Hulk looks like he stepped off the set of Spartacus.

How movie Hulk ended up in space after the events of Age of Ultron is currently a mystery. The comics, however, dedicated a series to Hulk's adventures in space — Planet Hulk.

Long story short: several of Earth's most intelligent superhumans formed a group called the Illuminati (great name choice there, guys — not shady at all). Their combined intelligence told them that the Hulk was an unstoppable threat that could endanger the Earth.

Since killing him was off the table, they elected to exile him. Hulk's shuttle was meant to land him on a peaceful planet. But like all good sci-fi plots, a wormhole appeared and he ended up on the planet Sakaar.

Fitted with an obedience disc, he was forced to fight in gladiatorial matches for the planet's ruler, the Red King. Eventually, he leads a rebellion against the Red King and becomes ruler of the planet.

While events from Planet Hulk probably won't feature heavily in Thor: Ragnarok, some of the basic elements survive. Hulk still fights for the pleasure of his captor, in this case, the Grandmaster.

Two of the film's minor characters are the warrior Korg and Miek. Both characters fought alongside Hulk in Planet Hulk as his Warbound. SKURGE'S TRAILER MOMENT IS CRIBBED FROM 'LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL' : .

One of the most memorable shots from the trailer is that of MCU newcomer Skurge, played by Karl Urban, wielding twin M-16s.

If it rings a bell for longtime comic fans, that's because it evokes the character's most iconic moment – his last stand on the bridge at Gjallerbru. This quick glimpse possibly foreshadows a lot about his role and fate in the film.

In the comics, Skurge is one of Thor's recurring villains. Seduced by Amora the Enchantress, Skurge was in her thrall. While he loved and worshipped her, she did not feel that same for him. The Enchantress used Skurge to carry out her will.

Eventually, Skurge realizes that everyone is laughing at him, including the woman he loves, and it hurts him deeply. Skurge volunteers to join Thor, Balder, and the Einherjar on a mission into Hel to retrieve the souls of humans taken by Hela.

After rescuing the human souls, the Asgardians try to escape being chased by an army of the dead. Eventually, they reach the bridge of Gjallerbru.

Thor intends to sacrifice himself to hold off the enemy while the rest of them escape. Skurge has other ideas, knocking him out and taking his place.

As the rest escape, Skurge holds the bridge at Gjallerbru alone using twin M-16s (a gift from the U.S. military). The heroic act costs him his life but earns him a place in Valhalla.

With Skurge in play in Thor: Ragnarok, could we see an MCU-style recreation of his famous last stand?.

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